ESTERS MAN w AUMitur, s. C:.....TU,'1JY, MilTKmirl ', IMI. (Mi, t;c. VIL VI.) rtM Hilt , , Dr HUM .TVII.TK..- U M Mr f T V- , ..fckti fra 4 L, M M Swaaat . - ta ta u wl t. W jU.1i thr wSob tor iU f tf ih pM. It 1 l J sod statUdc, ihotir,ks tibUturt J ,rr ti tr jBUcf a ad Ttf all who in or iniy N aHUiid ..ill that palaful disorder raited the yA 9 year tllirlv t?, so tSat t bat ) ty d.u'.l fo mr 10 .Je in any tr,rl t tri lf d f" Srttil iKfrr ftaat. I hae bern ' eat part of the i' that my life w f. sd often I did think ,M I f ou'd '. lite from oof da to another. K Um p!r wd iHe Alm- ulict, for I sth I hive itaae-n h V.nkful to J Iim for hia mrrrv n m-. Itirtt rrn doftorio for man, t or iiib ilmmt errry kind cf wdti Jut I colJ htar or, iui io nt pur. .... TV. oA'.r'mr kit KtltVT J Wl NlllilblH ' 1 a.e u tidrnt, td unh'trd ol V m. Abut iht middle t( OcltKr, 1113, I hd hmi cider mdr, od 1 fuk of it tc rr frr clr for boul 8 or djtt ind iheo tSf r cmr from mf i loot lhrt quartm of inch hng trvd little orer hlf b ioh wide. with rreit deal of p'n. Shonlr Jier 1 found grrit relief, nd ctioo -d drinking thr new cider at it came from the prr, and the none contin ued diharginf. When the cider be. came tart, I left off drinking, and hftlr after the oe atopped com. .nr fram ree. I w then more di ItTtedtSo eirer, and wai coafioed l -nf bed oV UtAtrriteU inn u ecmed at if I could not Inc. from coe Kour tn another f K'-t nine weeki. It pa happened ..Jt pcple had, from the firifcidi-r mdc in October and the aarae at 1 had firtt drana of, . a Kftlled three barrcll don to one, and put it in the cellar, and hrn I Uy in mrh ereat dUtre I wa. ?' thinly. and requeued my pepp!' to bring me dome of the bailed ci4 r,i wnicn i draok frrely, ai it as swrtt if it had come- new fnm 4h pren. I drink frrtlv for three davi, and on the fourth I becran t discharge sioncJ aain, which gave me great relief. I theo for the firittime began to think it waaibe cider that brouent tne-amres sway-f'oo aw I coalinued drinking the boiled cider, and the stone kept dicharging. It is row about four rnootha junce ny. fame. 1 rom me, and for about eight months I have vd"no pain worth mentioning, and can ride in any carriage without any inconvc nience from mv dreadful complaint. w ... . t I still continue prinking eweet citier mhen I can grt it, and when I cannot, I use the boiled, and I have reason to believe, and do believe, by continuing to drink nf that,- w'tfl tnr ne,P God I shall never be troubled with that com plaint again. " From the public's humble ifVt , .... vjoHN NKU.SONV Stillwater, Aug. 7tl 1825. Extract from Dr. RamiiTi illnrtntive of the H)tir blrxi'ingi and enjoyment; peculiar to an AgTiciiHural life ' The opportunities of enjoying and communicating the happiness within the power of humane, good, nnd liber al planters, We great. If their incli nation i s forljmen t al improve me n( t h ey nisyiioLS t ellcc tu al luxury , l o k s , leisure to read, an(l r vcr.v