V. ... I - uinta w iff rr :t ivfiff v.p?,u ski.. C4 II. iff. k arit4 M H i- tTfc On. Irr,.h fet were fMtJ.4 (M tbt a IM UMft w UtfrtlMf af il . di IM ,:fc IM ! Uttiv l t-vti; r a clul.i. ikrb Lt imIk e4 rtnkuJiHf bf ewnil r.,.4 m Cwoataa itle fiwaa 1 4 tbt rpiift d Ntrwi I Whim rM. Tne ,U lUsti Ukf NksUffd br t4iM again .Nip"M tf Romania ofbtt apr - h .V0 .., act, Uptortd (It r4- r Jr uj lvahlt.e'ioefru4ei Ikrf awr tecit4 ravature, 4re-k4 an if dL a Cow. li.eiUea tM 4 tM UfO.lt -4rv. Iklevt ba eauU, Utm, wbtait a) M lion, 4!m W Pl'. vmk m wA"?i S lt ntlry cwlf, r"M in tonsrkd u(4M THpoltai. It also stated lint r !fy, bad beet podded it CcwtiP"'1' 7 rtport ikjt lU nidie of M Sum bed arrived off IM? 4 la i.- uMimiM .( tu Island of form .t..... Jtt i llfdm.- ft oM v " - . . . 4. i l.tf. ...la f rime la oaf t"' leport CMlrtly devtiitttt ! iIm. TV. Utemrance from $in rtpr steal ik.t t.i fiA tmatiin uhkl tUM of eoartby e4 foNiio. " nttrt tiertJoo -aUfested. peeve t ehertke. fotkwtd bf tlit of Gc. lmbfli V U'ftcUi f4 of (;. Lock tu Mnck OnlfUtU In ibt protbct of fWootf krn) ACbkl M IM fteoviaco of Urn(U ir iIm la opto rwtxiuwt, om have precUlnt CILtCZ. TK fottavlftf U m ritrvl lof Wtttr, VriiUa kjr Dr.ll,i )wj ,mfHa K lie cnx of Crt,dit(4 u 'lljdrt. 21 IX li:s.m T't lu Wort pibJUtal itmti si '- 5 i 'f ' ' rn! t - w i t j . - k, Hi lki"J 4't, " kk IM Orl ft f Uf fo N Trip t IM ! I.. k,... .K4klnff tol4 MP pfHt o( iKf tnf I v rtU4 U iW (JftAi to kMiwi Id t4it4 w IM fbu oi in r3ibr to4 i J4 feM N uu&i.ktt u a ifst . Jr4. IMI lMMWf t 4faU'D M Ututk Mir, MW wdi M f n4l tMcMoiw4 W iMt oooM M oM io wiM h W iM MO r 0OkA, lot; tM IM oMcr fcf tel M .fdon M tftb i inM viDi tro kTiJk4,ttJ U iM kou. iM ikfc i p?" TilpooUu. wi kft mlbf rl, oM ortp of otM. OolM I tii of Jv iflHOto. Ulf mo. of 04f tttoi MMWn UU t bf M Uoof of fotcfoi Cm4 U Mr, M i tKtpo.Vf eitlaiMoMlf klib ror bk '"'Pit' U4 ll U ImoMMO WUkl tlit rocli !. I Mm, Crt n ooo oUr Uitt.W roM cr M. . . ik. Lut rJ Lit t allt cm( M jutonotJ, ind by bN 4 wo locjjOu oTAMka art oiMi. it V frotn M Mort Utftt rxni it in w iroM m from IM tiUtnt of TriDKJr. IhM kit Mo Art ? tniad or IM Urt ctt M io ib nrmber of IJW. ill tM pnKt. loar tint 9, iM? cut of IK ftomt oiih protlatooo UUoc4 for i aao u .i i'J ITI. r z., rsc t n ur.it. lr' Siil (' n.'l4 S0 'fIMl tf IM k . Itn, IM M Crm f Si JM. In4 tt, r.iV m Coo TM ihWr f trt M Miopia 1 ia4 W, a4 IM 1t v'!tt JjbwI IM WaM Mntaf, AMf IM m Inuukf aA4fi(!H( tUfOU of IM CMraa'kxh IM iMUf U looto KUlfllvU1 a4 ill larf f oiwj it f Myr"atl?ft of bU 4iav. Ud Mcb iktti(Ma of 4ib liir , M tiil'f. Ib F'Hhwp tfH4 a 44f4ti U IM ftmtothrti bkh aa kif4 o'rt vn ift4Bntf ttwbot.- raav ciTiuvrjrj u.n rrnr. Toj;oia Ptpcra lo IM liK 5rpttmSr, N Corthaireoa t tM lal io! ba oecn rcctltrU it ibooflictof tbt Fed"1 Cauda. Bahlmoro. 7 ' Orfttrat fUInrwu tfJI in Vff To ro, but cipfcied Io return io Lima. General RoJil itUl MJl out io U o i.utHiiMiMuMrM.nlth buiCauIa of Callao. and li vaa believed fmafwn cooUloaJ h tbam. ta oof reaJr rt. u I4 aomo m'b lo comf.