1 I r 4 mi i'. ',.'-. ti - lrta. tar, tiarr lir 1,.k-t ... few? Miwixk, Tt - w4 im - w iw i m aWt, U4 r r7i , A4 f a U U-S J At mt U Ma, 1 y lta tU Ha-! Mh a-k 4 sW. . WiAeTwaf vt,-" i fa vMtWit ; Uk. taa4fttf d"-, .iuc; rw. n u. r i AM Bi U f1l ada 1 dM tMlMM ty gy. ' t:Jla)rtsatlfc Al. aJi47' t WWtVff jW aaafc nhni . AaaUw&ftwifcwkvMhUft, rrrr.tTMm of, -raviT Jttv. r-U. km, 14 u Uk ft a . KVat ttt4 bi lW Vok StwdaMt fl k kJ WfU"i I Mk ftU4a'4i Hit taw) ef an- a ar Ma," QwunJ vkLU H kMCM4 j Ad Umm ks Mtft A eti rU f ftTrace fefer ktk Cod mJ Aad Vt d M r " TVMMwk aU3 1-ityaHa affiaw Twikia gntl Lady. poet, tiki Uttlr ! Itph, sJ ll w. K Vohilr PfU ftna k Wft Ukb4 kin ttery cootMcraWt nvmUr of McHp m-iUmixk. mk tfitMcutmi Uaniutt. 7ht Spki kid jum grtbiid kin cooiMmblt ft io from (k irt n ke m wry t pcnUf in Lit litiflK bit princll food tromM fram Eurtpf iixi U went erj rirrly oa loot. HI Mn do cwwrtn. Tbt celcbnui opxlcUn, Sfrajrcli oi Blet ki jut Enlbd a Inproted ick cope, 64 feet keif . It it uld, that iih lb id of tbU enormou.lourunwnf, uv trtl ItVfttd ftntot bf Ut caable'1 to dlKovir slm-ted bcinp, rtdind nooimMiti sod Umplw, In iko tnoon. ..,. BnttU tptr, ' K jotireijmen Bktr la ' IinAw Jn rInd, by tho lotttf7 lk borooy of ForkUKkltti to Iki pHoclpaliif of An pKb, nd ii oow in p0""00 of I30XX) fnnci. Tb fint k tnd of kli rickct, o bu? TC.000 loavo of ry bftid, ?hlch he dlitriboted to the poor, with pot of beer touch. ' ioudo. a to. IS We receWed lt night, BrotseU pper to the Uth Augtui. That poliiictlcoK n.k. tW Autocrat of Ue RuiiUnu hai "lt iecTn n-edktafonipel 4ko Jew to rw in the interior, met ire the penon cWcflf enjigf d in imtCTUngr - So icng at the, dulie 6o importation are t,t.k .nAiirh to make imureline aroSta- kle. there will be no want of ChrUtuoa to upplT the puce oi me Jt oinew o...s'.M rhri.tL.Bft mut b of a vcrr dif ferent tmp from all the chriitiana with . whiclt ire-ere iojaaintea.- n ?vcn r it'.ij St.ica do not rank Terr hih la point f principle, but neer tear or tneir imugKnK " "i cause the duties are not so high to k. t nrih man's while to smucele. And yet this poor man trotted about our metropoui, nu v- thing end no doubt, believes wbat be jits beea told i tost no anowe at crj iw In 1823 Latin mnuscript of Milton . nMn r.hriatkn doctritte written about 16 JO) w.a discovered in the old state pa Whitehall. It haa been re centlf published in London, both in Lttln and English. The London Literary n.-.H t Jul- S3, trives an abstract of the-eontent f-ll th chApuraVAwUlM Milton's argument in tavor oi mm a .. mnV wtvea aahe cleases. He contends that polygamy is not Interdicted in the bible, khat It is tancuonca oy uw . himself, . end cannot there tore m cmu? crtd cUihonorable or shametui i Tt iMvi nra vrv where a -curse. vhen resorted to by an agricultural peoplefor ordinary borrowing of mo- 5aok, except on some spectat emergen ty, hardly ever gets cut of. it,' unless th aale of lost in attending to his notes, together, with the interest paid on them, eats dim nn t and if not so. makes bim'a de he nendant betncr. thouen oy aDBtainincr c.. .t .... mieht have oecn an inaepenaeni one day. Mies' Register. ? l J ,. I .ffMi e-tI'tf, snlfi lUas. aai ks4iMtUoe l iKi splriu, it aJcrUi tke trye.s t (( ttrB!; ', F,t4" UlfaciplsatsnJ fj-itmefiHyjk driMta. I tu4 ll W M acuoa . r . arrt 4 Sitimof ca iK ? coataftiumKaltf; .V. ..k,!. Mift lcj ill tUU MlUfliw fxtion. JlowthliUmof walpfoJed, wis V p fn)ttrMXs. ,1 arpoa to U. the joHi9Mt of dtrf rBpW"l-f tfoUK-t 4 IwjI i..l.