mi 41 Ai X 0.i.uJj. w vv". ju. . . QU VI.) HAUhllt IlV, N L,: vlV, At'UCST J.ltlJ, (NO. :C3. ifl' J hi ii nr 1JIIUMVJIITJV 71 t af il rn CwUIm 41 K f ' rfrW.d!, (ft'-pl J tit U W ) IKU U a Mil. , .. l.iartaarnwntft a-21 tat t ..I .! ark ar,ain.,arM (avr. . . - 1 , , , i I i t DrrxK tV UnU)i. Court rr im0 groat Afuhrxarks Vialii If ; COO 4a. Fated MrtfUJne do,i ,1000 do. CbJojr water bottklj 1300 do. Mottard Ixxiktl 30004a. tLf rUoa WOO roiomon ilbvd da. 4000 da. Ejk'J ('vinjj rum ihwv 1 1 w v rv w i tft r nil iiurirt I - 5000 !. miner! ir Im Leo v . u. i i mi KjI ni. Miliar. I Writ rmj tl ?tt CUw Wtwj n f hie 1 . aftMlii I Jam rxlitfiM. kMl k 0lltt ual rt. stwhip ki f nidrTl ld, J M My ef I J Or Hkl B . F.Al"l . i aSft . O . ' M . .ft.tt!lll!Mtort pir mrn in kxtt? uii hjtomi. - I 1 1 Oft - l . . . . . . . t .11 i in" . PMttAHTA fHl i mmJ m'AUtilUV tterxtrt teak:, ti entiled lo wpplr Mf jin. Hit ( the WIo wr dcKrtptkm of ApotlWtv ft V -ft . .t . mrr una piner ui-i n are j . 4 AtwMkMarV tlivit. from mw Art. Is 8 -- - ( - . ' .... - ' . 1 . M . t la , ntkn . hm !wuV. I tarrvv wxxiiu, iirai uau pin iu nv 1 Ac'kI Ikjltle. H! irround toppri Carbnjr Diujlmi, from ie rrowt t IWm T'JI.'eCtlqrlrTi'Bbow llolk-SlxIptwrTmfilo.t X-ickrinf ! - frvMnrior Un, ttrwgbl t4 .r: tnrnf d BTtitnpi, fhwi h p , f1" ' Quart aad half plloa IwtVii Wiimpion, La yaVette, rranklTn, b!p Frinknn, AfTicultanJ . and MaWtc Cornucopiii, Awrlew - Eajle, "and eoranto) ribband Focktt XlaW Vater, MuaI tad Cwreno Iepper DHiIe i .SMifTJIlacVintf and Ink JkrtUe-Witketerjr eihecjUichptM) T Vla and IkKtki mJ I " rUfw the mewl rtnonbJ ttnw. 3 T. IT. Dl'OTT, aortWaM corner of fecwnl ndlfcc KJtm. niWtlphia. t-Ort.jVim. . I . ft .t -J" ftA ftKllnMA Statooforth-Caroliua,; .tvir,covrr. - , COrBT of Meal and Quarter See it, Maj action,' A.' IX 1823 r Nathaa ffiaffiii rt. Jorp!v Siiter i jnilicial attsehmPnt, lericd on laud, lie. It appeai-isf; to the alidi.c! ion of the cort, tliat tike defcrdMit la thi c l not vitlu In the linritaof tMatateH W ttartfof nlwd, s, lk nbltcaViuU ttmnU bt .tbr- JtuntUa, wt i earc!'. n n VeMcrn Carqlinrart, I fclvuifr'n' . tit I Hi defendant to appear "at the court- )oum in Kockfbril, on the aecottd hUnitt in -Anpwt neitanl pleal or demnrta uid Hiach- ,' ment, otherwiae judgment vill he rendered ; aipumVhim for laid plaintiff demand. Wit- rnm Joseph Willjamt, clerk of laid court, at ofTice, the aecond Monday r May, A. U. 182J. "C P .1mt7I JtrWILLIAMS,-F. tt- ' ! iHtrttt ttivvrr. "1p0UnT 6rPUa 'andQuaer Sewionv May IJ'ttrmi 1825.fwe nettwtmnt Kobert t. AVetmorelnd : Oripnal attathroent, returned Ixnrvl ! II U anlrtwit hv the COItft. 