w inn ii i ..mtirti.iMi.an iL , , - . , , - . af " . - ( T ' Jl Yr . : : tr I .'-'.' j, t -s i ' f r , ' . t' ... 4 .-- '. ... ' .... , ,.,r7..r . y i s;. . ' (I! UP ft "n ' ff .Uc., U.Ui.lf M'.W t-4 trd fnMB Wf "J "' tTr4,if) aa ttt ' , a a i I. tu tt. u-r-5. ir , 7 pf s-mk-r- u " IV-r tw7 k7 ' T. LU M nVr WW' f.UW4 by iky svtkeaj a T- a-t , hi W n. krv4 arr a--.- WW MH4 tare- k "" Wrt u m Our Hjn rtf I .,v .k. 1 BUI ca1 rrm . . I J L a. - ' m rffci la tM XI Mk, w4 aim. apmr thcb kU o uVHivf ua.tk WrpiM Jim tarfeok'd tlrf wUoide, . Cjr fl tU t'tr nui rL. 0 tlie poap, t "e s Ci ii f tH. Ufr fctf, ... . .. . turfl l!otfri.l rA W0Tr ' DtogKlef r, MfnIjr Bali, . - 1 t tb iiprlnf akl, , TV Kat aaior'i ehrs " ' Tu ft krrt raplww ' Tkourt 1 bnU tiUti l 0 Tkl lhwa'i TOUfW prore ctfli . Klttt i Itiai Ka tacfcaM atifl, Jiraklnt pWrtS jmt ttnfl, A U any Miira KJcaW, VV i blitk 1 pkxi'd rack blooW flora Jhal fcrtan U r pda kad ikrava. m r f kKai tarrvcr flova ! TWa aiMa Ma amvnd m rk.n. Ad ot m rick pcrpccura kunfi " Tfcra mlafri(tkip7," IMfrti( ia tW oeMU njt . ...Jlut tW tL blubattiaf ImiI k tUJ, '. nA iem'mnt nta BM at cnUailcL -at khogttbcr taattd tM auriK, ... Wkkk ft9 tkaat Jn"4 fc'Rpp ti . . " A apart at IkM aaJirf4nj ka Atkvart tha iflooa MiU abrd am i . ' - Aw! aft, arkilK my km krtrt it cktcis KseaOi tk tctiMa of nfu y cart. - ' Ami eaa tuck tbourhu tKa mln4 ttnplojr, 'J! Vor thli.k of aia tb rr if Joy. For gulk Teaa kcatt la py etl ataed, ' At in ha houn of quietude. ' Na'ct karbon tkottht 'twould bluih to ow, - - - To Conejrrfie4 worida Rkal iuoa, Caa natura'a acenct aoch jo inspire, , . ; - Mor Wad the thojHt to nature' ara t "When la each object that wa UaT-.'l- .. ' T aaturt'f lod, la mIui Inta T; tn Inaeatt ikti hi ailkea win;, . . . '-. la boddinr flowrtt of be iprinf;, ..... In leaf, and rprar, and bUda'ntoat araifl, lisaet IkV U itiped on oA Lo ! from yon brarek Jtnrkm hi,' ' And cjrefinf; web UU vifur pliei t Wka tao(lu the HukvarciuUa . . - Ha rrnie fabric JO erect f ' Aad ao eoatrac4 -lbat U BMf Enmcth ir unnupectir prer f Minda rcflectira, prone to moae, ' Suek train of taoiirkt will oft-tiaea chuaet ' It leads to patbt vkkh aivraa trod, : Thrw' nature up to natire'i Cod.w Soar to that Liffh, that koly mount, tVlienrc 'uwtea lifc'a eternal fouot t It points to that asylum blest Where, cia'W $nw, thoid't hare reat. TUra, thv evry thought h known Thrrt, W huh'd the " orphan's moan And should ll worldly frirmls forsake thet, . ""-Tr one mho nn"ilf fatt the.- - -jy : "' Thourt i acai orsoitb'' cloearound, Tho' fraud and viTUny abound,"" " Still trut in Him wbe guardian care " Shut! free theryet from mry-anarar Ilia time then wait, nor mora rrpine, Tho' erery hostile power combine. With Him in sweet communion blest, T Ttonrt orr the rrock of awa" rest: h Vworocnu rkh7 whalblisi.Io yiin, . Which comptnute an-are of oaiu: The tweetl) :pinful tears that fall, ' Obliterates and cnncels all: Cold neglect, and treaeb'rv's wile, And villany's eiufting smile, In that blast moment all forirot, And hsppy b the