JJJil-N.JLjOilN to! VI.) HALlo'll'IiY,. C H i 'AV. At (ilHr 0, MiJ NO. 170, VtU,tB vittir ,tv vtt rv tfim fvu4n nj . b d.), (fWJ ll (V epliam - J 1U X.lttaf J H trrrf fI. "" '., AiTfi"'N - 4- I 4 A aon AM attfna.Wal M te r-Jilar, k ' vp.aywi9wiit,kee aai , ., i .... ' " 1 ,11 n V . 110.11)3. li wai Uk psnkvtar pie iter we pe yed addrete U your paper of lb Slik af Jan, fey a CiiiMi ef Merkknburf ,' M ibov of the wttUrn section of thlt tiat, th ubjtct of great leading etate road to Ff trtvUl, locate J on the rile 0Uinff tbe water of ibe Cataebe d Yadkin riven.,' W hop this Ifl be la first trp toward tb accMnpHtb' wM of work wbkb has lone Uin U "accordance with ike a a aloes UHt ef Ik not friMgnt peril of th pee pl and trtitl thai h will til tb alttmlMi atd tl f"h the Htnlon of tvery ft ftJ frisnd 'ifct piprlij, honor mij rt- ounI tail State. .I.L . .1 .It Mi una view iiiumip-ft6 Improve I . ht ""rt. rl;MKra6,vra, MtflUurmll Mr. Matiatk ttrunA lavi iruf improvemente tMtaf, iM eiperUUtrutcHjr rouairy beatu! fcudM le rt.t HUif Wl.frlW tb. pafWM fcf Ml lie tlfcft, ll taU lUif if onidaa ov umU 4oiktl ' iKtrtAJacd ihie ktml HtJi of and bfinr I Ktitky r BMui rakour fm tr laxriof fW wtaa. to lav o eta dUTo kaoUJ rl iMrrr tal ihoi utUd EuroMm traoat. Llihfr. anwriru-Ba wMituu; ouaiigiM io rmporua Into lTii country, tot im of pooik! aociJ tk cumpff, lha hu'4 r tutlt rttp ct monj Mr ctUa.h m clf m opao, CirtJlu, iKa DJ.f4 graoa of VUdaU, hh Mhtr Mtiio. of tha UUia4 5utai. S-iT:!!??! .i -.- ttt iiout Mvcrine i snd tlttr &.Bk. i ih tea. a v . J up - tan, iiratiar m iw prvftKnir tnair.u ..i.Kfi 1.1 j 1 .1 . Uclif 01 lf Kfamnt, U npwllr a4 t . n a. ' J a4 lftflitai of k liawpla aibllt)ilrr 11 f n jpf Orf o Djr ll.ni o v oJa of pJltUU raUtfcMi otr ,,V h,f. EMl ETfp, the aU, bf tnif M w 1, tr 1 la ki f inci iavt io impunaol rank ttk toe ltmHi la mt iiwgt uut iwcown Kcurri ihem a conftirtf from tKa rivigtl of the roa buj. Our citittM art gf aifnd U fota! TbM tripe arc iV NiUrr. Uurruo. (acta a4 jiwlf tUrf la iMlr U;kl Jr. the vbtia Moriloa.anJ bon all improvtaicft and rfilpn taiba cat tK. bu'iac Takav. .k.rk i ik. ..L . i-v . ! . I : . " -f - vi M0cni 'm tci. iron fnaucoiioa 101 b.kt.M r iK. u...l..r ..l.l. .k.. .1 - . 1 awa v w'w v aai4 v iriat ua hkaUUIr.isfl;Ua'ab4J rt complml la ikr M.?r;"o' fnijlc or Ira . la Cnallf ddtrmioiaK l( atactic aU lit r, tror,d: Wa aa po b4tlla (a "T"' "hf Nonh ih.o - taill a aa4 aurtat ara miiti. ' Uitlr .af Iraatporutkiev la a matkei mT fia o iui4 our climait loilt tba cooiJrcd at a aimnlc ptaia Iraaon. and it ahil U eoetnej to (be CooauleraiuiA tif a aiarlt trine he. Ck medium alll e.r be at a .iaeouou eauM, if tha cultiratio-j J via a i -4alooa.uka our.a.pla pra- applkatloo of thai dactioot to a furthct ralrieti a lutMrarl j .... . horn tha waakk and aWU, .C oar oa Wf! 10 n?br k n' atiU an4 dcrof our aUMtf i par February, uka a,.osU j..iot