A TWe Cent i IUtirtI. ..i i r r - .t j r.ttuujj'ii.uu. t v f.u. is, ;t. . j ttUl ' 4 kt ! ' IM M 1 CesU.slj 1-llLl I l'nJ II WMiMNfl .vj lr tk'i rtjV. . l .tJlil U ititij ink Mkll I Ul Ml' ervt Ml tutftl J " -'i j t4 Hl g .14 M Ike fa 4. j Uflks Ua4 FnrjT.m-t llr , .Bit 11 f .f lkiMHin,,u,ia kttuio i ike kvira e4 rip" f $4 U m i e fcn' i U!d if Ute 19 OSJ pi, af la C'fwnui f wMf 41 )kk l"f f ioanp' tj',.'4 l kMcjuodssu. Th 'coairattjaf hdlii lrMr Um4 iVlf to lifxl ieik4fU4eenkll feat tka Jdyaj,,! M C'ot. PnHV4 U ! fer row. ,Lfui)rt lu,Utai Csau! Awit'l' a4 4-i-a.,yus,ii ,a cji;yv-ijiiieiiaB ei fmi. 1kt trsty twpomwt, iiH imUMit.( (M Wfciif w rUfi;a In' wrest and ptirpoati If which) Ihtta Ufot HpuUkta art ect'rd and allied cm( tetag i bond wf awdty whkb (ifiitUiJi WDHUH kj ctMUf, and pOrpetS) I k Itt duration. - el. '. Di rUif hUc U, Com. Porter, ttotd th clru in Philadelphia Ti eriorrerxt wirw foe tkt Watfil of Mr. j ktrVr, I Ha cekattd cka, and wire oMbittd I crowded bouar. Tho Vmo esikd so the. BitjWl air rep: 4:j. which rrt flif4 Rr M IU enbrttrt. A grhflcTii h r ti tt bold crU txif HiicMfr ff tKcf kiUoilf iotuv1rt lir-ojli i lirk 4'C" hfcJf pjiIUM. Kir krit HfimmoiKit Tn tit atofnlnt of Pu Jui. In ih rftirkior kcrnff-'iook tip bntiU rvl rllTf, llrrt't t'wttr of IM poph of LS country art drrkled- U tJlrUf an. , -r . s , WU wU iJm '( It .l4. If J ... V. t III .'.',, i , fl II, f' ), r.J t wt)f .I. .t 1 ( lviw . IMt M m tAA Uf ll lUiai U IftMt, b(U M m4 !m.r i Ng Ur iUkl iiuiitm, $tJ i irkti MW4f !J M sW4 UefiMf . At It tiry mf l- tU U rmrt tiliLrirf.amJ U U J -r lUclplw, t4 k fMrl f4 mt boa la (Wurta ff J M aJLanac la oWip 44 aawnf rW Ifvaa, t Ita aVamt f lbny 4 Ika kaJt iaH.da af ttfwa wiJIwi tfl tM I Hk. tKrW af K. C. Mtia. iacWdUf Ika KNMiN af atklrWff, Cakamia, a4 ty Bnff. (ir- Jota 5. I'V.r aftt at Iftfur!, lMt rry fir dfW,f af m0r jMripCa, and tWpiarrti. "AMiOB tW jprl rxUaiaai af tka KbKlia latkaoaIrJfil,aa al laada. lo ba d fee- Inr, yrl tWi ia a aj it of UMiMM waoaf tbt proplr, tbjt P"p lUi i 'K)4 auLmiwiva laika tutfingkaiaalM aubjeclM A lUl Wt 1i ji bf n UifortneJ, from tourrt CDtMlf J to Implicit rrtdrncc. that !r. Janata tvuw bo rtudt tr S r4r Backl of l'o, in iht cowoff of P'fkk, in tbt month of Auxtlt' 1tt l Wl a t ayilaai W ia al kiratinf t it union, diacorerta on a Urge J atMf aid pfuivcttoa af tL kWpuLkc, tack l Hatt,Oalf,wblcl ht blUrit.iof(MrfiK. P Mlt In tht act or drtftatcnlnr; Mm, he beard tht nclic, mmtlf marfa by ibeae ' pouiik, tat tix rrfxllri, a if it procetoVd from mora tbn one! Ha ditrovrrtd that thrr vere under rtxkr which could bo eailjr rt mored Ho returned borne (or hit ion and gr?ntaon. They repaired to tht rock, rcri oed Ifi and killed fifiyfiao'od djtlon; nattlMmkea, and one Carter ankr-',!i all fifty aeten ! Such a large mtvt ;,f 10 rx4toioo s reptile-af aever btii koor to hare, been killed in ILU 1-iUTthl fduutraT - Lynchburg Virginian. . , - k , m ...,., ' The NV h Amencm He" mewkma that Vte trotrrti'uent of the U-ilird Sm;t hat Utelr renewed the vu't!on iih Nolea, in fel'crrna to Sfurai'i ipoiia tko,nd that Mr. ). J..Anpleton haa been reanatcne l to Nplca bMcitu Ajeot for ilie purjrc'eo Ptft9tir-ftThn'rSh-. H'aiden.