orphan's Intcs-ri': Then," Hyireia, whilst of llm posfrst, - With competence.and iruileicaa breast, f Content to Hemxn I'll kyive the ten." arasJtfis Hardest bur urOa the tmenififr aaiaetiimeLioQfe 'rlfth counties, JUord Norbury, it is( stated, t actually congratulated Uie , grand juFv that no newspaper was printed in their county i and hoped they would use their influence to prevent any . being established. - To this circumstante he attributed the tranquil state of the Lord Norburys on this, side of the water. Jiantuchft Inquirer Iwr hm ! i.ter bf t- (V earlier ike af sow ia lhl ! Isrser ! tU tt foots susid It 0ul4 b J wutb Jrpof1tet lilt 4afiWSf 'hff trliA'.. dr Uirarlfi Imk i u, cspeciiny la tUmitca, Upo M or frrsJ gtouiJ, Uejr iff lJ swM trr thsa r M i J ",?twJ K.U Tkow5k such U lK kuJ 9i Unl best iJipt4 w Ibt riUb of Turn-, vet 0firi ctiltirwutl trw 7 Icart e.f soil ia t II UuS. Tht grwni UutJed for ih pro faction f TumlpU 6t rotate j m oo, tujht to U df47 ptwgwi,w Ufi U that rough lute, lo rtcttrt ih4 barfiia iif tbt riottf ffOlU. C f la the April followiof, wk Jc it Jk; ftrh.rroarlt m.WU It till th mib of Mt;, wkc It .hooU haft toother del? 1otigh.og oao, or cooltry wise U the former , the C.t rek I Jun kkfTOar U tAw.rJa thff tttd Of thtt tnOOth, th- field i llfht coal of wtU rotted ii ur. anil tmoiuuy plooth It w ligtal 1 fur wbitli ih aoU td - wtirhtw harrow. 1 be time of Mwiojf f roeodi muck 0 tht applicative j wbea taroipa are iottadrd for early CMont4oi. they stay b saws tooa' after lb middle of thli month the jratra! mode, io the) iHMidio sutes, U to begta to too bout the 50th of jolj , and to cor tl out owinj, as conenicDtt from thia tlmt Co the mlddU 6f August, or a few dart after. ' - The qoaotlty of etds town on an actea h V1 lurJP'P farmers, h oe er leta tnut one pound i rowrt ire- queotly pound aod a half.' and by tome two. If erery rra!n wit ' to come to pewctiae, "a quarter of pound would be more than sufficient but having, to encounter, to, many accidenti. a pound n the least qaan thy that ought to b sown on one JJilttn Gazette. IBuatrated k SlrAstlra f P"""' sp.-r. rour aags were several. Irsnade to swallow two parts. loar and narrow, at porr, msttoo. eI aod beef. On killing them so hour after. wards, the port bad lost ten parts, the mutton nine, the real four, and the baefnone. '" Exp. 2. Four dogt were made severaUv-toawatWw tho aame "ponlons of tb same meats, and were killed in two hours.. The mutton had lot 46 parts, the beef 44. the veal 31. and the pork SO; y--- ---z-z.zz'; ''iX.'.Tv. Exp. 3. Four dogt had the aame quantiuesr aod were aided in vthrte hours The pork had bit . 