if I vrrj, f.-'tt IE'.; ".iff tier.' tTi!fi !., j if itau, Nf tl In ti.fi" ii r.j; T are t miftiari, r ate en.' - it 1 If !: I it- a 1 -I .'' l t.t li HU.t t.ln mirrx. CWs4 iy II tv, r .M tU ltw I U t . L'fufi at t,nfn lr. lie ftthrr rSiou omtauiUta art Cier V (il'cUd, ArmcaiiD cadctUa. Sjr t'iiM, 5ria cathlitt taroolita. ChaUeaAcaihblici, Nntorir.i,Ca,M, be, AUotlOO.COO&ftietvlIdKurdi are Kciinriaa chriitiaM. Tbe tf ahoeoetao popuiatloti of Tor ter U AaU It Compoacd of Turk a, 3 iv rrj ill l'i!rr. jl' Ir.a 4a i r V i ( tblll v a . fti,tM ...f nil'. itvt t 'ftw a av " WMo vl ariUci tt lit rnin'to Stint if NttlS&'ri uf om,' ry itttU of finraLIm tht tirtl '.! L;M boill iV ffotrf) lj' k4ili iaod. ).!f J!l" J, 1 WeiiUntMtto ojn! zU 1-1 n I (! j wo 4. L f areut ift4 tasie de, tf Oria.t9f763 aaitrt iWm the eSijr of l'itlh Tklal .Uliiiwj r t!iry, I (or Aerxturi. iU Io4ia fca-J Jjt r trae4 fra aa iuuloa nWi to thf cut iW tihriag tba fruha cn4 Jtt la4, aU tk yrrtutU ttfcUS yUUi the rIiofl Cynre . Thttr rt oo n. Uf tH tC I rankle ao. ihi. i Jvqa 4.Et.l lrr.tUan4 Agrkul do. to. at tort tl FjgU, b(. d. Ik ij. - Art- 1- lYiwiftr Knc&tfiM oc ( ikH tor. cr dficstr if mcc m tiled Arab. DtdooiDaoeaBder!Bg cmm rltMl 44. 4wo Co. lJUf CriKptaba.Uf 4'.t IJooeto. Jar. atfiedt all aitet t foot eto. trurr! lam m celebrated tr a feiitt aad A rati, Tutoaoaci. kurdi. Motowal. f srj mrttfrthtf gan iUmU oyt fy Wti j xUrrlf Wrle TU itlirLufl t-f tht Druiea mi of tk A U, amiUol4tU FAatiHtttlnntTt' tVw-ontf a it 4 U t' t JaftJIC, It Ink M ka aat Wi MWif ki tM rkew bop like rrSwa, I ;if frw 0 aa U4 Ik to! UU ttfU IIm aH aadrt a4 a VtkW Ai4l U IWMM w v tO4 IV mry a" Jk tad tWU, f Ut gitee U mr of m4 Kck Mfart M fit ike rti4 Wkea f bare Kti tkr greta giwas pw Otf wbal owes m K btWv 1U deeply A U spirit Crl 1V krte, ikt awif'e wrot mtt4 appeals Aadl tWlMtdsUkt1llst A txkoet lW IVtae. Tk IMIowVf pkttw of tW IIor-, t U took! U, by Lord , m t bare oftee polrrd drtft, aJ JKlkjp lb SMt perfect tf trader fwafri 0 Iht kB ke will rr, SalAera wiser kfWi la Ux awek ka iB aot tWktt U pUk kf overtake i li tb art k m& Mtwk, . . , . . ! tkt nc kc m ociTpii'l-J- . la llu cvUt UU ih4 fjil i Ob ib kom U '.D v'iblr, TIim W toU ftbil mile bm bnokltt I tk fiU U J1 ! if,. bat rifJ friiTca Only Hfi bw fc Aai iido( uch f k trtl AfU 4.. TM , Z Mtcllti0 i!n tlftl fffildot, Mtnurjr J Cuimcr, I? bftlkH, lof Ihi U Ivo wm. Ttlf ifUft i cocMiluM query Bt tut BumUf djiur frots limf to time. Mtl a quorum art courtwa. Art. I. It KU U lh duty of tht a6cUUM Kr mt. to uit b Uit'iacii of tK oclty, ad dor to prvaxrtv tK ojcrti f tHit lUo uoo. Tm ooy for th u oi IM Mxictr U to b ralwd hr frca tioo of tht braMhrt. and bt votaaurv CMtributiori of WiridaU ho may wih to prornou tka of lata o- Cicty ' - - a a An. o. Em brtscb nccuof mho my KJ-w tftti coettiiuuoo. mu m . . AiuUd to to reprt tceuut c la t&c gT0rtl anxittioo, aut my aead oot UrUpie fr tvtrj tea mcabcri. Bcb brwch raiy cbot their ea ebecrt. tad aaiW their oa bre-Uwi, cpeiiv tent with tb iilpulnioo of this too- utuiiuo. Each kriDca mfftirg hIJ cnotcoc oner to alt monllii, or oftco cr if htj Utloi propr,.