Sir r. ; 4 j" ' I 4 i J , ! J ' t T. 1, 1' . v.:!-; - T . i . - A. f -J- r r- 'lVH-:-i:- my-- , .1. 4 M -it r I eaf a lie Mgfcif !!, 7 wtify ntUra af ihe Ufe " Wat aaula itki 11 tkat Aa4 r at U afeitt. Fr kiair iUlraa iilat V7.a idlf mJjti a tka a!li Aad a'J; la aoa aamUe ht4, Oa rail UWi Uj tl ka4. "" 7T'uftM itafclitwr bmki iw mi Ka ImiUvi 41iU Ua UeaM III k, Ui a4 Wi Art ail kl lopt kU i e. ' Kifal Ra ' W faKma mtt, r4 tfe t mx u kmU U Mia TW fa rti arw M la fU. l km rp In ft tkM Mbvn f A4 lfM W7 ! it'(KarkJ Jul. I. . . 1 1 . JHSClLLLttVL'S. Oa CJitiDf m; rvti rad ihi room thrid..ldcof7attk 0,r,ih.tee. . . ' . ry oa of ih compiay w aa aimuiuoc . l .t . . Ylt cacH la discreet arac of the word. Mine boat a ia the act drawiof JUf of ale from a cat! tbat tood ia tke: comer of theroow, while I vti fluictrv drawia a L.ll. on tha . 1 . i . .fj rdla placed arrota mr kocc by w$y of ft dcak I , Mlu Alfelljr waa WaUy employed la drawing the cunaina of tbe eute bed, for the accommodation of ai asaajr of the tnnlltri a choae to be fcaU4neai the pott bojr waa drawing the cork af a gta bottle with appropriate rijor, while the acullioa waa atiQ more viproualy em plot ed ia drawiar tbrjSre with her flaonel petti, i coatt the cook waa drair.e the bow.Jto a formed, It cannot be eoppmrd r t. i tla out of a fat r the fircidc t ' '" " npeuuitr couw nm prt oic and the nurae wai dr.aiar liulc Tom. 1 , ntt. cknKM and aontinicenciea mr .but the room ioago-cart, myl7hH)JT.9 tPF """IT" t ,, m . " . . r he admitted that the human mma it In a fflhiw tratcne;i were in the act of , of Ure lmprevemenl . con. driBR lota nf them aho .ld KqupnlJf ,he .p,, ir, m (ln , Male K6..rui 7 ui u. ,7 .j.rc uta, uniic an artiit looking pern ogc, in the n r. ner, wit urawinjr a akrtch of the mot. a a i ley group around nimi the dra(V:n in the corner waa tn the-poiition of draw InghU cTjtUatto brighten ita blade, . and. corparai FUoijan, by bit. aide, wai drawing tbe trigger of hu piece "to try the lock j mlnehoitesi waa leia- u rely employed drawing her coogou ia the tea.pot and laaUy, the village apothecary waa drawing a jaw-tooth from the tweet mouth of the dairy maid. So, Mr. Editor, with your ac customed candor, I think you will al low my hotel, pn tempore, the polite .appcUAtion of a 44 aramg room." To MAKt SALT BCTTtlV. FRIStf . Put four pounds of aalt butter into a churn with tour quarts ot new milk, and a small portion of aroott.. Churn them together, and in about an hour taka out the butter, and use it exactly as fresh butter, by washing it in water and addmg the WstdftfaYytjiiantiry etl aalt. This is a singular experiment. The butter gains about three ounces in each pound, and is in every respect eqaul to fresn butter. It would be greatly improved by the addition of two or uree ounces oi nnc sugar, in powder.. A common earthen churn anew era the same purpose as a wooden one, and may be purchased at any put - ahop...