I HlllU.N SKH. at V at. " V IM f 'Wl tk. gd M mU4. MS M f'- ! cur f o Bftf i. Uf. r 4 the ' 1 ,tui r, tt im rtti ,M ttf f l'aftl. 4 IM I.W lUt IM ptIHM Ti- .. f... flittrl U VafV M .1 . .1- - .W- - --- XJ Imt f . MaLa4Uia&, ..w.f.t. fu4 tka hi lt1f. Em titiM .partM. atof m (.mil. aif,a fHod4 ) al ftsSttol ititMfti. A mtduitoajU l Un rvftJ M f,rm6l w-JiM im;. ..... . Tha intargfftl tMsUwM rc n4 reti4 taiw favours a4 iM om. t(nj of IM army, dcMiM4 W Ml ay. . Jabim Paeha, k4 Un Mrifd to l'olaroilt wr.ll NksU. tdyaus and o'har U !', had. ben pauM io (Mtir tvtcour to diffrM pn Cfftct. bat isstrtdly IM trfimM, iftj fum pprtnct ib Irwpvftr; dlMcr UmJ to o dicaUft f prmrfct UI ilttlT, to lh Jum. ! tHfC i.ihih cf ilta furkib proM(H( tr4 Tbet rt ht pnicU of tU and our csremcrtUI inldli(cfic ii moro cmft tb Idler out d rd delivered wttn we were wifmnl led to pui iK ppr to pit. We lr. bowevcr, that the coiloo mirket dull, tod lh fHt ktttiooarf or dediolor ,rorf ,riir-Tbii df both IltHiM of prliment were Jf0 roftied. not bf bU Mjif in oerwn.t.ul bf ComroiMi. The Kojrl Cotnirn tioocri binK ukeo their Mt on ie U'oolik,mMgt w KBtto require (hepreoceof b lmiuw at the br, od iho Speker ihwilf fcf ''n.K; attended tj $ coiitiderble nuwoer of Memtr, the Lord Cbwellor proceeded 9 rtd Ue Seo for tbelrproroijuroo. new-roll. 4to. 20. Be tbe Tadc , Irom Liurpc!, efHed on Fridif, London papen lo tbe Uib, and Uerjool to tbe 16U be been re feied. ..wit. 1 he Ucrpool coiton market hid b cm to feme, but in conuuencc of Im metne import.tioo iu w i v few iile could be m-de t the prireij ked. TJo rni.n one uT nw.. the United Stuet were 21.0J0 bleii md from the Bru;l,-nine thwintwtH U i I I , . At H'Tre, tbe outket had be come dull ; but it . expected the Ct .i would be increased, In coi.c-. quence of the plague h.intf broken out ft Alendri tftji pt JJich jouW oper ate Ku import from that country. i- Bkrtmeoce otthe ilicoverjf of the M.ltonun m8nucripti, which are .bout to be pubJWhed under tbe euipicet or the lunc.hU raijestf hi. ippointed com iniSort to eWm. the documents in thtt Y.lwWt dtpo.ttorr of the record or former times, with iew to- priming the most irapQrttnt of them. lh commii ..oner, n.med are, the Spe.ker of the Home of CornmoM. Mr. Secretary eel, Mr. C. W. Wton, Mr. Croker, end Mr. JJouhouse. Mr. Lemoo, the Deputy Keener of the Stale Paper Office, (by found,) ha been ippointed Secretary to tbe Commission. FB.MVE. Ery thing U w tranquil and prosper i- .viniv ernnire. that we QUI tti mu fc av"j" y.il : r bave scarcely maienaii lor a paragrapn of any. interest. TI'J Marquis of Zarobrano has been appainted Minister of War. He com meTiced his career as page to Charles "iv. aod has risen to the p.t of Com mandant General of the Cavalry of the ttnard and be would not accept of the new nost uuless he could retain tbe OW. ; TOn looking bwwflWKfiilei