i . -IV s - . 1 I- r f. ul se- - 9 I ; - .: r ty 'l v ' . r.-it . . , :; . -' . fM ; . t f tt-atar" ... .... - 4 ' ! : - f - av-cytrjtvt Ti - P' ,t"T- " ' rr - ui:.).J- .-...." ' " T t '. ' l 'WWf irion a"-1 - 1 1 ; i I, I t . t vw tritu t'Aut tui. i'X. ann,( a ) , Thf I00 ' Ci.jt ia) tMa coaftif, nifd. at ih'ir anna! wrttiaf, I M'n tf 10 'U knh eiefulf Urt la crnltia the utal Hlfli .- Ur of r it wht die m year After r.na''n.nj M eaonihi the b-jd r 19 t ft Staved 11 the gTIC, The rwffttfJ object U mart their ricods and fwitHWre from tlit ilefre. ijatio! efth Meditel Studraia. , tlrtftl INwrfcaitaki UH,lt, tM rt Jtv crfiw. J,tflXiKM. W Dissolution. " TTTtZ Cmw rii MnUiAt ttWdnr rvc4 m4 tiH h Wft M dCMMtS ill pnwiH UtM ! MtlMM. ' 1)V bttCurw f ftr v!Sb HftW try " ttmnti rrwrt dUArp. - r.zuA ALi.r.MOKc, EZRA AlTfXMON'n 8tork of Merclmndizc t AlkwMty k Lock, wbicl k in m fw- lutirj jo rwWtd frh Mippl 6am CbtVftp aM vVirll h oflrt for W apM naX rtunh) rtm ! tK lUftJ fbrmrrfv wcwpWd by Anraianf k Ltrkc, at tb Morta tomcr iV tlv eowtt !, Th fciw of (Ho-e hi N't UI bt BKd to fi ffirJ Mtnf-iKM. ; Trust Sat. BT of a of rrw4 to mm etewit nl, r Montfurt Htoktt and Bjc1 lita a-ifr, and tof tk porpfl tlKtain mrntionM. lin . axpna t nj ab. a (ha H iUjrof AtfuM Wt, at tHa rort.KiM i U 'tlkMWa', to ' acvaral trartt af Wn ayutuitHt tl kadi of taii town,. aM lyirf aa tM ladim aw am! Cob , creek, cootaiiuiic; kt aQ, about om ihooaaotl aarrC Tkt aaid land art deurablr, a wall pa , account tf th . ouantity of whwbl low ftooAot wkich tkay tmLrac. a their proximity to ti iourUWr'j villara of VVilitbor- Tkey vill i aold at a credit of twelre moniha and ttro rear. . uch pmoat aa are dirui uf pir elating, can let aaid Jnu on or before Uia oy of Bale, by applying to un. totrt. b. F. CALDWr.LU Trwlr. r.. -"Fot-?ftt . :. ; rr'uW ami tot i thetotii on f!?V 111 SaCibwnr. owwite MrWra. II ""If ir 3 ci.iirHirr'a hixiw of entertainment, in Iriendly Mifhhorhood, and (rood aocicty : the bouae ia two rtoriea hiifh, with ftar fire pUeti . in (hola er .ttArjvaM tS In the upper : the - Iumim la Wfa aid coovcnlenU i'.h a kitchen, amokr.hqttie, corn-houic, and ataMe,.with an eiceJImt nrden ami back lot, "all in good re- tair. I ill drnoae cf the tame on the mint - etmrtanmiitK teriataW Ct4 puacharr a.t.l-am. determined to remote to tne country nrit Ull GF.QRQE Ml ILL K. N. B. I alta reqtieat alt peramw who hare any Ccmanqa aramtt me, io caijina receiTo nrw , pay i and thote who owe in by bookf account or otherwtar, will do me a uvor by calling and aettunfr their accotintt. . -. Yot 8ae. or Went. f nriV. autr inhc t a-H or rent that ""JL tract of land with he improtr mention the aotith1 Weft tide of the Yadkin Rivsr at Ocard'a . JU-iihre- There are about 500 acrea in the tract. only abou( 60 or TO cleared. . - 3Jw are bnit bwte and, egmmodjoua 2wel; ilng houae and the cuitomiry out houara, near tba bridge. The houae ie cjnhe near, hatine; been built on. ir few veara ago, and Jteinr deaiirned 4ur a MyCgLffl"tltwjw wtll adtpltdtojhat. r)ijrooe."botirfrom7tt location andibTrfn s The" at.uation