j ill. MAN PAUsianr, jr. c tlkhdaI frrnnji vt mi, INO. arr. nrirMii mil v ft ftftff -r if . - 4 'F "ItMsttar. J v - " -" i biliV i trr mmm: - .. I i mm fHniM, tribe MfHlli4t Corn ffir ftftle. F f ! auit ry if -xi i a4 lul avails lk.il i...l... . IfKltrMtlilliMtwimiW ml f r.U kUltfiiinMMU ka.ik UL iWa. k.. fcju Ute , 0 Mf 4 ..W, (.-! V'"'' f. "" tl lM It ttf MiwtiUng I t Mb, U i 9 - P-w aw a IWIXlj . - a4 M Mb HW'fM o lUf , n. nx mi i ' ; I pa'toeossAeo , Ht'. W1 fV 4 L t'l fej lU r-1 14 w " : .. Vflf vi - - - ' 1,1 " - - . - - "" 111 ' -"--mmmmmmmmmmmmim m-m w mtmm w m 11 m' I tmm mm m mm m m .w j a m. - . a Tt Was U, rtU u . . rti4a M WM PoJat. aJ AmrteiiM.lt... i. .ij .i. ' a....... r-V. -""lli .LI k fcan i.VI 7 .V " " S-! BiMrWff! la CttWry, 4 i MtUJ M4, m ftHstft'ie f ri u ik in aaj tm .l..ry 4 ltifi Uif trim rffrf, w k ix !r ,.Hrw'' i., v VMM. IM H tlN mi irtkiek iL t.,t fl j 1 '' vr...w. KMiol lipfMon fix Lb VMfli ' " "f ivvnm in room I net fflocwiWxs lkb U tkt Miivn.! Uiin-r, HtHMr ilk Jti, if,,, . UkkI iUJiit. if .r-,... - -m'7' Ik for k 5f rti.ry frf iVif u rfx4ni (k Ac4rf ,r raK rf Hrid and I Dt" MUOMikxi. ut of ILci rrn thr m - . . -f. . i I .... nccivti tun q Ut tll Im.HMd. MM'riAot4PPUcMi,brfhftum P'.:i iuch .rxl kJ .nklri of fur? I--M bfl P-. of li Secretary ol Hire ofil art I!ovid,iMJ ifer? rikl of "r ' lffrtne. it'tounr fi rniiort 0f foiiptar fl! b.i In sr.ttilU J 1 f flm wkote IJ trinr tfc fU U Iht rowra. Uot of tht bLf.it trl"t0 i if tfcwttr rcfoRi7trxJ.ikMi ik. L.. .1 . I lifAtti k tf f.a... . L . . . if I "i mr vui'crimcDatocaoi Ki.ir'.v'v iwTy, inj rw ?cincu lit nor, bt it Mbo dtn.it to ibt oIktr ef Pr(",M: lo Mtcrt. Butlrrrc certiln 4 U c Mt4. mh ! flHl I Ml iboM !. ktf y Wkk4 ti UmM fcjf MMtl, Ik kM) tf (ft. irw ilM iffH Mr MQiMMrt4 rtvlMt, b It Mt toe- f I1M 'HWr fcW fW-l k 0,, fffT rr aBm. wb. t. tWwl i. Mb. u.4ibt ?n,.4 Ma-f irH ZTrM ,a,nM,,,'Vi'? iliriioa. Afitr (bit it4U.I'iwTyHu;w..Wik:. M IMiktrti llkt M-tcatMl , bftfM iM4 t kB.I M lb tWr MX 4 MMt H.W, M tf. Mtl, UfxkTS ben (', A. 47. ' I. M.J. 61 i:7.n.i AU.KM()NO fitter bx atud tiwrf. ibki I tf pct.lFt k tMftkrr; - M lAMlteiiot, i4 Iht drfTMKMr. r dr.n.Jlk. -i I f-"ki (M mUturr nr.. riLi!: TTj l? ? r4 u f-.. oar, frw. ,u ii-w-.,.a w.b b ur, u Z: U,j : ' --vwBi p.nafii .UIHC,WM, arciptl tjr AUrotr k. Lr, l I r.i w,Kf,mia U7 I ronr if li"? frtA--. IV f yewbtt tnd ibt tpJHf of .vW rirt M Mt tHbJCOiAg tbt C(MMtlK & ibt yotuif m!m wtutm bi RtMic U rt.rwr; lor ill faturt MfcrQtr4 tod 1 M ftuiidifijr.t. brlonrinf; to iht i.tli iotto irt fitt In namWr, biil: of ton - ivn DviMiinf irt (tt tot brkk kotmt tmtH by ih iorrrtmt tit loflbt bctoamod.tkrtiorc orTtcri .mJ frMri. --Tbt voodrti traildinr fwr -1 ..... wwiBwa in AtMl.tiy, H now iwcw tor Mrrtckt lor t rotnrrty of Uiil t4 Sulci' tro, vbtcb art cot.iunrjv tifWd rttrt. Tht old mUutf ttort boaitt, tiiokt.d 011 lot ier' tdpe, Gl kd vitli ibt accoutrement tJ tK. Kitronary Armr, tbt Droudeu tnUrmi f MtiofiU glory, beciove