,VJ,'f rttU t;iUwt!it if TMiitAulrn. r tut f-t- k"u;;'l1u, . . . .1. 1. iv X. .aiii ' 1 1 If 0 1 . ... I- iiitl (SIm ..... ......a rtkr itti sr. IS! M J Ih s it Is U J J .VV Ctt J f le wsl a4 d iMUfl w!h A.sM U I hrl, Ifcp k.. fct.r.i ir 11 Mus liJ w a. 1l ii hle dir. Mr"" A I r.Md Ifcftii nur t;a iw M tM ihr. -rove wa iviwi - , MSUi th K-r bHh 1,1 f1' M I f , i . i - 1 ' 4 - t ft . t 'v 4 i ! ' 1 I .... m" -i. J :.T TV t ' t - -a??- ... , V . - ? J ' 1 ( I- , . 4 i -VV " ..... ', ', " I t-r - - - t ?i ttA'Jail t,Jk,iO"k- Am ka M ' vrJ tkf. WMk.oVilkf ?U4 o.r4 rt ah o.ha a" U(f (!Wt fA h Waaao I U. u fciw! at Wf 14, : Aj4 rtr tta ft Al MN Ika) Mhh kaart m fM, .... tU kU aWa'J k ko j AoiaJeeodoWAt.rf4v - Ami a4 l k Hartal a a. y ak-aJUa mmtm- ( Mw1) '" apidi idW Ua4 a - Or Tm U bwi, tiU fcrwl WW tM Miff t, uk uw ua. r KCKLL.NKULaH. V.IMHfCM rtvtux. Aai WfUt ki T f kit fW. the eopl7Bl of pior, tcucr. 1 cmiet, U by Of id, i bU Meumor . pboKt," who telli ot ibl rure it!. vet ' r'lco ,tJ,Bt Puf?'f gi otic of hit hiog bceo icttr C ht Otrnipie m on the ttrjr Mme J17 to hi father M isloa. Whca lh til of PioJcmaU, to Sy. t, im iotciwJ hy lh Frcoch oJ VeoetiiDi, ttwl it w ready 10 f!! into ibeir haodi, ihey Ucrrrd piceoo flyiac over ihem, aod immedi telr conjetturtd that il ai charged with Ulteri to the gsmae. Oo thia the whole army raitirg a loud hout, and ao cnofowoded the poor ri! pot, that it fell to ihe jround and on be iog teized, 1 Utur aa found undfr hi wingt, from the SuluofU which he aured the "prriwn, that "he would b with tnem in three dap, with an army lufEcicot to raite the tiegt.' For thia letter th beaiegen mbitituted another to tbie purpoie, that the garruoo rouit ace to their 4 own aafety, for the Sultan had auch ther affiiia prewing hire, that it m Imposiible for bim to come to their succour jw aod with thU Lt initlli. "gtoce they let the pigeon fly 00 hii courae. The girruon, deprived by 4hia decree f all horwa of relief, icn mediately surrendered- ..The Sulun appeared on the third day, as promise with a powerful army, and wgi cot a little mortified to find the city already in the hands of the Christians. Carrier pigeons were again employ ed. but with better success, at the A- t T.rvden. in 167 J. The ear- Tv,eretiy the meaas of tbc latar nation thus conveyea to tnem, mau ,.A , f.nd out. till the enemy, de spairing of reducing the place, with- drew. Ua in siege ocing t Prince of Orange ordered that the )mhad rendered 6uch essen- ..n.r should be maintained at uai ..- - . , .u- ..klir untnse. and at their death they should be embalmed and preser ved in the town-nousc, as tiiu.. 1 token of gratituae, . . r- k Eat. ihe emclovment of pi geons for the conveyance of letters is still very common, particularly in and Eevot. Even- Ti..k. Ti Vrnerallv a basket full ot them sent him fHrnlhrgTamt lcnglicd 1 I .... .f I where they are brea, ana in cc any insurrection or oincr nciBcu.jf v. ,nahled. bv lettine loose two or - r Ik rxtraordinsrv messen- Uiui s , isTOeiisr .e convey intelligence to tpe gov ernment long