(ru. of La7.lt Kicrdil w tlvt IHItHnn! f - , tone ia4 1 go to the wuJ luncuw f rtlsied aod eaertiwd, iftd taU to pcrste with soitkBt tor0 i"w ...tia IkkamifitditutooJ ThU ubauacf, lying endigtsted. dr. went ipecltiof hrmcBUUoi, tad the product of hU fermtautloa atting 6 tat rtUied and uaanurtlly Utdcr coats of the itoeoach, produced tp. c'ki af lofiimrBttory ixtioa la the Mr voqi coat, tnd benct the lymloiai nnd effects above deurUxd. I have Uld aotkiog about the action of the (wbkh wai If pt ia natt of vigonns cirrtise) not hs effecu, btlieviBg tVit itopcraua peraKooslyoaly oo nl blcd orraas, I be Hght, ttd proUMy an wrong, ta mr patholot al deductioai tot ia the folUwiBg entUUt I Vc Ueve I m at Um. ool of tU wy. Fro ta my r r Becti oa ear own cur, I concluded that some ooc of the cvt would be a pr prt acriptwo. I tok a small pill of AeJiiu ad was successful beyrod aay enott aanguiae upecuOonf . JThe flatulence aubaidrd, acd carried with It it i"ftf Its unwelcome attendants kt.krhi. eoaiivrnets. Itc. When- rirf I iVelftnv'avmtoai of this trouble tome disease now, I take a pill of As. . a ssfeftid, tod in a motneojau is weu. If' ia rkeao medicine : ect 6f cents' worth eif ihe ram. and when too have occasion to uke it, break off about the r . 'it ...i ..itnM. size oi a common pui n 1 . a . I ought to have mentioned, tnt I am convinced this d'urue ii net one of long Jural inn i hut. OO the COUUlTV. OOC 01 i mere momrntarv eiiatence I brought on by circumstance of. the moment ana recurring asoncn auvs unum' uncea recur. Ihercfora the frni nropoaed doc not offer security against imure attaeVi. nordoes that taken to day" relieve ui front the anack of to morrow. Jo saying that I believe It to be of momentary existence merely, I mean, that, though it may ne curea tolav. it mar recur tomorrow i but it is not tomorrow a continuance of the disease of to-day j it is a frtfhj aiUck caused by the existence or recurrence 01 gyapepsia, uu win, uivi v..-."v, produce apermncntxlisea?e j bur this "'" - " " .' 1 ' alrftl tlftfia I fftr permanent aiscasc.ia wi uj... any more than consumption is a com mon cold, any more than the lock-jaw is the imple puncture of tne nan, or than the fruit ia the aimple seed from which it grew, medicus jumioa. nrjirmrUL MET.lPnoS- Man. aeVoaat.-eieRant. writer,. n. MtAv MKh ft to etiect. ainne. oomv . - , , . - one muat lean upon hia arm liaten to bis observations point out secret beaotiea t and become, aa it were, a . ' . . a partner in hia leeiiags, or ma imprev aions are comparatively dull and spia. itless. Pleasures are increased ii nrnnnrtlon aa thev are narticipated I as roses, inoculated with rose, grow double by the process. , Our conversation abould beisuth ka vAiith mav therein find imnTove- .11. V.W mm, j " - " " menu, women moocsty, ipe ageu. res pect, and all men civility A A person ohservedlo a frlifld who"ti Uarninff ta ahufl. that it WSS Wronir, to teach one's nose a bad habit, aa a man generally followed hia nose. - TO PRETVfT BJtl STORMS.' " Tko iMiiInn rrmrier rivet the follow Ihg piece of information t "'.A-.gentleman" now on the Continent writes, that the whole country in the neighborhood of Lausanne ia undergoing a singular pro cess, called paregrelio.v;The paragreles conusi of poles 40' feet high, olated 500 feet from each other, to which conduc tors are attached. Great ravage are frequently tc;easioned to the vineyards by hail storms ; and it is asserted that these conductors, by depriving the hail clouds of their superabundant electricity, will cause their contents to descend either in snow or rain. . Mbhn K. forii, is,r-!f.cted Governor I of Maine, wilhout opposition. I l... ( . it irt Ua u r. t-i ' - L'M. -i Icyttln It HI - gwiiUJ filUw-chtiiai, dariBg the courM f iU ytu svow J, upj ytmit Arrival at t?xlr tc spectiva jUti f aWJf, k grsst jom wu tha wcL cctae af U avta. 1 m km iwaa Uf tuk tow dtvalvta tpo , ! WU. diag Ton, M ! U uoa, Jt wtri JM Voagtr rtasoaaUr, 1M wchiU 14 tjpatuouija rtcaptiuUti Iba reasirk'U iatilcnta jour fir If lift lacWcate wV.VW aJ r w a . aa 1 as o9f aAa luttufixi laurrrjui