' CI i,ff Hurt. t? JiVi I f W rf i t. "t i r r ' ' (' 'ft- ill I i t c .1 J J 4 !! j f f ll If ft I f lv ft I t - -i'ltr-- VJ - .i . . I. V r - 0 .. 1 I. , - .a..-. - 1 , ... it- I Vajf Vj WkN W'fi , t- lit t ' 1 U li-4 u jt W, a-4 U f i W rft f tn tW M ! MlT4 Ut I tA B I l. o- Mk a s J Jiwi'i vW V4 ,a ft ! f M4 tt IftM U tl CM W !, t T1 1 I 1 W It aJf I" 7V mmi rVM Jf A ad Wf fU Sm , H J, alkf Lf "T ' kvAu f UrtiliWl y'k (' M i U trv U .W t "'r i U t yf Wd (Ul JwU lU U'J-! ' 1S Nm i UiV kci i'fc tU I !, jit HI ;ic foiM him. Ile hftl, Tll tfti ft fcrtfry 'k''i!'. tot tfrj, rd poor fttkt f-p. iU Cutmi a Uilp in hoir. TU fc rrp'i wl ht lU 4, Tlu mui Mtu Ut W t . PQirtM vr LOTK "TH poomi peintil of ibr wwrr Hrl, i chin r r',,y ml hcir 10 I)i r ptrl tU' Uir' tntc r rhillinjt oe, U tQ lt marmtk bu little cetUp knoii." " ' muni.. , iMimciaumn mim. "rw: wrr crvtajL rLvcxxzr. The lo tuiuiotd by tcciety in the detthof tdUtinguUbed public cititen, cnnot be tpnreiiated t the moment. cniWivlc . hcrt, rh;U ime And reflection Are necewtry lor mc mind to form a due estimate of .the value of departed worth. And that oniy i rtal worth which can endure retrospection, that whith, on leaving this traosiiory world, can nfelyjcon fide its reputation to the aurvivors of hsown existence. The . sorrows of individual9, where t.v rniov numerous connexions, are liable to b well th-curreot of gricf .be yond its natural ei closures. I hr sor rows of states acute of public sensibil ity an overw helming stream j oot asb P.l riimnrmii, nice prtvaie rnci t om 1 n r n n s i a ht ari d e ndunn IT. Where' all these springs of sensibili ty are brought Into action where all these veins of sorrow are struck at once and wounded. Is it surprising that "the' "gushing" stfeambfgrTcrihtfCld . ViarT the oyt-ourlngs of the bleeding hejrrts. When the temDestTears up a tree by. the roots, we leeior 119 ium, ut- :;ausheiavcii BFmas to sympa- .. ' . r .1 r I.- tntSC eVCD Willi 1nuy1iHi.1v - yet aTrrf e" ceufd "at best with- fruit, possibly hot even .'. & a' a with shelter. We lve the order of natijre, and cannot bear its derange ninr we feel for the perfection of every living thing - And if the crow th of vegetable and -tnere-wiroaJexisteiuLe.pjadttCiive of such strong interest in the mind of rational and hink;ng man w hat must not be bis anxiety far the growth, the ir, I I ( It: i ll i ,4. ii .; tMmmtutf iJW' Tf tt ltril ttfit.o!, tiff r'u"7 i1" wm lUm. Oar tJiy li a'it'J. twf tt t4 iti ;nwi rf ro lh fcrifU d.tf c.fW 'Vul'MI it ! lMtN eyt f iht unepr to 1:jiimh4i hord fpoW kli Hpf t ma. UJ o rth h et!m! ! J'? lie tttfth)'. k riir4 d e el "mlZtn S'tixt, ht ml ml r ttttutt U tw pt Im5 rrom I Jr tic iMft Pfize i tintw Uiuan. tke ritiJ rf tkU UoU)n, he n po rr, rf w J ihe rciH tf Hi TuiouftilciBti la llrtven. 11 f pU f CbiUitoo tr Ml t)?v mlwltJ ( iMr ffflictieg h la the dtb .f CtBrl.Citiii CoTf. woiTuPifCHtT. ,ltf fce eili titcd minlx nd pwctfol rr 'H jnr'tl micWtwcy ct urjjtm ml c'uri Ihe miliury irJft cf th public ighii ie reerrd miouicn Cod the frirmli of fJcty tnd cf titrf. turtj !1 clmrt cf toctcty, pnartd ot xht'tt tomaxa AulXyl it ihe Btriol gwf. No.hmg lemftio for Lut Va t ruple., lo htlonypurpcibf ui fJou my 'u oet be ipplied ! How mry delightful lcioot cf truth "d of hnor miv be.eitrsctfd from hi Mil life ! I "hM let hit frirndi find I eotoliion. lit hi not lived io mo, ho h eraeJ, nie aijitidii, the hm.rUe