rsr inr. rrtrrrnnv or e.teft 14 tn k t -. pl l M' U at l IM vOCir f l-- ! l,4. f fr I. SVka a.,,, 1,0 i rtt't, i tHt f4 . m, iM laa pH, U kktot, itKo J aj, at ok-h lit '.ttk", Ukp. l 1 Of W fHrj Off M'k4, tV 4 . J rko rr on.e any 4 an lbl U.1 Umim ft f laoWwiioo .kWowiUttM. , ; Wi fckl t Urn to th to! w gt M Wh wore 6t4 W (hit . X Utn " If Dr. A. s. ir. iiwg;c elkoei. Vice PretidcM of the Unhid Buirs i Tkt b4 f M youthful p ( lrffatOeeat4 M MMf Of M h4i May ll re ui lu frsgTOAte acohltt Ibe tnowt of gt. , at atiUieoaevei. Koflll-C'r)ki I 1m timou! to tr. trlgtie for appoint-aiuti, loo proud to be AT WotTOri. Xertb-Ctrollu i At b the Brat to frock! IkpndiiK, o will the be tbe test lo aorrenoee k. -Br KetbeoUJ Mace. Em. I A free Press-the sLUtJoff.ttrnefw-U.1 tceerge vf tyrants,. - at Mtno-. The present Adrohleireilotii Cnti- tuUotuI.y elected, J'l h m eooetuouoeei J tufJDorted f coodemrxu. ... llr Btnlttt Yeorey, Feat lotrriul Improvement tod Puttie Education-. The tnii&ri upon kkh mut rttt ih fa f ur propcif iop m inu aun. ... At MTimvoo. , ,WnKinftoHl iiKiUo oil ikodt lut coamrt i bit tuccrtt Ibt vorkftl bit Um ih tneUtulotf of the Filr If choice br -iHiJJ oln qiictt of b4Utr ohcrt thotiH be find it J. . m m s 9 UlTtr in lo r if j- nw ta ir oufU of Uiut obcrc iUt.i1 bt i5od H purt r Ibto In tke7 a it lA . II til Jin J, ' j" ' ''':". AT CISBAW, t. C - M Proipcriir to it lownt of Chrrtw tod I'tycttcviEoi lit or IJ it kit coougb .for botb." 4 . (jKHt.V.lTKfr, 4 f 04 tiwlAd Mr I Mf M4 fW !'t M, Wni, bJpf itt fMt biJ bh!'jxain , 4lrd f7 It h tid In tb Loudon Morning Cbroniclo thtt Ibo obtcrvttion md by Ibo Dukt of York, on tb tubject of Ibt Konun Ctihollc Dill, M bd tbt full proUiion aud coocurrtnco of lilt tr, vboio Mnilmtott and opiuJont bit Jlojkl Brother ctpretied and dtlUtrti bf hit detiro, ia tbo lalo memorable .ipeexb'!.. Wo could tctrccl btto ileo crtdit to tbit tuUrbtnt, erte not coofiaccd ibat cwotlitcncy it not one if tbo tnott prominent trrt in ibe polnictt . . conduct of tbt kin. Htd ibo Dil o pitted tbt Lordit it it prohiblr tbti, un der hit prent imprtIoo, Hit Mjei ty would hive withheld the Roril kMntt and tbut bate defeated it. .Vat. Jour. fi'l f f r! lit ef ViVutt. ((' Mriiitljt.. t- '''t f n ! rtiii. J t iW t liU i'blU C.iJ cf Vi: Mr. I tint t.iHt I M'ke kt M .' J. !! bif ttft irVrr if tl. Liimtrof, iil k wn4 wtib bU fnmif, be toW om to ur ifttt ibt MrvUo tf Ut rt( frr, If oliMt dnohf 9pm b!t!f iht eklwt lhU U Coo4a(t it !! M tpimbm, M wit r44 b UnirtO. Kit coediKl it at o&cr, tod tlUI M tt(UMr, wro oo wt3 kM t4 OtkitOUdtd ik rt Wit Eorof, tkit be nctSud bv kluiiont frf ,to oiKff cwtt, CfrU nd 14U4 kM o wkLb toccet ttfttf dKtUtdrerfa IM tttSf ,-on'i kt, i H m xxt ) " TWifiW. Lilitj.i i l".Ji. kl Lrt NkM h tk.ib tr Urd tW Ibt M b4 pleaded to tbt r'mck rrfte tkM arotodid. U wordiiwe witb trtb. lie NmtlAtd rtikcd U bit Ju-i. rW- o-rWo, tS til .... .n,,.. t kkb.wkb tk4m,tfkblf tfttd 1,, .. tk. l,.Lf.. W .K. wdlwrfltMd. (u. L.ll.u. If. wir o";. m utMd tod totiod tin bit Mtk. wfe m toWtM, td l"dnin9td, kflj be addretttd birsMlf to J-. Mr. Wittt wm ut te ike eEM tbo Rottrimenl of tbe Uaiud Stttet, tad m f iupk k prff i-4 tke k; MlrtKie tUMir of bit Mrvirtt. Tktt t'iadiefiio fmbyicr, ltre ouep!d wkb every ciprtitk of Tm IMLniv lirmo m rmxUd ky u I r?pet tad tttiifKUoflt IM be &$t. J. U. rrtmii, horn AcU, Hk cUp. and pUctd ImmtdUtely io. tU corpt of'Ko- :tke. IU. Mr. CU.ti.uTkIU.rntrt with tke tame rook that beheld niM.M4nt tbecWfetotbeaevIr er- tbo trtflf of Frtoee. Tbo t'klltd a.Wdl!