- - Art. 1, Tht rectptioa of incober ihalttihrplt -ot tho- rapcurt kraocb merlins i CKh bra.icb hIl trra a rrtnrd of their formbett, and report tht etmUer oootul to the a- Art. t. The rmcral anociatioo may cho hrird of maoarrt. if they think proper, in trannct thr bo- llioraa nf the ttnirty io the rerra of j it aittinp. Wiir. regard to the rmU Igrition of free colourrd prrtooe ho raf ad the r uMe aor bench. tl rrtat ofkera(.roU4' aa4 lluitui if the aoie were arrigttaUt4 ihi viu i M tnaaaer ci muteg umm aoimaJa rcadcrt ibe ght A tbcm t ery dUagrffftUetoacivUixedma. Tbey lorn a btue grate f bard wood, vblcb it pUed about a foot above the tfvuod. Tbe motley aulrped tt Lit alio, b pbeed U a ki'tlag pceture tip oa tb grate, aupporud by bit Uo traaama. tad aire It Itodled be- aeaib. The aalmaL covered viik U'aiTnCTeiTdarriAho act, orVt tbe tfa-aiiilnji t ?ooo tto. tincture Vuttlct. vawrted alma 3om davvntneriJ vttrr Witfn ftooo a. at I It area aflilflamff infeh fell I partaoftheTurkUhdomlaiooa. Their tr) ff . ' aamUr ruaMaprwUJ;"leii karwtVM 0aa a miUtota u Mftuf-xt. m ttva n,;w,.,iu The aumber of thoee Creeki. wbahrt'l'rta""rtyavtt. ouepcoaeace. core aot eiceea a bbo-i , . tul Mu t. T w utorr. Cf3 or 4 tnt-t rWJ ilmrm tif t ( . 1 . - 1 i HAY. ,; 'T" It t... k..- . 1.- Mfta.l .xmTwmr-" aeaia. ihe aataiai, covered vua m-"-"-4trtMO aw T, w. Drt kytko rw, ji tnvtke aad lamea, It roatud a-d ?)aKba. bether. b tht cvtot of k Uwi ti abe til bUckeBcd'ettbeiJeetioM la are. ht aad in eotirt diup. Awt.lt;i. id the aatiret detotr the area oe tht !"' frwia the face of the earth, ratUDlWSUmd KLXiixnTwc i etm. FptlE iWKWt kvUf eamrttenl 0 X taMfMsf Vialft, PotilM. !. a M itrnift anW, ia eWWd la Mpylr j quto- WfWlW fcnipay 4mpUtft ti Ay atWft. . hrt awt MWr Gk Wtf 1 , tmmtm 1 fatatat atnlkiM TnKcf rrrrt ilrtrrr- txM Ymcttn Bartlrhk grind aTr's frota kaar Jlr f m ptkM IWtiV TWiH, ixowLtfiGE, jxd MKTr.yrz. tlov it tb vorld dccti.'J br m'm aad mm ? V'TT ' u-a laoayrKdiap-aed l rrmve, tht eoci Lik. ' P,t1nr,M ' y itKrwto thxmaelvrt K prttilrgt 1 w - - . J J V to promote rraifratlco to any place ((MMft, Ire KftovU yt hiU Gk mm oubkr " rdpt f rd, r - Silently aUtc. an j der p koaoa kwiea. Tboaaa Balkrd, f.q fUow (? ConV, UW, trratt tka fottoalag eplriw tm kit ihnr irtj cur, tliaMivk BiniiH k moat fotkt ! rcrkoni-d ft TKrM Jul 1 ftiftrrv. iw better for on 1 the meeting ia h may be in poaaei TlirilWkrieno-the neat IW ker pur- ! aion of relative to the affaire of th a. TkadtlWaaiampdimaaidwm.!cw and recoromcod aochjBMaiiree which if. thrir jadgmeot may br nwtt like! to pre Jdcr f 'e deairrd effect. Art. 9. It ahatl be the duty of the prtaidcDt.to prea de at ech meeting of th aaaocuttor., keep order and dr- ! ccrum, and give aurh L.fvrmatioa to . Xar.ait.etrr.J Avti. cM M.CvuMmidy so ciett. . At a meeting of the geoert assocU at ion f tht naaumkftioo aociety of Narth.Carlina, held at Hopewell meeting houee, no thr Oth dy of Se p teroVr, T82J, delcgatea from i?7 aui iliary meettcga, amounting to number to 81. appeared, produced certificates -nlWw.e4fulao;k theiraeat. r"tBrinirvraacpehHl-by-aApt propriatr addrcae delivered by Mosrt Salm, Esq. for which the aaociation voted him tbeir thanka y and Kcsoh(d tujaoimou)!)', that Berpmm D. Rouo aaville, Esq. be furniaited with a copy thereol 1 and that he, on behalf of this, association, requeat the etlrtor "of the Wratern Carolinian to give it publica tion in Kia paper. Atteat : Aiaoi Ceriia, SetTttuy; COXSTiTUTION Jtkt Manumit Strict fbtrih-CartUntl: aociety of NorthCarolina for the gradual aboli tioo of slavery, are of opinion, that at, this eventful era, when the attention of Europe and .Hnienca is iH the auffi rings of the A frican race', it it fneumbehf 6h - us to consider whether we are acting un to the Drincipler we prnfeas; We