before it could be possi: tk. r1'iKcrfnce and soeed with which these; feathered messtngeri w ing .theit UJi'rtrftordinarv. ,FrttnJ.the instant )f their liberation, theis flight i. A..rtA ihmuph the clouda at an Immense height, to the place of their destination. They are believed to dart onward in a straight fine, and never tlescend except when at loss lor breath, and then they are to be seen, commonly, at dan of day, lying on their-hacks on the ground, with the l:u .-.n1 ..irVimrin With haStV BVldl- ... .u- Ai of the rrtorninir. Ut their speed, the instances related are ahnoit itrnf r i - 1.'. 'r.t. tr..ir with Bn. dtsW .1.1 tM ih rJr;vti.f"! . .1.4... 1 1 lKfia LB lUiftifnai -"" r u .1. MflBff. Thi 4 t;-.i. J u arrttttf D .rw atreet, law ihf Ml, aJ iUtti o'clotV, ktnag mv7 .1.. Im la A hU I ISC I DU. at A.i. .re. la 1119. aotcf th tbirtywo plc betoogiog lo that city, who no Mea co-f fy do, and ihrrt Ut lo, o f ..i i-u . A kiiAca laaortciMn of hu-red aad eighty toilei, ia sii feouri. , . It U through tht attKhmeat er the .. ik l!mi of thir iitK. aod panUulirly t- the spot whera aVy h4 brought up twr JouBf, mi y .k... ...l.rt ukful to rasakild. UiU 11"""" . . Wheo a youog to fix 1 very bar. .t,n. irBtriluiufun(rtOfth. it is carried la a bket of oihetwiM, -i... w.ir mil from home, and WWI ! " k.. nut. fie r thii. it il rr rrA . od then two. four, eif hi, io, twe-ty, he. till at U.fib ' rctr from the furtnrrmSst pana of the country. uirr. Habit will recoocilt t ta ery thiag but change, and eveo to change, if it recur iwx no quickly. The late Sir. George Sxaunun informed me, that he had visited a" man In Ifdia, ho had committed a murdrr, aod, in order not otly to ssve l is lile, but what was of much more coosequesce, hit caWA-, he suhmilied to the penalty . ikU wa. that he should tttjt for seven years on a bedtiead, . about any mairan, the wroie sur-1 of iroo resembling Bails, but not so aitsrp as to penetrate me nesn. ou George saw him in the fifth year of his probation, aod his skin was then like the hide of a rhinoceros, but more callous j at that time, however, he tould sleep comfortably on his a L.J r therm" and remarked, that, at the expiration of the term of his rmence, he shoulJ, most probably, continue that system from choice, which he hsd been obliged to adopt rom necessity. no mi aaara-aaiiueaB aaviiw. suia.YJioLtr.ta. Th mmt brilliant star ia Colombian history, and indeed in the history of modern revolutions, ia Bolivar. To whatever it may be ascribed, whether . . - 1 - 1 " 1 r 'l .V to accident, singular gooa lonunt, highest order 01 personal mens . .11 rnmhinrd. Bolivar baa raised him self to an eminent station In the list of ucccssful heroes, and remarkable men. U Via'tiorn at Cara'ccjs. aboot the year lT7i, and is said to be descended from a family ol distinction in that place. As a favour granted to very r - . t C..aU few of the native youma um America, he waa permitted to finiah his studies at Madrid. Heaiterwaras visited different parts of fcurope, trav- ... . . T." I I A lied in Italy, uermany, cngwuu uu France, and was on very intimate terms in Paris with Humboldt and BonplendrHe Teramed to Mad rid, where he maried the daughter of the Marquis of Ulsuriz, and soon de fnr his native country. His - ... - . ' ami wile did not survive rainy . ...... - . - -rJ " .