!!,VH Kt t l-,. J !fSt rUb tWt fftft 'wfJ Wj!J t dff.fi . At W tt tntriti if lit fooJ fi U'"" ertsftUd l tpetkb ftvwisilt tf li f6ift person! acquaint tact wlb Ibt Ret. Mr, HofrUo, it YJllOf, TM paper M tt bt printed mi Lrrt "sheet, fJio fbin m adttnlt tna:i to M Urttd nt mcuUh U tt U aubservtd by U I. tht ftkt, $3 1 tt 10,1 tdtanct. StUcripibant will U rtcthtd tt ibt ,?, it of tbt Wtttarn CarUini -wbcrt I ptos;tut my bt mm. 1 ... fa. tfTtwJrt " A, 8-" haM fnww4. pkLaJy MkMlM that fb report ef r4V CJ"4 M lb CU sownfry, toMaM Bvrl tUMiiil Uri fk subject, la fttit jb. h A. 9. it a kfptWi anker, we. Vx had Ikirf up (L4 B pltO but we BOW has 4JfrM lb truth la, "A. . lit ttiratrv . B4 a9 ekt fas this part , re cowrfr, reeelt 4 bit bwprsssiewt afk I. , poet, ami 6tt mIif lb aVpcrt berkf, bul Km Mfttia lUmtj Lck were pwbrUkad la lb Swspptra, Sd hkh ar I now to be tjesawr UatCWtal. I MM prlB lb ex twll, B4 t)y tk t aad lei ma, V I the rnaeof tb aVpprt are perriHed ltd chawfrd. Owiaf to shew gvitcd c!rscs, trt incited I k& Bch UjvBUce Ut ba doftt lo !f. OlBwteda Wa Wwmf Um Krpwt pv it via fj hclC Md fcr vkM U it Mnijl f Mr. O. ! w vmth UiportiK, tbt t trfrmrV rtfrrl ' "in j tLo-.g occV tiki J(tU Iatc Untltntr '.lUr lo coul lk U& ef lb ftuftwor In the rmrwUn -or Imt -fmbUc coi&Irnc hi tin bicftt of Umml If khr rrr lwt bca, la IK vatU. dk rport U''f ' tnofl rmwt it." Wt Jrm tit U ia Vr r VtJ, vJ ill cnwpor prt tbroofk by MTM of 'bt tocn'T So- tIUfc y U firtiw f.V ' Ij (f, tKt Mr. rr;ntfj H BOW opin (rokfvcsl Wtt). H pfl ihrrwfh ihii lct a few b)- aiocc, and tool a C4rcuit lruAi(U lite upper put of the covatjM-Uiicd KvenJ of ha noted pUre amoaf theie, cr Um JS'onvW N'i, at Jacob aaJ Rollcj'a. Wt understand bt J return la tb coup of eight or Ira aad then tint lb tick ficlda of ctolcjry ia the adjaceol coMtilict ao'b-M of IkU lae. ")ircaixer K viatta, tKe ciliaYna ahouUk aflord'lum aa'ri aid and faciCl Tot th proaceutton of hit re earchea. It aboald be femetnbwd, thai liiaj errke are Uoftther tjatultoui to the public, aj bit expenac only are paid by the atatc. nt,i I !4 tV I Hut ml i't t:.rr:;a !,e tVi a o a 1 . . t 1 1 If V rt:l. VtiiJ 111 rrffiia in I t'-..i' U f !' Inf amu Ji at lh am t fiUif. Ml. I ! il..,. Iy lltnry Sl.i.k, jia ffft'ljfn Q ! Ibe Unit, , f 1b day om lktoe eWba'44 o't'b Owti piril at rajf'irttfct t ibe Ctta and iUa. ryi by avafaoi oflVa Urf. a &Me vm arael oa.Uf bv(V, t leva 1 fro lb nw; Mta 4k oe tb jora4oa, arbMt lb IUlbf 1 Oor tlner Siatea tt tb Smtit fy Ibty Mtf f ae to rmmUr,tbat he In oir f real oafdr U Vt political ak eef Uift aa4 tb rtxb f oor ead-J taifjo. Tbt Crtta P?rWii V.r nKtn Hit Sempra) of eld, If l!!rtd tt U, uir 4on ifielr tr mr! of libertr and cruili h It mint tbeir ItrbkHtnpfeatoft.' Til Sov'b AmerUit Central BoUrirt Hit tyranuef Kuropt Ibt lemtailout of Eank, could not corrupt lit patriot - n Or tht In Vkt PrtitJtM Tbe Stait rf North Carolina, tht toll vhrrt.firat Iht ij'lrlt of IndcpenJcnct it tnklndlciL Wt 1 Haiti In our neititakt aomt potkt of Iht eclcbratioe) IntlaUigb, tod tthtf parte of tbt Situ mi Union. Tbe tuiifiM of Frank bn,Trwi. fare, on the 1Mb ok. t fwbfcc dinner lo lb f too. Me II. Im, on of lh Icnat of I Congrroi fro) Ibotbiat. 