WESTERN CAROL: 'Mir a ii HAMnntniv, N. c tl'khdat, Moirr u, uji, (NO, 371, VOU VI ItltMl Wlll nr l'iiiUJ wm rn. Va Utm Um . W a w4 t M Un 7W Xfc it, i-U fc Ja. 1 4 -' i4 at f 1 ) fcVitt- - -i' mi ft 1 tfd 'ttmrv, 4 Ll. fc a ". - ij (.tun 4W-wl iW tit, a W Vf jrclve from the Almanack of Goth for 1121, llitUhuditUflffutMxu tuangcr it tht oa ! bit HoyaJ High. J Sn XVVimar. Duke Ucroard ow to Dotloii, it about 3J Jtart of are, aaJ wa roamed In 1110 wim Prince Art, ter of th prreoi f.Ipnioff IJukt of Stic Melninrfo. V uiuirrtuml that in fifty life ht cn- tttt d the Si. Army.wa himtoi at the bttde of Waffaw, and hd the honor, far hit raliaatry on that occ lion, to receive tht GtanJ Croa of the French Legion of I! -nor, at tbe ijjtof 17. Io ihw eventful battle of Waterloo, it in the affair that Drea ded it, oo iSe 15lhf IGthand 17ihf of iat, be bore a part, at commander of portion of the troop of the Duke of N ytau. lo (he year 1 8 IV, we belie v he cntcrr J inia rhe wn ice f ihf King ufihe Netherlands, with ihe rank el Mi r General, and at Military (o. rm.r of Kaalcrn Hander, in which jxnt he ilill remain. We und-rlaid lht he hat made hit pmrot viiit to th: country, with pcrroiisioa of the Kian of the Ncthertauda aui wih the iwitorablc fturpoae of informiog him tlf, by t ton A obervalion, of the inttili(iont. rcoue. anil character of our countr)'. Thi pnwe hat been j of our countr)-. Il. piucC ha been U diunieU men . Uow mut mcir aim rrprriented to ut fwdcivctvuvaoJU Iberalprinciplc, and onaaeted man- young with rapture, a. they look round ter. The noble example et by hi. oo the happioe. of their own creation. lather, in being the Ufit lermao long may iDey remain, our giau imi P...- i t. Vrrr f'nntl i I nl'iAo lnlvnlrl.il MTr In lrth US ill. that Wei . . . Ml .k . I - w w , I nit Uijeci, win prrpoca mc pcvimir ircaturc " - pie of America io favor of the son. We feel confident that during his res- ; j i .l:. h. k.tt ....!. every proper raatk of the respect diieto the confirmation of their country's re his connexion with ao enlightened sov- nown, and their children felicity, ereign, and to his own character and . merit.. Boiton Daily Aav. J THE TRUE SUBLIME. A correspondent inform uj that a preacher, ome time ince, in DeU ware, made use of the following very tublime figure, no doubt to the Rteat edicatiou.of .hi hearcra : It i impossible' for "o unrcgenerate aoul 10 enter into the kingdom of Heaven and be saved, as it would be for the best horsemen, amongst you, to ride down from the clouds upon a thunderbolt, through the branches of a crab-apple tree without getting scratched." BARBEITS POLE. It wu an old urxrstitian that Rome was once delivered from the pl.igue by (he pod Esculapius, who, it was sup posed, came there in the form of a aerpent, and hid himself among the treea in an island of the Tiber, Ever after that, Esculapius was represented with a staff around which a serpent waa wreathed) and his other hand rested on the head of -a serpent. They were particuliTly Ttscred to him, net only, as . ancient physicians used them in t HTirre script iOn but be cause they were considered as em blems of that prudence and foresight, which are so m'Cessary in the proles, sioa of medicine. In former times,, surgeons were likewise-faarbera-pind when a man displays a staff with a twisted snake at his