10 wllOfC " MtijfttCtion It ppVairihat iKa'dienda'nt'ial ! mnl Krvmul tli kotindv of. this utate. that the nid defendant appear at th next term of -atd court to be held at- the courjt-houae. in .Rtatesrine.on tiielluM.MondajJn, Agutnext, .replevy tikO property 4enc4 on,, ana p.ciw, v- erwiie the plaintiff fill b heard ex parfe aud ", hare judroient pro confeaao. - 171 Teat . B. SIMONTON, Cl'k. TwtnU maWoi-a iUv.'wA.- m . . , ... J.t ber, (livinjf about nve nuici r I InMlitnn.l on ID 4D(n r JJILU about yeaji oi 1 1irV rnmnlctmn. ah 0(1 1 five fuet MtuiUral.. auuk. Jn hi neaa six or eieiu unaiv" -1 AaaiaaM s.Siaa naa no lier.wrtieiafntnarfepin'Y ni ilia n.;,u , . in ihiirii. occiuionca o sa3she-eatf x- knife, atkt eevei tars wrU n iiu;c UC UBUOII VWIICil iinjni" r " ,. Whmvt ki... K-.i,iM.rtk rt nl bafiUIoon , ha text m!u1 tn.ika tioiirtihurhuoilDf. ,.Pctera Mrg, in.VuifSnia,and it n brobobl that he r4inf to jev back agamA The above reward -wall be jWen by me, to any one.that W ill deliw , ud to me, br to tecure him n any jn.l m that Ytr ttftU . or Went. rimr. kWJr U a.- rl tUt Jt 11 PcHi-w. iVo- ra at! kiM. L. ika lrw 1 Wr a H . aura mm rnflia lv-1 laa Lrbfra 1 Ml J4 I Of M, WV Ml V " m4 ni lot MM WlUlWIlii k WH tekMrtaat Ml (tart alutllu4 U faaaukaLI kUftaL ml r.im'nl T"l", raw. llWf frt ay, L IMM .ID . - ft . . . a 1 t . t fmaJry m4 LitftMk, Utng 4 Jm Am Mi far,! II fMI tMJ ktTM, kMM. a at . 4 . U !., Jt 'xii .i)km4 Ttl m'' Imjp mm of ciiifrrm pnM immw;!) MVtjrt. AO M - - j - - . - w. ' Tri -fWPryMrft-n U .Ua! utlni la ikrviM IM HfoPCftf n ujr7 kontnf woBtt Ittneutallnn. mirr. Can&HMmiiiB LtnltJar tUMUnz be ttml fnnutt-, AO pemt Mlx ' . y & . . i a ft yhjy (xiMM-t or rn nrm wm o ptriirii ny ..... . ..ft. ' J a. I . I DrMf. M UKHOXH I Mkl HI. IcmU umI grifA Jlchartr. I.C'Jjt'JK Rtrti k'it nott Mocrltitnka to lb lSc In tvneral, fee ft urpr,.od uiionu. Uuim Stock of 3IcrcliAndizo : . " f AtWtBOf l1t, lieb IT cW. on, and hicli he ofif tor kf upon .v. trrm. at th aiand mrnu rtr ecuDied by AHeiBong 4 Lockav allka ao-ih cW,ofbeourt4K,e. . oho patrooue bun oui pauaBuv.r, edrtd they taayorpeDfl,uuieerTeieriiw-imiimpuciuy i f - r r - hw pJtwill be uted H gf gtnerJ aaiiaCicitoo. TorftaVt, -a tff Jtouat and Lot la the town ftf ill ahabory, oppoiit kr.Wifc II. i...4iMa tin. c ntertainment. ia a frieiMlly IMifUOorUOCa, aou ram mnmj i u buiitc la lw rtoriet hijfh, ; with four 6 re pUm ik. L.-. atnrti. kivl too la tile UDPcr t the houae i largo and onowa'ieiiir M a kUcbca, nnoke-oouae, eorawe, aw " excellent nrdenmnd tack lot, M m gooa re- pir I oiH diapoi ol JM.axroe on wo mm . ... aft. .. .. au-t. . . . . . ana deterttined to mnore to the eountr n-xt laJL w I. - attn MOTtiakt all Bertont who ha anv .Lmli .n'mmt m. to call and rtf fire their pay i and tbute a hn me, by book account or others 5r, will do me a favor by calling and Xno Leather and Good Shoes ! : RBr.KRZr.R