i ftntf forms I fa " t r 11 tat- if lll 7afW taolkUg f f4iUe 10 a (f MM M4lM4 uj M It Ul dw lo Mf e4 UujrUf 14 MJ Bp!"' imU) IM ,Uim IT. ., .f. l t l't4U Lfiii, ts Ul ti( IM $flM4 M0 Mtthl Ul 'h III frf OftoU'i rf Surltf at Clr ft MaiU iif"4 10 4 Lke ta4 trjttitf." " 1 U, aai4 ih LW- Win ks M. )lMfi6f U. y. M U4 144 Uff IM Natal Cmu I JJ a'tW tka a4 JwU UHJi4 lU U Cm, f cur, wooo tkaf.e pf MgUct U 1,1) frrf tta4liPf a bpaMsfd, bf lb o( )l4rU, t uitt4 Uf4 IM I feaklla) Ufuf B.leg Mi l0fur4MK tWer, Cotwert,4 fUIS. O) Ike 'UI, Uot I ! tul in dotomeot, in wbUb be i4tl go.lf ia the lcl. Ul 14 la ihe charge S - Neglect cf Owijr." 1 he 4rocei fki ui tilt Mini itIiMtiii of Ibe mikkii by h tJ b "tuaied U rtlralMng nk "P"1 ' ,W A . i . .. .f..ttlt I 4rtoa ai.ouia i bii in ad bees lMrjixd oo board at Coll with the tMUdge erd totmiil tf 'rv tt j4lmkintrT, f tfiWMalf U hU of pUfi to rxl UI 4 Itvd l'h Iht knowMgt IM cjijn IU t!ojeu to ?io iM lltrt lor tti cbin, lo Sitiff In other mium licul. HwHttr vtbt on !o iti lkd f.om hnkJ uUureJ; w(rtd, 111 tut itiuU Uut Ujffimwdvfi beft ignorim of tb Let of Ihii man t in j 4t buard. A Jpoun from hit rt u !mj rcid, kkb tud, ia ub tt.occ, iLl ibii SPiCUrJ bJ been rt(t- if on boird tt. t'titiirmia the hirUor of CIUo, uaJef lh uoctioo of Hrv btevtrt. He b4 been Introduced lo her j)rorcilon bjr otD friend l ( Uto ; ind bc liixJ mffcrtd blm lo bo brought on lurd. ami ccouuutd there, without the knoScdc oronicot of Captain Stewart) Uetutc the fonuJercd hire lob an oTi err ol i he ratrlotic arm 7, and that ht woul't tertrnljr be acntenced to dratbt and a crminl; eiecutrd, if ahe withheld Ut i04.Kil. Sbt could not at human Uinj in (hit daiigaroua ailuatton, without liking ajme meatuicato rtwtio hira ihc l.,"heiefore, conth!ed to tli , lot; biouht on bor,di and emplojed by the Suwaid until the Kranalin arrived at acmet?ce of Kcufity. I appeared thai the rnan tame from another eiel on board the Franklin, and remained there until the arrived at Kilka,whcnhc left Ler, and went on ahore. A new General Court Martial haiheen imiiiuieil ; which ia now proceeding with lh trial of Com. CAarltt Stewart, on charge 1 of mitcoriduct. rrv.y stl r.i. u urxxr Exnox. ' Thetomrcmee appointed bphe Hir iliborji Convention hate brought in a report, the prean.bla or which acta forth the ncccttiir of "improving the aourcei of wealth, and atrcnth, and aocial com fort" of the itate ; and the firt icaolution aUtei I hut the IvnproverotDt of ihe commonwealth will be beM promoted, ana tne lounuauon 01 ner pruaperuj anu hipproeii tnot -accureljr establiihed, by opening an entire and complete commu nication from the Susquehanna to the Alleghany and Ohio, ami from the Alleg hany to Lke Erie, by the nearest and Leu practicable route 1 and that such a wotk is indispensably necessary to main Tm -.he character and ataruling of -ibo state, and to preserve her strength and resources. This is a spirited project, and w6rthy of a freat state. The patriotism and in telligmce of the Convention will, it is taped'," Vead to tealoaa support of the