take the liberty briefly to pbaerve, that ; waAdherc;.ia,jU by the great Creator with cerum unalienable and the pursuit of happinesn. We. think that declaration hplds'.good, without respect to colour, and that it is the duty of nations and states,' as well as individuals;1 and more especi ally those who profess to be actuated by' the" tepubtiCan" principle," to sup press involuntary slavery among them, and endeavor to remove this dishonor aa in bis opinion may have a tendency to promote ihe views of this institu tion 1 ahaH have power to adjourn aa cccaIon avf . rcquirr, andjnay call a special meeting pf the associatioa-at the request of two (or more) of the branches. In case of absence of the president, the. meeting ahall appoint one pm tempore. Art. 10. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep fair recorda of the I a-T-ZxlV) n rr. f "ma r t' a. h MA JnfT lbM T to form a regular journal of the tratrs actions iof the aociety. In case of absence of the secretary pro tempore. Art. 11. It ahall be the duty of the treasurer to receive the money collect ed for the use of the society 1 he shall make regular entries of all money re ceived or paid out, but shall not pay out any money without n order from j.he. prenident, or the cruirmao of .ibe board of managers j he nhalt exhibit a true statement of the funds at each an nual meeting. Aril 13.' In case any member shall let af a aWry, li (a diKcult av lo aklod wfld at rttura VAtlj ftn( YatiotUn ig gjimiw tine 01 iMruarism. umipi bKya.L.11' v'Uf importance attached to cat orraaieadoa, bat contributed ,dU w'd ketter mintak) the bom of ettsaJfP!lB r.l.;.t? amoor the aavagvt. Itoatud a.nurnt" 11 ,u " keys, eapeci.ny ibote with rcHiadl": elemmia are f nunaan eiittence j hrada. err sent a aWkinr retmJJnf. &' a the air we breathe It made ea. laaebiLl . t!rt fore, when Kutvu aeatial to tbr aupprt of Lfe,' ao the are forced to feed upon them, ibey cut Fgfra or improrcmrat la the van- i Hm4 cm, trim it aa x. ff the bead and bands. The Beth It "otn.wn'ca "7 mtui ' n I ' rV wZm,. ... JwT! loo anddrt. happtneaa ami e.joymcot of m.a aod Aey icWitk radpm. c,t Vt fouod af Eimerildl SB W4rlBl,a' etptrrw turr 4a-iu Miurt ac 1 imi), . irtm. oua to Uo.cia-awi diaa preparer r,ioo f Curare) from r ' P abuouwee 01 - lots 1 r'."!! rZVJT: . - . . ' . . ' . I. --. .1.. I I-j:....kT. .....I. i""f irtwniw pwrn ."i recratrv gttnrrrO JI was iberj"". "-wh. .1 ftf th. rJif. and known bv Moal f the machioerf ( . - - - 71 , , . . - - r iV. ...t- ti-iiaciorita ol variooa ocacriDUoot unuil rttie, ..11 w.u.k w. m i".ww-...., ... I , - . . . Ia " --r- r.,.. ; r.i 1 t 1 " r Iftllhln frttf. rMiillfll . ! -A . I I -" "'"I V"' fmwwmm naa urge oetiert mact oi eiay ouier -'T , " " -"" s"";- ---"JaaJ entimoa nLband foekct pui a.htr inflow vessels ior cvapontieat aou . -iwwtr, wtutam sm carenn rei.p bomi! Iraveaof the banaoa rolled upia the dwawl ita bulky and perishable aa. mdr. Wkng and l"kiwuv., WKkrtery ahapr or trUfapett rr atraiaiog the ,urri "w poisoaout l.quors. Thit terrible poi- 'Uy Bf,0Pted ' " ftottU amnlored ia .r in huntm- amouat of CaatJBgt aad the CXtentlve -,,,1 Bftc -r-i fkiblrlrAlft. . -.r.-- .- - - , . od what it surprising, as a remedy "V. T" . wn,,n T ftt rvf V,n, t"M;., gainst indication. fWplaat itn Pd m the wrought aa well aa moul. ttlalt Of Ottlk-ttlTOWna, rmJrt pint t im4 n"" 1 aowaa cocvtt. ,u. mUa. ;. .ka.