WCKSON beg Ware again t ..b ik. .ii.Mlnn nf tha nublio to hia ShoD. He ha joH nxeivt-d a auppry of the Bret rate Ittfhrr front 1'hiladelphiaj bich fc k prepared to make up into Boots and Shoes, " of the most durable kind and newwt etyle. All peraona who want Doota and Sboea, either aa a. WI.V fM aalHd that CK1? CM i "j , ha-e them don at wy ahop. iront leather jm . . . t I . ftk!a.M an iLnrfll f- i .. ..a in ih. -Minirv. anu in vitic w olinju 'JidieV fino'eRoei made a nextUnd; et. rant, and more durable, than any in the atorea. ! j tender my moM froleftil acknowledgmenfa ..vm.miiii an.iai n an biiiiik iu nui v.- to the OUbllO lor WO liocrai aupiimi. ft" . . . . I . : 11 alaiaM ft. airlift lIV i ,. ami .ill alvravtbe eauauv oiuirnu a"" u,v . . 1 . . tEinlluTTuf'fumjf Wun,tilliii m 'e.wwy" new work, oy in payment ror ow wotb. - SotHbWTli t o-J. . . IM'"" rHAKEN op and committed lo thk jail, on B . ... a.L'. f i I i . at artlal JB. ina iui ea "ii nni "".T" i mvi hi. name b Lttttr, about iw-oty-ono yeai old, aa ke y, but took ither cjder, U of a . aLi 1 C. faal 7 nf S mrhfl b gn, toieraoiy chum. v-..-. - - LjinMM. wl WiHnr. of J-io Jituc "c,v"2 ' .. '. n.. - aa. t. niitit to comefortrard ind prw bia property. Pyhar. gei,and uke bim away,otIieruo.h wilt D l ..a.' .a ........ .til ,, . . lit.. I'mn , lliim ll II i. iilnn dealt wiin aa ino iw wrenw i - Wanted to llire, i'- .a.. 'A KEGBO woman; ti"a1)oue aemfrt, for V whom uoeraj J price will be giveh. I , ; apply at this office. ....... ) ''-v. ;i . 57 . i" 1 further information, apply at thi ai a w tabu itMiU fitl y iVt WrtT ti ti-l r avivle d . . br tMM Imi rt'w,,ft r,M -rlftl l-. t)m lata aJitffiar ttitt. tw ab'tw av t.t. Uea af pU4 rW ale tya at UnJ U U M eUUI VMiy, Uk m eM m if-MjM ti jl apdkA rae, htV Mat tlU4LU m aJLkt w MotWv TVe U Ut' U aiUMif rrad.n J Wf-r CaraCMaa. a4 M U . a a .a MJrtlM f Til-iriri1iaj Miflict bU awa Vol r m arMalrVMjc ut1 J)M. MftJ - - II. ... T ifTvimf bus ftr iharvlVi eM M repnj Iw pUa) ad " r Mmtwr anlJn.il aaiititi aawH tUk aWJ U !f airUf Mr cWfr M mnUl UuL W,tffinwmni i.i.ciy o fUW W . . . J m . - ft - - -I" . I h a u .a i . ' . m a m . . virj imiw tn M MKMOsml Aflef ttolaciiW. at rreat intcrl. tU aV. rot lk h tew 4 la rtofiMralUa iwrtraa. Uft mm la llftl .lutU. ft ! . - . . . ? .-j ft. m -Ty Will ftp frvVVUS I .A iIc:ioa Vw-jfjli.t-alnat dor Tft?sfti-S!!, frtt.tltut.l, la ff ilii tkw. W rrtilM. I ill htrEt taa el our ltd. It It mtU krvAn, thai tot roof ttun eot-tMrd of tbd freemen thrwjtk out ih ut of Nonlinnt voted for Pre ik!ri.l ind ftom Ho did vote, cr Oftle ettcbuLIe IaiaTOr tf Ih Fco ple'i Tkktt, Mlo href. do (at they wldl the Cmcoa." 