VJ nrcrrs HltlMIt i ' if II Xi t f"i wJ - ,f UIM a; 4 M 'l- t imV' 4 M C "'4 At Uf f li m4, 1 Im I ;, J V lit IWt faf f l aMf IM tKMt3 MWvt.4 la'tf jiM'kt M"4- I 'Alt AJf,wM IMilf Ittap-j. mmi, tt-4 k m'J U UmjI tUt ltlNfiMfi UJ MM M rvpff awtati aa Ut M II Uf;iUiut. mm! tntftl.- D'i"f lk af at lit Ct lira U IkU Mww, titurdir, -a . . ftfrif t '', ) ! Httfel W 'Hi l.f. 1. Ii i.l' .l.C. nil . . . 1 1 . i . i . . I . il . I i I . ' .... , j (iniiiii,iii,i)1j, J, v f 4 r- tifr. m4 w 4itt . af t I'-1 af ft I MO'f !Wi If M p?aj M rw.a aa i 4 e4 Ur4 t M4 Wbltk tW'MlarllJ I V Wth tf Jf Iff. I J .4 ftl,U gfMtal.it' aU( mw, ka m ttiita4 ;ihU4 U iMm a4fcU7 , M Mw IMf B'f f-awM ! Ml Vi'Jb lM tej ai 1V4 fit ' a tt tfdfat ( aff iiihH $7 iMir rtMkWM, t a yf ! tiMMij, SW MrU' kt KniM(l 1 1 ' 4 B4 MackUaWf l laaWrv4 a iM Mif tit af CMrUUOft l e4 A tarty tMt4 aJd Mail. Te rfUiz"Ju f tWr JM U f if, 1hmt J, 1U4m, lM lm4 14 IM ifc!Tt fBik lU lursH frf.illi fWf kt 1 1 tS Mini. KMuWlli WHJtlff, ( Hi. itif. 4r4 ! Mr Ui Twrfi;, jh, trrt. JftfJK TMI IW WUf Mwi' tnilKf. M U rtttm44 to Tm Kiv I tvmtmmH J WoMtti lU (ia ItiuTcooUMBt kf tM tirnh Vmf,km IM Uukxlr MtftM IM o( ApU Utt. Mir U-h M liKrtiM l r a IM Jco(f ir iMiiwj oipoic miMvrj, irxj im rtM m i(Mr'i ImjoiM im Mtl Jf ii tr jbUjfi4 itiurrcitii In IM toltn. "f4tolrt OMfrflrmii wt.lMrtCwrti 4ffd bf lil 'i(ilknt. b iJwIf bf li iuni I in J'.Iy4 "twintr! itJ (Mxbvgtilf lontlnctii, Hii Vntfrr our du lr4nK (ir(umiliirfl, r b ju 6rJ iUx God iim! Miti 11 rl U U D.l UXITt: 'tj-!i (nfrr Cffrv M ttt rtli(lfi irtJ.tio-,, itwl hMkUK i 1 b-niJ h hrr iHf' f.c itlotj fcrf fir, iifxbf lolcmnljr ri rHr iHi Wcm ijf cwuincoi) or poinrl:l rottmiJ ittitt it tMffi tr, ir win 00 roiTR n at Principle! lJIwtre ber iriiT to nciiriCK 01 nut d roa- lc4. IMI.M IMi 0 trJMr. IM ill ctiMd m luiif I'tJj fciUi cirr U f P" ol '' o "r M4. iM b n. iim lilt p to nl f ! irtiinf . 4 citrkJ Ikomr, kfft M left, U kric f imill (it , oivkf Ibf txl'xf IMI H 4ril 4 veuM kko . rcLOtrCi ,M UrMi frvtn IM U(ilufl, ii kOBtf rr a 1 0171 ml imm4Ulf If ! ,4rt"- k mdin 0 k t'f M iki iit ! ! h4 ttmt ta ktr ik bf IM IitfocUuo f Mf Wd, cilood by ft 1U Mi 4rual - fc'- - MTTt. 11, - II ii), M IM Myi'f.ltilf ,i..v;Mst j 11, Im4, la II, u-i, 1 1 riiW, riiiie n 1 jinminr. onnrni. li, ., fii t. II. Al lU mmmmI 1mms m U 114 &mi. te4 m m44m UMikoi t-ftiux n f iauf ft Uwm &4 rWr m fMllMlM'! ItUlTlf, ' KM f IM lanmn W -1 M aJ !. W Ur7 l wit 4Mfiv r AW la MtfaWf7 mmht.M JHbp M r. AM t tm . , Utfm. nltft m iM Mft fev, IWtM Hkvm. chj IM t ul over mown- lilni ind 4rli. frt IM pm-rrit of tM n& ftrnl citiodrd It IM bourvg'ibf IM KorUoo St natter ht Lnfiite. kiK(r4 or coW im bflurnct of princi Jlei hpir. iht llrtnRlS of ppmiuoo tbuV tic Id lo the riidlifineii iM perK vcrcftca of nation boe irtirc Si on tM wjy to freedom 1 the EihUpUn tnf IMft irrit !lt itindiraof huniii) cl- i'Jon h" Mi imml tf ht and L tM ftekole4cenenit f oibcr poweri. Pritci)lei hrfier tr wnittRle rv4 oppreloA( tkrovn tb blarki of Si Dotninico Ikio ftdice, who. bf the recent ckmnrledgemenu of Fmnre, bite b como fret n4 indrpeodent Sute, fut : rlinj into cemiequetKO and lb reipec Ubllity of nalions. 