' ... An V.H-auI Vmu UUi '' I to t M fcW4 .' -rt il I . t.4f I to 4, Mf (IO WlMSM ?r. ! J4 l t a-aM-.tAe -. I Hittu tM4. x. c at r. Uff k $, W. M wW IM M4 W JtoHW U C. e4.f to e a fM4 m ewU'td asta, H -to4 to ' hM ! ft MM W M m! f I )- fWat4 HMI torWT mJJ M vAM. a af ed rAt4 m- as . . Bcaiapabio loo7V HIT p.. " J ajsMfa 'urn tWj M MM M a44 a MM BVf. TVff rrtaa IMte mmm eiee lUnke la tk a-Ata V LW' at" im VMMf, e4 4 m esety nM to TWm WUM to the fVwv , J e4 Im MAl to UU i. W. II.. ft M'lrf4 I UvU tojjnts v to iw fc4 r. evM. 4 ,u entota see sWms to e m lk a im towf , k to haped tortJtot a SU4 ti M MMrfT. 0ARRmcr.il ii lunttro. . Cmt4 AVat. cU. 1 mat f .J 41 J-. UtW'i ,r,4 to 4 mMrii ! 04 to Um ; V lilMitlUH Jto) W! fi J--ra4 to wi- Ml AiWf . U fMn M tofa tMUUI fi4 - I Urrti0mJU J Ifrtf a a7 at. .ftl III rtitfil ! tJtoji. - r i " K KfWr w ha i Mti h U4M4 r.MAW ufM, wt-mn7 j5,rririiri?npU4 f.l tf.i tJu,' 'a irnl Hi4 Cf&4 Ion toMi M tM J'' Ii Wttttttl . . . . i . t mimaU kat m m UtofB7 " tJ(4-4H mj4tti4.rtrr h- ft UIM an to rf rwwa""" 1 Iw La IMlrttfV. itWf ha ImI lW B14nf 4 Mbrt Mm UU rnufuf. and Vh or iMwi il k llawM trnaat. Rf. aJ lmtU aWck amMiaHr to to" tatca iy kfiJ rt, a-Uaiukjf ii ia 1m Uali la C(f, lMa k W Mj tSa Wtoto Umi lrrt, aJ lhef Mari ui to tf fl a'Wr tft tO JuW"f tto- ar. t1ttai :i.U IM t,i f ftJn. An iha niu'iAJcr U 7 Kfrr, 77 ia uo.!xt. Vmb vlu tvoiiul frff ia atoW arka 0 aJ at , t i, k1 thfa )f rmil, ft ia dtm4 ww. U m Iw ilf ""b ifca Mwfty or i-nmiUtH, a U. iHKtifTa ilJ a Mi to a a uuum wtj vvj. w M Yot ftnUi. V CmM tail lt Ii loa tf f i!Ibinr. crpMt H, M aw II. (laurWr'a Ijvim 4 cwriutuaatt ta buuw Utva Monet nixa. n I- uf if place ia iba tof r ocy, wJ lo la t( upprr : ika hooa it UrfS and cnrenie, ahb a kiitUtn, tmoke-bouM-, corniuax, n 1 aiih ta cuclknt rafiUn and Lit k lot, all in pio.1 r. pair. I aUI 0o4 cf tLa ite on lte nxj avoauBod.UA( Ura U l f ptlii-rf, aa I am dctcnaiocd to rtaw I1 1 ? couninr tit (all. ULLUUK MILLZH. Jt. H I tt.j-Kut I itvr '.r ht taj ' pj , iU 'l: int. ":. "'j '.'t lurount or odirraiais il do aa a Uvor by Ca2mg ami aeilifftr ibeif account, O. M. A (iral itiict of litinA run inn THR pjbTil)r offer for aalr that vahiaMe tract of i.tViJ coqimonfly caJIH the lsfrr frvtl, lying; in Vok dwtrict, Fa ith-Caroli' r.K onthe Catawaa Riftr. and containing about one tbouanttd and uxty acres. Itka cjuality n hfi aiutatiua d Uai n vtrnnt the tub. arr.bei in recnnimciKlirtr it to attention of that fintf 1 and he request all thwe who aUU to vcit fuo in that kind of pronrrtj, to eranoaa it - A feather dfriptipn q dcrnH i:iniiece-i7.""Te,rtitt -maybe know aj4U cat'on'tn he.- anUcriben lining new Centre WecUnz-boupc, lrdaUcountv, N. C . . A. J. RKl!.; iTatrW lki5. 3mthg FT! HE aubacribrr havir.r qiialilirdaa rxecu X tor of the lat will of Alexander Lon(r latftiCRawaa.eauntr decU at the court picas and qqarter sessions (or tba mil iiWy, kkt M tba third toaday of .'avMbr bat- notice ia hereby iriTen, that an perao havine; dctnands ijraimt the said estate, are mjuirra 10 preaent them for payment, witliin the time pre acribedby law. JAMES 1. LONG, r'r. lift. 24. 1H24. 