facility for philo9Pphical jjerirom.'Jo.E grasp. So great are their advantages (Hit '-"Artriur Yburiprhtte beared io every district. " If their, disposi tion leads them to the practical arts of government, they may lie Trajans on a small scale. All that has fever been wrged in favour of an jenergcticjeJEi-.. cient government, applies to tnem. They can enforce obedience to any extent they please If they rhake a ra-l at! U4iMi use it tHt'if rrr ihtjf cm I last tMttttnri f riuljfi'f wfdtr, drcincy aad pro fnxtf w 9vftf wKUkj brlet Mp p'aaot U it ''. ,lrri ir itvtf ' mh r!our la H d4 4 im mJ f UUa; ttrs trtrf !vf, r lJ g l rulrrr tr vU t treed, luppy mMU." . . . ; - M.- teuia Lsmbrtl, ! Trit Va ttWa out a pwrl i K.alaa1t i msaufaturf Taper (row Straw. )l thus dractlWa the op ratio i Mr iJ trtrtl or iai aii coa tiati n tb cmfJwmrat of Srsw, which I prefer ! free from ktKti, by tutlin the an effthe stems t I neat sub eait lb Straw to ebMl'.itioo, with o,Ua Hm in water, the port" ol fnor ounces of Iim tt one of water, U trift He CoUyrin matters, sod todif pm it to become UViu, I can alvo rrri.tor for the sinnf rurtx'. caustic , pctiS, aooa or ammili, it is then r:.hed I nev e p H to io action of a !otdp'iurrt composed cf ijii k'time and auljdmr, i ut,, in ih propouo'u of fur ounce Imd( in nee ttf ijioH". wd , ' I of water, io ordtr u free K If um nt I m-jfilif io-u and tiliriou wattrrs, tfraJ.eil in rDcr.mikint . I torn wath it thorekirhlv in aucccMit c Dot' tion of water, bvepoin; it to the ar.t r i It il ton oi tnr pjper.mtu, nil aii im n : . . r ' . . . . thealkaUneauIohurttisen-irrly rrm., py- red-I then prrs, and -Jtcrward.h ff ( m syom. II opera, on- rm- ployed in bkachwg stgriable .torri.j fii : to me nruon ni cnionrr, eiun rprate or io cnmbintion with time, or br exposure 10 the "pen air and light upon the g'ass. Afier this, it is wrll washed, till all the smrll of Mearhing . .1 : I sea to ine anion 01 me rsr-encinc, ... , . . . usually used n pape .ro.kmg, .n order e ve1 is at inln rsa n 1ft. fa . tif r V ! I out to beioir mide into paper. a t wt " . . .... TOO). The temoerture of ur f "xl is an eiceeding,ly irnjiortint cona'dcraiion. We are accustomed to take it too warm, forgetful of the fct, that artifi cial heat destroys the muscular tone of ih? stomach, vitiates lis secretions and 111 1 1.UI LH It Iffl. 9 IS 1 VI t w.-ra ta. KW...I nrta.a. 1 aa A aa aaa a r-Jat S rt Tl 1 1 I and dangerous ditrajc of the liver. Let us then take a hint from the chit a. f W , aa - .... . drtn f nature, who. aiihsisi 00 aliment of a teronerjture no hiifer than tha: 11 9 meir.own bodies, and who are .grner allv hardv nl l ine:' lived untlt t'-. limplitity of their h.ib'ts is vitiated by the adoption of irdnlrfences brought among them bv thr civilized invader of their native for'Ms. FRJf.yftsHip ,tv; love. " Fricixl-Mp ia like a cublct'i tie, 'I lul join. Iw r. in uiiityj 1 lut pierce through the fit nd all. sto trn.i t tj jaws. On a ccmp c.f