i iat tkwi Mm4 - Mr . tw gftdh iU ttdr trs J1 f l M-Vf ft" ) l A--tV W4 a . mit U Vf wm Uwuf tkae 1 Jtaatas Wk A; tSaaaWai IK Aafwafd iy efta4 k . t it rWliU4dU'ft V gt rUa al uW UwkaibfWvat t'paa wmt bart we AU W aat mf at lUataa, ? aa. oara.frr. IU art: kf a ad t4 6atna W Uad, A JaU aaWI t awl, wb A nmt it VWA 0l bk t.rypaW T a4 al wl'fcM, ar Up lW n M R M(U aa t4 al el W. It) b taa rA, rift Wt tfVt sWw , Fra r4 Mm! now, a d-afwai, 1M &l alii rt it Wp nvfe. nf dr )- paa4 m w Www. CnWt. jrl p!!, (or at tart wB A tf aak ira! nt4 Mkl k t . And tajst U r paif i J at tit tiff tyrt a e"f 4 s4 f Wad apt ibey svwtk la bT rp.nJi cnU ( U( Ibt t(Kl-4tf k Wv m4 tie fawt ! Mr' ' rJ k TUa rn Mtll it t!erne. LLL tAU. 1 4tr, j ii. insu. .i .1 rUJLT A J pu by llx igmb VUrt wy Mh rotwim, 0 ? oU(c Uiair duK vtih Utr. Mi M WkMfcW kiow Tlut pkfdour of , - fit KtM m ra - Tt cmbUiM my uim i MISCELLNEOt'S. ,vi;ir WJWfuvjr 7 0 o.j t:xt.. buM findtth if, HiwWib rJ thinff." I would not be uncourteout j but this text to roc appeari full of truth, full cf wit, od full of titirr. Mr. tMnkl I ee Soljmon, not arrajtl h l.'ia tnvtl robti. 'iittii 2 Id hit ivory i w - 1 9 . throne, julrdrd bjr-thrnwn of .. quuit cijpttiu, giviog audienccTto princes, or rcccit uig ..tac URUM, tne charming, ana inr curious (iccd,ui Shrba , n.r .o the more ea.y co.tutn , circulated of luxunou, repose, t.,, i aou actuocd J " at , , g,U u love and h,a he.rj .fttrnt on L Pf "-' ch wUl be.432,003 ure, which he wore when be repa,rrdP"J J h 4hetd ;0 tathc deli tful bowera oi ufJS. arvd easr'SVhere Fe "rnenhcBelie." l) oil! dam.el who auog to him, 1 am the rotr of Sharoo and the )illy of the valley ;w but 1 aee him sitting ia hit study, tlip-ahod, his night-cap pulled over one tar, his keen -eye glancing with thought, and a half suppressed smile playing on his lip. Whoso findcthi1' that is t word if it were a thing out to be tained Dy uiiigencc, no w u. m wise exercise of our faculties ; it is nat he who " thooseth " as if the un- tlrtsrandinir had anv-chinnc . to do with it: but he makes it s rnere'matteV of cnaacc, oi nnorogBwyrs Tvrop were plenty enough then, I dare say j perhaps rather superabundant j and a thousand will'mr yeses, sporting from the glottis to the dentals, waited a nance m ngn jmuuwis .s S'i:"""- .Hr ifz. tion j but va wft Joone of y'cui high top-knoaJihat ;txp'&4.UJJ1iitf' husband's earning on their backs ; nore of your aly, smiling,. simperhjg buk. Liters: who can thtft" xr 'vririiwy a neighbor's reputajivo with more f)leas-l ure man sne sweeps rwn vv'rr.v.'JLJ ate honve hodks .wWlfs that"c-t?t rjr . . . ..i.",i ii-iV 'mT,!! .' thing" is done In seasoad rjone wel) who keeps her children thin and tidy, and teaches them from the least to the largest, to behave with modesty nd propriety j.who mingbjsthOiouse m ife't labour with inttllectuil irnprtVc inent