41 . a Ot ltUtT RRMAIM.HO Va rka Fast Ui -Vyr, Kartb tarsfcM, OrtaUr Ua I at K3. Ma A4mj tTdlaktp AWta4a Jaa f. towaa ia MiM,f ioba kj'Wt WtTtaai Ihwa rSaJHaatef tofeSMB t'tK feitfUamajef )Jm firaal Jab EnaAt R, f. Iran CbiMQfWf Bcsttr TtlaMS) BUdaa ValaWiM BcdWsjaa. Jo. CrM Ri(. Cbwft Was. Caaniagliasa jMt Crftow Wat H. thtfteJsa, 3 JacobCon Jaba CawtM Wat, II. Cia firfa Cladfkktr HOVaif. Ca llanr CawpUfl fceajMwa CoaU , Henry Can. Jia ttarls Oo. W. Doby 0. CDodM. Jaaies Etlta Winiafft f.Biott ara! C. r-l "!-. Archilahl fin rrmbc'h Tot fritr Toier llranr Fruer. Mr. (.luck Francis GiHwtft, 9 llrnrr llitcjch, 3 Alrt. lien lrM 1 f lU. lUnU I HkU.I IliW-'-rh. 3 AWho-iT ItatcH- MUUia Hughes Mkbxd llanes Ijiwrtnce lluilion Oorjft Harris Wade Hill Ruth llarrt? IkiMflLM jMrnb IJirW lUbUlAba JJm Uadaty Uacrattorto 1 Joarob U brw 1 jou ua Hav lcky MKt lister. Job M0 BrL MsiwtS W?IU Koara 3 JdlHi MVufWak Kabt. Mllaairl. 3 Ua t. C UaaJd. Wilie .fdiluck btr. 5.'.a Nohm Ovtea,; s4ls f race Juba trtrr Jtmt PbilCpa Abnat rrpetner ikt rsitrraca Jlcar K. fattarsoa . fbeneitrr fki Tsmhi foacl Joia R. Foacr Ibos. rhrlpa. ,ttis. II. HobeHt' " mm I Mialdar Ceorya Kurty Jmrt RoabinJ. Dsrid W. rWers Jiw II. Iiiu.lh Abraii mitb M ilLim nith A let. Mtphtiia Z hurisb Kamuel Ihttid Staaarl -.Jarr IkiouooM . . . ' ml. W. fhthoa iha atrtwaatHMflt ti Mr. Xafc t 6iH Ut " U rwa 19 fit'M Pkt, U cUbfaU ta itckt oa )U litwJ, tni fif ktsff wi ttu4 ( Ibt 0f4 Puft4rtl el Is rl, sai f amftftwiw Ra4l tail M &". r4 Ibal fTtUM ftaffabar al Usti ccmIJ rvc4 1 jxocorcd In U i kl b44 W IM lJ-b4 K ,' drin.i f VmvJ3 ik trBo-f tjd the ftlcbltla) tool fJC!-iJr Hi Ibil iUstikUh kotk Utert stUf n4 1 PfttUit. At tfsol stayi ! Irc4 h from of tka Cmrt Hwk, from ib urraca fsdof tM UU. Ai 10 a'cktk, lU toswk sa4 niUtarj com p,Mct iminU fai fr U iu m: i tod at II, tU Ko ol mswsj wi (otit-cl 0 ftl.lnf "Ttlb-tWcl4sjt-ll-t irooM MsMil lU rifkl tad la ft i aad the .a . a ptbcenka court IM wuss, iae b.nd pu;InH grind narcb from Jvdu Msccsbeot. Tbw full le4 orfsa com merKed k laetCflg boUtt ptrtoming i Juh.htn f On iha ennmunkxi LaLia inKrtptloa), la Kebrt Mllcir, Ol'srael, Ibt tori U tif Cod. The Ued u!aat.M Arrtrat. U lltbrtw rrrurt, (ourHd by Mordaul HastRtl n abtlsi tlx B4otbof.lli1f IJI5tofrtf pondlng hlj SepternSer, 1 1) J, u4 h ... a f a m (a XXav tcac m AowrKkQ ipoepcoo On the etcrc, Isr the Iler cup, vhk aloe, corn rd oil. i 1 ha ccrrmortlet ccmmcnced bf tht roominr servKa read empkaiLcsLly by tbc Ilr. Mr. 5irJ. of the Episcopal Inure Hefore Jf fotsh't awful Tbrooar sort bj the rhoir to (b tuoe of Old Hun dred. Mornin prjyerv First ktsoo, frt.m Jertinib.iJlsl. - SecoriA lessor, Kt. Clslr, Hvra tichirsn and Sgperior, Henimmm llamson HilLm Ikivllv. UillUm II. Jones . recn II. Jordoa. J oh a Ke.ler 3t90 - Jscpb Rsaer. Brnj. Tcnnison Fred'k. 1 homnaoa K.ryAan Verble. " Jacob W raver llrnnr Mintera llcir .f I-n. Wsroncr Jl.n L. WaUU M-i!Ua-n West BoU-rt V ilkirsorf snh AttMnack SAU'L, KCfcVLS, F. M. r. . . Op.gOUl II CAkuMW. . TKC LECTtKr.5 of bia htution w JL be . .i ... . x T-wmrn on lneaccoaa atoouay u vovtC bcr next, a. toOoasi . . On .InufmyBy John