-,'.,....;wl.. ; - It is common to aay, that a liar will not be believed, although he should aprak the .truth j but the converse of this proposition rqullv true, but me-iinfortuWare f tbat a mm who hs tsined a reputation for verarity, will not oe oiscreauea, aunougn ne snuia utter that which is false but he jtbat -would make use of a reputation for : YcracltyTtat fire trrthe temple of truth," with sf fag. gotTtofentrowherwrar raoaj tea aaTaaaaa . asoaetaw.. . Publisberx of new spa pers sometimes receive " qtwer letters conccraing th c Tttte oribmcol lowing note, pithy and to the point, was received by us this morning from the country: Jfnr, 1825. Sir : The paper which you send to this office for -, ia not taken out one of the. firm having run away, ' and the other I think not able to pay; f on hid better,- therefolreyifcTp-if ; We think so too. 7ff com l 1 '.v I f i r.v I Ma. I mtpM He somm" q,,,,r lUi Ma. kr aio fasM, il w7' mti fjf tw-l Mr ;ih f ii" I but those kshgd f tai. h t,Uu at a mMf af eafa, (Hat ti ilitiWi -otj4 It rttlttdi i o i4 wlu lbs! prttt ml fck It imptMe fpimi!f demands VVhh tbis U, I Mt lemmtncel lh, wib lU erpttsila Hit ill iM reslftWaaW Ike niiMtl will lead tktlf aid, aad ti1 iWlr Influetwei te Kcm pUs aa etiicl h whkb wry J ff ranf, itf'nirt, wtn (et deeply Utrtit4. Uitberta, IU qatatJoas bet Urn Mr diao4 i'an4 il hel weea pew kdkJ to M HcjU to well Ttrittf f Ibiia, fKst ikrf ippri Hnw room i 44 nj m 4 ia attijatt. .But It li U 4mj of f rf UtA a food f q traiMM. an4 af evart Natih farofiaUn, U Uth lnirt(J for IM tkir tr 4 K iiait,aa4 tHa pultikU prl.iUftial lit tifluna. to al aoorw eeM w rtli lit pfawnt ujn ifti CMJa coAtik utUw. A llit iwopla art tHa a! Urlilm.ia fgau! af twt a aa h U from ikim tb4 ifca corii!aiWal cKartar ofwkr wfcltli ikat lla i 44 1 t U urictlr contootnl to a rtpaUUan xr lt u W.VZ - art ni &rmminl. IK CtOfO'Ka l'0 i ., t..i . k .k. I lull V llUt lWH Mir.-. I firklid.) h people of North Ciroliaa afftv, uniltcnblr licicrfnUKd lo meet in float rnuon aal htm a cootutuuxt more (perfect Jhm th ;wtirctr wet mM tm4 r!Ld in 17701 al which lil a ori f . a - . l .1 . i... .4. ...j .! r it,. jimri Jij wMck.fe.lirc. . . Ike prtwni eoowhuilon formed vkca (ail countrr wit lnoIrd in r; al a time Hcn u cannoc b tuppowd lKi iKa miada ef the pcopla were h ibi atite of cool nd cahn deliberation, wbitb if aboloclr ncceturj lo the ie and correct formation of a tuie conttitution And bad the countrr be ca ia a t'ate of profound peace al the time the contti:u 0f uniTerul prace) better ouaJinecl to hrm a conttitutbn lhn they were fifty i ycara apa. In a atate of actual war. I ' 1 In enumerating the many rntrancei under which the people at prevent labor, firbt.nd moat prominent, ia, that of repreientalion in the General AawrnMy AecordJnr tf the preaentTttfo of repre sentation, a minority rules tSe majority of. the freemen of North Carolina. Thla it directly opposed to the fundamental prin ciples of a republican government; whoe maiim ia, that the majority mutt rule. This proves, incontestibly, that we sre in a atate of political vemlage; and that there is no other method by which we can gain our political freedom than that of a convention. 