1te autloobf lota.aonf otbere, er drank oai the ecraioti , Central Andrew Jjckaon t'oiils tbe valor and Brmntt of iht aoldier mm tbe bt atandl tbe It in gc refuutlw of tht doc . . trine, mat in eocrnrocntt lilt oura ttilitanrttirtfi trr (tarrfTDtt."" 4 - I bt reopie 11 11 tneir rtPit to rule 1 ibej.ihouW art a waithful ere lo thrlr centv if honret, tbry will not care 10 be atcbed if di Jk.ik(, Ibco do they detcrtt 10 Dt watencd. The annire rary of the Declaration of lixle peatlencc aa trlebrajed in the town of Cbar krtte, by the Ufayeite Artillery corpa. A omptoona dinner aa fif en by tbe Captain of te corpa, (Tttomaa I. PoIkr Eaq.) al bia.dwcl. A - latere mtmber of the cilirna of the town joined, aad partook of the munificent hot- vitality of the Captain. After the cloth wa re aoTed,avnuiubcr of patriotic toasts a cre drank 1 among them we find the fotlowint;: J John C Calhoun The aplerwWnf hi taicnia ur ri.ltc.irippotntment tothe importanct iorhichl( waa deaigned by the framera of the constitution. The Heroof Ntaa-OrJeawi-sTht mea "tuTeef kU twrorJi etinlHlelr Go. Troup-4 After exhausting the argument, if lie it r!npoaed to stand by Mi arms, he will find that the sons of the Heroes of 76, yet live in the coun ty of MexklenburR. Tbe day was aim celebrated by the citizen of Lincolnton, with a patriotic zeal not ex ceededtperhapa7 by any town in the etate. "1A well-equipped regiment of vojunteer caalry, paraded A.diicbarge of .musketry announced .the da A of day i iaft fuavrlftvt grand .federal sa lute was fired 1 'at 12 o'clock a procession wu for. med, and proceeded to t erore,-where suitable preparations bad oeen made, and where a large knimber of ladies had assembled 1 the Declara -tion of. Independence waa read, and an oration pronounced, by the Kev. Mr; Bell j afier'whicb a dihner was pread under a booth- erected for the occasions after the dinner, a number of sentimental touts "were drank to 1 we relect a Knowledge The etsenccr "of "liberty and the bane of (yranny 1 May it flourish mider the -genwl wrpkeavti oitt 4tt io atitutiona. .ThojQpppsert of Internnl Improve tnentaMaytbe justly 'receive tht'an'' athemat cf an enltKhtened public - - ix- roLEEJtts'-- "Bjr John DHolTtiecopr their voice tter prevailntheir rights never be usurped by political demaRogues ; and rosy proud arislocrata be plunged into the depths of jiusnianimoua'deprada'tion. '-Bjj'Mtirj M'BeeV Esq Way that firm, deliberative,. energetic and liberal patriotism t possessed!' 6y fon. Andrew, r We aut again bpeak lb paticoc of our e-rrepofkIenui 1 we have Mis meek enriched our toituMu a Kit tbeir podocliooa and, ia ou nest. Intern! again to appropriate cmaiderabie apace, lo llie'r for. r spa Mttkbntuf, X. C. M U2i. Mr. II kite: At ihe Wctiem Carolini an IM in every Instance, advocated thoae meaiurc beneficial to the Western section of this slate, and held iit columns opto lo 1 free and honorable discussion of every subject of political, religious, or municipal Importance, io which wt are Interested t hope you will publish en address to ibe ckiiena of tht western sec lion of Ibis sts'e, which appeared Jo