i t - A : ; 'I : , 0, 1 f r A 1 1 J I , , ' III f I I .' ' II I I vol vi.) (.NO. J??. aA Wl Htwnd attta. If J C0ftlfUU66 i mm m 11 I pp" r i m ipr,.4i m ny fr Mtad la Pmtt;r. Kent if- ...... AffK.awt kavi HwrU; t U.r dcmtiaoar aj loch cxesttei. m1 wtHiU um, tery BiMn, ikdotouris tralatHmU Mitl. tltKtr hJi bull of trttt. Hntjo tullu, ilai pur BlU tvi (Ui ftUUijr ilt Wur,) f rtmovt l frfotw 2l4 91UmI dutil f. MtitUf ItnJitrxftl. wMlhif till lotut U laXUmiTtf. m4 bnw J-r. or c.mIJ. liittcML tV ri( l!atU it I IV. Mjij v.y an 14, . w.. , v ... Mil! V?. MtlBf UU vdatrd 3, - UUrtiHM iM,-.jaJ unfair wik UtMttt ifWS aamjtt- Aa I a0., I Mtl Ul'4 Aftfrsl lBUt Un,tiilj Baaaatf UltOttnOA. . ft mm, I " WV WliUI tfMWH H A I .. a I . It 14 KxWf;. UhuMt,t chnwt iU jJictd k f.tfdrrifi(letM)u!ftf lft o.Mi vir, IK tftth larout irtMr a. . .a . . . m . ..a . ...... A A A . - I LI M f .7.1 HI uisry. rvmi W.w(, Fnwr pun&Mta wo m1 to .1 t U&4rr frtntf tlTMJtrr or juii t tw b Wt m uftii, i ii uHw,ftU toUW la U) LJ, of hiu. Kxfaccitoi U fciiivlag inKAJcumi PT -- ...... ...I -..II. t.!. .-l-t .' lit. I I I .fM.I ...I t. . .II t IT r.TTlll JlTJl. Ji CiJZ. I f ; K 0 C cmaV hnU time, oacl rnipU fe aftctort o " . . . I .-.1 .J..-. I.J I . I L I . I I M.tasBs m -m. ... ... I I La in.Ix.m 1!. a a. a.. a. l im cMMr Ut f. td rtnxJtnor Irom rla4lttio t-.ntmit ill I t I I a ' 4, rMi im, m cjj r-f umw jail. wicr nt rcnunra tone v I'M M t M. Ml Ml I.M M t M. Iff itmit4aw- Hxiin i .fur fiuiigifayaja, iluTtruMMt. iioiul It ojt!., Ucmt lull Uftt A rntlmu. 1. u iKU ,W u4 . " ouHi tOOl, Ml II It A A www wvrv wnMjT kliajt irni Ictitor ell ,rfBJr la ti.f KHkei fra 1 ,i.'vaaJM U xKr bmi l.kh I fuf tin tirnr, pfCKBtl lU Pf IflBCf, II io ifut hll Ich it untK wrasse ,,ulor:p '0l5iIktUrK.?.a t alio f;. ,B 7 - -..- a. .i.!..T i Un trt.li tr? ftmuii tlJOJU I J IWIMWL1KJ, i oi ivwwii rvi twin wiiifl FVUpjl J . j 1 1. j m 1 . !-. . .'. .'. . Tlta bfttht aa1 clftr. tvl u. rrottiKi iai tut iato ta r.rthrr. r... . iruitri UMfi. mdder. and UVf un - V - w- ' ""''-'la-. a. . I BtfUBAakA AA BkAAfA! A A t- toyr A auartAAf !:!; t. Ikiroa of tobAtrcA for trr.r. urK r... ilia" Vh" . " " .t. iii.:i I." ::. r to I rdanrofif trtmmw IIEDC, I"" -.. VTf II B ja -. . -.vw ww f 1. i ....... I . a a w mm ! r ill mrTn h as mm n a mmmr n IBl I A 11 t T . . t hi aIaa.4 - - T. 1 l t lliHian a a, I t. k . W -T..T1 k. ..L I " " v " 1 .mm nn nna r 1 a 1 irvr a nin a.vm1 r. atL. 1 m a a iiuuri aiir an in irr.ii , av. ar v va w. va on u w aaa i-poj mia ia' . . . . r-...1. ,k..:i ,k.J. ii ilif.k.t... . ,L..ka.L-a. ttaivcd of ike tir.tnuiir. Ii U rlLlV ,W.U ! P I,0C - eM. th.t Iv. ntta't rJ a..v . bai t. Jmi it iou, a W t2 B.. .Ur JJy Ullcd chat thM article! mar l4, . Th"f J J"? ef h 1 " ,f.c,?, 1 . . : . . . 1 . . . rr t -i . . . . 1 wm inrni ia a iia. Ana u.a rcBAiadcr - v ' - - ( J .. 4 -a. a m w 1 a w n a wa ca a- w mi .nntiiA.-ji j - i . 1 avaai ia a m . : 1 . 