- of tht State Pfiwi t. Conirord, Nev-Ilamp- ihire, .hat been eu.tled to f tnlt the Tretury fr m the profita of the Ubour of the Lontirta, thr torn of bXiainro the lieoLllJUkUtre about three montna. rera of the Waahinetoir Cttnal and DeU ware State Lottery, drwn on the 5th ioat. learn that the bifrhctl price wat aolcl in a whole ticket, to a merchant of Wash ington. Sererai other eapitala were like wjaet foW in whole tickets, aomo in Vir gitua and tome in Ohio. Illtsiard tyihe ,dIiori of jfNarion al IiitelJtgencer that "General Lafayette rtreited npwardii of-btr-a;orf lc uera frcdi(Tt-rtnt prttcadurlnhis'ry'intbe United St ate a. deafring his assistance in procuring peoitona for the aoldiers of the Revolution. 1 . -A. , .. A dinner. waipiten 'Q-.MrvSouTHtiD ll)(LJ?CCfJt!ariLJhftiiaTjft OP I uedy L. . L. . - C the 4th instant, br the citizens of Somer- ville, (N. J.) and the country penerallf. About eighty gentlemen' tat down to the table.'. .W'.:.v' .." .. . A Curiout Fact. The Kat.onaUoumal member,',. of the ' 19th ' ConRresa,. from Pennsylvania, although but little turned of niahr noVhrtng-irr weti e ikeMrfigmp Mountmnt. " Att Tor There are near five hun dred masonic lodges, and more than one Wsand ehaptera, at the present - time mbia'Sta ' : ' ' . : A' , - ; Mr. Addinjttor), late Secretary of'Lega Jion and Charge d'Aflatra of the British Government' to the U. State, tb Waah JjR'on few day ago on hUfreturn tp Kngland. v Lvxvuuvr corrax. A pmtiH in IrwtcD countr. a nrw day tincr, infonnad u that there waa thra coa cottoa Kalk atanding hi bia foU, akwk bad aa it mi AaajfrW aaa Ira M all brahky ia appaaraocc. aralblaa fV la aa vatt and rkld good eov ton, u tha balla an arty af tka tkr autk ia tbaficki At the 8nt vprningof the aolt,Ui atalk waa mkd oer-4it bow aoaay hoik a era pkkra" aut, ia not known. 11 gtmOt axan euaf liu &ld a bkb contained this pro lific attlk of cotton, on first counting "iWboD. atMla onry Vj3 but another gentleman aMisting to cpwH again, lit; built oude cae hundred and tea boils. The field wt old grouod, manured. . Jl STOUT TWICE. TVLD. An artrli ka btely been pultihed in mot of the-papert.W thr fotjMrrj aad among ibens aur-snraUoiung an anecting ntane or tne deattrof a voting htdr somewhere in Cnneu cot, by likfiuf, tba electric duia bating been attracted to he"unfortunte vkttm by a ift !, which she wore. Some printer at the north, hating either a better recollection than tbc rest of the fraternity, or by chsnre, in por tjraae aume. old, file of newvpspera, came liaosWd koa the LogUM Uagxugt j larbet 14 rUth