I. i.w l i. Tl m pt ' i U t t iniifiADi: onnr.ns. l4 Mt, lip' f 4 U. lux Pl-t t' f w 44 4 a4 l't. fj - fjl a fftf 4-W ab C'ot4 ilaM, I1 l4 fM4 a wttk tfbM.lal lfaK4 114 f aL ft li'M IM fT'l 44 I ta 4 ia4, a.t l4 a a 49 4.bi 4Mm M4 f -fW , (Wliu fwff, gj itAtra a .Wa 1 ; . 4-rV j j , K k - ' I ' W a-ft 44 f4aV4 u - r- fJi IM i 1 1 r t m i mi y , V..f- , l, l fVnf' ---. 7 fwh ImIuiimwM in 4.a-v ivf IUfcMlU-SiH4An''!ki-,"'y f W-, aaj aaa 4 fl rw I -'. M Lf V ...?-. a) I f4 Um ,r 4U 4v4 44i ; a 1S4 l ii-i .lI.. 1 Ua ItoVaaaL LiM.Mui RDM M M , mi f,fcl, (bit " JllJITHf, ! " ar a 4 1 1m lV at twfa4 RaM4 rrtM4. l'v I saa, a f ri i , ' . - . . . , mj mii Mxlntfir. m Tm1, Im H4t U (aU 4aa tiAhaj n(rf , Jm, Mc im Mitr -U -.) tU k U -Mr4, ftswW ( tt, Ml mmU m IM tV-, Dirl. U UI it.t4 4 4H.44 ff . ' ft f1tU aTawawat -a aft ft, b. i Jl kii ti . I ft iM 11 HaM ( tU) '.aJt 4 IM nfTr icm4I antra. ikM k U wy, 44 W t44MJar, Ik 4 (UMf Mill (k 4Ma IfWtPt, aa4 It fk !! 4 ppa - . - M t -t- . . . . .b.iU 4t J I 1 (Mr'M, I 4 4kJ I La 4i.. Ji .'Mil i -.n ..r.ri XT J "in! ill liWiM J i HAU M UL1 U 4.UJ. J a m.. L. ' " L ' i i " " 4Nbll4r MMf 4M la Ckk !) Wt" M 0 k,k 'T." Wr hrMf Vi4 Vfw;")lf ra 4 m 77Ui f M4 UmI t fmftt, I 1 klik 4cn a4a iiLMllU N.U 4x. Lka I La 1UL. Lia T.i-ii i:..tt;- ' ' . ' ! I I ' fl.. iL.. iL. K IL I.!,'' U k- 4SU r.lM Uarthu' t- U f Ul U l4 44 JUa Clr'. 44 CWj- .ihr, fa. ! IM t I4MS fr-ta ft rtrnttyi vl T. CaASwl l (rata dkf tWoV. Tut 1m. U'fcl (a4 fkAttUti) 6 vf ia tut tb4af. W kara tfat Jt4 lrff h rlrrvd la U ; nvfrnt UT, I"t4, 141 -. J4i ttsiik MmJ Jcaarp Iparyta, m Ut. 4 ' tW fBOwiai i ftHk, TT$,?ntfT, a, Mjt, fi (fTtt,l4f01l,iatg, i.'4,af. rUW r(a aid 4v f4, aa(il lit icra. lor tf UatUla4 ho 4 Uft 4a4 JUIrfU, 44 t J Id tl li h4'., (U i 11,1 Tt laaW4(t lU U4 tU f4a 4 LU UU'mK tut 44 (" , r? n',J WT' Ci; lk ktffMrtr llr larm ti ILaaitrfhlt ilrre. .... T . . r . rum ca im rnwin oi tu i;TM Miin kra UH Ifwa a4witA aW .w Was M ! Ia (caiataM U Uw4 t'fTUa. J Ami ki t iM Uar, jr. U 4mi4. (7 w "f U it . ' IVa (iWaatf to a r ktWtaaj tf IM wa fla M Ibt UUlTt i C4l I C4 1 ij,u4 .a) nil C4iwtaa; 1 Tf 1 Talal rUnf, U (U fftai.,4 , H4A 1UJ fk UWa ta Um UnOkt .'W .444 IM f4i4MMI 4 D4ltnt ft) 4 4Jaavpaatt4)44iUliatliaaa4 IMi,UM (Ma tUf 4 IWtuUf af, -to ta at naaa 4 ff. mi, n mi, Lin d r 4Mt U 4at'a4 auit iMr i.nt MtM4)4Clk4r4-4irfWfrara. 7T74 trf44aW tMltkntaaWf larU. . toAUI34IU JIUl.44aCaaiyL isiFiuajii: nni) Ki'm. tlita M .4iti. IttKH CASirt. fMi M.af Ua 4a l4 Aaitalb ft'taja. laaJIM I l f .la U fcudaCa' MJi, anfl ika ia 4 m. a ill m 4 4l rftf4 fluff I J llMM.ha, J tMaa tpMN llflfkJa IwMliaT, fu Ika lh tat tfja. aJ. i ha ia J W.j. a.O U aU)4 44l rtM'lJ 4r(airl;. HttM, t. iMMrttf Wa 4; fa''l H vala U tintf Mtnaref lU Ilia brajr. 