tftf Jttt it Tit V'.tti' "i J:-r'. itC.nM f i. "a4 it (.fh I Iain's M il gM f' ' t A4'W fur, mt' 4 ut, jjy ! lS)r Ik a-rrr p.a'wd ivl dmwd wi C cii f ten ,t MM4 "d cI ! n4 V tsl 'b e vltiUe aUivat, g akkh it ff;;il. Il iw ikrodlt tr ty le the 4 Internal wWftU'Wwing. Ikf pi lit,"' teal tl pevWhJf H HH 19 IC U lM Cdetf. ';, A ddr wel detjufad tf lk Ceitki cf the Aikn Kr, U We ,M6tif ibU CiweralU jn bhkJ,t' . " " CcMr4 U TijUfti . TinM Jht WkJteWl Kittm p'tMtl l yea lit ! AtBtrkae, Star, whkb feat awcciufatfr . dtbrvi,kid Jvf In (UtiMU. VUh yet l cowvty lit r mWtWi 1 IVMtti(ru way arcatk!'? .Ny on ,b trauful Imi f kft WhUd, it loEn4 leaf the tncheks f ccuniir wkkk a ate Ufad I WxraJei 4 aJso. r frfSt Mill U, "ffwt TtUt oJ taUoe I WjUa."?. 4 Cement Uaytttfi .Uiwer, With tk proud feeling f AmtA i Pa'rloi, 1 M tojojc d your Wt rati mcim iib h grateful frellnga of I m let? ttW cmt4 bi wo w(kom iWi x grailMng. Meed, b3 offer ed frbr iWbtudiofihe Ire ildor. fi kail U naovt carefull td IWlr pre eervid. ! Uf gentlemen, UI a a pi. aid InhII Jo jue rompenlona, tW (0if)vlilltOM Ihr thtrka nd IW god w)bfef veteran, btstMU M ic nt rxnto lrt k&4 5lof S Rlt!-H Trwlt .tm a pofo l ctqWtritl frnwrni lto fc.qolnccu with hotn d fornwt Wrn en ttrniit-f fikftH'lp. rem r wr pofxoi rni K gruln lai U'uei ThK om crt w'yWftd for good la Nw York. FtiUt!ihU til Ritbui.d. Put frud keiu iupccleJ, rofy of lh go 'tt Mt fioill delif tti t Brown bd H drte. llw pirtbr, nd tony of lbon bkb had bcn deliftrtd lo lleudrcc er (oiriMr ln from hit boutc by nob. llvndrc f i then committed to o'bitt fc iwlndlim; frert wbencf be con'rWed lo make kW f tmpe'i and hai dhppcwd-llA Mr. lie" elnwbtt ta wr ltrio bt bootBut, lobeaf !b Vil tod ucb, of ib odiin of thetrtemtion. ; . tlaztit.- -- - - - It la Tiled lnll New-York piper, that lore workmen' who were- en(rRed dipRln a U foe i new hoi, t the corner of 'Piyette treet end Wtbm snuarei New-York, dtKOerer t the depth of JO or.lJ feet from he urlce,a cloiedrchd.ait or brick ork, which orx-ned. wa lrtind lo corlin an lrantheM. with conWeraU - iim of in ViTlii ,iKi ailrre. Report "'He aifft nt ttfir. torMr. 4 ky a aww fe rM If k Ix. fc-f, aJ I U f-lr 1 if twiW ImI al lU IM h(wr4 ilW4 Ike wad rti ae iwdmi ti a otewMtf a4 U lim ml Imm U dmrbj,m4 U k 1(4 U f Vf ir 1 14 U tfa wmtJ a4 1W4 MpMt a tie rVj c A etk gW rrU,JJ DC4MM4 t II wtWk b Ike fwtWMMki a ' , L cowax'.Iw. JVi. Mtiwf, Xif 21, 111). K, E TW CWjy, h tk tWUi, are ap iHf mAUti M atu4 -vl Vt.j.Mf, U I In III Vl at, U k. ,',.1.1, ar!r ! U4 M Akrivf iUm'tho: T M ! ftiili ediiH llka JVd raif!. w f ! U U( (tiUtiw kf tka.Ug tod JlH, riJt!murii HII. k mvuU04 ike trta. ik ike tUw N4t g ate Cjcu ik iklfji f. fW 1 U (4 Ik 7f wf (III, arecwftcL I If tt'tlti l 1 fill Al! Kiftl'lDrlelrg P -w,ki fi ui II o'ltMk il e i r lal Vr. In A kaU