tuluable and important measure alluded to, which will be a source of wealth and strength to. Pennsylvania. New-York, . vhich hat no. room for. iealouy;i'iU.i,e- otce to eet-yeaT nn patrwnc atatcT with abundant means and an excellent population, realizing benefits which must result from the completion of the above named worts. --Tlie ttniiii or; rather ViWbf 'rte la dies of Hunfsville, Alabama, celebrated the last 4th of July by a public dinner at .ip . j 1 .? Kirconuemnauon in ineir secona rcguiur 7. :J7omThoUatfefle nesa. ' ' - We. ,4ra fcp.m. Jhe Georgetown Me tronolitan that nn Monrfiivl 1 5th "'ultTtbrr i - - i-1 - i very interesting , ceremony ol taking jhel ,t.'s war wnnciscu Hi inc r imun hi that ton.' The subject wl6 bid -adieo to all the substantial pleasures of life for the cross 'and the cloiitefy-was the amia ble and' interesting daughter of Capt. Jones of the Navy. - it uituxrrsct.stt, tilfr. it, If, , r. tM'.. av .4 al il,aJja,. .lia t Ida IHil mt.it aiaaatikiVitak. ntHf-!9 tW l aS . a iVt uik7 aa 1&4 4r J, ua Jl iU Im U Ika 44 hUU, fVcaWM 4 M a (t4iMm.MackajOalaMaM W ,4m4 a4 tkwi IM Uf a 4 IMi tal IM aMaMa fn9f M ajMwy, IVm(', kr ait M a.ai'r-c M M ri ami a " m f-xL avf-"f wUMi a w t;a xa.tr KM I aWW rH a ii nut J a-a k U a-; . wi L a4i aVaSaja Iwa wniw U UVf k MbM U lk4 Wj tf ana ti m U aaiywrt tial aUJl j; uJb kw aJ lirtM. IU trial nf Cvwmwfott Affff H Uoli tertaiitatad, aAl tie tout axe U Miia4t. 1kCn lnial wai it ardtcd, after fM trial of fiavUMM Aw arJ tlnlrr and a Mw Cowl ia aiaxe Urn eoAMMd fvf IM trial f Cvmm(to(fl Afwsirr, on ciirg wl prrlStl" wiki wiil t a fgrd in tut papaf of I'fvta. From preaent appear aixc tkia irUl will occupy It Cwwil U Mteral week. fif A4rr, lie ipatlil ajent abl by lie Ctft'tal Cfcfmrl lo aasantr into the caei of ite drrlartata Wtwaeai (rtri;a and tU Lrfeks, i reiurwad from hit miiiin,, afiar rtintitUf C4o hi I CW. We ka pulbid lb cor reapondeiHi Ulatrn (ionor Trf rd i.tn. Ul-r f and tlao an ab!a re view of the subject, in our liat wei Jvfomal. Wr bate r doubt that lie (.ir.r.l Cormrtl lualala its own ditrl'y a4lb iutcrcsii of the KrublU, and liat (lateroor Truup will flrid it e patfiaat to atupaoJ the commencement of surveys ,n loi country , durin the prevent tea). Thero will be time for Congress tw ciprcs it opinion 00 the subject. We have at thii time a French iquad rvn, and a Uritiah friicte, lyinf id the Cbepcake. 1 be for mar ba r-tureed from ll-rii. with an tntentma o renaio in Nortuik until the hurricane aoasuo i over. Soma of lh officers have come up 10 lie city. Aif. Journal 12 J ull. a MORBID MVRDr.lt. A most ihockinf murder was commit ted 00 the lath ell- near Klkiua, Gilca countr, by Col. Joachim IJodaey, of if aury county, on the body of hi wife, lo whom he had beea irarried about ala months. This horrid crime waa perpe trated bt the ilischarva of a loaded pistol, in the side of the head of the Ueccaaod, as ahe was walking by il si Jo on I ha road with ber arm lucked in his, aod in . a . I ! com pan v n her motnar ana couuo. . . , m . . 