it remafkabTy Bleaantj lnd convenient to Salitbury and Lexington, being 6 mile from the former, and It milcr from the Utter, pfcuie. Jor further particukra, apply to ' JUtlW BEARD, Jr. ftlud Worse, f ot ae. . afXJl iJ August court nest, will iiyYY be aoltl at Uia etmrthtni h iJomri (a irt)n) the property of Elisha Willi m- aoq, ueceaaca 1 a cretin 01 nine mourns win oe pYCTf "n giving bond whh approved eecurityl JOHN WILLI A MSQN, JJmitdttraUr July 9, 3t68 ' Book liliiaing BsVnes. THE subscriber beg leave to inform bia friends, and the public in general, that he , haa eoinmeoced the Bwk Binding BntintH in Salem, North Carolina 1 where maybe had, on the ahorteet notice, all, kinds of merchants ac fount Books, and B lank-Work of every deicrip. tioo, and old books rebound. ' DAVID CLEVEI,. . .Mm, Ju lMf lt2$ 2rat75 L... .rf, 4 m, kA lr ntif u.r!. ...ki m. i rfa'urw. k- a- if4. 4w4 1 Ittik H af aaWl 4tJ. tU t fwl . 1 . k m4 ftttt Mf l )til ' tU'H lunJili Wvd Mf Mfilt ! rtti tiriftJ QmU ffw Mk Irrdrll Cnnntf lliUo Horirtr. mL iW iUf 4 tiWf MM am5i i. 11:1. i r- r ' tfrxrntft for ttvt vt. Inff 0 ink T WOttt cowMj tmtti. II. ITtICr.. ii , Notice. lajcrtk k C. b ti.b da; 4Uff(4 kf iMitiu) MmKi tW todtktH to awd Bn art r- W - rtt-r4 to toak rtikttM to A. II. Lrvm w Jyt WUnk.U Mornai(M.r Uk1 ftcovtrt a4 Mtoa Mf k kMl Ul tt ftsmla a. il crhtn; xa ifrnjniTH, J. RKWIX. 4. 1 Mi. t6 T Wanted to 1 1 in, A NFT.R0 toM. aa a himtt Vmnt, for 17 VhU of Alex. Ion Ate A. jL.lari,UM 1m( Ula AlutMkr Lone ktc of ltoaii cauRtf. dec 'J. at tbt cotk! T EUaa ami (juartrr ion fof ib tl coxnir, rkl on lha IbirJ MikxUt cf Novrmlwr MMlrr i tVrf hr ffivrn. that all prnrm hiring oasaW tvw K Mid otatf, are rroirrd lu acriM-4 by a. JAMU L I.OXU, JEx. Jrf. 3i. IKZ4. 41 linn alwftN I 'he aubwiher, Elng in Iredell rom I ty, about 3 mile bt low Rherrill fnrd, at the LaUaba, on the IS bvt. a nepw fellow b the nao of Prtft 1 about 6 fret high, tparo raadr, hat lost tUe Wki of one of kit eyet, (abkb ae not recolkrted and a while ietk in th pudU nf it ahowatwry p Via 1 ht U i1mkI If or 40 year ot age, it a mogn r-ptriTr, a no make coara ihoetiktwiU try to mak hia .way to Pwnntrl. raaaa. H atwVrOa rain kia ftwtdoaa. Ttm M Ion reward will be rive to any peraon wko will tale him up, arcwrw kim, and girt mt Informa tion, directed to Kallitowm roat(nce, IrtdcO County, N. C ao (hat 1 gat him, and tUekargrt aVnr Leather and Good Shoes ! ttBRKKZEtr DICKSOX bega Ware apia to I A ak the attention of the public to hi bbon. He hat Jwt receited a tnpnlf of the firat rate Lenihrrhxm Philadelphia j which he ia prepared to ibaM up to - . . Boots nnl 6hoei,- - of tbe rrxwt durable kind ami newt tfyle."" All penon w ho want - Bnota 'nd Sboet, either coane or fine, may reat aawred that they can hare them done at my ahop, from leather a good a anv in the country, and ia a at via of workmanip equal to any thing io North-Car. ollna.. Ladtaa' but alioet mado aa naat and eW gnt, and wore durable, than any in the jtorei, I tender mv mint rmleful acknowledrmrnta to'tho ptmlie ior the Wral awppwrt.tLc- Wv