1 he Importance, there fore, ef this measare, will be readily ad fnitted;by eery discerning and candid pexior, t:o matter in wkat accttoa'or ike state he may be aituated. The convention question is at present warmly agitated in Virginia, and there can be ou doubt of its final success. Ex perience hit proved that their state con stitution i extremely defective; it wa formed at an early period, like that of North Carotins ; and '.hey arjnow de tertnined (as wVare) to expunge i'tTira perfections. Lucius. . July 1835. i rao raa KiTiowAi tin. Specimen eaAev explanattri, Dictitnary, xehick hot nal ntr nr vill be pklihet. -DRUM, a. (from lrinkl Over th By hW acaa over Hot Hijfh Pamleu Cut hhave.t- Jainm'd I)iiTiifd Damare ComedSniifly "wiped Smoky Cocked Half Cocked Jut o Unstf ady I on Heavy Fuddled H'rhGron Sma--hed Crank Skied Sal- ted Down swipesy How tare ve on rrte hrflurch Quite witty Gay All aula et Burnpieai Three sheets in the wind On a pree W ell under the way WctToWt to'TTv'e niowinjrt mil keeping it up Doozy Ma. kinft Virginia fence. RUM. (a.) Oh be Jovhil Oil or Jov The Comfortable -AuU-tuirinalioSomcUan(C tai drink SUmuIus OpodeWoo Eaay to Aatur The Creature9team of the Jug Hawk Eve Jonathan Obediah- our- noae off- Tangle Legs. . SOVEREIGN REMEDIES v For the -gout, toast and -water; whooping .cough, ipecacuanha i bile, exeretae-f-eornneasy-anoes ;otueJe Vila, blue , ruin t rheumatism, new flannel and patience tooth-Qhe, pluck I u out j debt, oraltc acid oye, roatn- mony,-" - ; RoaiTtts nniaf sriiira) enarRvtR . At a recent . Squirrel Hunt in thb town, the following number or tuad rupeds werakilled : Squirrels,r 466 j Voodpeckers, 48 j Crows, 36 ; Foxes, 7; Bobalinks, 74 ; Pigeons, 64; Woodcocks, 23 ; Hawks, 10 ; Woodchucks, 49 ; Owh, 4 ; Sk-unkir.12 Partridge I. 'Whole' numbers 784, '' ; 1:4 k; tU tnUt ImmUt IV fMUMlOl'cr. X. CIMOUXA 1 11MB . Wiwi Hii, mjttf.&r U 1 Mm U a-lt t U U mmtt4 im. atttnl f trti-d a the IIJW' A4 M, M uf eMM!(t af taia af4tMi, TW lrf4 kak Wa a,Ji k Tmf U i "( cr ai U l,i:tar wt Ar4ri aa ta fwaaaj a4 fW tM iWt witt aaart tiaawale ta aaae Urra ettwfcfeaf tm wa awe be eu trf ta Hmv ear. TW IkMat wUI k nmirl Oa ta af the amt anvre4 CImUt lalaia mt trntnM aWk the ajlnriUn hate Ua aM Maa pariiraW ifvf to. T(k 3 Va arpart4 f rh lpha. aaare tta to te taWfefy. The aUl be AvtiUd la inar a Claaara, al mm 'A k altatil f Iha who bf ana mm. Wr af aae af lh rrguiu laatai tia araaai blaf MrrUd for tHa ahaaa UJrl W la ab tah a eaatlHt and tWnl dcaiia. tiaa, Talrtf Dathrt par mmw, rtrn Ml ataaaa. ta be paid eiwarf aa advtara. ikat 4 m be baJ at Ta DWW aer laawtlt. Ta a imata af ta nmtug mwi an bck aa the lM Mv U iolf. ti Aal!L wiujam iionm CoAth aaUng Uua,ntn. THE eubirriarre brg ka la Wanna the rili. aa af aJUbary, at Iba pU al Ufa, that rVy ban cataaMtd tha ahota buiincw in tha Urwni lbtirr.aa Mu ttrftt. arit beaat tawth-aajt ef tbr )ail whrre Ihry a ill b t ..k am A mm .Ah. atas aa lha aWlai aaiira and aa4 rraMMabfa tana. Ihrf b a bamLaad a Jl ktarv Pia. nataad tt of aa fttat stulajr m any rf Mad ia tha par. Anv kitwt rrf rarriae raa h bail hv irihltn In tha aiibacfUf. th ha b alrirt aitra. t at ta amftacai, ta racvwe a anar or Matte pairanajre. lUpai.aaf any aiad will b doaa ia a a at and hjarfwimr rl. OnVra frai a dtwaae ill b IhaalajDv rrrrirrd., aiwt fa'tihrol? U eaifd,bythepalibVaHiwlla ffuwa, Uhry, ) Qrft, 1923. 