t"MMii A riLUtXCJUCMT. A ercifmmaial kfrw4 wa ibal M U fIk kMkMai14kawtW4al klMMin, tm mnig a Uw aM l lk tare f Mr. Cvm, aw flmtiftf ek, lit waa pf4 Vf Hr, C. aJ 4n, ad ruk 4 fe frw Mi J. lUrpa km4, Me a rMp, kwe wkkk he Wk kiwiraAtf kalUftdh ba dWt tfj, taktwg k iiHto-bag kk kiei i kt wa iwa dK lkw4fk tke tviw,a4 waa awt, u he mm out h Vf te ar tW wtrw. mitmm he f4.d, aiU rkey k4 Jua ftxir tinea with eti f 4 nj pu a Ua awl aawf tfrrw of Ilc toMaia. r a (eM amk Ihwi tka drjM-wi wt bwW. Ika( WlifWa M4 yUU Mf aW owm! ffp. far tee a4, tkete U kee faw throe rwa, wkWk wwa p- 44 aWVe4 the (umUI awik ( Vat t. e a mf Mt elf fm ra, ar aajr tlW Up. Trt U awwi HdM (aad if a be atlra rV Iww) . vtet, Mtk mJ enwik Jt tm, ikfi ka Wee m aW4f U raU lHrw(Wffi awaWlf lWeeeat pwW Wa We ote Mwewablc" Wa rw im a ervew wfea IW rva wa 4Urw4 w) tW evib aa twWIy m lrkf tkwi ahaM ttf imf fr tyt Wt We kned bf atftl f aW a4 leaWx, tm4m$ttm 1 iW We7-e4Sg tWH, Wlee W W lewffd tW-4W dVawi Vaar af vMe aow. U4 khwktd klai juU'.Kf tWl alrwtewf, wU, amK, wWw W MrrctMawa tlf. la own tM rV - pj; ytry m4 KW4wi. JtaUa w. tae. Wr. ki Mk pw w aw Iwrw, btWg to r. taup, fcw wJcW Ww tkia Im Lkk Mr. W. Wa wmc reewtertd. IU mU W Wd e w4a U Hrow dWrirt, 1. a a4iiu chuJrxiw? ik,W ffaJ 0l ik wmmtt W Wd, (wire iWttUO) WU- Uie h k-Wi afthry'eiiU kt kla geTH w a ewleel arch-WokuHr I 4 N pevwiM. a.1 kl Wj Muke traaf We Wraea Ww4ea daw foond b V4 peaeewlov. ' " ' " A ere at. ty extnfJa3r b he wir, W bul uWe p'ttc le.tW cy t lhiora i trtrjr afliece tW ilk Reflmeirt, wkkk k aUttl at tohiatcer corjN, and kkk dtttmpWd ttac'lf, b IW ba war. b repoUnf IW Rriltk from Itthimore, and wkkk n amaftf iW oldrat rer(ienl ia Bthimore, Wa rrfw'd, and IW Rrpmcnt W WB iWbvKlcd, by a vote f every ompay b it, b eomequeare of tW Adjtjnt Wbf Wei appwinUd,' by the Coe-1 Vajor f the KtiWt, b eppowiww 1e j , taw w wW ofaearijLAU IM DccDklQfXPl'ne rreommefMkd C.pi. Tudey for tUt pH. A. aomi aa tW apjUnent by iW Gorcrooe wm made kiowa b fWtimoee, aU tW offlcara of tW Rf (kh the eacrpt'iM ef IW AJjt) jxM.whmk! hi a reroooion of the BdJtfBntS mi cmnmtwiMii bit tka Coemor not coniplj irf kb tWk wkiea, tbejf eecordinir rewped, and Wbndcd tW Bejiiweat. A atroafer ei prcwion of dWpproWtioa. of an obnoaioua ap pointmant, wild hrdly W conceired. LTiirutcttnT of cavils. W We lately ate it ated, tll tan; b miM to ho froia SQ lo ACPP9. ikd-J ufaewrtd at the Owoodaft worla, oe the Ena ' lr. 1 W: buiWiqit whkh had HwkI on f cn-J, b tWeute of NuYork Wa Wen traiw thit fronud. it i wid, wal about SOyean , more than 500;te, and eokl at3?i et. old. . ' ipcr bukeW-wMch kleea tW we Wee to py - j f0r t;linf the article 4rotn Chcra or r'errtte. . ilr. S. K. Bat Wnetl, Waahington City hat made, a he" itnte torn new and ' Tiluabre'linprYfmfMe in it.e tonwrne. lion of JJrlUllSnSr, wWib