.v. 4 :; u r , 4 . a: I -r I ia 5' r.v' .s.t N.t . , t V- ' ,t .ii i if ? '-f: it ..... 4-H - - it .MMT.M.Wllor. imut utu n.n a. t!.ri5 if leie l the t'l',.Ja IJ .M J, ii fNMt of III . . . 4 a . ' i 4 -i gfil ct ! r aJ ff joint m, i kiUMt. til t ijt'.'ti f WjIkM Uit nt. Il wit yak tUft that, u3 tU jiaih of the lait of the St jwti.th P 1,'oJcr lit! tlwati onitICtlJt to it iMaaf SeetHo Inlaid. 11f 7.a4 erttr b oU w ts it U- tfl and who reflect that it wet perbap U the leepiif f t'itboiiiand finllvUluali, m Jatfitlt metatnpU "f guarded fyltlif towards the trg'tu mate 3ov erttgo rtcalU to recotlrciiooj Out the oi.lv (aroeral of .Maria Thr r. I, wVm the liog of Prunia d pir. d of U't I" corrupt, Iriihmao, Mi ihl IuU XV7, hd i j.r i .k . . i. . DO more laiinjtM micovurt iu JmH jttichtJ lo hU Mrticr. nv iWTTr HMK.tr. 4,iuttiUiiUuAi(Kiiniir Ktii..lli, B four TluU paper, yeo mif so to. Id lb fftr I pMKttftd ktlMl- (.,omu!ir vbctl hd, cul iV"UMhc Unl joint, boul ctk Ufof hrtl. ml kiUtt4 lcm lo buh in roj Rr i)n. I Wi tkttn erf lrcuci.ilr. iv4 ift alxwi ikr cl titer Iuimm 1 Chcavcrtd the-mot baf or fif.tt l wtr (Hit ihffKJich lh thilT ft4 bri. tkr It tied 10 e Ii MJt,trwf plued ihcm in f U jr, nd tonfmrd m hult fcf the Hirpoe of lmkun(j ir. 1 lo fUed M culm ol.lii imulied kct la neihi jriKifK lbro (a iifcllir winner, end pled ikeoi boik U ttffbo eiiujiiao iful (be uo iedmii led.ond tke iu clded. 1 ooojxr teied iCe intecU nulln ineir pper anre in both jjri.end stilt keeping them in ht i!uatioa uniil the eerl froH tommeaced.. I opened the tj V klirc, and made id luUuibn of the Rrno ktdlne on. heie (her ould i f ' Cfftikrvt ft 1' to lM,ft.OMinfr"iiMpT Muta.'f II M. DiJ 5r-fa, ol tkkl ra a ta muii a.Tt,ris'. At tVa ! 4 a4 ri itt aii I lf CoMfi b'i( Mir fUl M J. mil rtttr. Caw. llaMaB io l ni Miiei,elxfc7 efffe c44 f-t- (,t afaU tt If tier. Ui(? all IM tkh Mr. If. nJ7i(ar4 l 1.14 mi U iikCtinjniQi mined, Uii oho, UUf Pu Mnkf. kt if 5 . item. Tie ?! W iWh pee i lU pkei 0n, IM N elml ai aUi iwif tit "' wre acd II. kateepdad, feiUaal lieir fiUfka4loi, etowt l,fW daJU'l pi4f ckaif k ploka, ko( iron, and l-er ar lUtaa o( knbndrji V ikrm.UUdet Uio tLent vUb Meril auiu i4 ckxkai la ek, pri , (tote'le, covkhtf ui(ni, an4 eeff lhin vbkh M iop- fort poaa4 Ihtf ralcbl rt-jvira for Ihelr turn minr Ike m after Ikrir arrital ovt. lie alio pl4 l.&or) duJUn toe ike tkarter of tie tcf ul. Dm Mr. linf,e'i munlBrence doet ot end f.ere. On the tatk of ike liter, ai tkef ere.abotit lo rjw on board, ke kad a flrtt fj d'JUt brought dot, and fall lug ike m all around klu, uftder a tree,' dmribuied tke board a moor ikem In Tl tf if'mii4 df ln'iM.I 9U e lta iU i!f le 6,e,if Idii ;i Dfaifme M, If lf atfijf'i m I ewAMMrtWI afeil e I'nwi eol Itatl. a4 a.' mUI raiM al IItMi l'5ii-iMi.t. II a keiM ikal llit ka itkai I kit f (tr t rae Im Ue of I IV fhiUwAi of fiaAa to be U U Ite t,att UaiaJ u4ii a4)e kf T'e ioiiica ( tniMI MCUKINH, Marfan tk Va af k tUliH, itK.ulMd it IM aM p'l'ie la ru,.k!lfiHid k Ike tU !;ki In ft. (). lfJ.r. Iki Ink bat. il II o'tkxi.ibf lWC'' iffoU! If ike h ! fcU ! . b TricMa a ffa" I 31 leuhiiea U Ikli M"! t'reb trade, If t rte uilunt (VilJiuaoiaJ UCofct!k, I reink !. M Ift k 4tiea uiiauaAt u imiMiMM, U IM Nl a ker MtU. IlllteUej. NOkilittt Cftort la ftmannr -1 Hte4 IW U ixt.tVgi Ut ana TXe IfAftonL! 