t V.. M If" ' T 4 U d '-?) III,' ar mi aye (' U4 . ... r Ul " aa M k f ( Jt.4-4 Mil- a.A I, Ufi44 fcJ rVM4 M m U ai CajVa." KiaWoaf ,ti arvb 4 1X4 l-4 4 lfW 1 akMt lat iafwf Mao- ta V a tUa H Til fU. IV.'l F,a;vh a"r.tkl I ' af t'.' t '. ! wi n tt a ;-; mUk aX ll it ai 1 1 a 4 U iW Mt a4 N 4 tfMli iM ti Mint rta ii'l '. M r f in 1 t - a,W, W Uf Hx"tai l U 'I i't l Ia4 t M :.., i J-M It ' ; M I'-tl A II. t.t a r.'a .. Ma aaHMai e faaWWa i la '4 a ata ILa l'4 af tirt 4iaaa(f, 1UtjUaatiU(MH 4ai faf a aW af liaat ,1 aj V4if a-Mi rttaat ta aw4 iM ataa. tataaaaUa a'aaaaa 4 k-a aU ta) aJI taa aVm tta ta UUr a4W. .oir.nm?f. 411 jur. r-uriaH! i . 1 .. . . . . V , I . f .. . . I ' . . an -a ? ;u t i '. ivi tf M" lv Hf . k at4m Nf-'-' I'MWI l I ,U'J a ' f ttifJnl4 a ;"! lttikie la Ikes l ais44rt l fatkeh .-. In 4. AM i !iff4 4 iMitJ tUw tf i a,fBVltS eri nU U cit-,4 U iU u4 t a at Las. , Tfc Cev tsteey af tVU h Mrtbf iuiWlt4 t4 apw'4 MSM lira &re pa KM eaf eWipi4 l.'i.Ut U tUl.ll atti4i iit y A aneatif af IM t'ifntol f ll Mat 114 U Wi Ut a T4f aaj !. aatff tat am, a4 ta 4 , taff bsLm fMia ItMa al tW U, Aaaiay J4mit, Im. U4 t WUla CLap tUM Tiau4 l U U aa4aa taiaf a4 (W a Ulai,a. a tf CU4 Vi4 "aiia, CU fcUAle Tatiah m aaiio la bat W rrt44 a IM r4ftlt C'a I U l4 UuiiaiWt, la im j!K af Ca Sr'vT, riifM4. , af. .VtiUft. , 0 0 Taaaif at lU tmmtX ffa. 1 aaajajf aa I ita a'aaU.a CU l Vt aa IV lata af '!., aa aa jai4 at M, If 1 it . . af a m I fUf T(iMTl ?filttr4 Caattrt pVU U SaaaWntf Iwiaf aaaay sua. iM um U lb pfw-vai af dfmS t"kf MttA l(att llal af lriwtti BMRUn( aU tret tajawat m ai4 aa baa taVaai la 14 tal U(UUtret i tvta4 aptnat Ga. ktii ai a V. 5. aaaittf, i!f tlrtt laa aajan a a ka ''..-. f,raaa Uav b taa, f aka M 4a4 aM aa ( ia44 rr1"Mt. ! aaW DUf pWH lab aa a, aa alaj af , liLa kaaa4 If data, tif la M aaU. f .l avauU 4n!ai . f JI ! t fcl 4 ft4KM attab ! S-Jt-aM - a a. a . . na.aw a- lt pm M mumJ U lilt gtt at fcv ,... r-J rvWaaaa wUI a; to JpU'm, W re UWv m a" Vt al 4 Ua, U da aaavLa f XQ lara, ea V tUaatai fW, ' Ow lttaat armfeike tktti ar lt4 U4aa tatbtMal kgUU aaaft matrj Uf vy-V I fc 4Wsn4 ly j.u a u -' pta ap (MM , aa a i . .a., a aa , j nmm aaaaalii m iilimt.w ' m,m i mtMttii m ---r 'I" i f pir.r-iu, r,i.i m Tu r n 04 l4 U lif 4t, M It biii(oi4 M It 10 iUJ ! II o(l4), int4f fa Ut ft l ' d iiVri!f M r tn!fffTc-f ttr; rrtWat i4Utm, t (tjuia'd 1 ib tlo. lla(Mf 4 tH fii I b f n fl I IkM, fSV44 (4MM f 0m( !, ImI U I l lamrf7. t rrM dt itk lai krr, l lr M t iW l k lUpNi m tmrj Umpnnctt acoooai ia UMutirr in nrltUii. 