Modett ft4s the aaaM bo4l thai r Nad by I bo Ltk cUfrskat atadaet. f a U la fWiVof a gvad, that t4 mt l.arlb KhW caif sm4 tjftierVaftd Ike tkftlitmi Dstd U IM Uar4d prUeaUoos 1 ft l kit. It anoy U aosvartd, that Dxtioaartes arw) gloaaarka win tiU ttry tacbbktl Ufn sjsad- Fof tiisnpltl Sppa the aiodeot of Lev tUkat jo inom tka astas bf f the words Urrn rrtmrnimm k Can d U b Ms Law Dklkwtry r her It an ipkaiia) b illatkaoot'i tomfprnuritw If the Hrdical atodaat wUhtsto know IbtdtftakuM aftM weed ftvafWcfta, bt Cat tiawaUo bit MtdKtl UMtbnary, and tkert Ind Ikat tkta weed it danred from tw Greek wtwds, tigoi fying end Aaraaar, ike dc irW of ftelortj or an I a tad kd " Or if ka wiUkt to ko Ike ro4Big t4 the awde Oa kwmrrtr kf mnirMa (W aam fhoeity ted ao tut any other term to use. AtMamea aigwiff Arai It it imma terial wHkk oacnt a Phrskltn uvea, or how matit awmet art ua4 f Ike mm tblng. A McdKtna thai vi'l curt the AaaeaZa, will ire the MeU; lhavt are 4y oofiv moat tarns. - r Iiappcera ettdcoi, frooj tkeoe eitm- ptet alone, that tit Induttrioui English Scholar may attain comet koovtedg of lot learned prouasioaa. . I bete can be Do doubl but the claaai cat acholar can proartst muck fatter io kit profataasnal aiwdiet than lk4 mere Co,(Uso Scholar, with the aamc bdwttry. loracc ha aad, Mansoe(viocii orsrua ; but it may bo more correctly eaid, Labor vtnreit ournU. To acquire general k do fledge of literature, requires dote application, aod tnunta etwdy 1 0 taae, U whkai kola tteyaU number of parsons are wlilinfio rubmii. - nova I ackaww ledge, with pride, that Ckart are 1 a acepuon le Uiia rearral rule 1 tboa a ho Mteeni Okcrit, M anatur ih bat garh It lp- peai. Orrfi'tf The Erst election for Co. ernor, y the people ot this state, took piece on Monday, the Sd tort, bat the re eult hat not been received. Wo bare heard from txty-tigkt countiet, and 00 making an eatimate, wo find that George Troup 1 majority over John Clarke, it near $000. in tbe county ot Jackatn, 7V W a f tet af aa- 4 1 ekt uW ji.ia 4 iV rv" ,fl ka aWas ika e4 a4 k-'4 sHv we iaa4 tt'iM I Mkb MU4 the w4 Waw4 Trwti p)ryti, a4 rrvpao. 1. H fU Mo tka mtU af tVk 4Tjwjtstjnw Owt ra4Vra oil r4r1 t 4f, 3 at 3 sraaba aWa, that load af twW ttaa) wakU kt fWaW a 17 aaaMi a we wiwa iik tkat aa-l al W fJ t (ka kt. W Utif aMf 41 ft k-l U IM, 14 wa4 txif, ikm kiMk-f, aUSJ re'ii Ike awo rwi, kt M tWiM f-t-l af i.aka iiiwn I, i-iina. anw It t aV at afl SWI. lsBwasWaWatta rilO kt dtao ika tr yaa tark. a X. tka tkaf itMMry. IiAiU aU4 k4 Ire 0iwrta. 