ditioctiofl of ptculttr virtue, twt leivet ia h'u ft.ogte nroe, a glotiou tcheritiwte toli poterilT. rtvm the Urv of Mr. Cn to cor pnjr of rentVwa froM W4aiglp ftd rp. iM . iJ ihir rii U a nrml fete, oa tt rourmf July, cm thejrowwUof ArUrjW Inland I The aun ct heaven smUe s sweetly on the natal day of our coun try's independence. MiHiins of uplift- ed hands, and ol grateiui nerw, vn it aHhsil! With ptoni thsnaiying tnr iK Mrm'.na. rf civil and rcliciou MiUny which e enjoy, letur implore nation and nation, tiu they hall era. brace the whole family of men. To Soiithe rn America we t (Ter the rratutation of brotherly love. I o the land' of incIFn't Vibeftyr the! laftd Leonidas, we breathe all our symps ihies in the glorious struggle, all our hopes st. psftvaaa fv hxx fcuittA.i- Arwl Ti?aTw' no prayer for poor Ire lrd .'Ireland, who, in the day of our trial, "cheered us from ,her heart, mmtrnrd in our defeats, reioiced in our victories, and whose sons gave to . ' a a our aid their bayonets and tneirwooa. Tell me of the field,Trom the snowy heights of Abraham, where her Mont gomery poured forth his gallant soul, tn the last battle of. Greene to the tor rid regions in the south tell me of the Ccld where an Irishman did not'fight, an Irishman did not die for America's liberty! - Land of the brave, home of the oppressed may ypu yet become the home of the free"! perhaps' the mMer -anim whoahafl ride in. V. VPUr whirlwind, and direct your atormj" who shall wield the avenging sword of yourdeliverance, and break yourthain, now slumbers in the- morn of inno eerjce",rome -infantWaahington Ohrmigntyt- be hif growth,: till the noble boy, leelinjr the divine intiuence . of frecdomon his soul, shall iurst rv..m. W, rritU tn frrannlr. With the from-his cradle, to grapple with the Numean iion..-Much injured, much rnHiirino neoDle. 00 this -auspicious o r r , . . . 1 our view, and from the shade ot lhlri ..II. .. Jam h. Bkla Tuixli I venerable canvass under which Irish me'h oft have srft in council, in the days when we toiled forfreedom, and before which how oft hare Irishmen bled, to make "that freedom ours, we bid Holdespak-lhe jnarc of liberty is beyond a,!! human kt n. Tis the tmarcn or ine.minu: iai resist iu- giant force ! what alliance of I j. i ft i SS . r. ? ! I't'rjfH H M J It it I crul rirftir. m ctl? (4 hVu wtUeftU t.Uitr, s4 a?fd iMftif-'f th wasditr, iti)l4in fn l' wfff'j. Aad fths'4 liii 't tnajsk, llui riWifltt tru.b math ltt frww Mia4l Vi'iU iLIsstJIlKtl'n tlumnftftWe6Ui4byihf nwodi wltKht;fatafiyiAiil Wt UU1 tuber hj ka twrm, tdl, with H mStbt f NiMi. fr.fcf . fir iU Irvrtl ail hotndi, as4 hurry rviUt Uu t iu J ( A4 can that vaitt U htMhd, whUh ffMtalms; thitpwn li, rfiV A f IrAf f rVrf Mid U whUpvriU ejMrfcMftday.sowipfii ig In thundir, till OitUeet ! 4uin.i!l. ft Hi 1 ilt tot J on ii u tie i froas hit 'tUud caatyry, on tb OlmUv raw t If eaJth aad pHt t the C f aU ur country frWfid or -H.n!rv titmMt need f MiT h ao9 U rf lf 4 fr th lioa'a graip, f it th On U ft aind wkich f -f UU., eft it.kUU Wfi wwaurmnH laibutiodcitry whdetl.e 1U will tufftr the imitle4 bud W wootH way,iad t aHvlt iu hraaasof pt a it U the pyrt wtWr cf oaorf , thf sor of the ftoul aad wh Ire land thill u'.if her Harp totht wild ootes rT VM-s d I.irtty, the ottan brtrxe will brar tf her aharta the prayer rf 'AncrJcam, to cheer her !o hef ubjrio tmz$rt and fc'l her recencrat1n hrrhti rf mankiadJ I.f atittt. Cod