1 cbucm w M rtmcmurrtf m ytmr 49 r Knp it ctiirgf tA lit trd lly CM, la U U lit (ftp III Matattt i4 H cmiMlnMOU r4 U u4me l n4 liU Ui!oor.lfl ! k li vrnun la lU T Vfntidti 1 1 o niyttt protpr Is H ibu dotMt od vbhUntxtcrlWon lorotM Ibjulf" Uirt ! PttfTkio h lK ."nit f N Yrk 111 KtttfH) 47 tf. Ti, U lU Cr f lit 0fU, 1116, orrtipJinc I Bficfnth Jy of rtDtemtxr, 1131 4U lbuilitf ftic&rka IndrncoitDtf. i5iiJoaf. . . JJrut. W'V'f J'rwm rcnwrk in tb Akiwtdrl CMtt, pfcum e vcr mi uffkWnl ejJitii in our no lk of lb (im of tblt p'Brrr. Ll W M tried U( ffr. o cbrci preferred if Licul. A'tmcgr tbsl be Ucui. V , 14 prorogated Uti d IriurUu reporti gifll lb character tf Lieut U. TLc ebarj vat tmiainrd, and Ur ul- W. vrat atmencea it m catoierea j r k:i tnti bcr,Tur iu.e CJUie, ?!!' ft rtccira ineipprotarjan ? Frtnii " . nd in.lb.BKiB Ubc, Liut Ramira 'a. atretic on fortig't icriic Lieut. W. preferred gaJnit th:ttflicer charge embracing tb accuwiana, for clrcuUtlnj vbicb Ueut. W. luJ been tried, and MOtcnced lob broke; Ueul. R.cam bom, and dealrcdlbat lit rnibt b tried on tbtr charfjei. . I Ir ai 0 ad toon after bit acquittal, tie isntence afiioit Lieut. Wolbert it-)petj bj Ibe frealdent, and bit name t ftrickca from lb rolli.. ' : - AVfre inforro4mrt.'r Ba,.d"u ' or lb ftctrtbal PomnVTt- rtid Por ttr bat - lately brr '.vj'r! to enter tbe ten tee of Mexico j: C--mmm!rr in Chief of it nasl 'w u. i'b Eircn- tit of that Pcp'Jb'.c dti fed, on tft 4ih of Julj Ut, lo rrcotiuiind to the Coun cil of lb CoTern-Tit.: t ' tinder thit ap pointment to l!o?-;'o . Porter on the I SOU f July .IburvpflUin ,wt ppro ' ed br the rouu'ct?, aud tbe offer lin'ac eordlnf Iren. r..tq ' htm. We n deutsnu, aJ" ;Hm a aimilarorrnure hit bctn mad to Commodore H. on the part of the G iVfitrnent of Cclvmtia. We have not tindaratood what Com modore Porter'a determinjtion it in rela tion to cither of these offe rv IVathington Oazetlt. tt TW otl l.rU4 or U m- nrjMi air. , ItXUrr, U ctrirl kl ia iim .. p pMinu4 tU ( ecmri. h tr cwjrtfr4 ix 4 l wUm tsi re. pr U A cwfi, m Utl I1 apra Cr rW MMja ImI lit imim 9 ii 4 U iffy KttrsJ lun U e mmJ 4 miitmitij, ami BM 0t I CttoUrt il r- ilh b( IB lo(Wa lutrt. I ft kt tli atiia e tie aM at lit ur- auy ayr ybiti tin liM tiMl lit haja of bj f IrruUoa ar rvti aa awirWriitlr I li m Im tie a un. U Mr.Tem. TiT.f.tV. A vrrj ifi(r;'ar dnotitKM wiO b ferjl is l)w rtkSprrf r,!itkptlaii for c' TiJc4 iforl h, (fiir t lb New. Vu.-k N'tci i Adrr-cir) m fuWinj a aw C' ) if : firt f.-r 'he cat, (la be rUWd K t'.l '4 .Ifann on Mtixi, in lie Mate Nr.ork. Tl pfwcJ'!," u it i VI, cruVr of a the pofujaty n4 bka J ceratitcart otM pttr '. M a 0 Cm1i af IM .,hi y tUae a l Ma4 ! Maa af faajaiij. I aia Caaaai (aia a4 aaa) lUa, aM Urt4 la lata y4 traWawaai; aaia U laaaaaa) laa la Uit aata rU Jiaa ViiM CWI artaji, a4 af a Uti4 pOi aa Ua lM riaiiaii. t'aaaj bait, tka Ural aa. aa rVaat Uat UU'aij taajaar, vw ar a iVtaa anr. i a af afW-.a -. . i.,... 