41 Silin j aeUekaiOat Ua4 aaiai.rtw4. fit affkia U4 jsww, eak ttckrt kaf J AWx a raia4 TAILS at A. as IS n, aw- , l4 at. taV4. kaa U4 a aroaod u'Jl. aJ M jrVy ay 1X4 JvT WI tU BMeiinr af Mr) at a4te the verict, 4 geawlaJ a aw lWl, at it , aw Ike as ink 1 i la. 7W are ika aVasaade af 4k4 acka4t lyokttk ca&J tka rW pary 14 Ksetetky. TVa tibial are Ttlr-d. af tka liib kwt. stale tUt tka kr. tWns akaJk arrtwd al P. Verb aafke llik, fr UM knM aaatrVaas tkat k, aad fraaa la ik AagW. laaM k rfearMad la ke ia 4 af aaafeky ft twaiwina. Ika kat tpard ta ka Mf1y Wrf-rdd 1 a4 tka aaaai awtrf , eriaies, aMrdrfa tad wmmt a eft frftJr ra; ia tkat aaf!iy kiagvldea (wiMry. h im bateved thai a crM aa f4 Spea4kif , a bkb waxkl mUr eartW Wpaio U a 'ca aaMftf tka wtaal W (Vraad and etrHd aa lnS bet aa( dw etaat Arprarrd and dekaaad. Ika tWad ktola enae was at Masai wa, kvl was etpactad lo ratans at Ukrak tar akovt tka let of NrW. Aa M1U.r rayr aV aaW It Tka Rihimnra fatnni kaa rveid lafcama. lion, kv tka tcHr. rnfiee Aaa, km llaaa. Ikai Wm. kaW, fjq. (sWtaarf Coveraor ef tkk ),) ckArga drtsilMeea talk fcrpakwi of Gaaiesaa'-a, dtrd at Key Weat. after ikrre d iUaaa). rVour a at scllif at Ht'tJM, at tl per aamL mi aytwr" nrVwya martrtuwr tmf: 4 10 3f Tl 461 4 441 I it. I do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 5, oo 1,000 2.100 1,0- . 190 loo 10.100 I0XKW 10003 JOJil 4M0O tM0O let) I PHaet, .139 Hlthks. iVrai tUn J it'aal f-it, i-ioce or man ri. 4Um, il I Jfu 4 21 1 Lie k ike sm aa4aTaal aekrwaj OmI ke em keaw agered far tka t'slraaagt af tka tncoda af taiMrv adetue ka Asvoca. 11m eauQ aabteaf Ttcka'a.aajd the tmilawekd drwtawl 1 Iksas, k a n Sir teat varrmat, tkat tkere ail Mk 1 ebanca krft, for weeia kefcea the dy I sad aW tka drae if, a4 rkai tkt write af 1 ss keta wiQ djoerty dmuU d4km. (L7 uawUc ssea are UWrtlure rewaeatad. to pm tarn ka UWir aptkcaiia, l si eeden actaaUy katueo ska rwa, wdl ka cwtitkd U ka Aeeoaata to tkt 18lh af Ar. hart bra re. e4ad al New.Terk. by tka ka Cea, Cfiataw. Tka cottot asarket aot q'ixe sa dull, aa, by former accmata, waa - repwmatad t wakaifc went oft pretty frwek, st f la 1 peacv, aW a diaanr qwattieai aad 91 lo III pence,' for fine. r Lord Cochrane' eipedltion to Greece mm not aparwed bv the f nrW gvrerameat. Na funkar aetoaata, of batdea woa or kat by the Creaks. WttUiiroC.Dukta nAVewmmeaead tka r.lCTVR.IGB J.YD CaiMfltOLV MUilAKSX and aska wilt devata kia ttasa mtmwH ta tka later of those who may favor kit) with tbekr kaaiaam, ka cheriakn a hope, lbat ba aUI bt able to reodcr every astkbction. Orders addreaed ta bim at the Counting Hover of Mre. Jaas Rkatsaae av fX. (fit rootxlamn's Wharf) aillka promptly a tended to -si4 to whom conespoooenu are oicueti to refer. tarty H madad aMppkrd at tka aeeeee raiea. Hear of tkt ttaakaf tka V, laiee and Ht Brsackea, aad, generally, tke Notes of all IWnks Ikat pay apacte, raeiaad al par. rAko, laerca4iWIrWUatatlaanaafaka krge Cttiee,' aad friae Tkkcsi receirad freely" Ike Hails may be re Gd oa u being perfectly aaft foe H rrwuttaneew. TATCI k tJINTTItr, 10tW ' Ifajk.yfre Gf. Yactoiagf, find Commlftslon BUSIXRSS. rXtllB subscriber continue the F.tCTOJtJGE JL mnd fllarrfrU. acrou the Wentical article wnicn nai isteiy cif-i