of from Europe, we find a Variety.of contra dictory statement-respecUug thft, pro.: press of tli? wr n Greece. The bare rumour, that Navarino was in danger of falling into the hands of their enemies, had infused so dcttrmined f spirit of re sistance among the Greeks, that the ll rnimtrii was in arms. A new and rribre-officient -organization had. taRen place in the government, and a grnerI amnesty having been.offered to all who liad shown disposition to revolt, they lai united' vitb "their brcthern ia oppos- . . . i wlwo ! T" U t" " ra4l I H fe-'l- 'V. ,.Mf t w.W4 ! MIm4 .. . f lull. .tJ U Jalf. ! ? ki ik'e d.M IM Til . a . . ta. t aT a aiuuj-Ii t rfWii io Uirw UH4 IM IWid, auf k,.U,a- Uso Uat.b4 a4 IM a. J. ..t. W.vffML 1fMtf mI.-msiiiIui M 4 UJi4Itid by Clolw.L ind-farcid W 'ttmt H m Tkanki ioCoJ I Tbe iMdi'i 6et ikst anade ii ppore .rT Ca t ikt.tta! la tttk the MaWll of Uf' 4t i SpnJi, tut IM ;nmot iWufbt ll Mtewary HwiJr lie lrot w.t .... K.tii di iiimiui iv w MAI lUrt, lat,rdrto difn4 ;Ui U .ik J tMir UdcMiyitMC Tk fve uld C, eil'i0j of l , irn-fwar aod lfprft, w ... orttln Hoot eJ all lios ol laeutitiiilofi r4 pratWoi. la ordtr lo Kiti ia ru'm cf CrtCt b( WO Cri pUuly ?feie! b euf be iaSJo, ft Cant d'Oioarnl Andro,Uwt ra ikt t" .r,d list of May. O. H. The pfui I km mW.,i I.I. rtrmti. wt'b ClOM 3 . i) f Kr rrch flttl wdar rWwry. Tba Admiral' ship. wUH w 'h U'K et'amonllbfrmt'ifletl.atmfftl but IL Captai'. Pat ha wis no tud oo boar J, be kroain,r bf lipfHrnft lhat the Grrrkj attatked (fffteraHy Ike ahlp oa) beard of which he w. Aiv''h' frljte of asmalUr tlttiicnai-. ba alv Ura borat lo lha parmal I aiJ aa craloiHar men-of-war, hjif t befn ! r aaad and hal bt the t.r. ran athora oo tha UlarJ of r and Trr A great number of trMfMi had been1 raptured and brought Inio lha l.unu oi Hidra and Srxtzi. 1 he Admiral Via tili, Informed t Milos of th kIoiUmis engagements of Sackiourr, hastenJ o ibai tbot in ourtuit of the rest of the ene my's fleet, which it was fully amitipaied would bat met the same lata. rr.usu. " Itjh saiJ that the rrentinjct TaMeh Ulle L'llee Snah, whoHnow 61 year of age, has resigned the kinRdom to hi el 'rom Ispahan I Shirai, wboao ruin he ..w... .-r i design to repair, anu reaior. ia siy Parlt. June 13. Sidi Mahrnoud, En voy Katraordinary from the Hey of Tu- nit, paid a vUit this day lo the hoyal rrin tinr F.iblihment. He eiatnincd wifti attention the various oriental types com poaing the rich tolloction of the. royal nri. The superintendent of th estab lishment pointed out to bid i MabmouU a fcjrm in Arabic enaiacic r. v a -waa desiroas to read it. the uprintcndent or dered a sheet to be strudfofT. FROM ALT ITEST. The Charleston Patriot learns bv an irrival at that port that the yttlow fever was prevailing at Key" West to" an alarm irK extent. When Com Warrington left there, (5 6r fi weeks past) there were