of Ikai irucm of laiprovemeat bkk alone he 7 booap, jkha gmaioe To- ca alTof4B,aa a itata, ct comfurU "7 " joa caa procura n, cut it ou aaalilh cnarar ao4 lodapcndcnca. . I hill an inch aboaa tha rrt and two io it la br CBrrciainic a correct political che$ bcloar. iba joint or eve. com economy, ibat Eond, with oua third each end with. a itickioff platter of tka pobutalion of otbar lutlona, la fr lanr kinJ. and it in a not i,l r.l, tbrir wperlor ia raaoorcaN and atca la molS (,btii Eva or il inchei it dU pbyical pawer. Tbi. b.a beea efoctad tmcterVtnd uoglaicd.) Tba era of merely by ber aapatior adiualnaat of ,u. x 'u-.v ' . ln..rr,.I lmnMM.,.l. ,i . aok-lLolIn! '"Vr M.'? " ott wu,w., macbaokat for nanaj labor. Sha rfl,?"! MtV !be tfUd Mriaapowfrawdoobf at.am.fcm, winw.aviaa,f4Jl .none ual to Ike actoal tabor of,5(Xi0J U- aa"1 baorfac-to cep.it. from borem or. JJOWbwu and lb in bwomiagdry and lord. IPlace ; ibe equal or greater amount 4 bar labor pot labour hat bed; prtpartd for rai aavloa mackinanr. tkercby virtoallv ad- inr roar rabbit nlanta. whenever dkiR laborer to bet poponUoo that u ready.";. The vine will require -wt wiiuwmw ,awr no lurtner care tnaa tnat extended to cloJin aei, youth and arlJ400,00 your cabbart vpr3Bt. - If more than inD.o.iania ara nmiair ;.oc io "er 0ne .hoot rile from the eye. rub off popoiaiwnrfree irom oi aapeoaaa- lor n - , . . rM.. - WWB' wwa 111 VMftl a w ' firtt of June turn out tbe vine from ; aurtav - Tfcliri 'r MiewaJ U1 aeatoa tin- pC wnkieat capital to com icf.tha iirrtIoo of lha t'ovff of ikh Pu btboaIHkaadjulrnng u ouair.fronta Iredell i ne to ibakadiW w?iif commerce Vanckat cf Gooa Crtek-jhaeoorKI'b tm r' wd our tlrcoUiia (owTVto HrraMr dlrret and -ike frouad wf fl'adtyed tr iba pur,-Ktaa) " ' r rem t Hat " pointi . (aear oil4clIa Cborck.) lot iba Souik-CiroUoa line . Jibaut 11 ml:i) it tka deckled opinion f tkoaa realJenl on; arwl IkoM who bar ccioai!Tj irtveTled over ttit Wge that tbtr will b no dlfficoli v In procuring a food roaJ. " A tb. b-xiib-Caroima line thii rkla latemcti tka m.lo tradioa ro4 from Lancajucr,bv CkexrrCcld, aad , Cberav to Fy ettevilie I I lira a firm aaWy nil commence-Mb road U 'now la oA repair, and veil bridged to Fay Va leirn tbst'Our kwrd of Internal Improvement r now out on duty hk our Di r ninefff ana mat inrypur po to extend their view to i&f waaiern aeokfl of tblt Katt-VVeeW It not ba Miblr rrobbla and nracikahla lor tbem 1a retamtnt;, to atrika thli rid; at torn "point north of Chrtotte, and vlrr It ai - roin:a4oot! a report would then be mda t oar next Lrl4tura a orvy order. ed, If deemed proper-r' PProrelD tha floard, tb work could be' commenced pearly neiriummeri and proaecuted to a ifxedr 'coilinlctloW' ' n ' laeferooca to locatlnir t!u void, aa preparatory tora fttinr ITaU" Way " . -. !KKe,e" M n iwreia, wa wouiq juit ' obe rre," thi T ib r com pari lit e advent fe l " of