1 . k. l I he conterts 01 tne ptszoi pauea mrcuun bar bead, and she instantly eipirtd. Undsev immediatelr made hi escape to the wkh, and had not been heard of at the lat accounts. He is a tall man, fine ly dressed, genteel in his person, and of agreeable manners. Xuthvillr fiafier. It is listed to be a fact that tbe Dutch J flajf, dJipUyed from the veiifl wMeh pr, lot brouk'ht out the Dutch minister, is thoja 30 Brat national Dutch fl-f which baa been eihibited in thrs state, since it asatruck, upwards of 150 )erK0, when the colo ny of. Naw'Amiterdam was ceia to Great Diiuin. A. r. Oar. Several severe conQictt have recently taken place in Philicklpbia among laish erorgraritvparticuiarlyrja Alonday after noon laat, when aa m?ny as two hundred persons were engaged. ;The police found It difficult to restore order. Thaso dia pu.ea originated in a difference of opin ion among the emigrants respecting European politics. The Orangemen on board one if sscl celebrated the anniver-: ranjrs, after hating acquired a princely fortune ssrj ' of the Battle bTthc Boyne, while onjin ttouTh-America. -The gratai conatcrnsiion their passage to this country. This Rave jtrai.ouaed I at Ri bln r,. ?, . ... . . .'i:ui..j 'ta ned Cochrane had sailed for EnirtamL in one great uissa-isiacuon io me .... , and a battle ensued on shipboaro, to which' the latter, being the weaker patty, were conquered. -Arrived in this court try, they found their number Uncreated, and renewed the contest.' The members of t he Charleston Bar aTely eave a putticntlliine rto" J adge Drat ton, who, it will be recollected, was elec ted to Congress in opposition to Major Crafts. The toast of the latter gentle man was as follows : The ltepreentative to Congresa from Char- 'I bis toast was followed by one from Hugh . S. Legare,' Esq. which we take rJeare-wpymR.---.v;i;.-.'A:rJr-;.' iii tiettlth of Walor William Crafta. The Baffnauiiroity ,j hicb. ,dqrn .the, Vnnipb.pLf competiter, fitn a genius wonnyimm' Let him ho merits bear the palm. .. .Tbe Salem, I ass.) Gazette says, " In tie late westecrV Voui Mr. Clay beat "Mr. Clinton by six dinners and four barba- Out the Gazette . otlght to recollect (his is on Mr. Clay' own doniicil... . How. any dinner could not Clinton beat Clay n the imdJJe I'AtCS ? . rM6rr,crocii.t'r t 1 ! JI(.U !ruta ;-ai H tf loiaWila CUa mm, M tfacUe U wkkl H in 14 it da. (''. 4 to, r.4 19 tit l U'.ut af CiMrsl Ct!i.mti bU f l-atff utU4 tnr MifniKiA, 4 4Mt twl N( U kit km iim h& if'rtt4ct ri iri tmyiUmUt u lie i44 afikli CkMr niM-lli tk4 iutUl y m sfdar riM!4 4 Mibaid aBUWHt iU m tie W44lM J M ppa 4 HJ'''4. all aa 1..- a- 4 as ippfil more cerUf ii iiit .1 ,. vtav( a.twun.ti' iUkj lie faflaol aa4 mitwiwilainWKVailifl ai4rjl,, r li law uil atrter br fare l Cewrt ""? J W Ttmr aialU4t.iiaydir.kaiwk;fmVJ alter eJf cWftiM! bintalf eraifttf i ' ' MU at tie taller wuly ittcufpatof; iapt Made by bit p ertmeni, wiilit lie Mmer, wko wai ly a'ul reipect to tilt Govern ment, doe l M preteM Ikit any tkrjt of any kM i4 Uo Mfrn4 by ! trsien itas-ll W in til lttif too till Use. uaioes oas