the catawtM Jouroai.01 tot aotn 01 jane, on tht subject of a State Ttoad 10 FayntrviUr 1 and, also, any subsequent pieces which mi appear, on that subject, of on tbt subject of internal improvement gener ally. - These tre subjects of tht highest national impnttanct to tit; and at this time, ought to be as generally diffused as possible- The tonnnuonee of our board of internal improvement, mrr. upon concurrent sentiment of its utility and importance among the cititem general! 1 as to taxa, doea not tht geographical situation of thejmtrr admit anelligibl ridge east of Iht ladkin, affording a dry level site, which -would -answer better than the present route to FarctiQ ? Your attenrion to this subject,-1 am confident, win meet Ihe approbation of tout patrons, and will obllztt at lean, one of vour - " IP". Pilld4bouc,IWfi0',ni abover will be fottnd on the Art page of this day's paper : it was communicated to us for pub lication : how readily it finds a place in our col umns thoae who have observed the interest we have always manifested, and tbe bumble efforts we have uaed, (in our rphere) for the further ance of all rational aad ucful plana of internal improvement, need no further proof 1 and thoae who are not aware of tbe interest we feel in the improvement as well of our roads, and rivers, and agriculture, as of the mnda tht ptpit, cannot Better satisfy themselves of our real disposition in regard 16 the lubjecV than by affording as an opportunity to commmunicate to the public, through our columns, any useful or new views that may be suggested to their minds. -sditos. mm. J.u,i.i,,uuj,i,lj.ji ., 1 ., .. Jnt, JjJ-iNJiiriJ; The following letter waa, written by a mem ber of the Virginia Legislature, to one of his constituents : its orthography, and its Bchn, too, nay. excite the risiblei of some of our read- But have we any thing to hngM m NWth era. CaroKna onthia score f Let us east about and aeTif we7Io"or end every session,- who cannot, to aave tbemaelres from perdition, put Uwirldeaa on paper 'in (ftyle dne whit more elegant thoji the tinowi f ibdii TiawiNCusTtn Ta. asrtauciii. , Mr.-, Sir after rhr respects io you and your family Sir Inform yoa that 1 am lollurable well thanks be to god for his tnerCys hoping that lheju lines may reach too and your family WK wise my ineno ano nis iam"7 w'" I wish you to give mj best respects to V f.lt'.rr ?J rt ru.rMiiri bss !ifH a I'fii i-rtl tt lMt Uwt !tl la ! h-u I .1 '2 utf lm,,r- '.t i yl tit t ut . .? e U-i os up b it tv. atU I i; ;-" ti f Mm it i.l pa at fr a tt N 9s of Ibt fft;U tte a 1 apfil l r b ksr ll li t rot joffjiy cf tie !';' last aUSas of rA atnl Jf ibsrf )i a rwirf ef iht psj!i tbst wlibsi It ihajl Jbt f -f rJJi tt tbt I'ssilit V'tr Ukicg kt pole U tbta bt m li s t prwUame lion I tbt tt(i sir ibaft It $ mUt subject fttlert tbt bout that i tbt test of gto. Lav Fayttlt lb Dpeodctters at york ! vbick girt 1 CtU.icmbU Cfrntait In k boos wlu tar llibtH put or not and to C padt twt f Ibt trtsirt BitMrf"r4obl5tf IM U itwK bt taken out of laf publi frr4a 1 bart ppoe4 Ut ln U U In ihspeita rci&4 tbt antrtef that aot t lovatacbta fia I 1I4 gU Iv l'a;eU It pay us nlaii It fa