door, it was a to ken that he cured diseases, as well as shaved beards. Barbers are no long er phyakkrof bat ihe W ligrcj&E&t: culapius is still continued, .. When Dr. Johnson courted Alias Pot ter whom he afterwards married, he (old her4 that hrwasof-mean extraction-, thai TW.JiXrr., I". J"'" .'S'J his had heeB hnped7TljalJld.ue;wavJ htk tA tk.t .,-.1- -fl r,i V it . i-. ' .u o rcduc,nB hersel to an equality with him replied, 4 tha,t she had no more mo- thavhimsxlf, and that though none of ler relations had been handed, she had .... ' ( I Gfn I T"an.tt ln-a n it nFKi.nt.I. I - ... - " -j . uvm " . v 7 i DV tn Pr.HA. fn. nAM.d...l ....l.lnnn. . Kill III. " ' i"".r pviiH-Tiviii n.nu;iiwpn. -.i tcndit at fli linwYtf .1 it viiuil 4n ftt'ttH 4 n.i.Zr:..i ' . irucvrn of 4 rov, hi r..-f. Our mJi k pocy ff ot.ryk w lafgt U cJmM .HH tatiKta from Mr. wiU.ikM tu' iIum ajutil araJia, Ht ,piriikwdiisg Jktheaf, rV'ftf . oa tUy, ail iU tciaJJ of (iv4 tl tW attar, la Uttf f forth h twJf jfiyfrf - Wbjr, o Mi fcLiy, coorrgtM Lf f tht and the Uautiful of lh lanJf Father ! FflrrvJl! itil tht Saai ATM Uaf Of Fllltxin ! Ile race ol the ran-aJ, ilhgfaufolhan a.J I lulling voicet, have again tome uji, io the aunl gf t ol jace, to Uk J wOtUeol their lodcpcod eoee ! I h atory of our coubtry'a aulTtr. tnp, ur coorya triumph, th ol tru and cl'Kjacutlv uld, ia mil a aiory llut canoit lire, and mut not be for gttcn. You mtU livtco io in recital, however uaadrrtcd amj I ahall eel frar , therefore, ceo from the plate hera your (Iiumb cmci hare ao bog at'.od, lo delight and rotighteo, 1 lhall Lot frar to adJren you. Though I tell yja.nyo,tluog, I rpeak of that which cart never fall Coldly oo your ran. Yuu will luleo, lr you are the aon aid daughlert af the he roic men wh' lighuU the beacon of rebellion," and uofurlrd by it blalr, the tnumylunt banocr of liberty )our own blood will p-k for me. A fee ble few ol that intrepid baud are now among you, yet iparcd by the grave for our vcncrauoi ihcy will pck for me. Deir ainking forme, their bleached lock, their hooorablc acar i line will. lodceu, apeak lor me. . . . . . -i j o &--- - ----- - - . i 11 . I k knnf nl flrtllltl I and danger and when their oou shall summon ihem to a glorious real, my k.w Kv m ihlr detiarted comraXles Roll back the tine of time j how powerfully to . upplies the ptomiae : I will give thee the heathen for an inheritance." Not mny genrrluns jgo, where you now sit, neded with alt that exalts and emVlnw ivilited life, the rank thistle nodded in the w ind, and the wild fj?Jl dug hi hole unscartd. Here lived and loved another rice of beings. Ilcocalh ihe same sua that rolls ever your head, the- Indian hoo ter pursued the panting deer j gaung on ihe same nvon that smiles for' you, the Indian lover wooed hi duky mate. Here thr wigwam blaze beam ed on the tender and helpless, the coun cil fire glared on the wise and daring. I - " o , favour sedgvlAesaod now they pad- died the light canoe aloog your rocky OOWllltTUipi'ni mill iivvrw T .U i: I .k. . BkKU imhi I. shores. Here thev tarried ; the echo- inff whoop, the bloody grapple, the Ue- , ? , 'f - ,, ... I .l I fving death-song, all were here , and when the tiger strife was over, here curled the amoker of peace; Here, too, they worshipped j and from ml-j A,v i.ni nn a mire prayer to the Great Spirit. He