hitherto riven me : and will aUavt be equally thankful for future ftvora, either in rhe way of, new w-orr, or in payment lor oiu woric. a . -State of Nprtji Carolina, nurntFoD coviirr; COURT of Pleat and Quarter Seviona, April tC'tion, 1825. Itoroaa Caple i. Jeac Martini original attachment, levied on one aide aaddlo and aome feathert. - It mppearing'to thettgni4 : ability hlcn have ' teldotn auautciiun ui uia court, wii.il case mania ia Oul an inhabitant of th ia atate, it ia therefore ordered. that publication bo made in the Western Caro linian for two months, that tha defendant ap. prir at, oyr county court of. pleat and quarter aeaaionv, to be noldcn lor tbe county of llutlier- ford, at the court-houae la Rutherfordtoo, on tht 2nd Monday of July nest, there and then rente vy, plead or demur, or judgment final w ill be entered. upamaUajadllie .property jQ-kucd. on condemncuccordtni rdtiiffrr; tTltncririoiicThavetakeTrptsartnen laid court, at office, the f - The " colony in ' Liberia - coniista Crttonr elerk of our 3rd Monday after the 4th Monday in March, e atn ainnfla in Miirn i 1925. - ISAAC CKATON, t'ir. Printers feo S3. 8to8 fttate o . XottAi-Oarolhia, GOUHTjof Equity April Term. 1825. , John 'Held it. Iteniaiuln hlierwood1 and olhcra. It appearing to toe Court, that several of the defendants in thtreasertowltTJonai; Ltarher. van and Martha hiaavife, F.iekiel Clemmonaand Ihoib hit wife;. Xeyt. KekV JJictunoMr Keid, Tliortiai Keid, Polly Keid, Nancy BcldVanct Geo. Ceid; tone of 'Whom' are minors," irt not inhabi tanU of thi Jtate, .. It ia therefore ordered tliat fiuhlication be made for tlx weeks successively, n the Western Carolinikn, that trnfew the per- tons above named who are cf nil) age -appear by themselves, and tbe nynors by Uuardian, at the next term, of thia court to be held at the court house in Stlisburyyon the first Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, andplead, answer or demur to tbeeomplaJnant'i bill, it will be taken pro confetw as to them, and de creed accordingljriC" " " 5t6 I 8AMV SILLIMAN, e. jr. 1. i KarJiffi,. 1825..;., .JL .. hicc ais. g2 U, 4 1 .vrrxtc. i.v tr.t c vn t jft..y xn nr. rr. w .1 afciUa V A- f! . . a,4ir- A t! ai " af A' ., kt (hmM lUt tw pw. ar4 af lUt i'J M M Mft M auxy af f P !' I t Va axWj4 par. lW.?tt art t f'"a U rit af tka lay, ? "TVt AfiiM lry rll-U4 at WatJatto t", Jaf Urf oUtrUo t W SaarJ af ktaaafart, Tkt AawrUm Clollilo (ocUljr a rprJit4 at Int Clif ( VaKirc loc,l l)f tffi J 1 1 1. .Ill Hon. H Jth rvl Wkin(int Mpktw of Cn, Vakwjv tni tW JJ tf M lupttlM C'tt lk U. i. it kl - , UxS,l4 Ccoftil I Hon. iltanr CUt t tf C. lUrktrt, n4 lloo. luu kUXlm, .4 kltryUwlj Hen. Ml MarthtU, CbUI Jouka cl tkt Unli4 StaUh Caa.Jokn H.Cockt Cen. Cktrkl f. Mmtr, a4 Woa. I). rwik0lk, E4. of VlrfUU, U ! Mtcrtl Mbr (51witWl dilwni kal'Wtbjt l difltrtal ptiU ftf lh L'oloo. Tka tiject of tb Society la 'td la it Mod rtkU ( ill eoonliuilon, U I Tkt.trbit4 to wkkla ill atltmlofl U to U lciuUTelfJlracttd.il U prmo( and xcvtA plan fef colonUinf lib tkeir cotorai) tk it (Ar f reil dirq if oor country, la