wards IloHrookv H. U. .Varrr--Jme Kamtty, U. D. Inititutrt u'nd I'ruttict frdrrine Samuel Henry 1Hckion, M. D. Mattri .UnlUa Henry R. JTrort, M. V. ftttlttrin and IMtnurt f Himni and Jnfitnti . Chtmittrji and Pkanmrih Ktlmu fwI RarenetL M. I). Vafarw Oi$itry and Bttauf Stephen Elliott, LL. U. S. HfcNRY DICKSON, M. D. Jmpm 37. t8.1 Van sMe faculty. State ot VoTt-C&ToUna, eAtJtMVs eounrr. tlOCRTol Mesa and Quarter Session, July Av tcm,l&U: Henry Shorewlminwtrstor of Xhsaueth Shore, ft. 1 he heirs ot James ITf, dee'd. t Petition for te-jro?ate of will. It ap pearinfr to the aati(action of the Court, (hat James Love and t'.li Howell and Nancy his wife, heir at law of the laid James Love, dec d. are not iiihub t'li'its of this rtste. Ordered, therefore, that jmblWtion be iwuic three months m the ivettern CarcJiniwl. eivin? notice to the said James l.nve anil Kii Hourli and Nancv his wife. to appear at our next Court -t I'll i aUif Qilflrr ter Sessions to be hslrl for the county of Cabar riiK at the courtJioiiSc in Cowciurd, on the 3rd 'Monday of October next, then, and there 19 an swer. or slcad to the charires set forth in the pe tition, or the prayer of the petitioner will be heard ex psrU aa to them, ain) judgment will be renderext accoruinriy, -jmuu . . Witness, DMCL C 0LM.LW.c. ex. Prfc adv. S4. - Stale of XbTttvCaYolhia tiUUKi oi i iejuanu quarter ocaataiu, aur, tariivlV'WillltfmfllnwBfliTir.Ts; W tU liiilti Faire r OrlpnaV attac'mefifeAored bjid on 100 acres of larxl. In this case, it is ordered by the court, that publication be made for three months in the H eatern Carohnian, that unlens . 1 1 r 1 . . .1 ..... . t - JLUC.UCTIVIIUAIIl MJJVI IW HfV uvm vnui VI and quarter sessions to be held for the county of Jretlell, at the court-house in StattsviUe, on the third K6n8oy in November net, rplevy-4h .property levied on, and. plrsd, the'plaintiH" will e heard ex parte and have judgment rendered in fc'w fsVor pro confesso. .Test; It. SIMONTO.N, Clk. Price adv. g4. , CwtS9 . ' ' VaTiii Iot 8ae. THE subscriber oflers his Farm for sale. It lies four miles west of Concord, on the road leading from Concord to Charlotte, and on the waters of Coddle Creek 1 contains 150 sere of land, with aNth neeaenar? boikbirfrs appertain' ing to a farm, ConfUting of a dwelling, out-bou. set, le. all in good repair. For further partic. ulars, inquire of the wbscriber, on the premises. JOSMH W. WEDMAXiTOX. -August 8, 1925. 2mt83 , YauaHe"sN"tgToe iljORjaleqrtiior Fifty likely XEGROES, l of the follow nig Jescnptioh 1 men, wome n. and some few childin 1 young fellowp, boys and giria. r or icrma, appiy ai mm onice. .H- AlL , aaff t PeallM (of lb SWCa- ton r Ms h lw,in& paalm In yerse. Coramunioo banlce Ftolro in flebrt Bntdlctloi.:: Mr. Noah then rose and pronouoced dtKouratt or rather dclfsercd speech, snnoone ing Iht reorganization of the Jew tsh rnrernnent, and roing through a dc tail of many poind of intenaa interest, to which a crowded auditory listened with profound attention. On the conclusion of the ceremonies, the procession returned to the Ledger and the 'Masonic-brethren end the military repaired to tba . Eagle TiTcrD, and. partook of refreshments. Th chorea-was filled- with ladies, and the whole ceremony was Impreuira and unique. X grand salute of 34 tuna was Bred by the artillery, and the band played a number of patriotic sirs. We lesrn that a vast concourse assent bled at Toowanda, expecting the cere monies would he at Grand Isle. Many of them, cams trp.iocamgeSvia iuoo to near the Hiaogaral speech. - Tba follow intr is the proclamation, which will be read with ereat attention and interest. A finer day, and more general satisfaction, has not been known on an similar occa sion. PROCLAMATION TO THE JEWS. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty Gdt to manifest to his chosen people the approach ot tint period when-, in' fulfil ment of the promises made to the rice of Jicqa, and as a reward for their pious constancy and triumphsnt fidelity, they are to be gathered from the four quarters of the globe, and to resume their rank and character among the governments of the earth. Atd whereas, the peace which now prevails among civflTzed- prevaiis among civtiized na tions, .the progress of learning through out the world, and the general spirit of l?tT Sale, OT llent. gether with other changes, favorable to r iue aunscriner wisnes to at n or xent that I Mgnt ana je liberty, mark in an . especial i tract of laml I with its impMVementi, en the I manner 1 he approach of that time when " peace or) earth and good will- to man'' afe ! ire vailxrhlif a tJenlgn and eendd influence, and the ancient people of God, the r first t proclaim: his unity .and oni. Wpience, are tq be restored to their in- l- j .1 T . e Rcruancetnu-cnjoy ine nenisoi a sover- cign, lauepanucni peopjei nereiore, 1, Mokoecai Mavvel Noah, a Citizen of the United States of America, late Corr sal of the said States for the city and kingdom of Tunis, High Sheriff of New YojkCcnsellorat Law, and by the grace of God Gove rnor and lodge of Is- raelf have issued this proclamation ; Announcing to the Jews throughout the worldthat n asylum is prepared and 1 huh Lit Una 1 t?.iM. U' LiJnaa ar4 r-..!irtirs'-.f.l if fa mi aa an!a L a frse 4--1 lavNtyi a. i ftAtum is m tA fsXctsns ihKH '" w Centra rssnsfkaUe M k tstl Mortis Ike rkkMss H U sw. M I" aw ; as ks tUawaie i wMe UdsX'F l igsd, 4 scat We ptecaatoi, sM rl liik fa.Sfl-A lsn4 J taltk M kafi" -Ufa laml assf far I l4Ut,mtt alatt.Ueeftd it Im."4 kre s ptpU raiv a fsstiOarisa lktatol wlik lbs acirsK af gvaamrtt sl tbe liks at snrr g ni iltllaato M mf qusEf lMts3 Ut tktf gtwae a4 Ual isi laevitoa) te Ibatr acxWbf ksrbt, wbkk Ike tlmai M pwwitfwny UJUaia- Tto astteaa Nfarrtd to U U ike Ul wTK"sTTir kTlrrrAtf trvrrU tbt AsMiUaa coaUdfrKf. NtTarUcea tabs 4MU suart ralks, afitUd tsie kftt Ire eeuntiss, and latlaf Hi mhi aai slriiv Mita toel tawna sod cltks, coatsiaior aoe wiiik Irakvtvdrad ta-cM and IflhaUmrt , log tiker wttk all mU&m acftltf lM,lrarrttrcririlllast'VMere and ata torterta, U trade and coeaaaerce wbkk tnerude a nlte af tkree boa-- drrd ml.Uaotado1 srs af issalie patx Ir. Uh trvavirtdaad Cfly tbvauad tavill its, erased and equipped a conuliMtio tossadad a post aa e'ihiy of rtghiif