nrTayrtterillei en Taewlay, 11th imtarrt, br ted, in a paper printed some years since I : The circomstance then, as now, aff orded editors and morafistaaflnechancetodecry the fatal practice, in sourg females, of earing buika, (corseU) and all other unseemly, and unnatural ppemlge Although thii vagrant article su published all over Europe, two or . three year since, and baa now been-Jsew-vamped, aad i going lhe rounds ajrsin in the country of its nativity, we hope it may not be cheeked, but suffered to pes -on, - till it has gone to tvery mwnens uoor in this hemisphere j for it bears repeating so well, we wish it may be told anew every two or three year. . roa tbs wisTsair csaeuBtsv. " nender" unto Csiaar the things that are Cmrs." Mr. Editor; In our intercourse .with mankind, it is a necessary and moral duty to render unto every man his due ; and it it painful to an honest, upright individual. whenever tne pertormance 01 tnnouiy or tMattlrplttt But 44 who can control bis fate?" when the hard hand of misfortune, or the frau dtiTehf conduct of one mani presset down another from" an nbttdribtii"emim;nce m td tho valley of misery and want and when we aee him WinfjYer fair "and honeat ' exertion 16 make; "af decent? sup port, it is certainly wrong to accaae bim of rrlrninal inttntima, whenjhey ;h ;o. exisSnceV except in t vidious accusef . For my own part.,-1 am glad to tee every honest man prosper ; nor do I feel the least inclination to oppose his well intended scheme to make a lir in :' I should think it criminal to do so. But a long course of experience bat caitf.vjav nvsi.F.ss, us. oat, on F.dmotkiston's ksrf, and tolicit a aoo tinuaAca of tba liberal support they have here tofore had from their country friend. Tber tbqr vert) W in totea.- KaL StjUttrrJ. aaav ae upon.tUe-rkUrt a.tteation and punc. tuaLty to their business. Moderate raM adrsn. eee id ba made on all consignments, oa raceiv. ing Keceiptt o Bilk of Lading fur f rodoca ship, pad to their addre. All thoM a bo are indebted to tht subscriber. or to our Joa Reaiases, are expected to make payment (he ensuing reason. JOHN kOBINSON k CO. -CJkrrfcrfen, Sift. 27, IV.5. Hmm The Baron tie Stackelberg, Cbarg d' ACairt of tht) Swedtah Government r left Stockholm aomo few week aince on hit return, to thia country, to resume bit functions near this government. A. Jer LaruA, for aae. WILL be sold st tka ComH4I(mi4 la ftlia. kory aa t) 81 r)v of November nest. a vshisbk trart of land, kiag aa canl creek ta Itevea eooaiy, eoniamint; acres, belong, inr U Uie beirs at kw of St itlum Kobann. de. casecd 1 sokl under a decree of tke Caart of rvpilty for mid omiwy, snaiks at Fall Tern, I rjJ, for the parpuaa of datTWotiaa. Tka ktad nea oa both sitlm of Second creek, adoiainjr David J. CaUwrn, Henry T. Kutwon, MictiacI Andef son and other. , .Tke Unas and coatMiaa wiQ ka a credit af twelve months fur klf Ike price 1' aad t credit of eiffcteee soonih for the other bs the pua chaser gtrtng bond with approved servrrty. 