at the Island about 50 Marines, and from 30 to 40 sailor. Of this number, whtn our Informapt departed, but 3 men oi th marines were enabled to perform duty, two third of tbam-being dead and the remainder lying very ill. Lieut, Com. Tuppc t was left in dying state. The fever was hIso very fatal among the sai lorsthe hospital being crowded with the sick and tut 4 or 6 enabled to do duty. Capt. Jas. Mcintosh the commander of lha, Ialaud waidowo-with the feter, Sailing master Harby, commanding tbe Navy Yard, had just recovered from a se vere illness. The U. S. sloap Vagabond, under command of Midshipman Falio, had been dispatched for ;the purpose of endeavoting io laii in wuh viu. rimrton. off Havana or Matanias, to in form him of the great mortality prevail ing at Key West, and to advise with him concerning the removal of the remainder of the U. S. forces, kc.Jfore they all fall victhni to the fever. No such officer ia on lh$.Naval Register. , - ST. JOH" n n 4yLf .'Jyf , trt:it&iMni hi PWfadeipSu Cizette ys, that Mri Magee, etjrAr feet nine inchtt high, from the county of Ty rone, 'Ireland, 'iai f ?tfed W thafrpwVtn the hip Conestoga. Hi brother is at nreaent in this citv : he came in tne-uen lief, from Belfast, laat month. He ma.- ..r.c or ti1il hut ix feet tert tnthet, I ures, .WC rc toW, Vttl KXJtri un imnc; - . I verv stout madi and possessing an un commondegrce-ufstren gthr' Wel tt inclined to think the Philadelphia Editor inclined to thin tne rnnaueipnia liauor has stretched Mr. Magce about ajootanit & iol:iti are credibly informed he'J .... i ONii icvc7ycky"' Mr t t;i f L-i.-W M .'k4 M a4 w rr4waa .'.m. y.--i 4 HfcTI I" iw! r ', a Ay , aa4 "l4f? 'T'ia X j( u tirii t fi r r " 'Ti1-1- Lm , a4 U. !- ' Mr. iru avi; . tlaS. M Coo ba iLt tiaala &rfkl b :t4 I' Mr. Ifi avawy W -U, W MTUSira fy J. CWifea, im Uxr IK. Va0 a IS7, a4 Ifl Ut. I T Vt M ta4 tw f maiwac- U.taatt e'kf, 4a 471 74 pur u Ml Ji4 14 Tta. frra LaaWa dfirt.af it ar mW Vr, r. it tliul fa. Jkl i Ikj I auaaa m tr to. . u L anh.a tt(;KKU brikt iaSMe hml (uf rofljw-aa, t imkrr hr tha aia aa. thW taaj- C Ww, M wttfcwrt kia kwawk ttt 4, ana a da'ed a hk ha W tt ta . a. II wIO dwiLtlci mn hi litnaii' i rw'ar, al afccpl a aral b C&.frt t u Vt it kejwba aaayt fwh fa mm! V t a )kv'X geriUVaaaa of tauck prwatia. I b tVt af Mr. Jlrjaa Warbf Ua alaouJ aU- iMaliting bi J fro SmmM, whti kif tfroftt a )y t grwaad, walaf lha , int i!.pfeUiilU cnufla. bl Inmkmf ff- (umif, wAk aaa b rrU ol aptiil. aad all tiwti ri InuU tai drUaff. wot nalir and tit, raSccif ilit iiiWi caJU km tba if. lu ami food aa of lb pj4 of that diar.net. TU dlloui ia a cwapaiaiit Ww of Ut Ule aal praxnl irpitBUiw t ConfTtat frv Nrtl-Cfuliu. Currru. JtL'rUM.lUtln, LtTrtr'. ar, , Willi, Alaioa,. Mlbfianl llinea J'm tt. r. YValdoft N. Cdararda. tjabrWI Hola.ca. .m -Archibald M'NcJ. Will P. Umirura. Ilonulua