t ' . ! : r i. i - 'A' lit , . 'f ' I .1 V ' -j 'it ..' " I- t . ivS , i - ... . it '.i-.i i --it- ri r.r---. -i- L.I. . i i'v; - .. . ., ltd' ' J? : i I L..4 ld y ; Ut DH Mlt,ks It tU U Ul' JiUA fcU la wwir4 7"r;- WW vU mlUltU !! M m fck ft wiLW fc. b mmk mm Upfj U i. Ami )mt MMrf !. MIHCKLMNKOtS. stir roMX CLY.iu. Ia rai tan . ) iinumh. On or tbcul lh IJihof Srpirmbrr ntll, have good authoiitjr for ny. lo(, the Kric Cnl will bt completed, nd tester ImmeJUlely Id in on the bole line. A boil may ihrp be ri rctfd ! tun from Lake Kn'e to We w. York. Ifie ahort apace cl V yean and 2 moalhi, oolf, will have fuiisd away, aince the rt apade of earth wa removed, and a aprctacle ia preieated for ortd to file p pof auch ai it oever witneurd before an vsiatcrrvftfeiJ artificial .iuvig lioo (iocludiag Um ChampLio Caual) of 414 milea j and thii, too, through rery variety of face of country, from a a a I i I aiiuiBg quicitanui, inruuga awaoipa and aoJid rock a. And how baa this tig in tic cnterpriie beeo t ffccit d i By the unrestricted cnergica tf a aingle free atate, at the coat of SlO,12J,7i9, which sum it has been ena'ded in raise on ven advanticeom terms, without drawing one cent from the pockets of the people. - nd it ia esiiroatcd, thai ia ten years the whole debt wilt be extinguished, by tol'.a collected 1 after whuh. a revenue of 1 ,000,000 will anauajly be poured into the state trea vry, to be employed for other uscfu and eonoblintr objects. Notwithstand ing the magnitude of these works, it must be borne lommd, that not to them alone haa all our care been directed: far from it. Within the same period, ... we have-ourtartd the agricultural In. tercat, by distributing to the aevera counties in the aUte, .bountiea to the amount of 10,000 dollara annually,' for the building up and encouraging 0 agricukuraUocietiet, the good effects of which the intelligent traveller bc: holds, while surveying the teeming productiveness of our toil. We have loaned by tens of thouuoda to our en terprisingand patriotic fellow cUiztna, foT thtf'frurpoec? of 1roTkrng""Ofea and nines, and rearing manufactories. We bare made liberal appropriations for the diffusion of learning. We have constructed a state prison, on the best model extant, at a great expense. We have made roads, improved the oavieation of rivers and stream, and enriched," various ..wp and by various means, every section of the State. In fact, what have we not done ,.in the march of improvement f Yet, who feels oppressed by reason - of the expenditurea thus incurred f IVot i aingle citizen. Every dollar expend .ed returns again in. a two-fold prepor tiByeincreascdjyaiticLcfpropij i. r r . ty, ana tne facilities 01 communication. And by whom have all these things been accomplished ? -By- men young in the science of self-government, who af CntuI7. free from a foreign yotc. The old wbrld with all its talent, atid all-its wealth, and' all its physical atrength has 'per- ''.'formed nothing -that can. bear compar ln wilhuur improvements m uhe " jamelencth tian."