-r.nr,A time. .... Whilst yet iiEurope, he had lorm ,1 Afiirrn of devotinir himself to the cause of South American independ ence when the course pi evenis snouiu point to a suitable time and as ithap- petie4.Kimrsd4m4. 1 . . 3 . . i-.t...... hsirSnntnn Ihe iiatiuara 01 uwn; w" v6.-...6 10 be unfurled there by.WirandMod his associates. BoliVar was, not en tirliaijseil,'Jiowi?yerirtth ha ge f .J It a eral aystem ol measures pursue j the. patriot party, and he avoided ta- . . r U. AiA nat an. Kinji any aciicjwi. r . . . L! U k. orove the new consuiunon, winm congress ot. Venezuela nao auup Caraccas, and he declined a request ith Don Lonez Mendez LV. Vi-w " 1 f . "on a mission to England, designed to i -A ... .a promote the interest or jne goyernmcni formed on the principles of this consti tutioo. Hut the time soon came when he felt it .....1 .,.1. anftriar aodrt tuasir hii. "r" ------- uiM.ry c f wUleftwa la al.f. fma nana. iKiiifaf rm,nB this wsa tea liasa to dflrata m Uiaed thaanay tiader MUa4a.ad ttr 1 the ,teil tA Ml1 T LT.tttv sail LSjroet; - r ITT .... t. .1- .... .f tMrwwi"'"wv" .1 the wotU 1 It bai Ur iwcessloa if a . - V L. Ik 1 A Ok .ISHi AS IBM ftU 111 WV ipbadl ahlsvemowt gsUid for hU ,HuA.1 t Vj w , . . iv a Aaaamav 1 ar jf 1 aim uw - dtat of modrra fsmr, nava wbi 1.. ftifcr. Tiaa aod future .vests aaait show, wheUxr ihia hero of the Suuth wiU compJeta int parauei viih hii iflustiioui anodtl, whuh may ihui far he run w lib so eaK& aeemia la soasa rcpecis a" k beta rsmsiksble. He was setetal times unfortuaata la hit .,! rartr a a aofiief, and asott .v.. hi remits In his owb touo- irr. as wcU as those fra aUoad, tri- umpbed over Dim. uu .fc . -fal mlad U lis above defeat, sad fetort the coafideace iU .r.a haa wrakraed. Ilia aaUuos 1... hra txo atrunt for his late eriiy, and a sioeera des'irt for his couo irv's aood. f r a cousldfTable period be wss 5apr wiciaw kU rommsnd t buf when a calm was k rwne degtea rciiorrd, a r.n.rrta convened, and a favourable nHiiMfi mrd to oDeo. of establish L- , hi,'. 1 of rovernment, he voluaurily )icUed up all power, and i-.:., .a am fitmifi to the rank of a private cilllro. True wss accordingly - - rnfnmAnAer (a chief o done tiU be wss n-neen oy w w a - I. AWsaaT rv k. -i.M.Ur iha eoaiutution ana ih. Twice he has by mere ac cideot escape 1 atsassinstion. In the first Instaace the dagger which waa in tended for him, was plunged Into, the heart of M secretary, who happened to be sleeping in the hammock uaually occupied by himself. U the nredominant trait 0 u:.