4 "I Ik IMt a ra,, J1 aj v4k)4 44 Irta)u4 attwvr.fcf jmi x rinrrn. 444 Ww. ' A Pf WfM fM 4 4a tk aawfbn . J lU 1o4. fun !- Of Jk 4,fi t irfft rum, M 'A 7m M.r. ' fpiir. .l'tWf VTira ra W tat, ll l44f It-m l'w.4 u I k !', a4 a IM I 4 CaaVtW I r a I lU'M I VJ 4f Ua4. aa fl im arY mUtp 4faf4. if la fafm,f4mJ)a t ! uol-kow , M. 40 44 fal frtaMf. ' fulx ferVr. atm, iwratta lb "-w'.Ui, a it , J'HUt ir, HHWLVti ttk. 17. 1a3 4..ai a. U' laara tW La4u II. AUti kr, r). , t Wf4 4a tM a4 ItuL aoj l lnaJaf.Mr Itrkao, la IM ComnwiH, fruM I iUf if. Ma 2ua oi kwa4Ui tuit nf i U-tpwC. - " ; r - . . - . . . lUarr Kn 4 4kJ Mkw trukrr.l uai Vd i.' . Jt-l a Jti!nrr. fcrwi J. C. Cur lya 4im1 k. AlVn, Cxnnw.4. 1m fulioairif officer aivj aaTrs arr iImmc W IM cnwc Jtai i t, i, 1 1. I KX. Vrataai. lr. AUi. Lf. I wJ'f. 3r'f 1 ta ,rr4, . Sr'f. C. fulxr, VVrawarrr, . Jol.efa'lo, r: WaM. Prf. Wr. SlafTor-!. T, lloliM. U. T. ( akUrll M, A. Ukt. f. U Nile, w4'. . la rtmad. H. Br . J. kltUkhl. J. C4ra, to. II. tfaujUirr. I . J. MX'yIUb, A. brahaav M. hitmrm, Ja. J.l.o. 1. Iaajej, to'. I!fr, 4ttJ Ubi. Mutnr, .Mamegrf. j 144 SALtStVUf MIMLL tOCILTT. The 4nu4l m t?jiC Q 4 branrli of ibr AwrKin RiMe Nocirtr, aa hUl Lfrilu pLct ' M Monti v lit tub t4nt4 1 he Mcrlirf a t prnni by a tr approririala nd Inletrtlinf tUot4irc, ia a tuck Ok ofcjmion ifaia Dihlc jack iHi era U!4 and antatrad i and the ioIUij( accraaiir. bealfn influence of lhtm. ttmw ia a verv Itapp and WfrraHV r, a? the Kev. Jin aw StafmL Tha frorrrdinp of the hut inmial merlinf vera rraJ i t)e Pre rrUft'i wmI Trr4urtr report acre called lor, exhibited, rw apprWrd." The Wrrlir)r rendered birhly iatere4(lne;, by (he precice c a rcepect4bh number of the neighboring Clef' XJ, and (rfhrra who took M 4nimtrd and con. 4piruoui p4rt in the 4rioua object uicutied In the a hole proceeding of tha occa'ion, tlte mot ptrff d harmotijf prcvalleil, iuJ Lut one afurit teemed lo aiumatclLe txaoitu.uf all pre 4ent mmmIv , a determination M to go f.r ard a tth a bumble, jret firm .rcitauce on JLm alio 1J prouuKd jhVJkfen a ejp of eohl aier' jiea mhii tame, !mU not lo ila rea-4fj. Among other rt-4oIutin utuh!m(kii!rpvc were the followiiijfi . Fu4s Tl'V a comntiUce be rhnern, ahoae July it iball be, to 4ldre4 4otfU uithlo 4rrnt, ae aranlaf i each Capati''ar)p4nr in the county, reqiie!iii(f theni lo aacertaiii uml report L UijTWftDbef of -BftTct ttcTtff J if'rthirt Ihe Ermtr of the compny. Sefni.