M. Sauder. Jobv Long. Ilearv Conner. t Samuel P Caraon. lraia WtUianw. IhomaiH. Han; uua d. i,iorra L. lMaB ... . . .. I- ;,,, tip-r, Willie r. alaftftirn. Haoiuliia U, Saiid'rv Henry lounet, Itohcrt B. Vance, TL rtprcaealKtiea frm North Carafin in the I'M toigrc. iU be comport! of $nm new ntarabars and tit a ho were la tbe Im (Kill) Concrt.. AU thirtec. of lha Ut mem bers were cimUdatef far re-election, ten of a bum a r oppoaed, and arwa of tfie number acre dcffa'.rd by new camliUatr. Of theie Ken oW niembert alw were defeata.!, of them wetil into tuutut at M'aahington City, laat w inter, to nominate (or, a they fondly hoped, to ntlr) a HreaMk nt for the good people of the V. Srjii$: Tertum tu. Col. John Murphy, ha been elected, without oppiwition, Governor of Alabama, for tbe enau in(f two year. Col. Murphy was lonuerty frrnn ilobeaon county, ia thii atate. The late Gov. ernor of Alabama, kraal Pickens, aal a.naUve of Cabarru county, in thia atate. Gabriel Moore, ha been re-elected a repr'e scnta'ire in CtmirreM from the northern district of Alabama, over hia competitor, Judge Clem ent C. Clav, by what majority we have not learned. Mr. Moore was from Stokes county, in this it ate George W. Owen is re-elected a representa tive in tbe next Congress, from the diatric in Alabama which he formerly represented. '. " Gen. Cainci has been invited, by a committee appointed for the purpoae at a public meeting of the citizens of Jasper county, Geo. to par take of a public dinner at Monticello, to be giv en by the citizens of that town and county, cs a - a , teitimonial of their Tilgh sense of his distin guished military services, of his patriotism, and devotion to the best interest of our common country. 1 be Qancjal has consented to part 1 TBKft ni I I UIU Ki. H HVU M IU.H U... VVIIVIIIUU uu"i un uimiiui . .... :. the official. dutie jaUh which Jw ia chargedy government. We are glad, to perceive that a res- gia, are not tainted by the mania with which I .,. .rrrwTl IflftiA Pit " " fctf that Ttt Wat, r r.eciaoie noniuu. ai i ihc botiw vc,,1'i IIICI. ViW?k,IU..W " J I ' .' . , , ... I and .re.cnd.a c-ougn io nowicoge, T r.?.l.r.., .nil unmuht nlfia. A, In. I servicci a iuuhui kuu u. . . , i ClIC.Bt gV.IIIIUV.. t?nf f .n- Sit Mhvill. Tnnrp. IT v-v...6w ... - V States Hank note, 5.to7, Virghn to 6, South Caroljna, 2 K4, ahaJfsrtharolina, perecnt. 1 iiifMvv. . . - i wractooUy "divested of prejudice o perceive, gisUtttire, &.c to Kentucky, took pbice.on tbe ... .. . ill .L.lcik ..ItliVin. t .AAm. ,ht till" Ohl Court I ran vriist fU! , avM'V 4 UUa i W4 U f'--fc -4 '' . . I . 1. ita Hl"t h ,tu4 iW a k, a-M W FT"" ' . . lWa aiaa af IM l-. " StmftUm. 