j and while she makes heme, by Iter neatness and good nature, a place where litr husband delights to sir, rtn dpi herself, by ihe improvemcat oflsiooiach. Dr. Middlctou s plan then txYf U y-f Uyr N sf ol h idCtii Hit Ciprf W k.t kaiH t, kkh pity k4 w It U PWB to led i 1" I. Otmiff thtt tK ti,J M hff drrtt d pf. A tUitrtJjr 'tU, dctxod ta i, wU 4 Tii thai iHl bt lD(nwn . t r ..V .t taJl l4jdtM Ht'f PfB, fc4t hf t4. M vlil win MtUcit tlt wN tf btf lit ojtwt you, wfecnem h1o litrt thiU 6ropt, howtter Umo nir hre Ut lcto, s. Sht tKouU U food tnouth I drcit to ib to ,n oC Kr compa .ioni. UudlU leiJt to cxujTipiKC, Urc, ouf tturtc will ptjr or it I h l i Airril if wiHoteturilr .,U.;ilri. or ttuoid. od buwcvcp Utiuiifol, wUl tooo caa to UuretU Uk, rhcrtfore, ftot for bctutjr, but for comet prictplf t, d o coiU diipot'uioo j lliew, combined with io. duuy iodlhtenigtncr, will wttr well, and lore 'U rrow at the frtW tt of ruth drciyi. Hf tfrtW. qu.LTirr or mlood ix.LmuLt Tbot wfvo ht c ool cootjancu mt .ik;rt mutt Le turnritcd at the auao tity of blood whiib pattet through the heart of triy rnodcralelr '" J nimal inthe courtcof twenij.fuorhouTi. In man, the quantity of blood eiuting in the Uly at any g' rncmrot, it probably from io to 4 pinit. Of ihete an om.ee tod a half, or about Oirei uUeauoontful arc wnt out at terry atrolr, which muIipJIJ io,o T3 . . e . I.. fine average raie oi I I9C AuBffi.'or aerrn pio i ute e 420 piota, or 2J 1-2 galloca A 12W) iralloni i e near- lv 24 hoheada in a day. New, if we rtcollfCi tnai nc tend from its hwrt, at each ttroke, 15 ..nft ti. 'imiffinatioo it overwhelm. ed uith the ggregite of the quaott. ty that mutt pa tnrougn o of that anitnaljo U hour. . It it a-encral- law,, that the pulte of the largett animal U alower than thati)F .m-illrr f hut even if we put the r . pulae of the whale to law as twenty io twcntyiowSMiiM- cooaera iinn of this amszinz Quantity is, how. ever, a subject of mere empty wonder, 'if'nntMomnanIed with the reHection, that, in order, if hot accompanied umiK the reflection, trut, in oruer io produce the aggregate amount, the heart is kept in constant motion and that, in fact, it is incessantly beatiog, as it is termed, or .throwing ouVthe blood into the arteries, from thefirst period of cuf existence to the moment of our death, without any section" of fatiiruf. or even without conscioutness. eTcentinff under occasional corporeal o ... (I or mcniai aKii"w - -? JJT, AIIM, tuwn, m m ' rUUlO..Rt CWSUAfPTM. ti.- n...i..n xifilu-il Intelligencer contain an . 116 w . w- tt account of a new mods of treatment for. con- H'iuu nf the lann. invtn- ted by Dr. MidJIeton, a dirtinfnhed Eneliih phyinv-PeHg himlf.aflctel with a dlaoc. i. and hacino lost iwo nrombinB childrett by pulmonary connumpflori, he aip- it'll ill viwc-ii",'""u ) casci, AH tw other profewional buaneta wta ivm up ar.d luYinveatijfatiQna gave riae to the ftiod of trcatmentj ylweH.lw" nmw -ooRinwfti. eatiiij'tP. the. world sjratuitouaTy, ' - -" His "theory is louttded upon the ab- the liincr which is w gretthat.hK:tates thejungsol a .Vi.