aae my coun try! She rsi pre-iiin among natloof r ff eumpfuoutEjrcp now ssr that trp.ib!ic are ungrateful! The triumph tf Lafsreite is Ucon Ire." wKch lUiti-Tclceind'trRlr,- whoae Rtare ill pen'trstt the dark ocas rf dript m, and light the world to frccdurn nd, ye generous and !Ljnt imriM. who feci fof four swords but fear from the mgnitu de of the eflrtt lorn from tne iwstory oi this great and good mr?, - nm U t! jisrtks of 5r1 t rrr-en. fat Limit p mr 'it w Hm 4"4s fftrn from this treat example, that, ... -Asa uur u'c. f rc-u although misfortunes my you, and the damps, ct dungeons depress you j still, tho 1-itr , a sure reward succeeds, ceh you may team irom the hittonr J vour own times i for, if, like him i vou shall return in the win- ter rf life, to the, country tvMcr, in oiit nrinf lime. WU toilet! 8nd bled to save, your paths will be strewed with Bowers, nd a tnumpu await you, gTtai II .V. iv.t.M inhfT rvar Jn he meridian. ef-her pomp.afldfwer.igtdjn,btlefii Z Scon.ihslLwe hearthemeran .t;dirprniMirn nrl'WT'dencrnht ioniirW'"",.,re a', "i. , tiring snores w nmcni, tear-Glled.eyea'beitpw his blfft ting upon that country whose laoric 01 tnarpen Milk lUWItH J ..w- -j- - Aenet. in bia 4outh he foucht and bled tVraiseTand whose freedom and hsppiJjheTduty ef a sorrowed widower, by neMw!ffcaueta neiceful and honoredTto nepfave. ' . . nb miv the "winds of heaven" not vi ait his bark "too roughly," but with kindest breath 'swell the bosom of b'n sail, and the guardian ceniu that "pro tect the good snd just," be an ever wake ful Palicurus to. guide, his helm. And when the good old man shall . . .. t-ir-n A.-i:.!.! reach that hrme, where aH the" 6cialgfoom gra?ped the burping hand that atid "domestic virtues will Oieer. the j was languidly extended in token of rlm. tinelnnded evenino: of his days how oft will his thotght, ti. fond -re- membranrr, turn . to us, and as nts errand rhildren climb his knee, he will a tell them fcf his last v frit to the preat fieywHir-tc. the tomb ri. M nur.f ,Yff nor, of our nauonVglorjVof 6Urna tion's gratitude. . Boti va a, ... Fill high your cups ! fill for a gerio pledge-health to Doli vat .tli. deliverer nf bis countrvt nfe- pare your wreaths, and with' the leaf ol victory entwine that of virtue. Soon -will the southern wave -War io regenerate Ctlombia. the homajre of ttor jmmorta Jhie . he rneoai oe 8towe.d jn commemoration of the lllus trious life 6?dac of liberty, hit been preserved with pious r.. . t- .Ml .".1 .t- ' .. .. .' ... . antt niiai carej anoincr-w asningion has arisen, Br the deliverance of his country, thelbenefactor of mankind j it descends lotthe most worthy, and oh may it Cf ntinue to descend, till it bh oil return to itsaJcjen't :Home,'tJiere being no longer a pnplc to liberate, a libe rator to re ward. In tokn of our love f.thfffil ffm fi hliH'rjRl t f f-utt ll : brow i4 tutu 1 ftt V,;h hi tKirc itmiins HMf ft. i m l . . I .!. t If with ih rTitiifroM I t'' t tiff, Tha rnoitfiH ,ful coraatrjf ta Ml i life. " 'Ht ptuJc4 kui-Jtua H Us tetmory, , ' Mi mt net tiMtf, that th kera of tK Mi'th wJJ eju'.t the ImseJ f.tl j ttkUfj tb f tiirmcBf at a Mvat Vr.4uiasatl I4f tlr, UOa wanic(r'',,,W ,1,f !n ' U mm a I . ArnL'tL (ha Udri t,( ittchi tttlrimcat, sere si sad bjpT . at a tiUU tbt reaaitaJif ol lle,ll ireiv dtvntt J ta ika Mrrita fcf yur country, the c 'fraank!nd sttxl when lb! shall Uk to fti, what escuttbeow csa ad'-f