--r,--4u', 't beliettd to biro rtteltid U faitf . bi a iMtdraaUo tretturo- f Tha.ldey,tJr,U varrwocal e rbel . , . . . , jrwt m tk W but. Tbe Ceraaa it Wved gfW, and tk Iit. C. R3(W, U M tot tin if aUwWe ike ImI yrar. We k ike IraHOeiaire t Kbwte Ittand ay4 fre a year and Ik; ut veil afford U) mt. llt ofitn, J Ike (k kfaxk e rmftm r M mi e ipeiMirt tkM Ut Ur. and lent Gov. Lrerdt tf pr odwiniitred, to no km lk l kwaired eowmnkanu. tv'ig Ike hole ef tii teetOMi and inter ehr; ecewion, Ike aMet perfect gtatd nnW and deaemw were iened i and an kfamrty ef tVCnff a tnnrtJ ITfklf t. brM' ntI and eokCne aurpKcitr, aewpanted tle tmiy inoibcil ewnrters Lkk iD tie mrre eiiemU trapnlnp ef ike roudet bietarcky, caoki not ka efTertrd. reaaeatfitta. It it Mated in the lUMinnre " ft fnU trml Emix-!pUm, tbal t fUcmia ham y'lfji, tpplri to tbe Cnlenuj'Jon Eooety U that rhy fir tbe fmrpont naUrf amna -. 'o letrn from the New Orleans Ad . tertltcr of the 8ih" lilt, tharibrre'thips "frdnu England . b ni 'trrlTerJ at ft m plco ; wklrio three week bringifljj wwel eo' . ;ineera riMftf ralnert, and'a" li .qoenti . tf of michinery , for working tbe Mexi- can mlhcttT"" , .- - VVnr. Jour. Tbo-lele iteim . iiotToii,' tvtr 4 boet tinnier he of lha nnncirjl ritiicni of the titmre ml. opened .tho ey ea.. of ;iheJs'e WY berajfrojn their urbanity and gtntlemanly deportment. They bare eMthihhed tafctf birKe'J they hire W i nvH fiVo'rmble and lappy im. ' to W tOw-4' br otoooo' bonta, hw th e-. -. 4kciM4ur of aecior tar. .v.rrav.ft mm d. ot . i . t . t .t .t . I urn. wnara, ronrrr. ana ut outer mi tkem ( tvrer the re. U li. gemicinea eMnr.f i bnp.j W u. rar. ,u a,,, (, .Utk in nen,ka lU innn nn tt Aebiy.U, and Africa.) of fifkfgit alartt akkJt be bad fvr-edrd nonb-r'erd, in enntinuatkrfi of ulr einaneipated. BeJea pajbi-rbr j-riu.Cr,ke reennoUnr of Ike rowntry. -rth a rww lo fn,Ukca then .k arrin.ll.ral ennlement. te USe kxatkm ef Ike t-nte cf tb National Koad. tnhirate tkeir Um after they p tbrra. nia At wt brWBy mentioned m our Lut. the ft. bearroknoe and pkilanUirj , be. einen armed ner m tittrnJay, ti i&th iu.r. R pMmlkled in wr Oowrr. A fan in two panic, by tCtTerem mate-they WmC Uni, t ftatletMO UWI-r to Ikie eate. erparetcd at Mont tUo, Geerrin, Gen. lUmard, (4 Mr. p t(fMl of Orenrt Onunty.) nanumit. tapu rou.n, ana irut. uvttoft, tout tbe up- of hi ilirra, ht the pnrpoet of mod. per route, and came, ne ondereUnJ, by nay of mf tneealo tke enlony In AWea. nuchncUM kUdiaon, Atbena, and Uniekin, Ceorria, and (Ue, .peak Vmder in ooreAn(U! of tbe real rrrvlloton, Crwrnlk, and Inartaobonr, (U C, kamatWty and benrrotenee of tbe nothora, tUa and Lincolnton, Beattk'a rerd, kx. in tbie etate, iat of declaration and bncwoM. tnnaluburyi the other fwrty, cntnpoaed ei Coll ifji Bkriren and liewt, TripWtt. rVoea MonlkeJlu.1 . Cfrj.YVI.W X.tYtS. pamed thronrb Creerborn and Waahinrton. I . In the Itoeton Caartte of tke 4th