1urr. FMOM cr.tTlM.ILl . .... Oa iccount of the Utt ditturbincei it tko city ol Lebhrhen thr people attack "e 4 Therrrlon,"in4 killed twenif fie loldier, lO'l from IbO OPtiowtion f ome err leilitir toi tM iteroroeif, ifcft Pff 'iWent r'lbf Republic h proposed e tne Cbngrtn to'lrtiketbo nauonal militii foHcnl, and to place them under Mi commind. ' Tbli H refuied ; but .be " wit auftorlzed lb ritM J30.OOO by loam tiegoclitinp in Loodon, and to raiift a forca of Cailbbeei. The State, of Chlipn, which belong Tto the JTeSiin CdhfetferatW, fettaKpil. ,- The Ktivernment ft about to open a road - la TabiKOf to ero at an outlet to the fertile itate of Villa Ilermou. Tti To trri-aa Hta rattooM no rTr t l hi obig 1mi to contloue la riat FoacK, umU a rccoiKiliilioa ibill take pl.ee between Grtit Urltala and Amrtica, upon contitutlonal prinrlplet an event we nrt ardca:!? detirt I ind mth , U ITaml . m Ik ). m im b 'mM. I rke ifk U k tS Mrs BT rV wcwT mt Vav rM, rf a4 fwWai daofWr ti IM llMl Mara. Ah, NUK. a bWm fWaaii. MrtM. fVU, . U 1 raewiwiti as Caff Al IM ! a irol Uh. la rlMi. a f aUti ar Mm. Jaa. lM tLs U Ml fu ytuT4aa 1 a m M Wa a iM pl,ikal kUiaryaf Una waaatry, CW4 a W la U(u4 a a HoatM H4aa, TW brfi(y of thai bowat iftrv.a aaaia TM rw, lM fway, tM aaaaiaaal U Mf Otn w m- afv U af (P oai7 . Aa p-. L at fartaat hW4 tM B tmftkt bmim Hh W'f. ibl ta alwatf rtpvalr4 f aM Lf af nUfti t!r m t tmJ Wa lM U4f ffitifft wav Oa iiat lava is Nafll (VLna, lor O't, r", J apap. Ul.i J Ue kotm tM 1'4 1 ta lM Mf )lr.fL. SkH M't-wwr IM ftorv at" ta kt ori, a m tltLfal aid Nfla-TartJrr -wt aVrat Ot aM-aaorr 0 M (' Ami aad lt iu!M A1 ircr)iW CH aort, lately dtfanit. - Jt r. K'fmrur. la lM f latin 7 al Ftfttevin, tm a'Mj lJa iaaU tluf! ekkf Kh. of Mwfk CaBfbrll, faq. tjrd aMwt IX. fuuta of (Tral pt IXPII. la Cbafcarm, aw tM tdtk Wx. . (U Clewrtk finrkarj, a diattfigvalxd officrr 1 lM Ketoantion, and a euAapkvo aicaataa in tM couaclh of tM natio. I In Saw flarvw, aw lM tTth ah. lM Mr kaaf laarl, Ji (, U-r. k Maa Itlia M IM Iwaal a4 a U.UA.tit1tf. Tk IUw. Mr, fJawa, a ,Vk C' J-aa aU La k Caw4M ta at im (wtitiafcif m ttal f tu4t al Uaf 14 r , ka 'Maa UUiiif. W IrwK M4 aJ rrw kw(4ialf M4 Wt Mftif M oM Uraa. , - If Uibrioaj, JCa, (f, CUrk Ml Uf man i Cawrttta, Vf Waaaitf 4 12 otr nr. nwtfltf , kit omm. i , TU "Sia?i iUi' U Xrwfttf tvn tain If i IM cnMMiao im wU a4 Mw turv Tb Itif Uw 0 IM llUa iwrt Of IM Half, - rttxaUnf iM law t iaiik iMCwwrlaf Appfaiatand rt-1 w.t M fp4 Mali tW t. rpI tajM fcf AppfalMl U f 4 1. . r .1.1 7 5 . ...... M Uba ( 1-4 0r