ian i,o ir iH.aini; i atrvasoce of atwrttng what rViodv Can befUve. liat tie H'lntyii pany w.kk anarfe tie treaty coetuiuud Ut a fif'Utk pari of lie Natirai ( tod k was i lie same Utter mode know el lll r lo lils cw irtiiaaut list ia i4 iaptJty roncliadal a "r:""";-kn wsryjisrirts sir. ciUatlun as ie ever bad boa, of akuk'.i, .a. .ir.. u .Tit, lb fact I iave wiiiio lie pia; hour received lie raoat tf.uuitU evi cleMc." IU fJlInjf is an eitrsti from a cemmuoicsiauo in a paper davcttd to lie Troup party, written by a fHrnl to thai narf a i and. roaninr lnm aaacb a source. ,t. ri.. .ui ih course which lb Gottraor U at Uul wiaaly datermioad to pursue I abnraband. lin..tial C.r, Troup, necessary arttj hiAihj more "r ht (ttfy btUrvrJ ti b nrrftaary cu, therht.ofCeorKauJto j ,.,.0-e the itkeicf her cltiieiis, snd I .M' i' bcn thwarted in all hit view bi iti tin eipectcd and unreasonable o;putiiiun, i now tjiapoted to let the iHrevttot Geor gia in relation to the lately ac'i,,rrd !T ritory remain whkre tbey hic bren placed by the United State au r irnirt ; at least till ihe approachlne; t mops of Coogreis and the atate LfisU ure. At a dinner given to GeH. Lsfarctte in LcestHirg, Va. Mr. Ad.ms, who wss a .iir. a-ave the (oltowinir toiti .' Hi btinf rrcorUa of tk t l - 4a; - n - dVnce Lika lb prunbrtic bocla of lie NO I. . . .... - 1 incrcaauie to taJu aa (Mi t Uirmuta in aumocia. r.trr.TTErtUE PRicrs, .hp : fjot 7U a nu ner Duan. i ntoi.aara. jj a n aurar. eotailo, 104 a M , coee. pnmr pi-eiv Ju 2l , WJd3dqilrty,laW;teaiwiU 2i, flamed. 11 la 80, tallo,'. ; a t, brew ax, 3. a 3Jt nee 4 to 4 p' Ijo Iba., ir... o; 100 lb. , tobacco leaf, 4 a i i aMmifacturW, pr. v v - .- juarrtrt, In the Forks of the Vadkin. on the THh ult. by Li R. Eaq. Daniel Heller, aj.d 19, lo Mm Catty Kelion. Dirt. r nutirh. nn Itie !IRtli ult. Cant. John 1. $ RrjfTtn. after a fVw days lllnet of tlie biliwia t ter. In . ArUnv.lN.-r.lM. Ihe -19th ulC.Uonr Hoger Skinner, U. 8. iliatpct Judge ol lue nonn cm diatrid of New Yurk. Urn Ctchrtm. Thb man, it aeema, has re- turned to Fnirland. in the Braiilian Innate ri- 9jmm brtt fHrate .ml carried off M immen amount tich liad been ij.vjcj Upon the people t Hio,otenibly for iba use of government, We alwaja auapictcd his loTclanirrwMlaciuaieJ l'firtWttB adtenluroua moiive, in aritinjr theSouth- Americana In their atnifrgle. far liberty, and tlmt JiU oulv aim waa to aggrandize himac-lf. T he riranir friirate will be aent back to South- America.j)urlord f irw-rmww will Uy io England, 4 raow Ta naw-roaa: ttinma roaT. A duel took place on Wedneaclay last, be tween two artilfcrv officers attached to fort Monroe, in the Chesapeake bay, in which one of them was allot through the body, i ne inter view took place a short distance in the rear of the gan-iaon, and the cause of It wai a rcry tri fling affair. r"-i': pit FROM EVROFE, By an arrival at New-York," on tie '23d uh. few Liverpool, glih paper to thai 20tl i Jul; have bcea received. - - . " ."