dy'lrUk Ul tt atti&Jcd to iik tnor tiptott lor tht pdA vbki ft It btufu to mt tt ibU Umt tt tt frvll Uklng tbt public money way b tbt ptaplt bai to hard lo nuke tl boo asart at prtstaf Ut rtmala yours kb rttpecf JCAMtl. Carr. Pitraiavig Urs Uavt rtsptct -full to tnfurm ibe puMU tbat ibe Af ran L'trtrii, SdnitiAr, and blliuri 4rdrmy will bt opened for tbt rereD lion of ifeodrnti, al MldJleiown, 5ate of Connectkut, on Monday lb 2 2d of An gust nest, wuUt hit personal directions and tupctlntendne. tapt P. require t lho young Cenile an ab pmput bcorrag Member's 6t lb Institution tbt present season, It prt ami tbtmwltes fof admission al iht r,it!ru'3 rntetx, Ki r a !! t, r.j is rt, . . t a. JJ ta 1 a4 S,-', I) i r.;i a i , a it 1 kvf ;t a V t r -, t T, iu ati t., t s Hi C-a -t, tt'.a S'l U'4, H) iwts.) ;1 a '.6 1 I -4- t,:r t.nitis turt,itn r fibt ',.f. tM, 41 a I pr il l 1 NUrw a-l Op Ut 4 i I" MM C 1 1 fff a tV, I a 1 ff ta4. aU 1"W" Jtf pria4. A, t fiM.TLt furtn mi hmnIsws 4x9 bv as boLUfs a ai f H lK at lM arwe tf.ni. aawli k Ut bn aOJ trn M i jjj t -e f W t , s mm Us a sfSM ar brU t lb knee sww 1 A Ua aM Ma4 U any aa tWs wU bait a) are af 4. 4 alia) tb asit at ptM,i rsiea. IrM. after at may be. tkerf the monument intended lobe erected at Philadelphia t 1 be mtmort of Wash Wctoo, k aiaatd U t4 g4TXOO U will bt constructed of rparble, snd will le 13'J .fect hUht and its model rt taken from thai of tbt CbortgU ifaoument of Thrssybelirt at Atbcnt. , It U said that iht corner atone is lo bt laid bs Geru La- raycttt early ntit month. Tht Codt of Civil Law p-rosrrd for the Slatt of Ix)uisista, by Howard Lis- injtoo, waa publicly aird foiouilr pr rn- ilvaiail al NatB-flrLrana mi lK 2fHK Umm -logo, into tfTecl boot month from . IorfrtfAiP pl,.dKdsaJud.bmd , j . and regretted by all who lnw bww. In tVaurort, B. c. 00 tit ..! hst. lie ee rentric awl well known Mev. M I- Iftrmi, tb aolborof a life of VYaahinrta. and many Mh. er popular works aanong ibcm,tne " iJruAk ard a Looking Ulaaa," lie. ic " t?sr t.I.a tit Hit IML Jtriftt4.nx4 U aa atr. V, tt T'ih. Ibe tat an hw parsbbr, kaad aaottwr. t bee als saw UV1 1 chewing kwlurt aM drpU4, as aatrwawit eaak ef tbs Siikl imI aa4 H' on 0u tV?J Lrtrg tU Uc. it 1 prrpaeatory ttg t tnnrt ervt at 1 pre aaab ibaaa a bWaAf , atU tU ua U tbe b;naAWra, and Ik tbrvt t ikmby piff be kcn wf evtbAg bappMa la ktat vftsewaalUst lbW4 tvwtlsW taJs leap, 14 by Jtwaa, aa bi akrep fe wkvlk blest daisareeVr, T ibe arMfs Var lavwiiif I U:i b fmf4 1 rest 1 Asms i ya, y b la bkt, IIW4 are ibry ibat & la tie Ld fbey ae bia a b as, aw4 r wrtH jm stfMpeaka- lb is etate bar nMurntnf isali4 aM raUliwM. (tawaraif ti. K r ilMnriaCV tl . on ibt 34 iaat Mr. MrUhaane HotSiNkead, ar4 31 years, tmn 0 tk vrwrtUg rtUlibnMaH of Ik Cape rr lUeorder. la lautbAebL on Taesday tks Jlib 4sy of Jqne, Doctor Stewart rUtvwnb, ar4 twraty ibl yearw. U IbU Cewtteiwa wte Sjile4 Suim4mm a amtWt, tfW fwtaart H p..a, . ! S. S4. , Si 1 1 furnty skuful and aSNWon la lb lntrrceira of pri vat r.f, d.giR4 and amiable be at once etwmwawifd reepecf aa4 attrsel4 affetioa. ftece waa lb natural and ji mH of Ibe quLt t a b waa hi tbe midst ef a eafr anaHrdhy