- That it be mndc the duty of eaf h Officer and Ihniger of thii Socletr, to be fur nuhed with copiei of the constitution, ind wbicription paper, and to uie'erery ffTort in hi. power to obtain additional mcmbera, dona tion, he. for the purpose of itrengthenin; the lnterett, and incrcaaiog the xepccUbility, of Third Tluit, imtead of two dollars the torn ptid on becoming member of the Society, it lull be fixed at one dollar. The annual tax to continue the fame, TiamelyY one dollar. FniriAJhttt i immediate eupply of Biblei ind Tettamcnti be-ordered on tlic -number, nd qualities at the diKretion of the Preiident sndtWiceri; (are, !- ryne dte bot(i U rpftKiHl, fa to fraaee tar a pcnrtiacal re4r , M u. td, at lta bp U a iltort penu!; u rrtara ta IM ta'.t.d uu. It r ied, ia im ( ben liHril.rrarer, the 3th I Ml. tMt IM 4aall pot la rf .( I C luiaba, in that nate, (9. ('.) 1 M " I raretio Mm.l , (a rnir.!!. a tka alaia, ka kaaa KaUd (of U4 veara, by Mr. Traey. of Im l4iiaa Hw Mtl, litilailclplua. "tbe.Ni'ior-al Intellirencer a tr ?, inat. an axivnctd the 4rmal Mr, atr4rr a. rul. Irnihle, tao i4 tha fire reaiira ivruaipoting the Uoard W want jmg IM rTT4l mulri fur a peat fot Buad fro that City I Nc iJrleaa. siycvi-in' Tnzrr. It ia Hated in tha N'ev.York paper, lLl, a tke a.rl.1 of Ue ?4ib ult. a rn? of lliUva kund 1 U N4iMM4j JonrMJ of Ike 6k ma rontua il.,-,!... .L ' aid and etuat tolun of UtC dtftnee of meina to wnna lMrmelit4 ifite the at4te plr . , . . ,. , . , r ( o h. Porter, (hy hi counarl) when ihe court lea'ury at AuWn. Nca-iork , they Mole aua- tHrrl t,M tk, net I rkiy. dry article of clotbmf, kc. ke. and ratrrated , ai wrtk tkeir booty, a bout axk4lMm. h ia a j Tke Virginia Convention at Staunton, ediour- pity aome of tk keeper, or atUtaUnla. of the I M . 0 ah. Tk d.pi.fi-4 .H tUe judi- f.pin piarvui'iw urn Mriiwif, 11 ani, 9 III hue-1 powerful, effret in brinrifef about tke caJlvi a Loeetion ia iluUui. In the course of the Interesting remarks made, hy the Member of the Society, and those who were providentially present,' many important and animating fiieta and observations were ita- past operations, it ippeared that goo4liid been lioiw. The li jht and consolations of tlieTgo'pcl bd been carried into dweftirin where, perhaps, new oern rem -To the Tioor atul destitute, . , '." l.v.J.-vr..,-.. ' lenptures nave been distributed gratuitously, . I at a tneTe lidmfnll pT'i.dfe;: thaff 400 ihles and Testamcnu iiav been disposed of. Much, it i evidntr remain! to be dorte. From ficts, stated by pioui land intelligent membelrs, from '3ifeent parti of our county.it appears fliat tiie nnmbcr of families and individuals des. titutfc of tfie Holy Scriptures, is far greater than cold licartfd opposers are willing to admit . In sotiifcitcnouath destitut ion i truly deplorable nj, iu liritian land, it is truly, astonishing. In his addreis to the children of Israel, a little i'cfure bit tleath, Moses, ipcaking of the divine ouid aot kM Mared Ik ligtit4i. grred gentry while in, and ave4 lb ialerven." nm f JM- and JaT I tut them