hac' r v.. .. ... .. . ,u m i1",Kti 1 not wriucn ilia tn vi ,iuwu w.a of stone, but he had traced them on the fables of their hearts. The poor child of nature knew not the God of revelation but the God of the universe a V V wa.a" - nnr He beheld him in the star that sunk in beauty behind his lonely dwel- ling, in the sacred oro mat namea on him from his mid-dav. throne : in the flower- hat-snapped.4p thc4 P0."" hreeze, in tnc tony pmc, mi ujt-u a-thoasand whirlwinds in the timrd warbler, that never. left -tv, nTve" rnIli the "fearless eatle. whose UB- fi,v'i r , t -ir-"c.twlxKa"a,aa'-arrr"tn-"eloU(M 1 in. . 1 t 1 I ;.lt: f... the, worm, tftat crawiea ai uw . . , li..: lu,',n in his own maictucM -iw.i, 8park of that light, to'hose . 'r . . , hllinL. mysterious source he bent, in humble though bhod adoration. I a.,. Uia rtron rame a nil frrim. bark Liuaa mi wvi... . i p. 7 r konrlnn ,V IprHl of lUf and dc3th. utoiiiie ll.v y m.. .- . . . . U -t-Kii tnrmer wrre sown tor vi, . -a" J latrer snranrf ud in the oath oi wie aim henicknowUdgcd in cvxrylhlDg-at-iYWLand ! ttic. Two ),uoJf J 7tt htvf ch4BIt4j 4mflf cf trt ,t Uti; Mj j fofftcf ff0B1 H( a fcft Uf ,tf Af ki, umttnMA itJL, Jl iia.urr. and natufr, aed rdocaibai hart Wan u n .rtf.l, fa faf lb iribct f I' 9 ci the It not Atl. il(fc.aaxl.lbta,ji strUkca rsr fcmain, twt kSiw itilike thttr Iwld- onWmo omamrale rm groiior ! tht Juti, f fo giaoce,- 4 hrlar, ia- 1-mw of V tootbipg ballad, the hero of ;h psihilic tale, U gt ! aod hi drgi aed olTtpfiag crawl ypw the soil whjre he walked io Jnajrtiy, to re mini ut bow rsitcraM i man, wheo tbe 11 of the conquest i n hi etc ck . A a race, (hey have withered from the lind. I"heir arrow are brkrnf their pf i"g tare dried up, their ca bint are ia the dual. Their coined firt ha long oic gont 'Ut on the hre, and their wr-ry i fail dyin to iba uotrodJen wct. Slowly ami Lfadlv, they clwdi the ditlaat teoun. r. ' a Mo, and read their dm ra in ht r'. tlg un. Thry ara hraking Ulote th mighty tide wbWb it premg ihem a way they nuit soon hear if if of th Utt wave, which will r.lr over them forever. Agr tnr, the in;tmitivr whit maw will -tJr ow the ttructoic ol their dilurt-J re main, etd wander to what n.tonrr ol proti they behogrd, Thry will live only in lhe song aod ilronicle of their eilrtmioitor. Lt these Ik faithful io their rude virtur a mn, and pay due tribute to their unhppy fate a a people. To the noes, who to ihi dfrt re gion built a tiiy of refuge, I'ttle hi than to the BBAVr. wbo r-ind O n city reared an impregnable w jl ri .fc ( wf owe lhe bleing of this d,) leligU.u ) freedom lhe tcrej hcrU ol ci it 1;br- theyde,erted their native land, wbere the foul apirit of persecution ... I I L waa ud in us iurv. n n"t . had lon went at the eaonnities prr petrattd in the abused name of Jrho. vab uad JcauvAiHrslst UOW blo,l " blind zealots had found in the bible, sod Lamentably indeed, did-they ful fil the command. With 'Thu aith the Lord," the engines of cruelty were stt io motion, and mny a mar tyr spirit, like lh aseending prophet from Jordan's bank, escaprd in fire to heaven. It wa in this night of time, when the inrubtwof bigotry sat heavy on the human soul : When crown awl enwJrr ru1J rowtH worW, tint mertl tUiknriao'cr the .naiiiw girled W hen, wrapt in deep, earth' inrj.Klcliitlren ly. HugtrU Uicir vile cnauu, ana art.ai u uirir gc aaay; .: IVm .hen by IkM. ImpeTlciT. by frrrrfo fired,-; cru V " """""l By hop aupponed. and bMud " t- ikr.'