-rk u itl talc llt four OUOCCS Of V8 ahem will take liD four ounces of a terinjected by n apeturein the wind pipe, in the course of a few hours with--Hit occasioning any apparent suffering. M.tdifinrsj in substance or inafluid state, as Dr7 MT3dleton has proved by a ..'variety of experiments, arc" carried ii.to the circulation much sooner when thrown into the lungs than into the 1., f.i:!' Jr.ffisJw-Xl Itft'1!,;.. l,Vf tf tJ MtJ tliuat, l iJ minuter It 4 M1f p eCi iu teH wliH Eff 04t WwrS 4 silaawiawag dt. 1t R4itU. f N ttSTt4 art caMar t Ij-Mif. -,"5 simUos f.e iWftki lie iu. 4 yi H 41 Uii la Burt Jtced tittt f ditf m. ThtH w avJeia lurt4 ty p ' Uiirvatest c.tWd m KltH Is Uixk lis raie, wl4l W tyti4il( wheel hiv. il triMUt leunrd la kt sidet, -asd iarJt;itfsftliaih4afluUf. Al lit yp'ii i'TflTBlH fWti wkWW rrT tU ptfptfwUa ti tU lours: TU lutsiKf ta N lahaled it fcrtt reducrxl to aa IfipsJpiUs pawdir. aad U'sr put low the laiulcr, U Ml &! b the whesU Wfcca th sir of tkt M ii mftdradf badei, On patient dotes the tiMUifs, hil M snakes a full ln'iratioa foas the iBauth pcn ol the ifthslcr, hf hUh lU powder is coaveTtd to Ut Vtt of the disease. I hi, (t rrpcitrd tht or ffjof limes iy. Toe sutteit that has attended t. Mi.op'i,R,,eBW,,t,t' t4 the aupetio'ltf of his sytiem to sMtycnher heretofore practlMd tipoo. He contiJers coatuwpuoa a coata jiota dltratr, aad cutloos persons a;siAt ifchsliog the breath vl tho who trt Uborio; under iaftcttoos af the laO(S. ' " , JMCTLW LYCIDUST. 0 the 37i of My . Samuel Field, arti had Jbern coarleted of the crime of riurdcr, at Drookvifle, IndU an, Wai takes from his priaba to aot ftr the dreadful penalty f ihe law. Hit bod.ly laS'mi.ies were such as to require the a d of at tia to place htm m a- tart. 1t surfouodiog crowd thea UhcU tha awful ipectacle of an cfCccr of . the rceolutooary art mr, dittina'hhed for' bravery, wKose locks had bees bleached by the snows of t'httfZtU winters, clad Itf the ha biliounts af iHe gallows, catling, In all human probability, for the last lime, his dim eyes opoa earthly sccnet the officiating clergyman to white iattriKtiont he had listened with ihe anxiety of true penitence, bad bidden him an affectionate farewell tie rope was placed around his neck V Vrrir h J warned him that lh ftil mnn(Bi had almost amved-sod ihe eyes of four tboussndspecuiors mere riveted udoo the hoaJT-headed tuJtrcr when suddenly and. unex pectedly, the Governor oi tn .otate appeared before him, and placed a f AaDoti in his palsied hand ! " Take this, sir, adf remember, that in exe cuting this high constituiional power, 1 am responsible to my country