63 IIEVELL TEMPLKTOX, nETtCTfl IXY ac)iii at their frirrxlaofivr I erritorira, eorloa'oa; the f aah or Prlart in ilitmrr and tbe public ftnrrallr, that any of thr ltT; (jat paai) vi!l aiett our they bare Commenced tba Tmheinw ri tbe Taihrinr Pwmnrtt In a new nop, txnlt fr the parpnae, altuated in Mini at real, next door emtthweet of Mr. C. Creaa' ateee, like viae onpoaiie to Mr. Ilwaui AftitotS t ore. and qiiite eanveaient to every fore In Tewwi a here they are better prepared tlian ever ta aeeommodate anr genttrmra w'rtb TaiUtrinr. and in the moat faaliioaeble and ne. teat atyW. Anf perMM wiahina; to vary fmm the prevaJla. fnmne of the diffrreni Katuis aa Vavw thrar ftaaiaa atutad by giving nceca aarv (fliretioiia. RrwtiU TemplrfM have pat themarlres to coaaHlerable trouble and expeaae for the par. poe of navinr a complete and laatinr catahhah. ment in thn plaor, for which it appeara Ha riti. xena have been long In want of. ' There wiO be no neceaity, for tbe future, of any gentlemen putting thomaelvea to the trouble ad inconve nience of going or aendin(r off to other naH of . the country foe their clithinr. when thcr can be eo'ially ai welt accoramorlated at home, where ther ret their own amport. .The nuh. Co lilt pkaae to recolkct, tkat all the inrrjiui. tyand taMe neavwary to our bii'incis ii not par. ucuUriv roiiCned to pne fct of chka or tiitrn-i-tlmt'TaIihtfrf haa wahaaet aivl we flutfrf p,,r. KSta we will mtabli'h the fact by the work which shall be turned wit of oar ehop for the future We hare become wihvriben, inminr. fiir ten yeara, to a cmnle cf rentlcmcn in lliilatlcl-; phia. Who make it ahuvneaito aeml the fsth.l 'T? i.?nT rT VnJ,e,A8:mtM: the ?Un complete, that snv perl umlerstamling it tho. ron(Wvranc! foaVirroriciiera;nuit.od prartice of cnttin?, and the treat art of outline; dtTercnt (farmer H tojrether, (which we boldly aort we rtol can rive to their eustomcre the KfTerent fashions with is much accuracy and taie as they ran he rot in Philadelphia or any other town in the I'nited Statea. We have just received the latest faahionr, which r quUt JJTereiit tn those of. season; Mcewiae, one of ua ha just returned from offa tmr to a number of larre northern towna, and nade it a buainess to go into a mim ber of 1 ailors' ahrma in each town, for the pur none of ifaminr all the information possible, an prrtainingto emr bttamewii' We hope, by pay ng that a'tf ution which our busincs requires, to receive an erjual share of public pammare. Wie "Kere return oiir amcere" thanks to those who have encouraged us in our line of busineas auice aur commencementjn thia place, We would be very glad to take one or two bojataihe hualnesa, who can come well rccoro DiefidcdTand BbtVei CnwyeiTlllTu.""t,' JiineJ,;..,.- , 61 .' Ordinance JDcaTtiocnt. iyahinrfn,4Jjune,8?3, SEA LtD. PTijp6saIi"wilt 'cTwcivedTy7this Department nntil the Hist day of June next, tor fumiahtng the following Cannon Balls, viz : Seven thousand five hundred 24 pounder Can- noir TJBBrttnohn)tf ;flrti:pchiwre, near Newcastle, Delaware . -., - Six thousand 34 pounder Cannon Balls, to be delivered at Wew4Weam'-:----"-Tsi.-:ilJ- ,irThe' Balls vt4 to be east tn irwn , wmildsy and lobe delivered aft:or before the.fiwt 4j,v,jof-Pc.J tober, 18J6. They will be inspected at the manufactorio, and at the expense of the United Statea i but tbey are "10 be delivered,-at'the places mentioned, at the cost and risk of tbe contractors. ' The Proposal should be made separately forj each parcel, and should state the price per Persona deposed to offer proposals win be furnished, on application, with the dimensions of the balls, and the rerulation for inspecting .them. GEQUBOMFQHDa ... . Brevet CoL tn Qrdrumce Senice. June 4. 