paper found amuiifr. hit manu- rrip'n, are the following lines wnuen 17 Dim ncn in inoia : aia Hunan cokk. " .Vi'r hoiir in slrrp, in law'a CTe itildy ; " 'wir iprnd in jiraycr the rtrt on Nature fix." Kathrr Sir hour Io law, to aoothinp ilunibcr rfn. Tan, lo the orld alMsud al( to Jleaven." TO BE LET. A Vnimfr lady ho IukI been infilled br an old niaid, placarded the fullowing lino on her door and window i J.flJi.kL .ogb.iokLfoTJbe.term of her life, Elizabeth HaTL by the way of a wife ; She's old and ahe'a ugly, ill-n.itured and thin; For further particulars, inquire within. THICK .I.S'CLES. Harrv, 1 ctih rthTijr Uictc, Wiat makei piy anclci grow to thick:" " You do not recollect," '.. Harrj;, , " Uow great a cir they iave to caiTy.w.' rOM ax xnetiaa ursa. The uteam.washine company, in aHcrt'isement for a confidential servant."-amonir oiher qualifications, state,: that ' h must be able to manage t 7 cj 1 state, that he must Be aow. m natrrrj-; vv vrYhDiHirict, UA,r will not deem us rude, if we affirm that the roaK must have. a,,.bpld heart who undertakes the situation. , Tnr. afnirt. . a $n4 eiVHfff l fw rwfis w tU ttMp4 U aiMk IM l r,f-'"' p;rM4 In tada rVM. lit .'! pa tf4 h if 4o fUt lot au Jary ilptit IbsaUf liM iWr a)f 'mU tffilrti U ntwU.Ta Catia. f VUk (wiMla pf rtkIr wew. iia la tU aaiitrU tl ji'ifT If! I f wlUn 1 Ibis VSis af iMir r,rfr rirfycrihJt!tnw tWf f r - fimsaxN t"ft siwer ia nw i toa telr wniff W HtMt IS wakh U cotnmaads. Ta tspeasa fl.w. m( s A ;U pu;UaUsi swtM Is) U eoMf4lar. r. v. ika ft.u.d. kiwi nitiiil - rrdsrs rsta Mrlfa teen ptiUsWj n tar Mprs " rf - - how msar unktrs sea ts swccist TU t4cr jt'4 (tvUsaed tt IM nfsjier or Msfoe Gtirtl at tat ti awkt of it fte. r4 fvw'4d th foi'tl fcf ike ftilgwicbe Kol. v'lbe .s4 rwwu.Ua for ftf K,iU.Uss-.Ui .M iUMidr J (h aet "''f this meets xif apn.1.,, ,.,,,4 (,rMr.ii lVki. p 1 rati be ladticH l firfiU J I. Hr.ARtl. .f. Mihr reiaarls mi MiIhU HJiirT r-. nt ntM tr A mtcm.ref IJWrtf Iwre, N' 4), wMn iq Vi!kr'',J. t Ar A I. i.i.f d'.ihof Dr.S F.WAKT UOWOKril. abrwher inf U-a. . fO'.diKcd It I he brttarlrt. m! K ' L,ai rtuiluilont in cviK'ijflKf t.k... r ... ii.i. iIam. , , f rj.K. AeceMK ,,r h;, , ,,,4 iWter s a mn and a H.n, and Uat ' l m . -.i. i' r.t...i. .m.i .u p n 1 e iio ni mnj nirau . in har.jmBt. alJ dcbLfC . .!- 1 :. 1 nn io inc uaicmiir. n. - - , , ; i...I..j Tl.. .1. ' l.. .t t.UloM thn.t.r-l la-J ) 'I'" J U.!c,a waar M.ioaic mourabg s n..n ifr mi Inn f ihele retnect for ie liir - r V , , . 1 hrmher. and hrart felt pjrUf for vi (iU .