Africa, or mch otbtr fV" Cit(rM ahoil dctna moil lipadiW. An4tk Social lb. 11 act. 10 affect iKK objeel, in co operaiioti with ikt j rtaara! rttromeot, and taih of iba atitci tijwf bdopt rffUooijupoBbf lunpctu , Min Iba EliiaSetk aaltril jth two i(di for tba U. S. Coenjmii, tb Soeieiy'iarnt.iftd about 10 arrtTjranit j but arriU ! aq onfarorablt Wtvxn and ar let line for a umuorirt rcuJcncc ao unhraliht' tL-ot. tha tkret atrnti. and twr nf jr fflir attttert, died in lha courta of i M-ia- i ru uuionuDiie cipeai- lion rrcadr diacenjrajd lha public mind, lo 1831, Meaara. Adeoa aod Wiiibui- errioatKf partehbaSocUtftantl Metr. wm. and K. Dcon, tht U. S. aptnta. proreedrd lo Africa with a contidcrabia reioturcf mani ot toloniatt j and in obo' dianca lolnunictioaa, aougbtaod olxai fl ed ermitaion fa tha aettiera to reatUa at Sierra Leone, until their fitgotbiio hh lha nail tea tnii;hl prove tuccettful. Fiuitleta effri were maJe by Metr. Andrewi and Oacon to purr ha e land in tn oatttcouiMrr ovj ,m.,....a.r ..i.r Ma return to Sierra uaw, ma Krmer(p-pcr,of the(,h. Tha editor of tba Pal died 1 and. wataoon lonowdoy Mr. anrtiUrtium hlff cn u, (h- f0ow;n MrtuAVino,intajHbeiwnly world. Dr.,,,... uimat Ayrca twe rppointed agent for the Sodt1rl"h company with Lieut. Stock loo of tba United Statet' Vcboonec Alliirainr, proceeded with great retolo- tion to effect the object of tbia inttilution. After much perplexity and deity, the per- tevcrance and ability of thcae two gentle men were loccetaful I and the natives ce ded to 1 he Society a tract which wit eli-' gihle, and, for (he prevent- tuukiently Ckicntive. locludinc Capo Mooiserado ; which affbrdt a site belter adapted, per hipi, to iba purpotea of a Coiony.than hy 6(bcf . ititioh on tbe wfodward coast of A frici To' tbit terriioryi afnCetafrcd Liicrli, iVe colonlatt were jmmcinatrlyl removed ; and Dr. Arret, after tuperln- tending tbo earlien improvemcnu of tlwi leulemeot, retomed to thia country to make a atalement of its wants, and obtain the requisite tuppliet. Before bit arri val, howtvor, 14 r. i. Athmaa urat on bit I way lo Liberia, with 11 racapiuwd Afri etna, and 31 colonistr. tie arnvrin' time to prevent the extermination of the colony, which wa repeatedly attacked by the .natives, (amounting, at one time, to 1 500) in December, 1 823. About thirty coloniitt'ooly wrre able to bear arms. . The defence uf the Infant settlement by Mr. Aihmtn, aiiil aufTerinf the effects of the fever of the climate, evinced a cour aver, been surpassed 'In April, 1833, Dr. Ayrea revisited Africa, in te Oswego, iccompanied by CO . (polpnista.' In. December, of the lame year, be was compelled py extreme in nets lo return. On the tOthof Jan. 1834 tbe thin Cvrut tailed with 105 ernitrrtntt Lunng me present year, 0 coionisit ,. o- neariy tuu inuiviuuais. oince tne visu 01 the Society' agenr, in August last, it hat enjoyed'a decree of prosperity, and-been mrked.' b7-.t..fapidify of Jmprovement, which has rarely been exceeded in the history of anr similar establishment- tioa Bsirgfyeitrfil j 6IeialXfW ot the stranger. Is struck