thet cootrttta- icd to tbt tiloinr. of our llbnv tb. r'Murtqi KtftrrverOld Fmr rutnrt that ttMfklU tnd lmpowij pile, now Ury ibt Up m roiaf ein ben paalfK ct tbttt crumbling. m tait our toul awctl viib rriiiiodt, and many a tc.r from btrwc toul bit bn benueaibcd lo dcprted toccury near ihi tDoltkAt hrt ft tht' American wbo would not prettrve from oblmor,"bt on tht pt of bjtoryt but on UblcU of hi heart, tht ttrutnc' of our bravt prnen iion for rrtedom and lrtdcpendrne TlcM Kcntt uronnly remind the Ctdctt of tht ttror;lt their Utbert hd to nv tiln Ihtfreetlom which their rbfestion nd luiy will corttptf thrm lo ileTcnff. Near tbt ttandt tbt rnmtmin and four iltTttrtat if the berpk. Ktmluklo Lcu ia tiiit coantrr, IJlnr ut in our Ravolu tionary. ttnir;!tv who. when tot. in the. 'tented field," cultivated hit garden tliert. - Out ftact to bit manct I No mora tht trurtiprt or tb roICng drum. snail bid film rm, 4ih' K. 0. Tk UnWt tt,n la kv. n. rmtit 'm !!! K tUbkMh rial- a OVMriH U rlrTMl Lr Jr4 4br OMf itrtic!, Uul rirr? M'! ml il kawau4 mmk Ir nil r fOJ, tiw, j b port otJ bt itffd to ti'l CtxrJ kUffxlKW. kT 4 bw ev UvU4., f tko kM aval.! , . ,", " luk. urn I l rtint ntiit. ! t tt I Tl V rrtt 4 a ld 4 tnm t t pur lavitvrhki lunnt. 1 1 .k,, nrt.ts.tM.rt in a n tu (I AXO.t i kl vkll. ktr.f trrr4 into co- ia &aLtburt . 00 1-It, ih 4(b kC OMtottMiip, irt pnpui4 00 th Oi"'r rtl, . W.W I'mI U Uwl 1A tt Ve ax-oiMiotd Uiavu ot tWif ul L C tw f,'X 4 I("m, cm V ! IMcb Crrtlu 4 twrroa cntrttr, onk rtir nwit rrvnhn kt yxk pb fool, Mtctwlw fjnr. IJ.Mmo. 1b kit. m,iI rcitJ. kuli'b kw o fx rt, am'Htuur one LgivlrrW r-t tbt birrackk,. bt u other auDtriorti ...1 . .. ana oy tbu tirmnlrr fi(At. nervtirf trxTj oc pn ment, iro.n tht kitchen lo tht Urrockt, tht ruomt art Intpedtd tttrai uwt n.tjy. so terinu ara .1 bvtd, bet ail ncoial duUci ocrlorm.d coairoct, at koUi oiocrt Tboueb once b atoodin B t! tirriot't pridr, 1 AM4ur4 UivmAndUUnlui( title, I Xtl aUkll Uii Mm,kkka lh frccnuuvli Crf, Aa4 cbeer tht faint, th fearful to iiwpirc.M The Cadets, to elnct their retpect and e tie rat 106) fjr thit departed bero, tome time, tince determined 1 erect ft roonu ment to hit-memory at tlteir own ex pente on his fa?ouutt retreat. The library at the Academy consiits of a very elegant and extent! collection of books, and a lare and superb collection of maps and other scientific elates and drawings The iargcit part of the scientific -works are in French." Many valuable editions m dooks anc plates were collected in Eu rope by the Superintendent, dolonel Thayer, who took the tour of Europe to complete ; his militarr education. - Thit IntliimiaB raqwaa . tary Lrga , lihrary for the'ute of all oh'ihe 'atatTon, as there are, probably, from five to six hundred persons there,' Including; the officers, pro feasors; and, their families', together with the Cadets, regular troops, an others at tached In one way or another to.tbe estab fish rtCttTJ"'; Tire -course-of studies emplojr four years, and the Cadets ore organized iixo four corresponding; classes, numbered I at , 3d, 3d, and 4th, from the highest to the lowestTnt course f instruction is, The French language, (which tbey are taught jun such thoroughnessvahat after -the firsi year they' have to' carry on the pfifi-catTjarT'oriheiftcdiei'trttharranv Cuagef) drawing- to a besutiful degree of iWill. 