-f r- 1 I a ft '1 t t nj J' L . i tl ' V. I 1 1 Will 1 t , . f . 1 7 a I t it : l. !. r . u I) 1 ' 1 . It ,.. " . ! 1 1 I . - ' if ' Kf t l Li p! 1 i 1 ; I ' 1 ! ' f 7 . i j ( t if O !'' t'l T J I I: i" 4 ' r k" r. y ; te n4 .1 c-.i kj i4 A .! I M tt f n4 i; 'e u ! fa-'f. I W4 a? -' I rf WW i s m4 13, I f Hf T aUe aA 4;, IN4i4aartJ. J7 k rU trM I' - , M. , " A. WaatotUan. tstt tWl to -AteWea otoats m4 arab a CM tt7 W pai . TVt VI m dvwji m tWe rot, ? "11 pr vt J tJa, lkJiU iU(i4U avervyUeet laf Utlrt m-I a- r. iorni iff nl. II Mir. H I'll .a fx ir.!l IV) I JTI I T .. I It frt l tj jrtii'o to t.' ttmtiJi f JUaa!tt r'ts!i, f m. g ttd tntftleg m otii'jfti ! frt (jn)lf Mi W MM kf '''S foi ft itifii Urf i'J i tf U'" !rf bfttret tTitttq el fcmiU fiction wr4i to U4 hi fofWtf f Art t life! ni UJaJrtBl cmttl. Idf tit nur dS(Q!tUi ciXftM la td Ui ter Urth, tod vouldJ cJjc. lit! , i4 tviitft jour iouU to tk gVfioui biuIi)oq tKo !ruri vlkh bir niicyog frtf, nj )ir coflotrjr Tf D-jl wliit r th4 f fur thU prcfouod KK'4f iml com!Iiifdb'uw-if mW, M iKt Mcr of fmll ! ih bow dimrt tWttod tKioM to which Ufor wUfal? wind j , He f ' icmasj fif tie tM wry) nock tod cKrtt krrr JU kit tHdrfifejhkr. tU it duLltd tad UurVd It If br tduUf mW dmw Uk Umh k. I m! Uort 1 nd. U Jr. m euBt of u . ;tt n l c; ,.. 1 d.ffRl tct ti (krii lr,t fiVl tt .t; art I d.f. frrrtt pvii l'Ui2 It t rtt Citl tlf UlUf ukr, C UiTclUr U1 tf. n ft IM f?t tf l.il dtUuio. Zl tft W 1. -i ty fr-'r li 1 trv't M vti iKvcr m tr. A r I t Peft$tit u1 tf il toii. " . . TV Imm U f 4 Utv Ui VJ , M 1 a t-wat U p iti 'S f T tfrrtit 1M trt tnB c: n . Cwwtdtwb i trt Ami , WW kill it M ywt Mff lrrff ' A4 trt tk1it wiwt mWH -4k4 lrtl tiM mmr. tWlty MtM alwt. tv tWt JfU t fcrni It feUM r v Hit tW , ittrat, tt4 fU tM t f , VtrmltMklWtMV A Aril rutfe tract tit 1aiu tut, tHt Uliit thtt c fruit ff '' tUttUc i7t tbttcJett t ltr IU t"; toft 11 coe4iM, Our tctloci iWJ confipocd !ih par prtftitioai 1 1 ttd lift, ttd t eat) ihct, ctt t daloi tit ciirtctcr tf cot t!tt mtf. or Uf is cliloi to fr!it Itte&tiofit, I'art rt!il U litfodcd of 'lit Uwpofil WmIi of ma 1 Overt lor h tititld ot tixourt td tcttrjr iojirldail U cl!iud tocirt. , tiCTitTlwl. 1 l Ut Mb4 vwvwl Omi atw mmUk to ten Ik4f i ikM lml U ynftij. IUUf kwi, tr48 Umtj, K. C 'atUe. MbAX t ton r.r, h, k taarnui. Tlt "Vilioltt to lt dran Iff OM DAT, It IW fi,kmm m rUW .k'rwiWr. Wt M' IVt flllt U HMM IM i Anwif f dMCfMki ' - 1 Ht TV I tnTtt llMU T At lit ioMt tW uUi ,JLV. LLtttL. Tia tbort Cms. tjut Ud froa Cord CboterbtUi ktttr 40 DdWtiYA UrwfitA t . ' ItttM, ranks tMMtfy, Wl mm Wt. . , - Xy tt l-t W ttM takt tft I C' tar, ;i ota, VIS aJ BMaouIaa, " Tf rttf I mU, t rn a4 IWaWat Cf ff', p l'r, t ewtpklt,-T-"-r AJrtUlhmihtitefVjB)7a1nJti v . t4i EitiuAf rtwaj IW aiWa W 4Hra, - ! iWdrr tija It' f i('f af itarf t." 1 Vtp, rp, yt nai'iOTM U aMMnuef, "AadctamlUbotrtWt TM rmkft U t .Lrlta.OJiVl jrttf I itaVrU kWi Cat tat Utt ma tia rara karp Wk, ' i Lat aO tU awrll av banf krfcc!. Tvr-mj Cm JW la kt4 J I A WtWa,iaUf rkt W tt aWd al UigLcit THZC, 00,000 Dollin. U4 f rat cotUr.