(...hcinr .a Si c. ' . rerr and ufulnets in society 10 looora- We to the cr!t. KrrttrtJ, That Mothers T. W.. Wil ton, T. S. Houcheil aod O. rrrrtt, e rcuetied to fcwa'd a Ictur.of.cunio. lenca to I he relaifcmt of our lata brother, eiprestire of there tentalioot of aorrow for hit untimclf death, and cf the Rreat etftem felt by thia Iodg for his amiable and eacellent character while a member fig inCIr WHJ IIVI l wSJf IH1 t 1 a. 4. aim f lka)L F SafiJ 11 ! irtfl of their bortr ; and, alto, that the Sec re to the lUiimrt of the Star, at Raleigh. with a reijueti that the samete publrtbed . rt I . a iaiheir paper Dt order t O. IHRRETT, Strrtai: rRorr.RBs. Manv talk lik phdoaophe rs, and live like fools. Neither trive :o all, nor 1 1 contend w ith fools. No one so old, that he hopes not for a year cf hie. Never aijrn m writing tilt ynu have rea j n-eter ..ri. - wruing tU, ya nvc -u ' J i--Mi V-'Tt!-. "-r PurrifrMn?"wTihiutpeIotnj7ng, is mere p 1 r .1 n r. . r:-J I "i.r P too ire rtnraa w ril ni vciiil iricuu I . - . .. .... n..K.MM Kit in ml! r plate. and noner- can- malre row- - I-L I . .1 r.L. J-.-- '.. ihraa I 1 ne oeai wiry 01 me uivc n " -" them awav.- The best of the game is, to do onea business and talk little of it. Three things only are well done in haste j flying from the plague, ea raping quarrels, and catching fleas. The more vou court a mtfan man, the statelier he grows. To believe a bu smess imposible, is the way to maae it ao. The man that il cheaplv bought, costs but a salutation. True valor is free f bullying is smoke." Use soft word and hard arcuments. Would you know the value of monev, gaand borrow some. VV hen a man s am is threadbare, it is easy to pick holg in it; A'our' looking glass will tell you what none of your friends will. You ' a t I I may know, by a penny how a sinning spends. At the gate which suspicion pnrr. lrtve roes out. As the good mart saith,- so say we 1 but as the go4d tvnman aaith. it must be. A Utile house well filled, a little land well tilled; and a httle wife well wiHed. . am oe- dlepf wife commands her husband, nri wlla miiVoaddiriir houitiwise, ChooseTa wife rather by y&uf ;eirthatt your eye. Tk Pf;m nf the United States has rt Alfred f'nnrklini'.of New York. Pcujcbes.sojd idhejnryxd; ,N;Voi. the 27th ult-'atfilS per - a.. on (U'K 4 Mul t W awiwJ Uti tit r ( S-Wi l . lief lr reM rwiJ,a4 i m au 4m H ia LJL 11,1 iwman w ri iw 1airf - a wm a S s 1 - - . . . . , . , L..,.. . .. J, i aM4e IWt ftsiir, awtfc t).it avtr-- a mii. to - tiw-t n r t4 it- nfi. u rUhs.r.t,.ft'r. Mrfi. t. i:i riai n " ' - - -... Uw-UM nma. ntH (4 .WU C -' uu e - art n - iirtUHf I..-, is ii Uri i " . .1 firU taW tucI tit uiu 'ran t.t.r. j irmct vt .S.W cwtif'iij mi I l.irv in Yihi ifi t'Vf. j'M r-'' . . .Ill Wl,ww.l1 tiVr "r - .' ik. '.i.bI Uitrr. ua! 'hiuI f rrrnwmrni,,f,r , lU of Ihf f. a . It r,MI " a Ho .h Io .imlm inai nwnn"",'i . .. I f., ilwnriun trnw1 aiifwceaiiry. Itnrn ny be kaoaaw pli- W mlMTTKwr, ur new . . . .t UfTUflr V"', IraUEcxjBiy, N. C. A. J. WOTIKH. jrrnorr.i avii biuovx rius. "IirillCM prrnl ard cure all BJwui cofll 1 1 bUinla, ntalignanl frtc n. &c. 1 . ia.1, ( tu.rx r-r " iUi U " ' ? 7 . ,J Cwi'm, .MWV-J m Nino"').'"'' 4r, 10 hc Wr Mwntlrt, t M.a.l to i.i iK .Irj.'V. .f Se wt C"f"-f W,'l ,a,.,U ;k lnojf ,,.,. Mm' .'.U ' J h .L M kruTw IN IN UI',' : . ... j..l .,..- It At 1 :. 