1 . ... ! , . 1 1 .. natural ana experimental pnuoso phj chemistry and mineralogy ; geogra phy, history, ethics and national law ; watBemauct rrr tbr hjgliest branches j f u, otoenta m eterv tnlUlut cacet. cttry pii 01 a cadet's uniform has Its fisad prke, and Hou)dan MluLyrul amiw hi tavaJod for one tf the cadets, r tbt moat trifling differtrKt r tbt'drctt bt'tnada, ib per too to CtAag will be dlaxbarged from hb employment st tbt Acadvmy. No dfbt art incurffd on any account, whM It very ofieo tht etie at otler seminaries. During ihclr retidenct at lie AcaJemTi the Government allow them pay sufu- cient, that by moderate economy tbey may save a cootUcrablo aumj and tht! superintendent is anxious tht prents thall not furnish Iht cadet with money hilt at the Academv. The nudies of the dav ceaie at 4 o'clock 1 from 4 tt lunnet tniliitrv parade 1 at tnntef roll call; and tu&per iboitly kftcr then signal Ids rttirwar tatiuartert ii. giveoi anJ ftoiahat tlmt till bed time, 00 radet is allowed to leave hit room, nor may be go to bed till the prescribed time comes The police then commtnet visiting the rooms, and sleep may continue her sway tilt Iht morning gun proclaim- tht ap proach of tht dawn, and tht brisk notes tlfVA rtteillee' Oils thereadttrro- ther ae live duties of the day. For alt minor of fences, the cadets are punished by con finement to their quarters; and for great cr, by dismission. If the cadet commit either of the following capital offences, via: fit-hunt? a duel, or receiving or glv ing a challenge, tasting ardent spirits, or rambling of any kind, he is dismissed from tbe Academy, tana ttrmonle. -The two latter are never committed, and the former very eeldom occurs but:: this curse of our gallant navy and army can never: be compktely-dont twayt whila that f-lsc sense of honor leada our ofli cers, on the slightest Iniult, either to blow out the brains of a fellow-creature, or have the same operation performed on hemsetves oy tneir aaveraary. CitfMi ! rvecitf. aa oira a lU Um( l)M Ulrs pkrt. of lb UlrU li.: frowt KiMrbihu, ilJurf rated ib -nthrm.val prreiuft, sad arcoitM-d oilk pia(ri re iter, krht.lMm. of ocnufi. ia fall tlre-a. H 11k tJ'aneajes t.rilitr oitb liitif aittMtoa to bu. a.nta, lU Krmrf aurr-a 10 Stlinr lkir eu. 1 . utn-rt aaa in iwifiMM of their tharres. iurt ilo-tht not but thy a.n U able to aflVmJ antra If tan bt no just cauvt for lit sisenluo, ibat tht sons 0 ibt weslthy and iufluen- 'I art preferred, ah boo (b we do tot set ' Ibt material difference whether it be a eiioa to an such as mj cUooa to fWe peor or rub man a too, to babe 61 ted b ,ut.m lT" pmlr-Jt appUcatlo to study, to eoter the fJl .K?. 