8 A can aar aar that or-iibird, or on ioujh,p( tr- poo r the ptofilt t -Thryfr wt ta popi, Id t FcDullkan toraVt.etit, her a ma jority bear rulo. . AHrt i ij be akej M ffeni whfl-. and Im WOT), CI 4 ! eopl4! Tkll derir t ortjr? Whrii I IIC f III'UIHWV Con(rct)'oor reprtvtatltti therr bad but It fartM-trU f Jn them, unpoaing lhf wert bound lo tak F t am . a . i.. B...M..I .t'Fbi'iMi eme nn in it for tbrir ruw. out inrnK.q at i fed not ht nott ft in at - dhpotiUo in iuttifv oar reDreituet 10 rooc act. vill now mppok that all lb vote of lb atate of onh-tiroita had been broucbt rrfiMna either UiuuKwi jii- ft.-I,..kt ml In. ol Id inrt carowa.-a .-- kouM bylb nectoraJCoIkrl woow TWiiutfKi to conform It. In thli cart, hare oen tne vm,pnm .V":f: q. baa tney.p mirfvm- (w... -them by tha Coiuiltutioo, which -they vera bochd. by o-th, ta xertiaa for tb Mnoral eir-ra' arlhoUaUod State, h.ib.r It contUted viib the will of tbeir PDBBt itneotaft or lOt Vk.".aavatho COtiatltUtioB ? 'TfOm tha peraotja havio; tha Wgka umbers, not exceedin,; three, op the i B.t oTthoaa votefl for PrwtdetH, tb Hoaao f Rep. reaentativei shall cAowc, immodlaUly, by ballot, Proaldenl." - Mark h. the kou$t o rrftrtmitUi W A-uT rwwr.- n pw nf tha tiardt of the people 1 they baa ncA th tlnctinl hn n Ih butinealj ana in peopic vm ..! iia henaa of RiDreaenUtlvea, by lb authority Of Iht Coastitation,to f Ao PrtWnt-for hita ,auwudz w xnc cxprtst Utter and 'spirit of thia sacred injunction, the representative is aolemnly k...i i. aaaa that one from tha num- ftPVlillll - ft." ber submitted to bis cboif wbo, In bis own judgment, it best qualified to till tb chair oi tba unuea ouieii wwuir . ii .v. k.iiu with 49. ti. or 41 otet. aba cterio not, men, do my constituents wish, me to do -wnat aia. ,k. .t.i. n( Vorth-Carolioa with me a. - tb do of rhat does any-stat. or aU,th staus" W the Union, un me w . Tk... M nm tha nueitlona which should then come nome ta;theittdgm4n4 conacitnee of the represeniauvo. a.u., u ivkn Am. th Conathution of ' my countryito abick I nav owed aUeglahce, jflmanrt of ,,mc. l.aAJEfflM?r. eiPHiaiui mi ii lira iiih,ij y . ai.i... -tin lfara I im bound equally Id promote, detnand. til ipI-- 1 o tpotfi jreeably to the clearest light of my own understanding end in the purity of a-y own heart, as in the presence or kaoaiieci inp the kmi of awful riponubilu;t a President for the uniteo oiaiea.. D..f.. .LiUna lia at tha foundation m vuuiai ntiMVM XT71i,ttts;f5 i" iher ire thr-lorrtt4 boast of our JUommonweajmi ",xJH,T1,r mwrrinT-Trrre-will. W a. pUlifi4 ? 19 a. a. . .