1hee pilll if timrlr admimiUrM, 'II tun- ihnlir, plruri'V. Ar.rrx, wimm, uck atnl . ' . .1 . .,na rk .im! font ttomai b, head arhe, ' pii'e, naw lnre. epileplic fit. lnporb.Mi.lna. ai d liyitrn ral rompbin't, oir itomwh. h'art burn, d pma nr ,udi,(uu, fcu. 1U) rtmore habit, ml rcMir'a-a, ahd roilf. A' lima, iirtn jfnan . ri "', rbrumiti-m. jpfut araimr, arnrhn. lie 'ji u hr, napartlir in vb Ulaud, frnalc cum pUm'a, ic. . , - - - If ,),er mr ukan about onre a fortnight dur. ing the ipring afnl lUh.mcr montra, prore a rrrfajn prerenliva agaiual U.e ageaad prrtaif nif fl Sicknen. ,7 ,,;,m,n bW, wire 1mixli SQ cenu. LUn.Iallinaace made lo ,1, wno pUrctnte to 1 II again. ' knl.ul.. Mini rrtiil. at tiir nrn. A bdl ol ftircrliona fur liaing mem, ocewn - rn U. -hola c Mini rt-Uil. at tnr pro nrirtnra Dmir and Fumihr Mfdicinr wirrhwiw. nnetora Img ami rmiir aK-njnnr .ti, Sua. 137 aiMl IT.'. N. K. romrr of SrtMMl ami c(.elHn;hi aidJ au i ...... ..-'..w-.r,.! r'.le anil (Oirn thnUllHI( tl nKrUTT,-nntT 7" ererr principal eitr an.1 town thwueb'irt the . ' .1. 1 a a. - I ' t ..... a I'mted Slatei. J. Aiurpnv, ngem, (T7 Take notice, that rrb bot of genuine TILLS ha Ibc lignatme nf the 1e pmpnetof. VHP. speedily and -effectually currl by the u-r of Dr. lti.birtiMii'l celebrated Stomai hid Elixir of Jailth. Of thia univcrtally eremeJ meilkinc, there are tboo-and thnnighmit the United Watc, who have rtpenenrcd it beneficial t fleets - ..k;.. it tuotitv 1 cam. and can tritity to ita being llie ttOtt lure remedy efernffewl to the public, ,,r ",c rciitiami . - rm.LrUt. naini in the br. ait, spitting ot blood, approarhine ronwinptinii. tc .llii a ith nuhwwarr eomplant or di orders of the bn-asl and lung even in the . . 1 1 ' I -Aliir .t .lt.,w,.,l iUito. Will mm imnm.1....- .,.. ml riilili liich are in get! end occifionrd by oh tnictcd perspiration, will be found to view to its oeiueii i""i - few hour. . . . , In anhmati'- or ronsumptire complaint, hoarseness wbeeiing, sbortnesa of breath, and Iba Uu(iluag S"ug!u Jt will give unmcuu.e reiici. . , . 11 w al o an rffertual remrdv for the dveti. tery or lax.. the aummer compbunl in rli.t aerer gripiwgt; and moat eoiner oiwrmn vi w Preparinl only by Dr. T. W. Pynt. and for sale nle'ir and retail, the Drug ande anuj: 1 -al..Kei and Itace-streef, and hy his appointed ag-uU throughout the umtea . r-."v ag.,,1, Salisbury.- ' ,.,. .',... J I notice tnai rat. w . -- oflhie,..Ql tifflPtH HOR land soU hv order of w rits of v. ndi' xni 1 xp?n3rfr 3!i-'t't!re-pf--- Ihear pilll if timrlr ailminitti-rl. .11 eunn. . - - - . pi. Uraclthf rauar.ahirhrnlrtl.Kri.l.jflo. WaiKmg w and LrK'r pJn 1 J Vor ttf,tir Unit. f 1l!f. !W eilU M l e f4 wh w t mmNI I 1 W W f bm 4 ? 1 iM a-ew (WW,, - , ;r,- ? lMi. V,:a I rn I 1 " M.Lr MftxMratMf Jt,aMj ial'Wl 04 1 1 .Vn -t tV . f '. Ir.rurifw,f - io:tj r.fJnr.K .t ! tt l--f U' f .,! Imi', t lU l l ttt VtW ..( wwi.m4( U,H rN H ll "t t 'l ,,. hUI..1 ia l 4 i rnilfTv iTiT uni r. Fs. .1 ..... f.f ?l. I'.') 'Pur. n!