'mnl Jh rtwivyd - ; .. . ., . , - . ... : . 1 ; 1 . . placed on the political tieoir,jc of their ianm aKeiuf w im mo njuan c parents j there, tvrry itnj (hfiemu -TTli . im, tnmstrvrt 4(78 Miiitarr Academy, apply U Ibt.Secrefa- Pwt71v tfcottr ry of War, ani if their rtcttnsnendationj i 4',' prvTO aiiiiat.ioryf warraoia iur mcir caiarkla troinatioQ art granted tbr at many as thelfirk These regulntion may appear very severe, and perhaps they should be so to govern so many high spirited young men, collected from, far distant parts of our country i but from this very circumstance, arises herrcgulawt f it bwr eondoet in-j after lifer with the habits and principle! ofenl9rged patriotism, temperance, and industrv.-which they possess. At tne are, when the most parental care often from the wiles of pleasure and dissipa tion, or to curb' their passions, there they are secure there the.morala of i young fan "are-strilytared--not alone by- the complete system of the institmion, but by that principle of emulation which' exists amongst them with such intense vigor. . v v. . The drills $m mwtarf duties serve? as , T .- Academy can receive, .With those war rants the candidates repair, m June ol the year for which ther art granted, to West Point, and those wha are found qualified in the English ttuilks, and who ran perform with Utility and accuracy the ground Ituks of Arithmetic, both simple and compound, tbe Rulet of Re duction, of simple and compound Propor tion, Vulgar nd DeclroalTractlontrpot test all tbe necessary qualifications ia teaming" reejulrtd by law j veMlia-student should understand tht aimple ele ments of Mathematical rduciilon, ami have some proficiency , in the French foe Rale- XtCUUTJt, own. wotucn, fcwcbiklrroi jriMintfullooitbottaiMl I or lenita, iy at una onc. aty.nmt herr; H brint; Ike trart ratrrha'4 ttotn trbtf Cbaa.bn by lletrrr A.-Chait Sra. Ikrro is a (nutl U a a tttr a; Im4i- awl br houtrl 00 tbt frrnnrs a ilk oufflrirfrt hrr irr pto-emenli lo rerxlrr rt a rry rlrarabUr f.na. A 'Lot Dial aMTt l pmi.a-, aill prU'jIy w-r the tract, rt ia unrteer-avy to enumerato Ha ftmber atlianures. A rrr.l t of ai rtfieitba ill be fiea Ivf oajiaif tl mrrrliaaa aauory, and nine mcntba ftr i( othrr nK, the puirha. atr iing bikl simI aretirtiy. HAMILTON C. JO.Xr.", Ttltt. . .hmn irVA, Mi. 677 .Inf. 23, is:s. 72 WEDKMIs COLLllGEy OF SOUTH-CAnoUNA. THE LECTLKF.S of tlua ln4ilutino war ill he returned on the aecund Monday of N 01 era tx.-r nctl.a Llloat: j Oh .UaJtrnffff John Rdtrarda Hufbrook, M. P. SrrfrrfJ 1 met Uimsaf , M. D. ' rrenrtrtea-ootf 7VofA.fj,VriA'na--Barwtel Henry IKek-ufi, M. tii . " '- Jlauri .Vrtic Henry R. rnrt. M. D. lltortiai u. Pnoiaait, H D, ... CKemitirg and Pharmacy Edmund Ratertell, 51. D. Ln-u.. twfnra b. .mora iha Ae.damtuL frwr Jkaiary ittuf nafotiy--epnen wuop T 0 -Til V v.r 1 r L ' I LL. U. 8. IIF.NHT JMCKSON, kt. U. or else it will be doubtful if be