171 M... I, ,a ;! i ", 'i. t; ) tk I a. w. W nun ta t ja kte K. f f.i .13 ta lU'r l.U ( At M U lva U U,) 7 (Mt ba aa Ii4 LwJLlt, A Uf tff af lUaM, To AttvYin t aMonlK BV iKa naad ii ftrmmft tr4 bf IXtwa faiaat aaUe the i4 af tba t, uira, OUAND STATK WHTKDT Of r-0 ti-Kt, I. TVa viala ta ba atWi4id a Oar Day, aa4 Ut fMauitahr taae ptatf Jf tkf t ef JUM. awaatiMt'lhafMlf. iiijtrriiKB 10,00.0 !J 1 EtiOOO g4O00O ! JOO " 1000 ' 10 1,000 J0XK5 100 , 3iCO 10 10 3,300 too :o 400 3)0 0 3.1C0 500 e 10300 4 10)00 ' tlr043 Fritt: 40j0no 77rirr. Z? 1 be UHmar af I Km irbaaaa, ftW aa tha laiofwtd MoiW.) U rfat ra-wiV. A'htnUtrrta U rrwaib tb kw raU af 7Via tba Inlipf rk a4nff4, aw f aa jfirab a PrittJ aad tbat tha Capital rn Tarty Taaaaaaa Wort, If of a BtajnH. tak hKKr no anptcvdatH fur aa amall a m lnflrl aKia aB. bearttr, ia the ttrimmtp a t4fuint H iraal aa iv hr tht panha of M twaaia aa to (aa (4aa4aaa i:c .N'umtxt.) aad li lla aaaa raita tf tats laiaiy in tha purr La ef a praUr awakWr af laitauaa aaataa. Hllt Trlrtt gl 00 I Owaraa gl ? Ta b ba. ia tha featrat aariny of NuiuWrt i (dd nd ea) at -.coiinvs Lurry and, X. Hi, .Korlm. itrtrt, fiuttl mi-T Wbrfa in ta'a tiaa f (lanaa, wra aU tl Oral Capital of WJM M,"t g,UJ 1 of 20.0W AJ.. 3 of 10,000 W hraiikf na lra than rwrrV ffot!$ of 1.-V0 Mbrt. &r. 0f. aaa arArrw om Captlkt "Wf At Arra aAiaW fJUa al ' ttArr tjlrr ia .wnVa. tJrn fnwa aov part of tha t'nlVfl Siilra ! aCcuatomca prowipt atlealKMi. Ailrraa ta i. I. CtHIF.N, Ir.BMmr. fT AdmtttTTr at a ilittaace mar at all tiit'a with confidence foraenl thetr Heniittaneea to rW Oft i fur if the cheme alwiuld be lraan when their on!era arrire, th amount m- rlotrd will be returned by the ftrat mail, or will he inverted in the meat advbable Scheme, neat ta be drawn rati ?1M OX tla 5th inft. from the nibarriber In faHa. Irurr, a cbewui! eoloreil Arte, tolerably larre, 7 or I yean obL blind of one eve, ail ff hta feet wbde, and ia branded on the left ahotil. dcr whh an 9, and aomeihrng'VHe not reeollec. ted. Any peron who will return aaM hore to the Mibatnber in SifiJiurv, or tfwt information he-e he ran be found, altall he well reco'mpen aod for hia trouble and evpenaea. HIKI'HKN COWAV. Ulnsn AVfttc. TO Dnijrgtatj,' Llilna tlrrcfuntt, .Country J Storekeepers, ami dealers in GT.uare. 21,000 (;roa Ajothrrarie Viala ; 15, 000 do. Patent Medicine "o. ; I0P0 do. olcer water bottles s HOOilo. Mmtard and Cayenne, bottles J 7CTO dr.rrn Qunrt hottlea i 5000 do. halfoallon r!o. 300 do. Washington and EaKtc pint flks ; 1 3000 Jo- V" E"C!e do. do.; pOUP dp. Dyolt ancl Franklin do. do. 20OO do. Shin FraukTin and Agrjcul. do. ; 5CC0 do. assorted liable. Ice. do. ; 10M do. common ribbed do. ; 4000 do. Engle, Cornucopia, kc. half pin: ; 4500 do- Jars, aasorted, all sizes ; 5000 do. druireists; and confectioners' show hollies ; 5Q00 do. drucKWls'.packing botOet, . aojrt.. sizes j 2000 do. acid bottles, ero. stoppers : W0 do. tincture bottles, sisnrted sizes . 3000 do. mineral water bottles ; 6000 do, snuff bottles ; 5000 do. demijohns, differ ent sites. - ; .