1 ira iiiiaiiai tiia iai. oaaaa A AAA U.l. V v Ul imuit Pig NaiimilMAianui Bl fKIDTi lw, iunw ABO HrttnNf Aill" w..vw - ..m 1-M.ii.ii wvii in,. - .K lMrm lamwl tr1t OJ r--- I Tti kana.il i V...t.a. ..tiV Istalthf whil: f t lr W:f .:n tr a.. f it And AdrttetArc ton th Trmdtir-1 -"fr"' 7- - - " I a .tv w I w aaiaBka ami m m m H Ul III. I w ' " aawu iu ft.4F IW. aj mmm u a. " " -' w a a 1 full.C-tb ami ihf tlrour of Jllr. ha rould rcarcrlf butt aieaiurrd. I n?nT".n ?.wUoJ ait.rr.i. tJ.rfJ bcharlor. tyrua U,.t . and ii ai Otki .. -blcJ. uilpn. thidjma Iat. ?IT. l ! ' . .CIS.- Vr jraairaj, ArVUI ' .IM IX a V a. im cW u.-ft. tvu.nir vit Dour barrtl. ro ahich be vrott in al0 fcP ow cow kfop .urrri,..Jr..r!J-. writnc from rlcbtto tet-ipooafolofihil milbi m KOI miVMI mw rum luma rnirrui ua num. I . .a, I a . . i-iMfi i4irt4iWttlm( limicf. Hi alio ooticed hr !8- wher Umci vkci tb toithiid.iai.4Ud I " lidcranooi. lit. that above 87.000 rcr "W- w-ta-..t Arifc4Wwjfi-UwAtAiN . ' . I I I. ,k" ' '.1n. lie trazta ia aummrr oa ma ,iaam.mmvcp" vHrcu -' f , v r;vv "-;r,r'rw rrr luiurimt dauum of the meAdoi. tk. i:5 :'?l'st,rr'y- i. r: ; ;l .r. 0 ' .-'! m'5!' ww .;.. bk. of . I Kji I jKfiAai I irf anl f ... L. I Ka vif Ia IKia Miafrt iKavk I AAAWt-Bury. TvfAW ItmmJ niM in Om Mbrnar,, lifbr mk Vir I charee. ami ti via publtcif KId fori MOMZ MMfTISS ITfLV. a . A. . A A a III t I mm . . . miwuai mirvir, iruru coumr. r. u. bit jjil doe. Hit purduicr, a reft- m u m . . Li., ii '. ji. - ... our ii what mir be called a chctBut ; tolvtdi in UBiira a aiea, bum M ooaioua W , iu-..'t.M!MIU,li..r1L. coutb U "y riflectiBg raiodauiyo tha coo. "TV "7 , l 1 j ' m a .:.a-. i ni lurrirr irui an vintrr ba r s i Min i i. m. m n bjaai. k . r ". " n -"- mm- HWW tfi. lmn5 about ibmiU. roo, "f l.Xu P 71 aaaooai oi land ttalla, ul lfloiaaliaaoa ioft UUIU-UJE 0UULK8. ..... . tJajtf mkf took hiniato hit faxnU " 'fw.-SW y old gtntU. growth and maoafActurc of n!k, tbia . . . ocrffciioa. 5 ' irT.'Sl 'r m T 1U k. ooo '-SM . bat ic Juat Mf a ..re r;?uird format of r other ipe. iit ri" Z " fTMir. Bnrf-Alit rih bngii, became a faorite of the inmitei of . '; r wa (k.. ciei of clothing! ad, idly, the ia- . . h meidowl -.n frf(,J.,jr ad:.K'5?4't,57ru,Mi,Me?,'7,l"rr' ifcefcoe,pr5cu!ar!yefUieehiUrtB. u Faer, haetrp amuiing crr.ied damand for domeitic produce , . with aomi - uT" lli.tl.o.dual,. mfcrnnii-. i''T.tr'' " bJ'. .-IJ . ....rilr fol. Tjkkft Urmo(WU,rmUm him io poiieinoa of ill hii ajuter! -ai oo BunktrV Hill to pre. low from the increaie of manuacturei, fam lliU cztYArdiaarr mimal U W ftlrfWAtiiit.wi atorea, aoJ hr eradually acquired a cnrf ttemory of their eiploita, and alto the toi and cootmgtoxiei at. h,.'k ,nifr... Z KtLS 1W. -,,hftrrtro- te.d.ntoopr.urbgtheabov.aa.ouo, S ! H.rr e-Aprbf uk .ur bclar a ioua ... ht u JV Conect aome time ago, th.t from foreign market.. . ,t lup d D0 ethw 7 m o'n,'rTfJr,.l rr-i.dtTii la.tructtd. io tba principle, of the becaau accrtaia old toUet.ao, aam. Several tngroiou. and patriotic in- .