f U f o vli fcnd cinnli, are ama ainuergo Injf a ihoriufh thveatl jatinn in' Erpland, laad i:fa.l ".and .fair -experiment .!iba Tnada in IS monibi.i l be employment . of itearrt Fe,pn a draft machine by , ,bicb 4 or 4 band will transport on a . Jfl! f if or W ton of produce, at tka r'ra of a" ofO ndfc an knrr andu , cost not ejtreedinj canal iraoiporta:)on, Tai Cilnaj a .taaeaw Iwa a AM ma t -al lntaaw mm ua.ini' an .esw ci aia a,uiuiiiiii auu.i w- atw.vwwv . m. eourae, and probable may award tha pre- Rlorlout reiult, than h the enerjry, en- ported front falliag. No other care : ference to roerfi, tha afet, kaat ex- lerprita and peraeve ranee of tha Great Delthan keeping the ground Clean from ' oemlre.- and mnat axnetlitioui iteam Witt Clinton, through whom, alone, inutfWvedt la neceuary the Crt lummcr. ; not being applicable lo canal conveyance, itMe now leadi tbe union, and erelong In November i alight covering of owing to the counter current deatroying j will compete ta commerce, manuiacio-i,tr.w DccciayJo preveouog a ire the bank i, and the riik and ciiiiicuiiy in piwlng locki. , la England the compa- ratwa. eattmaied exocnaa of jai.L wayi j j three irroei, and canali ' woe timet that ' of a eood road-we prewme gravelled Tbe want of expedition on canals baa ever; been found a great w'canKnlence, i iho reiiatanca-of-water increasing an the iquar of the velocity t tbui, if 40 ton - can be drawn on a canal 3 miles an hour brone-horaeVJt wnicqulrelhoneUft uraw u mie an, nour k 9. ,v, . dows do.; j, 6 mflei . . . f . ' do. - do. i , 8 do. and io on. 'Whereas on rail roads, the-force of trac- tion remaioi" tbe iame vat-a vMjclocjtjM ; ; 1 hus a force aufucient to move .40 tons "" eight three miles an hSori will, by In. ctaalnirlitjaoaJbajiMm '10 or 20 miles an hour the reMstance, ibeiifgjbe, friction, la prop jruonal to the tMi tSma fofwird al tti5 lUia briochn foaa iba abwiu Ujhi ttir art !o bt rubbed of, u king care not to jrt t)e leaf from whence they ipraag, which U CbiaurMof tht bod'at the rootolUMea. At th fourth tlt f rotiing the tiat aad htm that lime forward, it my be cut the lec f Qi wf fJoui ;Vaach tuxl BirU kfrt but aaora than k eyeioeja aaool wght ecvf f to lx left on, eves la the taoit vigoroue aute of trowth, or al y W thf vine, ror however pteaaingtht locrraicor tha year may be, yet the hj ury dooo by leifiag mor than kvt ahoota will be set and lamented lathi foUowieg and tucrrcd ingjean. j. aubmtence. Hence, tbuueh nearly the taw ei-Tl Aeaa' aKo atfafhtat fKaw aMattaatt eiatt ill J It VI J ena ma m a. aai a t . ' I the ran aktl al aa ia wAiip aY-aarfaeam it nation on eartb, m rewurroa, wealth aodL "r - v- " , nnwrr - l wiu iQw iu.anyapu ouc uxe omer la effectuidng these Improvctnenta lol P'aoti, it gtowa best In the beat acul fiie state wa oul oot 4o.,ba too eisily rwoen nm removea, water u at a on depressed we tauit calculate on oppqai l