'Vftttt iv McCoti 41 Uaa 4 e-aeiM ajie m lh rwlUH ti.4 eUtud rtnidnt Sin-Umli of llaftll M Wi4 h W la til Evii. tV. of Uodgen Jrrrr dtK4 foaan Iwik in .rt,e iad M farAatrll.Jll UalllioJ AofimaiJ"" oenwea bmfftr, laaUlbtpUkf of IM BWtrf , to MWw 1H loovMHk UUg Ikoi Mpttiill lk aij4 fcUab kit tk beet act bf viv on enbe), ayni4 till l ei-if ! .... .4t,lt. lOa'ebMk. TM kWde4 Of lk ladepe itatair. ifit 31. dei of k freoeb partof ft. -fa. ' Tke CMitotUe. k.ik. mil au'ttitnl bf lU fOtfnBM of fret, ii ooa ftf i . .1. .t... . .a e4lKrmet, aetenl of Ike Delegate! ,,r,M froflHbereaaeaa4Hokbek,Creaa- tke ilteaulot of tke Maieiinio. 7 be brier, Sbeaandoak, a4 RaaAJpk, vbo qwlo bat beet) a kf to aKltalki, aire atmnl lb itt UtWf, appeared thu ike carfie di A eatlu muck aod look ikeir aeH. mrpfie i Ui, rtf irJlm It h e poliurtl On enoiloo of Mr. Um of Campbell, , It U ot moe.f le leaal Importanl Ka UWvIac Kaidittk, Lk it aJ- t Ikl eiuaordlorf lixUeBl of Ike ted, vet offered at tubaikan U tuodrf ! l '"kk ton. Kraoloilooa, preatoied b; Meitrv Mer Tke liiand of Hiy'l, or Si. Domingo, ccr,loddrd(e,Ckapl)M,MoUoSpo(l lle) of lk rUkcM of Ike boJe Weil rWanle, Cooke, TboapaM of KalrfaV.I ItxSa rroup. It lift betvten imke, mch awmt and ondrr icb rettUtioei Prrtow, "4 5fof Fauvier, eiptea lio tko , and Porto Rko, lo tit, and thai cicb iiMliiUual did, o would, r- eoith epJfttoot Uef rttpectjto'l It 3W BUJet wof, worn fiat to t, aim rtmain duilo coU oeatber, unnl riiiic wn're the jar aiolenlahake.thef ould icriture kind tiribi lorih. About the lait .f Noernber, fear- I 1 he Inr my would be blown don, I look Ibeiu into a room In which there wat eootinuallf a fire, afier which 1 paid nn attention to them until Ckrittmat, when I dlu-flMred tbc bun were rill aJirt, tbouKb not to numcroui at uiul. I ci- Mr. Mm fa ii a-'ioul 3 1 or 31 fcara of are, unmarneu, ad unift(.y n.bind In eerr retpectj poiwtici an ample fW tune, aod.bn receired the bcoefitt of rot- lrrlte aJuction al lltrtard t'l '' f- ft aauroed itooihcr ntoiite fur kain( freed kit tlici, and fur bit iu'jic juett ectl bf Kcucroiltf towardt them, then ttut he coocfited il would be doing terticc to bit rountrf to tend them out vf it; tkit thef bad all been good acr fantt, but that b waa rub enough with out them. We have heard of iplcndid tacrifirttj at the ihrine of philanthropy ; ared mc u on rjuiiiing the 4re of mortal eiitteme hie brqueathrd Urge endowment! lo public cturitiee, and princrlf leipcici lo rcligiuut and moral innitutiont. But where ihilt we fmd in imunce of the ibuicd to a mm of Mr. Minge'i cave ii, we believe, without a pjrrallcl- MttOU TIUVMT MirrtJt J. He Wrtitt liaof iU difra4 .:UiU la la Ittfalvt, af , tmtf ta wortk ftMO U ft ppr, to mm tki fiUa; gcneraiMHtf ilatite of foarfftl, Apil Ifik, 1 7 f ( R!of BttUf'i Ilitjan4 I lib, Jffi, O.Ie at Old HaeapioaH.Vtrgtai, wbaro w tok I dirk'd ttaaaU, aoro iIim lo Nweember, l?f Dante of tbo Creel fWUge, Mir -S,4wLik4(Vllali) Df(, llik, J7jj. DHJUItVailKUo,irikNof. 