back. If thieve! eonkj bre4k m and iitt," aby'cmill not the convicts break tut, and " go their a 4y I" corr.R.wn trovp. From p4raj;rph in the t.eorjiapatri. ot, and from other inform4tion, we should conclude that Covernor Troup left Mil ledeville about -the time Gen. Cainci was ei pected lo arrive there. We should hope that the Governor would hive hid more regard to propriety and to Ibe dig nity of. the. executive oILce, than to huv left the ckC of Gcvernnient."ln order to ivoid an interview With Ihe olncers oT the General Government.'- Such a step, how ever it mi(;ht prstifiy bit own leclings, would not we should suppose, be approv ed of by any party. It would, indeed, be a strange sort of comment upon hit own nieitige, ind'aoukl seem to be prscticil- ly saying, tbal-'f having, exhautted the ar gument " we wiH lake to aur heels coure which we khould suppose was not calculated (o insure tnocb commendation. Jug. CAron, THE MARKET. FATETTEILLF. PRICES, .hj. 4. Cotton, 15 1-5 cent, sales. Dacon, 6 1 :2a 7 1-2 .Candlei, mould. . Cpf:, fee.18 a St: Cornr scarcer TO. - Flour, superfine S5V6T" Ir'brii ; 67" Lime, 2 Ss, 2 50. Molasset, 40 a 42 1-2. Na-ls, cut, 7 a 8 wrought, J8 a 20. Oats, 35 40 Sugar, common to prime, 9 all. Salt, Liverpool, 80 a j)0 ; Turk'a Island, kc: 70 b J5. Steel American, a 5. Tobacco, leaf, 4 a 5. Tin, 1-3 x S16 to " f, 10,003 fVi'rr We learn by the fkibdelphia papers reeeiveu Inia tnorning, lint tin great pine drawn. 1 tha M4rvland 8t' Lottrrv, in FiLldmoiT Uat to ednt4d4y, m oaned by 4 gen tlciMA of P luUdc Ijrfias. Jlatfdwre faJntt. On Ttif klay moroinr, says the National Jour naL General La I'avette paid a vi-it to tke new (rigat Jlra54-Ma, and w und-ritand'eiprcs- 4ed ninwetf highly delighted with ber 44 a 4pect. men of naval architecture, and specially rrati tied w ith the attention which Im been devoted to preparing tha apartments for hi accomoda tion. In tbia vi.it he was accompanied by Ihe Preklent of Ihe United Sute, the. secretary of the kavy, ami CapL Mom, of ue Navy Board, Tk fEwig ia a txtrtci ' f a pnvaU leuer, " You have no conception of the wretched state of this counjry. There is nothing doing but in the Sherry wine trade. 1 be uutici 011 Hritiih manufactures amount to nearly a pro bibition, and all vessels are cow obliged to come in ballavt from London fur wine 4nd fniu. The accormtt from Madrid state) that Murillo wilt immediately be sent out as Governor Gen eral of Cuba. Monllo is, we bt lie vet m rnace Vor tttr, . . f T HM 441 IM IM lo 1 f fT.Tl T1 4lJUrv. paa M'.Wat. If, J I 1 kUukirr kaa 4 ratUr., at, 4 (lral!r MifkkMwkoL 4M.I gaal MaHy lk taww la rtvTt h-tn, '"l' lira .lrc4 1 1 lk k-arf tl-irt. lav ja lb apprr Uki ; littr m Uif w e4raei. "' 4 k l'.. i, 1U Ctlunrli