- !.a.A.a br desthuta of tlloy j y oatarere, ner at v er can, l to conoucj ou ua nv dan ger nm&M tthAV0: ainefwi irisy perrert tnero row aC .aiynrttnit. anainat OtlraclveS. ' When all have powef,it ia diBkult to ''miioaRaJt ..ft I J . J . .....nn Tk. IWinU. Willi Waoni aou uiai. - I--J " lam ara alwaa 'honetK but hot always right i and may b led j. NoUwg kirdlf fuU C-mDP lfrr.a. m lal fW of Coexreta, raaae fr at) ln U prtvaal aaaakiod frota miaUf them- aJ -' Tk t-ij.l r too tail!; akiMad d tavaa) kM ckan; Tk det!rala b Luld tl Ike Uii,. MtJ is. .U U Ia ft ff. ft ft.. ! ...... . ea, i i a fuiu 01 uo koca they I tiaC la tkair ark,' : Tko fMonlo f aaidl ' . . . . . r-r () Saifilar (. il tilkvofinf i llu 4ii 4Uo kaflt for their r--trt ttvd U Ik ebu." . . tt. ..Ift f.aa . aw tut vuaoef, out Mar, in (04 Uue. okaiker bralitlo u? poli uc. Il M to a tar i clood rWny; o tk ailni of our poTakal korlioo, ft .-... . . ofwwBM puricaic-Ji taty locrma lal kM of oar covarfry. ll u tkal tk Kr of ofaaA- AWofev. 1. UroiAf la ika kfati f tot ol oar cidaeoa, akUk aotklnr Ut furor deieet,- feta anrceta, oli as !. ! I IILI. . ... m .. . t-od alik Ika feeaenl alrn)aiuiwa. I fl-i.. L. at. .ft I .1 .1 ke loeltnrioa pteadt ika cmim, tk twpaa la ba KX only ode retarding in wry fatrblrl!.jtw! "!" V1 f ff ti t ' . f f .t a ' a i . - . . ...l : . . .n . i of Ik member, that may La U Coarta. ..... I IromiaMOUiOiOogMiaMBTarotiaaiii tha commoa caot f . aod a4 -w . a. & v.a.aft .a ill ikea aopport kirn.- Wkal do aD ike-a me.a f Ul commoa otoa an.-.r. t ol Prt dew b Wf7 Bui I eooudeoile Iraot. that La ako tltt Ufa at tk balm-that excellent mm i t tt. .it.... i. .iJtotT.tkatlanWthWMprnak,Ikata ass ii dcii in MiuoaxBii uKf w in .. . ... I eafjioei, anc ta urn rn iu nauoa ai Urge, .IH reer the Mel b aafeij, tod outrua tne atom. Be admooIUied, my fellow-oiiMua. RepuUict bar been, that ara no laofc. uu cautea am ever produce ... lik nrta. 1 k KinM rommnnanUh , " 1 fall fiom th pmnar I of greetnett. to thel loweat didk-wkT--'owr: r1' we.Uh. loiury, tffefnlnaeT. atw rau; Oon of har tod. commm.we.uo ma tct ba at igmin-t in tumerouseno aa that ooxa wil.' lielt. M . a. nnd derelkUon of . j , IH Uling BilU If U L n!k.hU aald. In ber ftrid and atluf- ficiencfi " I H uoea ant. anau c o 'a a. . . t . f . a.II.M aaaB torrow." giV IM paaaing In lurprlt wtd borron i thia JJabykl f - a a aa 9. ' " " 1 Alall bowUihtlaiieai t ... ftim ika lita of timet nd may not. th ij com, boetr far off, wbe a. a.y . ia..ait.r ma naxa that embence on ..fct.H nr.- Tankol now atandt t shed th .... r ftma o-er lia mint I end uyi with a mlitureof pW ano astohlthment, la lhi Ifaarfwi 1 one0 Bt w llom erty,and the prlda of tbe wbote earth? Tbat Providence that reared oar republl- ,.n .ifire. ean eaat it down with a Uwch t .ul in nronorilon 'to'its Valuer Twturts mesnt fo support If It k the duty, then, of every cWien. tepractkatkoao irtass, which xay perpetuate our national Na sings, and avoid the causes wh'tch way deprir tit ol then. Pray, frefjoentlr and unrenuy, me great Father and Lord of all, whose