-i -"! -'rle I r M !.( kit I a,-fert t"mr. m e 1 . .1 il fL .ui a. k 4 l"T-"-- r - I JU. ''' ........ i :..rl. J. I T'i. ! W U U'U' In r i I i . , ,U - reee. .1 )ri,rtilK stvittfcliy, Jbr a,y ia-. i, un.Ui, iK a." dv a rii ' tij 'firlaf rn',' llln . (N..e: aixl " l Ut-'Cii. ' rraJ.v, th . i .1 BT . " - i. .n l i-ci-.l ilnl ri.ilM'" fIT- .mlhc ..- .fcr.f .! r. in at. ift i...lrr f ) Hr. I V. ASIIIM.HIM H'.n-..h'-r'"V- ViW NY tire. TO Tirs.e-. V.K-krrwatn. .ixl ilrakft Ul .la-arrr. ?0ln AiMiilierarln' Vlils ; ' -ono d-,. Taunt Vfrfinne i 1'i.logiie wa'er boitleS i loada. Mof aM and Caffrme l!ilet ; Tnco dnif n Qant boltlest hall KSU-m ou-. I - j I .'....lf !n. iln .Wl. : -KK OO. ' d. bhip Fran.lin and AtrrKOl d. JX Wo. atiortcd lRle, kc. rHi. ; looo do. rnrnmon rihlpfd cV ; 4 vki !o- Kaglei Cornucopia-.' hethtAt pin's i dt Jars, aborted, all sires; flooo d-. iiiiKK and confrition'tys'abow l-;tUs ; Sooo do. drujftK'S psrklnrMlt -asaort. W fo. bc'A b'jJthJi gro; sioppert ; SooO do.' lincturt bottles, rwrlcd tiaes j Oouo do. mineral bottles; tooo do tnuff lioitlci ; Sow do. demijol m, difTe r- rnt tiles. ... With a vine'r of o'hrr (.1 flVr M! nf wlii-li i...i....l .1 il.r Hi'i!ailrt!.'r 1 I IV III... .! I'll. ' - " - ' - .. I t aTref. n HWI rie., ami in pi .U'H au I WTfc. . a I - I .. .... , a m.T ll.ew rnn , 1 mailiil' i r.mnJrrr.l rnual. ami in 'i via Ui-h inrii j'1'ir. -rucka.utH:rur o r'! T."W".-li rrT, Carn ,f .ire-.nd and Rarc-ttt. i'hu.Mphin. Zj- 3 or 4 finrtrst- t il blmvrr, will meet with cfmatatit i inplo)iiicnt and good wiges by ap(1ying above. Rditora thwighont the I'nitrd St.Vrt w'o adverti for T. vv. !y..ti by the jear, will pk-a-r iiMfrt th tbove till forbid. .,irr 1. 132S. f MIlt-iliFLPHU a:.J KE.YSl.WiTO.V uiu lt)Uc VftdorkA IX ni.AST. TflU' - iiuhicrilwrr hariiig -'rmmaticed tlw inaiiufiit.ire of ViaU, Ib.ttb . he. on an) I- .... I.l. l in .in-k' nnv niian- rriensive -un-, ri.... ... v -1 titr of the folkiw..i ikjcription if A)Otbec. riei' and 011-? CJ'ii I ir!i - i.. v;?.v. irnm one dn. to 0 L.unrtallx,ltl.lSiy.i'!. lion; 'I' 'Itiit 1 FgrTmn-TTnpr from half pint o one giUloa 1 hpccir nwurs, witli hiequered rovcra, fioin lll pmi 10 Ifallon; DniKP"' Packing llottica, wnm a.rj r . t ta . '..a a . ax tvullmtati narrow mouths from nau pun u .(,..."-. . 1 .....1.- ..lit, .r.n.irl iinner"! CariiovM Demijohn-, fnin '""1 " ,w0 ?vl'ni Condone'.-' fibow 'W Ulet.tin'' pmenaugdo i ((intictioner- uiiw 11. nice, .-?z , ,,r,wrvil,e! j;ns atnngbt ami j Hrnr, fr.lmlfi pwtlii. one i 1 r,,,;..j ,if . Inn mit'ltn: aiiiii';", . -....I I . I' m Inn hfifttfl l lllll;... KuveitpFninkriii, .Wp. fUkLiU AgJu wnvl -U',,Wnii'ilrtiin 4twkt.1.k? IScV'. ai.. Mamnir. MrtHICf iff. ii w' -7 Av1TOrir-'.,'il11' '"-i'f" '',''M);1 ' 'y j,,,,! h, llo'tl.-': With every mtl(;r dc., rq,t,(Mn.f VW ami KMiiaa.noc .v order on the most reasoJ.iMc i. -rihs. J i iP-je.utwwna. tit,t. Oct. U i a t t 't i a -.A . t i

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