rai,MHl'rg ll trtrrj ri ana.kr Kuat, .irt lr , dj.k, i 1, cewpvirr in H'b hnrW U K'b. r.!lM (i'iUinI Ka k V wnl ' I 4vJifU M l 'ia, iD CMir 'I r lrw un.lrr'p. r I ,11 iLijiaaa 4 U aa n IM BMt IkcwrcaanwMd lab r.U I Ur ft 4 in. na.U'Ht trroo ! tk f itkr, 4 I an, rprttHin, al the ('1" nf I imi ') pljm. , ) Jt rnniw l lo rrnwvt l I'w iwnin it Una the gfi 4b.u u -..fi ( r.rki i ir ' vusaur. MILir.K. te, m akirb r-w, 4M I nlwl aill rhge .a'..a, .tpfil '.Yi, .l, J Ika piaaii ls (bVuf lk tk r(4trr Ihwal ' S.HI akin rpM H prfvw" otto kr 44f b kat m tlnaablr ) tmmoly wm , ha-l ,. a, la aall aa, lka.r IM Ibigvber larnrtU- . j.ay , tt thuM aba brt, n bak rrait Tba IN '.'rwl Hr r nn't of Mixilgirttrfry or othrrwsar, wtn io a lator by f Uia- av euanty. aiil br 'c rdt M rU ruiim 1 u.- j I'bug iKir areoit. ti. M. U, tU Hb vt tiruJr, l I) oM-jts. ii ' ' Ibe t'ab4ru NrCtmet aiH be rrVM-ard 4 CotlllM C I II ll i ft ( or,!, on l mmU,, th 7ih of iktuUr. : I J ,,. rfiui. iik. otkk Tke U iU be ravirard Wrrimenl of MrrlWiftu llnir i.'.l , - I i. cli4n of IM Ina of fcifiilmry, and Ui-t cituen lanMirouf rtthlnhouiL llial be ha rreintrti!! niler. . . ., ... . i , i -i i. . -.1 1. I.. .lli.Lrw. 1ilJ---wa-.g.-4a74,i-rwa. ' tick ' ' f j ,,H.( U)tyin hy ,,r 4 ,hl, k. 9lTf . , i , , i iavarll fctclkie ptk.g rivMl llw na'e , , UPm" ' WwklenljMrg eouniy Mirfi 4',,. . ,rT, fritnti willU.e4iey.il. I..rklieun 1 1.U..U, tbe , Utnf ,w wh if ru, b Min , o, ,r-T, a, ,. r, . , aill b.e Ibrir tulUH. paeke.1 ad ,h, p ,h tM DrifaJc. d,tlc 1 -at- as la-iT. ll . . . . I . I ti ' I I PC nffc,e i.n . . . i.rr, , .-ir.c.r, , , . . trt,mn.. tnim nal ll.c liiifH-rtiir a ir r- ,, i ' ., ifiili is ' '.a . . j win 1. mic iv I llir MHH ri'.'.n ihey m-imI. IU I hctrd 4iid bwi'i llii .lililiJ.mri.l, at hi Mill f lanlatxm, in Kilea frora tt.tutmrv. J.nKK. I Off. 1 H?t .J , I , , , , , 1 nn uirir cuium iwini phi on in inq arrant of ( 4.lrv .Harh-d to (he l itis i nr,.r nr, .nd , , .r po.j. . .,U be iee-J U .Hjrot.1, on In. ; bpf M tht ,rrtlw ,, ,,n i,',,,, :,ibul bl.tMr..t 1. -'k. lUmhrr. llralMsMrrU.okemle. Genetui un ntua , a! IUc lutrier mui into the Mim' rr and romliiton uf lh,r 4rm Ity orler iif the DuKa lirr (-m ial. Ill.AS I ASMlS, .hJ-J, I ami. Vur ftte, tit WriU. rilllK lubacribrr aidir to U or rent )h4t I tra 18. Wheat, newV90 100.' CUJULESTay PRICES, Mput 1. Cotton,. S. Island, 55 a 65 1 itained do. SO t 5S Main and Santee, 40 ; short staple, 20 a 24 cti.i Whiskey a 28 eta. i Ilacon, ll li llama, 8 a ifii i Jrd. 9 a 11 j , Bagging, pundee and Inverness, (42 inch.) 21 a 27 1 Cof. IFIOU the iib4criber, in Lincoln county, N. . Con tbe 11th day of July but. two appren tice boyi, named to m. Deal and Uaniei rope, bound to me by court to the Hatter's trade.. A