? With -U due deference to tritlicntlic pilBTtmlefttheirtihrr'K'c' C..pt. F nnev, tcr cannot help ihink To -erk a Hon beyowl tbe in'r ' ing (considtrirg the present depressed And hrrr it we. all rwiifh atrfl wintry. Mr k . . 'i ,m ' ,k- I. i j ,i...,..i t:ir t.f mutrimniual commerce, toe ' . . . i i..v ...... ..... a .1.. .1 . ,L. . f,r. . l.in.e iBffiOUH.UUI."HU(H.iUklM.r.i'.v-' - ness of this Mtie hrotherho u tnu aelf-banishrd from their country ? kind and uuei, it was true, oui siiujasnameu to recc.. tflrir country r i erc u.cy c ,1... Hlhr lhi limn . I life WIS and there, where the lamp I life was lighted, they had honed it would go ut. There a father t-hand Jad led them, a moiher's smile had warned them. There were the haunts of their boyish days,theirkinsfolk;thctr friend t-. riiTl.f-rinn - their -alk Yet all- wi rrcollectionf, their -all. " Yet all was left even while their heartstrings bled at the parting, all was left and a stor my se a savage waste, and a fearful destiny,' were encountered " for II b a- lor You. . - y " Fear not oartv zeal it is the salt . of your existence. There are no par-J tiesunder a despotism. I here, no mi-linger round. jtiMlQtrbja.i,,.no nVan "drinkathe poisonl)f a licetlUbui presy i no matTTjlotsfrrajcrt at a tlr;ba tinff societv i htf inardistriiCtti hi head about the science o government. AIL ther is a calm? unruffleel e i even But 4yeAo3W.,-iBP,o'..t jiv'" fl'f for ever, pure, for ever rolling, tts mighty tide"ominkea.JowjbJgher and ruahta faster than 'tis wont, and as it bounds, and foams, and dashes, along in, sparkling violence, it now and then throws up its fleecy cloud; but this rises only to disappear, and as it fades away before the suaOcasns of t' rj!igta P fallblnoi, ti, brh-.l-l upvO II boiofn tht tu4mw lil rf MUtVmg pair, arthifl lo decbrt Uxrc i Mi danger, Aa4 avow, It it wo ! ptth, ti .y, iW ttd of Ui world have Ua Ui wpW o, Vet Mily Cdy Viari w bavw turn tbo g lor too fa ol -pSrr, Ffimdi b4f guej io.fiir, bd foei ia i6Ri but frir t o4t U oy, aeui mota U luiaiog to wonder, , f be frrol trfrriffnt b tuccce itcd Malik il Ub-.ld the prtt of a lil, abMi uowri i wikK.wi, wb" tame it purity, bne heraUrv I la! rwi a Uwd where public trAtimrPi i tupreme, aod whnc ery rrn mat tint ih tivramid f hi n f.ir fame. Thrv be hold, thry U ,rr, wl j ihrywillimil.tr. !.!) nc nnog whe throne tan nl i vr 'm p-e-1 led by parchmrn ri l!. Il i M l a Uifff writing, igod 1 eld l thrrr frail, mortal mm, i,t ran !' err keip d " '"'K million. j ihre w II rtif : ttry till point to uu. tthtr HtiUi io K at. of wh ie Ix.hl 'r.''' mr I nail nnum cur 1 rtarr, wh-r tin tote' w . indrrd a holy' frw, lor i met the eppfivig m:ic f a 11 At G-d! J'lom'the Sorr to the muntini, from ihe'rrpion ..f frri! tn thrrillrrs .f rlrrnal prir,g, mynai' of bold a nl undrr di"g mm are uniting to irrrclu!. a gvrnment of ihrir own hoir, and j;rrp!oaie the institution cf ihrti i.wi firation. Mi kW.kn'. in m. bt llra bcUtl ad V !.( j- rir, !trr!(f or 0r W rtl. No itii'iirr .i.!r. 'In, '.' r 4 ', Bo-n Vn In llolT "tJr to twle iT. A ( kM k. il IHU in k in ( itn. V.t t M in '. n; '. llw nrm. I one i" J'!' ;l i Mrn m r, ljmx ,u ., u,t, .J ... l:... .lrf, i.Ui.m'U( lurl.i.a cfjMtl.. ; n, frJBtit..cn Utile in wj ,lcoriw rrti. 