- With a variety of other Class Ware all of which is manufactured at the Philadelphia and Ken sington tilas Fncfbrlei, indirt Quality and worlt- maniiup ta conairiered equal, and in many ot the articlea,-aoprior to English manufacture. - For nle bv - T. W. DYOTT, CernrraiSccaWW J with constant employment and rood ware?, by appl ing as above. Editora throughout the United States who advertise "for T. WT Dyott by the year, will pleae insert the above till forbid. ATttrrh l; mas. :. - MHf - TYiehty DoWats lltiwatd. "-Xl her, Hiving about five miles weal of Lincolnton.J OTnnff dav of May, a ncrro boy named -iriXmbout MO year of are, dark comnlexion. about five fret s:aiV-eaiRlii4ncTI . contiderabl y . sunk in his head he "has no other tiartiailar marks, except a aear on the inidelof his lift thltrh, occasioned by the cutof a knife, and several large wirts on hia face ; he had on (when laal seen in the neirh- borhopd)'a blue broadcloth coat and pantaloona ; he waa, raised in the neiglibochood of Petera-biu-g, in Vhtnf a, and it ia probable that he is trying .to get back again. The above reward will be given by me, to any one that w ill deliver Kirn, to me,-or Jo Bf$urehim in any jail m that I can get him arain. CUARLES SllOlX Juki ith, 1825. 4t69, Eloooo Pi?!? mu nr 7 fir it r t ik, "Hie . un M .-., I wUco, Wft'... rVr, l'rii. an I Scaler, were 1 a k af a r( Ki-49 eatn 01 wn ,m r.r,f u i a a the wet a wit cf tf ra!'0( - fnm MoWa day, k'ria'idar, an uar, f trace tne mmra ef fj day, , MonJafjTueidair, U'tdatJ radar, I rtJar. aslSatu'daf, ' Thur Cotton Ginning, fttllf wWvU fptfgBf kvr, fti eai 1 ckaai af Iba taaa af atrfa,fr. A . faraMfl aflat atva4JaHiaai, li i,. H U4 a tar .kW,31 by tUi i. mtmf Cmn-, ta ma ky ( , a4 W v ! aataaaw aaaa aae pat aof tiftom m Okaaa. BManetv Jf aarlct. Ha aaains i.ia jya. di have rbetr ewttae packed and pt ep ia 0j eaattet aaanaar. aad ia U kan at timw a. bU. aad aa the lawai tfme al aka ik.1 by ethers, lie aiaaaawrrvi ttiae wVaafada, tva ta bia Ca, tW a atH be kept pr'i eibera, thai tbey wiS be aare ta grl the caUMi rhey aead. IU baa bwatad aa4 bHa, etabUihianl, at b M4t llaatatioa, tae ai,, fram nauaftary. IK , Tfx IS. f74. 3 rUIL.Dr.WMU aW XKXSI.rjTU,r V.a and lioMa VatiotUt ft atatT. awW'iWr fcavW eaawaeJ a. rnitB JL mai aaaaafartara af Vkk, ftotttea, ie. aa H iire atU, U ta.W4 ta anpplr an lily of Iba fwlioairig (Wrirn of Apwaar. rW and ethee i;!aa Vrt Apheearka ViaU, from ana dra, ia aawte i fatwt MnUine Va!a, of every 4,,. ttoai f Wtara latika. airti r 4 rem half pint oe gaOoa i apetia LWiK w,ia laoqwreti tere, waoa ae ie i(, gaol IMifrwti' fVVUg floKbt, -.U 9 at row moutba, tn half ptwt to taa ftfiu, Acbt fWtlee, tb ground atorrpetvrt:i! Dam;.. fraa aa Ouart ta toe" rxJLm' v anirtwnrrw tatrw rwurt, anc pTriga , fickCng a4 trarraaf Jtr. nrfn tamed amtnrnj. from KaV pint t me fV , Quart aad half gajnn bot)ri M abirn, Fayette, frank)in, afnp fraathn, Afrm.Cvii: and Maannk, Camncotka, American TirV. ami cotamoa Hh5an4 i'ackrt flAi Whs M'otee, MaataM -and Caaeai a Vrfr finalT, fllacking awl Ik rWtVi Wi-hi. other dearriptiua) of 1"U! and Hortkl n.adt w tvflf t Wta MtaJnB ltOtbjfeW WT'we" W V. if. XlfOTT. north art rornrv-af reraai and Rare erreeta, millaiUlpUa. Oct 12, ICC . State of Kortli-Carolina, M$raoMtr eoinrr. CQVnX of Pleat anl Quarter Se".OT'. r. eaion. 