1776. a ... it . a . . . u ... " - - III) 0ai ai renron, waw vfiuru -Waiklnfiofl) and kit arrnf took I0l IteiUaM, hi. Slib 0.4. I J H Belli of Priocetoi. 34 JffJ. Uattloof Ilf and) wine, 1Kb irpt, ir;it Battlo of Cereaeetevo, 4ik Oct. If A Curgof m'i artaf takeo Mar &ar toa, 00 tko ITtk October, iff 7 . Oittlt of Ikf Had Saola, Oct. 3)4. IT7 ; Bil of Uoomoutb, Inoo tlik, 1 r 71 ; Butte Sumy Point, leikJalf, 1771! Battle of tf Miod, Jfik Aar I7n. Corowillii and lie arrf tikeo m Yorklown, VUt.Uat.fki Ifib, I7li Bailie of KbflXonntala, tbink, wit aomeume In UctoUr. 1711 Battle of Gwilfofd, Kvnb CeroCne, Utb Martk, im Vrer Sir 1 lb aboeo It I rue ttaia tnent of lh battica fougkt in (be ttoo NiMiMrt war, c icept aome of iboti u hfwMf to. orf anuainieowwiia. I am l.ighlf ikk'ed to read la jwir pa rr, tbt coriimcciuraLMM of If ebierteUed b reUtloo U Ike object of from 00 lo 1 10 broad. It wee dticover rd tke wieetinc. bf Columbot im 1493, and Ike name mm . m ars. . mw . a i a.a i i .. .1 4 ..i.i - jrrwiw, 1 am tomoiniee w one onittneiif giew iirpt '' , s(.a tA htMf f ... Vrmecr from each Dctegalloo U p-naigttor, wit iipnkifi.ttyttllitl? V. Ptttm , .M ..l...a . . v.. " 1 A L. .k.. 1 It... ..r . " . ' ' ' "m "-i potntr lnnn amj upwt wmm HKir nwKU urn br,f hjlVl WOUM gW lorth la balt! f ur. In alvkif ..i.Li.. ! I. niAfur 4in.llP.in la ika trrala tit ttttcm ltfllrnl.., . . ... ... ... eipedient for thU Meeting lo adopt, fcr Spa. .n4 Franco, lo ITf I, the e.itern M , bU f4f Ike attainment f the obiect lor whkb It part belonged to the Swnlardi, and Ike .4 , . , l--e4.n.;, mf H eaeembled. U-gewleouo aero ac Jwcilern part lo the. French. Bf ibatl . ,u!.i .. r.i.ji . cordinglftppoiatedlocompoaotaldcom. trealf, the SpanUh pait w.a ceded to ,kf okJ Keavlotiowerf aoWiara. h m.tiaa- . Ilraoco. JMbe tarlf pert of ke Irencb .v,.-,.. u .4. The eariowe Reaolutioa,aboe alWed rftolutlow, tbo weatenv part .at aubjret 0fm ,btt wmjU gM T irywwwa aaa-i nW ch,Mf of tWna; lo-wltbowt ei to, wrro, oei nracno, referred to tbra Cotrt mittee. And the Cor.t rntloo odiournrd till 10 o'clock, WcdocMlif moroliig. waoatioat, mil 37. The Coarrn'Kjri met punuant to ad journmeot, but ae the t'orrimhiee had f 1 - .4 kt " . -J.l-J inturreciiow 01 ma nriwi " " ,K,. ..r. .til..,. i n.- ,h. conteat, U..e. tbo PjH-rjod -.'W cd ToVdVr VVoIS RoftllMw In September, I79J. he Ul mo B M. 4 . ra any aet of iinmcni. par bit own bill. Itof.t.Mw 10 StpumMf, I7fj. n. u c f ,n4 ler called ia tbo Ejigluh, wlw.Unded, c,,,, men ,hll ,j andpromwn.ne tok poaKt of enola toe fof , w Si. Nicho .. and J.remle. Some other fce whe ch w SUPREME COUMT. The following art aucb of tbt caiei de riilaW ar ik Ua k Court, at we bad hot room for in our lait, itnlnedthemat;iioiotberoor.tbcf March, I and ai roaf prure of iuieicil to our rea- ithen I could find none of them. I pla- derei ced ibem agiin In the aun, until the fall John Streitor'i hciri r. Nathaniel of the year, when not one bujr mide Ha Jonet k Martin Ine, from Wako. Re appearance, although more than one balf port of the clerk filed. Time to except of the aoiuttf wheat wai a'.ill whole. Of to report, till the Ertt week of ncil Term the grain, I auppoae, one half remained, allowed to both parties, and those in the brad in the same pro- Thomas Henderson and A. S. II. portioo. 