93, the mutton 87, the, beef 37, and the veal 46. tip. 4. rour doge nad the aame quantities, and weje killed in four hours. The pork: wta whallv" diets-' act, the-'ftitmttn had toft'lH, Ihe beef 75, and the veal 69. Exp. 5. Four dog were several. ly made to swallow two parts, Ung and narrow, ot oeer, rabbit, tod-bsh, and cheese. THeV were killed in two hours, when it jraa also found that the beef had lost none, the rabbit none, the cod-hsh 74, aod the cheese 20. Exr. 6. Six doer were r seven made to swsllow 100 oarts of nuscle, skra, gristle, sinew, bone, and fat. They were killed in 4 hours, and it r .1 . . r v' .tt . i was ioudo mat me tax was aiiaigcsteaj the muscle had lost 30 f the skin 22 j the gristle, 21 1 the sinews 6 and the bone J... In UnotheiL,experinieot,'jb: whole of the bond was digested in' 6 hours. These eexperimepte, performed by bir A stley Cooper, show that the stom ach of a dog can more easily digest pork and fish than antr: other meau j and we see no experiment nor hypoth etical reason-why tt should not be the samRwhh rthelham that of all earnjycroua animalsr Jn- u,eimiiaraaaquauy fl a t 1 t m a I f perimwts bti)reformed miott thtf hu u' ,. maa;uimAclV Would it not be -prperi for the gen. eral benefit of mankind, to try such experiments on criminals executed lor murder f ' ' :-' T A set of buttons has been made in New-York? of NdMh-Carolrna Goldt with the head "ol Washington on tbem as a present to Gen,. Jufiyette. sumUr'tii Uf. t.wf a 4uff09. ffitl'rf txli! tnsl . a a a f the disease tf Cic; :.cAa tin ui asuakfttd l way reocra.Iy v..- t ...1- t 4 to adopt asl rlutlaa lc0 mended la toco uses, j aoi bit Wtund, which m Uthe arm, batten mlTcr .A lL The df wai scomj, aodiubeo,enUy dUd eibibltiaf the aioua kvdrobhuL'ta. ,- . . bUlttpiagi irmptooa of - Dr. WUtrrittTt wri tt ttJa c My' Thai i tiw ft-m aoy dj, dy bi iuvdellUniUf. citaattacM, taa laivtet ipectkC poise laisa .v.traa.U t U b CkUcdW ov Mate I deny. I bate, la ,te miadt of ' !'. I. ...tail Ml l'if M menrcu irteeua, mi i ooloioos iI hate ieerf VoaBdcace, ahart f L3tvtrv. la their ferrectacst i othcrt harebeea pi ea st d to term the moat dreadLI of h maa malsdiet presumed tt of baniof ter me, tt competeat to dnUn that aa t - . imitioattoa Win, ar least, mi mm shue U the mult. ' 1 hare Jat returned from tiewlng, In company with rveral gtndrmea, the improved mow? machine of Messrs. Ezra Opt J'Thomae Uocpes, Jr. .U(1V and hirhlr rfffracious. laboravie machine f as will appeai by the fact, that It mowed an aCre of good grass n thirty minutes. It cuts a swarth of J 1-4 feel, and bye the grass haadwru tlr. NVbw ubcW full way, it cut, ef that widtn, SO rous in length la I minutes Ten etree a day msv hi mowed ifiih It taijlr. It can- not fall k ought not to fail to recom Mad itacY to the enlightened farmer, until it gets fato jjeoeral Use " " The rrvstvlaiK horse rake in use in this nclerorhood.lt also valuables it will rake an acre of smooth j land. :leaa m 15 minutes, and hai tlooe it this week leu time. J... " Si IVttUhnttt (Tenn.) paper. rv i. r.:a r . ..t.l a n iuh'jii vi in a.i u, i 19 nave wen uuudutin, vj uiutii v. the Pacha, on a scale equally extrn. sire with that of cottrrn f snd as - the sail and climate are af ike favoumtde to the growth of -ik aiilbe rry and -the a r that there will, anno remote period, ia be a vast Increase, la the produce of a commodity now in such universal re quest throughout Europe. rwe M&r. ms. trujut . , The kt Bv. Mao L. Waeraa, Wba died an l ev a . a ra- .i ra . a . jo o mt. owiun, . v. wu i man rrrrofal3mMeftttttnaMj.lotka paai-aa ana oina. ins MUbuithropny ana kcrtr)aajrc nera anbouoded. . ariy in life be liberated hb patrimonial alarea frora eonlen. tmus molieaV-and rohwUrily ootamaaccd a ea - reer of inoaaamt bodilr 'tud'U disaemlnata moral sad rakrioua kooki m tarloot retnoto ant destitute portrona ot the omiiitry. From frnn. ayTraaaa to ma irowuata s Caoraia waa the prm pal tkeatra of kia indcbtirahie kbori and it aqppoaedoo rood sjittiontr. that W the course of hi blebs' ba been Inatrwnontal In circu la tin aeariy k atilboa of copira of the acriptnres d other tkluable work. That in thia (a bo. nouf rallis ka was principally actuated by an einandad DUIlantkrorn, W kv hi. TWfect'of tka iweaii of ' acmwnlatmr-a- )trre m . a . . . ' rery eoeentricrtiea, (for fiiEn uav could not be calkd) were t!a eccentricities renin and beneolenca. He tuaJly fcU a martyr lo hi nr. annua exertion to dv road, and died in the lull enjoyatent of faith, and a bleaaea hope oi im morhthty, (caring behind a numerous snd afflic ted fuouly. ' nrjURr.mii.E wcr. It la remsrtuble, that since fit treat aarth r take of 167, trrwkeat wilt arow on th aoart or ienu In sonvtjilacevjntlcfd, a little i rar ed, but it is very unproductive. Rice, on the contrary, yield a great return. Before the earthquake, ou grain of jbeat . yielded 300 grsina The Dey of Algitrs has resorted, to angular mode pi cOnqucring-the love of celibacy, by ordaining that ev ery bachelor of more than 20 years of age. shall rewire, at least once a day, ia public, a mndjloggirig. - Lady-Lightfoot, - fnotr . owned . by Charlea Wonr Hsll, Esq.; f of New Vot).hk.brou ..r ti w6rd a fit Mpc tolt, got by-L clipse; ltJI jalt-A.JmAk ialaataV A.tAaaaU!rWA..aTi Tftrwtmt TW -r-r inava. Vltrqr W IlllWf f i - rfcra - , , cm niaies, xna ikoui uose; ooservauon ving ail. inc pne jwiuia oi aire ana damhe is of course handsomer than either. ' !' . -, u What do you call potatoes ln Ire- 'em at an ; and sure Uiey would nt come If we did S" replies Pat. ; 5 taihrror tne worm, it tt trTTrrrTjTTjf nn.LUM .ifmv. fflmnmnUUMi Is 1 1 4 f.4uuCJf 14 . t - l .1.. ... ('.mill I t! .C 1 lfm l ' fliimm v CIL. . N. R. Tad Vm Wt.neM Oot Mr. Sauodeie.UlCe"Jlo, Apil I. 1111. l. aoTia. tU4 Ua r s--r ka M4s atm.Vsl 4-f-k . fM. tkwM anipaaiM H. an dm. J ema saw rani a to fan m.4 U 7wat aU't !W st Wnf prfa. ai e ".' i"""" atoat jUivaU s4 Ttoimvt, s4 ! tkw at atfta. af fwtai wf o.r tU Lr.4.tf S ta aVBaw cm Wo tk. tWiea auM ky St iZJunmfiUm We p-t tWa-tVs to eaWW tr-aUa s4 eiy--J fc f' U kaf s ropW 1 Wanf Lt Uae U tkJ. t.U. M wkkk h spwaws ks eld- k.. loa la srsat ac imsih m ataWir, tk dn.f sy fHksra ikUlMi ia tka tiawUa al US CMMry fit V UKlmmf, ww j U aa wrR xawMnUlrd at hm; wketw tWy pi tk ww app-- Tka p U aUl pVa-J U rwa-4ke. Ik few UV btwa-J. tlrwkrlr 44 tw - s ft eita or laa that UlJtrnrr ka a tliars i M we latut al rlrrs we w.S rafkr-ls 0- f.d kr tka watt k Uk akanke aamd a a e ak fc. tka MWa Wa kw