the tpphied lomb, f title f oww. craitlhy fme ti lBvftby,l kithsi BiRie impriKM at thy Andes, ihi BCttrdylag ftsmt born with th t'np of Infancy, and Mmt d la the rand. sire's ttle i that "ipirt-nirrin-f nswe blch sh.ll artwte ihe pittot X strike for hit country,. cheer the patriot while strurrlf i the wldt of de. '". a ,1 . nair. and be rcetboea surr tne cWgiflf line la liberty lal igny. lleiM.brstoejtriefthtswnun arise from the erterbl PeWrluna of Fret. dra! ris the ever snemoraMe day ol a. m A t Amcrlcaa Iadcpndenef a ad Ameri OM.wah triumthaet ct unn.niii irw thcif htarif, JUolivar ih deliverer, the Washtogtcn vLtht ; Aw auVeiii.at9rr S u(Uhl U Scotch rprrf an ttacKaact having grown between yBg Scotchmaa by the name ol ilium Kriiy, au a Miss Helen I recdrrsoflT-rTblr attach; meat had grown into in tmaherable iflTeeiiAat a dar was rpointtt?,-and a number of friends iorltcd to wimen the miptiala. On the Thursday pre ced'ipg, she became suddenly itj'IWpo cd I and. on some one asking her to lie down luik, toucmogiy replica, Vt s but it must be in n soft p!cr, for, oh! I feel s if I would never rise again. I n the course of the day the became worse, snd a doctor hsving been sent lor, he declared the com nlaint i ft fx rf terioua nature, and iodlea7e"d (rum (hi trif his fearer to the litue" Next nwminjj the weiUing party begeo to assemble t the worthy clergyman also arrived, ami -men, alls J the house of joyV unelPfc' ttdiv mrnrd into a wrote of movrninr. The 'unhippv bride, hose sand of life were well ngh rn, was numsneiy mide aware cf her situation: the heart broken bridegroom waa aUn srn d that death wat in tne cupi ...I .xwl.. ik- fr. antl anb of ill - ... -."'.W.o .-rvnunsTt JrtfrVrAi iHiitu trrcmuiij Fimmu pi "iinfjPnt Molort f Lscrm r kt h aeutea, Aiiercommuning wmnn. Awn heart, tne nriae eirreeu a I - a - " , M U UV3i w;f. the brideeroom to dicl arer Uh in rime ber evrs-as an ailrcttn terVve - ThTsre8btult6h"ddednoT a 1? . little to the i-ronv of the scene $ the mournful party approached the couch cf the dying woman j the divine fa vour was most pathetically' invoked amidst many intemiptina from hearts thatjeemed ready to burst from the hnanm tbev acitated i the bride- wwv. j - r assent t "the wbrthr clerryman -nro- nounr.edlleing,ancLia. filtering. accents made those ne, whom in less than twelve hours death severed and sundered forever.- - .... .... THR1JID!E8 XEF.IfST FMlTlIIS.r fa Her hand takeUi'liold 6n the diiiiff.n . The Wyoming (P.innsylvai.ia) Her ald, atntea. that AlissMarv 'Smith.' of Pittstbw n" lias rcpeatedry-apun 150 'inratt"a'u6l0f hold onr i it j..'iiiiir-i'aritst-i.r'tf.t "rt,' WountjeUhiyo but we presume it is. much more irun .'. r t ". L" Vii is usually pertormeo. we -nave no onieciions in uiojc-cnjujtugui. - gantits of- life, whose tortunea-war. rant .i.tlbot'-the wertaxxfjci.cQuti-ttrjr2-tAre.. nromoted bv the 15o ' " a ft a .t tnnts ot thread soun nv miss Minn, than by all the sircefruorn that- hasT been spun these ten. years: OXjI MISER. Iron " hirthef tj 1. fion wai hiadpor i . . flialiaml waa iron,' ' " Hit heart was more. HI im "4 m itr. UvtefiH t. iH, ! I M'C ii l JiMV he r,nk. mi aUrt ll'-i't nUi l Uf 4 'ii-.t imI 6! Vl ti!vS tUi M f U J!ftM 1, '0f I mi airct l ViMf's r fet, 4. r.yiewtntj Uwft'trui th Ur n ituVt rkU-l h ltni't rrpoeitl IMrfkrht ew jJtt-Iiefi r.Uktfei AJft w iiM 4. tflil aWalttrrWrai t'ntktnsM! r,ftvf a!'tve m Ua I fifte