18.'5. llerrv tela.noth r. Ann C. iroith. ilKa NiU, Jane T. Kail, and Ca'olia f Kail j ordinal attachment, led an Wndt. ft appearing that toe defearlanti ate laHttnaMi of another atate, OnirrrJ, that pulrititon l nn.le ia the MVnern Carolinian. pnnM h laliahunr, for three month, that i)e Ibe frmlanta appear at lha neat Court of PVu ar4 Quarter 8erowa ta be hekl for tbe cnuny i atontg ornery, at the court-hoe in Laarenra. vJh, m the 6rat Monday in July neat, rrj lrrr and plead ta nie. Judgment will be eutron) acainat them for the amount af tba p!aimi ilemanil, and the property levied on a ill m connemned and oi to hia rermrre. Teat i JOHN B. JUAltl ' Printer'a fee. 3m6J State of Xorth-Caroliua, iKtotit co'vxrr. ptOfRTcf Plea and Quarter Srn'ont, Mir V' term, IK5. u rat ley MeynoUla and Co. t. HoM. 't etrrnorr land : ortrtnal attachment, V- tied on LuuLand KaUuuticl tlohb rumoww x rarniahee in thia rxf. It annearinr ta the pi- Haction of the court, that Robert Weetmortk!. the drfrtMiant, lian abarondrd, and 'f not in tts rfite, it ,theTrfvrr fcred, that publicatioi W made tVr three Toontba ia.tbe U extern-Va. nian, that unleaa-the, difcndant appear at tht next mtvi to ae hebl at tha eourt-haiMe a tatcville, cn 'lie 3d Vmnlay in Auru't rtf. n l plead or tlrTur, er the plaintiff wiilhavt jutlgircnt entered according to hia demand. .'mt72 . RWT. flMONI ON.crk. State of North-Carolina, svr rorirrr. ar0rTt?7,TiaJ Quarter 9eiaaa lav J arfiou, A. I). 1X25 1 Nathan Chamn u. Joseph Sateri judicial at'achment, levied on land, SC. l appearing to the satisfaction of the eour, that th defendant m this eae ia not w ittS in the limits of thia state, it b therefore ordered, that publication be made for three anonths, sac-cea-ively, in the Wetern Carolinian, giving tice to the defendant ta appear at tbe tour-, houae in Kockford. on the second Monday ta Angurt nest, and plesd or demur to slid attach ment, otherwise judgment will be rendrml against nim Tor aaid piaintifl 'a demand. " nes Joseph Williama, clerk of said conr. office, the second Monday of May; A. I. li 3mt71 JO. WILLIAMS, c. e. .... JuKPiit tovsrr. riOUTtT of Pleas ard Quarter ks-wh. K James H. Houston r. RnOc" levied, fcc. It is ardcred bv the. crurt."to whw atUfactkn it appear,' that the defendant h removed beyond the bounds of thia state, that the aaid defendant appear at the next term " said court to be-licUl at the court-house m SttoaviHe,.on tbe third Monday m At'eust nest replevy tho property levied on, anil plead, l'" erwiae the plaintiff will be- heard ex parte an1 JiiajU(lrrrK-nt pro coiifeao. ii i est t K. NIMl). II T" . ,.-uu.j,ii4fiiu...rarvf,r.T-. S0UllT of I'leaa and Quarter Seaton AF' rmri823 1 ATexander F. pussel W. "SBgRtrvorlgitial ataebinentrledM' It appearing to the coiirt, that tlie fat' , not an inhiihitnnt of 4bia state, it ja 0iwV theefiure. that publication be made m the Wen tern Carolinian three months, giving notice said defendant to appear at our next court ot Plesa and Quarter Sessions, to be held for fnnntv nf PiIuitiii ,1 tho rmirt.koupe in CC1' cord, on the 3d Monday in.July next, to Kp'f j vy, plead or demur, otherwise judgment-X" . be enteaed arainst him, and execution awarded accordinglv. 7"tfAC0a3AN;TT'."T''" Pfinter's Ice, 4. - jiwuo .A. r.-ivfi'- ' - - ,L,-

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