-A rw4 tf U 4 if ".-'-r- J?ll ' r-m.itlMKMi .;ik T1 V(pl I'f' C. a M ajnf lUai aa iW (ka at r1 L ,? " rat iWaii a l tVa f0pt Wt OtUtfUJirtf Ulffir to- wdSlOIUUtakkftrTvaulT. tiortrv t&d tttiLtv. tirr trt but Ltut I clu i - . . . rtftrord coueirr. I A lie mort tittl cmiJtt Kctloat Of tit I m1 RAT MAI&LAKD. mne of, m nMcy Trtr ttt. I crater d It m w A, irr dofcBr. Irnoriotr.' ttd etc Iter, lit rtr bcuri tit diipWuurt of her o dear kubiadr for t bij log a mort due ttteotioa to thing bich ar i Jol tonoccted iti it. i - -v a.-- .111 Dtl (OlCrfll. II Ifll Ml lOUUfCB, (which it tlwiji ih caw) tht loo vi cot how, to cot .00 male, tor cnend ihtlr do lie a 4 hat it reduced to tie Jim greeallc occciiity of rlngfourtr tin tnilei to tonit friena.or jrelaiiatj to lit icjtructina la 1 nutter, her trno- . a,,. 1 n '1 1 raoceti wnun cauaei ner.10 oihiq . . , . - . t. mw 1 ta arru itrfWan tw f ikiu when'ihe Vloowledgr. it, lo.r!?Btk"tS Dill GAD K OUUKIIS. nalaaa. - a 1 ' I l 10 . 80 in ""400 tow IOJ0OO la towo 1000 ll lAX V 1500 U 00DQ 100 U , IA -100 It- SJD09-" ' nil jy-o 59 ll . 2.000 ? jo It 1000 . -"iir t,ooo 4 It iOW ISf.lllWifa. BUUDOO., en a Tdligf lot,, for topper d I ZTtZTn""" todrlfift d whtU tt tablt, tf Tertl At at a 4 a kttthtwm kktkm Bwtiat pcracoi t) finher cud wtrt boal! 15St trT!T!Lt . -l ( I J- .f I . . . .". 7 - " I w nr. 1 oetro, ttd tot fooa jioaut tau i VTTVr "T " TV. . 'I f tHim faicat tmAtr gt an) - - Bom"" f rtflectioo, al.e to foreiU j " r-T , . lr;.Arf.l.i S2Ii aZ TT ?ry.r: TMZ rMOTZmi DISCUSSED. itrucl w ih a ttnie of her otbil ir to ; 7 " ,7 " " " V ' a, wi ' r ' 4ZZlZZ.. J.i- Va u -Li . TMi.i.dAbprin.tJl diKharg.tht importa.t dwde. deU ! 1 ?U,J,BI nKwUh X iI! 5(11. a4 aJ '2' 1X17 roUaoca e ak ."COMMUNICATIONS. - deceoer tad rewltrirr at home which ' .tat tat vimn catauaiaa. h had to footlly hoped, oo longer etw - rtMJLZ ZDUCATiay. " joying toy iatiifacli io her tomi Hr. tVMtft It nuat he a natter of party, and not oofrcqueaily It forced tjorerc regret, that inch t great Jefi- J ro-forget hit diaappoiotoveoU - it) tht cicocy it ohterrabie ta the preacot (bottle, or at. tht gambling uble, and . modcjci Ftm&lt EducttKn : at it ap.iheeei ruio and deitructioo approach peart that the turf id it entirely laid ling wlihaut the leaat power to rtiiit Mde, lor tot mere trnamtntai and I ue ueauiy oiow. tTercia tccoapltahjDcoU. .There I She Bow,becomei deeply, penetra vatoAct 'a time whet, if ibw daughter ted wiih-t tette of her temerity, and fa respectable tradetmao could