aav ing e test walks and recofniting isw ra il (tout drstiactioes, aH Msa Ihouaand free Kbaola and ccdlrps, afwrdiag Ike kUsalnrs of education la leer hundred ibowisad ckUdren of every rt tigWas de- tKMnUailoA. Sock U tkl rrtst Sod Isr crtsslng State to which the eaalgraik of tbw rwa to dfftad. - . - . . The desired spwi la Ike etste ad Nw Vork.tu wblck I hereby Invite say belov ed pafla IkraQl lh world, la tww mm with tbosa of every veltgsows bamlnadon, is called GaaIitAao,sftd Oft whkh I shall lay the fowndstlofi of a Orr el fttfnjn iw be called AS AatAT. - Grand Island U the Niagara river, It bounded by Ontario aa the north, and Erie n the south, and within a f w miles of each M those great carnrasrtUl Iakis- TOs hland is nearly jwtlva tails s la tonrtb. and van log from thrti ta aerra oulct ia breadth, and cootsios upwards af seventeen thousand acres af rtomkabty rich snd fertile land. Lake F.rie is about two hundred and seventy miles in length, snd borders on the state of New York, Pcontvlvsnia and Ohloi sad wettwardly by the posse salons of our friends endJ neighbors, the umitn sunjects 01 upper Canada. This splendid lake varies Itself or means of os'vlgable rivers, wkk lakes of Mean tbrwa thousand miles snd by short canals, those vest sheets of water will b coav nected wltrVthe Illinois snd Misaisslppl rivers, thereby establishing a great and valuable internal trade to bew Orleans snd the Gulf of Mexico. Lake Ontario to the north, ia one hundred and ninety miles in length 1 and empties Into the St. Lawrence, which psssing tbroogb the province of Lower Canada carries the commerce of Quebec snd Montreal to the Atlantic Otesn. 7 Thus fonlfied 10 the right and left by the extensive commercial resources of the great lakes and their tributary ft reams within7 lour mlTti of the tubtlme Alt of Niagara, alTording the greatest water power m. toe wotia. jarmanuiactunng purposesr directly opposite the mouth of the grand canst of three hundred and sixty miles Inland navigation, to the Hud son river, and city of New . York, having the fur trade of Upper Canada lo the war, Knd alia of the great territories to wards the Rocky mountains snd the Pa clfic Ocesnt-likewise the trade of the western states t f America, Crsnd Island may be contldered as surrounded by every commercial, manufacturing and agricultural advantage ; from its location is pre-eminently calculated to become in time the greatest trading and commerci al depot in the new snd better world. To men of worth and industry it ha every substantial attrsction t the capif slist will be enabled to employ bis resources with undoubted profit, and the merchant can not fail to reap the reward of enterprise in a great and growing republic - but to the industrious mechanic, manufacturer and agriculturist," it fields forth crest snd lmpfovingsdvam5te7 svwith west side of the Ysdkin River at Beard's Bridge... There are about 500 acrei LRtbe. trad.: only abmrt 60 or 70 cleared. 