m ta 101 1. im Mmiy ia f M a4 wf tM wJk w ( L H aiM M Mf tM ) ft t -Jt, ti. Mf fete. I al m4 m mi4 i f'f. IUMwf CaMWaaiaiftWlkaV4aalM(i. Caawl f aa-4 ft-r J af tM S aM ! aaAr M nam 1 f, a fM ww Mf til, af t aatr May. aa a4a la M rt- i-w -fcrtirw a-f Iwntaa tU ?M aW aaaa af rM r Mia. w J M iwaiaawl a at IM lwt mtt fW4 a f ; IM ! Iaa4l aag Wias (Haa, If a4 l) al a4irA aw laaaKWf, IM 4 af 1M UlatHi IM aa aWMaJ ka rV. M ilV Jb. a r4lt. IM AikaW al UifU III . "' - ' ' " 44 M r' "a ti rw'Waa fawVi ( la 17 ! li at - aw fWaUf, ftUk aV a UmW aait. ft a ,9 M a iat4 lM iawialit a ff f IMaf a let 1 1, Uwvrit Ufart lk Pt'li in t4tt 1 a at iMf mr dtl4i Mpwa Mi cowwlutaawaltir. To pffpatf IM pfopJf it ku t Ua. im Mipa pert, m Luk ii4i lie jfUw, katt. inf aowae lima mm Ua aoututilt Indui Irlowa. ai f.r a katt bktalnad (re it nuKMiittt U ttvM etfra coajntf j tmt, Ccwiac tallf . kae retMftKf o inw Itclilatbtf iiHk rvpiara latJm ai will rttwal Ike m Uw, and Ikai place Ikf judkial irranre asfnti al M Stllf OB iMIr foff r Mitlnv. WAIIIINOtOt MM, tWaVCawf f It'll t a4 MMMMfl aTra wf I lM Irat H'aaa wf KaCaw Ik Ml.i, ail maa.Ha l tV eaawi fcawai U lM tUi Omii pant, Uetfr, -. rr-V. lb tkaf Pm-, aad kalural pkdoaopbjr in Talc CIka, afed 42 rtaftw. wt will hold tlf lloae periom inlmlcil loLiuttMw Rk Dutton. bnawwr f awrfbc mat. iht liocitf or ibe colonic, who tball rw- lute to lubtcribt ibu tuoclation 1 and wt will in all tblnii follow tM advict of our xtncnl committct retire tint the purpoaei aiortuu. im prcaertation or? j j.tr. tl J5are ana E"og orair, anu tn aa;cir 01 ludiiiJurfll and nritaltpropertr. Sioaao Roben Rowan, Ltwit Birre, Maurica KtwUu. lcwii Dowcll. kfartin Lennard. Theophilui Cvaot Thomn X'ocxljr, Joteph Ue Lepine. Arthur Council, John ()elcr. Did Shepperd, Minjih Trrrcil, Peter Metier, John U'ilaon, Thom.11 '.'abeen, Thorntt Ilea, D. nicl Doutc, James Emmet Jimet Ditkt Aafoo Varfeti"John Hebmicm, Owen, Vct, WUlUm Ditipate, Ceort Klearher, Charlet Stevcni, Jimei Peirl, John Parker, - Waller Murray John Courcke, . Wm. .Ciiileipf. William llerin, Philip ileria, David Etant, Rob ert VVrrton, Jamei Cee, John EUrTT, Denjamin EJwell. Oavid Dunn, William 1 cw uroccrr 3t Oft OJ .w. an it, a4 lkl Clif , wit fortiWr enttied aw I'll djr nlkt Utt, etad kit Clth duatr rwbMd of Hi e 00' r 1.1 a, imountlnj, aa wt aMar Hand, to abool 0 ddllaM. - Jtmngk Hrginrr,tii ml. urr. rtaw kimff- u Tvaa. avot'tr II flf Ibt arrival of lM pa Ml iblp Mia f he iter, Ciptlin lre, wt hive our reiru lir Clei from ! Jrerpaol lotht 4th, and br ibt Euphrates Ciptain Sprafjue, paper nd Icttert of the Cik utimo. 