1 1 tie la oe cseeateU a kea Ike money i paT. Aat'L. kUXJMAN. e. a. a OrtoSVr Ulk, 1835. 4 Rcs.AU 11. ktMaMr. IVnla. U'llanlorv of iVit- minttoa, to M- Ntrrsrtt.lmM.ciicI of lluncan klacRe'a. Eaq. " "7, ter -wVoUcc. THlk.mtilt9ra4MstL Store lately occupied by Mr. A. kice, a if door to Mr. Charles ON'esJe, in King street, 1n tends contirminjr the same Ene of business sa I fore, and hopes for a continuance af hit I heretofore, former customers, a they may rely on the strio. - -( - atH; - In MerVlenburr county, on the Iftth met Robert SilUman. Esq. Postmaster at Morrison's 1 test attention and punctuality to their business. Tan Yard, but formerly of thia county, aged 40 For the purpose of winding up the concern of yean. Mr. Reni'sea and himself, and Keeping kit tu- In Mecklenburg county, on the 27tb ultimo, sine distinct, ha win carry it 00 under the firm sir. rfitfirrw jh. jMt, m tka JJd year of t of A BAMMt.T.U CO. sXoUeta rpilC sjibsrriore beet kae to iruVva bit JL friends and customers, lUt be ha taken Joka Falla U slier lata itocnbiiit and that,' ia future, the - . - fmtiTme aad CeavaweWea BuUnrt r win ka carried oa under the Ciea of tiVrt MmHn U C. , Ikty will be muck oblieii to their frinda for a hare of their eiKtaovaad will use their -beat exertions to mrrit the 14 me. Reasonable advancea will be made on all nro duca aent to their eddree. ROOT. MARTIN. 4t8t A: 7, A7ar ir. age. A dropircsl complaint olosed tba auuer mgs of this excellent ciUsen. FJTETTEVIUE PRICES, Oct. 13. Cotton, 144 1 flour, fine, 44 ait superfine 6 to 6j 1 she st, 1 s 10.4 , ahkkey, 40 a 42J , peach brandv, 50 a 55 1 apple do. 43 to 45: com, SO to 60 1 bacon, 6J a 7 1 salt, Turka Island, 03 a 75 per buarui mo laves, 4? 1 sugar, anus- eovado, U a 13 1 coffee, prime giecn, 20 a 23 mrHT3uTjiTyTlSa9TTca 35 1 flaxseed, 80 a 85 1 tallow, 7 a fit beeswax, 30a3Z4;me54to4jcrItX)Jba.i iron, 5j a 6, pr, 100 lb. 1 tobacco leal, 4 a 5 1 manufactured, 5 4 20 pr. cat. . - - Cotton, 8. llnL 50 a SSl' ttaWd do."36 Mttne and Santee, 40 eta. 1 sheet- aUple,' 14 17 centai Whiskey SO a 32 cents 1 Bacon, 56 i' Hams, 8 J 1 1 Lard, 9 1 Ur Bagging, Dundee andTriVerheit f42 r.icfiar2a: Cof- fee, Prime Green, 18) a 20 ; Inf. to good, 15 a 18. - N. Carolina SUte Bank Ttillsl 4 a per cent. dia Newbemaiid Capo 'ooJ' peetft at. 1 tieorgia ao. 1 a j per cem. ois. ., Cttlon. The si ket is nearly bsre of both kn ad nominal.. The caterpillars have tnsde such ex tensive mages- in fields of Sea-blwid Cotton this season, that we very much fear there will be a scarcity of this description." Uplands of j the new crop come in alowly, and may be .quo- ted at from J4 to 16 cents; tome small lot! of mod 'nuatitv. foe the northern msnuractones. Save been purchased at Uj-a 16 cen-. . BENJAMIN IIAMMET. crT In