-HVV-h not prouuoi oemg a ixcw-iorntr: Lanzuap-es.liy a reckoning made from the best Dictionaries, for each of the following latfguage, sphere are about 20,000 words in the Spanish; 22,000 in the English; 25,000 In the Latin ; 30,000 in the French ; 4J,000 in the Italian ; 50,000 in the-Greek ; v 80,000 in the German : 15,000 words Anafbe generally known to any Eng. lishman wlio understands the Latin, French, and. Italian. (Willi lit Wtllil, h wi, Sfc ' HH'fl rUJ, al fs tod a.,n, tuil U'M ar ! J lUcr. ana) ny U tnp-HiMr hJf h. anaih. rr. It iJf d d.;Su!i ti3 . thlar (a t U duM Utter, fcKlia hfUg Itod HiwoU. liof, merely far tha Ve of fUaiiag rMr,ttK tf iswfjioi )Nf traia aot ' drvp, tttepl beTt rt qalta hi r-tV.af 4 Wr UL MTl you anna mooey, tiul pfiveat mauy Ua l aid t. wniW.v , - , -r UthS ett V aa)li, IhJ at leaat half yotif ae1jMort d. 3, Retirt la due fetaoa, that ia due aeaaoa you may riac, 4. Throw your fcathrWda aut tf iha window, or put them when ro will wot mi thrna arilo till Ucccmbcr For Faathen, itke iha followiog ub titutrai firtr. betauttUat, tha ieaar nun oi me caro, cuumf ia toe neia end Vrii the co!). dividief the. biii lcnnhwUeietoaateral alip by a bae;h el,' by the hand, or by atroa j froa romb aecood, hair third, atra Tha butka rr atraw. may U put oo ly into a aack, or naadc iatt a matraaa lh ladef ibMl ia beat, h y-ui) prrato thould ever aleep om fcathera, and then old oari will not wiab 10. J. ,Adipt your cloehinj to the aea aon t too much or too little are both equally bad. i- ava ih body wbvUy free from restore or rcattainU f. Su'tjnt tl)e paaiaoa to rcaaow, and aHhthnraa to jutticr. 7. Preserve the approbation of your own miou. 8. Wash your alia locally, mora or less every dar, and tfi.eially, at leaat thrice a week. ... 9. Never waste the reaourcea of a sound conttituiion and aound health, if you should (alt aick, afirr oberv. in? these rule i, vou will at -least have the Cooaolitioo of believing that you have not made yourself ill. . When you can no longer do without medical advice, aend fur a physician who oot only understand his duty,.hut ia fait)u ful in the discharpe cf it. Tell him at ontc all you (eel. and all vou kno about your caac. . Never treat him like a conjurer, nor oblige him to act like oae. Follow hi advice iaipJiciilyf tell Kim every time he calls on you, what has happened in the interval j and then, if he should not succeed in his firaf effort to relieve you, he will be likely to do it in the second. .VE.1T JME.tir.lsJs. It is too much the practice in I.on don, and'lmongit the artrzane'of the country, to ait down after three hours work to the morn ing to a cup of tea and a icw slices 01 DTau anu outter 1 ana 4"I I If .... " 1 this parriv accounts for the sickly aqua lid countenancea that are ao frequently to be met with. Tea should never be taken as an article of food, but merely as a refreshing beverage ; and 'meat ahould be alwaya eaten for breakfast when people can afford it, except in few eases "of" delicate babitr,vnose stomachs cannot digest it, until the latter part of the day. If a man have been indulging the night before, and feel dry in the mouth, and if he also hare a wish for a cup of tea; it wi be highly proper ta take it; but then he should endeavor to engage his ap petite to a small bit of ham, or rump stake, or an egg, if possible, an furnish tha stomach with something employ iia juices upon, jci 11 oe ever small, a bit of meat ia tne morning should be eaten by those who wish o be strong. And - wo- firmly believe. that if men could return to the ancient mode of break f asting; namely, beef steak and dried flesh, they would be a stouter race than the present souchong breed. - Tea la much better for an eve ning beverage