-' i'-"The Liverpool l3ottcrt JtlsHfcet eontmiiedduHv One lettee of the 20lh says, M lie total sale toe W thna il.iva. via. on th- 16th. 18th and 19th. amounted to. oflly-, 2684- bags,' and incliiled"of American cjcscrtptlonv "" "opianu-V " Ilf toI3i t 160 Orlcaw, 12 tor 164 1 16 Sea bland, 2ai and 464 Alabamas, 10J to l3id." A duel ha? been fought in Paris, between Count Scfrur and General Guirrgond, in cwise quence of the amwer of tlie latter to the Ac count of tbe. Jluwian WtnainvbjLllieJ'Qrnr, Count Hegur wm wounded it) the Uii, and' the, latter in the body. Ptfin. II . IX . flmip it . S. mrwrfir. ' StoiJ, wheat, Wa 1 1 wbiakrr, 354 a 4.1, (he W ,U(BM,ita,l4I, ljf peb brandy, 30 a ii apple do. 43 to 43. , - h A in lUr corti,rj toribacont6a7a.l'.lurkillml, ' r , 'i aa 4. I'M, IMrltfc, l lU iaM ?", a4 x.. 4 a&-M a P 4 mff a-",. U J!l v4 kl M ! kaJ s4 IM V a4f aa f nmmy( 0 m IW a' ,. i, i a4 M rt- a ( J .0.1 . ij :'a In a..Vrr. a iW b a to Im ka ,Mt at r , a'. mmi ; 1 L "7. 4 Mi Na, m t...i ,, t. a4'll k bit In mmi VI JU;,i Uat ?th ij1!. if H fpa4 -r ti k ttf j, a, a('. ! ui I H,0 t 41 a 4)-'J of" aa IL ia JrftCa BAMTIX JfSr.a, JCl.. y U ta.l U ( UUK.VH Ol'Flt'K, JiJtlmtrt, It l.i I.li I.. arfctcdkM IM iUiaX'itt ),.... . ' w lo (Wi , V,i "J-1 I '. (fS..r i .trt lf'. lit flu ra iIbttff 4a!rrfei.' 1 lit- rxl stMr.vr.! (iTttUvV lut ,tittr J ykry-J 'v be d.a L il ii.p xwd rtl 'f '' T .. tttj rw,i. U .i.ote u, m crtic4,l.V a7. aV.ii. , ... , j " . , , , Jtlar. I SplfnrD Srl.rnr: 1 pnc wl JJO,'Jii li SJO)fj 1 prue of I prize of 10 prizes of 10 priirs of 30 pr17.es of (A) prizes uf lUfJ prizes of 200 prizes of -lOO prizes of 0, I is I,MJU is 5') is 100 is il) is 20 is 10 is irifiaJI 3trJtl 10 OUO ' ' J i 3,'i"0' 3 Idaj' 2 ) 5 il ,X0! 1 20,000 pri7.ea - .v. . n ( 1 I I e of 4 il noa-io: i .vij ruuLa ru:.ow) fickrta, .Vl ,i,r Afuat-Ta 'mr. .! a tlrrmtHf . 1 l.e nunibrra i be put . . .i ,.n ... .Niinibtia iii tle , n u , lMUn, ,k,rfy VVU.W ,Ltbl, ,P Uie ofUU ,.ia. , - . N-ll(ribe. ,Lrn rtr . ... . , f , . hp p,.,,,,.,4 ,0 , R4 Prir. If the S free ilionHl eon. out lo jih Z'tvaj Number, hrn all ihe t.vrn S'm. in .'kt karate will be tcl cnUUcJ lu a Vr'ur uf S i. tM .Hti t end with 1. 3, J. T ar V. r- .N iWwrt rnJ ttiIS 2, 4, f, 8 ar 0. lliit mode of iliaiainir not ortlv ennbles the Cmnu'io:r to complete ihe wbole IHiery IN ONE 1UAVIMS but liu the great advau ' ra of ,liMril.uiinR iba u.ll priaaa reguUrly to every aumuile bwoct in mr cunrmr, . n holdt-r of two TkktU or taOHartrarf -1 wkala, (one (Kid and one. Kfn Nomler,) will he car Urn of obtamuijr at ltut one Prrxv, an4 in ihe tame ratio fur an) greater ijuantity. A 1 ickrt drawing a auperior I'rizc in thit Scheme, u not rrttnctfd fium draninK an interior one aim many I icketi, thrrtforo, wiH ncceaauiil obtain Tit Priiei eui k .' (J- Every prire payable in Ca-h, wlncii i -tial at Cnai- a Orrica, can be had tlx momrui LVg art ' Jurat. TICKETS WILL RISE on the 1st of September, lo 'ir Mlar , until which time, the price will coutiuuc, via : H hoU Tukct, ,. g4 I Quarter, . - gl QO HalvO" ." ." '' 2Vihthi-i- - - 50 To he kad. in the ereateit variety of Number - (odd