11.. .f j . . wm nawri a mwr awe at 14 mwrj tf Oatt, a4 af lie (WKtae af 0 taat-U, alaA at avr aait. el!l aa UurfeUaf kiur 6aa t. Ilaae, a Aaarkal a tka aa tlc af Otaee. Ibaa tail c ii; af K Yart.U ll aaonllt tf Apr II. Mi a4 , taaaajniad ta a a trUllIcoa af datlara, e kb tier aa paid t 4ir la IM ata aT gTiXO. tr). n 1 aa tinia a m f t a.i . a MkwwM m limn m mm M, mt m aiiiima i,ii.hwii M t- 1 Piii ll tat n . r 1 t a4 1 m tm PN ' i J W I Ml y !! a ll I 1 MMfcM mm pnamail mI Maipa im a 1 1 t m4 a man W puMmari ' 1 a a 1 mmm 1 . a. aa aw f ! a M fcaa hmi a iimi mm 1 a a b a- apt ai aw m ! ia,ibi4i w hi 1 1 1 m awi ,ii a 1 at aai h 1 1 11 rw kt a . i at, 4 up 11 n ai u I . paj a a-a aa, MULTtrucrrixY brcMir Al ll U'a roaaktarrar4 af Traotltt watrirtj apa a LjJ"JJ tmi.mli Tie m t'aMitn.! tf lej 'a,i WWbre4i BillMbt le M I . a' 'a W bef ' rlA 1 " aal fcT rka V ailm (1 at k . La ai.i. 11 MKMaoWii aaiwit. kf Btltl ceaawl'rd abowl tbT.S lU1: At. rXmTmJ1 1. IT m- jmi be fit. rrfUl af K i. ; alt'A tfeol m ll IW at La 34 Wait U a) 1 kf act It ia 24 fran, la aMaU ae ULm k j .- n tbal 4 ay ,4al im ai 1 a a biMna KB a aa MaH, a, aa a w Ma a a aa i a i aa an a pa a aa, a aaai ta . m pi ai aai fcai aaaa- IvaaaaaMaaaav a l a-aM , i laaai appaaaapajak a-aaw aa jiajiajat aa fmn m aa aa- mmm mm mm m tat aaaajaa l M a 1 iaaa W aj aal ipif i , raaaaa at raaaVapa, mm wt il? ' j!pi' uii'iTiMit ' 1 rwmw f aaaat rvt laaai a4 art4 mrtt iltltOkt E. tlVOKTU ajH.NatX tUCKABT, tKrtrar noaif. joiw 11. arut ontJV, aVaaaW, IKt ia-fl One TioWfit lU'WfttA. UA ar trm tU MaWraWa, m tV Tn4 aVr af af-uaaWr, M tja. If tba aaMM af irva fifS alanat lTV4 taaaa Ut I pWara aaf aaraaaj af fit mm Inm UUmr4 mH Wa) 1 J fa ll alaaa aaH l U- WIj af a! Uf tea,liaf lana aaaaatv, tola ef Oat taitat, aa U t ipaaar aaai. vai 10, ll.'l. JOMM fULTI. ao. a f 'tlaatu. a a. t wfyiPiania ymagaajaa aaaaa,iai 'Ja a ! tertltorr J but MMpec lb faW a,ryaaar of tbeae j rteefli"fa ifl, at ao- fuiurr rrol, U (ah a;.J Wkaoak.'ed ij tbe irbole tank, bca njih epbeawral teaa Ibe a-vrpatloa otttmrmiJr, cf MTirrfor, (Calajie of Poaia) kc will be rfai ' IM Upa ef time. Wbea ve cpnlmplate the dVfraded condi tion of that ofira cboaci peepW cf Cod, tbe Java 1 Ibair Iiaprioa amona; all tie aationa of the earth harinf no city, no ceuntrj of their own 1 but bring tbe victima of tbe iftjuvtice aixl rapacity of tbe people ef ertrr nation 1 cfl0 at, inautt'!, and pVumlered by Pajina and ta bamatawa, lo&dW and Ckruliaiu would it be wainaWiJ abouLI . tber If. ht rtftit W J" tabliahmeat thej cotiH call thrir oariv to a new " City ef Rtfupre," a here they mtld rrpoae In ecuritr.'ondtr " their own iire and fi-trcea,' rnjoy tbe fruita cf their labor, free from tb euctiona of tyrannical jrorernmenta, and enjoy inj all the ptHretion and benefita of tbe moat mild, liberal and happy government on earth TW ImaUqr, UiXL,jx fcaa(.raai MaaJ, tiKh aa will warrant ui in benein(, that, iboukl the Je t wort thither, a It la thought they may do, A Tma :ll ultimately become one of tbe great cities of tbe earth. . baa. - 1 avrttivt coImt. at hM mmm at uw tmw aJ -tai