r r i SuM Ml i it i. l,i J Li C .N f A VJ V f r IQ,4 TF l.V. IV .'.v at -. Jla et.td al !., f,, (iia lfttu-! $f T r-1 ,, n) W aa . ef ky t m f,m . Ij '..-, td u4 la IM k3 f I'WM f'tfMMrftl, akf " kvk UUrf m U4if't IU taataaud. aJ ad-Waa-d if eh af ike rarr, M Met M rvea4 M tffwU fin M rVt iU af hit ad-ivea, IM &fl peatatd kit Nffwia af tM e&ta af faked , tkk m red kr Mr. epaaker eftlsk4e irtMMi. Aleatflaetaa. - f' 7fM,ki vm a laaek - wei4 ha ertrrSad ee Oa. Jet fcaawt iwwuf, Aaa P.B.lMUt.MMf dU imU e hw mm yapa. " te Oa, Jar I eaai ImwIn aeJM ,eWlaeae, aa tr eWf kit rwfnerUa i 4 k tfh ta iM ad dreeare at tka awekare W kk WmcW af the Ly a Wa rrrpka ky tkm la im IUfwHi1 Raft. We frfftl feet tmr fca IkJ I 3i M eHow Mt la; tS 4W Basalt WiM Nf render m lky a auk! pwt si rrvt s3 ae mtWm ahk regvd ta ike tar- fkraj platt V W rft. 4 a-f af ,.vi ,.,f f, ,u I I '(t ! it " rf.tt JfKl InJiU W jft !' r Mf iutM fcf giMt( L hV? wn III Mt, If ij4IM( IM tl fW( ft&f Hrvmti, 4urWg U CJI nW rM7, U m tpfjr4 im fj r m!4 M tl n v '9,940 duIUit. ' Vfd . K fftr 1114. coi btto jvf n)bb fpbU. t "rnl bilk oT Wetr, for bretftv, tml Mi4rnc4 to ( ' jrrin (r!MMitV mJ Uw, la tL mw. frv prUon, vj m cf fptkiW4 till ( lUt , City, tfttf kitf b tbrent (. ik f,t ii fo i.rL L&i .u..,dP!,'f t ft-lf, -k.ll t,mm avt Nt tk. Tkll K4 ku;nrt kit l a f a a wff Mil wkitM .ia im aaiM ttilUMf W Rivj; )tok( vtk III riepiu4 rtfr4 ! tb jf, iu rgn mJuh (MMaf(4llftL r;ii, F ftflkMMl filutt, f alf lv tklm- lliMa. aJ Jk4 ivuaJi a Ml fMlg Ma! rUJ kifttk iav laiaa, tt4 aMa tVa IfWkWa. Uk u UA (k aa a k ai Ua tt a T. L. t as lv al aw a U-a J. (t rMa, rvaMaC ar aMat4 la r4 awl ! MkMMlUliKauaWf.KMM " apjwar aa im IN at aaarv, I as, L LAM KUS- TkttakataflMOM k1af kl Kata. ar laaaiir awfy aVf kaaiar aiirnt IW W WIWi tilt haaa. M U . xa4 I t W k; kr kTrtrfl UfMaJaai k4 laa aamU4 tka aa. IVl jary, M IM af aftaf Ika bUI, MWaaiaftUlaf Wry tkaar'ai a aoaaadUf, araum4 la ka kaf ; a tka Utk af Kakr aaat. IM Ika finn9 U raax naaata a k a kaiaf kaaa alWaaJ J7 a kWkf kWatfaaia, ;a4 aa arfJ la Im lapfM Cawl i twk M fraalaC ROM. It. tyalftl, k )faa atta I Cfim turn im Kraktra dr, k C4.M . caULu la IB.tM ranara IM 4ala a( ffwa Crw amaif, eaovd if (ka aWtlaa af Mr, kVya (ika laartar tlrd trm tkat caaaljr) U Cofiff. anJ kla acrp. Ianc a tka hat iaabaaaJ a&ca. rjuutz of .griPJHB. wi ttgrri tary taack i aiata, Vai "TV Mmtmrnf," a a til aa4 a4 aWy aaiafcjc It4 lUtfioaa Kaapaff, aiakak al Zta, in Oarpa, kaa kata kr uia iaUSaita aaiwd. "Tka Naaawr witiliAi Uf aaaaa tka aia aa aa4 kaaaa. )a4 a auWriptioa mi aon aunairt tkaa a aajarMy a ika Utarto fapata, kaioa a faod akaaa mt aJartiiiiiaK a4 atkaa jokark jat tW aVliiaa, ailaf a aivyaara prvkatMa, k faaaUilm J la Btakf UU dacUfatiaa Tm pWia, kKiat, kotxfl irat a W t!u i iArra. aMaaa aW walaitwwa,iaaaaaraaaajr (iaa UU rtrrifO ! 