Pro- . - ..u .a.t ..ttaik down : viuenc raic j - u-i. .in.ih ICtny. and shall forever I who hi crowns, sceptres, ana ail numan government! at hla sovereign dispoaal, t bless you and your posterity, to the Utest and great latbr oi our country, w t'.A kU rnmmiiaion OB th table 6f Con grass, Commended his JeHow-oDkers and soldkra to tba patronage and protec tion of the Uodol armies, ana mo ,. Stare ta his holy keeping. -- cia.ii.. n ih mn of libertr enligh- 1 in.itij ,. ... a... ..it., .nd h loved country, until IgU UUI tieat" m.. g, thenstural sun, thul now shmesto the fir- ahall droD from his aroit, ano u l. 4 i..rn rliirkneit." .. 1UU1 Uiai WJlPaag-J.-'ataga- g.rai,....,, i . i p. . la ia. "BO IUIIISU iwfut petiooV whleh will put - an and to this changing, reikis world, may the propitious Providence oi a w my-wi rfhe a I wall of pre arounatoe ..wniteo States of Nonh America, " and the Cbrt b theraidst. , July, 1835. I. J TI .T-T, TT-tT--- r - '--I 'i -i -j' j ' ill ' VI ' That ia, yea and Governeur Morris would ... . L . .. .i..ft ik. Puimta an their W KB me 41 appeal r r--,T- .. . own wowt enemiciLafld ar. not Rl tota tau4ed ".t. auin -,.vrnihene Such pohUcal aa. ey wetwn?4 abcrba to, ;i ...; ..... .,ft...nii.mn haareeentlvbeen made ...AUUIIIlLf'""'! . f, .1 ta try Isaac B- Deshe, son of the Got. Ol Kentucky, for the murder of Francis Ba- . a f aaaliaakllllO . Jhl t.... kitia MU.ir.t trk Ilka imiira.l.lH,PWllT'v obtaining a Jury, the trial is postponed the next iJUrtiaoa twcuii yvM tnt tlltt tvnfiri . Tk Xi!lefeJii f40rt t,f id llik ill. Maifi that Ik C-la c oramUtU. m had reiurftad trtm tU Coubdl M! t hklko Irxiunt t Rrokro Am,ao4 iSat tlanaral tlaa kul .ai ivi A.i.J I ft ff.-.l II. I ft. . I.. L - ft 1,. ... .. uw aM Ifleodif rrtar. r - It t bit Tax!it'a Biwr rati ' f (H k(tr cf Cot. Troi3 . ikl RrwrU j A-eai ao fv.nk lo r-k of Mj. I Aadrwva taiwir ImmedUitly rUui l...ft . ... . wue vvomci raucr of in turner i I mJif Kitefltofy loformi ra, Mlh i m too wuir aiTMimic, i aoi icofMU. nrift. i... I .ft.-.T.at . i. r m tatcrtowrtM) txrvee Jfmr roer. nmlf t -igiafid." Jj I L. . . ft ..!..... .. .. laaovoi bo inienoflrn beinrt went, I u o m to dlKbir my ti rtaftnJy, ac cordlaf to Ik fktilct of cotmUoca, and U th bftf f , HfnM"l wvd If I am to ka dd4 to Ika Cat of lk peeMcrihcl, lor lorrrpotinf Ift. l. !.ll .f - - - - - - . . ,k devrvciioa of man, oWttcd to ta ' rMftjIaVaBltaftJ! Brt'tia.a m kftv4ft A Irt.l f atJUff but w ib loyiiii nv tuui Mikvcr m ! I " titf rigkf ta Ja ak Itf 0 Au4 A ioaUhafaOja HjmI. llkl I AM ivui v w an w ifu aaxe nifvf aati w wa a arn ra ' . . v ' i..,f.rf- t.. - f-r tl lk" CMml-iUoiTf hatw proiaioo, aa iay mt. w ... mm- , B" '"P"1' 7 7 Ii . i hi i L ";V sttmmiAgt torrtst of cormptiao, iia- - '- "7 - Bai ' , - .! i t no allutlon lo or r.ieeliervf r. lor I aln- : ; 7 '. I J btlth th. umt pron b - . . " "T:"'"?r . . "i . Lvi,h ..... v.,.il... ... rr.iu im . which lOurEtcellencr I la . -- ' tooKquctx of your oOtdil I B ftw. . aa .a.. . i ALU - - - . - rn .r-l of a ktltr, fratt . .1 .k ik aditori of tk '"V'V.Jiru ,.6r.lort. of lk. ......v ... w.fc . ,utimA was tut tt I IIW lW, IVW, w a. -a - la -a a. i . 