and Kven) at COIIKX'S - . TttrrvU Krihantre Offer, A'o. 114 Market- " fe '--itfipr; Itnttirnvre-r Wliere all the (.rest CapitaU were sow m uie f;raiMl Slate Lottery which was completed a few '.' .... ii .i dav ato.....An! inhere more CuHtuk haxe been Kid than at any other ujtirr in jimencu. (rTOKl)KUS fiom any part of Ihe United 8tate, either by mail (post paid) or private COuvO'kiice, encloaing the cash or J'rizf 'I ickets, in anv of the 1)tteriei,' "will "meet 'the tame prompt and punctual attention a if on perc.il applicatiim.;, iMnaraM, . .tot; ' jr I. I. wri r.:, ji.Mmtirm"T. 1T V.flH EN'S" Gairtte anil Uttrru font- Itr which wil l)c"iubliliLd Tnunedialcly alter the drawing, ami aill be forwarded grti; t all wha wiiUajioAlKuc.TjcJ6t it Urriet, and w ho aigmfy their wish to recciv,eyu:.amt, Baltimore, 4ymtf-lo-tJ. 2t"5 Book IjiuAVias lWuicss . 111 B subscriber egft leav to inform lua . friends, and the public lit generl, that l.e hoa commenced the lhtk liinihpq Buriiien in Salem, North Carolina ; where, ma be b"d, on the shortcut notice, all kind of merchants ac count Books and Llank.Vorkofctry descrip ,Uon, and old books "rebound; """ oinl75 """" Sah", Itne W, 1325,' BAVlfJ CLEVtL. aaaf Trfk.taiiM. iilt. "j..fa.f I k r--r l -- W IM t'' -,tCfMW t' rU, 11 4ajl Vl t IM Ikwa. A. I. ""I!, I tataf fat lav I . T M. . J A .u,m man n . a, rnifiAni: nnnr.n". ll a U.,ati. j IM.irf,,l. IS, M l I T tllR P UtM 4 e-a ? I ff ( u 4 M 4 aJ lHUk ( M rrUV rr f IM MtW M al iW I st ll 4-t t iM ts Vf M 4 i Ik llr4J fwmt, W IlaIU Jia, a-4 LM, IM Ui4a a l fria'. tW tli, a .-. B .ra.'at l(r Cr II.U, IV 7JkeVya lx. wU,t(ii ' "r .: . " - ' Ur, m !.;, im :Jti r Sari Mf l-taii iw ai4 (Va ift rn a UCUiaV nVrTi Iw fl.r UiH-Ail', t .B ia t imt,f a ry. iavtMa M ar'f I ! "k fn ,"'v iM .i., 4 1 ! . wr U; lb. rir.ja-l ! iMaiiiHi.tn, ni ruI.u ('-. rpi;r .i - f, ft lb- a'- la., tM M-)iA.Pf ! I i b r,U. alb t-JWr, lb b m lt ll.nwi la l.rr H i Ml .. !. k ""' )..., uo an .IKk.,' rl . Ific ,'.t t nt l.i .tlas.a, tt M tr frr ('. 1 U fc. w, l! .r . 1 bMnr a-l awaU U, m U (a cum bra, I l.wwJis wutrl '1 k f (S iv I Jlf , bawis mm borw a b. olt rafuf al a-C Im r, .rt 4. a.! fv lfi-.w), mi iba bwrttkt bj ll fcU m Uhi.w ; ik , IumI b mmk ! ba 4oa ba) l M.f.Ui Vrra ba tl ) b " fx4 in aT rfbrf'oW. tfc.bf. Iraa a il l Uacr. fOl M LMClMtHf ai'-'r.l. la, .si.iwm v.runr.H. l4ii. .Ut 14 l'l. .S. It IU. mltfi cM,j,Mt lo ktra rs baJ a i.l) i ebjl ttlmj ajatly itb iMtwu or (aj i a' b f b aJ b tral bt-.latri.t-, uf Ik bt mtH .la. l r. r HT tirloa t a .bcl 4 Ina1 al Cut 'ba r4 iLttin outjuttfil. I id arllalibo coul-buuac ia "I.LJmri, nalWulil, IS k Y Iklutwr Mil, a tvluaW liarluf U'J in Ik c.jHj ,4 H- aio, bit y(t.w Ilirtrtt Crttk. a.! j Hittnjrll' laiwiauf Ju4, I ooj, NhtWm l.uw. Kk a'1 nr rti, cnrrtatnmjr C IfOwlrT'l i I kii i, It Bu.r h n Ml tui( lit" Irt't Hiika-l f in inlin hfiiVi, l, llft A, .iilKr. -Jltr-i, a jfiv i! ifarMirj b-i- amt wtirT m. luMtwa cm u.f ..!. . abrf ajiiprvttnitMa lo rn , il .alb' f.rm. , A, Um il. J .t. I . '. .H ji-vSjMy , uic in-il i u'im , I" i