1 ka (aua la a Lick kaa lakmr4 kaa k Uial of rtlipon, Hteraktj anj of airlua. A iloaca fhhil papcra caa flottrwk ia thia Itale, a4 aJtord aaipla auppoft ti. la. ,a , U .ai kUa,UUd, kaWJ, "P. .kUa P-7 1 . , . , ... ' . , atetlatfcacauaaofCo4,of rarijosaf tirtoa. ttaea af tka lav. Wkra ka aacarad. ka vat ajy ISytaraaldf aad kad, daring kia abarM amd aa appraotkethip ta a mdi. ' . cr.oxcu. , Tka a kola auabar af votaa git for Gorcr ar, ia tk frornt tlectifm In Grwpa, u ''40Jltf af tkw; Trtwp ttttfTtd MrsT ind Clark; 30.C3T Wrln Trwip 633 rntea abrad. ' TkrW raiurnt arc rxX offirubot are auud cpon tka moct aathaniKJ rrporla, Wbrn ba kf!a. lUnra BiarU, (abkh ia tbU month) ti a official caataai B ba hid batbra ihcm, ami putlWtr i kut h cannot nack vary the abota rrmlt. R ri pretljr arU aaccrtiinrd, that a pmturity of mm. kara la tka LfjIiUturr, -a llir f ulitipal ra. anica of tLa Coventor, and riend'y to (Waaral Clark., :rA dinnff ifirn to Vr. Calhoun at Crtiim. ' 11 8. Croat ihe tJlS alt. Whkk aitradcd kj about. J 00 of tha moat rrcpretubW cUifrnf rf (hat arctSon of rountrr. Wherever the Mce PretSdeat foea, k reccivra the kowfrr due Ia m fprendid talratt and ntriofic arrvicev. Hr -U a6mpanJed by hi rimiTy7irken In Tolur. kia, and vat en hii a ay to Wtthineton, to re jtam hbjofflrTaJjrJq'iaa n Tre Preaidenl otthe V. S. i and to take liia arat a Prerident .of be tenate, on tha aeembline; of r.'fngrcH, which fll ba on Monday, tha 5ik of December. ., The fficeVfco"Vmident kai "been" virtually a inecura for manyyeara pint, tka Inonmbeat not beinj at h!a pott mora than tvomonlha out of the twelve i but ita occupancy by Mr. Cal. ioun, will form a new era in ita administration. ft.. It ia not only a tinjrtilar coincidence, but it a matter of fearful tujriirT to political fat aliata, that the only tiro Diplomatio Ajfrrtta from the Uri tad Statea lo.tk Ripukfic of. Guatemala, i 8oulh.AmerIca, akoold both die before reaching tha country to vhick the were depttted, and koth be from North firoHni. Mr. Mnn,of (lie aTaaaiaMTal aaaai aXlklal adaalrf Ml'aia ftnttaMffetattl aClaaVaTaW ''WawTfwwB'awa yj w aaw wiriwvvwaa v aaaa iw d'AflTairet to Gu'atematf about two yenra aince i WM (mil Hbat,tkaa,M the krjifianata infer ence from tkia fact t It ia that pvlhkal aubcti kvt over retifious engrcanf character of ntore than laelva to one Uit tUcra la twtKa timaa aa muck teaf maniftiteJ tor the advance.' stent of a political party, aa for the advance ment of true rvlifio.M -Tfcia fUuf Of Tka Vlmon?," SaeecUDy a aourea of murk aolhituJa and rftti to Ike titirtnt of 5orth Carolina, ai a worthy and pro. mWnf ytmnf divine of