i" pea4ta and" llutary d Ja MtU Aiatricta Ulc. ' tv v.h awlkk rod cenormtd tt thai lportiat jancturt, was muk td .itk rAraLrri aa MCuiUr. that fraU isiar the falrtit faUe f iatiuity, Its par all tl cowUI scare IV M lowa ta we Voa cUUUrauly tod pcmvertagly M.r.,l i nil. dasrtr. the endurance of every comfort, ia tic foc of a aalv csusr, to latbriaai ease, and the aL laremcati of rani! auueace, ana bb rtstraiBed yemth. at the most ipleadid Ana laXinitiag vvuri vi v.. That thla ehoka wis not Irsa wise than mipaaimotts, the actio of half a century, and lha gritulstianA of uaemaberea vo.cn, ail oaaoj su c ptets the gratitude of tht heirt, with which yovr fisit ta tbU rtemitpherf hif teen wekomea, AAora aspw u uMimitM - . ... When dt coetcst of freedom, to whictl ycmad repaired as a voloaury champion, kad doted by the complete trlnmnh nl her cauie ia thU country Uf yowr ado?tic, you returned to fut. tU the duties ol taa pnuaautrapiu ana nitriot ia tie land oi vour aattviryV I ii.ere.in a coosiifm ioaouiini V F. r t ' 1.. v.. eirrer oi ictit vrar. jvm iT.iM- taioed, thrfigh every vicissitude of aluroaie aujcceaa and fliaappotntmrni, the aame gi rioua cause to which the first year of your active life had been ArwnteAm-l iffinrovement of the moral ftnJ noIUlcai condition of man ft . -I . 1 ........1m vf . pe0JJjt ef lh jB'ltcd States, L. ..J m..t hnm won had l Qrougnoui inat ioog iwitinvu w. for whom, and with whom, you had foueht thi battles of liberty, have been r.mim in lb full nriaaeseioo af Ita fmtt. nmm At aks ktilat a at family of nations. Spreading In pop- and auffriog accordbg Wlhe condi tion af their nature and laying.the fonndatin ol the greatest, ana, ... ... r . - we humbly hope," the most beneficent pow- er tbnt ever reguutea we cooccma w man upon earth. In that liDae of fortr yeara, the gen eritinn of men with whom you CO-ep- eratedinthe conflict of arms, h near- l n.Ul mm,.'. 1)1 the btt WOO guided our Councils i nf the WArnbri who met the Joe tn tne new, or upon in .: with the exeention of a few. rn knm nnhtllll ImMh of daVB hlS Iaw w six ih m ww - - - n v Lbetn allot tI by Heaven, ail ooaraieep with their UUiers. Succeeaiog, ana even a third feneration, have arisen to take their olaleai and their childrena chjlldren, whit rising up to call them well aaadxioniahed by their own con- nmimmlnl freedom, to I0C1UUC in every beniaon upon their fathers, Se name of him who came from affar, wicn mem ana ia uicm vwv, w aur or to fall. The nni veraal orevalence oi - meae sentimenu'waA aignally manifested by a Reiolution of Congress, represent nt the whole Peonle. and all the Statca oflhU" TJnTon, requesting the President of the United States to com municate to you the assurances of the - - - . . . ... - grateful and aBectionate auaenmemo Wrt1 employed, at your, convenience ,a your paisagd to the border of our country V . you - by ry -'. trentrable : prtdcceaaor himself boind.to you by the strongest nn nf thnae whom the hichest hon ours of Vn country hadjewarded for blood carlf wd n her cause, and lor ft-trinir llfonf Tlrvotion ta herwelfare; Oy lilnt the levicea of a national ahip ;rnWLwaur.iaw "T-i;a7-. r.a . . . . iipiirarv nrrirnru v iiiui m uiiinkv wwaa vevance. and a full year has. elapsed ' r . A ll . I .1 since you landed upon bur shores.. It were icarcely an exaggeration to ay, tjkat it has been, to the people of the Union, a year oXuninterruted featW ity and enjoyment, tnpiredjby "your Vcu trifirtt 1 ill Ufttttt, wer.ij.Ir wikte a 1 1 i. g' a f .1 ' ....a r it. with rrr 7 the i-ivitu U Jt tail. nt foTj anlfifti la arms, btve Ura htlUd lX rf' mt ly iir tKiUrta, th an asd w mm r.t iVa rteaeet art. And a f Uiri grner atUa, lha htpe of fa' emUr surrWrtg tbt wboU pepU. tba cf that djy when yoa tm at the bead and by tM iwt m uwt ka.ft.alll wilX tbt IC1QI7 