--titl.i UftnUr eWUikMaawafrom that ' "PpoaM Ibat on lha 19th of Jolf, tbo Wm7 thn,iw oibar ebaL TV. Wtter Hn.on and Tartar ihhji Maivcll ih! CHio Brooo, t ro ptt Tbf foiladafptaOaaaflt oMaaiMl IM M MlW C'MoaiM oo4 DaUar caJ. obkb M betn opo4o4 on a coontof iM 41acmMot Uim lb UKinoblart an4 tM eonimlof , iU. Job H!it, baikoef SetlOMV contmtara a) anort otvlitt lama, tn4 iMaiOcr.3' runoiM toook,iM iWiwaof Cars dmmmtt ot IM Cawtrt bWN M IM lUm hi(tan4 ookcitdJonn Uobf.o. Mar JM f.Mar, Ur. Wan. Wbhabir, Jowja raitaraon. aa a4 Cape A'bn flaicber, to a UoJ C4. A: lUaadlsf in rovt to iflwavtr Iba ol tkaUo aiiuailon for f o4 to poo tbf ouch tbir and ohr tfio uk'li to tbo h'onb Carokm Qa'-C' dot ao( contain to kla rot(ICoe from Crrcco a are bar otNerviae racelrrdt bat vhat wa hart, Tt mT drpM ptn m mti M In mf Itl'tri of the lib and 3d Junr, I bad lvan foa on account of the public proce edinn of Crtectt wbicH f had io tended for tbo Rood of our eoantrr , at . joii are ao'eniirelr inunorant In America of erry thinir, rektinq; tb'oBairi'heroi and I ihed ron to make tbt mi Irn- porlant i.f ta puWk", in any wanner yoi chooe but aa I think iboie letiert are foat I ihall rWe von a rapid lummary ol whM I ihrrt detailed at lcri((ib. 1 told, tou of the opturo of Nfarina br tbe Turk, and Ihfir rlt obaenrance of all -Ihttermtof canituIulionL of their advance upon, and i'iccei3 deMrucih" Jf ibe. lowna oi Nirnd CU"mta -ol looon liro .diancreinn of the Off ek armf j and Uie iinieral dtjeontent of the country, hit h de the eopIo demand that Co lototronl, .ahoiH bo aet at libertr.'ind tnido KenenliiMmo, which waa done. Immsiatelf aAer. followrd that Rno affair at Modorr, where Mir.alea burnt S f rijsree.-1 corretret, -and a ' nombr tf aJI Ur J iImT ter tho fall of Nanrina, Fletcher, the fninisterof lntrJQ)idanced with about 1000 men to Small Jliil. to enJeatour to cover tho province of Arcadia in a day oJwo.AheTqrk advanced againat hla position, ard entfrelf cOt Toflf- io army leaving the brave fellow dead on tho spot. Fletcher wee, a priest, but amonsr. the firit toiiae against the Turke, and do ting the whole revolution haddiatinguiah- f rl himielf by 11 bold and active werH twnij ne enricneo; hlnnetr mucn i ana his talente prorured him the place of min liter of ioterW, in despite of tbo ailcneas of hiimoral ttiaracref. - . Onhe 2d of June the Oert from Con- otminlo"oaHoaaiU4blU cd by a diviiion of the' Greek fleet, ap peared ofT Hydra, on which an attack ai expected, and" all preparationa made for an -obstinate defence. But on the 5th the Greeka attacked tho enemy with xlieir-CreaUj par burnt I wo- MgaJea, droe two other aahore, and dettroyad aeverul corvett and transport. Thia bold atroke and decided; advantage so weakened and scattered the enemy 'a fleet,, that they bore a waj for Suibr:w4ire U; alo I r AlexandraaQ.,i;eet ltb-Crcekh blockaded them for a. month, when they made an attempt to come out, bnt -were driven bit k w it h the lost of one large corvette, but tbef took advantage Of a Rale of wind which had dispersed the CJreekv and , ran out to ica. After the destruction of Nice ami Cula'mata, Ibra him Pacha scoured all Arcadia, and then came on boldly, and as the Greeks thought blindly to Leondaii, where he was met by mined by General Rwtil to land and ei Uttbe cavJo. where Mf ware 8ptewit.tly - I . . If . . f L cmtnaineu at " a oreaaia oi inrca cour a.r :"Tbo Ubt4 ai' aatd ' 18 hi ft bef n crowded aith every description of. freah s'ock, and the choice t wlnea. The a ter used by tho carrison wai found o M of exwelleot quality, and all seemed lo en- tT rood heal'h. the troop to tre number of l,C0( (a Captain Brown auppoaetl) were well dre. and tpjiear ed in fine health and spirit. Gtneral Itolil waa in dairy cipecuiion of de patches from Spain, and bad positively refused all offers in treat with the Patri ots. 1 1 kept