-i.rrtrr. Ilia movements are always prompt, decisive, and rapid, and at the same time directed with ao much discretion, that with a force : fre- .1., ;nf-rinr m lumbers ana aisc pline to that of tho enemy, lhas been a . i .rrv tttroutn a suctcmui wai- fare with forilloV Morales, and other of the most experienced bpaoisn gen erals Hie generosity has been- much praised: he gave m w m'-md ia said to comnouic m-mm 1 ..n;nwM tne income ui un - r" . .7 ' r...k.!.l.. esuta in atloraing renci 10 wiuuw, and children of soldiers who have lost th!r lives in bsttle. As a compsnion brh social ami pleasant, rtcmperate-ift hit habits, abstemious in his diet, and drinks no apiritous liquors. His con stitution has suffered by the severe trials, both of bodv and mind, which he has gone through 1 his speeches and his addresses which have been pub lished, evince eound and practical viewa, and adaption of purpose, rath er than depth of thought and great in tellectual resources. His celebrated speech at the opening of the. Congress r -. . aA Kaa Ktat of Angostura, we supple t most remarkable effort in thia.wayj and that speech shows at leasf, that he had studied protounaiy ine.nmury ... . t . ... -X . m - - 0 AT Aaa ann nan iiiuai dli ivuen at heart the object of tatablishing that t 1 .L-..U 1. auWrd ti secure the prosperity and happiness of A highwaytnao, . named . Bollard, Confined in Newgate, sent for aaolici- lorm which "" . trial and waa answered, " by getting an apothecary ta,make. affidavit of hi? illness.'. This was accordiugly dorle, in thcJoUowing- manner t " The de ponent verily believes, that if the said James Bollard, is obliged to take his trial at the ensuing sessions, A wtll be in immincni"danger of his life.1" To which the learned Judge on the bench answered, " that he verify believed to A Mr. WaTt, in England, ii reported to have aold the celebrated bone Mtmnott t? Lord Dsr cr.oji uat. 1 VT til AMJtMONC) u Uai uW ia ax ynoiaiwa rarJ arirrr r bit f ari HkaaBf ni - I .Jtm. 1 . F 1 - w .J . t . ... . nine awf w "r I 11 1 ii 1. 1.1 niimii n"- anrfk wt-Ul lU 1aJk lUmallMW 1Ww ao a H a kvno4 Uy kM 1 iko '7 "S Ik k!fr. . , . . ,ta T Immm m ait k-f ka It a Um km . - o-O'1 1 ka a aaa-fia I to a-UaM lo maw, Wk fio w k-aoa iM Hrt - to HUarr aa4 Ulf-S W a aUa 6as a . t . al I.b4 fcUai. rot riktiitianwr . , . . . i . . auA-r. Ji is. 1121. 7 Yftrm Tot tttiU. rnui .JT.r. k.. fin, kif mm. n J- I . 1 L...:v.rirrfd.MVUrJ!a rwk mJ Ik 1 mT a titW Ck 1 ctf 1 aet mo, I . m. ' I mm la a cn( a ftUf . mA ktm. HtUtllw ri Mp'- l orMtkaroaru ak MKSia of Ika 4-a.0 Ik afouaf ... irrnAltlurdV II OBROW EO ftn lk wWnWr, kt ao- ktr. -JtaaA Ulleta oH. Urla amuUr ta Ika alrwa. w Mf " k i iiuf nir-i. B akCp the aa ar it r lominr It to tht r"r. rnmrr 6ct lo ho t or aay infofwtalWn rtapacUf y it, a IU a IhaaSiMiiy rwiua. Akr. XI. 1 a. -"' AYoo CattWnj; .Mvrtnt. rillll ibrrUxr rrn'r "" tko c'ni 1 aaaa of Cabarroa. Moogonr ,Mk" ro.niJ-. ika, kc ka it rrvitcd a j " J - l -.11 am;a H ool CaMliPff WMkiaa al Kt ai al my M.H a ika water rf . . a. k I o a , a AtUia creel, oa ! vajrw-w. Im1 al a aSot-t nocice. on ro m Ttfc ito'ol .it 1 kc.M knuflii iuka markino fliu't be aell aaihrd, clraned of M.cki ami ktim, ai l other bird mbttincrt that oiU aJ to nu .d iajata tka caixlt : o fwaim! uf claa oil or J"l mut ba