lance from the'pufct, ir as " to draw lion, ariiinjr from tnterevted m coiuac Uhe- earth-towarda-4he Vine instead ted vkws, and ancient b.bna arMl fixed wa,hing it from' it; V II you. water it prejudices e cr Ms w-eya afterward!, do it la t treacb eighteen wilf impend public and national objeclsf jucn- lhe pjM, 1 - for unlc thi! yet with perseverance, a f-vour.ble, re- precautimJbe ;,terJng wi do w. nd., more striking " harm tKn good, and dcermot prorfTopiVion; yVt perrecrtotcei; in ricat-,dme M M ih.n V .Y.rk.iTrd.f Where a more ioe ahooti uprarrfi, it must be aup- Internal lmproamenta. atlDefTir0CCT0rtttsOfr7TitFU thfyt heloarato-iiclgt tht f nd "f "cr rorset-bone unlor. of those imperwhabl anurcea oi comtort, I carefully rubbed ff tbe eyelhua left tUnteIy hitched in the Hm of the war wealth and national ajreatnesa, which they ,,r iVrr than nne ahoot. .La ,r;KU tn rUte ! tilted the vil MiP w V wrw v w v Ll. I "Biiua ew w-r : (e) Mathew Waffia,' Wm. L. Davidson and "TrAndi HendetaonH weta tb ' CQitoU.Ue.p.p,oin- : tdkyioouv:;;,;r.-r . neaana internal resources, wun any na- quent freezing and thawing of the Vine. tioWthaworld-fc) yr'- " ln Febniary foUowmg, ' U muit be JrllS trimmed, and here ver? particular at with aiteh a fair test of-novel-darkle and . ...t...r, i autred. , Ubserve tnerioi. darirtfi r I i v . ... r.. '.j. iionuun is re why may we ilot hope to find a CUnton io w'n rules-if the last year shoot a flro,f and realiae future generaiions hold havepoclaaper, then cut off the looking back with gratitude and pride, vine, half an,, bchabqvethe loweal after eerv anecuUtive acruole has been strong full eye but should Ht- have a solved by a practical public bene fit, tolclai ner, then tKe vine is to be cut off the exertions of our ; present Board oil half aa inch above, the tlasper, and in enjoyed embaimin except the ufiik . n.iinn'a hliin(r. in ln latttnv r I . ...... r . " Tt . r.. j. itrongeit upportthe vine irom lau positoncs of a nation gratitude. 1 w' ii -j -1 ,t. tn v " utaToi 1 ling, keep it clean from weedi, and in fjj' A.wu.way.l now ecouhencfituT tha atata 7' "'" . V T" .VFrlri forward in Penmvlvania. j (Thia il a "taptu jnff Feb. the ihoot IS azain tO be cut at the editor of the Calawba fournal ftflf half an inrh'aW the aecond tdW- thejcyea u ' a. .- t a Utica to Albany w , X 3 ' ' (rl Tbe revemte derived front toe atew-iora I rlbocrdfrju .-vo::r:- " r--r -i 1 t . . . f . i . a . . r I JTfl ua - Pressure, and eotlreie lilni-neiraent or nTT. h. :-... -i..,..i,..ii i.ji. jiMi iodlt. Expdi4n-and afety,bcii)g the t v.jr- one hu been talkd if, however; front j MtaipWjwtOg tw eye bJgMyprobatf .., yesrs ttiay. have a decided preference, and that iteim .wagons will be generallyl substituted lor horse draft, -It will, there fore, be, proper and highly necessary that, our great leading state road be laid out canal in U4, waa gawW t a ua conamiuee , - K . tft- Vrrow' to i.