read regrcta her, utcleaa tod !aperfea.ed Asa write good fcagitin, tod cypher is I wcanoo, aod wiahciihe had tboic iudi far at the rule of. three, handle her lot money which were otelenly ex needle with toUratte ocatoeia," aod peoded that ihe, tnliht.be enabled to undcratand the theory and practice of purchaae thote thiogt which ber cir- gooa Jieutcwijery, tne wti incugnt rumtiaoct t tciuauy ocmaoa. . a tyt- . pufecUy, txxoinpliabecL .But io the . tern of, edacatiou which only tery ea ' present tnTightatcd age,' if an induatri- to produce luCh awful conieqnecces at out tradesman or farmer cao give hit these aauit be ancommonry deficient diufDtcr a few hundred doITarf. it ta I todeed.- The creient baa, wtth aaoch immediately settled by her ill-iudginc I propriety, berw ttyled the age of be another, thai $he mutt hare what is I neroleace and ingenuity t aod it cer. called a gemcci coucaiion. iccora luiaiy wouia v ua oojeci wcji wormy in tlr. the is. at a Verr early ttt, car-1 of artemion, if tome person better ried off Co a boarding school, in some calculated than myself, would take up ;.pltce that isoeUher famed for mantjers. tht subject, and tugeat some new - or ctTtlizatitn, hefe'ahe if taurfit to mode, or at least an addition iolhe -jabber over tht English grammar, And ipreaol.aysim of female I education occasionally to dip into Geography tilt would not only redound to the bap maae waicr wort, cuuo iju, ana wore i pinets cm ue moat phasing pan oi ill-looking figurei tnOlcnh, which I J creation' works, bnt to the dignity believe are curiously bound ro und andf I aad honor of his wuotryr: ti. ' hPX yp, a an ornament to tht bouse I . ..v JOVA!! of the food (but ill-judging; parents. . .01 KCf.IL JATCDOTt Previoua to the late, war, Mr, F.J from one of tht westero.ctuntiei of lit marched to Canada t waa a irtTt lm tf aA, nur rest atmrt d that ihrr eat PTnJU, ia "F"?d appEettkw, aod tuccesaful officer, tnd was terrral kr ibawr am at w-y awft feaiiar - 4- toiiE, h dmothcrs, . ' a a. . - . ! -. ft... mimpA Vi' .rh fraTlanl I aa awT at tfct CMinlrT, tml tt t at via or " r" r .7 .7 "TT:. UtrkatwuWo riwalto aiiytWviiaKaftlhCaa. ptcnieremenci dii jonner nose wouia Mlt rfMW, Bet im, fW i wkwh mmd m a a A I 1 .Imagine a young uoy just returned . , . n m wtmu umuiui. : :: ' at the age of sixteen or seventeen x her la Ele'a atnaa aernea, to others do, mind WeJI puffed up with vanity, and Aa joa wouU tare by tthen doaa to jrou her head well stored with teotibility, lkThere it tomething noble in genu- . and many other delicate feelings, which fne; frietcl?hipr;,,hi ii.?h'p she, baa gleaned from a fpw musty off with ereryr tudden breeze of pls- books. the cniitentt of which she hit sion, or quit its habiution in" conse - incautiously peroaed without aiiy;rj ton to direct her judgment, or correct opinion, wnctner w neiigion or poi ' her tajte.