1 then rubbed out the good and Rurget.r John Stuirt, etal. from Wake, three snuttf rraWii, and baling wathed Keport of the clerk of this court filed, end them, 1 sowed them - together. Thef exceptions. taken tkeretpbf complainant'! ptnrnirl wptl. mrtA nnt- nn r.nunvl. I tmwtr rrain ia tbo ouud. I bave abellcd l.J)4vtd.S..C;w!)oc ris!st!eet: t. Warner! Sttte, praj Inlhe psiuge of 1 Ltw, by al! oat, and esanmed tbemso nm.uiclf ail JavJor, app. uotu uraflville. . Juagment to be comiiiced there is none. The pro- of the Superior Court affirmed, and rule duce is about the amount of a imaH ahcaf. 1 for a new trial discharged. I aitenr'rd to it from in bloiaomiuc until Tar River Navigation Company , appcl rie, and never observed anv inject about I lint, v. Moaea Neil, from Franklin. . . . . A r . . Jt 11 t. :a.a Xv .4! . . I ha aM4 I jonrned till 4 o'clock, P. M. at which were retaken bf tbo rpublk.ns,in 1794, Ceotlemen, I am In hopes tb.t.at next h,ur th. Commmee prejented . Report, and in 1791 tho Knglisb ootlrelf emt,.- Fovfl rf Ju w ch ... ordered bf lb. Houae to be led tb, tlUand. Th. .ubuent blatory u., Vlhe pw c4d RevoluTion.ry lAeo up in a Loinioiue of the whole, of St. Domingo 1. familiar to moat of our ujAUtmmmmlhmiwk ,h-. ... , ..4 ealtkAeiakla ikoa . J I 4..J.M Ia akJiaka)Aliaaiai M iVa at eaa I . iBmiaf. rr,. nr w. detwuuk ao mant old eart h0r4,. Tbia Report consists of Hrtes Of ful reaolt of the blackmiM htt pepwM- ' Resolution!, the mo Important and la- lion that escaped tho massacre di.pcfaedJ ' V','i"i.i ""wtw",wm' 4 .4 i44rL L4t.444Har I hana tmbir ta thai liilinn l..r.rfl.4.li4.1nMk...4.J t fl.lf.i . (..... . A I.I n- . r.Hir.1 rh.n.. l ,k. I ..A ,.A.r T,...-, V! I . T nope I 49 100. If 1, , - ' 4 I wwwr-w w w . s w 1 rrinunii niora m anUnr .0 m iutioo of tbo Executive Department., who, on the French Invasion, tinder Na-1 tbk vaan for wothirir cavkl rW ti ... : .r .4 :4. ri i.- r 1 t 1 . ... . .1. .. - ui.. 4jr m ouuvu vi im aiiKDi vi 1 poicon, or ucnciai ic vicix, wai a SuflTi ager-ind ' I trapped, and sent to France, w.bere he Jdlf . Uf more equal apportionment died. Two governmeuti were afterwards ol RepreienUtion. instituted one of (he ncrrcx-i, under It alio contains a eolemn disclaimer! Chriitophe, in tho monarchal, or Impe fTiinit anr, the ilighteit interference 1 rial form another of the mulattoes, nn der Potion, lo the republican form, f he tvrannf of Chriitophe, and the mildorii orPetioh'presentcd thmselves to the f prAf'laled Tor interment ought tobe inhabitant, of the lilsnd in strong con-1 suitable enclosed. Is' a principle as U BOt clofM3 belter effect to inch an oreailua, than the nrmm nf m of IIiom vtleraiti who fought, and auccrWully fought, for the achicrt meat of tlwt rreat eont which we met to ermroemortte. . with the