i4. ore ne fo. eroded 3iannah rirer at rVnybonk, and tke. tbe puLKcnUon of a law of tbe Common. pnnHnr through, or near, Abkerille, Laurena, neaUli of klaetacbueetta, br cknfif tW mm t'tiion, pincknepfiUe, Itlaimille, and TorkrWe, f m-anTT-eaa peronml imonf tkee names ft. C. ami Charlotte, 8LC. to tifJeborr, K. C. Col. we find that of Clerttm Ltr oho, wt nip. Sbriver, and tboao in company Uh"bIm,arri- barinf become impatient of tbe Unly pro ted her between 10 and 11 o'clock, A. n. Gen. ceea of ruUnmopy, kaa, La epi'.e of the unpl Reman, and hit company, arrired at about 4 bmt ivaine in bar neirhborbood, rot her bame r. n. of the earne day there beinf only about rAanrd by ttalutt, to that of Claritf Jhim. ft hnun difference in tbe time of the to o par. From what peculiar motire all theae people tie renchinf- herr tbe dialane from kero-to trtL o idiirtf; thew Mei aheml MontJcrNd, tht place at blch; ttiry feparotftl, cannot tlrrinej woet probibry, frooettr, for ia idouurnilcai..rrorn hence, and from tbe raivnja reaaona, IM one of them, w oureaU opinion of tke Lnpneen, w aro enabled to i atfon, had the bctt of all reuoo -wkick oaa, i atate, tint there ia but Kttle difTercnce ia the he bad fee nutc mm., f ierrc Fraocia Hen dittance o the too rotttr. fry Tbomaa Wtlaon Melrille, waa bu original II .1 . r r I f . 'h.Mi.'. luitk. lk. .k.MMMtjui1 am. tlcmen in Panbury, they were tiaited by mott I katf of tk cnjneaa ia diapeoacd with to that Mr. MelviUe ie now authomed to writ hii name M Tbomaa Wilton Meltille." " Tktmn Ui ,nru:ft' KtprtMntawto I.Utt Mom M k '!!. Hit a4Jrti it nr 'inn lad ky nur tKrut-oJtait it biirK bttn or of Ike mnt ekUant, fni, It U n!4ed one of tke Pmt itoj frttire ttkorttiU tier f air4 i In tay AradtraW f fall At o ptroni,- tart ooo of oor corrai pondfO!!, " tifai lb at ray ant (oo4 tadta)wtroprtaottobetrbim. (W aidering tbal Ibit it tald bf ooo who l coAMttt lo hctt torrtcilf eat ibo toW act we c to htrdlf concclro of a happier retnMiment ia Ike rnema of Iko Addrett Ut. L. Ultt kiiTegtt ouiviiWaJIy one of tbo onoat JJrbJf tatd r bl,cu toubl. ' " 'Abf."frf. Mr. roIflMtt.our hftnlifer to Meiko, tithed ti Ibo ci pi til of thtt republic; the 'otter pnrt of Mty, wkero ho wn recti Of A Ite moat aDtentfid and cordial roao or. On ike tight of the 39th, to tie git hU tit glrea, ia Vooor of bit orri ttl, bf Xt. Wilcotkt, the Amtrkao Cofiabii wkh wit attended by Geo. Victoria, ika Pre. Ueal of Meairo, and Oca. Wllkkaon, tmerly of ike U. 8 army, On Ike I at of una. Mr. i'otntt ant . . . prcaenico kit ctedcbllalt lo Ibe lovero moot Mpoa Mb occttioa he rode an addrtaetoibo PreUdeot, tabic b it tpokin try higblf of. Cotton. B. laL W tn 75. m.'J da. 30 to 3! I Wnne and r. M It Oi ebon eia- pu, 30 a 74 cit Wkkrf HiMi rt. M I I'anM, I a 9 1 I aH. 9 a 1 1 1 Hn.r. tmnW and Irrrrrm-M, (4J tnrn.) 71 a .'6 1 CU (. Knmr Grwu.ltitil') 1-f.torowi.ttetl Nnk4.'attioa fltta. Uille, cenCoVt IVvoWro and Cap Tim do. fpe "' , ueorfta do. 1 a 1 1 per cent. ! i DarWn Deak .Kale 7) per cent. d. JUarr(r. , In thie eonnty, oo Ike lOik in, by Henry C. Kern, Ll. Mr. U. Uum IUU to Xie Nancy tuWy. Am, to m eooir, oo in 4k inat. by tbe Iter. Jam atafTord, Mr. W J lino P. tTtJumto Htm tvj BWr. A 1ml m rha 14th inat. b