iMt own tute, la ma. kin j arranemcnta (dt tka paklication of a IUE riout Ncwapapcr al FajeHevilk, of tka aama dimenaiwfia, and profnerdly of the aame ckarac ter, at the one aotpeadrd in Ueorgia. Tka Mia- troaary eajoytd Ika pranniary advantaf of a ta4a .!.. . - - unal lhang u bank I 04 IM II ad ton. Ikl, (ka kaml aVvU kraftawte) aad ka Altar Ika MlUaJ aJuta frtM I'nri 1 I tJ kava aa klea af ka k tluJ . hk. l afttlt, (4 ikine mLaatat Mat alaaaa ka rank fuU im gM, a'clock. a rMai hi traa trA r,.!" "rta. taa waklaLaut aka waur k-J ia(l aadmaiKKl kaaWry t4 rf)1T, aa .rt .1 a d K 4 LJ I t' f- M l4 a k pm U.n, nutMM trltM( k,t4 iml ia I WtM I, k I--7 1 t-4 aa dUa a t&3 M W 14. I.'l . . , XfOTXCE. fp HR afv.a af fl, fJtnt U Ta, JL aaa dWaad r al a4 aa tka I at aVf af r ImC 1 Wa k-vAaaei af w-4 aaaeara a4 ka kf f . iaaaiM ta. aa wWm afl kkUeUad aa ra4aa (a mm4 p; 44 , , ruiMri.PAfifit, iAirrMioiiHiM!, . . P ikaata, awM-aaotTX 4 CO. rVL f. im rntn Hhanr.Ma ka fWad Ofav - 1 .p aVriM irm af.f Ak!l ff.Coani.ifj .:, C41.a4aUI r ka, nm j ro rnmiw cra-we tuT M .trrr wrvrrtW t7aUa iUT UV am iyn aiialii an Ijaar My aa - aaaof af alaia law ta.iat. wkkawtflU ttU m fevarakia lanaa. tiA u wf lav parual artkla, aUtafaa, U oraiata pu akmw aclock, and Ikt raUr,iMrVyaa,ttaiWi aa I aaa caMMa4 us Ika rlt aa. I aa ta war. tata mm4 af 1 U tba aWt tpaca a aJfM v r, . ! rrt" r P day. ftrtMf at I Ma) coeHmaad up lk H?tf Tklli Mia f-,iB, wmaaq an iun K n WUJ I tM la - -i - mjmM J ,m lor aKai Kin H l raat anMor Im I M aW, .,m im timM. n-U af aavk.ar veAdari of ika wwrfJ. JM may a awt tipel fraat takJTJ apoUa- Ma af M aw y aacl imrf t Mrtk CLm UmtvfTtitw IJ.. I . w'm r"l t Nm. Val I ronaatf Mt ' IMra mmmA Ia IM - U a On tka 34 Iiihms IM Sanala f kt!rmary, Aaana, UWnt Maeklaakaff, aa4 Tcnncatct 1 4 ltl 'wra look op ka feto-j ,w,l. cf mditVlaak poaaranf aatarpftaa luliufl, from !k of Ntprtataia f1 Meaary mvaaa. wM 4ean aaiarUf tmm m awiMii m mm v in. Jr. tift, pmpotlnr, that tka ro I fount mm TA romrhlitra of IW whole ofl Ike Ih-m frvn ttmtt ad Maklaakwrr, 1IIB, lor (rve purpoaa of Irtring rwiraclt rn.I.Wrj,a.,te mm ma tamra. a Mk.lfaf tht CarrrraW.trrJI Tarl tfaa.ln luppon af certfn military land wtrraoil aoa on lha iik0 of rurrtiKe, il wai deteririwd la tka ki lira. -1 - A v era rIa ka beaq ri3ervaned ta Lakt Eric, tuit rf CWvtltad, dwrfnr; which actcrai vcimU varacixkar driven on abort! or injured tao vipacL' A paikion wtt maat'r prtKflUd to tka Common Council of Mw York, pear ia ika CorDoratioa la) provide kedi lor unci- aa 0fkJ0MLI ff"" mr juartfu. FATKTTtTlLLE PUCES, .. 3. Cotton. IJi door. fine, erarr, 6i aunernaa. 1 1 wheat, 1 a I 1ft wkiakef, i a 42 i rack brandy. 