than for morning, unless when the atomach is under tha effects 6f too miich " exertian. " ColTeiT'iit affects the bowels, is the best' fluid for breakfast, but if-rtiletHarTeet the bowels', it is'the worst. Thjs, observa tion applies also to roasted grain Manv writers have contended that "tleep is'' always natural after eating," and quote as "common to all the brute animals we are acquainted with; but what seems to prove above .all things, that rest and sleep are necessary after eating, is that digestion has been pro ved to be carried on chiefly by fermen tation, to which rest, every body knows, is so essentially necessary, that it cannot take pIace-Vithout it. ' Nev ertheless, such as nuke supper their til -tr4 aJ. WhithifnMW aal'.-iiyVai wc ;t fiofil ill illjffld U f)Oi, coMfft araid w'mbi t? alitt( h tf Ztmpv Ut 1 we tf amort to Ue brvw animals, ihy wU anil famish t d ajjjmet.ia la favour of thiipra&t odatyaaalofjUr. rowid froaa th4A lMrvea to U U uodtd ihey kavt tvertr yet tub Irttrd the) iatuftiti a the tyraaay vf taihioo. I i-.:- j itinyeti riD-ioocvr. Tb foftowtBtij a furnished ue, as the crpy of a Utter, writtco vy A per on - ft w -eatroua 01 mcumbj aup - a . a . or. po4 to oo4 um ptopoaea to bib. Gttrfii JJf, . SiaKoeicnplata iaa opettaiat; a School i your oeakcthood, I aboud be tftftily obliged by your eitcavaive tad f thai without besita . - - . - a rittat tea in puoe ruue or auew.i mattockft la ftcUoliiCe order aod ool tioo aaahurt you cf ray dcturmioatloe V(ty,.4flC, V,TtVth'a!f to direct Bfr whole at.r.loo to the ad. JJ w P ' ... r . ... , cUckstooeiCtthlf acrinMtMJiaw!ora't miemeoi of my ftloUai. of whjtem M uVtriioebost SkaWa aiiheUaftftheatfoefulUar. fepQtl( Coopera ;as.li.U Koper oo ia and literature. 1 teacheta rcediat Uracleai tbaao oUadinp. sr-"" w r a pvipda who ahali bo eatntatrd to aayleirvrtf, on feveri Hunter on te tlJj manaetmeat shall U lackio ia the ia. atrucatoa auiuUo'lo their latellectuU eitoa.sh.a at urnea to wiweai the dj - vrrsitvof p.iweraby which tha iatcU tnU. wn Afr,r,K,, "P1I I-ron oo lever ..i :. r .k!M.- f -Tryi lorike on feveri m . . i. ,i , pfxtieer Loto tWcKr lectu.l advancemeoti may be advanced I Hum cn rvttitt j lWU'a .nt-nry j ialearnlo a-J acientifte Mquiitkoi.DlKka!lMdilestFsritirmcottti All due atlcotioea will be paid to mor - ... .... 7.. Jjtyvaad crcr cflfort made , to tender iaiprovemeLU pady evident. . N. D. Ceetrafy wiU be taught to those riarrng iab forthia or ocav er cUasacal scieoao or art. v i.j :it n .uuct.uj.wiM wm im.w V . ; l r A r v quaUifyed f-w that branah of polite rf r l .a W .a.ii I . Mi nr. h. I.I.AII carnio, ac. c. ClTl i)r JrAMJJ. . There are in thie city 320 W'atch- ikers, who employ about 2056 work- rn, aud produce aoouallv 30,000 m men pld watches, 40,000 Vdver watches, and 1S.000 eloekai the whole worth u.i 'luite?:;: itt- ... IBWIMWE IliT IUIII Wi Ulllir lllll..l t Jt I.I.. .til 1.. i' l L 1. ' I roer a aermonai Drooo solvinltv f Dulr every year, at a medium, 45,000 ox hides, 4,000 cow hides, 9,000 horse hides, 00,000 calf skins, and employ in this operation 11 million of . tan, yr,UUU pouous Of auum, 3UU pounus l of tallow, and the same quantity of salt.- The commerce francs. 1h annually.in Paris, is about four thou-l v . -. , , , .