JndrfirnJente Me Judiciary, and concludes bf recomroendior thai a Memorial be presented from the Meeting and from the .different. Counties in the o ti w,Tia CiioLtitn. Mr, Editor: Thai the dead should ba I in'erre d with decencf , and that places au- ke?:. principle as wr',1 iran t ana we reiun wt. an insurrection wwum m scripture, ai u ia conaonant f j-. a. 9 .0. . - . a . k aT-k a . . . . . & a a . . m .1 twl . - wn,(.N-iio km, ui too icopw o. uie.acau.ai toe auinorur m mo tornier, wno, ( ..oi"i.niioriujnK mt, 400 ruia subject of a Convention msy be ascerut-; in peril of his life from hia own troops jou situation In .whkh too many of wur 11. ' A. IITMOVM. Hardy tunty, Ya. Jnlg 30, 1823. T,be lamcntaiions about Mr hot ara'her, areas unanimous throughout the country the - aeclamaiione atwut Lafayette. These compliints savour too much of ef feminacy. The ability to endue the vicis situdes of the seasonsisa. essentia! to prac tical virtue, as the inclination to sustain thrm is a part of practical piety. It is for our benefit that the sun pour, forth hi. 'torrid boamsi nre so restles. and uneaiy. Inanimate life require, aliment. The vegetable kingdom must ripen into maturity, the flower, must blossom, and the harvest fhuriih, though it cost our ladies a par asol, and delicate gentlemen an umbrel la. ' - '-'? " i he law. ol nature are Judgment that iba itontuit bo aet aiule and rule fur a new trial be made absolute . Eliiha BSmiiH v. John R. Campbeth; f ft .If . . t.. I . r irom miiiax: juugmcuioi me superior Lourt affirmed. The Governor, to the use of Thoma. J Armstrong, appellant, v. J. Judges adm'r. and other., from Ilallifax. Judgment that the nonsuit be set aside ; rule for a new trial be made absolute. David Clark, to the use of Thomas Cox, appellant, v. Thomas Shields, from Halifax. Judgment of .the Superior Court ofhrmed ; the rule Tor a new trial dis charged. , Doe on Dem. Mordecci and othera, v. Roc hd Jctse Olive, appellant, from Wake. Judgment of tho Court below aJHrmed. Barton Field appellant, v. Pefcr J. Mal- JudgmentoMhe ned. The deliberations of thii Body havo'poOe been conducted with great moderation, wisdom and dignity, and hive most sadly duippoinfed the expectation, of all those who... prc.hecUd thai ha proceeding. would exhibit nothing but a.ceneof con Tusion, violence and anarchy. The Convention, it was supposed would adjourn thi. evening, tine die. - We understand, aiv. the New-York Statesman, that Judge Griffith, of liur lington, New-Jersev a gentleman higb- lf qualified lor tbo dice, will be appoin ted Clerk of Jthe Jsuprcme Court of ihei Tf.-I'A !."'-f:'.'" Jflfi" rv-t. V' lrt- uiikcu oiatcs, in piace oi nr. uaiawen. deceased. put an end to his existence, and the whole I grave yartia are to be found, declares that 'power fell into the hinds of President manf of our rititrn. appear to think if I... r r"...i ! ..! . nml The T "win vniiiuciuini t- aggregate of heat required for vegetation Court be,ow e"d, and rule for i now roust be nearlf uniform throughout the ,r,' mB0C "oso,- year in all part, of the world, though ne- XVilliwm tittle, et al. f. Daniel Maytfrom An- :i l. -l' ... aim. JiiHcment for the nKintifT. Onlered Kt tiasai uy cxiMuiicu in Kinder or anoricr , ? . --r.