inai. Um a aaa taaaaak, atava aa t t nWjai a an a aaf at Hmrm ,iiu aan vai ai i I aa aat mwm, aataf bW mm4 tmtt O ttm al aat aMk aj mm -mmm at ax m mmm a) I W mm nal a aiai 1 bat mm mmm f- ' -1 ,, p aw a ai n ,, ai a i n , a kaaaaaaa a. Hat a mm mm U't ' W mm taajat af aaa. i faa. I WaMtaaat aaa IpOp 1 aal IW-amai Mala I T mmm mt tmmm aaa mmm mm ainnai Ta BMratMajaaaMIaHaaaaa' at mm mm mm, mmt mm rm mmm mmm a) aaawt, a mt at 1 fart aaa , I mm. aajl SitarWiaflfen. Cailaalt 0 tai4 ia tb atathmoc-J Wblr. of Ibe 50th ut- that imi cf r rottoa 4 ia that ctfr fcr ; erai btibe aamaaaaer adl. that ibia prara rafta raaiina aAar lie dm. Baj! fit i)oaMra(ic "XiMifailiir atU (ut tba ptar m r"jfr-x a J not warrant firing, in tbia rountry, aaara ban faam 1 la H cent. VaAa'i TWW We Iram trocB tbe larainf lor.. y. Gairtfa tkat rai Tbaraiay evetHfir. Ila uh. right iurrm bad bm obtinvl for Ular tri al r f laic fi. f ba, that the aberif waa aat e a- A .(Up tit mkttmim mm aakaa aa ariaaU MasrvLata Tie Zsrtt BnJt of Kc IUen, bere- 0 Ma tlul iha ara-aaar atdurMard at lafora coaitidercd one af tli afcat bank at to cU'jn bta nmaVra f cbanM auli ora. of Nw.iliiglB(L.lij aiaad patmrnl !" u,td rrm an and doted ita door If rorl tpeekti nonatT "', Bm- rrttlUE t ba aoll, at rV.U TraOaa, an I la-a, tia yj.rtmJmmmrrX atlb bi ..rDrfUa, afjUU JaVaW kale af laew. M caajMT, vl4. a arWy af frfr, law af Mmrmm, VmiiU, tXf. Of. a4 a ajaaa w ef fa-a, Oao. fW-, Aa. fr--f arte. ak Wa.abaU aaJ k-wUa faWfre, oa War. aa tad gfOe gaad atitaa! e Va.ln, Alas dr tract af Lm4, laa af Oataa iM trn aa-Wa troaa taW-ary, 1, i-a flat inav laat K aJt frva taaSary ta ilk aaa if iU.a4 tbi- aaiarr aa tbe a at era bl "wl Crr-k, near fraley at 4 llaJTa n..5a. - aa atb TaJki . Aa4 ejaay atbrrartrl-,, !- tr. mm ta Bataljao. Tbe trraaa af aala U U aaaUa lwn aa ibe bore aarwtkanadd.y 1 nhare nW a4ttaaai 0I h rtaeo by mm, . BENJ. noWASD, ranrr-.- Itraxt.Bf the ship Aretbusa, optain Merrill at this port on Saturday from St. Salvador, re learn that SirCharlea Stu art, the British Ambassador to the Court -of Brazil, had arrived at ..Rio de, Janeiro ajbourthe latter end of July, but nothing ' TJJtKLV X.1FIG.1TIQ.Y CMtT.IAT. A d'tailed ami ample statement of all the Irn'iMCtiqnt and aconuntaof the Yadkin Navign Uun Company, f in the pre, and will. In a few 'reels' be iastTed from the office of the "Weafern Caroli.iUn. Thia notice U given for the pur poae of afTordiry inf rraation to thoae whe are Inrereated in th c-ncenu of the company The publication of the pamphlet hat, from causes. beyond the control of tlw printer, been delayed bad trampired reapectinc hi mission to ,flte' Pfr5od ,h"n 7ftempl.ted, when Ti L.. ..n pi..... ik,i I c lllll uiauc wiliuun ui 1. ia-i auiuiKi a,i auiuuuuLauuuui 1 c u ii m unu a..L t. a f j : c ..... . 