1V f.o4 f M t - r ktUa, Vy fU 644 p-a'aaM. M aaJi awf 1 a4 1 M It awwa4 li-a 1 t'7 W4 taa Jl a'' M H feWy Wt- V ,kf v- ,uu .U 4 U fa4.f ila ta IV aWafvUbtM l' ftwawa W ,,w HHf lU-1 la Ja i tl4 W Va rU iam4 U " ilo Wiw, V aW tt Ub Uwpu U- rl li tV0t'M0, Ytt sUakai aa art-ia to U. fw a Km pa, auY ' y' n-.att,aa.. , a4 ta. DaaU, U4 Wa .Wa-l al H-jOry. OIL, fgf It mmf4 a M t'-.k. I Wi at -A aa-0S laH -ujiUtla' arT-- M lUm, at aa aU. arr to ICMiky. a4 aa "-ud " mWm -y Wlai-o iWa tW-awr u iw 4l!-Vi(S -etaatcawat ! - f M'.Ctaka,i mnm, to th aifair r A Ik ktaaiaaaa a r a 'na iad accaiaXag la tka ray" K' 'w I), aV- rfj a raMrairy aj.iaa- Vy tiaeaardlbatWaal. IM al ia- aVi' faaaa" to KttKky , appaara la"Wali"iai part of our foaalry'f Cr 4 VaaJ; a U'm wIj aiac a rvad to swa-thar ppf af wa'a kaW kaavdy lad ad i(rU, U a tWv aa off ! A aaaa ky lb aosa of Iiapkaa faarvt. eM la ki deaak eahnf tka k krtto) to Jaa Cooaty. Tk. pra liiwal hl prtotary eaa,- kia oVaih, waa l dabaf aad ilUgU prwike of x t th pot)a V Tk ICcht Hem. CUlra R. VaurU, kia Bri- tanaU Majetty'i ainla!et pWaipctt aiiay and aa. vy citraordinary I tk l artitl Male, pra trutni to lha freaulrat of tk tailed llalaa tbe 2Clk tih. bv Mr. Daaiel Ureal, firat ik-rk in lha dapartaaeal atata. Mr. augtm oVbttt ed kis cmlentiala aa miaiaicr, ht. a.l aaa ac. ceptcd by lb "fmailenl to that eapacrty. II waa aeenmpaniad by Mr. AdiCnrton, bna cUfy da affair frv lraal Jkiuia to.lJa It. . i and, ako, by Capt. iiart, of ibi BntUh' a mJt n.Uaiackl h arpiion. . Mr-Clay anired at Waaliinftoa City cw f ns day, tbe 211 ulu It art ma be ha.f rrd wilh in a few mile f ll at city, bwfore he heard 4 tk deceaae f hi daiigi'erfat Ibanon, Ohio, a her he had, Mr !a before, left hia funily. Ir. Tho. P. Jonra, principal of the Konh Carolina Fcnml" Aeailemy," at Oifoni,ba beca aripointed prviframr of mechanic in tha "rout fia Intimif, at rhiladelphls, ami ed tor of Ihrir journal. Th Itev. Mr. laralx-e, a preabvleriaa clergyman, a HI take charge of Ahe Oxford Km in7, when Me-ara, Aalrew and Jon s lcavi Mr. tVarwa and Vlat Paker, will motinue aa ia atn,tera at Oal. Utttn. Andrew and Junes propose opening, at Philadelphia, a Select Lite rary and Scientific Femal Semina7, lo be re stricted lo twelve popila. .",) the sTory'thatlias been pubIiJiel In most all nappeavf tf iWA-Uuata- boii Wvtog floated abore at and near Kdrnton in this State, supposed to have belonged to some vetael or vesaers which had been captured by pimiet, who mnr-Iered the men, threw them overboard, and made prizes of the verels, turns out to be aa c4 thing It ha been acertakied that a dead body of a man, without a head, has been picked up and buried i but from every appearance, it is evident that the man must hare fallen over, board from a raft, or a boat, (perliapa when drunk 1 and loat hia head by bavin? it bit off by a shark. The story of the 17 dead bodies made luou a mnsc, anu gswcu u duce government to fit out and send vennel of war to scour the coaats of North-Carolina ; and eithei drive otT, capture, or kill the rascally pi- raff W ho Trerc supposed to hav omwiiHad these wanton outrages. These vessels cf war have actually, been crui'ing on our coast j hilt aliarks and alligators were the only enemy they could get Kent of and they sre, no doubt, the only pirate that have been within one hundred league of North-Carolina, 'in any other condi tion than as prisoners. 