-. piiod,. Cook, explain the -dinerence SkAoSer bf what Is-called I slow Of I t)tlick fire; Craven; Judgment tf tU Superlof Court- af7 Jsow the application or hre i. not, it is firmed. truet"trneable it -ill tinrear-though we 1 John Boyd and otherv tu-WUliam Cidob, Philadelphia, June 20. It is a fact that England receive! from Ire land yearly, a$ much '.grain, as is equal to the w hole export, of flour from the United States. J apply iOvt hhout remorse to all stihwanw. f'cckienbur-. D.ecTe of the Court that " , : i:"'n'i--rx-.-.-'i..y-':z:i- 1 Wvt inntnctioTi be dissolved with cosot uui ouneivti.. aurin .we con&iKiem in 1 - ----- . our sensitivenes. on thi. aubteet. Ir tArtt44l':bf fftMU4tlrjli- 9Wr.f.al ,ki .Ihia.. j WHITE tEJLS LYJUSUOUS. phere emirely. VowW be so mS mmW leisure to con thermometers, do you ever e?,denc? ,0 .'nasej-lwrnQnd . rsrre aft-intrt a Iheatrn nr ,n ftK-1 cdnea, vy inetr mcrcaMRB tne iniensi of July oration ? The true thermometer f7 of tight. -They ire also very exists in the affections. Iflhese be mire njinmit.to the yes, and will m a abort und sinleas, they will grow and gladden in "T.f. Pl1 fresho-t, and dim the most the sun of heaven, and recoeniie in hh br,II,ant'.. Grcert . only color which 4.., " ' n - i.i-'. is I. recognize warmth the benevolence of-nature. Charltiton Courier. Cobbctt, in speaking of the corruption of lite British Press, say. the editors tell iteir columns by the inch I ' . ' should be worn as a summer veil. A Dallston paper gives, as a striking effect of the heat, the melting .of the honey in the Bee Iliyci, and the tlrow'n ing of the Bees. Afyftt- The Pacha is urging the culti vation of sugar throughout his dominions way of increasing the moral lorce people, ha intends distilling, largo quantities of rum, which will gtve4hem V'f'f.for the bastinado. "TKegovernment ojth lately casf at the'Ironwork the head of thf immense lion that 1. to ornament ihe grand national monument on the plains of ,Waterloo. The weight 01. the head alone l. 5,0001b, or nearly 5 tons the weight of the entire lion' will be 0,0001b., or nearly 30 tons English." It lariated, in a1 letter from Madrid, that the Queen of Spain is in a atate of prernancy. , The report at Madrid is, that Ferdinand ha. been to the statue of ihe Virgin, which is at Aranju.es, and haa tliere made a vow. that if he be blesaed with a son, he will offer up as a sacrifice to the j Virrin, all the neeroes I coastitutionalinti) in Lil vvuutiivii. -.njutn paper. Boyer, the ' successor of Pet ion, whose I unnecessary to erect any kind of barrier, government is a kind of military democ- lo prevent the bents from insulting the racy, conducted with great energy and sluirbering dust of their departed friend, considerable ability. The treaty of Indc 31V.,hisx'"l.CJ?llhlciyUi,er? r.e D05ef pendence with Prance will, It is said, pot or, many honorable exceptions : to one of thirty millions of doaJbrs into the pocket, which, permit me to