1 ha E tailed on ibe morninr of the Ttb. There wn no political newt of impor tinct. The F.uphrate brinRt bad account of the Cotton market. I ht following arc cftractt of Icttert 1 LivrarooL. jolt S u It it ImpotMblc to Kite gi anf idea 01 the conttrrrtttioa anone cot too bold era there it sdemind for it and toe pinner will not porchite more than AfoAaaa' "rarf. It appeal, by I fepoft Lruin iht Board of If rahn of tM cir or .Ida,-, I r , , , . . ... , . , 1 1 - - -r- I t"pfJ from dajr lo,iif r and I rfart pot liut a aumbcr of caaca of natrnurt fenr ;!.. ' ' Z . !. . ..... I until W Will, h iwi li. te,atlalpUc,ottbe3dlr,-.,aKllheW.hab. , rollon I. denlwrabla dull. f " " and onlr 367 Ur told in the Ul three a4wt.fi an ftiwl frifa4i at raw miStaft 9rm 1 r .l A daurbter of Mr, Clar, acreiary oT State. . ' , " Y . 1 V . . .p, v 7' 7 ' and cbanpe of contcqocuce hai occur- tl,M it Mraanan, ub,o im 101a tin. im fej jn f, produce.H wboU family bad been tku.erd at Ubanon on,he 21,i.i.ilhe Houeof Cnmrrun... aon.atiiwe,Ueoncquereof tkeillneaaof the Ut, Broticham mdt certain infiulriet daugbicT) aM aptxari .jr. b.eer, ia a (air aatr rClDeeijnir the motive! of Trance for con of rectrwy, Mi Clajr UaU(iiJ at Lebanon, j tinurnr Iht tnilftarv occuiiaUon fit-Sp jia. and carteoa toward Haitunjtoai but fwurlMr. CanK in antwer, expretted bit dart aAtr ha kltbejor UJ died. I perfect contiction, thit the French go i.af)a i - icmmcnt wit tincercir anatout to witn Attn it fdraw, with 11 little loti of lime at 601 "We wer port'efyTurnMec! by the NV We' K V"., Ibeirwrmrwbiclr at ' ...... I rtaataaftl a m alna an I Ik ah flaaat tan a I w tr4 a rf-l al. lUir uMk, Urt wJU U-i aca WMMkr n)9a II; e-if af Wax II. Itvf, C ran. I. W. MIMIAV..IV- 7. Uti. ?t7t fpfir. aabatUr dtarwidl Utt lM vary JL atfal atnaara a ah Uai mm Ww (mwt4 aa lM abw I, and rfJ1 Mwm la, frwwJk aaj lM pM, ikt ka at H Ca)iawr ta rarfy k aw U hmmtmm, mtm40t etna, aw aa aitrajaive VaV, llUf awww4 tmt rta aortaaaw. M w pJ'rd ta alt. tM iMvOt aniira aad aaatrat a), aay aw- da fat matttyiimWa. t ai n, l u'ltct, ktmntWt, iwrMrw -afuw, he. Okf fururrt tad rir itlM rrnairad, paiair-! aaj Inranvrd. aw IM iManrw? awtic. He Vw a br.HaajCt hi ait mf . tM! bia wrfc a iQ M aVaMi urn wnra rtaamablc tema ttvaa it ran M tw. curr-l m tj nth plac. fd-r frma a da- , tU M itwttMJir attt n!f d. t". .f.jm v.rmrrn. iarW-wa. .IT ?H I ') '-7 N. B. TM auMinbar cantinurt lo lep a a mtantrit of tlrruil ff,ar ri'. l oraaiacattd a Hb bniara or JT"! I ao. li f'i ttal Iva jat lritrai)-( of LM bt aia Ttwl Hnt . nT f lrtoa of a Herd of lmt a4 M p-iN rxw therein maatianrd, I mII u l.n cmirt htMMC ia tlry, on TaaUv, 'be 4 tVloMr twit, a a.bitbW Iran of land in D11 Umny ti llovan, nm rVaoaJ Ihtirh Cmk. 4 Jvni(:j( (fir Un.lt uf Jocftt Pool, NifHo'aa I ji!c. a.k and cxLcri, rawttinire on buvtrrd and arvcDtf nine tt, it hem; tM Irwct pwct -U fmra f M CMmbrra br llcaxy A, CMwib-. ra IMra m a apuwaV Jaclliax Imwmi am) obrr bonatt oa tke prmtrt, Hth awfneicn atMf knprotremenU lo rtndrr rl a ery di wrtb1 f.roi. Ai trMwe lhat.aitit lo purdiaae. Ul pruitabl iow ibe trvi, it it ooorrr urr 10 emiirt' n iti ftirthrr adtaulajft. 