-eWioa on the canal renort. aay that Tn " h0uld be , permittca 10 gTP?u a few years the lejUlature may wWeonftdaweeltluxiUittn which if frj catculateron the revenue - ironv-inai wirce i befavourabl will be conai-era"1-""" . a " . --.at Jtlwik MttAta 'kill ..'?- S amummr m awe ",5" there wi 11 be teaaon toope tor iruu m pub!icxet inthoataternaybedi$penieowiiii.i , . . . , ,L;j r.hrua. l . t ... vnn(KtVu,r.7mP. I the next aeaaon in the toira r eorua- re eutttrov inter evca u may be left, and not more, m A rerr aimhle reaaon may be liven, way we way which will readily eugge itself Io not more, however .tioo'the.jpfit rat xt t OfMk ky da laBW Mm" at nVnlon, Nortb CaTtaUa, aik ah; Imi. PreaWentof le t'nitri Tales I I fold ft mana Johnny wbile yon tot 'ami Dlrd la e band wo f two la e twab. Dool ki tie Iekka yo beek to d peopks. heeketary eb Slate 1 Jtanln matte tUf yen akyflle da card Utr fn pwrouw dit lime ct! li M m, while foke is arigk- y knin. Song Ole fl'Sniockee bunttmia Iii pot swrtl pmaiur, M ror av. aa. . Itcrae. un bale m Alkgtr.M De Ceorry GuUierner, maisa Trotrpr (a bard oa Ijunr, be Vble fee aiggur. fa mad so bke fwd W L'ukle Ham. t4i a kit bee, Ikk nr behind, karse im U- fort mir tourtetf boy, ywo wake owe deae momint wld rope round your neck. Sung Too much lainin mske be med I M Too mnh pitda make be tool . KortIarollns iToor feller, you nab- ber do much I feird W hi' man tub one poor oet.ur, he set pun a fenr In ahade, for him ncgur work, but no work he- telf Hah loo much brandy, too moth whitkc al da Leckahuns all tauk, all noise, no wotk. I moe skk waiiio for better time. Song uO Lord I with I hadnt kum ber. If I nebber had km bare, I nebUr should a bin ber-.-Mails K rw lord mq d laukas maasi You tkougnt yo was gwioe to ketch de wraxk all slaro. ber I but. ton bit, you anovk your. on neaai guM 00 pow, un down you kam. . boaewWe ftoida 'possum up a gum tree. ... m ww fJur kandvduts lor. loorretst .iiaisa here, main dr re, mMi dere, mitsa her Kio Billy you gel 10 dc bottom ob de wheel, may be 1 be wont land sua always Song Ola granny Hate, kin you pick Will BCrer Chorus, Posaum fat, un raeroon jaw, Sich a matt I nebber aaw. Cohen r Clinton 1 Oats de man arter aQ, ha worf Lhe milljon Ceorgy Vob bernor. "Ml.-.: .;.-':- ; Song Hale to d cklef who old" tri- r - .-umpadyancea. Party spefrit 1 tfe ole one most deid I link worse one cummin Tfcard watch out TJakle Sam, bang de first rouge, black orwbite" Cubbernoi' or Coller, wlto talka abojit liking uparms fbr brake da union, him nn da wrnnw artrr df. an, til make him frens look store day lump. Son; - Hjir aTolumbta"hlplfyiintf.' v Da fair seek, blacx un wnue 1 uoa .n fnlfht blea vou all. Song 'Q nty bonny Bet-lweet blosaom. Artcr dat, hlimpany au go oomc, id peace and harmony. Arrn otearu trrrji !.trrnt Rtfan Mtxir n by t. n, tUA, r. 1. 