1 i . l Cochrane had arrived in Enjrland in the Brazihan frigate Piranga and it now ap pear that he had been ordered by the ' Emperor to repair to Rio, but refused to obey the royal rnandate. He soon after " Jeft3!nhara in 'the above tiamerj fri . Kkie without, declaring -his .destination, a laavinf previouslyaliipped" orV-a 4Brgft quantity of cotton from that pla.ee. In ,m confequence 0 thi$ conduct, he sWat de- wreiea oy ma emperor, wno oivesieu ;;him cf hi title af Marquis of Ma ran ham," and of his naval rank, and appoin ted captain Jewitt admiral of the Brazili an navy in his stead. No events of In- terest had occurred at St. Salvador. " : ,,Balt. American. 'JELw&ftlUijix, Van .mh'fi has been re-J elected uovernor of Vermont, by ne an unanimous vote; there is noWTaparenttypio mhobftacle totta tpeedy completion, than a necessity of the prin tera being abaent from home most of the time for s few weeks and anma indisposition in hit family, the patience of thoae who have anxious- ry been Hooking for tbe publication,- will not much longer b tspassed np" 1 rrWe will takeibia oecaawn-to aak-th kidul- genco of all tlioae of. our frlenda who have fa- vored.nt with jobs of printing which are yet un- finiahedivr W hope the above remark Vdi sat. :Ua;cwfcj pletion. ;" " aaatjaa- PRIVATE SMfritfO. In the KnoxviQc tn'qulref, of the 22d uk. we perceive Messrs. Yeatman,- Woods.it Co are about establinhinjr a private banking house in --i liSilMfW' iVvaaaiaiV,JMA';-'aUf "l J-. TS?:-.f-i,5ii i,m u j a Nashville. Inju4iljaitiononraameaaure, these gejiUemen remark, tba "in Errand (the. first true, there la been fro.t attmanjf tnent aornew here- It. .ai nl adaivding lo legitimate banking buaiiute, it it Mbitpcred that the bnk ai orh hn been engaged in commercial and other apeco lationt, unbcrVtiujf an rasu ution of that description. Aa an lnsuore, we are In formed that a vessel arrived a short time since, from North Caralina, freicbted wiih pine boards, conaigrrJ in tS Pagl Bank 1 .V. I Cam AJ. COMMODORE PQXTIR. Vo understand (uys the Prmorralic "We ara authoriied lo state that there ia no Pren) Jtjat Ciptains .fitf'ir!rr1 hrfejfoin.latiiatWtlbeafirTh tbatk roing ewrf If a-met ea.:- have teta' tpnointed," ronnrtitfth Miiaaii,a taaeeia r-,mnia.ifi.aa P.- L. ,.T , p.. t aiwuMia v ipiiihi. .p. p VMipii.wpCif. v. Ua .Tn;ipi I v. filar Navy, to fit ubn a tile for i Navy Yard r.n the coast of Florida. .1 e learn that tbe gentlemen will tail io a frw davs, Advice ta the U. ak. repreae ot tba city of NeWVaratM a aa aary a-dlv i lar t da4 cui. ly, of tbe ye Dow fever and amsJl poa. fVraa r . It ia stated in lb Lowiatana papera, thai a new eaemy to cottaa, baa made rta appearance, in th ahape of t)trtnurt , these inarcf are doing more miarhief t'aan Ibe rot rrf r did i in 45 boora, am acvt of waron ai Uid natc by tbem. VLLlbattith lo join a Tmnp of Cavalry, ia Iha loan and af bSarnaad rf aiabiry, n UI hi A a pajf