the wi.wle kiln tniy tyr'' 'Kli facilitf! end'!! the brkka binl hard, nnd with one third le$ fuel than i crditorily tued. He ha patent for hii irtfeMkm, aiwl wi!! sell the pmilte many one wishing to pur ehue, at 3S rents thousand upon the bricks burnt on his plan, nd with a prtv ilegeof discontinuinRthe inrention when ever the purchaser cbooaes. j "We understand .ihaj a lr?e number of, . perwns lost their live in this city jester- day, from drinking cold water, ii is urprisinjt that the frequent recurrence of this fatality produces so little effect rnnn the Tnliidaf -labouTtfi."The Jieat thrweather for the last four clays, pir- ubtlySuodjyorjclsri 'nJ w.7. Yet there are MANY smong ua. who are ao jundiced by prejudice, or aomething eW, that they tag thry enno. sec roe propnc w en- hat been. extreme.. .Probably thtee h rh days in lucceesion can scarcely be recol lected, V , If men would psuse long enough even to wash their hunde and faces in cole! watef"Defqr they dvlnl ft, tnany, perhaps most,of the live would bejaveo. MpMiWa rW nbi i a Lw WyWe, nf i Ui kWk, Uwt rbg timU aad wttbg iWMder W4 l""f podrwlrd a furiuea Wpr, Ikrfo a a ferny nmmI tWwer b IM Vife fi U ae alub 00)ardaavMciaf tb court. Wmm, Im dual wa arurv! kk fi,,4 i) i--f i!l i a( ami' ti !ini wv U w ;. Y ir.kinrd tt ht (t;U(i la the tftjfje wmVm h!la kf. lb pMC 4 Ik fltUww eiir k U'y tKeaiarty WamlTbt, grirnl toJ ln'f(f , 1 k raciawt wai ia tlM'lf Men mmI of IW way aaluybg Ct4. 7Wmi rraAt ti the CrkSab Boys! Katf, M4itff reUfwed kit cow ftiaaW ew ike grwo4 4 tka WbUeM Mr. CriTts, f Wiaklnttow, U iloot le irteualt ie Ccwent tbfitael IW-nk Anaerk Medal, glte If WtfTUmt- Wrg, (ike iuiie city f Ceoeral Wiu IsoToe) to Mr ffeAefte, U Wat er m tke tank ef tW illuMfknit ckkf. It will be eceanpankd if tub Ut pnnrall of Get, IlitJiUftt aAd k4k of kit hair. It wlU War avddi'lv al krterett, ftoen tke clrevmManee of In ptialng ihro'lhe kindi of Hen. Iytttf, m It te pravtril It lo the (!omUA Mblater ai Wathbgtoe, Mr. Zattr, TIIK MAnKRT. rArrnr.rujs. riicr. a., . rKtoi, 17 a 1 1 centa, roroinL Dco 61 J T. Caodlea,mootd,!3al4. Cof fee, 31 a 33. CW, Karcc, 90. Floor, ep f fin 7. ron,;aei. IJmt, 3t 3 SQ. Moli., 13 t 4a N.;li. ol. wrnothl, II a S3. Oat, SO 2uKr. coWvo to Jtfiroev? jJ.Ali, fct. 7 7i. Mel, AWtKH, a . Tobrft.leaf.4 t- lln, I 35 II. WWat, I 31. ky kfr. CMig i i i (larte a ,NC '.( lie uiv t!id IL.I IW vf Jlt bga it in twf tt4 jvb WaUefcUy, I a 4 l.kutiMM fc iMUbd. I)' lta4 f ffMro )?r. If J-e ,) rtM te Jniiu'!'' a wi4 wi ie ( e t art InlUi, N4 kit tW4 34(K wtbwt bad We ?vie'a4 4wbf Ikf tl ytr, a kklbg satfificed hm aeliel mi lb d4 k4ki el iWk Wntfk, I ibe irlt pvibae ef Herll bit'lht rtal aafi.Wf lijIgr.l ktl'im.u4 t a4 I0f0f)0j A letter (nm BiItk) ffctr, Kow aptake CwwfdawiJy ef e apaedy UtanUw . lion ef mmH'hWi wltlf