Willimmwxi HarrU. tMi. Mr. Aleiander Mat to Maa Rory tinbourli. all of init rounlt. On tke 17lk met. al the rt of Juepk Prr. kint, lUq. itur II county, by the Krt. Hubert J. MtOr-r, Ma. AUea Connelly to Mna Ebiabetb rertl. DffH, ta Mecklenburr eountt. on tke 5lk inL A a- dreo Law too, Em. arrd 66 ycara. A lao, in Meckleiiborr county, no ta 2d Jery, inet. CoL Milaa J. Kobiiwon, in tk J9lk yonr of kia ag. He , at tut death; Col. comman dant of the Cabnrro and Mcckleaborr kcrv jnent of Cavalry i and oaa ettoemed aa a gen. Uetnon of .iipomi ororto nn rtnUbutiy. la the city of New-York, on the iih inat. Cbarlr a fulnca, 1. Mjyotaol Ceaaml Of WMl VtOBI V 'crt.t tt lit JJ bit. 1!,H 4tfi t fr jfty i L taar', af L,r n.'.... of a, ? ke PrU i4t of th lik, gt?e to t)irntd atMib f Ike Cmv m of ike K't.g of I rtne, ir U Lit tn try bui Pitt ua kit rttyro. vrrr rite. Ifftrt rtltrd h NewYot from Due no Arret, dud Mtf Knk, atf Ikat General trUatlt, who rfnMe4lfd tkf remnant of ike ruyaj army in Upper 10 10 had been killed U Utile. OUuuhet ftO rwftl trwna, atMt weidefaaiedkf ('I riot trou;wloo tmtliaii ware ma4 di ad on thf field of UtUe . ike Ut le tatted hom thrcej otlvek, P. tiff term. fkf Urfar and fflilitiff 7n4rnn4 of 0lOt4 Oir lakeo. Not ooo caemf rtmilnt can the tod of CftJewtbut. 71 Cro U fnt. - The UrinoM of 8p!o ka Irant- mltted'the tppoifiimenl ef General lit- CbUf for Ptrw to UUnttt at4 ordett to Ctaertlt Ia Serai ind CanterK, to r lurs lohstio. Poor, imbecile Ferdinand I OlaMlt it dead and your authority in Sotitb AmeHca it dead I and, had Iwukb itt dut, rvu wouU haft beta oVod Ufif nee. Dr. tt'm. Hendenoo, it announced aa a camh date for Conrret. in th Ncobern dittrict, ia oppoaiunn to tbe Jatc member, Mr, ppeiffct. John Ilatl. of Rutherford county, and Alcian dcr II. MclUe, of rivctictillr, hive been cenaed to practice la in the Superior Couite of tbta SuUe. commodation ' of paiseneen. ' One of thete, the Lady Cllntco, itarted from JewYork for Albtny on Thurtday aftrJ noon, with about 300 pasienpera the wat towed by tbe tteam boat Commerce, and it wat eipeeted would make the pat- aage ID SO hourt. Thit it certainjy an improrement in ateim navigation. - Xorth American . Jttviewm.Vc. under Hand that 3000 copies of thit excellent work..aro ap.UMcIk9ffj!l.. .for July wat utued on Friday last. to. :0rroM.-The Recorder ttatet that ahframoAt a .Unittriaa jroiSciinKrhouse : waa raised in Jvorthampton onMohdjf lttlj and blown down by a gale of wind tno aame iday. tb. 1 .The illied banks bf Boston last week 'tent tip "about fc3(j;000 On" tb two banka at Hartford, which Wat paid in specie j MtioifflMtfyWtH If trrfohi tankt took from Bottoo'g 162000 id tpecle. ."sKssf? ttrrzL,'".,.';"";''''i.'ii''''.'.''-vr rf -- ' t FATETTETILLR PRtiiE8, Mj U." "' V t-2. Caddies, mould, 14 a li. Cof fee, 1 8 a S T.Xorn , S I 2 S a I iQ. Flour, uperBne 8?.. Iron, Lime, S SS a 2 .50. Molattet, 37 1-3 a 40. Nails, cut, 7 a 8 j ' wrought, 18 a 20, Oats, 40 SO. - Sugar, common to prime, 9 a ll. Salt, Liverpool, 80 a 90 Turk'i Island, kc. TO o. 75. : Jkecl. American, 8 a. 9. Tobacco, leaf, 4 a a. Tiri, L3 x glo to '8- Wheat, ney, 1 50 . and conTertinr o ith them. In all probtbiltty, it will be three or four year before