4 rmlit of t moniti will b- ri'n ivr onc-fealf lite punMka munrr, ami nine monlha fix the otner half, Ibe purrJia acr tpvina; bond titd wcmiiy. IIAMII.ID.V t. JU.CS, Trutlft. fMr,l 16A, ms. t77 Captain Nabb, who arrived at New York on Wtdnetdir from Sital, informt that the French brie Hetireux of Breat from Alvaraclo for Borrleaux wat ttranded ..W the lacrgnr MaT S6th Tho ntaiter ana crew were savca, oui aia oi iuc pas :J1 atneert were Jott One of the passenger had on board g 1 00 ,000 in specie, about 25,000 of which was stolen from btm By ft wreckeri.""" Carver, Georct Bamt, Jamet hi X warr Ed- roundt. bom' aw ai,aaafra.)-ilfia From the tenth day of April to the first day of Aurus, thit yeir,2687 boa'tt, ; ; departed from this' city, on the Canal, and 63,833 dollars were received by the col- -Jector hero on account. of toll.. During tba whole of the Utt year, upo the 7th . .r""" uyiii una tiiy. , Gov. Clinton continued .to receire from -the citizens of Ohio, whithersoever he Jdhit!tratfc,jn tk3Warka of; i attention that hospitality could give. On "Tlliif trW1ffsfa';h41retlved-i' itaindsome rpublic dinner at SteubenWIIewhen he returned thanks in an address to the com - P5X.' At Zanetville, also, he received public dinner, where the following was one of the set toasts I Oar (rwatSyracuMl had her Archimedes, The.be, hetlpaniiligndati Jiul it U tha felicity . of this, age.and counrryi to blend the acientifj jnbd wUhthepatrio,ticharV , ; j One of our "eoferprlsln? merchants uumcan j uoMnont q nas nowon the stocks, at hit boat yard below Claren don Jiricjnt a Meim tioat, intended to navigate the Cape Fear River, between tbia place and Wilmington, so. soon at the term of the excluii privilcgt gran ted to the Steam Boat Company hall have expired, (lit of January, 1826.) Her length of deck it 108 feet, breadth 1 6 j feet. She will be fitted up lor obe conveyance - of -passengertfta wf 11- as freight. We trust thatlhemcfeingHra present remains in'the PeninuU Mr. Barinic inquired why tile minitter from South Anierica had not been pa tented to his majesty, and advanced in idea, that the deity arose from tat inter ference of foreign powers, to mitigate vv Department, yttterdirJ waith tbe fol White, Siraora Bandit- Joaenh Gtccr, ! lott in if summiry ttatementof the ieoten Robert Gretr, Thomas Ubite, Johuaj Cet of the late Nivil Court MirCitl, ill o liadley, John Jones, Willum Blocker, which have been approved j Robert Council, Samuel Holingtworth, " Captain David Porter fas found guil- Jamw -Gire"fcbv.tndeibtTloUrt4i--uDoAeacbof the ckanrts and spec iB-,erence 01 mVP P0..e.r' 10 "'."S-w. Samuel Carver, Wm. CirTer.feationWtnd; sentenced to be iutied H" l.m!u""?.' tor tht terra or six tnonthl. inaepenoence o, ,n.t repooi.c. ,r. - Lieutenant Ji. D. Wk tlotk ws, tried C.nning had retired before the qnettwo upon a charge of neglect of dutv, found Pul j r" U,,M"" eu ltr.