lU USifmiw, a4 of iW ilrkUh Wbg aU lo MgoUti ttaly 00 thlf owe Urtna. Ill Londow Timet and Mort.lrij CkrowUU ef tke I !lk oil. cental Ikf tr. ikoUra of a egfteKate aneatbg of te ralkaficaof lftl.od.le Noeib Ane street ChiD!. Dobila. It U deuriWd n fha hkmi kemarewt ad rnptctaUe nucuoj wkkk kti aer Wan WM iktrw. . The rirKlrl ipeaker were Menr.' Coptintfr, Sktel.and (V Cwnnel and Ihtf atucked lh party le ike DWh Pr!U wiem eho bad op(eed the CaihoDc tUU lib rreal Meariif atvd feraonnr. Ill very evident, from Ike lone and spirit of the meeting, thi the fatkoHe cauac, If steed of Wing put down by tW Ule do clUoo of the lloe of Peer, It ( a eipmtbactf Mr. (fW. Yet.'otwitWuaKiinr tW wi4lvrlkMt 4 tW artioN, we do wst appevWwd "T mttv of com. Mora nJM 1V Wj t4k ti m tW Ufl, ahbowgk it wH W kwl-J Wa ' . t . at prwWetir w Umw Shew. Vpw R w Wv bWUm cjww of eLaitriM ta e WarrWwt rrwvUrviee. foe tW Wk U tW (niUaof tW earth wh ekkh oaV fk-exr, are tkcly leWkUwed. '. rrfkY mtcr. AJy- - Oxio. . M.t, 60 ta 7J, .. d J 30 te . u ..i c.. HuUi laiyfff ua- ..L. -i .-a nt , Uk.tkrr C a U IU. ii nkwrn wn'Wwdent ef tW I'luw44 ta fur, prvpo tW gvadnal OMOt avl " MMiUafiH rtfiaSwitf etcta aJ iwt. and u evtabKtk a mM (W tbt t fora a rvC gbw wbek tU W ad tW 4uiMara uf vbtcfe aWtl W educated awd mU by (W Gw- ml guvvniMBt" We wihM tap that toe MHkar aT iW rtrtnrv ewteta W drMted to earrr kia o pUa tat eservtMe If W tan t and tut Iwwweii reap a vm rT"r et.i ia7iiiMM,laU, U 9 HI rrr0' Unaki 4 Inrerwaa, H? inrj . 1 f.P, iw (.ma, 1 a IV i.j:tirni K. CaruCaa tltale Unk MK r W KvwWvw an.1 lao rewdo. S pre t.M. d. i laepa do. 1 1 J f uO. (W. 4 Urrtw IWnk ?latea7 pe Caa.uw. . , . , CafTMv The awkct Wa not vard nutrn- nraac our 14 rxt, tW rwat aJice fnm rrt.boaafr, Wva derw'-irra ra fter wrt kms voo prefv wI ""P""H to lUftg . rnM lota rf t.pm4 told at our kigWt qoototiowa. and there are aonw Ma Wld at aiiU kifWe prieea. But rWrra arc tin itl.nar ! cwa ftKwarU, akU tW aeatity of aUlpping eontba. Of .Va W- mX. Kttk can W aaid, aa m trvncton nava lkn Blae. Crwavvru eTfaaoi or n.j m . - aen pax, r" Bfrin m"!, .jnf doing, and anM at RIO 50 but foe prima gl I a f,il mkL MU cofitlnoa. dull ; i w InJU at 31 30 ecnta, and awnlcaia cnta , the lattet la aeaJt. - V' m orrirU WW at e-e owuoh - v v.aTfrry nominal. A P?,'"' day Ut, of 9 pieeet. bronght from 3 a 4j ata. 7 UtI ikr AJLVmi." Mr Novel, be the eutboe of the Spy, Kb- naers, be. ii announced at H the preaa, and, iWtily to b published, by Mr. -ky,f New-Yofb. TUVtt .1 the 3d elite if the Orf4 .h4flt TV, tW aaia at 4 W PmMm I baw4Slu,ax.lic. rrktixttag. I - OA'o ranwJo-Tht PiqaaCiMttc of th 4tb loitant, givas V inot teritabl and penkubr ocxouolof . post violent wind,' which bss pased over and deaola ted that region of country. To say that it prostrated fences, foreat irtet