-Jded shape, cannot but bertnrded r: rrrrVl .Ub.ond r.nda.toni.hment: Tile T1 Cawrt of rquhy. Octebrr trrm, lSJ. 11m po.wm.ut juretit contained la proviattn made by nature in the abua. Mrr, Orr-l B.U. Tka pl.i.fl. lit tto. the loer bark, which ia scraped of ant aod ioexhauatible supply of it, is en Winf shown that thr dtfcmUnt bMM bruised betweeti atonet. and thta cast greai amira'ioo. low tne airaioer., vvater being pour- dt Km h rel rmrrt ortk krrc tun rdtpoo it, a yellowish water runs off anticipated, and provided accordingly itbr rnt of th't -ate,' it k tkertapoa bv- drona for aome hours Thia ia 'h bountiful hand for the wants dmd, tht the Mid George T. Heaney be ao- oyr crops ior aome noun. iniS IS tillfd bT wibDrt'Wm to br tre ait efM the veoomw liquid, Vhdna-eadt nJ,.n,T?,f?Ce ' rekstttKa Weer.Cftrol.BUMh.tl.eppf. thick by evaporation, aod then mixed 800 k " tDd t the next term of tl.ia eouH in faHAuryrM vaporatioo. with a gluey vegetable subsu.ee to m,et7h; 5. .1o.t ..err ni.iri,. rJFJ.JZ 1 t L. a I - - - - " - - - --w- ... . arvia nvii ajrs uactt aaaiwrT ir irvas w v give it body. It bat the appearance 0f lrtr Fjnitcd Statet. Accountt tf eompltioanta'biB! thiolftil.irr,tie.rrii! 01 pptum, and a pieatast, tnougti bit- disrloturts of rich and extensive beds be Uke,n fwr' '" tertaate. It sell, at a high price,. I reach U nciiry every mail. . The ,otmJ i&x.MIJJ, an. have seen a dollar paid Tor S ounces. tTtCton rf furnactl tnd forges, aod 0W it, irti 6:M . M Ponplaadand-Ix)fteiiuatedof jt, intiU. J.n.tiM frtr .h, r-rr "r-r r: and swallowed small portirns. There mnr; Bll,,.r..! rv.r,;kft f f - Stfttt 01 OTlniftT()Uta. is no claoeer ia this, unless iheltpaur ftf. k;. UnJ . th- nr--,.. I cvcojr eonrtr- when it comet in contact with blood. ,ntr the ,peedy ,dYtnceroent of the tachment, leied oftlnd. It aPPerinr . the A ooaj wounded with a poisoned ar. mVin. I tfttW.ct'ioit ef the omit, that the drfemltr. . mm mm t ia wwiaawai'"roaawaai Ptul Greenlee, it an mhabitint of tnothrr row, diet in 10 or, 12 minutes 1 large birds, in S or i minutct. A roan who waa preparing a poisoned arrow. for 1. cohprand, touched a airgM wmind fitt" hit nnger wUh-thjion .lgjell to the eroundr and hit dizziness last ed halfan hour. than by the people of the United Chriit'tant and Mahometan in Turkey. Statet. The extent to which it That I Malte Brun supposes that the popu- been employed of late in Englsnd, is utionjui.j urtey in turope, Asia anai aucn as to ggt;r uc.ici.--an acvcrai Africa (Egypt) may amount to 25 mjl-l instances, bridges to considerable ex- scarcely enjoyed in the old countries . i. 1 it. ..hKo of Europe. I n no part of the globe, xum bo ru.de in tht rt ettern farolinian,7 aue with the exception of England, are ceatiTeh, far three rnotrh, notifrinf;tbdefe- mIne,:ro c-isaroo. made to subserve the van- ; ah;ii. mi tts thm4 stmut. in Jmttn. ous Durooses if life more exTe'hatvergHttt&'tneTr aiwi tkoro 4o-tJeaLarairf r or dnmir ih proportion 10 population and capital. 1 Pj? rf rjalin; othtr. ite jur final will be entered agairwt him tccordinplr. 3nt9l Tear JOHN MU.Lr.it. ti. j-i . j . -tmu sbwiw-mh. ..wnu.miuii vir 'J.. l r. : ..... .r. t , lion, iic may .