the actual commencement of the run. traction of the contemplated Road ; but mhrn. Jrjern Shed, may take the name of Simuti .UMa-SbdLaaym.tha jtatutaxfnr bavin now, we euppoee, become more faabionabi than" Jrjfrmm j ' A rail-way it now commenced in the atate mr i( h made, or wemr it h located, we have ' New-Vork a nurvey foe one u now feing the fuUett pledge in the dirtinruihed eharaojfo'ard in Pennyhrania."Cwa Jnal. tert and eztenaive aoouiremenU of the rentle- ll kert, in the aUte of New-York, hta a rail- men nnred in th tonorranhieal eiaminatiorhi been ctmmcnctdJ an. ui. caao (upon hot report the deemon by gvvenuneat -,. o-ilt mainly depend) that tb beat iutcreat of! the aouthern country will be aubaerved by their o. ybon and recommendation Col. Shriver ia a g ntleman of aamuch pracr tical knowledge, perbapa, in civil engineering and turnpike-makinf, U any other man in our country, lie waa tbe tuperintendanf of the ripike, for more -than fotirtew yre and ainee then, he hat conrtantly been In the tervice of the general government. of Which, he toa aetaei the. entire confidence, and it highly rea- "pected .by all. tbe members of the adminiitra. tion. CAltoni4..liife.hi earned and- tdentifle Topographical Engineer, either natiye; or. alien, in the United Statet. A SsHpffuTedEHeltslj authoress, (Mb vVrTrM) ....... - .::rrrT-arrrr. in iter" view oi oocieiyena Manner in Amer ica," thna apeak of Ceo, lkfiurd, .whom ibe met with in New-York j ' F74 l:cr M General' Bernard ia a native ' of France, and one of the earliest ant) most diatinguished scholars of the Poirtetbnic school.. His manners, simple and trio dest at those of sage, frjjiik and inde pendent as those of a soldier t hit princi- ciples, ufentt, varied knowledge, and profound science, tuch as . do honour to .his tchool and hit cation. . After the bat- EuBului,'of Rowan," and Fair PlayabaD be attended to at toon at w can potaibly make room for them, oonitently with a proper re gard to other wiecu that chum our abtolute ami Immediate attentior);v - Our muset teat, in the abtenee of tbe beau tiful flowert of our old and touch admired nc- quaintanoe,' " Otmina," baa almost been grown again, ? wak'd her wood notes wud," we my anticipate that a new and racy-fragrance will be imparted to it. In a few days, we will introduce Otmina" to our poery -bo wen - . TBE fA ATEtJimiTARrJtciiif' " The Examinatiott of tbo Ctdd t Jbe Military Academy closed lait week, bav. inBlPwuieij,rUTO aishitiouriittentioTi on tb part of visiters, teachers, and cadets During great part of. the time, ibe Exerciacs commentedt in the presence of the Board of Visiters, at 5 o clock in the morning, and contin ued with little intermission until 7 in the evening. 1 no Keport, wmcn toe vuiters were itQulred to make, has been forwar ded to the War Department, and will she w tbe bisn state of efficiency and great national' importance of this Inititutton. At the c)oto of the labort of tbe occasion, tbe Cadett, in number two hundred and Thomas Ruflio, L'w'of JfillaboroV As wt stated or) report in our lait, waa unan- imoualy appointed by the Gov. and Coun cil, o judge of tbe Superior Courta of ihia atate, vice Geo. R. Badger, ttq. re tiroed. ft (he Xavat Cturl Martial on