- We will imagine her love itics. r The ' time never hat, been ly id he-pcwan7anI somehatattrti- whe.tf alt metf regulated their .ohducl tivc in hcr.mannert k ,$h'e retunif bjr the sameupdard of belief f nor - home toiler parents from school, and can it be expected that such a period it idoiized by theirlboTp wUl ever arriveTte mentt. ' She it spoken jot by her silly men ire as various as their couoteoan neighbors with pride and exultation : cesj and it is certainly no indication but ah! the has become too much of or goodness to proscribe an individual a JaJt to pay any attention to the do- because be cannot conscientiously tub rnestic . concerns of the family j and scribe to the same creed thacmain very frequently she is indulged in this others hAve choien. There are good aty f UctoMT Mat. - - .-,.,.. ixaawra tl.CjctUat t'Tra 111 lTarirtwl. tt TiTI la aTairtail laif rnanaiailmti af 11 I t JULTIMQMIL tnwuU vUl k prvpamt to taakt Utoir rvtom Wbrrt all tht Crrat Capita arrt snU to ta M tbt dara of Uxir arreral rrMar, C9 Crad Siata Lottcty, hick araa Ann aa By trdrt of lk Briradirt CanaraL ' tha TTlb July, v'u 1 ha 40,009 daTkra tha !& WASHINGTON BYEB3..A4AC-yi:. 10. doBara-tha 500 donara-(tt Jaltar h 1 mm oojwr j f oo(iaraa of iofloa krair 10.0UO Jullr J I of JDOO dotHn. I Tata! 1 . -.t i . . UtilUSi XKitx ar way-wAf- CJtA aOjfrtra. - -I 1 -" SJ OKXJEEJ ftoit any part tf tne IT. Btitrt tiUti ay aaad (poat paid ) or pnrata oawaryaaM, iiao raycucTuir, acta ia wtu uhiii . , rr 1. .r ...k k.M- ...V. I? BENtZXA PICKIOM bap Wata ai I'T-rfV"' VT U ak tlaatlrmiaf tKab tob,. uvcrnti aur. aa vhi nrouwn h m m wjtrt t mp?rr tt v nnt patriot, At theCommencement.of'J?toaibM;Mbft .l I... ar. 17 J ,v. r r.M..;M'Ar -;n r. : r - JJootS unci blioeir - hich ht raised b ighborbood. "-f .3 .12 f awl Court's - OdtffM aWJ Jlnhimtn. edlatair after tbt eooUia iba twnpktt Lift of rMc FarWarJed rni, to til vb po rckctiat CUIIE.V OFTICZ;aa4 their wklt to rcoeirt tbt lama. Mimu Srtt. 8. 1125. Wl tew vork. r ka MraMwt lav old work. 1 'I AkAatory, Aay I WJ. i pdtSepUO : Mr- Wau AWO, aWAia. S-iti, y rpAKE Mot'ica that or tht 15th day of Octnbrr i, , - fttfttft WfLT f A MXt, 1823, at tht darelSnt; house of Sl Ti v rl! ' ' -' ; Cre-aleo, to North-Carolina, Burka eoantT, tear I PruriWa, China Merchaata, Country Morraatoa. I intend to toka tht deposition af 8tonkeper,Md ctealmbCUa8rave. . waLtCiewtoktrt4mevkktoearait 1 io,ooo cross Aoothecaries' Vlalat 15,- rou in the auit now petdint to tht Supenar burn Mail) contains a paragraph which 000 do. Patent Medicine do. t loto do- Coortof jhrthTfordentt.auttof KorthX cArritsusl t&tirSeii 11212 davt- of f)rtniV-?afWiwho.