- u .;:.Vj ,k- ... f u. fl!TiT Chriatian religion, vhichV received ! Ceorgt theltird, had reigned ex. d'mdu.l. .n lhe Uaited State, fc.ve, 'tnXlUti 9 vrtl.tt.cplei.urW.wlWaetmtW UMr-.aAA V !kli u.' , n Sa tlrnVVJI. ae new. riautie. in the plan of the d Ti --- them.Vea in og. d'to .3 ...cili l P ,T5lrncieTrer'r wIiuITbTm lTrwaTK t --.IIIRWa Koran, for he'h been .erve th. memory of an event oot half of perna driwj , ak fof dmwtt3 reartdand in.truded in the M.Vome. .0 Importaot a. the above init. con- f"'1 neulr 40 ve.r,.The ag. cf'fabi. tobcMtii dan religionand it wu found that the eIoe"" mankind. y mer.toriou. attempt. hVe faded, hore WM De (..ct, know bgt J i i wmm criurm ne warn Luuiiucriuiv mors ...... .r i --.i t. IUIC Ul IUUITCTIIV. IUBT. irciUBUB. ua who oiuirom nil uuor io me DO nlan anneara ao likely to auccced aa I . . . . ' . '.i i I ... i icouDirr. wnicn mini nave oecn lar in i j... . .r . i. . .. ' tadicu dcxi to inc adiiuai a nave iui . . r Mr' l t "tnoun. 01 i4,uwpouooaixer- the lollowioif : j u j rf wr Ith, .ntenor of Arnc.-perhap. Tom- rbout J0000 j,-, h hJ . dcKribed .rrM. ouc.ioo. or ne.gruwrncHK,. ai miUn lb. wbjett debate Jn pwlia- andjn a .aJubriou. and advanugcou. mWjJ, - j eventa, hia lotercourae with the Arab. c.. Af tW i,..,.. u " T ' " . "jwi ToaniTcnr. 1..4 ...Uaj 1.1.. . ment. Iome of thoe interested 10 Htuation. in ooe of the weetern atatei. 4 l-tX-r;" we diacuiaion, thought the tailor did vi, the vi'cioitr of Cincidoatl. Ohfa ' " :m T TT7 . . J :. . imtir UECUJgc wun xnr raw ptjiw Afnr kU ,1ili.. ; tk. r 1 v. " " l e. I 108 iown oi v-arvfiu rifmouui armour, A A B .Al'B I uao. on urncn to eiiaou.n a case. Some of the Afnc.Qi pretend lbe -A Liverpool paper ha. the tZ , to .ay he wa. what they call a -frn r0ilnr:Dr rDlirTirri on tveF,UieCt i z?Ji?f. .....v. Z'' fo Irtwinm-r-n rrm lk mrihirl I . ... r. . .L. .V. ...I flmv to the kiM',fev -Kirh n.V bm. :---0r -VTTr-mpioy ior i.ic .pu.c w. n. .u j , .. ... . learned man, Tvclva thouautd poondi to. ma For vatacoatfor cot And for brrtcb-. 1 liul jroa kid cut ooe tenth-pin vt tlut turn on your Acad, Ttmr blglmtrnhMimiSe bttvr ixcLf: good nrits. From the rulea and regulatioai for tiJor! Abjture and manufACture of caitor oil, county, Masiachuieiti hai thxce inee." ting huuici in good repair, and do MioWterno Clienti, and to Uwyer np Lloctor, and but one pauper. a weet oU, auperior tobacco, ilk, opium 7o. T.. LI" VrE elae may be deemed worthy of their Eiq. one well to live, psva the higheit . ..... mWIIll.ll IIKII1ULI mCi D.Uaalu umi.k attention, ror ia purpoae, it til.'.,. .17... ..t.I klelmo.t-advWiW:fora aharoa of 8 100 T 8 . !,,c""'! nw T 5 ill be I r,vc'"ci eiuicr in religion urjair( company .with atock in each. Further information ft. la B.ava. fm aaaau. .. I a ... V i T. " t I icrapi M writing from fin pen. were Miry, m iwuwr, umj -jab aaj m "' ' .1, i.,,. t. flt ibAa w iuM. IDing DCCeiiarV ior III COniummillOD An . k. Ji.I . .nt r.n .k. nexti. ... moatly paaiacia from the Koran. Ill yt.. Auk0t Yft,k k,, k,- ?k. r.L.:.' r... ki.k u10 0 hen he died, and, on tha And W... r,rimmiof D.