1, fVfMt. aM Hw aws fra af tke rr hi IM Vaad fKt 1 W rw av VX k I.M t.y h heaeOtUl ellWae aad warawf et, fwi4 tba if? "4 aad rMawwnfcile 4 lit 8i ft-ntl ra; It i a a-wt tt rardf fa teao - -. boat, all s n W ka. m.JtM , , ,. a Wt, fb.aev rMrr a, wa Irfti kikea, fUa. ent kwwa. U a af lae tgms r" M af lae 'I"', t" Bi 1 WtmI, etaa Una, ywMC tniMt aal weaaet m 0e baca a4 Mm. tile aW nareeWoDr wtad fW the cave as ee ffoatad fre dfj U, aVc. A B0 at 4tm M wf M, momyv t yUn m U , nWIU aVi in cws Lwjre oe. I euliar, lbrl aflewante aJa to (Com pwbaj le acQ aewe. to tmU aUkktW al mail, allbe frw. iwvrt et IaT ! IV. MrUt Wtrvbewar. m. I J7 a-l I ft. r. rorwr Brcl a4 Itace averta, f1U4tptUa. a by ba a(f M ntty nnil titjr and Teea tanMiMM( umi Hrd Male. ffT (lUrrte tkat rvh gtml4 TU't lae ike urt ef Ue a iMTii. t, ir. vtqtt, m. ' lioetnr liiottV jrrMvrr.n xsriMtuora ru.ut. Wlftcn pmrt aed mre a8 WUua an UHMa.MHrikM4 fcvya, ax. TWaeoa e liMrff adMUMaVwad, wtfl cattrract UW cee r brk heowt prodere yerw ev b.Wa (tfTtr, tf or ftl attars btwet chuf, pben. l,.Mtery, vomM. ae aau ui mwm, are. ia4 ai arpettt. aaaracw. pitpum fit, h)pOcbQMjria and hairfrl roApltHits tntf atoaMik, heart here, drwtewa ae WrretOoa, a.- lkey teatute ItaiMtual fwim. ene ml euuewa. attuna, rfmnruMy, rrtrtC ibeit Statwm, feet, evrvy, anwbetM VkMchea. NrjV- rnn ia tbe bluoj, kmalc eeaapbHrta, ke. U lUy are Uke abewt ee twTjltit 0ur f the taxixr and Matater avrntbt, ibry Ut pref S trrtaia prrrewUve agmieat the ague prer.innr fall ackacat. AMaf 4brefiM Bar Sakiaw tkatavacweaiwe! aiet tarb boa af FUWnMO botrt, 3J eWs Urrc bntta, 0 eeiua. librral aflovaaee atkilo Io UvMt ke punlataf te tell far k,' abolrvle and mail, a the pro. prwtw'a I)pur and TaaWly fclcdirin WatbtAM, Koa. 137 aud IN, N. E. earner of ferond and Hace atraets I'luWdelpbia, aad bv bt trata ht every praecipe) city aad leva tbrvoebmit tbe I'aited aialra. 7? Take a4e, thai eh bnt t fTfubto FILLS baa Uie -rmtun af U tnl pr.rulor, r. r. nrOTT.M n. 1 raoai rat raiuaatrata aAirrri. CAUTlOJt TO LADIES. ' " We understand that at a faibiona- ble teaipaTty in this city, the young la dy of the family, as usual, was cauea upon to perlorm the nonors 01 me iea- table. In tha course of it, ahe had occasion to rise from ber chair to reach an article on the opposit aide of the waiter. In the act of rcsuminff her whole of its contents into her lap I Hoi coffee, boiling tea, cream, toasts, cakes, &c. in one indiscriminate maas ? The &e. in one indiscriminate aaeweTof eopfuiwnwhich ; rottowed raayVeiilf .imagined;- A tbia -Is given to u for"a7act7 we deeni It STlt occasion to admonish parents, partico jrUomotherar entirely to-ducounte- nance .thec;perniCtQU). and n45lmi?. axtiUeC3Il!tnia1eittt touse quencea to healtJiroofe injurious than being icalded, are known to have TtoTIowcd their use.. ,. . , nv a sruiBBLVfu pjirsrcr.iy. At pfivaic and vewe both to Phocbu belong, So the college oft dapple in