coatalniff Ibe propaaalt, al tba) baromof Itaj Yarl.rtK,:b,a Itoiel, ia Ibia town. TVy lhat aabarb, n ill tor-ader Ibeav. arlvea at pUAgnl to abW by batever a major, hy navy corttlude on, eHbrr in tba manrprr of rquipnarnta, tbe cboire of oRcera, a aav thing Ua. A toon a a autReWn nvwraWv ball bw swUcribext, pjba eatke a ill be givmof a . Lwvr af lb traof fa tbe purpuaa of snaiing ar rnngrmenta. OrfaWr, WS. T9 nr.MAIMNO in tbe foat oftVa at fneoej, NTtlhX-arJins an tbe lat a October IkSi. the - Colombian irovtrnmttif to tak tba mand of na aavy,1 CngCah advices to tbe 24th of An jo at, have f.om Norfolk, ,in h Ifarretaloop of war ,fn New.Tork,by the arrival of u V r 1 7 I 7 reroiiawau Mp Leeds, from Liverpool. ma. vuiikkh, a. iia imm iQallQii, prUtad t$cjQ . J9r tb contemplated NtvyTard. v The Natchei Gazette states that te yellow fever prevails in that city. Tht report of the Board of Health mentions one death on the 2 lat ult.br thit disease, viz. that of John Orr, aged 14 yean, and; another on tbe' 22d, viz. that of Peter Mc Mahon, aged JO, and John GJcn. on. the 24th, of remittent fever. The Board of Health had rigidly enforced the Quaran tine Liws to prevent the lever being brought into their city from New Orleana. .- " Baltimore paper Another American bouae, and aleo a Broker who bad made fceavj aByincea on cotton, bad aioppvxr pay mr ni A cabinet council bad been aummoned to meet early in October, to determine on the Question whether a diasorutkm of Parliament ihatl take place thit year. The New Times, iv that it waa confidently expected to take lace between the 31st of August and Slat Oc ber. During the quarter ending tbe 30th of June last, near 35 millions or potrndt or raw coTTon, wereeip6mdTonr New York. The total amount of 4 xporta, tlu ring the tame quarter froni that port, amounted to nearly eight Bullions of dol lara. It will be recollected, that the quarter . referred to above, embrace the period when the late tpecularing mania, In cotiowr was at it heitrht, r Of abate ment is from an authentic tource. ' ' IVath Gaz. k I 11 a4 aaa 2 MVWtfttj tttt. akaaa aUHarapVpM. amlilaa. aifar (ar alaaal) par la,, mmH. a, l Ua WW aaaf talaakH, aaa4pi pa p. hiu, a aat ia.' wavar aaa aa, aapvr af K wiu rWfr aa arrtpM pma tf atraa) laSiraaiin .an Natal, VMM rnaUaf Ummm, Immrm, Oct., paav ..... ta that Mi Heredia, whowas appointed last year Minister Plenipotentiary of Spain. to. the United States, baa declined the mis sion ; and that Mr. Tacon, now one ot Ibe Spanish' Commissioner in London, has been substituted, Mr. Tacon is -ex- pectefl' tTmbirE Tor tbircQuntrr next month To Joutne-jintn 8aAieT8. T VISIT to employ a brat rate saddle-band. ho h a man of Integrity, sobriety; and of . . . . i 1 i. 1 1 ateatfv ami inausirious naoua t aucn a man wouhi receive constant employment, and liberal wages for eix months arKlperhapj longer, by