1 he person or persons who were mischievous enough to put these r- part, in circullirion, ougltt, of right, io have ju . . 1la. ..a, a tl..... u.lat. at. mm.t .Tf"af TlaiV li t tl 4 r---,i : .-A.. u-x u-t.I7 .. tic dealt pat to them with severity but little dealt out io mciii wmi ww'.er'v iaummary lhan that ahirh ia mr.lrat.ta the Wwt taai,piraieathem.lve. ' ' ie pirate .. -ee;": XFVrUCKY. The crenenl elertinwfbr member i4- tlioX w t.x. " ..!,:,. ,a u ; ,h.t tin. nhi Court - - . - flarLV IIU UCCII UUIIIIIICinr llllfililill. The r v . . Governor contest wa a warm 6ne: the Governor of the sfatg, fJJesha unmindful of the , " r. ; .- . , ji the chief rnogatrate of a great and powerful atate, was seen struggling and sweating in the Ignuy anu uccoruni wiucti iiiuuiu iiiwhwhh rmwH. which. m a inlid boaiv. pressed aroiinu -"t i ' i - ' tU aW, 4 V-V "U tfs iMS., i..f.k--'. MKt,t H,M aa aT- - N mk wNM ! ok k la4a, Wf sva . iw 144 riUaa4ai044 V to M. j 1U im ftUl 4.'.WllaafV 0 yW af U4 aia, a kwa U.,t, aa, ai-Ml ia , fa4 it SaA, mmrn aa U f a4Na, WLaWk Ua U fr4 tf1 a Af-S aa utMnai al a a4-4M i4 4 IM 4 mp wa.jU W, a a4 wrt waa aU-i4 ay IM a 4jiMak i 14 itraa af 4 1 jVv W Uf 4arV ra4 taksiter, iW WWaava M aj fifM to Utf (V ajt, aj-4 to rat da Hl.''4 aaw4'4 tolM ff Mi, to a w, y tof aafaa, a y ta r ta tiWa a4 Uat kaaaaa af lU fHafar U4 vM V f,j Ika Hat. fW Krart faaay waf aarm4alto raw i May 4 aJUM la aaa 1U "fj a-M, Uto a jWf taWty. Ilaff x taAi,, ft4 fWW) Wt4 ftaaa tia f aWi;," by a rapaa a ika law !af U Owy vca rHM,Jl Hf 3 (aa nia 4aa lWi ia!4laava! r (i'a m. fn , paa Ikal tLf 4atVa4 pay awliau4 rkaar a4 irar"a, a a a,, t aa 4 m'f a4,la, Ut I (ih fftaUaal Afta M a n,n4 M f C wA Mfy kad -aataaadad UrarryMf lirfta bid'r as UfM, I U'ala a laU.ii aaj aa piafd, L ik m4.4 aa U'wd IU awa, r. I Mfly, Vf Itb Mt alMt aad d. ai Sa Im cUaktaf and aMfW-f U- kaJnar af Uaar a paaria, ka4 w rl!k! rf ta Ura aaaaw larf.Vaiy (Maaay a u-;ar5. i eJllTtf TjMr.tM. sLricA Wa tUa aaaaAWuty aMvacdaal la ifc-- to1 fa ttttH , brwr! I'pd 4 iaMd pi draak pfJ " I; U H i tka aaaauliaf iKal aaau.d. aaMAg- ttaa amtliJuJa, aal todaarrlbaiar. ' So drain tad takew placa, a ar Katadiki koi it tpcte4 af C Varllfl to tlia sUarreaal u., aaold U tunirr. TM eitd ayilwxlty laj m prweapt aM rnrttir aataawrat for tka W. tioa) of th rJI V4rm0"t '" shWv ba cemWcd, anJ otbtra, tt waa tifrci.i aoaa wwkl ba. IT War tf nt a yellow as, by th aama af Joaian Vavnrtfj, wvtr g tm in eoniwy, aa sr. Coarsd C'ara, about 1 1 ami -a (mm t)nkn, . wa droa nt oa Satontav la.t. II bt bi &tV' t 1 and in lb kulc be h-1 1 u sated in th of th pnrcatm n. ab-wt tool tf waiar waa atandina; o.l 1 : la) w riuifc pfodured by tr.eraiwa the ! t nijrln ;.U we "into the if W f. Waii..'i' i.; t as lr V that aoO"l t era was 'akrn a.