1 here are on it a Jarire and'commodious cwel fing house and the eustomanr ut houses. . " a tn.e pnggf,... r-a a . a - r : - ine jtouse is quite new, navinr oern built on- eing designed lor a Jy a few years airu, ' house of entrtainment is well adapted to that purpose, both from its location and plan 1 The situntiou ia remarkably pleanant, and convenient to Salisbury and Lexington, being 6 miles front the former, and It miles fr6m the latter, place. tor iunncr particulars, apply 10 , 1 " . V1.AIIU, f 1. ' Stilitbttri, July 15, 1825. 67 "Eutxy takets' Warrants, . - for aajc at tiiis Office; Deprived as our people bsve been for centuries of a right in the soil, they will learn with peculiar satisfaction, that here they can till the land, reap the harvest, and raise the flocks which are untitles- tionablel their. own knd In the furl and unmolested enjoyment eT'their religious rights, and f everj ril immunityr -to gether. with peace and plenty, they csn lift, up their voice in gratitudejo blm, who sustained our fathers in the. wilder- neis, and brought Of irr triomph wit of the )aud of Egypt ;. who sstigned to us the safe keeping of his oracles, who pro claimed ul his people, and who has ever walked before us, M like a cloud by day and pillar of fire by night." "'" In his name do I revive, renew and re establish llcrtrmetfibeewhlr' nation,' under the auspicies and protec tion of the constitution and laws of the United Sutci of America ; confirming t.:-s. - s 1 1 k , t r. I tr, an.' t t- s if tie sink (( ikl a tu 4 S' 1 ws'a ' .- '.ii4 t Ik ,1lfar7.f t af ike J'tt I ksfs'-y ) Ja M S,- s3 t l 1 sa vt arUe fs'X'.i, wt fsissis s-I i. dra af i air,tps, ttltfs af c!:j;n, sal bftlrs U m'MiUf itrsiUt iL eU, la ilt'Ji sM aniki kae tile ray reimstM, sd la gltl U fwll Utisy, (rsdsase, sad iffsew ll is ear 13 M tees4 U Ikf ie lUwgiy lU worli U llkfRi lMft tares of leraaat, icfftber wMb tkeir a(e and ttufi', be rvgMffl la tie ar tkisae ai tha f iMtivti ay iff aMWaUaand M) WMsilf dlslgai'Itig rt lU Jsnlfu!rf mk bse U v4 at dis uaguiskad to) iLaWM ana, U ackncti ee iw lawwUdge. -, Tbose af ear peat'e wbe frarn tt, S ea4 asi tsnsaly (fas aay aksa ttaas. pffler rimsJfving la ibt aevtral parts af ika vwrW wkkb they wow rsipvtUnlr tokeUi, and b4 are trttttd kk LUitli- tf bf ike puUie wtkeiiUs sr pervahtad ta fre so, aa4 are sipecU!! r scar aw a 44 toj be fshkfel t the twveraeMats wbklk protift I bens. Ii Is bw4ver, . peeled, ikat tWf wit aid tod eacownrw the taalgraiWa of ikerocagiM ewaf priaiag, aad endesvaf la send te ikl covntry, stxk w U wl4 adj U wur Rarkav si acength aad aksracttr if Ikelladui try beoer aad patriotltaa. Tae Jews wke are la the tarnurf mployment of ike diffcreM aovrrtlgas af Europe, ire r a Joined to krrn U twlr ranks until further orders, and conduct Ibemselvti with Usvery and IJefiiy. I caaasaad that o strkt nettttaliiy be observed In Ike pending war belaeea Ike Greeks and tie Turks, eajoWd bf sUerstlnn af safety towards a oumcroui . population of Ut wow under the op prestlve domlntow af sbo Ouaaftsa TeMte, The anausl gifts which vx many era turtws bavt been afforded to cur piout Urtkcrw la our Holy Cby af icrusalem, 19 which may God Speedily restore trt, art to coatlaue otib unabated liUrsthyi our seasinariel of learning and inatita 0wnf of charity la every part