and how- sea Is sating out imie, vnw wa ' most polive aornce that tke rwf of one hotitwhkh waaolown downloihe fclunc;aJ'lon, waa found x matt distant fromwherej th bouae stood'-'l ! tree! tkrrt or fourftti ,Araf.i seen lAtnf in the air eno coouduc. r ' . -. ? i k. um. nt our etaa rr- aene, n ia aia f v .. , . , . dew.;lhat..t Urge-steee-had Wen earnVd uft y lr -miU ind killed by IktfaU:. If u troproe ed edition or the Sea Serpent bi b.h soon got up, with dejwaitiooa, Nee-England will luae a prt of hereharacur -fc'nam, which for acvertl Tears ka txprnm- . I' . ..L . I .',111k imirronifir,! hr her defcit in Trru; kr W f- Drank at the. taiebxaUoo of W corn ;;ia. about 100 mi'et. it alo raid, thai fr, manuracturrd ia Ue interior ef tW atate if New York. W been traniportid on the eaiul to tW aty, a.itt n-i the nca iwppea w iwtvtw, te H,'- and' arid at fci per Wrrelt tke whole li;anee whifli this Urnir Wd to travel, waa more than twelve kundred wiitea-and tW .. Ua th.B ftQ I ky.k cp o, xran,. - - . ,VM 0 ive the onler of thing ta are the au-aniagc. c- r-.... . . ifa tf isoutn. ,i- th Mihiceti eaerul to Wr induatrr and popa tatiou. Advice Wva Wee iweeivvdat Cadis, that 4000 Moaka, who could not reconcile them. ga in short rv America won't repine at tWlf km J- en mw-Tou. JOIT II. ASCEyTpF MB. JtOSEMnOX. Mr. Kobertton made bia promised. as- TODD and PHTSIC? bnrln a ballon from Castle harden on Wt hsve noticed a Wuae of " KnteHaimnent" I sarbrdiy rtolhe ertat tTtirlt8tion of the - i -j "r '.'"MmLf of week Tat b the 1 . ,, T tio Ralloon beffsn to vise luidiriu - - - .- .- 1 l-- - - - - . c . ynm now otien and weii-nt- :., at rintk. and rose Quite Slow urau j,.,,.., .. j- :r : :: . .. .u.r-..-.tia. ted for the accommodation ot . , . - . 1 . wi . il . a. &.. aaaMA AI niM IWI dcrvfcc, &c. and (ahether irom .vajiuy, ur lne ronaui inrc uuv from an idea that it would add reputation tohk t, Cl IUaZ w-.UautnretendtOttYj the lamlloM ny, na men roay njurw- F-' hQMf. we win not prena i -1 - j . 7 " - -p ' ai, V rht! .ind Hnvwd renerallf ,puUtihi rf-Doct- What has that to do w,U wvern- w ,ryn. -?: -fc Tr7-Ufcftf ,vfc faUMt ,e,,el in afeulv vmnnf hil title or he must W over anx. " .w. t K klm-l ni4 a Ult to the htp; 'v 1 1 rv innaDiiam. tww.. - , , , mA,m it., nuhhc of hii readinea and rJ "" . . . , ,A r', vv thn hiphfv pleased w - It la said jCen.-ljiftrettft ki Jtcxeptfd z Fra;hrV in i H new " frfaroWij ind lbnt j( wH.rernin until -ftr the " FilPlf :rSel, ish of gbvernmenUto be the ar of the Rattle of Brandywinei where he first shed blood in fijihtinR for our independence. We sin lern that the Cn: deelinea attendinr the above- named celebration, on thoBTOUtd that it . .tts.,A 'tnvrlnsrmirnc, Imrro- pom' w mm aw m e y t eaawia -a- - . a . K v- . , . . ahUUy.hoth to4" andU ojkb favor him with their