broorlit to tb matbii. I win rti ai .:.k. ..... r.n..nl i ml MifftcWiit auant'it ofibet. t tfci (ot oUJaaa-a bekrucbtt0.contmtyi. rflHK robacribrr offera foraaW hia llui ami I L irt MatewilW-, eaher n or iiihnii bit rUAIimr ami otbtr Honarbukl Fumitur, and ..ihnui .11 bii llouac ifnanti. er- .1 r.., k arkiile amount in? to be tcaB 1 JOQ and 2U0O acrta, adjoining the toon Una or sUteinncj or wfT""- urerroi, nut nnrrhaacra. Tli Unda in Centre, known by the- rame of the w hite llbme ra, ami uh tho whole about 1300 acrea. Abo, my intcecf in aeerl otbtr tracts all joining; me lornier. A frrrat number of otbei-iraota of land, tjlnr In different part ol the county of ImlelL All the ...:n.i.r tJl n nrimtei. '27 in number. Cash will be required for the whole prke of the w.. . .11 nthrr nmncrtr will be diarto- liirK.vv. ( i i ed of at one, two, anu mrcc jc vn..... more particularly, a the purcbasera will a h to Tiew n oetor-ncy v.- ' 1 f Y llouac and Lot in the town of ilX .SrJUhury. opppwto Mr. . -1 Kl.iirhir'a Immkc of entertainment, in Triemllv neipTiborlHxxl. ami -rood aociety : the houae ia two atoriea hi(,'h, with four fire placea in the hwer atory. and two In the upper : tue house if larjre and convenient, with a kitchen, . " a B a t 1 ' M.lala a nioke-houie, corn-nouae, ana auune, iw. C1V.CUVI.. u - ' ' , a, -Jlii JiuwM .tf -tkav aama- oo (AO moat nn nn.n.l.n .ml hack lot. all in food, rc- accommodating term, to the purcha.er, a. I am ... a mm On ii ..hr.726. 1825. . 55 . B.-t ahw requeat- all persona who bsvo. any demand seainrt me, to caw and recoire their : t i .l. m im. bv Kook aCOOUDt o7wheTtSTwllldo Bit a favor byoalUnf-ond seUIing their accounu. . - fflHE officera and non-comroissionea oHicen 01 . a ...... - -inc n v x t o" , U.. tiu;i'.. tsUl fktAatnhli al the COUft-laOUSC IA ITIiaS lVl(Uiaa w. r"- ' , . Salisbury, on Friday, the 9tb of SepVember next. for rnstruction in me manual e":" in in mo uiunuai mcia.."- - evolutiona. Theofficcri J?SfStire(l tpppear " . .at a ax - 1 .a ... . n iiaVafai m tnun. I By order of Won. H. Kerr, Cbl Comd't. tif ttitiuiv A A J. W. RAMSAV.. determined to remove. to me rran... i..it.i-i iV" TuT r JLt ' two eal " V" : erenofi w. Url.T.r.a.- 1 ..rmw mouihr. from haw oint to OK - tt sial W al 1-Tal T", iwwa W aM ova ifw I-, al .J ik U4 W t" W s. irl lUl Ma hu,fN 10, awK' ,-i"4" U ,K W nM.ik U MKI kt atW 14 a rtk a kMO of ky oti-f a1i IU irr k .B. anil II. TV ,.r, J MMaf4 uJU " M mmm ika awak of kaOJaf ! W k k oy Una. W.E . ik U-m UmmH a JH n4 4kars fk. mI pJMM. Ik fa IttbrvUlUp? kp O W v. 1kr kaal M'" kjr l.fc CkrM art kl llor'-o" " Ho mW4 ll jr t ptTt.Wrl Md la felVoi aaj, lo 4 k.M m.4 tfki mow m IW t To itfWiUlUf .iMi koW rWu rrrk J la a 'B at. plal a ikra rv uka Sa k4 ko k.rU. la k.r halto o.. a4 , . U ... .I-. .It. Ml LrU o U(ti. Ji m mitftti rr l okola awix rtcaco tho MctWr al ofwIoW-o of rttfw paMra, by Srb rbraa U y Cavrr mmf loov Ut W aHTrrtiA wk-t fmmm k ami kw to eo-operate ' oaek obf m Air n. Tra ia ao vmrr w.t p. r.,W kaowa U am of trry orctioo c tk ... k .l rancralratatl