Taeaday, finiah ed tbe examination of witneaael in rerard to tbe Faxardo aiTair. and adioumed at an early hour . - . . f to gtre an opportunity to th Judge Advocate to collect tnd arranre id documentary tent. I mony nlatin to tbe charre aunintl Commodore intubordination and unoraccrlixe conduct, bat not vet been touched. A at. Intel Mian. IPth f May. It ia believed that eon held between the Chancellor of Auttria. and the Ambaatadora of trance, Kuiaia. Pnitsit. and Knrland, about tbe 14 of June ; and auo, o im me wmwcn ui unpio, Tutcanv. I'arma. and Sardinia, at which confer. encet a Cardinal, a Uepretcntative of the Holy Father, will an'nt. Tw tubjeett trill be- under diacurton, , A nroDoard arranirement beVneen th Greek t arid the Ottoman Porte, and an Italian Cdufcdcia- lion. imiUr to the Oermamc. J he nrtt it run MvJiLaniam Bccetaary, at it it generally id. mitted tliat tbe belligerent are unable to ter minate the conteit. So tay you! LATEST FROM EUROPE. Jev'prkJjJjJZ. rrotnntt I JOB potWuf in vmtbofwrfc, 5k. Carolina, a vkly ftfxt, to be emu led ike MVr.MTKU.V FARSIKn," by trtULLU .ft'ATtv. It M ever beoo ntitomaty far an fdrfor, hen k keeumra a Ctadxleie rW Ik tolio of 0 piUU, lf f fiwt oirtbo of in t-atk b o UI porou. or tbt r-Jaer of tK fartoef to do Ihia, oill rcpiirv kH few wor6U indb will not woluphr ariaiiois kvM, ky tkeW molbpWviy, lk oi In oak. It w'dl V Ou Die Wot fu biw to y. Innt w in manef roxnt U U fAmt, prrroto elovorter t9 roniain wmUu, and ptthbc ox-Murtt akn be frrely (fctcor), oitbwot frar, fo or arTectwn i Ikat kit tclec i okall be nuck it nriibcr to tffen.1 tbe dU. talc, ta iuoroto tb hxhU, no not Ut gotky without rarficolMio. Arricuhuc. aa Ik ntm of Uit naner wnwkl tca to in.port, tloll meet with kit CrM ttten. tion. Comirxrc and politic ihall In no o We b forrHn i ind Rerfioo tbtll be atjlld 14 ikot rook i in eokimnt of lb l anwr, a Lick, tb patent of Merry, ah nay jvttly t bum. In ihort a tbaU be lit iojidoQM aim of tb febW, lo rmi t-nber a aJitkbW p'oportio of th gay, ' the grave and tbt nn-ful, to at 1 1 mat lb I'ar mcr, a far at bet in bit power, a uarful urcail companion lo manhood, and a ucful imtnicter lo lb ynotk of that country, okcre, abor all other, tkal apboriMn tf the Philosopher, that k wiatlom ia wrabh," ia aaoat clearly venbYd. To toy any tbiag of lit yiil'y of a publira tion of thit natur. were nteletn i on til Sinadt tt it adotittrd. Rut ia an inland town brrc tH meana of informatton are, at beet, but la.iud, tb advtntaget to be rlcrivod from a periodical Kbbcai'ion are bcalrulalW. Tb Rdnor there o request that aS w be feel any InUtoat in tbo frrewth and proaoerity of tke country, Votk in Wealth and in aMrala, woutd lend a helping kaoj lo aa e-tabritbment wkkh, ke bbere, needa but a fair trial lo becora permanent and meful. Th naoer will be nrinted on adrmlmal theet, on new type, once a Week, and dclirerI ' lo aubteriben at per annum, if paid In ad- tone, and RJ so if payment b.tcbird to the end of the year. t7J WILLIAM A U ST IX. rtlARF-N up and committed Mtbit jaH,en JL Ui 14ik of tbia in'tanL a orrr avta, who tayt bit name h httrr, about twenty-one year old. aa be yt, but look rather oUler. ia of a ellow rompkaion, about five feet 7 or 8 inch