invite your attention, of the old proprietors, many of whom, or Pursuant to resolution previously adop their descendants, no doubt, reside h the ted, tho citiieni-pf Iredell couuty, adja United Statet. rent to Bethany meeting-liouse, astcnv Since the Sovereign of -Trance ha. bled at that place, to the number of sev acknowledged the independence of Hafti, eral hundred, on the 4th Monday of lait Other government, may do the same ; month, for the purpose of enclosing the and, on the part of the United btates, grave yard with i wall of atone. The such- recognition will remove one obsti-l citizens encamped on the ground, and in tleriT least, to Ihe psyment 6f the cTaim. tbreO ty sTiiarrieoV'U which some of our citizens have on the J the stone, and built i wall enclosing about authorities of the island. Ought our Ian acre of ground. The heitrht of the government to acknowledge this inde- wall i. lour feel, and it. medium breadth pendence? and what will Great-Britain (twenty inches.' Perhap. for 'despatch, dot T"". f heatne.i ind durabilitT. the work is not The recognition it remarkable, chiefly ; j excelled by any thing of the kind in the as being ihe first acknowledgment, by tFate. . The materials had to be obtaiucd any Cabinet, of the independence of the at the distance of near three miles. . blacks, Or of any separate power in any It i also grateful to have it in njy of the islands of the West Indies. What power to state, that no serious accident iu.iurncc n may nire on ine innaoiiants I ntppcneq during the time. of Cuba, Porto Rico, Jamaica, and other My simple object in stating the above suuaia jV4acvii jvivisvii . aintwuuu i.ibcis. II lu DBV B 1USC iriDUie rL resDetl i" It I. clear, that, in the sequel, these" must ihe5 citizens of that part of this countv becomo independent also, or change maj who were engaged in the wprk referred ten, or proitctorsr- Without a navver to ; and, also, to excite other, to engage even the mean of-self-defence on lahoV it-workf "4 similar nktufe," where:, the. frojtt o fdfBtJdable tovaifaiivBone of these remUbtloir ofJbOf etMnmon country ft" islands caft 'Cftjojf-injr .thing more; than! quire, them. atpectatorv a - npmirial Indepentlf nee. Apart from i -irtdeUnuntf, 4th Juj. 1825 any association with Unrope, or continen tal America,: they can only' exist, with self government, in virtuo'of a guarantee of the naval powers, v Of all nations, the UniteiArtate. have the deepest interest in their political destiny.. -Acr. Jour. :; ... COVTOX A. letter from Beaufort, (S. C) of the 5th iftstrili y of t hocotton cropa 1 The present appearances of the coming crops of Sea Islands are certainly very gloomy. The heavy winds and incessant rains we On Sunday afternoon, three, boles oft have had, have fy materially injured cotton were discovered to boon fire in a the cropsU round us. The sime com' store in Wall-street j New-York; upon pjaints on tbis Island, are heard from Hil which tome finsecd oil had been accident- ton-Head and St. Helena, and I fear ex- ally spilt, whkb produced the combustion J tends every where on the aei'bpajd. , ' s'