a. that houf of trUL i clamitloei f at tKhoWJ U ..... . of blot wHooi thty Ksi w w have heard iU mltglffd VOletl f IM pan, the pf autare a jf r, JalfiiOg 14 UitriXX CBVTVft wi el a&aaa laouaaiwa, w- t your landieg cm the khi oi irtttww, bavf followed erinr up ofyeof wr, and tiQ rtaound, tkalhf rushieg of maay water, froa tyery corner ef our land. ' , YfHi'ara now about to Ntura tt the country o? your birth, of yew anscs tors, of your poatitlfy. Tbt Execu live Cove romeot of the Unit, atiav nUtrd bv the aame fcrUef which bad prom pud the CoegrtM to the deitg aatioa of aatkinai ship ft r your ac commodation ia coming bither, baa destined IM nnt service oi a ingi, ail lauaxhed at thll Mftrooli. to the Its welcome, but equally dr- ... ... tinguUbeH truot, el -eoaveymg ytm home. 1 ne name oi mt snip aas ao dd one more memorial to distant Tt- gion sod future gei w stream ai ready memorable, at ooce In ibe tarj of your sufferings and of our indepen dence. .1... . , The iVio ia now pre part J tot your reeeptioaaad equipped- for- eeev from tne momeawoi or u wj , tbt prayer of miHiooa will aacend to lieayen.Uut ocr paua mar o prv and vou return ta the bosom nt Aur fanailv aa brooiiiou to your atoniRNL ftft vour uit to thi scene of your youthful glory ha been to that of the American people. nrt. then, our beloved friend re turn to the laod of brilliant genius, of a l. t geoerou entimenr, oi neroie vawr J to that bcaufiful France, the nursing .M)v r the Twelfth Louts. na me Fourth Henry to the native oil of Bayard and Loligni, oi lurcnae aou ratinaf. of FetwlaD and D'Atueseau. fn that illustrious caulogue.of names which she claim aa of her children, sndwith honest pridt holds up to the admiration af ythcr natiooa, th name of. Lafatitte Jji-a already, for ceo turiea. beta enrolled. And it ahall Kftneeforth buraiah into trifhter lame t ... ... a for if, in after day, a Frenchman haU inaicate tne ciftaMr vi i that of one individual, durinff the age in which we live, the bUod of lofty ft.ae. a patnousniahall manllein nil cpeci, .trie, nrf oj xootcwii nrw -r- kle in hirey; and be-all pronooocef too, and oar children in life, aod.aftey W9 mrntttm v. Mmtmw m m m m m m - - r death, shall claim you tor our own. You are our by that more than patri- mm. m m mm t t A . otic elf-devotion witn w men you www the aid of our fathera at the criii of their fate. Onraby that unsbaken sen timentof gratitude for your setvlcrs which is a precious portion of our in beritance. Ours' by that tie of lore, stronger than death, which linked your name with that oi vyasuibctoh. At the painful moment of parting from you, we take comfort in the thnnohr. that, wherever vou may be, to the'last pulsation of your- hearty our country will be ever present to your affections y and cheerful consolation assures us, that we are not cauca w sorrow, most of all that we shall see vour iace.no more.. vjc aiian iuuww . . :. . i name of the whole nt07 th- United States, and at loss only or language v. u.-.-that feeling of attachment wjth which the heart nf the. nation beat ? r the heart of one' tnanj Tbid yoiiVreluc- - " " 1mm .T JT "tl a a k . a Aa a iA tant and ailectionaie larcwcu. ftHAOH. MMftVM - a nlfMltlonrbthe General Government, and particularly Nftftia i ftmirja mfitr instiK U UV lU a r knowlcdgt the opportunity given me, at this lemh and painful moment, to present the People of United States with a parting tribute of profound, in, exprtaiibit gratitude. To have been,: ia the infant tmd IJiJI cf I t Klttt ! M ttil.d Ly ' n as a ImMi S'a, t4 kits rtniJ;iUJ iat:s u. i ar..j f r Ia a! fcyf fc; . ,'l i I'fvrj's f.r iailfMfeJ. iui, fjteJow, S4 fjud lnta,a4 la til fa'ua4ativa cf tKa Arkaa Era af A m aoeul fjr, wkkh Ka !ita !y trvaJfd U.U, d mut ( ft thedircViff aad tr;lMef mia klnd, nctfiiivily pmaJetvery jn bf