50 a 53 1 apola do. 45 ta 50 1 cam, 50 u 60 1 kacoa, 44 a 1 1 Trka blaad, r0 8; Pv bnah. melaaa, 4- t augar, aata tovJA, 12J 1 14 1 eofac, prUa rten, l a M 71 end3dqua,na0tea.kytnn,?! al 3Ji flataeed, HO a 85 1 tafWw, f a 7 I bceawts. .w a Zii i rKe 1 ta 4 per 100 foci Iron, 51 a 51 pr, 100 (b.t lokaoea leaf, 4 a it maaNnictured 5 a 2Q pr. cat. OUmtr, Anwar thaae eaarevwed ka rht aVWra af ap- aha wttiUvry ta IM aaakina tm aeld, at Mr. Mt, a aetical mater. Iran tM aimit af litoar. Mr. ItiM kaa, far aoeae vaeka paat. Wa nTiiUf tka raid rertea, oadrr tM 4We4laa of Mr. Obaated, w'ak a vlaw af mm. pWtiar rka f 4urkal earey ttaianaril kf Mr. (MM it was rbat dMit.rvl'hed rn ac)ualatrd auk alliM kmdaef markiaefy t4 oa V irbtna, an4 WWr, fee tpaMy IM gtld from the tanj i and, m a frw aeeka. will oommanca tM eonatrwetioa af aa af tMa fae tM parpate af a o kin IM miare kaee. We a4ereia4 IM) gvMirwaa waa mac aar prM4 aa viaitinf tmr ntd mW. la find Aem aa ndk. He accoeda perfire! mi im apmoa etareaad by Mr. (Hm(I, imi lha it IM tPraaiva drpwM af fwd keretefore dieaavared latMwavU. W'ifhmtMpaat IJar llmonthe, Ka raid aaiaea of MonkX'afwfma kav Mea mora fuOy developed tMa aver Mforai and mack yet reaWaa ta ke known of them. Wa kav m dmikt. bat thai tM more tMy ere ia- vealiratad, tM mora valuable tker alOM leeaatd. II DAKIff.pAkJIif, J4err.MCtRMG, i'nr.r if KranciiAy. TJIOM Aa PAKIIM. OxforA aMnfj alctuU.mi. TH K Kuatt-MtMa af IM kl4awt la tfct In. atitwuoa, adl cammeaca aa MoajUy Ika I4(k af November Mit. and ika kVpart Ikerauf ka read aa WeaWaJtv im Imk. IWmt Itwiaa af IIM, w3l rommeara aa) M W muaU k fvrr. at kaeiiafcra kadar IM cWga af Mr. Jarya U, Jdwa. vTH. M. tJitZu, STf, ' cV. Id. 4iay . NEW STORE, oroftoa vr. uaowTf. nr.VrCTTl LLI Lhimt (fh. a4 reiving, from flew Tarfc aad y. . cktaoa aad kandaunla laarpat nt af I)r Good I, Hurt! wire. ht. kt. kick ka lateada mlUg al a emal prwfil, TOM Penoae wwbW to warrkaaa. will okaaa caS. eiamiaa, aad Mp frir tManairea. Ia, 115. 139 -SkJturWl liUO. CBJLZXTTLV PMKtS, Ort. 31. Cotton, fl. hlaad. 50 65 1 etaiard do. 30 Miine and Bantee, 40 ett. t abort tuple, 13 a 134 centit Wbiakey 30 a ;3centt Bacon, aaoi iiama, aa 11 1 lam, 9 a II i Barpng, Dundee ana UveraeM, (43 inch,) 73 a 55 ( Cof- fce.mme feea,lVa30. Inf.togood, 15 a 18 n. Carolina Btata Bank Itilra. 4 rrr era. pretty re-pcctaUa adveitiaing cuatom which, M'm. CP P J' nt L. .w. :. u . - .. pr' . die. ' . ., . . ..t... 11 Caa. Tka demand kaa been,. good. n iwina uiiw pr....... ... ..... wj-y aiihHr andTiivite aile, pertkularly for u there, ail ahenflt' miet,tiecutorr aaa aa- anerta Woolleoa, wkkk are acarcaand la re mlniilratorv' aotkia andmle. ke. are eafiged, woeat. by Mature, to be publi.heda cartain period J 4 LZ T''!' 