takarrars. safjajjlf U Ira tears to a -'ple of ftatkwta U n' .ki. la a kukarae tw sar4 Ova fa f . .f, f.t. .4 Stain j Ika kkktk7 kaw advp'W tt a . r..,t caaapUla. thU aay ferw wtaiaajB sa aifbt ad pAaarwaine; aa.nWat Uimiitj and pontics at ewttb;, and tk frat art at f)f tLnWM ptftaawu tofaekar. (a kick w koU!y atarrt wa do) raa fwato tsarar-aajaunacrs l lElfcrant laalinna wwk as saaarh aniraet ami Ua aatkry othrr tpwiji Wa ka wbkh arw Ui'e ' - : I i .L MTM iiiwrawoaMiHwinp.pi rr-r"'- . - .7 . . . ' ' . ' .r i trr that atterrtio wara ewr immw wmfm Hi-rreeW M H .at af awM. a-rwr. Wa Wrr ictwr W ewteore Ikanks Ca Ikoae wka kava ncooraead v la our Cna of- kwiacc tinea our enrpmenccment la tliis place. We would be rry td to take m or two 1 bora h lv twinrn. hcaa caane weu i . . . VTO00ft T?0t pnbWim in Wlkeaboroo(t", N'ortk- Jki iniiiiwii.TTi; ' I ' ta.WKCTr.nV.FAIUIIill.'. I III' a w oa mm a waw w rtK X is t J U caa ho cl tu!auclpkta vr S 1 U,f fnivj luiea. ra jnat nvnted Im lalrn uvuuars. dtrert4 to ikaM of lh k - ...... . . ... IIMIIicrKwamimw; iw wrw,.iTn ka krewnea a car-Mata fcr tka r'f pubB to rie a taiM oui&ar of ik U will tmraitc. for u4 Kklitorof tka Itnaer to do this, will require b'nt few word tand he wul awtj mulliplr proousei, iet, oy ineirmuiupncT, wry deprea) In h. h will ko auKoeui fur a a unl SV.S C llkal araalakataMwaaat Afl KiSB StataaTfl. win iv sirfiMt in iiTf .-,...,. -. rn i rrirt cWutcr aptuJI mr Kmtvui ii.Ublf t I " a a a- i n l. .1 ..l tiona shall be rjch si mrithtr in offend the-defi. j ca'e, to drnreaa ttie feeble, nor pais the ruirtyl .witbont ratigtion. ' 1 - Arrirwkrrr. aa tho wame of Ki pjpf r wmiW arer U wuport, shall meet Uh Jna brat attca Tton. vrnnmerre ami pontwa n m - -r. beirrotteai ami Keliirion anau oc emiura ioi toix Tsnjt rmneennrmna or ino rarwr, wuwm, . . ... .. .. .. t ! at the parent V Merer, aha mariftnth elaitwP Inl ahort.it tballbc tba aaaiduooa aunof be Editor, toraixtoretherasuilHbleproportiHjoft!iegsy, the rrara and the ti.-cful, vi a U make the far- tarr. Ck .. K hi. nnwer. a uarful ftreakle compnion ta minhol, and a useful Instructcr I to .v. mith nt HiMry, . tbvr all I flthetictmit snWrw tW FtrJowAwlf wiarlom it wealth," ia mt clearly verified J To aav any thmr of the utility of a public. I tion of thi nature, were ttaelaati on all hand I it is admitted. Hut in an inland town where the 1 meana of information are. at beat, hut limited.! the advanUge io be derived from a periodical nubl'icatinn ire incaloulahle. Tba Editor thcra-. fore requests that all who feel any iutereat in the rrowth and nmaneritv of the count n-. both in wraith and in morula, would lend a hefpinr hand to an f-rtabruthmei.t whick, Wbelievts, need feMt Wr trial tP bjpctjnanent aod swtfut The paper will be printed on a dcmiyaJ sheet, on ncV typ one a weekHind dehreretr to st.hacr.beri. at R3 per annum, if pa n ad- SLTrf ifJVi P7ff TM end of the year. tT3 ITfLLMJIJlfSTIA. - . Coiton Ginftins:. FfXUZ subscribefTrcsnt'ctAillv infurmsthe mer- X- chants ot' the town of Adifclnirv.