avltanrt 0 .JTrffw a4 inereaM a prolta, when disrate, w birb b bad to ofUt anealcd h eabera, prod fatal t bmelf. fne, w.rtbwaafioail f Put;Up He, Hi lb aa of New Wk, wber be baa left v7y wear reMWea, lo who affectiora be waa endeared by ibe sneiuory of hie yevthrnl dra, the fair presaana f wkM-k were nobry lute lkd la t) prrformsnr if bn rasnbood. ' h will be a foetaoUtion to those Ttuuirea, ere la tbt ti mult uf Jbtir "d more Iban a conaulalion 'tea calmne shaTl lare aurreeiU'd lo arfaiion, to learn, that he rCriv. d in bia Ulwrta aB the aid wbk skill rowM sur that datt Tbe Haiti Chronicle rf the 2d inst. says, Wt art nappy U learn that tht Secretary of tht Navy has despatched an efficient force to scour tbt Coatt of North Carolina, In search of tbt piratical vessel supposed to hart been committing depredation on our commerce. This prompt movement - looks well, and we trust success may attend the expedition. Ant. Jour. The seven young men who have been tried in New-ork, and convicted of bt' ing concerned in the death of Mr. Lam btrt, have been sentenced to seven years' imprisonment in the Penitentiary ; three months or the term in solitary cpnbne ment, and the residue to bard labor. Ami. Jour. A let'er from a -professor of ihtr Vni sershy of Virginia, states that il ia ex pected that Chancellor Ktar of New York will supply the vacancy in Ihe pro- fessonhip of that lnsiltudoav 1 ii. Col. Joseph M. White, of Pensscola, has been elected tht Dele fata to Cod gri Xcom.:lr'erida.. Inother Steam-Boat ateidmt. One of ihe flues of the. new ttetm-bcal Constitu tion, from New-York 10 Poughkeepsie, exploded on the 20th lt. by which three persons, belonging to the boat, unfortu nately lost their lives, by scalding.' The commander of the boat atatet the cause of. the accident Jo be the collapsing of the boiler, that is Ibe coming together of the flues. There were upwsrds of fifty passengeca on board, none of whom, howr. ever, were injured... , , .v.. hi ThY reguYar army bfFrance, "aecofiling to a late statement of the French minister of war, is 231-000 men.- The claim of ranceuJoonSoiirji fot dtsbursementa in thevrori "of relfslatlhfi Feiidiriandtetr4' niated It 34,000,COQ of francs. This debt was the subject of a wery interesting Jia-1 cussion in the Chamber or ueputies. he Opposition asserted that it would ne ver be: paid, end tbt Ministry did not ven ture to say positively that It would. TVs Cod -..1 r? fittt st It.tn 4 r.'t I'll 'i !y. !Uo fw s,!t bi4 Mr wii at a mrft si s ' -f tsMiuot fifcrn K f.rmr rafet, but b.l!ft wf thtUlpafiifj front tbt small k il p- trttWbf ibt ecift.ymers, ttrntwtJ 4e mini Uf tan4, H 9 le. Tsr r ws, Ar-i'ft-l ar4 Ifutle, If, tte.t ne.ff.Ual. t1 J - . i 1 ' 'i ! Urtat U-ATr';nn. flMIE ewi,rrtk,f o.rs tm aW b-s 4 L tf,lnb, tKf tHk Uil b-a tULif sad af .wb44 rr!r, aJ wrfb a wnksM a4 M I !' traa, tt rwr al tta a4 l4. lU wb-4 an n b.' Iw JVrt 4 7m atrs-s, a-rjiiMif o i taodi t4 Bt,r 1 r ay kt IhertU; I "1 UsLi. m Ceslrtr 4 S If teVwt f lU vrw iiW a I iWa-i4ffi bw IU tbotf Sb-W ISA KnK 7 Ner S frsl fbef fret's all " tb foe. A great ntrmSer tj skrr lrw " kl, Kf u i d.lUrM pr 4 lb ews4 IrwdeB, AO ibt rrwiuwUf aa sy Mfor 27 bs aMrWf. Casa Jl It OTHt T wraeTpK 4 jH) .lerrmsi al tbe aK fpsviy; w3 b fee-. ' a4 at al one, two, a! Urt null, ft ks 4e4 wWas a 4&4 Ik atffttf evjr tHnarwWty, a Ike iwribascrs SiUiatl two k Ufa ikty ty. coiirar wonite. 