-4.I-.A fount, teem, th.t he waa a arince in hi. own .. i 1 VI S , 77 . -T r. " . uu In' I; VA T llf At I atUilAi. kaA trLl.tf Ik. I k . I I u WW M ' IJL Wife) W a t Mm J 21 day ef OdoUr nctt. It will M ipetel tht eommanJants iAemt lU b rrtrrJ to wt IM AA tttf dl f Itxir arf rI revjr'mr. By Aar or (Im Drradr (i rl. "WASmMVtOai TKltaV JUhCt: r Ultm Ware. . fTK Uttiirclat, Cblna Merchant, Country - -X atonkrejien, ami dcA.rt Ia Ciaa -v 2o,iMo rron Apoihecrif ' VlaJa j iSffuodentooJ, a prie.t or ooo do. F.ten,t Medicine tlo. j looo do- wh6 offer. j up prayers for the kirjg of Colore w.tef bottle. rl3oo do. Mult.rd hU ad wa, of bl bou,ehid. u.'PJT V t t T "J Jportment .h.w.d him bottM.t 3ooodo. nalfcAjlon do.; Sooo . . 7 -r . l m-. -hioo do. La. Fareite and EiRle do. do. v -" 3ooo do. Dyoit and Franklin do. do. ; fuoo po1' In hia penon he ia well formed, dA.Slip Frahklin and Atricul. do, i idoo of a middle lize, imall handi and do. etaorted Eagle, tec. do. i looo do. I feet, and erect in hia deportment, the government of puhliek achoola, common ribbed do. j 4ooo do.. Eagle j Hia complexion and hair a. well aaj we extract the following, aa advantage i-4rnucopu,ate.ha.lpmU4Joooo. jri. the form of the head, are distinctly of ou.Iy applicable to all achoola, and aa aasorted, all atcca i 5ooo do. drwggiiti the African character. Some veara conveying uacful hinti to parenti and ind eonrecaoner., .how bottle. ; 5 ooo do, incft he united bimif t0 the prc, ,1,,,!. Philadelphia paper togtf it. packing bottle., a.iort. at ae; byterian cbufch in Fiyetteville, of 3rd. Parent, or guardian. ahaU not WdoTtin wMchontin anrde.nd at anytime, or oa "yoaasnter, WdaCWeral water bottie. t 6ooo do! wpt able - member.- - A gentleman fere with : the - got emment of the inuff bottle. : 5oeo do. demijohn., differ- hl 8,ron5 for the good .chool. ent aite a. Iprince .Wore, a. e i called, aent to I 4th. J bey ahall not detain the chil- wiiiravtvofoihefr.ti.Wra.no Br"h BibIe Society, and procor- dren at home on. any frivoloui enjoy- n namiractumt t the I'hilailelphla and Ken-jedlor him an Arabic liible j bo that ment, bat ahaU be particular in .ending inetnlt CIMracori".n(linnUnIitTmlOrk.k. nmr r Vn .rrinHr in kia n.. thrm tn irhnnl t the stated hour. ' , Fwuieby T. xv. DY0TT, oau.e. gooa to come out ot evil, oy eo, ans aa cviccnuy. apparcucu a. ineir ,TMif8tmda4BMe.jhiteMpMa. making him a alave. Ilia good mas- circum.tancei will permit. ,t?S r 4 rtte vial blower will meet ter offered to lend him to hia native 5th.' It ia recommended, that par- lSiSS Und,hiahomeandhisfnend..buthe enta and guardiaoa co-operate with .iiurA s-yi;iHN6',th1a ia:my home. ;and the teichen, ly atrict;atteptipn tP the adrertwe for T. W. Dvott bv tlie vcar. will Ki re arc hr.tr frlendi. and here it mv moral, and behaviour of the children Bible i I "enjoy "all-1 -want- in thiilwhile at home, to keep them at ail i i it i i i j . . I.: r ....:.! 5...:.k '.A. JiSvat "jsi iifcxTliong deCOa j tive land, the fortune of war might iy or wicked xompany ia the atreeta, eacn. runner iniurnmwii i I ihere domioatei it ii the temperata given by applying at the office of the L f . we j PJ . h Saturday Evening Peat. Lkr..Vkr. ' Fhilad. ts rott. K7 1 m When the once celebrated Dr.Sheb. hcare waa pillorted for a libel, a little ashamed of hii elevation, he hired an J .VTA wM A a .a I luoscriDef Davmi tprof-UiA last, will vinf qualified u esccu-traD8p0rt. me to a . 