p tho hope of bis troops br propagating atoriesof lh success of tbe Spanish arms In Upper Peru, Ite. IidcfirnJente Bmtil Actnovledgr'i. ww TOlf, OCT. 29. By tho artival of the schooner Fox, in 24 days from Pernamhuco, we have re ceived a copy of tbe treaty, dated on the 39ib oCURWt, axreed to between tho Ktng ofi,jyiV2l.and b in0etor ol the Portuguese dominions in the Bratils t it had been conclud.ed under the auspices of Sir Charles' Stuart, who tud been sent from Lisbon by the King of Portugal to make arrangements between the two countries. The copy of (he treaty is in the Porrujniee "lancmigei and -contains the 'preliminaries of the recogulton of n ... ta. : 1 i oraEiuan inaepenacnec. mo im portant part of the docomenf Is'.the arti cle, which continues the.establibment of the same commercial' relations which have heretofore been observed between tho two count riei, tnenttohlng apecificany thit the duties "shafl be reciprocaT,and at 15 per cent. ' 1 1 7 - " .Tho appear however, in this doen meotravryiHgUlaITT4iemtidffrwhich is contained in the first and second arti cles of tho treaty. .While the King of Porfagal establishes tho independence of Bratil, and allows his son Uon Pedro to adopt the title of Emperor, ho stipulates that nowmseTTls also it;! enjojP th sam tide. Another article stipulate, that tho King of Portugal i. to take jtmjt mean of - re-uniting the Portuguese colonies in South Aroeira with tbe Bracilian empire; parties': f narltf'stiaH,-trd CjF valhoe . He.Ho, Ba rraa Jt' Stanto- Aonaro Francisco VHello Barbossa. J$a;dh, T 71 9X, tdX-mad. " Wt ire rtakbad U learn lb at a com at baa ba roraatd U M tf af Kaw rw, bead J by aa aUrpfiaing r' miaof capRlo raubbsk Iron Worki oa a large fie h Sootb Carina, wltb ew of maerftartnr IronKrf ie nona- rrn. marl tiVrsienaiva purth.asea ban been rrado 4 Bio-d rivar.lncluoir.g tat worktof Jacea Strove Eaq. of York dl irlct. wbera aSa'Drincloal oko will M located. Tbe iroe) tan bo lranportefl io Cfcarietfo br boats desxendiag Broad Rker, paadng tbrowgh sour CanJa, on Mf wn art ? heks. The falla 'W bf tbe se bxk amount to 303 (et We hall ibJa enterprlso a pvomlsing great Honefil ta owe state, and e evldeo ting M wtlllty of out Internal Improve men'- Wo most heartily wish atf to gaged io h fu3 and complete succava. . Ctiumik TittKA. ti ras aamvtt aaarva. M1UTJMT JCJDWr. ' Wo bear, vita taucb satisfction.tbat a gentleman ko kas long been dUtln gwisbed irt o nelghbooring Staa. aa accomplished and successful teacher, has nJttS Qntftnplatty to establish, in renn yaii, a seminary of learning-, similar to that Af Capt. Pat ridge. His object is to deW.e bimseU to the instruction of limited namter of pupils io those classical aod general ttudie with which ho i to familiar, and, by associating with Mm an aHe professor ofibr roiliiary attainment irrstich raanoer as lo preserve the former, their natural and just preponderance Id an education not exclusively military. aocrrjy caAou.yj corrav. - The Committee apMintrJ.to ascertain the damage sUsUlned by tba cotton crop on rortitoyaj and Fsris islands, have re ported, that 497S acres were planted, and that tho average product will b only 30 lbs. to an acre. -'Assuming 125 lbs. as an average crop, they compute the deficien cy the present season at 1417 bags. Hj Tu, it ik J'. If in N k,i.f; fT!y a- tonn i iJ at,'t af mUsUas. It wt't be rt-i:M4 t i: danea wi'o appla4 an atl of CVCfaaa, af tbo J ktt May. tlt4, aitlte trtatWsof