and f- OOfrtrrtioM aaaf ikafrwa-Ua X. A. ill, ia aa pam a yuan, aj a all oVm.. tof t4 Ct.nHS rTmtM I loan aro rapiJry molnrJj i" 4 ekaarfuUy aup ortk-Canuas eooiatm"? a P"I-'- - aiofa than i Irundml iiwuaana, ' -7 flourhC Ckuichrs, hw aW a pr- H b thai laorttblo Ucaoenry ' io -tk. r.; tt rauaJ liHWtot and repf tbw. ty but aupfwrta Ofta im of. . , i ibo apraaaH ao to oa tout, m lb pvW of auf kuta ara williag la .t'l'a aix-k a robheatioa. That they aro nchlj abk. Soaa in orctcrwl to dray. limn Qocinoc biki p'". k.re him a e? o co at lection of the beat PaptJ ami MairuWt in thia coootry. ami ome of tN ablrat FriP Joumala. froas ahichka hope at all tin! to be abla to par at at an imcrraiint ab4rctof utful infurmatioa. Ha wil aUo be aall h orupnal communication from enme of the mot diaiii.piiahl (ftniKawi i A kaniinr and if Hkhw a.lom ami prwaota nek brr, am) t k -P-a oilboot rmiiitatiac hath, th eohiwM t ino.cs-i' win be Sllcd la part nh select ttrratyoweaa . . ... 1 .... . .UIM mmA Irf dr'id 10 inma inc a.--- tkS Vaato of all hi read. Ami aa Oirotal awe mnv f H.c ir drtt 4n0ck- to ii uir wua ana baDDT aunramc ... . . i rcmment, ami aro dcenty l.rtererted In m trvperitr, a faithful detail oT"pobtal erents OoOHHia and foraijm -iH at all timea be -prtft. Appropnato romaraa m netinta a-ij Dorocatk Keonomy.will oc- aioualliUw inatftadrt- - .. . . Ami ' birt not leaat.' tne tmnrnrn. i . A.I...- .J Ih. Frma e 8eJL ' ntjriniT, ami n't'""1- - -, fin.l in the Telegraph a wiffinf and amcere advo catr. . .... Tha nair wiH be lart-e. neaUy.linn-eo.au with the btillype. No advertiKmcnt aUiac admitted. The firat number lo be iaud ai anon aa -luffii ieiit number of Subacribera i obtalneU. ivir. TI.H. Unll-tra a ver. or Too uoliu ami Fifty Centi, if paid in advance.; . liiftltntllf, July 1, IBM. . , rrSiihicriotiont to the aboe workrcceiw at tlie Carolinian OlHee. IX BLAST. milE..subscriber having, eommenced n A -Tnanulactttre of Vials.- tswfc, Waa-IR- iltv of the followins" deacnption u ajw riea' and other t;laa Ware i . Apolhecaries Vials from one ora. ouncei; Patent Medicint Viala, of every le tion Tinctuae Bottlea, with grouml 1"P"' iron Mfc4n.MrAim5'u.- i-v , ) -. with lacquered covera, from half, pint w . ' . . . . . n , n...t.. u'.iia.auu ..if lo ont FiUQIli rpecw with lacquwa cover., . u. r "..-tw, i Mil ami a ini irir itu rax aviriK a,",,"'v ! r.ronyu n....i.. ;.k wkmiimI aiunneroi Carooyu... AblU . i . . ll)n,. liamijohnv irom. .one juwt JP Wi?" Confectioner' Show BfiU and tutiiodHor from, PV tfu' Saml hTeUon bottle.; Wh Fayette, Franklin, ahip fTansun, and common ribband rocket rM Jjg.. Water, Munt.rd ami Cayenne Pepper Dotti- otfier diptioiiof Aialo aodlU4Uer;t' oruer on ue orot nawa.v.v - - 4?2?,?-,of SoconJ a .L. . A auttaaAaWOiKUa ffarffn.. 1 ic, jiui j,n"i"" - iL. . j,ce rtreeK pula.lIphia, rZZ-' 1 . , TiOB land aold. by '-.S? 1 ettonas, fur site ft e prow mlitM It wm mt aa',rWi W-wf. Ilrf r m fm tfy V t g M-wtt-Mf- kf s pi.' iacreaiDic. : i .-.tJ- v V A .

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