reward, of Jve cents will be given for said boys, if delivered at my shop, or 2 cents lb one of tkem t both of tbem are rather dark complected and short spoken i one side of leather would make several pair of shoes for tbe former. All persons are forwarned against barboriog or tra ding with them, or giving them any employ T mcnt. JACOB UUXSEKERS .hiri'i 3f. 1825. lw tract of lnj a ith ila impntrmcnt. on fhr oith r aide of ihe Yadkin Hier al lUard' ririiLx. Tkerr 4 re alxWii VxTlVr in the tract, w u """' . . , . and ut-lrr thr in.prtmH, 4ml .uptrii.temla.c Ihere are on it a laijrvaiMl cuTHTmxImwi carl- , ,,' . ' ling hou4c and the customary out kouseaj acar HilUburo' Ft mule Stminary. Vlllf. Klerriie f lh InHijiiim aill em. 1 mence on the first day of Arii. mvler the ifltniediatc care oi Mi4 ltis J!4Ait4a, Uie DfHigr. lite bou4c i quite new, living been built on- m me ilex, vt a. m. t.r The eiire of ii.tnirMi in tht -fninrv will be r'rird on in a regular rontinnril tr. of Aeailrmie studirtembraring all thr pn-nt fie ly a few year, ago, ami being dr.igned f,.r a k,,(ncnU, be. nci -wytocompUrt - , a d 4 I 1 MBalT7 U tf S It Vf . ItkCAiioo ami nun i 1 bf u t. e, i . . i f , a iir r iv i v.fj mirt 1, v un ivw- prt,mrvrrwTpiru WI1U t.andcomenientlJ .... , .. .,. loSalithury u.d Ua.ngion. U.iig ft U from M ht Mif .'ditM1 , Af. if a ' 4 Kim aeiva vw nmivi f k purpose, both from it situation i rctiiirkabl) plvn For further particular, apply In JOHN BEARD, Jr. &iaA.,r, Jul 15. lS.'J. b7 Sl.-mr JumQth.&2i. .1mt75 TW HE Copartnership lierelolorenEXiilitlgbr JL tween the subscribers, under tfie tirm ot JUkmong U Lckr, it this dav dissolved by mu tual consent, ah persons inacoirn 10 us we re quested to Come forward, and make immediate payment i and those who have any demands, will present them tor payment. - i ne nuaincai 01 mc nrm win dc rcium j fee, Prime Green, 18 a 19-. Inf. to good, 16 18, Ear Allemong, ho itauthoriaed to make act N. Carohna State Bank Hills, 4 a 3 per cent, uemenis ana gram tuscnarges, dil.; Netbero. ami Cape Fear do. 5 per oent notes 7 J percent, uiti - - l-itb "Cottoii ikfarket futJb.- past week ha bee very inactiyei tlie adviaci Irani Liverpool by the Columbia caused a decline pf orie' lotwo ccntsjjer potind in Upland, and a ereater reduction in Sea hland. (f the latter description the stock on hand is estimated to be about t"0 thousand bales, a-considerable part of which is troinir on shin board. A want of confi- dence In foreign market kept purchasers rrom" . r 1 "1 r... .!,, In k.an coming lorwaxu. i icw ni - "vv made duting the week were at our quotations. Vrur. A few salef of old Flour tfere eJJectel atSa g4,50. Superfine rrein grounu com mands for home consumption, 5 j. : Cr.