Ira4fta4 Maikfa U I IM la-f laae be yo4 tM M kiv4 I t4 i" wkUk,a(kiMr af iM Cnt of iM UHrf escort, ftlOX wart appro prtalf 4- .s ' Il appeart tkil traatkl k ba an4 ;b ike Toncai, Teioo. lanau. An gJUlU SaoMva 4 - llaoaMpia niU rwaa4lk lUeali wills IM I aijsaMS, ta Kkaraa,iM ia!a&a, Luiurs, a4 iM Cra MUaw . , . . . . "-Tte ewBaltionvo oseanJai-o bleb ao iU Tww TUWTOrim71iak'l la obowl ZO anilea above wbero tbo Yal low Siana eaten tbo Missouri. , At Fort AikUsnn, tMy treated whk tM Mabaas, (hi as, Missouri, oad Pal Thl iaat divlsiow of tMlf abori wa pawfemod, k Is balk-red, bf tbo Itb lay atantt after wbkk iM t'aimkUooar were to come dwww to St Lositf , and re port to ike tuctitivf. ' Ui , M tv f I i f I ' f ' nt t .1 r ' ' tic'. i.'.; U friUrt t ft I'. l I' a M il Vm t4 U lnV t Ti - ' t t ai im m 4 ys a sAfs f. 1 4 ) aM m,nXti bf -iAf M fb a Ur. fbvW, (tM rtu4 aw'W a tM ! f fbnt -,"J pUsi ta IM aVfv M jkV a-l rV.(, Qf ' ...,ir ;N, 3L Rothschildi of London, tbe great Loan rontractor with the uropin and Bracilian Governments, "and his four brothers, are said to be worth more than 10,000,000. sterling, equal to nearly 'Jtffy millions of Dollar, j,'. Mt ntME jorrxsox. addirioriro iHeparticuhfa wbicbihr morning and eveninir Daoera bavo contain ?Jofjhjl.l4j!l ascension, we, have, learnt the following from an authentic source When she descended in the saltwater marsh, there was no one present but a young man, Mr. Rapelye, who bad not left hrs mowmgj- The pndia which tbe baa- aet , ten was derp, and Madame Johnson UP J ber oeck in water. She waa much exhausted. Mr. R. assisted her out, ami after some minutes she was able to talk. I be first words she uttered were, "where fa m hat 7 S. m. k.t ..C She then expressed bcr desire that no in jury shpuld be done to the balloon. Two black men who had come to her aesis- lance, had however, torn a hole, . and "awMoThealnnVra termed, it, or words fo that effect. Ala dame Johnson was completely wet, but after she had changed bar. dress at Mr. WrckofTs,ahe talked with great vivacity, anewea me note lor 8200, which she car ried with net arid told them shs had three children, tbe oldest of which wee bflnd. A", f. Courier. S IX pmUDELPffTJ. PPlonl Wade Jn Tiblladelphla1 by Messrs. Jo'hi HavilaneTand,.2ij Brown, to bmlj in Arcade, on the ground occupied by Judgo Tilghmap, fronting on Cbesnut street, between" Sixth and Seventh streets,' feet wide 'and ISO deep.- . Tbo expense is estimated at 130,000 dollars, to be divided into shares of 1 00 dollar eacb The investment, it ia calculated, will yield an annual income ol 26,0OC, being upwards of 17 percent Cevtrnof Cas arrived at Detroit, on lie UibiaMao. (nm trtirit du CUm, where be bad bee atttoJlrr, aa )uial Commissioner - whh UrOr-vtaai, kUIiog uestUsof ie and friendsklp a lik, sod Milling aaimosiue among, Ike various l rlws of Irxtun in tnai rjuaner, In all of whkb IM Coaamissaooaii ba been succeitfut. - Tkis waa i rule a ralsslon of Macs i bit nvanliy tata r ba wa obeyed, and tM great week beebeaa templUhed wMIrt IM tntortonate tribes who base bee wagtag seclr constant and bloody wars upon tacb otMr, grateful for k. ta'erpoaliNMS of tMlr Urea laiMr afrl bis Croat Cesiaci!, bare retonied to iheir borne, of lo their homing grounda. w'uk Jbk calumeia lit. and emoking bappy lo know that DO too lurka ia snei pi hs, and no death attends too tMI tj s to alarm tbelr taarsot keep their vigilance awake. May litis pear a long continue! Hi