etiitora! I - - u ..!. in a letter from a traveller b;w6?thr fWthatjftei ''ait JNwfctKiVffil .1.. am a rreat number of macbinea ia the , ..Vn 'Jj?uubed naila In amBI- ute ! Can any bound, be pu bgenuity of man' Mr. MathiM Manly, and Mr. Edward 0. Sim, alumni of Chapel Hill University, have been ap pointed by the' Board of Trustees, Tutors in ROKROWrD freai tW auWriWf, by torn' - JUk Wtlere to Vuliait" ae m liila aW to tW iWi, tWcer kaa tha boak ia powaaion, ill aolig Uta nr by rr limbg to tW friatena tW Prin'rr will crect to Wat e any mfovaMlioe rcpcctirjS N, WUi aw Uianiiaur rcxamtt. ( aaaWw. a-V" irillaboro' Female Setninarr. w .... . aa, .11 afftawi . r i..a laaF tenv atMBl w . " H- a juarricl, t an the 5th int. bv Hkherd Centrv. Iq. Mr. Peter Butnw, 'of .wlUbwy. to Mia, Uianna Carritoe, daughicr ef Joarpk Car- ricoe, of Cpon county, v irjuua. -ItL ,k. Ait. i, if the tatrK btaor, bv n .i..-j ri sir. Rnbert aurnn, wi Grtaon wny,Yrmnb,to T7' . ...Dirt,. il V r.BI. hv a ner in a ew ihn into her WL which produced mortin- cation, Hdam Uesrivkrea, agd 36. XJ9 aatttrtag'njiUU. J ATlr 4A TMBffT, ai tha. celebration of I mencementof tbe Farmingtoo Canal, In Massachusetts: , , ,. American Farmer! The mineralogists . ... tA m a, the rtot of every herb . n .Anf.f h f l r bearing seed; taw produce to tbe mint. will convey THE U. S. SHIP OKTT CAROUXJ. We have seen a letter from a gentle man on board the U. S. ship North:Cr oKn, lo his friend In this city, dated f.ib- raKar Bay, May 18th. ;.Tha writer sayi b had fine run across the .Atlanuc andlhat the shtpproveHobo e remarka ku fin oaul. and much faster than was anticipated, having gone eleven and twelve knou without !! her sails set-- It vm be- nn board tbst she would and If W would the semce. Algesiias, had he exnressed ilh tbe appear r ih. vattrl and crew; and, ten dertag-liOv polite reception, offered bis bst services 10 the cpmmotiore. ,Tha alilu'was to wii in a n . ...hi aay nnaren tobsorthd cMmnieirind cwttintied to rise 10 lonp; as no waa iecn, .... ...v Balloon appeared like small black spat hith in the horizon. I It was risible abou. aevetmen friimrtrt, trxf rfid.nH' V$?r ikan (Sar Wwtiiita- descend I he 1'IVH q I . - 3ark'nei'wbttUW.fa ti. r.nn... . tr haDnv to state, J JJTflsT" thvm j.uwr alighted in safety in corn field on farmtr Mr. Abraham Remwn, at New town, V I. which Is atated o be1)teen 10 and It miles from th place of avert- 2 At."" Tlii rir struck the ground Kntly close by fence, which Mr. R. Wd hold r :,k Ktahanda. and secured the Bal- loon, without having reiort. to bit Vp- tW bedaM ra ml ndcvu iiwp4nin UtheiUv. W. M. Gataa. . TW course elnstrnfrion b thtvaewxaary w.n teas K.! BCIL nd ecnamanikJ brancWs eeccaaary to 'pbto tka remale rdueatk. " " " ' ' ' pvmk f aWoad can W accommodated wrUi beard iatfttoa refctaUe fOpUlr of.lho.. plarr, at t W rate of ten dotlare pa ontk. Ar. rangemtnta. Wwever, ar nww wtaclt it U intended to inttnictthewmre advanced pw"r piU ia bouaeaifcry and m all the varbut bran. th,, pf ,l.imftie emmiy. ' Wbilat all due at- lentinn will W paid to (tie oniinary ana me bt- - i .... 