-A. eonsidcrabl qttantity of Corn ar. rived rJuringv the pat week, and fliuch of it re B4-a. a t t UAVfT - l t -aWt. -,Uva yt V 'XW, ji), CE0K(ifi.M)C4llt.,. '-SiMjir .-- RetuVnahis most sincere tlutiks to the -public in general, for. past, favors, and inform: them that be has purchased the v 'BtocFol Tilcreliariilizc"'' of Allemong h leke; which'li now ycry com plete, having just received a fresh aupply from Charleston, and which he offer for sale upon the most reasonable term, at the stand formerly occupied by Allemong St Locke, at the north corner of the court-house. The favors of thoie. who uatroniae him will be tliankfully acknowl edged tbev may depend, that every exertion on J his partVilfbe.utc.dto give general fcatirfaetmn. I rant-cm nta, boa ever, are now nkinr.bv which it m intituled to iiiaUuciihe BturcjuhaiucLd pu pil So hoi . aifen and in all the Various hrau cbi of dnmc4tic economy., Y'hila all due at- C I hftTllnlal braiirht ft ill tltirtiltiiii Ilia- tiiJriirlf.r THK wbaCTihev beg leave to inform biajindcem ii their itnprri.Hi. .l-Hy to pay estie fnends, and ihe rmbnc in general, that be ' eit regard to rhe momlt and manners f the 111 romncmcu uic ok mnmnj jinmmr,. in yWirig IkIics committed to their care. Salem, Kwrtb Carolina i mre may be ba.1, on 1 There will lw . Irrt rrmimiitM. ..f lit, the 4lorte4t notice. aU kimUof mercbJ!t4 4C-1 hidie nd gentlemen to 4tu ml the 4. minnnal counl Books, and libuik-YVork of awery devenp- exaiainaiMma, In decide oil the n.crit. nd nro- uon, am om m raoouna. rrm ot Ibe pupils, ami alac litem in the UA ID CLE EI- aeversl claaae.. , Tko pupib k slia'l hate complrfrd their course of 4tudie4 with acceptance, will reci i'vo a Diploma with the igiittirr4 of their instruc tor snd of Ibe examining committee, and under the sesl of the (eminary. The itudie of the several cWm will ke ar ranged In the following order ? Yrf ('kit Heading, Writing, Orthography, Arithmetic, F.nglish Grammar, Modern " Geography, KlemenG of Composition. SrctnJ t'Uiu Ancient, Modern, and Sacred Gtiogiaphr, t7e of 4ho Globes, Map. - "itrStt iHg.KalufaTIHsiarV, lTtoGiifof Iho" United States. Third C7n Algebra, "F.lemefrtv of Fncmlr Tytler's Hirtory, Hhetoric, F.knienti of L'ritir.i.-m, Astronomy, Chronology, ami Natiinl I'liilnsopby .Fourth C'iif Moral liitlosopby, Evidences of Christianity, Natural Theology, C'hem - btry, llotat.iv Mineralogy and lgic. in acuiiimito tiie Bnoverisaons will be given Great BnTsriuns. rilflF, sub4Criber ofi'era for sale his Ihnri anj I I mI i in Sutrsvill. either a ith ar without hit Bedding and other Household Fiinuturr, and with or a itboiit all hi House ervanls. Sever al tracta of AitadL'thc wh le 4mounting to be taeen 1500 4nd .WOO acre, adjoining the town land of Statesvillc