applyuig iDer. Ahl jab Aletander Abral am Antony. Jsneltrll Andiew tl. Bine tof Barrkkfriend Uav-J Black welder rtall Puma rvnet, J, Hiving Oorjre Corxiiat Mori CUy. Henry Da ling laaaa Ptwiaa Allison Flrnufg. MiltvCaJor- -Garas Goodman Rev. Daniel Gould Tobias Goodman John GUIaa. Joaepb lloneycat Henry llouen William Hallv ktotra M. tinora Jane V "Curly Archibald M'Onrdy , Abigail MofTVaMi U.llism VfCbiio Daiid tidier Jamet K. WCakka I'rtcrE.M'Coctiraa. Nathaniel MonteHI. rtanmel Pickea Bamoel Fharr U".' Baitulurtian Alcsamlrr rkkent truabtthPtiler llenrv Petre; John Koaa Davkl Reee Daniel Bidenhonr. Banuiel Sbinn, Eaq. Rev. Daniel SIerer,X Jainea D. White KaaU Wonaroat Jaeoa Willianaa- laoet. lUyaav, Ja-eph Welch . Unas Justice. tatwel vTaHac"- ' William Kerns. 3tSl D.STORKCP.tf. liat of littttTS RCMAIMNO ia the Post Office at Lexingffin, North-CaroGns on the lat of October, Iw, arl vrio tlia aubacril JOHN 11. BOANE. Morganttn, Oct. Ut, 1825. 4t82 To 3outiemia TaVloTB. WAN1ED, five or ix journeymen tailors Good mew and tnie .' to wborn bigber asrea than" can.be obtained at anv other aiioo in Mordi-bajrolins h gfven provided they are really gd workmen, and tttady ftUiwt t no others neetftake the Irouble of applying. REVELL oc TEMrLETUl, SaUtburti, Sept. ?, 1 825;--778 TO tbe gaol in Dividson county, N. C. on the atli. inataiit. a fiz-rr Roman, who aavi her name k .friYAT, and that aba belongs to Ed. mund 8tone. of Virginia. Tbe 0ler Li requea ted to con1e"&rwri,- prove property, pay ehajavanetalpebwaway--""---- utiB intBDuiu . ana IjAaius rr.aE.HAi, ii, 7th. Qctnt 1825. 3181 - Jamet Atkinson. Jamet Baldwin Adam Beck , . . Henry Brimlewsldt. Jacob Caahat Samuel Cecil William Cox. Hubbard Davis Obadiah Davis. Solomon Farmer - Joseph Ferebee Jonathan Perrington. Jacob Gobble. - - Mary Ilatcbe Tliomsa Hatcher -John P. HoHjrrne. looatban KittrelL St81 EFizabeth Lana . Hannah !.acey' . Elijah Lanier. Henry C Monroe Daniel Myers Willoughby Mchola, Clement Beid Jacob 8. Rien Burwell Ruah. . Rev.U.C.A.tchienberg Jamea Smith (Miller) Jacob Skien Henry Seaaamats lonrrt Spencer. Lewis 1 ocker. Samuel Walk Elisabeth Winkler. & D. R0UN9AVILLE, P. If. , State of aVoxtli-CaToliaa, . BiHcoMKM eovnrr. COtJSft CoWrJunVternv - M'DoaeU vs. David Greenlee t oriirnsl ss- tachmrnti levied on land. It appearing to tba satisfaction of the . cpart that the. defendant, David "Girenfeei la;in inhabitant of another . . . rovernmetrt r Therefore, ordered, that publka. tUiuWla" cessivciy, iur mrrc iiiuiiini, nyiurit; nia ueien dant to -appear at the term of said court-to be . held tor Buiicombe county, at the court house in Ashevdle, on the thud Mondav n Jantury, 1826, then and thereto ead. Ans ver or demur ta tbe eirclihn " final will be enterejapain-t him accordinla. 3ffit9i Teit joiin uu-Lt.i!,gm

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