of ibo world, rt to be Increased, la order that wisdom and virtue nuy permsoently prevad aaaoof Ike ckoaea people , . I abollsb farevcr Polygamy smoor the Jawa, wkkk akbout rtligious wirrtv Mill exists to Asia and Ah lcv I prohibit marrUgcs, or giving AVtfavaiat, without both panics aro of a suliable sge and caa read and write the langnige of the coo ry wkkk they respectively inhabit, and which I trust will ensure, to their off spring, the bisssinge of education, aad probably the lights of stlence. Prayers .akall forever be said la tba IcWwatwaga,btU k ia recaraanended thai accsJooal disc 00 rut eo the prind pies of ibt Jewish faith, and the doctrines of Molality generally, bo delivered In tba language of the ceaatry, together with sock forms which without departing from the ancient faith may add greater sale ra wly to cwr worship. a be Caraite and Samaritan Jews, to gether ith the black Jews of India snd Aft if s, and fikowlae those In Cocbia China, and the sect on the costt of M sis bar, are entitled to aa equality of rights nd religious privileges, as tre all who may partake of the great ceveuanti nj obey and respect the Meselcal Liws. The Indians of Ike Aaaerksa C00U- nent In their admitted Aiialk origin, ia their worship of one Uod, In their dUIact nd Isnguage, In their sacrifices, mtrti ages, divarces, burials, feelings, purines tioni, punishments, cities of refuge, divi sien of tribes, in their High Priest, snd in their wars and in their victories, being in all DroWtilit Ahaescendajus f the lost tribes of Israel, which were carried op- live bv the Kinir of Assrris, measures will be adopted to make them sensible of their orisin, to cultivste their minds soften their condition and finally re-unite tbem with theirbmherothechosen people ' A capitation tax of three sheckels in silver per annum, or one Spanish dollar, is hereby levied upon each Jew trirougo out the .world, 4o bo coUected.&r Treasurers of the different congregations, for the purpose of defraying the various expenaesof re-organisinthe government, of aiding emigrants in the purchase of agricultural. initromenth....Pwiding Jr their immediate want! and comforts ana assisting their families in rosklng their firat aetuemanisaogether with such tree- will ofertnes as mar be generously maie in the furtherance of the laudable objects connected with the restoration of tno people and roe glory of the Jewish Ra tion. A Judee of Israel shall be chosen once i every Tour years by 'he Consisto rr at Paris, at which time Proxies from every cemgregatwn shsilne rMe,i.ieo e ..-- ?.ia vata 1 da hereby. name as commi"""""'' th mna lrat anrl nlmia AhrahalB 0' ColoensrKniirht of hiltwCWC.L I.ftmhiVt: flraftd Rahht nf the JeWt Still VAZr?i1Z?n&X'fat Paris at a wavsy saw wo wviisew - - f likewise the Grand Rabbi Andrade oi Bordeaux, arid also our eaUmabie Grn Rabbis of the-German and wm Jews, in London Rabbis Herscheji ant Mendoza, togethef with the honorabu Aaron NuneaXlatdozo ,jof SibraJtartA ham Birsaac, Esq. of Leghorn, BcnjamW GradU of Bordeaux, Dr. E. Gsnt"(l Professor Zantz of Berlin, AM v

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