no ksi important ta tM ladtans thsn honorable to the cove romeot hkh plsnncd, and the Cemmisslooers who executed, this work of mercy. TBE mlQATE JMJXD JTTXVfL The repart which bas Urn widely and ndustriously circulated that tbe Brandy wine bad proved unsrawortky, and that citht feet water had been found ia ber hold before it was discovered that sM lkd. Is too improbable In reauire prions rrutaiio. The llditerm of tbe Nations! Journal, minutely detail their reasons frr r? reeling this idle and ridku lous story. They state,' that the pump on board our. men OJ;Wfr art regularly sonnded oery hour, which would of course render it impossible for eight feel af water to accumulate without its being known ; and they dearly prove that the oakum could rot base wsthrd out, be cause tho shin is coppered one foot Se the deep water line." Indrpen denilv of these circumstancrs. they p'H- lith a letter from ( am. Morris to the fa vv Department, dated Sept. 95th, in 1st 47V Ion. 27, when nearly IweVIKirdiof tbt voyage was completed, in which be men (ion (bat Mhe ahf ippeart to tail welt. but thai he bad not had sunkiest oppon unity to asrertaln her various good final- iiies.' There is not the slightest tnti nut ion in the letter, that the frigate leak cd, or was nov seaworthy. AVA. lfAf J ArtiffA-vN-rTHe wacavrl of nyeU trrr Mttiiip at r ranklort ! What is lo be the end of this unprecedented stste of rhrngf-i'h acts of one of t'lcsf jaaar become null and void. Adct Etg. The population of the ritv of Albany, (State ot Newroik.Tia 15.974 persons; consisting cf-7j799 male, and 81Tifej male. Of tbis number, 1403 are aubject to militia duty, and -2548 are qualified to vote.' There ate 817 aliens. I he Lum ber of paupers is 133 ; or persons of co lour 738- in 1820 the city numbered but .J 2.500, or . thereabouts ; ao that the increase in a little less than five years has been nearly one third- flmwaiVar-iHCflminu iion of Mr. Owen's, ha been established in Green county, Ohio. They have pur chased the Yellow Spring" tract (from which' they derive their name) of upwards of 800 acres for 88000, and are rapidly improving. -They jntrndjft it t ypjll kunotoiroeghanical trades, some of which are --commenced, and also Tactoties. Their number is not to exceed 3,000. TM f5'f la H. I UuWa pX i ,1.4 la U tM aMe rv a owe immpm. 4t-l ... . , llfr. Speaker i ft t ay tf!A'm to vote ant oiy in U of it ft olvika aw eauier cansideraiViaL, tut also to Co0v trl6to my Nmble rait iard bt , aap4sbn of fte great iaa4lag,circt- wiilat I make tkla decUratMMs o4 cay pre sent lata at. and of any faiert course, f till e4 rtfrala) from aw ovwwa). tvatly candkd, Ibat eterlag tbe meat Preside tUI contest Ur. Craw feed tbt man of aayebokt. Il U irte ibat we aeaaetrnves i m Ubo panbUtks art knew ax why, and tAbrsct trja41te w knew ia4 tvewi yet rare I am, l Ml t did not cipoost bis civ, wriboot (nt MilsfyUg, at kist n;salf, Ibat be posKssed ba aw gaalted degrae, alt tboat cualitUa Votb of tba head and krt, rakuUted La render iia aaVpaalaly jTCad ta a UliVful and a a Dghuoed diacbarga of tM dutici of tM cCW ooagbt be btm by bl frUnda .Im pressed wkb tbeat fawlmc nts, and not ylaWlof tbem even now, at free mat, Ueladef &aedomlgavt him ray ke ble arppon without ailat end witboet ettgotse. ft n neooieva now to Usee tbe yarkw ttaget of that Contest. Is aa tit bowr tM cbake wai asavsV It devolvo on tbt liowse of ReprestHativesTbe vokt of tbt Mtioo) bad proclaimed