-!. ' t w,ih hu haii maler waur, ainl H-"n.a txfora ha cxiel t laWaa uuU lie kt au tiki fiti hefwr . amL a few frt kince. ahat tm waa on rm, he tell into the rtts ami si r fcail'y burnt, that lie baa been a cripple tva auicc. Truavssa iLtCTIon. M'iDiaru ( airoll ia re-ckctcd Qovernor, ! out opposition. llraarw Allen, l aacv and Aks(id r, ba liecn icbcled lo the nesl Coi.RKa.. horit lb d!r-t in thai Mate which ll r; UrfXitt rtj- earnlriL . Dr. Juhn II. Marable t clrceI to Ci.ngrm from Hit ili'trict lattlv rep'atr'nU d by Jaiuca It Kejni.U-MaraLU.Kji.Ul,aiidWU Blour,-, l.t. f i huir. tra ihc ciih! ale. I Jn the .dratrict frrmrrly TrpryKntcd by Uu J 'nfor, Mr." folkii elected, over Lrww, P fom. Knaiitt, ad w ('ba. - - tkn. San.uel Houa'.ou, haa been reflected i repraveiMaliv ia the nesl Cc.ia-ea- ffx.ni U.e !avK(on dial net, by a hirg majmily over tl,r Kt rnrr.pa'itor. L . ln, John Cacke baa been rlected to In.. i inniTrn. fom the district lie fiirmerk ircpreacjsiad, by a svajorityorer his compeuiofi or between fcMirtceo afhl ni'fen nnnarea. John n:ir is relectwl, and Jams C. Mitchn in place of Ja.e RlamWsVr. tlobt. C. Foater has been elected terstor ia th I-egialutuiX, from the .al.il!c d'.rtrict, formerly represented by Col. Weakly-Foater 2212, Cnl. Newton Cannon 2032, ttobt. Vestry rSC . t'oU.Weakh'a vote in tho LefjUiatMre against Gen. Jackson "as United" States senatufr ia said to hare been the cauae of lus geitink' k lean a support tliit ) ear. Col. John W illiams, (late U. S. sensto')h been beaten In tho Knoxrillc district, for uV state senate, bv Cnl. Jan ci Anderson. roarrai -azsTtai- riaotisritr.' - Mr. Edit : I would respectfully y;est to your intelligent readers, the pro prijty of ' forming and incrporMog a rompanjj.tcbe stvlerl the fr'h Corona ViM Company, -'t heHVreVfllbtJai- ted at S50, or glOO euch; urd a l 'F numbar of them might be taaen oy State. This company could lease or pur chase the lands in the "Cold region cT Notlb Carolina, and thus be enabled to work the Mines -to g1ai advaUUge--Skilful Miner could be very-e''f broueht from Soulh-Anuericond Ey0!"' and employed. b -ihtVompany, of I course oi mis sinu, ncauuy yv. there mi be np doubLbul ,in)mense.trv-- surelhiKht; be taken out M the t;"; the earth. - " H-iN'v jlugutt 2CA, 1825. cHrstVi AVO 23. Corn 75 a 8o; Meal 75 a 8o (new) 6 a 8 -r Oats, per bushel, 5o a 6 1, Sbc.af pet JutmJred, 9o rButtif r 2o; Beef 5 a 6; Pork Car; Bacon Q fi Dies Vft 32 a 35tB See 8o j Sah flo'a loo ; Tallow 7 8 1 v r 35 a 4o ; Ifeggtoj 3oj Coffee So M IrUoafi. ,

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