tU t,Ut bfeufti to bit err. telrtd at tvtry lti; cf lU lUvdy. thP, M d .irlrg forty taar t fncrkod, from the people cf ta TJaa. ted Cuui, and tWeir ftfrtftcntatitr it tomimd UnaJ,Cweua atarti f iVrlr ckUUaca and kiaJaM,aa beta tKe ttU. the eatrirtaaewf. tla wrpinl trTVX aJtvtttd life - "- " i- , lluV bWteuU 1 find wf di to if. kooakilgi thst rll of wtkoraei, iknaa ttft,h)ad(d ad ttoivcrSal dla. pity of puUie affectioai wbkh hot marked teen tp, cko oou, af twelve taooihAprgrt through tk twisty-four stairs aad which, vk'Je they c vera he lm mj beart with grata. ful delight, navt om sauiiKtoniy tviaecd the coocorrtnet of tbt paooii ia the id ttttimonies, to tht is, menit favors, bestowed on me by the ftcversl btanche of their rrprraeat- , . j ..... ...i uvea in every pn, tat of the confedsracy Yet gratilcation tUl higher awa- tftj nr.U the wander of crvatioa and imptote'ment that have met ay enchanted eye. la the unparaUUed tad elf -felt Appor oi we pwj their rapid ptoepetity tad insured c tlct of good ordet, tbt appendage cf true freedom and a nauonal good at ase, tht final arbiter of -all d.Iul- A aa m Mi a .. Jft mm ftVA ftAftft a Jh lies I hsvt nta prouoiy w iwv-... ft ,..'..1t f the rrouVlksQ ortnciple for whitb wt bavt foughi, aad a gto-' rioua dcmoosiratioa to the most timid and prejudiced minds, of tht nperi. oriry, over degradinr-arUtocracy or despotism, -af pop""' stituHoci, founded on tne puio mrJl -Krf the -local rlthti of every aectioa art preserved under a conati- rutionii Dooa oi nw. iog of that onion between the Suits, a it ba been the farewell entreaty of our great paternal Washington, and will ever have the dying prayer of ev ery American Patriot, o it babecoe tht aacrcd pledge of the emancipation f the world object la which I am happy to observe that the America people; while they V tht animating example ofsuecessro! fret iostrtuttona, in return for an eil enuiled upon them by Europe, and of which a libera! and enlightened aense is every where mort and -more generally felt, how them selves every day more anxiously in terested. .... And now, sir, bow can I do justice toTuy deep andfively feelings, for the mwat necuiiarlr valued of your esteem and fnendahipIor yoUX- - -a JJ tunas . o very kiod reierenccB w i . v-yi - eicis- Bitudet of my lire for your iffecting - . ft a J kv mm Olxfta L;ctore 0f the Wessing poured by the Tever,i generationa Ol tne nmcn people on the remaining dsya of a de. lighted veteran i for your affectionate remark oo thi ad hour of epara- litwvoaJrtie coontry svt "TJ?? I can aay, of American ymptithies on the hope o necessary to me, of mj .' . .... t... Anrrntdm aeeinjr tne country u q . ..II inn near hail a century ago, v- r- her? 1 ahall cootcnt myaeir, reiraio ing from auperBupu repetitions, at once before you, sir, and this re.pec ted circle, to proclaim my cordial con firmation--of every one of the senu-. menu which I have had daily oppor tunities" publicly to utter, from tn - time when your veneraDie preu""-- M 14 t,.rW In arms and frieoo, - U. - mlm W.UW mm .. . . . transmitted Jo me the honewnbltio- vitition of Congress, to tfti 0-7,.. wKi vnit mv ftfar air. whose lriena- lv connexion with me date from you' earliest youth, are going td consign me to protection, acrose the Atlantic, of the heroic national lag, on Jioard e splendid shithetiametiF whjh been notTtbt least flattering a.k'a among Oje numberleM TavourA cooler- feKeiiirttr; iwd yoii 11 . I .Li... .u. Ameri- na Aawaaw -a a ,iti - m m unrouncj u r uoa uiea M . : . a the Federal Government : " "ri tbipatriotkIiuxwUM. heirt : auch wiU be ita last throb when it ceases to beat. , Reading nothing but o"1'' feeding upon cake, and wjgr. which vitiate the appeute, and maKO f unable todigt&t mort solid wofl. 1.

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