'Imj r .l.i-T. rri4ini iHc. Mtllltl ik) frcon llic mniiii f ignrr of the l).l,rliMi uf IlKkftlKltlX c. I raoa vat trarUT. A the d'mnrr of he Hirbmnrd Light Infamry Woe Mdckana' iprrnj;, tpt. Wm. Finney gave the folio i r : -iH IWIkIom : Mjr the fet tuth as Ut doat tke." Now wittout any di;oition to disparage that highly meritorious and 1 rl - r t i i ii m. - . n (in OUT opinion) m-JCO t" l envied ',.nt.rr nil" mii.m, iilv al oflirr. class of gentlemen, we must infurmj . v. i V Capt. Finney that the great Autocrat ' IS rot to be put fl i'h women a lc.. put in'cs"' If'sie h.i"e formed a ctrrrrr- .. ,.f k. .1-1,, rv ,f In. annrliir. he will have hi ;,i W.Jiflu of'f,,,i,''U,J,4',h,rhhc,,prrI,rrl beaux. husnand9-ir-d'Uo a,iicl will " ..... . . . not inticr nimsrn io icn wm. ouvn. . : . I. - .,1. . I . . . .. r v I .... . I M,;!- .a uiir trllawiu,!! . I L 1 . ..., I mat suon a ne.or . w. . would mt take, the Dl would be MM VFACTUBE OF SILK. A communicaiion laid before the Phil adelphia Society for internal improvemeni, Mate.tha alKv.nr,ouinwaraw-,c In the cuitivauon, 11 wc m-r (ec.(1 . ivtitmn f" rr prolate of will. It p presnion, of silk wprms. A Frenchman in ,() ,(, f a n.t'ariion of the foiirt. that about a vcar euo made him a present 01 . nincicen worms t he wis then 1 3' years' of . Thev are now increaicd to two thou tind and four hundred, and have already commenced spinning each of these rep tile pins from three to fire hundred yards of pure sirk hehides the tow, and Si' tukra. uhout six hours to wind off the labors of twenty-five of these industrious mechanics. 1 he boy is the chikl of poor Kni "r.nertah!e Oarents, and devote atll . i. . i . I, 'run anare from his IIIC IIUUIO wnii.it I school 40 vuptritUcntung 4he labors oUhe sua, worms. . " "" '' ""TB&ZtV'ARi ''i' 1 "'wjq:wltsc A Wntleman in Hartford, (Con.) is now engaged l writing a wo'k, to he en- mm. iM.w.. "-fx. :..t. .... .1..,.. aw ,;,-A it Vl-mr,ir.nf Simon llolivai'i 1-1') eraiar of tht Independent -HepuUics ol South America with a'.uctincT History of the events in which he w p.'iiicipal actor.' Philadetfiia Guzelte T!ic "l-aFaveUe Hotel," in Fayetteville, in th'm state, hai been lentod for a term of yeiim. by Mr. Tracy, Utt of tU Mantrii-llousc Hotel, rkihrJciprtwi - . : --r - - tntuhtttttu J fr.'iLi4iuY VlttV ntu UoUte Vuttutt4 I ir. ftltlf. a.Wwt ti- r- tM 1 ImI. k4 M t !! rvl. It t tt4f Mt ! A fx" -.-' , t m 4. W , F.ri it. :it' t ry --rtr ttMii. Ixwi It tjU, a 4k it a i-i r t " trmm rV MH mm r"W ! mtU Ut.fiiiA !, kir f4 r.T.-, lxw(W f m Hi, .1 t)ll .H. I m tW ! tWnit l tt-zolr. aalt . frri 'f W4., r.j b ih.Jl I" f.1 ., ! rtV It 4L, ! t .! ! , fvtloa -! ftwt.. J.r, 4r-t -"-I irr. iii1i4, Imw I l-i - ll ImM I ,11m. U. !, " ,', I !."., I Itnklf, , (ttb. -li'Tl ...I t-"-m l'l UVi, ! M . r, M .. .nl ) . I"' I'f r i n If, II t ft ! I' lt""l., HiHoof iS. . r j 4 l HnW- . . I r ' t. II.' . M I' lr ' ' W. 'I Off. lfc(M ct" ! Uk WfV.K lit u 1. 1. !. 1,1 ', lt;A Wntr. T l ttfwrKMl. t Ium MmlaH't, rilrv iMrta.c !, awl ilWi m lJ-arv. Vnn) im Atwheri Wifl i If, cm) tfV I'attnt N'rd'Mine o. j Il0 1 oUxo wtier hole' t Xlaari tlx) Lrnr. Iiikat tX &tn Vff iioiiUk: rxxuo. hiftti.,n rorw'" t'o. WaiHingltm and fjt'c.inl flaK i 'ri Co Ij Fay rn anH ru ! 