wuh the rah gfaularr boMi. on Cane Montrtrado. atafldinfr inToa"rdtced by the preaent Foil Mia lonelyjbeauty, tchristiinillafrer Theri flourish the Tirtuet of the Gospel, defeit-l ded b the Almitrbt fjflm 1 ho inflnrnrrs of Paganism, cherished and refreshed by the dewi of his grace. There U In the colony. prevailing, iricreising spirit of obedience industry, enierprize and piety. School are established, churches are building, government is respected, agricujture receivea general attention, and the wilderne r retiring before the face of civilized mim" Preparations are jnkkjnj; by the Socle ( If, t9Mfc4 tr n r,r.f f ?""- f.ff. r.itta i' A(, I i' t t'wii it ?a as t'.lrj Au!ftil. ,tj-flrf hitl'i;M, ihtltke W fl'-fdv cf iriAirrftitin ttnm tha t'il'd huiri toIiUfU t irat4 ES fuf ImtltUgti. la tki fUUifb ftfUttibf lha liblM. it i wa led, ikat rof ff tba iaa bl tha ccUh t!(j(ka ScUf, festy U triiUit4, by toiil, of ly y 6rer.ttat fflaia (f turlir.ta Mr. Dtnltl Dupra.la HtUnk. or to ItUbtrJ tmiib, fan. Treeturtr f Ibi ran at Social;, at WaMato. AMiaiciavi Tba N. Y. tftt.irt: 'ct b NetlTtd rariiivaprrl la tba Uik a II mm t a tt lik May, by tha Mbat abt Wt, arrttad M Wedacwby tecninr. Iba !cly. tliikil.anida.af lotartn wblcb tbey eootaia, rtlatet to im ortem wko, a era mttb pteaae4 ta Sod, bad gained ne advantagei wear Iba Invade n an4 la at bar retpectt wart foingoti proa pa rout y. Tbey obtained ltl flctary e tatter ear, oar iba Seraillit IlcKhlcl Pat ba, an4 comptlltd tlm lo retreat to nine. Tbey bad alio captured, war Soda, three TuikUh taaaeli wlib ama nliloa, and lereral Avttritq icttcli that we ra tooveylnj proliiont to falraa. AWul Hamid, bclr to tba Ottoman, Tkrooet of boo Hi father wn aitrt ma ty )e ejoui, bad beta got rid of by eko ient death, and bia brother li denxer ootlflll. Theteoteorteocet, while they favor tha tlewtof tbo oreekt, kad eaua cd much grief among hba Janlaurlea, who were very fiturwt of pltclag iba deccaacd on tha ibrona. 'It ould teem tbaitho Sultaa did.jiot.fcf I altogether caty lit ronacquence of tbcao tlolett meant to Inwire M aafety, tor rjert bad been, auji-'cnjy Jttucd to countermand the mrtbof tba troopt dettincd for Tbetulf. . ' . I ba Ring of Sweden wi eipected to folio the eitmpta of Kngltrrd, in rweog- nitinglbo Independent Statciof South Amenea. Tba Snancea of tbabelored rdl fland werab ao depforabta a atatc, that ha judged It eipcdicnt to dispence with lha tniaon of an a itraordiary Ambetta dor lo attend tba coronation of the French Jung, at well at with the Spaaith AmbaMador at tenna, follow in j the Emperor of Aottrta to .Milan. Kite r?atf Eunorr, The thiu Urerpool Packet, Capt. Cof- fin. aaa-rlaraf4 at Hoif am ft rV7 ta f 7eLat , 0 the 0:hr v f)d brorJtht Amtterdam t ai toUt PMj. Tba pa port contain tbe particulars at length of the Coronation of jba King cf r ranee at KHeima, wbKh took place on tbo 99th of May, with all tba pomp and ceremoniet. umal on aucb occasions. Tbo ArcbbSahop bleated the crown and placed it on bit mtjesty'a head The Prelate gave him tbe sword of Charlem agne the Chamberiin put 00 lha Purple boots ihe Dauphin put on Ms spurt, kc. The horaet of the Kirrg't-carriage ran away with It, and be owe. hi life toiha : oftiIspVaiilVion and" coachman. 