'country where I ior otherwise j and, especially to exet pm and quarter lemions for tho tnid county, III Die.sing, tnai oi woranipping xnc tcioua nauua oi swearing, u "fid OH the third Ifnn.Uv nf Mnv.tnk.n l.at l m.. .a.1 li..in. fir A mn4 k!a mnn Tiia I ntVirr vira .nrl tmmnralitieS I And en. . . . : ........... v. a.v.v.a.v. ' i ii ui. a nil iiiiuie w VJ . aiiau .... wa... iv...w. " . ...v. . . ...i....-.,- ,.,...,.,..;.. .,- W ... . . ufice it hereby PKP iA4 - ki. a.11 t.a.(HM.-.a'kt.iiil ' " ' -A - I ...... . m. . , .... . A ' iUmaa:2.-r . . thitiat, whom to worahip and aervf.ia uieaTour mo act netore tnem examples lor payment, witb n the time pre-ler iwunn sy-'- i - "lehfth?ni Kribed by law ft. 24. 1824. JAMES I.LONG, rV. .41 The Philadelphia Recorder layr: I ctilcate-bicnce-a6k.kteilth.ers. " We can' vouch for the truth of this and a due reapect to their superiors in Inrlirrmpnfa article, as we were welt acquainted age. frequently to read .to them in for a!t and baifeiy, for sale at tlus pflice. with prince Mofo, and have had iev- the HoJ Scriptures i to go with qr 0JJ HORSE. Ta the Editor of the Annals of tporfinj. I.wdiaU Ctttort, July ith, 1673. On Toeaday. the J 1th of June, in I Irish- chairman to hold an umbrella company with Mri Charles Town, the lover hi. bead during the painful printer, and Mr. Lucas, veterinary I oeremany, and for this service the surexon. both of Liverpool, I visited I Doctor rewarded him with a guinea. Latchford-lock, about a-mile distant Next day the chairman called upon, from Warrington, for the aole purpose I him, and hoped hia honor was well of seeing a horse which has actually J began to bum land ba las nine haxi attained the lurprising ag of W years, 1 more to say. The Doctor auspeciirg beincr now in his 64th. The horse his drift, said, " My friend, what do belongs to the Mersey and Irwell j you want i I thought I paid you yei Navieatbn Company i and, from the I terday very handsomely." " To be , politeness 6f one of the proprieton,V, sure now," said pat, and so you Earl. Esq. I had an opportunity, not! did ibr the trouble i but. plaae your only of examiningthia extraordinary honaf consldeMhe diiraci animal; but of learning the following particulars relative to him ; He wa. Well," aaid Mr. Secretary Goul- bred by Mr." Edward' RobtiubnV off bunt to a laborer who wi. repair- - Willgrave farm, in Wools ton, a short ( ing some fences near Dublin Oastte, cUauncfr :iromWaN t" hat do you propow to ask of Mrr ' - the ag 6t 50, be manuested an ex- suppression oi pigeons, pi raonus, ana tremely vicioua i disposition,' not only of parsons' was the reply. "Why to human beings, but to doga or any really this ia a strange mode of classing, cither animals that happened to "oppose then.." " Nay yourhonor it is clear: his. pfoesil, or rtafld in hirwajrj and -thefirst-Je-vour aJn-tlMed.theu. .... this waa particularly shown" when, at second ia the blade, th third in the, the dinner Irour or ether periods', a faheaf." ' ,

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