lor your future good behavkr. Though I viewed oor as a child in intellect, and a -A dVldr man. Vet should too ever, by. thi.favour of. heaven be res. tored toT healtn, rrmemoer tnat i-am security fnf your conduct." The effect was electrt alamorg the crowd, some of whom siouted for joy : the poor old man raiacc his head from the -most stupid- letlargy, and at once became animated aid grateful. TbeGovern our stated in his address to the pris oner, that a majurity oCtbe court who conviced bini, and. about 300 of his fello citueos, had petitioned for; a pard&n, believing that his crime was notwilfully and maliciously commit ed "but," he added, "you have hai still more powerful advocates tbe-blood you freely parted with in Wir ftrrutrffles for Independence, and our scara :ahd infirmities apeat: for . - ..... ... 1 . 'you ! Those soldiers who lougnt wiin vou for nur common countrv, who now stand around,, ar, powerful orators Vor you, and I almost lancytnat i hpllrhrTcjesf'ashi warren 'calling for mercv in your be haf." Armionary. 9 ' - '. From a London Paper. . JoVi Smith, who was matched to est a nalr df men's shoes in I S minutes', at the HaMoonTs"p,Leaden-HaII Market, hks broT2Fo"wft jn tfatnlnKi having been sei zed with InotKetUon ufier eating a child's half boot, which Slill remains injiis; stom- : x A plain anl ihort nad to denting. : Be studious, and you will be learned. Be induMriouawiyofc ad yon will be rich. TBc acer-ad'temperk ate, and you will be healthy. ,Be vir tuous, and you will be happy. A"gentlemanwarheard to aay, that tvAiiM tit all timri be his own law- yer if he had occasion for one; a wag replied, " then you will very frequent- ly have a foot for your tirnf.V . t 11 M U l i v if Al t.-wf. t: l.li. Tilt a-'iVWt-4. t4 t aV W 1 m Itf l rV,t - 14 Vom Ut ur. a4 l-U is nf $ui4 fw4 a4 aa r4 . mi '' t m H t' f t" . I Vr44 la w l- ' t - caace Miittm, iawUa afUl a, t fl 4 4.fe U Mttia4iUai i-. ,UtlW4A! WUmmmA m S S tm atf HiL.r ftM a. " f MX t aUXrt aW ia aw a J to SMf. aWf a) J-M U aOLr a4 rrV'hM timm, aa ,4mmU4UU Uama. Ut U ImU al i- tW a--f St W- mmi 1 JW sl at t UV SJM pit 1V kaU aa C. f W a afl db tawi4 II-'--. tUaJHr1 ia Mifnl ti'We lfwt a4 Wf tl- A rfltiWaaWrtfVaU4.lya U mt wriMk t7 U a jUf. taa ..a HtfU I tia fVai l"Va IM 5trtl aatWwtt-rrs-fy Ola aVp 4 U al t, aJ iWta yart ernU. N b Waw4 wW M AnnO tU fPJ mmtt a-rt-W1j. s 04 pUrf Q a to tWw M Wfa tlrf Va. & A IX is;s aotrrr wonaF. VropoMvla t TXia MlUf is lTOwtf. 