-ftnd sentenced to M lutiended. I'7 1. o ' ",v without pay or emoluments, for tht term of two years. " Lieutenant I I'm. Af. Hunter wai alto tried upon a charge of neglect of Aity, fna tiaamS lltma at fnaaSrVfta P Ktw Ka ffl rvi aa BUI LTt.1 IHIItllltl m IUIIIKIIVI ar w v aa I . . . m .e lf.j-n it...j - i i o.iverr unuvoraoie 10 tnrir caue. n wai Pfci..r!A iklrhnn, nfnrmWh ucammm. am -.ni hcukiiui . .v,T w..w . I III., W .... .-...-p I (f L -. . r . . ,1 - Ititttt iceivea reiniorcemrnia, a icwmw uc offensive, ant! hid obtained great aovanta T The American people will learn witb ge n Fr" K """r YttiUtrtiU oVcKToeB, Vtir'iinU. FOR talc, FoS or i iAv bkrly ,S tX, of tbe following dt tcnptioii: tnfh. Wnmt n, ami aoroe fvm children i yoanj fcllr , boj i tud gtrU. For lama, apply at tlu ofTicc. Mf. 23.1K5. TI GREECE, Augtburg) July 24. Letters from Triette tay, that the account of the bril I Hint tuccesset obtained by tht Greek, I have been all at once tucceeded by newt ding officer, and acquitted.' Fayetteville may render this addition to the boata already on the river acceptable to tbe mercantile community, tod profit able to the proprietor. . iattUtville Obterver. ... The" PfiiladeIphIaDemflcratic CPreii states, that t young man deaf and dumb, aged 17, wis bound apprentice .to the printing luinesa in that city;2lliaw3 educated at the Pennty Ivanii ! ItrtUtmion, -A paper printed at Ripleyit)hio, states that Mr . Koswell, son-m-Iaw of uor. Detba, of Kentucky, wirarretted there on the morning of the 22d ult. for the murder of Mr. Clarke of Kentucky. It wat reported after he Was apprehended that Clarke had died of his wounds. (The family of Dcshas rnlist be desperate characters-J -, 'Z:.t ..ft-kV. k. h .iiri settton or retreat of tcveral Greek chief Ktt-J'M ...:.T P I i, . . luiiii ... All W l. I i .ilK WIOtOIIHIHIIHICM-IUHUl.lll.jn'JU'Wl ift tvery thape and on XTCrjLgeajjyBde; tfis, however, needs confirmation 7ranlorTfuntt rJ.SeTeralfettrf fence of tha rifrhtaand honor of his coun try, haa been nronouhced fruilt? of Wl tht announce that the siege of Patras ii rail chargea alleged againat him, and hit been Jed, and that the Greek have only left a sentenced to the punishment of a auspen- very small corps of observation in the vi sion for six months, from a servici wbich cinity of that place. 1 he communica his single acT.ievmentr would hsve rtn lions, between. . Patrs? and Lepanto are dered lllu8triouvJ.Tha hi would have now free- ' A numerous Greek corps, tin received tome" censure ok v the ttcoiMl der thrccjmmarid df Hrtt .Gmir it chirpe. we were nrenired to bear, be-lbevond Salona. We learn that the Turk cause if his quick and sensitive feelings ish troops in ThessaTy ire again advanc had led him into rrr. it was in that he line towards that