- ui;rDisre7ir nvu- "JTJ"? branch meeting to which he belongs, subject to appeal to the general associ ation, - - . . , Art. 13. The general association shall lute power tovlier or emend this constitution, whenever two thirds "of the branches concur therein. State of JCoTtlvCivToUna, Ratified in general association, held at Deep river meeting-house, in Gum RICirD. MCNDClVRALL; iVrndml.'' ' J radical cure for the Tooth Ache.' ""' Use as a torth powder the Spanish spuff called Sibella, and it will clean the teeth at well as any other powder, and totally prevent the tooth ache j and make a regular practice of washing behind. the ears with cold water every morning; the remedy is infallible. - IOt'ttToT rieaa "and Qiiirttr-f mtemhtr i .044. it.... ci.a.. ..n,.:.irrfrf(f lions, oi which about one half belongs tent have been constructed entirely of Elizabeth shore, it. The heirs of James Lore, t Asia. He eatimates that the Turks cast. iron. But a few years since, a dee'd. : Petition for re-probate of will. Hap- and other Mahometans do not form a cast iron iFMYmaifeToT1fvire' f"? 'VfA&iS--... .. er l . , Jamea Love ami Efi Howell sndWancy nm third part of the population of Euro, remember right) was erected, , and kei t Uw of the raid Jarnea Iie. dte'd. are of thit Mate, Order!, therefiw, be made three monUitJn th iniaru rivintr nollre ttf the aatd . .:-r n ... . . -a. latum cnsislf liaUoBshiclrpro the inhabitant, of Egypt, are Ma. only the machinery, but the building XVt hometans. According to this compu- containing .it, is composed of. this rer,.or plead to the fhares net forth in the pe tition, there are 13 or 14 millions of durable and valuable material, j - tition, or the prayer of the petitioner win bj Turkey, subjected to ignominy, intus. the -brsx castings tor plougnawere Witnea iWri. COAWtfAr, - tice and oppression by 8 millions of t known, Subsequent to this are Jtavef Prke arr. y4.. pean Turkey, and not more than two- about the same time a packet ship, not inhabit hntt of ( filths of Turkey in Asia. Three-fifths, composed almost wholly of cast iron, .h. publication be perhaps twothirds, of the whole popu- was launched somewhere' in Scotland, less and t flow s of two Scotch i ports.TnWmVpIacei n6tJer Sifw ttf be heHtOTtriecoMniji ndQiuuv. ofCabiT-- Mahometaoi 1 These Chrittiana are .wen it introduced. into our dwcjlingt U,tatt ot XOTt-CfttoWna, in general debased by ignorance and in the room of fire places, in the shape 1 - - -, inue eise out ausura ceremonies ana i ranciyor - oiner- uses ..owurev ,t r aerraaing topersmions.- i nose - oi i wnero-twenty years ago xne mtttnor.oi j nam r aires i wngmi atcnnicni,Tvju- - -Asia are divided Into igrmimanv such appropriation ofhw - w - . . . . , , - - - nv ana n n . iiau: iniuiniauun ub aataBut. - sects, "all actuated, aaya Malte been treated with laughter .and ndi- mfi,. ;n wisterh Carolinian, that unlr the defendant annearai the next court of pwa.' . ..L.I .11 a.. -rniinlvni ana quanerwiv pc nciu tvr Brun, " by a spirit of ieseterate hatred lcule. to one another, and tbu deprived even of that sad harmony which a DtrticiDiu tton in slavery might engender. King of Sardinia has issued an ordon- property levied on, and plead, the plainti , 1 1 i . 1 . ! c. ..-..! on e.. 1 .v - .t' lireneii, anno cwur.-uwic in - . Swiss Journal states, that the .k:i uAni.tf $ wmhi.i- net. repier ".' levic eini . . .- . nonnlaiion r,f F.nrohi..r. T.irVn tn T,i "t9Wh' i'.Wmui4U t.a. A 'n WTor Pre 5onK..t The greater..part of the christian nance prohibiting reado; and writing puiationot buropean lurk-eyjbeionglto be taught to any one who has : not to me orceic cnufcn, ana ju Asia trus J property to the amount or 300 doUars ! frke adv Tc:tf "B.8iM0ijnc:k. 3rotir v4 ..; . " it-.

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