1 Qenc talXutiaI wei-.tbrowft rTranv&li onerJtrtt4dj:to-oLiutribt;laxkrBr General Dordeaelo was thrown twice, batt received 10 injury. In Lngland, the speculations in foreign Stocks atkl the various projects seem to have prouueed a scarcity to the money market. . ' - -The Dutch frigate- PaHarwhhr the Duke Diiiaxt U'ctmr at a ptssengerq sailed from talmouib, EngJIay 2 Ti lor .New-Yoik. A Frankford article of May 21,' states tbal the Egyptian atmv, sent against the Greeks, was in a perilous situation at Modon. V Tbe great timber ship Columbus, on her way from England to St. John, N. 21. was abandoned at tea. a wreck on lha Jftji of Alar. MY.Mer. JJv POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Since the. 1st day of January last, no lesi than T278 new post ofTicea hive been established. . Independently of -this addi tion, lays the National Journal, one of the great mails formerly transported but three tnrfereatrwwk majlt and other irrsngements,-equally valuable, have been made to facilitate the arrivals and departures of tbe mail in other sections of the Union. . Yet, not withstandingjjiese addition! to the annual expenditure,-the" revenue" of the Post Office Department, which haa for" aome year a pnuaie ea iuadequat a to iko-MtMmdMslir. zmt -iiHuf W-tr ture, will, thia year, we tinderttand, in . eL e !? W-Wf aomewnai axce them. . Balifmorc TulriOl. Af the late session of the Leghlature of Rhode Island, a resolution wis passed, appointing four attorney a, with instruc tions to kue' the State of Maaachusettt, tbe' Courta of the United States, for the riht of jurisdiction over7 a tract of and on trie northern boundary cj that state. and a counsel Tor prosecuting the same to t unai dectstoff; a s 4 a . ' falmnt of tne prc-ttdiof?i whiebnttt tr to Ata ia rcunoo 10 tne luijtct U tba auihcriilti of CeorgU. Mtj. a lit 1 that Vt impeoiiofi Ii ulL from courtcty o tbe authovirln Ueorgia, whi bia rtMitrdr is urgteil dcmsaJcd It tod t) , wiii wnnarawB anauia tne ua,L nationi rctuU la ir riuUiiKmeaf nit IpnAtntr,, Co?, Troup Ii tncatttea at un, aao naa ooKiilly u. . '. r . J .k . - I , sir . . . iivm sow iimij vi war pbhi Aodrtwa, thai all intercourse keiwrn tht lauer io4 lb Cot eminent of Ce. gU la loipendcd ktleging aa a ret. mo fur fnia measure, that if Mil. 1 hat acted wlilln tht letter or iplritai aa . o aka" hu lattructiont, " It 11 oltvioui ii tht quiiuon tahkb bt arai chardi, Investigate bad Uea prejudged u Washingtot! before bia drptrton frr I bat City, )od that cooaecj'ieatJr tht goweraiiirst of Georgia gaa ao loagrr. cowtisteotly with III dignity, bold k urtoune with that o&ccr." faijctttvilU Oittn Cot. CrowrtJ, who wit not perm to appeir before tbe com ml tin of tst Georgia Legislature, appoioied tolooifs Into kit conduct, nor afforded aa oppot to nit y of confronting slag! ', rhir ipwired agalntt him, bat UvkH tbo Commltsionara appointed by Geor gia, to attend tbe enolnatUn of bit