i or any part thereof, to suit purchasers. Tbe lamia in Centre, known bv the name of lli wiiiie House tract, ana mo.'c auqinitigi 10 the a hole about 1 MO acre. AIo, my interest in several o'.hcr tract, all joining the former, A treat number of other tract of land, lying in ditlercnt parts ot the county of Iredell. All the remainder ot my negroes, ;T in number. i,ah will be required for the whole price of the Neeroeai all the other property will be dispo sed of at one, two, and three. years credit. It ia deemed useless to decribe the nrorfertv mwerTmtailirtycrehase tAtivj m Music," PrpM'a13'BLulEfig view it betorc they buv, i V)rdmnce ItapuTtmttit. H'athinfttn, Atk Jun, 1825. SEALED Proposab will, be received. bj.thii Department until thtrsiat day of Jnne west, for furnishing the following Cannon Balls, via : Seven thousand five hundred 24 pounder C an- non Ballif, to be 'delivered it Fort Dclaware. f nwewes4let;Jiwar.x r,.'.,-..v;-:.::' '-.:v.:..'.....,. tSis Uioaiafidl dulivered at Kew.Orleans. . TbW" lUlW r ta b cast ia arfui-aKMilJu. d to be delivered on Oa before tiie feral day ot Oc tober, 18J6. They will be inspected at the manufactorie. and at the cxpen-eof the United Statea but-lhey are to be delivered, at the pluce mentioned, at -the co-t and risk of the contractors "-,-. I he Proposals should W made separately tor each parcel, and hou!d state the Inoe per Pound. - . rersons ouposed to oner proposals wiw pe in in plain and oruunu-nUl .Neeillework, and making Fruit and Flowers in wax. There a ill be two vacation in the year: one of rlx wct kt during the winter, the other of t fortnight iluriiigthe summer. Ihe fust session will end about .the mwldle of November next z and a propoiinW.tduttiwi ifIijuMiu.lht price ot tuition on account ot Uie sliortiiCiS of the "ii(m. MUi4 OV-TVIT4UW. - , r . For latClasa- rsr. - Sl(f per session. . mtd a..H jt.v:- aiia;ii.v.r a "'Jji--'- tfO 3d and 4th 15 do. .,AIl.J;IjC, ortumciitaLbranclici UugKt jitt1io r .W ' aiMu. lmiw.l M.M" A- ' -4.-1-1 ,t"tt.,Wft.Sf.affct fa.'-. VisUvte tit aViX. liowj;., dtcA. fllHE subscfifjer 'haying qualified as exenj. X. tor of tbe la will of , Alexander lng, . late of Rowan couiuy, dee'd. at the court of pleas and quarter seasions.for the raid county, held on the third-Monday of November tast,-', notice is 'hereby given, that afl persons having fiirniatiedi on applicationt with the dimeiisionV demauds agiiinst the said estate, are reqniredlp of the balls, and tiie regulation for inspecting present them lorjiimf nt, within the timo- pre them. tZl GEO BOMFORD, ' scribed by 'law. j'.YkTE$.'l. (.GN.G, Ex'r. June 4. - flm Col: a Ordnance Servke. IH.tWl h w , 41 l "4 " 4" V ' k . ' I-' 1 . j; : h $ . ; 111 1 . ..-I: 1 Pi rfaS?tara. j t. ..' if