-: and Cayeont bcWltllcWdoiea Quart JiJfl; one of her journeys, describe a puri- bottles Jooodo. half gallon do. tSoooj . yj.' . j. m. c;HECCtEE. un being engagvd HrZT -J i PniUDZLrmAmVTOs' tjiib rMs; hooodo.DaoU and Franklin do. 6a.iSaoa I WftV ciui TtnHl R Tnr tnTft J - t I "uen fnan ma 1 ann a in mivara Dm anuauy which he bad so often led to victory, IthankAil for future fivora. rilher to tht ar aVi m - a a m a I . - . ft a . . I the patriotic old gentleman hnauy bal anced hia account. 7 f - . !': ', " FttyettttiSt Oimntr, Sabbath Brtaling in England. . An English provincial paper (Black For killing a Btouit oa Sunday, do. Ship Franklin and AgrictiU do. S000L - in ttaiT. t. . U .U.. Ol.lk. w-ouip rraimiMiana frM the practice of trimminr the bear a On ,mmrtn , i XT Fut l-S.?Sriv Sunday, unless by the ; hand of the Cornucopia, Ice. half pints j 4 5 00 do. Jars, exteiwirt tcato, b enabled to aupplv any quan: wearer himself, it absolutely ioterdic- assorted! all sizet t 5000 do. druggists toh Wlwr deacriptkm Apotheca ted If a man cannot thave himself, and confectloners'abow bottles X 5ooo do. " ! .G,iV '7. . .Va , jtaj" a AUWUTCVffUm ' v mw IIWH UfvQ lAltaa ' - lie mutt be content to wear his beard I druggists packing bottles, assort, sizes ; I (Minora 1 Patent Meduunt riaIa,oftery deacrip till - Afondar. tioder pain of: drawioc 3ooot do acid bottles; gVo. ; steppeft 1 tion rnnctort Bottle, wnh rrwmd-atopppi. . T . . ft. . . t . ' ' a" -- " I t . IJ . i ' " at a..tilMM - down the vengeance of the law.. John 3000 qo. unctore ooints, assorttd sizes; mm am pint to on. gauoni Pa HodgsociberrwAi fined five ahil- d mmeraUwatertle.; Ma ZTu&Lti tmtAftmaSU .VffiU iSlStl. iog ther Sabbath dav, and-.W, llodg- ttitzttrr:-? Acid Bottle: ith -ground atoppeHtarJ fM kth.rS h fint mm ahsL Wrthtvanetyof other ClaaaWare affof which Demyohtv.4W-aiuart to ttro.g-iwn'.L son, his brother l wathned one anil- -,.,f.M , i,:u.int,:.uui r;.. nt,l. nrrlnrdo.! lintbemaT-tMiiBfarttmta was iHTiog auBwiuc M .? . r-i -1,-1 --rr -r- For aale hv '-'.T. W. DYOTT. - I Farette: Frankhn. ship Frankhn,- Ajrriculwral CWajseceaoWftacc in 3 or 4.Cnt4tte vial Wowein. will nm-m.yJCz Knowfedjfo and Wadom, far from being one. v with eonatant employment tnd good wareyby r,1lr'"ufr ,nJ VWli Pthert Haveofflmeanoconiie-ion. KtowlWg? resides applying u above. V: w -j . J SnofT, Blackmp and Ink 'SJ'J In headi replete wHhthonghU of other men, Editors throughout the United 8tatea tio Wrf',-JlJ4T , vtaaom in nunai auenurc . iioerufe ror i.. n. uwi dt we year, wun r"":" : Knowledm k proud that he baa learnt ao much j please insert the abort till forbid. . T. tf. DYOTT, north-eaat corner tf Wisdpm b humble that be knows ao more. . March 1, 1825. V ' COS: land Baet streets, Phrfadelptis. rXOfT LEDGE AYD WISDOM E tu di Kl r

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