-uiwt tlie cHIzen farmeM of his nfIrhEorliooi. tint lie liu just Itnittied a large building, 32 by 53, for Ciw . .... - . . . v. - . . - uitig tf Loiim, to run by water i and that he i neatest roanner. and in the shortest time noisi bla, ami on tho lowest term at which it is done by others, lie also aaattres thoae who send crtt. ywn to ma ira, inn tr wm oe rent separate trom f others, so that they will be sure to get the aame I COttola tlla fawnt Hal llBTSirsw) Sllkrt Kflll 1)U LeitaWrjasrt .ItUII'laatatictwaailea . - w -wm an-ao-ai ' " r rtsiiEB.' rafrrr oijana pabiaajnaaaitrta auto b irre unn-i.iTjKttirct ib minora by Cuarduta, at iW lht itKlcc-I,. a iLro.rf i. kkLt t ik.Mn T rfu9- Pead to muc. judKm'ent, will be entemi mlJtJl flJlm SCmS pbrtMmjm.for tkeAino.,ntof thepl-intrs wno may favor nim will) their custom, that he ,u,.t ..i , ' i. j . :n be wtRJw their cotton packed and put tin jrj she .i Vlffi niisttilc tit allex. ILonc, AtcA. ritllC suosenbee tuiving qualified as exeai- for oi ue-iast vm ot.AieXBiiUet. XAiig. laia-ot ttowan county, dee'd. at the court. , plea and quarter sessions for the said county, held on tho third Monday of November last notico is hereby riven, that all persons having demands arainet the said estate, are reoinfed to prrarrnt theffl for-payment-, wiiliin tho km: ptt. scrtoeu ny laws JAMES I, LONG, rjtrr JXc 4, 1824.' . 41 -t j rniff. W--r k,. W..a N i U S.U-. t"J- U" NflM, tka Krtt 'l kUf atLww urn p.s.l l-Uk - 7 aVra i mm, a4 U a k s U - tit WO flMcJ. uii.wia.s,it:i. V; ft aljr-fM, t.t mm. It. I, Sr. AMD frwW U i kf aW It, aasJU "Mdf at ia s-w. S,S mwMrt fctanraw IS p rK, ana) fUJU, a ka d.tm4 a fafl tMlaaaai, aa weaU, f)baaaw M S..i.il :i a-Mwlrf Caaoaa tUfla, as U 4trf.JatSaJ4iia. - 1 U IUa a 14 1 r it l'e sal la W oVSrad Ma trataVtaf Ua. talKf. IWf ! k4 H4 at U awfw-fartra, al at tk as at tka l'aah4 l W tUvats to Ws dt4, at BW placaa sxaOaMSit. at tU taat al rUk af a fTka rapnaals akU k toada atparauty 1 rack, pvwl, aad W4 ataU tk f.k H ar4 aVtMtd to aCaf prepanJ J to f.rUkd, oa apictoM. witk CM diaaraaW at tka UOa, aJ d4 rrpkoiuw M yvnmt tkav 1 -t ll iwwrtfltu. ; Jraaaf Cat aa Or J. re w a. . tri - t rrrnta uft at pirtwk tka 1 Ire or laLle at ktr. rraWy-, arUry, K r. ar MM kwta'eaa tkat pkva awt tka awnk-ada as fkrard's BrUfw, lh Tadkla rx.at at Is ka's pUaataa Tkwadajf rha tfk '. wkirk Ciaj'sirwd aa fultowsi UmMsiMi Uy, tW a ewrtaia afro fwt aa.el kl.akn aavawtrea ytara of afe, kks rada-yu ktala at AttJbaja. IJancva eeaney i I ptoesaa aa dSrrr awrta AWiaedar WikV. a k aafm, a trnatn mm gM 4 lUaU, ar fee kva drrd daAars us tfc.wkwtear taikd " a4molWcad. (Ma an at kad U larr, payskie oa dy arVr dta, a4 4cd la djy t4 stay, I CI, payaLle ky J0.a Snry t larrwt krtiy i eyafl ai aaa kH k, a!fd ky Vtncant lUtf to myactf, rW tkr m at Itrrre dnlUra, bearing date owe 4) aArr d. aa4datadlakfep4S iUf.lCii aa m. of UilUaaa llutka, eaat. AtakaaU. foarrara roonr, fuf a aoe of hand for.twtha WLj I T" 'J i jnr4 ky 7 "" Ktutiaa tajnyaaa i al ar- .... . I .NortlM Nona-Caroliaa t aoaar other cuaage not itxaJir. .r.T.THn. trata so lha awkacriocr,UMH ko raacxiab)y co pewaated. " v - AU.tJflLUt. Sitirj, A. C lltWkVf . IKX &T9 t. a. Aba, mm note at kand aa TWawt Hl h, tot Cfty dollars kaawing- aWa aka ttk day a May. irXS, payable to MyarK. . , A. K. fttUlt ot VoTlk-CaTdVLna, j orajr cocurr. i rtOURT of tquUir AprH TemL-lKr: J.4n 1 1 r4d ri Peniaani (kerwfjO(Bnd wtkm.