1 1 HA aklaaaa a. ...aft, . tdge or. and naa aaameo ia making AStvtr, va , 14. r..tirmt 1 Hivlnr roclied bforins-. lion that the commuoicaiioo I msda you respeetir.f tbt deetti of Gersl Mcla-r loabi had hurt the minds of msnv of tnt fritnda, bectasa I M trnrted bis 0estn . Wim Ika Vaaa.lk nf la that ka aided ' la making, you will p'.esa t We Ills a place b ftur ptpef IBM ina.auuioruy hsd (or tny assertion rnay be Icown. Dnrins; the alttbf of the Council al-Bra- .' ken Arrow last July,! told by the UUe4.Sutii:ltttgrprcttr thai;-Hw: roskins; il death for any Chief to coweirt lo aall land telentun to toe nanon wuo out the.copaetit ef the Chie was passed, ' or as I am now bT6rroedT repwad-Mi-Shortly anerCBUlj.McIotonto,,0f. the Genersl, bfrnid me In ray house hra f now lire, that there was such t law pas sed. After the tppobtmenl of Ih Trea tr-wkkh-ve Ivei4)4iklacbr.lajaft.l4 converaation with him. be than ebsemd no lands would ha sold in onwutKa (I understood him) of the law. The lit tle Piinc spoke of it in iaj house at tha law of the nation. Soma time last Au gust there was e freat ball play (on tha tahhaik iavi in aieht af th million tvorjiet-cveral haadred Indians ,wgj said to be present J before tne meeting cnusa r.-n. Mdntoah rot un in a carriage and proclaimed the Uw and that whoeter broke 41 tnuai auner uetpi-m.'.,,.'.;, ni itAi.ht. of i ho existence oi tne law. IongTafore rihe roeebr"of 'Wr Ctt Springs, and tbattose wan wcr nico were killed by order of the Chiefs for violation of that la. Yesterday I atten ded the council, convened to meet oen. r.i,.-a and JkLai. . Andrewsi aeiirBylh President of the U. States.- In ansyef to tba General's inquiry why oen. aicin a.k ... nut ia death, the Chief appoin kvaia w- a. m . - - . ted to spesk bformed him of the law! propotad raany , yetrs fgo , oy that ii was the law of ihe Nation, (bat, Mcintosh broke it, and that tha Chiefs oTdertm-4a--4aAilk44ew4 h nmUratoad th Agent wss . cnargeq . t.L .....j .1.. L. uiA iki aaent wil in- ftaeantliia i , . I ... f... k...Llna Ih. the Cluets naa it uouv fcrjs; UUmi gentlemen, tvy. If you' would live comfoibly, aHtri whistle or laugh whUe jrour wife is scold ing. . - A ':: :. :'- "i-'".ri.''lv ' . .- -'.' - . '-.:. l can Kef him again.) W CHABLfcS Dtiuu jbyfrtia--ijl-tl qit.aaajft1JBl'Jfc'lliaV.ft W&i.-iyuaHar

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