can re- j,mg l8J tftAt Fottlty main mere, iinu 11 win 00 w 11 nc urn yoesujwJeriaiad Jlatbematkt and French as the studies are io exceedingly dimcull milE aubscriber rffrtecifiilly informs the eit Thott havinr the necessarr (lUali6calions A tens of Cabamia. Montron ry and Meek are conditionally admitted and examined, fcnburjr counties that he has ft -t rcri ired a their character and conduct ascertained ; 04' fum'!ra Ll'"5 CI UP ell nij as ill svi tnv leivia v am iko aTkoiaJMlnn rfiaiil tKsit L-nf g - a a , I 'tsaaiaaw Vl V a Vll HW. Xa - - receive tneir committiona at caueta, or fron, saiWwr to llaFUrt ford on Kocky river, WaA f - A X i.rt "T oltt tie." ." I more nirtiruUirtV'. at llie nurcbaacra ill oiab lo . 1VIVI S-.WkVllU,' t--v-v. ,1 , -.r . ,.v. ...... 4., are entirely rejected from the Institution. UrKi Teazer fur the nurpoaeof carding wool In this wav the number sent by the Sec into rolls. All thoae that think proper to favor retary of War is reduced every year te "V "r " wv' v" aDOUt 000 tlltn. - I wtnn t. nr TffFiD tt'nnr AH a-Anl Kf. hronrtt to the machine fntHt -SP.tXIvit .WEJtfCA. I . j,, (i;,i,nj.,r .J-.i.ri, arid burr, krid We have already alluded to a rumour I other bard substances that would tend to ruin and that'in txpedltlorj was fitting out m thlsl mjure the etrdsr tm po-hm1 of ck-aatMlor Itud country for the use of the Mexican Gov- must be brought to the macl.ire I will canl at ernmenttand that I would be joined by X!rl: another, from the United States. .We now find that tbt statement was essential ly correct, and that the -Sunt 'Caiiityof 1 1 be broHeht to eontiin tbe rolla. I7K t zi.m, , awn r.u, t a ?wl guns, one of thf. vessels purchased by the .State 0? oVoTUvijaToWlia. Mexican Government, sail'd from Grave- . r CAt4tu$ tovnrr. send on Tuesday last for Vert Crux, with yOURT of fleaa and Quarter Session-, July the intention as it is said, of first touching J term, 1823 1 Henry Shore, administrator of at New-Tork, Where, she will b joined Lbaabeth Sbore,, ,Tbt lieirs.ol , James Utvfi . . . .. Ide-'iCi PutifiAn for re.nrnbati of aill. It aD. ttmeric after falling in with a ship of larger fore Jinealov and Kli HcrweUjind Nancy hisaifc, irom aweoenj en Mn tt ,ftW of tho wid James Love, tlec'd. are frigates. .The firt object of thls'squad- not inhaliithaiits of tliisrtate, Ordered, there fort, ron is Id cut pflT the cominunication bt- wiat publication be made three months in' the frifilh XKXV " . ""L . r to appear at our next Court of Neat and Quar. of provisions. Its Ulterior object is, how si-toiia ta he btld for the tountv of Cabw. ever, we' understand, an ittack'Ujpon the J roa, at the court-house Coneord, on rht 3rd' Havanlrwherew been formed in favour of independence. , or plead to the charges set nam in tiie pc Surat Castle is commanded by Cap- ' - - .Sjui Smith, the nephew of bir Sidney. . ntler;.i ...jnp.iv. , 3mt82 , Smith, and tbe officers and cf cw are all witness, n.lYL. COJXfctv,cY e.c . Brilisb. Londw