3XOd I)ol an; franklin ilo cfo. J C Jr do Ship I ri.kHn aivl ArikuI. !o. ; tfo. aKiitel faglr, kc Ho. I 10 do rominon iit.ed do. 40"") do. Kr.lei ( oinucr.pii.kr. hU pin i ; 4X) do Jri ..M.rierf. all irr ; i(W do drurf;i!t nd etHiferiiMiri' ho Uile ; 5tK do. ftnijr.Uii'-pBfkirtf btwil-, aMt vlarij 2 HA) Uo. at id uoltU . Rrv V" Ir i Jo. Tincture boi'.Ir. itril ow. miuar.l jicr bottle ; fOOO io. jnufr boiilci i JOCHJ co- ceniijoim. ciuer- rn, W rtli n,rH-jr of oHr .! W nr. ! WH n i,...l-lurr,l a! llr I'l. !?' I; '! Ken wiiel'.n V r -. rnvl i .'. .!' 't 'rk- l.!l. l Ciil.k..l.--i t M'il.l.'l l !. 'I U.O .rtrf '! t" r"' g'l t T Ulr'li" . t v I. . QfT" 1 or tiic '.t M"i , iil n ri wild r:ttiiF rrttjil'ijmr' I ! ,, . ' i)lv nx a 'h . LUiium thrtntjfrw"i trc ""I 'r aheri fr T. )rnt tie jrr, will tikra Mtacr Oir abote till futti.it. .U..rA I. I it:.' rVif Wan tnl to Ilirt, VNr.f.KO "iin. ' urmirt, for . I.k. t,r m ;ll 1. Lirf1. Of y Alvr ami UooA SImth ! rJKM..KH Dlt KKI lH-fr Utr l r -.r,-,i.e .rnionftf iU public uit shop. li -k Ii 1.. ii.-l nci i.il a mi'H i.f tliv drt n!n L . H... .wi c IOCS. , ........ orihe mot diiraiue Sinn amijurwr mic All nrnon "0 "Want' li lwl Six- , ilirr rosrM- or lii. mv r- hurt in Joiic ut iiiw 'i , r i.ii I -m r a rtxxl suv in thr cf.uno: a.it in -a l'l" ol wnrkmaivhip enuid to any tlimjf in N.irili ( r- itin I ji.lir.' htm aliuv lumlc ii III at Uii.l tic- I , ,m .V. il.an nv iii the .. rr I TcmllT nlV ni'iai p;nuiiiiK.iira"i"it,ii"'. 'to thr- puWie-fTT'efie Wvftf'toippm lb- ... ' .... i ... it . i.. i.- .,.,..u t . I... nlu .,.. trmli liil : knk'I-(lmi,llU .Ll . ... " . hillirno (fivrn iiic ami i i y tUnkftil for futurcfavor. rithrr in the- y of new woik, r in pavnl lor ulJ ik. .SViirAwry. Mnj 3,' U25. ,JlS itlO CABAIHVS COLSTr. riOV'HT ol V'lra't ami Quarter -Hriwinn, Julr term, ta.'J: Henry Shore, administrator of .' , fh hcir, f Jan,e, Uve, jainr, .nve ai d Hi ttov t it nmi aT in niie. iWNira i.'iii i'vi a- ia--... . v he'at-TaVif the '"'h!"Junfe fv. tli c'd. are net iiiliiitiitliiiiitsff tlii- tii'r. Ihilrrrti. then fore, that publira'iini be "iiailc thrt-r" months in the -trni t'aro'inian. givii.jr no'irr In the said 1 nw and l.h lliiw til and Nancy hi ife. to apprur at tmr m at t nrl of l'hua uj.J Qiair- lcr .St."ioi, to be held for tl.c miitv ol ( iihar. mt, at the court -houii? In fnrrorrt. m the ! n,.,lui .,f ikiiilx r ni it. llirn ai d ihrre to an swer, or plcnd to the charges w' f' rth in tl r p tilion, or Hie praer ut the pr'nionrr m on htaid e imrte to rhrm. and jndtn 1 nt wilt be rendered urenrdir Jj'v. .Jn.'H'i State of North-Cnrolina, ';...t::..'"'''uxi'-fflyrr' "fvhTrnwVrief SeasToit,'" Wy '' V term, 1825. Veiilrt lltyrold and f'o. t..nd :' ofifrllild Bttftelllltrnt, rJ b-fctitin'of th court, that Hubert. WfflrMBljd!: the-rtetctnlant, imft aofccomii-o, imu state, it ii therefore ordered, that publication . be. 'made To three month in, rtieVVttru..i:ar(Ij-. nian. that tmhas the defendant. appear at the next court, to be held -at. the court-house in Matesvillc, on the 3d MomU) in AuRii-t I f-xt. and pl- ad or demur, or the pla'mtitl mil have" iudjriiiciit entered accowlinj5 to hi dvmafld. J h-...-.' ttOU r. fclUONION, Clk1. 4 't 1 r a 1 . u i V ' t' 14 9 -4! ii . I r r: i. r ... - ,...JU w yuiicu cia,ic i " -f e .

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