- - Uian'a nc sanaiwa nuoarca. Of prmtiqi etablihments there are eighty occupying 3000 workmen, mov. recollections or the" Peninsula ;M CiuV. ing 600 presses, and employing year- Greece; Say's political economy; Rollin'a ly 80,800 reams of paper which yield ancient history; Lacon; Ovid's mcia a receipt of 8,750,000 francs. morphosea; Smith's wealth of nation; The royal printina: oflic, wUiCltem-l ploys 80 presses, 295 workmen, and from 70 "80,t30teamsf;papeTi-"Ii" not included in this estimate. . r "',. 1 n-f An Englishman named Thomas rampniej, w mruwo uy .ti-iuc.., .u marcn, io-t, among a pn ui uic 11 - tivea of New South Wales, who had no intercourse with the whites. 4 ne ft ft I fnlUMlnM i. mi ftf W ftn-rrlntM Tla ted of his residence with them : . J ..Jf-WJiea Pamphlet ; arrived among them, they had no more idea that wa-f ter could be made hot than It could be made solid , and on his heating some , . j. . w a j in a tin pot which Ire Jiad saved When wrecked, the whole tribe glthered rwmllimarKlaUhedt .1 k 1 k j .... I their heels, shouting and screaming; nor could the? be persuaded tO yeturn I till tVy saw him pour the water out .nj i ,v ha-' iK.n ka v .l-T,, I and ckan the pot, - when :they alowly I ventured backand careFuinrcovered the place where r the water, was jspiU nr.-,' - - 1 1 - - I t ' I . I witnaanu. uuring tne wnoie 01 nis stay among-thenL tbey.- were . never reconciled Joithis'weraiionf toil- . 1 Formerly, U was a rnaxim, that a oung woman, should, never be marri- d till she had spun herself a set of body, table, and bed linen. "Trom this custom all unmarried women were called spinsters, an appellation they still retain Ui all deeds ond law proceedings. ? . . Sears' made of tobacco rilfcd on a farm in Lancaster, pa. ate said to be equal iu flavor to the bei HAvana ae jars. j 1.1IA AUJ'.SIONO, 11 JiJ fit rl4!!i.&4.aax oli Us of Ua U. ,V'is. J vl I stu-ff tia tw 1 JVa Ut tiMio'feMf i, IkwW f'aa4 1 Jact'a Uw Ihnirvs rtiMlt fawei oo iai(irs ViMi'a rspfit I lO. KUUms Lilt t llit a t Ti4 lir cms eiacuti"! rkftWa I LITif repofls j Btrpltift o pfeaJlof t iU'a Uki AJs 'm tiuuiu 6a UwofftMst aKolearilenl t!ftuim co Ufasxf Maoitcwa m aWai 1 pns ! J ..i. uoetMaif a aiey M istocy j l O'iiowjsarfMiHr ceotnciti iiKaiooraoo moacyi itr i,., tftt , j.,, M nenLlp Kola4 oo raouxisi Kt mi a.sr.s ITauaioo'a refill UdUfe" vd tenat oil UutUawn a U I lt oo mUi law of l a -4 carriers S4MkU'a ripnsj tai la ejHy i AH.UWa pmtka I do I . I adinft A- ia crianlAaJ pleadiflf Mibitim. Thomas domeuic mrJlclnet Arm- Mnrrsv a materia m.Hs) DnUe' mor -14 aaatomy DU oo vlrcrat Uemaa'. Avertlla Thoasa pr a jJu UbliVM 4 ik:iiin'.WiW. i S.,IU ...,h,!i,. ; it I - . l lull oo disorder i American dnpcnsaio I rr i Sunler on eje i on llerj j n oo wound Kaaay oo yellow (aver poarreniraji.nonoiieoiitom 1 "meiaoniceia, ieu ctH; I P"""1 v" "I""- V" MgLn.ivui. I . . i .;.,! - 1. I ... ' 1 rmooi Br!l.y,aoo.t Harmony of the ,,,gei,w , uroV, UUla dictionary ; Ijl.ard'a on affectioo Fordvee'a aer mone t Hdfrev'a adJrcstca t Proudftt'i I -nrk i Kiinl' rt kiwi Mwr.i pilgrim's progress ; conversations on the bible ; christian morals ; White's remains; Erklns sermons 1 marrow of the church j tbriti world 1 DoUoo'a fourfold state j ?" hira PaleyVtheology , uoddriffa ochrcgeneration Jenk'i devo Ul alarer'acaUl Bock', works, Clul Uinenu, Watra hymns; prayer books, ,nd various other works. ritttrr. Butler's Hudibras Ely's synopsis ; uarpemers t;uiue ; iwenncra aniwjuiii "is ol war classical diciionary