- Tt sppearittr to the vonrr, flat arratwl of tSa - . UeTrMUma In IBia Ciar, TO WIT I JrmM IfVltfT- sua ani klartU kif ratkid Cltaaa ani fW bi a ife Lrrl Reid, inVturnd Ucii'. tuh. u.'wt rH PrLt v.ij.li t n, 9ti .now at who a-o snirMra. are rwfinlis t j,;, t w ih.r, orlrrrd tS.at pybHeatiofi te snade for ris werkssureeawfttr. I " .a mm . .1 . .a ' M " euwm rfmuin. fiuB tfjaawM ui pr; .v. MRMi i, r rurf irm kr I . . . ' J j,,, jft faKabrr-, nn tlw "ttrtt Ttfoada afttr unfimrlh itAadarla Memketnrit.ariirplo4 I rrtwer or drmor tai the complainant's biB. it 1 9m w. aakeia-wra) eouftiaty as to titcta. and de ( arettl arewdmrr.'.t '",,,., . . SAMX LiJMAX, sU.'.. . r,. oxi-t ? - Pm j- ei - TMalB lJl , tirilV.tfiTOWua. ' . , Ln9. f eVvr : ,Z ,1 . rift ItTof Meaa and Quarter Sftaion, J term, il'Mra Nedman t. WeW ton t iMginal jjtachnwnvgrni-d, leW he. tt aprarinw W aatiafaoltoa "f the cua. -WiVfr the bound ol thw rate, h ia therefore onlrted. that publication oVitiada irr the Waatrrn t Mo "iiiso, that utile the defendant appear at lha nev. term of sard Co -Uu ba held at the court- hou-e in Statrstirie. on the third Momlut in An . rnt nett, repley !ie property levied o" a plead, tka plain 'tf will-he heard ex arte snd have judgment pro eunfeaao. tfl , I'eat i 41. SIMOXTON'i Clk. v., " . i., . -' ' .. 7 ' fctatO Of iNOTth-tyftl'Ol'JllV" " Ui. - afwrWtsawt QtRt of.a tjuarter fei()r. Ar t , .. , c-, ' .J i 8milh yy j,M. Ktw p.rvline V- Saflt. original attachment. Jeiied an had, u ...t.-.tt. .r.r.t ut,.t,;t-i aa aaria. tai iiij- tna t.i7 s ia; iciSliaiill IUn mitavi--- uf anofner aUitr, Oribmt, that pubneafion M mula in the Western Caroliniain printed in SriiiUurv, lor tkr niouUia, that unleai the df . ar at tba "licit Court iiTTIrW V". trarjer &eiog to- be-held for thf enunty Moiitromerr. at the court-house in tawrenre- rillir.on the first Monday in July nest, replerr Test JOHX JtvMAn'U&C.&t-. Trlntfr! feetT - 3rttrt'? - via-i'-Mw-w-: V'-aa-awaf.1-'- - aja'l'ia-aw1 Mm gLAwU-varojina. ; iMoa 1 1. eouMTr. '. rtOZRX bt ricm and Cartef Jrmvl'l 1 J imc t2.e.T.rWwl Wolil and to. . '-birmTJbYclanwr tmvkjv Vlrrrm-lsw!; fchdKathanielobf iummoned t gnrnishee in this case. . It appearinjp t lh '"r iKfactioTt of the court, that Hobcrt WealrwirelstiU. ! triulan hs. .harnrutrrl. and ii ifot in this state, it is therefore ordered, that publicstlon be made for three months in the Western Csron ni.n nti1..u ha ArtrnA ant annear at tnB - next Court to be held at the court-house in KtotAaM.-illaa nil Tha lrl Untut.v !n Auewt nJ l aud .blead or demur, or the plaintiff will hate , . i . . .. . I I. Vt. .f imnnA:' : . Jint2 KOITT, 8I34QNTON, JJ iiiuciajiivu mnii win w niw rxxxrvrrw J.