irfii.rrj'o ila l.ifl.r' .v,!lJ A ift!i! (f -t pv-Mba iH t-r K"r" '"r '" 'i lrrl' " ";', ml urn m- iiO.. l i. wuti luoi. um (.uiuia. tl RUH'I b o-l l "ji-w v MAMII.luS C. JtM Trrte. .f 1. ll.'v. 77 - Vwiini. .Vpi rtkrK. fur aa a w - " - - - - SOU alr, ln . I if l.kctjr ff-' 1 nf Ihi- f. .11 ill . ripln'i' l" Hfr, ami ,i.rf frtr c'ulil-a) t aif -b J girls in le'rw, J at line office. HV tirtuc i a (ril of f inh'i ril ra lij t 'pt. J'l fiut. mile to tho il.li I 'iMt, Iiit Uiiin pirjni. t ir.r.tiii p-cilit'., we ill ynirrru i-, mII, at puMif wlc. llic bigliral bidlrr, nil ,'IUu.v), the il JV of Stpunutr otk, tw tlr pieini- .'ir Capt! l"rit now livra. the fu!lonv V'rm 'i l"S'l i" lit war, eniniy, in ttic r .ik fcf the i.Uin, tm the wattrt r Ihitcbman'i crrtk, tia-t u Mad td Vii wilh all the prrrrr im urwvef im ia a nUlU taliot. w ith an 'il Vl'iH, Wriol-t'anV.ry Mj. ;:ne, Sn-v M il, le. this tract, n nit piiretntett. tiif be dinlrd iniu M-parie IcU , UinU.er trael, of 1 4 .rrea, well .mi.icvcd, ith g oil building, a nluaWc orcliar.lj an cii'""ive l !' y, he, , 'another trad, upwards of K arret, wth jri iroroenw nt, valuable orcl.ard, a (Trial and a,w mill, tic. Alwi, ftur likely Nrgroci, a wngyil and team, g end , alcl all uf. 'aid.Jilui. Yjp atotk nf ctrlc.-h"g.,1i.c.- "Ti-rmi H alr -will be maife kiwwn on iho lav of aale, by ui, r.KOHCK SA.NKK, HAMl'KI. FKOSr, NATHAN Ill Nf. ' 3i74 ti.VKLAM) ANDEIKOV, 'Jufutt 16. 18V3. Tnulrrt. YMW, Clt .AU'X.AlOU, tUct. aHR. aiibacribcr lialtg unalifieil a ctccu tr of the last w ill of Alexander Lnnp, Lte of Rowan county, decM. at the court -of . . , .. -ii. i . .plea anU quarter aeaaimi ir iin- tarn cmmiy, held on the third Monday of November l,t. notice it hereby given, Ihst all pTww harina; demand igaiiwi the aaid estate, aro re quji ed to present tlicm tor payment, within the 'irt pre scribed by law. JAMKS 1. LONti, Vr. I)rc. it. 1C4. 41 rrntft'T ror.vtr- Cm Ot'RT o I'lcat and tjunrtcr 8estio, July crm, lHt'5 :" Henry Shoir, ailmit.istraKir ot F.lizabeth Shore, w. '1 he hnrt nt .mes I.ove. dec'd. : Petition for re-probate oi will. It p. pearing to the satisfaction ot the Court, that .lumea Love and Kli Howell find Nancy his wifi', heirt at 'hiW iif the wild JaBieslsove.-rleoM are mil iti'habithanta of this stale, tfrdneit, therefhrii; tliat publication be mailt three months in ilnj W t7tern" Ca61aiTnTgtn James ljve and Kli Howell and Nancy hi wife, to appear at our next t'lHfrt f I'k-aa and "i'lar- lerSes'totia to be'htM fur tha county of Cab. rn,"aT the CbuTt-hooae aMonlj -m Uw jjjoriiUy of Octobtr JieUtbn aiid ' tbw lo'in w tr, or plea J to the charge set I'urth in tlie pa tition, or the' prayer uf the petitioner will be heard, ex baric aa to thejn, and j'Hlgmtent .will. be rendered accordingly. 3int82 AVitiRS. D.IVL. C'O'.g.W.t.V.c.T.c."- . Wanted to Hire, NfT.ltO woman, as a house servant, for A whom a liberal price will be given. For farthtf inforuiation, applj' aJi.tfkifl'i?!. ,W.rT; y, n:i mmJI U W Ik MM W 14 l 95.V a -,

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