tiibson' 11 ctunuinr . t in oicnonarj poems; 'Scott's Infantry 1 lUids, savnrtiai 'a m m. -vt- tr A Miimastai ii.ii.meB arc Ilum F.ni.iMl , inompons seasons iiira communion; Federalist ; Junius letters ; Negotiation bet ween--Spain and the-Unitcd. States; Clarke 00 slavery ; life of Cqwper ; Cow per works; Pindar's works; views of I I.ouIsiana; Italy by lady Morgan ; Frunce L do.; UnJles..te. and Great Britain ; n,,,.,. fl,c,i0Mry ; Europe after tlie Congress of Aix la-Chapelle. With a general awortment of school boolcs. n . a 1 I . 1 f-ngunu a urye vneiy w l0tner inl trie Ute 1MjrVfce. "Till Ct Will Ch dUcount will be made to Kbmry companie. &c. EZRA AIXEMOXO. . Hw1iIsooirhaiKr.Ti nerrtajartm kmcu ot &&, selected with care, ana laid in lZT 1 nvii viaviiiip ami unx ai g v iiv 1 at ai invited to call, examine and judg-e for them. ' Sanb,iry;jr, c. Jan. 18, 1825.- - "-4 IVVoTrmnttr-PnU T UHBAGO, iweilirtes alid weaknet of the I . , ,, , ' . in A(i face ititTnev of the neck, chilblains, rotit cramp, rheunwtiam, tc. are all ipeedily and efl'ectually cured by the use of Dr, llobcrtson's celebrated ' f , )?Jj iilrnr-- JjMflMMmptijnpfT Br anbh inir these drona acreeablv to. the li irctKMi which U limrdy to 4h w tlie partai affected two or three timet a oay-aito in cases where it is necewarr to take Jntemally from ten to Titteea aront 4m e lurap 01 tPr. thev teidom or eyer M M j&xfsiim. faijmMfc$i$' red rir: that of a peroianciitjcwe-,m--i:ery. For tale wholesale and retail, at the propric tor Drug .and Family Medicine war.ehoubc, North East comer of Second -and Race streets, Philadelphia and retailed by hit agents, and everr Drlncibal druenfist and vender of kledi-. cinct throughout the I'niled Stntci. ' "'. (Tr 1 ake notice that each bottle or tfeniune medicines ha the signature of the sole propri etor, TV W. M UTT, Jit. IK' ' . : ---a ti - ... . A IN the 2d class of the Oxford Academy Litte ry, for ttla at-the :?rintiit(r Office i hiirln-ft - -ay - m prize S20.PP0;' besidci'fc 10,000, 5,000, wgh- nire of the sole proprietor, . teen of ?yl ,opo, ic. &C. .Iric;orScketa g5. , i, T.H. BYOll, .V. v- m nml l asniir .Inlif ir.n : T. W.'DYOIT, Jf, Il ' ri.tvni.tt. AM w W, iUtU 1 M-1. 4 Mfh I vi f 4 a-t M sw vv ' t 'y j I fn4 ! iJ nki(.c4 t hU.i.4 MUJIpk'iMj,, IkKutrSM ft I ktj SlklM, Ufa Mm, I SMA, rfMV, aswaMtft). 4.X.t ivo "n Midi KiwtM, v iiniViMiiii,,, a .t A Bm4 IUaMM.!, 4 iM 4 e pUi ftr;4 vi vhImh tf rM W.i t U, Inmmf. tdmlmttk. kf dtik Si. mm m. Hi, tntawytrwe, aMfttil 4'W, Umf, h;(Kl4 i4lts . iM . Um ftt,ru4 'Wrff'. wj, m-im rmanMni 44 - , j A s awt eff ! ef f r i cv m kMwUf! -- a-4tiL . I i skHj t4 00 Jw-'S rUs Wn, ifA att Mvt mr wl la Uf ktwi smI fw, fM4 (rat, k .. rx i unu pt M(i. Or. tJUmlM' IUmttd4 lLntn.rn.CiU. . J (' nUtug a k ni.tli. ar apneiite, and a trtl h'ni. .. rW Utt d ag( la. ticw Wi W Mr Utile. . MUtm' lftUUt It mm Ik.. lt9tmK ml&im kluf.n 1 j ' - w H-tie trry irir of tm IU U lKIhS rmt ink (MnmMTn tU.. winr fnr, rrprdt'tne an4 rMtjiriy a , .-t tlx mwU' tkm tuetet4r. irmA eMKUhA. r ! o mi (1 1 '.( mcII, il k bw4 K ttmrf il tkft itll tti U , frw ht'y tnti Mr baf . 