14) Wt bavt discovered that tht differ enct of escbang, In New-Yotk, between tk tottof 4h North .Carolina Stale Dank,. snd. those, of !hc Newbern. and Cape Fear Banks, waa a mistake t we were deceived by iht f. Y, Daily Adver iter, which is, In ibis section of ihe coun irv. esteemed as a cotnmrrtlal oracle l we I pcrccivt thai that paper has, io Ihe last " a a. .. t a number received here, corrected the ful ty figure which deceived us and others. The Dank of New hern has declared a Dividend of ftwr per cent, on-its-Capital Stock for tbe half year ending on Ihe 30th June. . . .RaUigk MegitUr. Samuel King, Esq. we understand, has declined being any longer considered candidate for Cwgrtas, . from the 13th district. M. FrsnUin, end L Williame, are now the only candidates in that dis trict. What will be the. result, time only can determine. Ceo. Hay, of Richxnond,Va. haa been appointed by the President of the United States, to bt U. S. Judge of Ihe Eastern district of Virginia, in place of St. George Tucker, resigned. ' On the 4th inst. the Directors of the United Statea Bank declared a dividend of 2 per cent, for the last half year. WASHIKOTOW, JULY 9. - General Ia fuyttte haa, it ia aaid, ac cented the invitation of Ihe President of tbe United Statea to return to France on board :the U. S.-frigate Brandy wine f and ia expected to embark, from this City, about tht end of next monthsburn. To t drivwii lls sMonttos" The whole in OXR DAT, - . 1.T1 V the Imfrtrff 2hJt Dminfi secured J by letters rat en I urulcr toe Scalar Jha f. Stale. GRAND STATE LOTTERY Of MJRTLl.S'h.X:$t ; Tbe whole to be completed In One Daw, and! will poaitivelv lake place in tbe City of Bolt) sasrs, on Uie Ttaof July. Highest Priz R40,00all. From the Faretteville Obaerverl July 8. riiB 'market, r Cotton, ! f Nentsi now mal. Bacon ; f IS i Candles, mould, 14 and; 11. Cof fee," 18 a 81. Corn, 80, scarce. " Fldiir, p'f-aiefiDa Lime, 3 al 40;W6!asts, 37t 40. Nails, cut, 7 a 8 r wrought,' 18 s 20. Oats, 40 a 50. Sugar, common to prime,-9 a II. Salt, Liverpool, 80 a 90 ; urk'a Island, kc. 70 a 7Si rce in, f k g lo io 18- hWhttcJL2fL 3d insW.lt is Bald at least thirteen bun ciiircns of Philadelphia arrived in New York, to attend tht celebration of tht 4th in the latter city. There must have been lomtjting - very attractive in New-York, to induce so many of the people of the City of brotherly love" to repair there SiTihU iky r- -" - - v.- - By letters from.Gibraltarwe learn that the king of Spain has refuted to recogi nisd Mr. Mcmigwmj lb recentlv .,p. consequence t his having joined t he na; Vionar militia and takenjirmi . during the atauggle of the cormtrffiSiTrsts -in that country Aurora. ' By an 'arrival at NcW-Yor, French pa-perrs- to thr ?7trr-of My have bccD r; xiiset For tttkf ut VUnta f MIR auUnikrr wWve I a a rewt that X trcl A ki4 wi'b i iwntwrmeii'a. tK tanth e smI of rk Tadkl ttivvr a HW MrWJfV. 