5t. " WKtfaT.BN' FA KM EBV" wj tUJ.iM JUmTLr.. - ... hUitUaMMitNMMfi lw Um a aUUta U lU rUoM al Um pttrf. U a foi awtJiitr rlrlir pf M win inr. fee la r-trf al rkt ra-r to d BMhintT mwaalar. k-X, Vy tWipy, t'fy l. ia it.. i u itv kiiiMRMi dl kia rwiKf. rt cWwrtar aUtt twia MioUU i a. . . . m a a . a Md Pwliae thraawm aJl M f7 wKhput frwf, Ufm afrct' t TW Ua arfcK tiaaja it r H aw awefe aa atitkar la offirwJ ti tt tl, la ora d fceLW, aw taa Tri" a M bout ltioA. Aikukara. aa Un anaa of tkit paper wnjkl arraa to Import, ahaO aci Ub b ISrat alien, tioa. Camatrrca aaJ ptJ.lka ttian Ubt.X k. OmtM . kiwi BcErioa Ou.II be cntilkd tt tbal ran ia lb cabima ef the fannrr, wl.ith. aathepattMofSlefcy. a Jaaiiy eUim. to tf .i .1.11 k. tka aklaoua ail 04 iba LdtUit, la bus tofctfier a auiubla prvpvtiioa of tha rJ, ... . t ... L i L . I . . Ik. . rwl it. H Willi, io mm u HU V ipv r avrr, a far aa nt if b'w powr, t wwfil nfraiW I CowinaaMm ta mmv, hh . - la lb Jfowta of Itval tonwr) , wharw, wbr aU Hi"(ii",m."'! ; i ,i . .. wtailoaa Wwaaa"aalaaaJUa. ... M . l .. .kl'. T aa any IWnf ia u"U7 w a j i.biw twn of tVn. oaturt, aert anlewi on ali.hamla H ia admittei But In an Inland toaiiwberalb . it Wr: btit Cnviled. Iba adrantartt to ba itemed hwaa a periodical ... . a awa.ft. I. L . pubKcatioe) art mcaKviabi. i nawnw " ibrt requests 0al all bo feel any lrterat in the trownb and prnaperity of the eountry, bo!h in wealth and in monk, would U nd a Vlpirg bam to an ctabWiment which, be berietea, Perth but a fair trial to bm perwunent and UhTuI. Toe paper win aa pnmu aheet, on new type, te a weak, and deneft.il i .i Vt wi annum, if DaI in ad- vane and, gl JO if pavment bt) dll to the i . ..t ' trit i rat if'xTLV. nitnjinZLPllU ami rEATtLXVTOX ta rusT. rpitE wbarrtber havinf enmtneneed the 1 MMibatura of WmU. ia-Atle. Vc. on an aalttMia acala, ia enabled ta anpnjr any qnan. thy of the foUowinf deacriptioai of Apothaca. near anUotner urn are . Apothectriet' TiaK'f'"! one"drtr.- tff a ouncet ; Patent Medieina Via1i,of every deaenn IJonj'TtnetUTW Botttet,witK ground atoppera. from half pint to one gall"! Mott,c, with lacquered coters, from half pml to Iwo jjutloiiij- nhijrpata' Packing Bottle wntc and nvro' tnotrtha, from half pint to tw. pMoh Acid Dottlea-with p-ound atoppeti Carboy i Demijohn, from one quart to two (ralJonni Confectioner' Show Dmde, awl preervinj do. Pickling and Preaeninjr Jam, .atraiglit and turned oiertops, from liidf pint to one r,"on J Quart "arid tiaJf. JftflQirbottleit -AVaahinptoni 1 Fayette, Franltlin, ahip rmnsun, Arninunu iniawin ... T".. .. lhft and-Mionie, Cce American tagleJoe many. of. Uir dcarrt fJJJ . .. . . J. s: . t.i..i.. , r'n...t.i.itinn nf mir wiry anu nspp .uiL Vnnimon rHiband Pocket FUikil Saltier H ater, Muatard and Cayenne Pepper liouiea i o....ir ni.-v; .n,l ink ltiittleit With every pther descpiltion of Vial and Bottles made Jlo oruer on me mow tctuiwmw n - -. T. IF. VTOTT, north-east corner of Second anTTticTaTfgetlHIderphtn7 Slate Mi otlWaioUim, . cABAtKus covnrr. - GOVRT of; Plea and quarter Scion July lerm.1823: Henry Sli6readm'uiiHtrator of ril-.Mh Klmw, he heira of James decUrciitionfor re-probat? of win. Jt ap pearinir to the aaiisfadipa of the Court, that iM. vk itr.w.11 iHKancv hia wife. heira st htw of tbe-id- mea .Lave, dee'd. aire not inhabitbanu of ttu. 