1. W hUCU, T-A J, i. JWU I ttTy ((iiimiiII til trn'r tf n4 k ium Ui rmo ca t3 rrum tLr BMcb. iB prrr il tirii rMBrUu, aat Ikim, av a4 fcr, c fcatV, ,ir rwy, orm, dtralrfy, braJ atl. Icrt ! f preii, eW aiwl taught, rfrpa wklftfttHMi, lubiiaal roHjivwu, ic. fr. tvriity Are cnxipcr fxs t UfiboniiO itr. rifler,' (Mutmrml w 4 w r.W T. fcr, kfHrm,U. Pre 37 rm jrf U, 7r. Iifirr Lairftfag.a .r i Kluaiin, C..JVaS;4wUtv Buttle. - . Ut VrrHukU Halm Lr. frW oa dilljw per botl. Aa r.stranrii from ta IVru frarraat pkai, fbr reading ikfrct 1 the U . ad i.f in j- Uj eom k um. I'm t o R lar per buttle. TV tiaW Wnf Fof eletinr, teailf ami ymrninf the teeth and pam.- rrr iiiiy cmii prr ftox. enrinr eat diaofdrrs of the Krc - Prke rr nOsnuHaliia-enty4Stentl. ' - Jl.iif'i.lf.fnM rUuin CiWA.-A sorereb rrnitdr fur all klcrn and torn, tor hrr-x . bile, Kr lrr rwellinr. sprtint. ait bruins paint ia the back and brtaal. cornt i n the fcr he. Price twentv-Sve erne, fif-v ernt. ar.J oiie dollar Sue tcb alaa riarirr. -Approved and rrcoinmu.dt d bv Or. Suth tJ Dr. flit tie, of M.'IkIcJdIi:. ik1 bv the nn eminetit of the faeul'y in the fnit-d Utn Lf lakeootier, tbi m ordrr U breni w uoNiMm, ail and earh nf tha a Suva fan mcJichiu are nea!!yM"l t up hh full -t vo tiniii uirr llitow'trvl aTiPwrn tlie'tuTJH" ctr i(a the aignaltire o he ftole jtrvrt., t , ' T, H. VTOrr,M. D. Since tfiflntrnductkm of lhee tt!ubl a-.- eh't t Ihto jhe fuiud states of .Uirt, rbrj itate acquin J the bieb4 uVerca of Mlcbrrr for their uuparalU'tlrd uccet in aflemtinf and eurina; ditcaso. a liich, in a variety of iiHm, had baffled aonir of oiif mM esptric fh iicin. The rntnuive and hiercatiiijr demtiil for. them throughout the conrittent, for t!ir twen v mm ,1, tntinet their intending crti cacy and. iporUucXn. lle 1)lic. J'or femi I7e tiiKlit iduU hoap rrtideiTtfe orcirema ttance place thrm beyond the adtantajre d prorurinir a physician, thev are peculitriy abi- ted 1 and for bote eonenicnee they r aece panied with every instruction tpperttinin t the tmptona of diteatcni and proper directwni for uiinj them. " " "' r (O" A coiwiderablc ditrount mill be tHofcJ to Drupfirtt, Country Merchant an(l those who piurluaa by ibe pntityr -Ordrt pwpd t emW ra, and the medicinea xarefuUy prW and iurwanled to any part agreeably tadirrctio A constant tunnlv of tha above mcdicinrfr sale by John Murphy Saliabury, and Murphy k uroirn, uonconi, w. IT. t3 ougUs antV Oo3 , ARE speedily and efl'ectually cured.by " Ute. of Dr. Robertwn't celebrated -.-r. , are iiousanda throughout the United w', who have experienced Ut bepeficial tHcc within these last twenty years, and coa test'') to itt beine the mot mi r remedy vcr ollerfU to the publiefor the relief" and Ul - milmnnurv or ditordera irf the brsat andinjtsfH'U PSI,, most advanced ttnte, UI find itimiidiate rc"'' : Comlitqnt L'ough nd Colds wlich..,,! m j eral occasioned by obstructed perspiration. iteIWid4ai:l (U limii.....-...,.-,.," .r.'il""""" 1-'J"-..: .; V .jtn k-thnurfic- or connimptity-eown- hoawenejs, wlieeziiigs, suortnes 01 Dreaim -: tlie whooiiinc Coul'Ii. it will tive imnHiUiiiie ------ O U . ' - m relief." - v"'T" ji. H i. .ln an Rwtiil iemeiU Tof the ofK terror hx; thf mimnier complaint in fbWffi severe gripings, and most other disorders ot tu bowel". ,f,, . i'ir. nlv b tw. T. W. Dvott,1 and lor tale Wholesale and Retail, at hit Drug and ily Medicine Warehouse, N. K corner ol coml and Kace sJreeU, anoTby-nl apj"-""" aireiit Ihrougboirl the United States, . ... . . .1 . .... t,. ili wirna l ake notice umi cacn uuiuc - A nit. r.tiiffi. Vta.n. In 'IK. KrA.ot nilUniT loatappcoaciunircoiituinptiuiveuv--'- - I.--"' . ; if