ieSvi'toUtikly rhvnkf boHtr wttn n email tear . on hV check under hit left eyeVIte iytb bclonr to tVad Ma-inr, of Ediata. DiaUwt, Routh-Carorina. -The on her Is rerniettrd to ' Come forward and prove bit property, pay char, re, tnd take him away, otnerwiae he will b dealt with U tbe Uw direct a. CHARLK9 P1IRLM. Jmkr. WiOcttUrt'tX, C. Jylf 16M. 18i5. St 70 The packet ahip York arrived from London lait evening, bringing met ot pa- nera tb the 6lh of June. The ahlp 1 ri ton from Havre, arrived at Boston, brings aril nanera lo the 8th ol June. Mf. Hush tour late Mioimr at Lpn- don.and present Secretary of the il rea- tu7J arriyea, wun m aiu - mv ormer veisei. An inierestintr debate took place to the British House of Comment orr. thtt-3d uli, on a pronosiuon for granting xoor 000, Jo compenaate certain tiurens ol tbe United States tor biovea capturea oy th British Army during tbe late war . UetiL General Sir li. I urner li ap- pointed Governor of the Bermudas. The price of ;Co"on is ratner on ine decline. ' Tbo Chamber of Peers and Deputies e-assembled at Ptritonthe 7th insu A ticmeirdoui' fire bioke out at Bo Police. EITHER left my pocket-book on the conn, ter or table of Mr. Krilev'a, HaJUburr. N. C. or-tnattt-bwmwen tbtrt piaem x4tkoMMwb-ilo -of Beard't Bridge, on th Yadkin river, at Mr. Locke'i pUntatmn, on 1 hurtday the fifth init ant. wtiich contained aa folio wt i One bond on John Lavy, for a certain negro girl named atada, about event en yean of age, which readt Mho State 'of Atabama. Limertone connT t t Bromiaa to deliver unto Alexander Miller, or hi aaaigne, a certain negro girl named Roda, or five hun dred dollara in caah, whenever called for i" date not recollected." One note of hand, of f r)y dot- Ian, payublc one day after date, and dated 13th ny of May. 1H25, parable by John nivrv ami lucem rteiiy wrroraeii a it) one wic ui uami, rned bv Vincent Kelly to myaelf, fur the turn ol three dollara, bearing date one day after date, and dated 13th day of May, 1H25 on receipt of Will'mm Hugh, contt. Alabama, Lawrence -count v, for n note of hand for to elve dollara, tigned by Tlmmu Killum to mytelf i alto, aev era! reCciptt and paper not recollected r be. tween twenty and twent-five dollara in cajih- ono-noteof thermxaitxis&&; dfJyOnK--Ian j three five and one two doW notea of North Carolina tome other change not recollec ted. Any ptraon having aaid pocket-book, or finding the name, and delivering it and the con. tend to the lubtcriber, tball be reaaonably com pensated. . Al-RX. MILLER. Stttibm-f, A. Ci UA JWy, 1S35. . -. 170. . P. S. Abo, one noto of. bandn Vincent Keh IvirbHlftyaWlatv'bw JV7nW5, ntyatitotorftryaerri-:---- r.; K BEING appointed by th latt will and testfl ment nf John Hord,. aen. 1j'uV a bit , executor and being anxioua to settle hit estate aa toon as it can conveniently b done, I reuueot all pertona indebted to the aaid deceased, to coin forward and make payment, at the nwney is needed.ioattle tit debts and uo indulgence can be given ind t bote to whoa be it indebted, are refieted tc prerelftt tbeir eiatmt within the time prescribed by Uw, jar tliit notice wia be pUd in bar of a recovery. M W 1825. ; 3t?vf i , ,. t

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