7f spakai ft) aces la tk tiw awl about AO a fOrlewrrd. Iber ar U a Barge and tmmfom cwef. tin; bowa a4 ibt cutlomavy awt bouse aetr lb bndf. Tb bows l ph new, having We knit! aav h a law year J an4 being dewigwed hf a bona wmamaMaai ia wtl! adpu4 to tkat pwrpoa, both fr Ma Wie4lt and Ur Tk MtuaiiaMs la reaaarkabry pWlM, and we?eWit ftitldafftraToCfte for furtkef narticolart, apply 1 JO tl BtAID. J. Jmhli. laUS. - y lUtouton Tlir. Crfrterblp heeetoAie ettatiwg be lwei b autMceibera, Wr lb firm .f.trsf U V. U ibt day diaautved by aw.-"-loal eonsrnt. At) p Hsdekted lots are re quested 19 rom forward, and make tmiwetsa) -pitmen! amt tb who bar awy dewwiwta, prsseM lbwt (or pa1!. The kiiinri of ibe ffrw will be "settled by. Firs Afiemoftf, who h amborited 14 mke art tlewcjau ! grant (baKbarft. ... F.ZatA ALIF.WAVC; CtOBCJt LOCIX. . 3U!mrf.Jutp 1,18:5. CI EZRA ALLEMOXO Retuma his moat wnrer Iban as to Ike pdUtt in rrneral, for p4 Savor, and inform thnt that he baa purrhased 11m Htock of Mcrc.MntI izfc of Allrmong k leke, which i now very eott plete, having jiitl rretlved a frb i.pfy front Charleston, and which be amar fur ral opera IiKe mI naiarsM sum , Vtm stand fowrrs ccttnied br AllewMnr k Locke, at lb txwta . comer of tbe cowrs-hottse. The fa of tbo who naironjj him wiU be thankfuPr ackwowb edgeJ they maj uVpetxt that every exertion era ' ba pari will be ward lo gire genera f aatlsftctlow. - I I ! 10 30 50 200 99 500 HOMO r 0flOO 5,000 1,000 '100 - V-50; 20 6 - 21,043 rrizei. 40,000 77rrr. T 8o,ooo " - 10,000 " 4,000 - -10,000 '3,000 --3,400 4,000 . ,aoo 3,000 - -. io,ooa-v-.- 8160,000 .Aor aV U.LVJT TO A PRIZE, (ty 1he Brilliancy of this Scheme.' f beina on the Improved Mode,) ia aUtgtther smvreaVirreaf. Adventurers will remark lit low rate of Ticket ihe very trifling risk incurred, r then tut i. inf tne Blank It PritetJ and thai the Capital rme oi rrty l atrn iMftma, m or a magni tmle hitherto unprecedented for ao amall a aurn invested-abovell, boweVer, ia Ihe.certaui?-a tbtaiuittr at Itoit it 2'ritt br the nurrhaM rt two Ticketror two Shares (owe Odd and) - F.ven Number,) and In the aame rath) of eer tainty in the purchase of a greater number of Ticket or Shares. Whole Tichti 5 00 Quartet gl 25 llahw . 2 50 FJehih, . 62 :aie (odd aodovcoV it. CUIIEIvS Ltttny and Zxcluuige-OJire, A. 114, Marlcti ttreet, Jtnmmtre , - Where In late State Lotteries, were told tbt Great Capitals of 100,000 LtUaftUl 40JK1O . 2 of 20,000 J)ol.-5tf 10,000 -besides no le'S than tvclve cofiilnl of 5.000 llaUatu.t6jm(L'aihere titer Cafil tut Priie hare heen eMtfCti!biC4 sce r jtmrua. . . . fc JJ3).OnlersJi orn nn v part of the United States' . . - or 'l'emt,orevirgT'tI lUah or'.Trues ln-r'-.T" any of fhel.6tterje', (port paid) will meet our rT lacMitomed prompt iwirfaeA4iJr . . .j.. cuhb Jisr'JJuJtunere.-, CTT AWnturer at i duiiatiee may at all timet with confidence forward thtir Remittance tor Ior--ifibechemej1ioiua.ba. TtJftmeet drkxrn when their ordera arrive, .the amount en closed will be returned b- the first mail, or will be invested in die mot advisable Scheme, next to be drawn, Jinkinwrr, July I, 8W- ; 2J -

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