potion and joi.g , Hence IVtM-molved hit eroetica ahall hit, When bit recipe dilj, gives a, puke with bis wit. fHiL.tDr.Lrnn -u nr.YsLxuTas ti unci WoUt VtittorWA , "fa BLAST. fflllK anbacribar baviif -wmmmcni. tLm . X - mamifcrtere ef Vtak BitUet, ha. aw an eatentive acale. k enabled te wepty any caan tity of lhe fbHoa inr deacriptioa of ADotkcca. riaa and Other Cfana Ware t ABetKewiea' Vial, fates . en di. te 8 eenoee 1 f atent Medicine ViaJa,of every deterip. tiun. Tincture Jloulea, ahh grruad atoppera. Irons half piat le one ptloai "necie Dotllea, ith lacquered eevert, froat half pint to" two plloMH JuKrwa.rVIuMg Itottlee, wUk and narrow mouths, font half pint to tare iraJtonat Acid Dott lea, with ground atopperr t Carhoytf DeBujhn fVm one qt:art te twk nonti Cofifid ionfrt'how IV t (let, and pretertmg do. t fiekliaa; and frttcnlna Jarttiatrs'irtit and turned overtops, from baa pint to ene gallon Qeart bm! half gallon bo'tlctj Vtadiinrnw, f Fayette, FrankLa, ahip Franllji ArTKulturall and Masonic, Cornocopu. Amencaa tarbx and cowmen ribband racket flaaka -BaJuer Water. Mustard and Carenne Pennev ltotilea 1 SiHiiT. nUckino and Ink fjortlrff Whk every other detrriptwa of tkla aad JMUcv Wade to eUr en the asoat reasoaable terni. . 54 . IT&LTt Bffl-fjrarrfccaaJ - -; f, IT10 Pniggivhi, China Merchanta, Country L Storckecjtera, and deWrt ia Claenrar. "1,000 gross Apothecaries' V Isisi Mr 000 do. Patent Medicine do. j looo do. Cologne water bottles 1 200 do. Mustard nd Cayenne bottle t 7000 doxeo Qui-rt bottles 3000 do. hif gallon do. 3000 do. Washinirton and LaicTe plot Basks 1 S00O do. La Fayette and Eagle do. do. t 3000 do. D rott and Franklin do, do.; $000. - do. Ship Franklin and Agricul. do. j 5000 do. assorted Lagle, fcc. do. IOOO do. . ar ' a common ribbed do. 4000 do. bagiri Coroucopii, ke. half pints 1 4500 do. Jars, assorted, all sittrr iWt dcCdraKglstsj snd confectioners' show bottles 1 5000 'do. drtiRCjists' packing bottles, assort, aixea 8000 do. add linttleis.gP'PIgl 2000do; tincture bottles, assorted site , qoo do. mineral water bottles x oOOO do. snuft bottles; 5000 do. demijohns, differ ent sizes. With a variety of ot her Claas Warn all ef wlikh l. in.nufltcnurrii ,l rnualelthia and Ken- tlngton filasf Factories, and tn quality and rk Bitnship far considered conab aad in many 0 tba article, superior tw gngwh-wiatwiraeierei ior ie by i . v. uui iv Ctrttrr if Stttitd and Bitee-iti. riufoitlhhih, (TT 3 or -4 firtt-mta vitl blowers iU. oieet apilharirtJwre -EJitort throughout .the Tnitrtl Statea who adveSbe "for T. WT-nyott-br ttie 'ytaiv -will nlct'C insert the above till foibid. . . nA -fi& JUarfh 1, IKH. : -wtr - - - V Wanted to Hire, NEGRO woman, at a house, servant, for whom a liberal price will be rWen. For further information, apply at ibia ofica. jUa.y,'!iu. ..... : - 'I 1 t i Hi p-

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