'ik. Wtan4rM. anmrnttl Drancnti m ruuraiion, mc ,U deem it their impvrioua duty to pay tial reprd to tW mola and manners of the voung utdie rommittrd to tWie ear. There will be a kick conrauuev mf.j bdie and gentlemen to attrod jne aenn-annuM . ftimirto,'ta rleeWe wwthw merttv and r" great of tbe pupili, ad td'pbce them b tW aeveral cUac. .',... lhoaejnipil bn KiaU have cumpieicu tnnr eourte of udiea with afecpt.ncf, i'l receiver J a Diploma with the aignaturea of their im'.nio tori and of the examining committee, and under Ui aeal r Hie aemmary. TW ftudiea of the aeveral elawea wUl W ar ninred in the following order , C7o4 Beading, Writing, OHWgraphr, , - AritUmelitv tnjrWh Cramar, Modern . Geography, ElemenU of Compoaitinrt. Smd Cfaar Ancie.t, Modern, and Sacred Ceography, C of the Globe, Map drawing, Natural Ui-tory, HUtory of Uio ' - United State. Tkird C7a Algebra, Element, of Euclid, Tytltr'a Bitory, fthetnrie. Elements of Critic'nm, Artrnnomy, Chronology, and Natund I'hilowiphy. faarf CVwr Moral Philoaophy, Evidencee of Cbrirtianity, Nataral 1'heomgy, Chem iftrv, Botany, Mineralogy and Logic. ' IrnxWrthb totW aWve, leaaona will W givea-w.-. irr Maav Irawbg and Pabtinffb aU . uyUt. in plain and ornamental Needlework, and ju. making Fruit end Ho are a wax- There ill he two vacation, in the year i one of fix week during the winter, the other of a , tnight during the rummer. Th first avamon will eml about tW middle of Kovcmber nexti and a pr .portiotuble deduction be male in the ptice-of tuition ow aeaaant of the almrtnr.-l PI ... the teion. - miCES Or TCITIOlf. ForltCIt glO per aewon. 2d 12 50 ' . . . 0d and 4th W do,. All the ornamental branches Uught at the, ntual price. L- :Uilltht,rk,Juljt9. 3t71 t arrived at Boston brougnt ionaH,u.. In th I9..K liine. ' ' ... .' . ' ' -., l:J Parliament was stUl in session, anu nau a...r..J'ia trreat vaiictT of bni- t i,. hntvever, Was ol Iicmf IUV91 wa ww m' '7 F . , . merely Jwarintcirs:,jbif rntnor impor tance; ' v Notice. m1?W'kf$A m ta 1 a .. .,1 1..T.11 Tfua fira: at'n. ue'u." n ma i .t hninir untioii to tietiie nit estate ... JLptCWPS ii.deht,r to tbe aaid dceeaae.1, to k nee,kdtoettlethe debt, aml n ldd -can be given , ad tboae to whom he i indebted,. "rwquertedlo pentWir elu.m., tha .. Ome prtacribed y bw, or thia will he;;;- pWdbbarofaroVvry. wx ;X " irjiar nw,."-F--, . MnH, 1815. r ;-i. I, 4', 11 ., t .1 "I ' , I ' I. t 1 . 4 a a I j if . i J lit t i .-.-Javl V, It v v I . 4 S r a 'A ..a. i 1 ' 1 V ' 1r- - : 1 1 1 it, l ..Jr. .......