'tale, tSinereiore, that publicatiowb'male4lMwa"mthii.iie Weflerri Carolinian. pl"K w,,ic ,0 l"e ,,J" jamet Lore and F.li HowkII snaV&'ancy hia wife, to appear at our next Court of Pleat and qiar- tcr Sessidna to oc ncia ior ic cuumj w . ... . - . a L. fl.J nts, at the ctwrt-liouae tn uoncor, wn ic Monday of October next, then ana mere io an- titisn, or the prayer of the Tefiioiier Wtfr fce . . .. .1 . I I.Jmm.hI will heard ex pane aa w ineiu, u b rendered accordingly. 3mt82 Witness, t. vi.rmM . tv- -Tickets " J pr" tei N the 2d clias of the Oxford Academy JaUc ... .ot .t ilia Vr'intino- Office': biehest priae g20.000i bealda glO.000, &5.000, rigli. teen of Sl-OOO, &c. Jic. P;ice of ticketi fcS 1'"' Vu i s J iummiiw i "M " mmi u4i rei atW'f x4 !. a tf m a4 lW taunaarf mm Uw aa UM Uvtf. TV k f M. -',vf h s - t ( m4 a- Ji4 aW Um a rt4-4 a awif aU44 la fU SWav, tl frrai H SMmwia t4 t v Matawt la rrawS tMy f a4 h iM lwMf(a4 II mm Vm U Uiu. fU4 , r - yUl UA aV, lTtV TVT i,triJUif. w f Vr. U uW Vraa af fay I1 tuatIG. a tulfMaa fapaa, s aw aS4 TV ,Vi raa TT. a f JUaoaULT4t, JQaaUMi, - 1U bMTiM 4 awi4Wai iiiam U Ur Ual.aalMlawwt.t4. y tbm ! It IMmmm, $ffmt tmta4, PaSa a 4. Vra rnid. a4 v tiwkia. to M riira waiay af aaittMaJ a, smw Ml a aWpaiff as waatoar rttanai Ulf aUfiraJ rriUJ a4 tnpal mm.tjt ..LL. t aratfilli Mat latf. i all f A4 tmt'W. W mmtf A wrfb taraaa, aa4 . MMtM f-Vftlitf. ' ' tUull U.lkal iWA.ll4 UUW iVs a .1, a4 iKe tuir! r.ir;, t 'U MfwaJa a3 aibrf M at maatl to aftl &l t,t patebalim miU wpv fr"f trwt aa0 m and llf"r iaarftciBj lw1aa at tWawaf tUiv iUitrt Hirp ; b pat aft Win.f to anawt Uw f iswrt! by t jrwa . af satiny nUrt kaaw Wtfa, a4 a W fy ilapUy af Iwaira4 aepr. UbH S taM sbaa tJaaw fct bU ga4 v UaOy tca4 aaxi WV umS4. Ta blat Wtat U biaaaali u inWrti al ta S tv al Iba txakprt af laaiat. TaawyfU rtk baataa avmrry by afpuf lb anb af baiia tarrw;4M, la mmm antpid ia abM taary tand. Tsarry ! aa Iba cwm U UW tbataUrtal txaca aLlba MtMN pNf. It til Oi 4ftrn rf a Owawf baK a4 ea- rtrn rba pwy t'i if tra tbotnaad bawru iWManan.. aa am t"'iia aii m. eVlrfttbpvpe. llekwfdoailriflu. aaaxn ad - Iba wwliiai aWkaa fttt war. aad kJUBbrrd tr.pW al IU Cofl wftiaMar tbc i.-wk all-MU ttaata. E4 iba al U til b rna. M ' t4 Iba Cay ttOTcrd wiik atlf. fwiavaad rvuruuna. r.Knani!i la aor aan couatrf ki trm r-Ui .fc iba way af l.V. T" !.!..' 