town. ' - - la j offetidedlffiihit Droprfety t but thatfl ? The-Piedmoniese Gaaitte, which we for kambiin and naentino with anirit. vet with mod- leeritaint i tfit followintr erricli--H .w rat inn nnrt nn avrraa. an Inault offered I Corfu. May 27- We are informed, by,them to his country, in'the person or from good autboriiv, that Rttlscbid Pacha one of its officert that for thit act, he his made two desperate attacks on . Mii- should be thus punished this, we con- solonghi, but was repulsed by the Greeks, fets, we were, not prepared to see. The loss on both sides was grcat. There While, however, our feelings, which we it no doubt ol tne tawing oi, javarnw cannot repress r conceal, prompt us to l tie uttooian ana r.gypuan Kiicc m- ay this much, we doiot presume 4o im- crease daily. We arcconsequcntlyin peach, at we kjtrbor no doubt or? me co,o expectation ot.tiecisivc events ! TTual Me. BT virtue of a Herd of Tniat. ma.le t. the aubacriber br Cnl. Joli.i Vrvit, for the purpoari therein jx Cinnl, we utll nniris.J to aell, at public wle. to the biibttt Ivdi'i' , on LTliurMUr. tbe 22d day of fcptenibir rwt. on f the nrrmiart where t:'M.'t,rfjf-Tio'r fW. tb - folloamr tTnutt ImhJ in ltuan Lountr. in the Fork, of the Yadkin, on the t-r of Dutrbmin'r creek, via : one tnrt of 4W arrra, ith all Ibe necMttry imprnvertcrnta fur a iiUh tation, with aa Oil Mill, Wocl-Carding Mriiin?. Kav Mill, fce.thia tract, to mi it pcrr.baar.nl. n be di wiled into teptrate Iota ; tno'l ) 'f 134acre, ell improved, with tr-i'. 'i !,'' a vtbiaale orchard, an cztrnaive di'MJ. . , .. another tract, upwtnla of U0 arret, wl, , iinprovenient', vubmble orchard,. g 'i' mi' mill, LI. Alto, four likefy Nca-vaea , .t-r and team, g- ercd i and all of aaid Jnbt F'cxt'a tock'of cattlerhftg,' W'TwtBt of '-vale wilt -be made known on the day of tale, by U, (iF.OIKiK 8ANF.lt, SA Ml'F.L FROST. NATHAN L-'.Hl'NT, 3t74 fiAKLANU ANflERSOV, .fiiyurt 16, 1825. Tnuteri. .MttUan Order. rriHE officer of tbe Cabarrui Ikjriment a ill JL kttrful in Concord, at the hour of 1 2 oVIock, eauiniird ntlbe law direct, wi'h their mutic ana and auborrlinate ofiicera, on the 6th October Iiextr Jp be drillutl by tbe officer of the Regi ment, uy orutr oi tne oti t.ommannam. -.....-----..j.;iM.llKAKlU.X.. 2t3 UEN. PLLNkET,;.' Vi8t at e ol' Wux.TiOttgs Aect . pjla.sjubanibjxiuvjnr; A tor or the lat willot Atexanucr I-on, lttt4 rrf llowan eounty,. kc'd..at tLft court of tleftrand jtrar1i'r .aw(i(r fur the aaid county, eld on tM tbinUMoiuiay tf NbyehVfrtT i Itrat-' dema.tldf against the aaid estate, arc rcrjuired to prraent tbem for paymeriTrttfln the time pre terihed by law. I. I.ONU, ExW Slierill's' Deeds. TM0R land old by order ot wnta of vcjidilioni vtHmi, for aulc al .tnCcrnKJII-olliCCi , f tl -4 i; i I ) ti 4 iM .-,k " . Ii.. i I .I 2 ,

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