nestet, for the'purpota of putting la (ken any quettionaln rtfcrrtMt to hltdrjotv rcnt,lhat tbey may think proper. bin letter to tbe Committlotier, be tni In giving you tht invitation, an yoo dittioeUy to uodarttaod, that It it bm giving utxlor tbe impecttien that ft a your ilgtrt ineo I biva not beta coo fronted with witnesses against me 1 liutu give under a full conviction of being sblt fully to establish my ' frmoeenee, by wit nesses who tbrlna. not front the eroel of a rrote-c lamination, and to ahow yo that my defence rrttt Dot, like the acta saiioot against mr, vnoo tht fiimsr tone dation of garbled evidence, arbitrarily ts- ken, and improperly reported. Jajitw Journal. The Georgia Patriot, of June 98, ten ihe expedition that lately marched frott twiggt county, in pursuit of tbo ladiiov having gone ai- fir aa tbe V-ders froa, Gfixthc CiitifraufTered -theinraV finding no enemy, nor any hostile prep, rationa, have returned to their borne, The aaree paper sddt, that ail account! agree in'rtpresenting tbe nation at per fertlr peaeeableandlraoquilt Travelllnf continues aa ..frequentlr jt . formerlr. through the nation, without iruertuptiuJ: front the Indians; The following It TortpY letter to Awdi'O ;" rW-l-' ' . - . . BTtrcnri nrtiTam? . Sir 1 . 1 call your attention to a letter purporting .to be. your and addressed n the Agent in extenuation of your condttt for the act of suspension, and public in a paper here of this morninz called iba Patriot., If tbit letter be authemic, you will considerwil mtereoutt between yow telf wnd-h Govomment,. lutpendcd frbrcflfif .moment of the receipt of thi. CM. TROUP. T. P. Andrews, f. Sfniil fre Ciw Jnicy, A very extraordinary event 1 related ia the Vermont paper ; It It stated that 1 little boy about 5 years old, in tba Town of Randon. Vermont, was frozen to dcttli in a imotf a'ojrw, 00 the 7A 0 Junti '' An j(4houe waa destroyed by r' Philadelpia, on Friday last'. It ' framcbuilding up warda.fif. bundrt'l fecrlong, and contained a Urge tjutbti ty of ice, the whole of which melted ia lets than an hour. Aational Journal . :zA.:TESTJaiT0nt: . Mr. Conover, the pnprfaorot the Cberaw In telligencer, endorsed -upon the margin of k paper of the 17th ult." that be could bo lonjer exchange with us becaiu e, aa be sUeg.' evliice jttaw w tlie "ielf K tho Town of Fayetteville t and, by his manner r. , - 'it ck.Verr. fcgwarwteadr-lhon villa, without abusing Coera'w I lie baa also it- elared be can no longer exebapge iha-;Geote-4 .he Gaiette accidentally diwHtidtogivetheClie- raw paper credit of having tint publiahmg 'W mpwUen feet of green corn liaviojr beCn uM in the latter nlace on the iOuVult.lf lr Conover meat bavO art tsalted opinioii of the value of -bia paper, if he imagines that thedi continuance of his exchange with the Georgr town Gazette, and the Western Carolinian, will be a source of grief wlliatditor of either u or tbe CetKfetown paper, t.i, L.ro.;f ui wi.un the i.,ftf liCta the Uttr ibi l el stUra t. prndeil fff'fli 0- e, an oinoli tu pffttctiof the torrl corrrttMa 4 ll. Jt.fNl1! -.ti1.lfff . .4 l! W :7'