tbef Jackson wit tbt choke of tbt People. That fact rtatad net on vague Conjectare or idet) a peculation. It waa demoostated by nee rkel tumbera. By what tort of mack the sorcerer In Congrats produ ced a different revolt, we of tbt trntnhiatrtf know noi. Bat this we cVkeow 4hat Iht W.7 ftht fieoflJf was unheeded that tM voice of iht Nation waa stifladend that AJtmt became our PrtsidcDtS In the cup of bltttrnrts,Uk,io rati tba Ortterrvt drop of all. ilrhty aa have been tbeujrts of Gen. ackaon in tbt ceisa of bis country flotiows both to blmtelf and to the na tion as have beeo tbeir molts. It Is not tor thst alone that I now sopport him It wss tbe Wtf if lit PttfJt that be should preside over tbe concerns of ibia Union that ir, audibly esprcaacd, hs Men disregarded, and It now becomes tba In cumbent and paramount duty of overt one who, as I do bow to the eovrrelgn majority of the people, to use Ms til mot efforts to enforce the minifrated .wish o! the people to give' back to tbt people' that which baa been Glebed from tbem the Prttldcnt a their dace. . The enemksof freedom, wheresoev er they msf be,. will rejoirt at iht issue of the recent ekclion They can now sjt, and in tbe language of truth toe the'v may utter it, that even in America, the boasted supremacy of the people la " a baseless pretence. Let ua then hasten tn avail ctrrsrlvet of jlht first . eipportuniiy--known la ibe lawa and tbt constitution to wipe wtjr this rerwoacb on the ptirHy r our Inslimiwns ..Restore to the .People . the boon which) has been wrenched from . them, and we and our country will stand redeemed and regenerated in tbe eyea of the world. A political contest, like the recent election, long and warmly waged Lb.dreep.rjaunsjrtajmflrra5ct. fee'.inga of an angry character. lut amongst the friends ..of. Jackson and Crawford, harmony;, should now prevail- fry annum umn ami maac corrnnuu cause with the people In support of the msintenance of the people a rights It I a good cause and must prosper I come to the Altar with my offering ; . and whilst Pnow' tenderer-may .X not ask too of pjbers of the ftiemN of Gen. Jackson unai resignation oi mnr prejuaicps. isAjiJntn$h iafmerhasgiv lowing a the reawlt of an experiment to ascertain the weight and number of a Winchester bushel of each of the, under mentioned sorts of orain ' - - . r - : Wheat. Barley i . Oats, , Poplirpeas, Horse beans, Wheat in Iht. 53 32 64 64 Aa. ,' jfran, 550,000. 520,000. . 1,260,000. -I I0.0Q0. . A dinner was given to the Ilaron. AM' an, while in Hani, on the occasion of .its. recognTtlon by France, at which the Sec retary General, m, gave the .follow? ing toast t-- Journal. hcKrntrf . Fnnr e ; -a K ing of Franco eclared the independence of the United State j a King of France recognised that of Hayti ; and a King of France will doubt- ess give Jiherty to all the New World. Be Mr. Frederic the distinguished naval ofTKers-Bartsn ; 31 at it u ii-Car.,.:. wMrrrw, vidiviti $ of the isarw-fla,. w, it will be mofe. happily said, veniti rj A set of -rufTiansin orison in haytngTremo window, were for some time In tbtnfrAf Iti praciice of committing robberiee in the town, secreting their plunder fnd rr turning - to tbtir-pitsoitljcforedayi At length, one in breaking away from th; watch left pari of hit Vert with him,' b buttons po which betrayed tbt charac ter of tbe plunderer, arid Their buine wai siopptd.i, " ' fHt: '

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