foptr. PHte ide. . :". Tbef tain rTHE aubaciWrr afren Ha fam Cue ala. It X lUtfoiiftraWsweatif Ceoi,anil.anal leading fntn t ottcord lo tbarkie, atwt .i tin water of ('aiklkt Creek 1 contains 1XJ t;r "f Itrvl. with aH the oereatafv buitdirts air ram. - Tng to a fanrt, cowMtiiwg oi a dwrlUrur. uut Jmmi. ara, ka. ail mi rood rr pair. I or rurutcr par eUra, miiii of Ilia ubacribeT, 00 'be premiart. JUS LIU n. IT&tWIJViVS, AuntetA liS. .In. K3 ,1 1. ,. 1 IsTtfvA Wht'aVua riHt subscriber offers fur tale his Htutr rnnd J iMt i Matenillr, either aa. alia or without bis Reddiar and otl t Moutchobl Furr.itiire.atvl with or aitbout an hit llouae tenant. Sever al tract, of .W,tue whule antountiia; to be. I area 1 JOU and 'IM screa, adjuinipr lL town landt of St ate. title 1 or any part tbtpof, lo suit purclurtcra. 1 he lands in Coatre, known by the nume of tho M'bito Jlouoe bad, and ilure adjoining! in the whole- about 1300 acres. -Abo; my -interest - ' ft sertral oJier tradlj 'stl jotmnt; !ba ferine r, A great number of other tracts of land, I) ing in different parts ol the county of Iredell. An tfio " remainder of my negroes, C7 in number. Cstli will bo required for the wlwle price of tho Negroes all the othft propi-fly Will be dispo. ted of at one, two, and three years crtJit, It " is- deemed useless to dcwibe th property Vitv 1.1. I83J. RffHF.m WORKE. MY llotise and lot tntlie town nf Salisbury, opposite Mr. Wu. II. Slauliter's boue of entertain nent, in r. . .1 l 1 1 a . riciuuy neiiriinorniM.u, ana woua auc.riT al ! th. Iknisc is two torics high, with four fi-e places in the luwer slory. and two in tbe upper : tho house is Urge and convenient, with. a ki'.rhen, smoke-house, corn-house, and stable, wi'h an excellent jrarJcn and hack loWall io r - pair. . I will dispose of the same co. this most, accommodatinjr terms to the purchser, a I am determined to remove to the country next fall. GEftttOE MILLER. Sntithu-, April 26, 1 825. 33 N. H. I also refiuest all pemms w no nar any demands aesinst me, 10 call and receive their pay 1 and tiiose who owe me, by book account .ihrn-i., arill At ) o favor by ealliur ami retiring their accounts. Xew. iA'atlier and Good Shoes ! EBKNEZKK DICKkON begs leave agnm to ak tlie attention of the public to his 8hop, lit baa j'ijreceived a supply of the first rsto Uathrrfpm Hiiladelphia 1 wliielihe 1 prejiaftd tw.snalta wastai- ; - -.',. .. iioots ana Jsliocs, of the most 'durable kind atwl -truest tylr ' ATI nrroons who want Hoots .ml rtioes, either courts or fine, may rest assured that they ean good an snv in the country, anil 111 a st vie ot workmanship equal to sny thing in Nbrtfi'ar. olihar 1. fcf;;" gitntf anil more 1 tender my most putefu) ackiiowledcriintt . to the public for the liburtl istpj) trt tbty havo httllerto given me 1 and ill at ays "be equally thankful for future favors, either in the wayof new work, or in payrnt lor old-work.--' ;v 1 ''

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