witbdraa inr my connexion in busineaa wjthAIr. BEaJAMIM HAtty.KI, 1 cap not, con sistent with my feelinrs. but express my entire ntisfacnoa with hm condnct. Mr. H. baa uvea with me aa Clerk and Co-Partner, for upwards of kvHtnt in the whole time I bsve ever louna mm stienuve ana or uie iuicich inicrri. fvand recommend a continuance of the public . . L a . t I aupporx ijc nat itiucno receiveu. --frvtwf wnwragrwtv Chnrttntn, Oct. 8. 4t48 'LaL'anete 850 Reward Stop the Villain. RAWAWAT from the aubscrk ber, on the 17th August, 4 negro man six feet high, yellow complexion, plearant countenance, an excel. lent.MUiervajia very tono 01 me comnsny of white- peopl. hat a - Bli&f store ofUmrwidenceU fond of dress, and haa with him a quantity of rood clothes, lie was seen in ureenviue uik ri$ mkeilinaf 4 dins? a small ooer horse, hit. fiddle tied behind him, and in company with .a suspicious looking wlute imaflj Whowiis on toot: -ana saw e nu bought the ' neprToT me, and thiif "he 1 lived "sts CrcenvillBrdisrict. --The above reward will be given for the apprehension of the nfgro and white msn and' their confinement, so Hint I can get hold .of them,' or twenty dollars fyr the ne rro. and thirty for the white man. . aAn tgaui Vanntl (ilti IS otTered For ttale r k is nearly new. and ia .believed to be a aubttnaMallv comtructed. tinrr kn'tlWManml, aBtaM4k 1 J any G1Q in this part of tke counter. It wilt bs sold low, and payments msde arcomrr.odatlng. For further partietikrs, Imjnire oftlie Printer of this psper. (78) Sakibutf, l. 3. l?5. To Journeymen 8atAcT8. I WISH to employ a fiwt rate aadiUcband, who is a man of integrity, sobriety, snd of stesdy and imltMriou hsliiu j rack a msn would receive constant employment, and ribcral wagea, for six months and perhaps longer, by applying early to the aubKriber, , .1 . JOHN II. ROANE. JtrVyma, Ort. Ietvil825.. .. .. ."K To 3ourntmtn TaUotfJ. WANTED, five or nx journeymen tailor-, Good men and true m to a liom higher, ages tbsn can be obtained at any other shop in North-Carolina, will be given, provided fief are 'reBny' isil w orttmert. ilrtttetiHitfettvwtt no 1 others need take the trouble of applying " KE ELL k Tt,MPLEl'O.N. , Saftaury, Sept. 28, 1835. 78 YftTn for ftae. THUsiibecriber ouprs tie Fsrm for sale. ... Tl licsfotf r milea west of Concord on the read leading from Concord to Charlotte, and. on the waters of Coddle Creek 1 contains 150 acres of land, with all the necessary building appertain mg toa.fam,ConHsingof indwelling, out-hoti-ses, kc all in itoikI Ktam""fbr furlJSe1'l5ilrTles'' ulars, inquire of the nubsoriber. on the premiwt. "August 8, 1825. . 3mt82'' N the 2d -class of the Oxford Jen Jem Xartv yr fur jale at Jhe.Friiiting Offloe 1 hiehesk . prize R20,000 1 besides R10.000, R5,000,eiKh. teen of i ,000, kc. &c. , Price of tickets R5. Indictiiientis For assimlt and battery, for. sale t thia CTice,