on eU IWtit ltm Tw. (VUlei rU ii"f?ll'wl , Jl's tfSctsi t'ie mi pwiMnluf fiUA4 Meirsi Klt swi TitttHo rtbAfltt UrvfA 14 UfttM i riMlltfW' lw I Uf mi utt i U v Un n! itifUr r eti'kle'i rtnii . i t A a t . I Bit la etrnf I fl'iwii pnciKe I c. Dtiijip'a ,uen ileum s peciif tilHkaotCMttf'scrmbili Maof rJs Saefcem towekflne IMUWs ' rt wmIi 1 I'noMf't JgrlrJ 1 Kottf M UgxWt I bupfcent on pletc1g . TEorasa' ooiMtiie tBcdklnet Km- streog eB feer Itwnitr ow Ike Ami Murri'a mtrii mee'kai Dl!Ut a U4 ntof I5I1 et atecrtt D,'mia inoplt nerfiort n lever Awfiir Foediee on fetfri Tban (Hctket t in He chest j rntre wnrery I Rkkr4's phpAdif t ll7tf'a fU:lonrv I t.hrwwotJ.f tae t'.S'''i rMITlp's ttjirf t 3tflum on trjfci IIi4UionMi puiRstitcti ixuastuiotari niMkill n diepiet Parlt pharmaeepii IUII cxi fiwir Amcricsn cttpenui tf 5uadeitBn tbeeyei tf ontheeirt Belt en woondt t I'.sesy no yellow fern t llswshlp on rcctomi Durxtn on toem tKn Prel bo Utk Bell' JiCtiur? . Accuca to tegctUa poSions. " ' "' ftfiieorr. 1 ' "' 'r' " tldci. theoloirictl dUtioftar I CW tefjnot Brky do. lUrmopt of the eitPgvUt: l Brown a Wi cicuonirft Edatrtl's t-n iffeOioot fordyee's moos) JWIfrey's addrestes I Pwudlit, woe kit SinVs resit rie and prnrtti nJtrr.n'i BToerea! eonrJotnS on IU Ulle t chrfstUn morals j Wfcite's renutM; L'r kin's sermons t mrrow of tbe caarea , chrlitWn world i Botton's foorfotd BrwB'r ciechlm PIey's tbetlpj:? Doddrlce ooe-genntkn j Jenk'l 4r ikmt lUtr'scU; Ruek'a wlt tail . mee'aaet tVMNiatBtowa!s divinity .r!il! sermonti Joephutwwktf Bibltte timenttr'Watt'a hymns prayer books, and tatlottt other works. . - tMlnrr. ' ' : : " Butler's Hodibm Ely's synnpsi 5 Carpenter folde Kenners antlqnhiet; arts et wsr t rltirsl dictlonsry ; tfibon,s survetlng ; Milton's works mtrrlge ee' remedies PlutrcKs livetr Cook's or cle; Darwin's fobnomUi ChImertwork; pdllikit f cennrnr r Unsfktwry 1 O--tUn't poems Scotit htfintrr HW. irmkt j-SreW krHm' evii ilattanTs "middle age I Hamra EntUnd r- reciHtfttofl r the.rninuia. Vl,'r,. -..k.7; , SmltK'a wealth of nations; Trorcpion't teason IalPromronnlon; Fedeuliit Junius' letter ; iMejoumon. I.t een Knallt fttul the UMtetl :'" I life of Cowneri V-" bv do. United atftte ana rai ! ... . J al t a I tl a military dictionary Europe altr t Congress of Aix-U Chapelle. , With a reneral aiwtment of achool booU Greek. Utin and F.nriiAi a large vanetv .d,.. l.nV.. ih Ut iuitcK be. all ol Qirn tlirv ntlrr at the I'liiladelnhia retail price. A ' . 'ii i l tfk.UMi .lufininitL KC. Oticouni ui ne mit w " v....-, KRA'ALiilSMuMV I!a alo'on hand, a r "l rttne",.",i" x. r u.t...l with eare. ana ll'O ln ailHI" VI r... v . ' . . . T a . i ...it', unaaal M Their eiiitomera ami me puono in a'-- --4-eaH,-ami aL.,iuuflft for ftef A.Awr,A'. r,Jait.lft.t83J. e 11 V MimivUcvIki! QV 9 . I UMBACOswelliner and weaknu of I jainti, tprainti paTw KT ,a a jniiin,iii,iriiin y ... flietfi-St! of the wekchiJWan, cured, hvtheuao of Ir. Kohertn eclebiatut Gout and Rheumatic J)r?p ,. s PP'yi'iaTthesje drops to fifteen drops ftn a lump of pjS i that of a prrmmient eore in a ver jgonV :For le. hote1e and retail, at PJfS tor'a dug and Family1. Medicine hk comerof Second i nd RiltreMv t cinal dmireist ana venarin nit"'- -- clpal aniinrisi ana Tenur- u.."- . ottftnrt;nSte8tatrar-ral - (rTTakenotha e, - I7(W aale. Forty or Hy 'r Vaeb and .ome feW chllicn "n. a Ii r 1 f a P f( tl ti f 2 J w -ei C tl P P n & .ft .