'b ey mt brio aaw b raH 1W) are tk bwrwrd lawaaU by WW Ctrit a ill art aa Km bi-MHn aw law wartL HMrawUrd tliey art pf .lffd and tround tn fVwr rI.lo do iibfrt diTv.J, W h witbit dWrai, Ibry awn art 'a raaav. Tw aaewra il ia tbey urn know lU rUi t kirewgu and ftot.niri w. la a wiB at. f.iud arwy tbft are wteato b"k t Lr datirrr, aad a Ui report the art. of rack diWt. and tb icwaf TT uH o.it iba bH of tba lnH law taa.t ba berakla to bear inline cf a i dota and mf'mrU la ffuni ali.t b'tvuW iwaM. Tha anay al Of t4 i . lta a ap n oae.i U nf bvrfe . tt U aratttrrd aff lb aiiala erti. Ilmea Iba rmr anl wfuln-a of tclitrf papf, by atucii tlaratiant ia rvary cuwarr aiay kaaar wbM it cOecred, bM rrmain to b doie,and bow to co-orrU wilh tJ other in dinj it There ia aw obef way 'm '.kh to make known the anta of rtery aection of l Churrb, and to mure eonrcnt rated ai. J otM nettion anvmif iba frita.U of 7..on. Ac nlii.clw Pr1 "f thurf ! ,'n.'" .11 .l....,..:..lna nf t tirii' it t. "rth MlbV. hhm art raptd'y multiplyirj anJ cneerfully aup. porW. -- - "i " .Nnnh:anrin, eonttlmrg popt!Un of itn ; bnn.tref! thiaiurd, amt many frrrWirrtr-Chtrtebrw, ha - mk-Pf . ..a a a lv . Vlld iu Wba Uiia aaantaai ttcncicnry r " t)i 'nion of equal importance and retpcctajili irbiasuppomTjnco.rfore. .- . t - 1 tv esneriment U naw ta he m4r, wlietber the people of o- r Stale are uin.nR to ptran.w rich a niibnValion. Ttiat they arw twbly abk. nunc will pretend Jo deny. The fcUtor nf tfita Ttfh "-l"? excrtKin to male it S WWii! Jratrnal nf nRj-U intetnircncc, and in Imparty aiUacajarf chw Yran dctrtr laitUf. .l!e,Kdl fc.avj.ktv, for him a choice aeleetion of, the beat pr and JLitaaWa la tbU country, sad nne ofthe ablrat rWijrn Jouraalt, from which be hof at all timet t I tble to prete.nt an l.n"7"rf ab.tract of mcful information. -Ha wdl aboJi Vidd. by orjrinsl rommur.iritiona from aome rt the mort ditinp:;lird jrenllrmcn in the U. At learuinjf ami relirion tdom and pryajot each other, and cannot be wp'1 w,UMm' mutilatinr both, the cohin.n ol t!ie Tc If rjtpn will he filled in j)rt with led hterarv piect detipted to Wniai4 knowtf Ijre and pa.. ih. t-m nf all it rAUert. ABU mm admirable Coi'iatitution of our wll?- and lpr . . j ... i..k!v iiitanutedr m - k prosperity, faithful detail of political don.e.tio and forergTi, will at all tlir.e be fiv . . . .... " ... i ittnr.1 ID.- .-Approi mie jrniar11"-""' jjt provrir.enta imlltomettic Kcenuniy, wilt o AnJ Mast, but not !ea.t, the impwe dlenitr.and twt fnlness of the. Female Ses, v find in the Telegraph a willin5 and .mccrc J Tne paper will be large, neatly printe.1. with the beat type o advertisement win - admitted. : -r- . -. - The Irat' number, to e fo-ued a soon tuffieient number of Subacribcr i obtaiii . r Priea. 1 htec. polkra J ear, of J fL. aiid Fifty Cent, if paWi in advance..::., , , ,Ty - frrnbcrtmato- tka Ut Wrlf .551.. at the Ctrohnwn tiinif. hf. conytienced fot iding count Books, and Blank-Woi dfwf? .. . Jt .1.1 knnlra rohnlllld. OllllJ uon, anu v. , Ml. V"" ...... Salem. June lt. ma.t. A . NEGRO.' woman, as a hm.se i sen an t, A whom alibend price will be -Riven, further information, apply t this ofhec. . May 9t 1". - . 9 ' for i:3r

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