1 . t . ,. - .. .1 A few balet of tha new eran arrived ike pad aame paper f but the Rd.toref the propoeed we,k. but no Le veibeea nude. I'p. but be died before Waving; the V. ?tatca. Laat year, Mr. Miller.'of. Warrenton, wai appointed hit tuccMtori and after reaching Key West, the remlezaoua of tlia U. ( Wet India tquad- Tueatrr or jiia aipiomaue iunenoai .-r- : Every man of political observation, knowe that the jgenerargovernmenf " bbiimifut loJKorthXarojlnfc iO ' tt ia hardly necetsary io mention the .raver of thitj Ve have reiterated it a hundred timet: - Korthiarolina-htt'too hmg played Maecond fiddle" to a neighboring atatc, and taffered her to enjoy tka Aanar and the firtfi of the aeryicet wf. both aUtea. But at by the late PrttidentiaT PJection, i new era in the politica of North-Carolina waa opened,' we hope our nrigMtt, a well ajjthe general p0Tcrnneiir, will htnerferth view Rrligiotm paper in thr tiatri will M deprived of llit aoarca of income, by excluding all adver tisement. We tineerely hope, though, that, either by extent of patmragr, or by tome JimH. cinut arrangement, tM Editor of tka M North Carolina TeTrgrtph ille enabled uccemfut ly to puraue bit plan of publishing a Betigkxia Newspaper in thi state. bnrb have been aokt at a trifling adtance on our ipioiationa, ay 13 for very prime for the northern mannfactoriea, but mlrtgene rally range from 13 to 13 centa. CracMM.-ftugara of the lawer, and of tha llnrtt fjmlitiet are in demand. Sain liavi; lu rn eenirdmw-flbe-weefc In'CorW.Toniin' eraba buanem baa been done. A public 1e of 1200 bags brought from 15 ta 17 cenUi prime Green ia ttill tcarce, aud would command 30 cent. . . iierif , ... Ike grest maick-eaca ketwera aVn. Wnm'i bay mara nmSm, and Mr. l.ynch"t gray colt Jnri, kaa area iWkW. Ariel brtt tha I rat brat, by abaal aalf a length, but loot tM otMr two Mate and, af coane, IM race. TM elate wai R30.000 aaide. 7ba race b ta kava keca roe m akortcr time than any ether m the I'. Statea, witk tM exoeptiaa of tkat betreca Kelipae aad Henry. Eack of iM laat twa aailea, waa ran ia I taiiwrfe 5 aernaxle. TM Virgin ian wiB now probably or attuned i Uiey lot tM rare between Krlipa and Henry but kava oa it between Ffin.lla and Ariel. Plirtilla waa S yara aid Ariel oiilv three yearn. tliaaaidtM deeialon of thia race, involved belt to tM amoua ofSluOrOOO. Drtha Iht MitrirrtTsk letter In ana of the nditori af thef .ynchburg Virgm- tan. irora i naium Kenturae. 4ivt. ai 3. ?. & 3oin lipUt T AT atrae rayattavdle, aOc for tail, juat m m. rvctri, a Ti abk tamrovaJa ftlgV U ftart coffee 30 Hnda. In aaatty aaalaawd 1500 Boakl liverpvwl mk 30 kbit, fvef aJ pp 8aji 50 Rage pefper 30 - apiea 95 - Race finger 10 quarter cakt tweet Malaga Wiaa 30 bole. N. R. Rum 10 " NortkeraCia 10 " TaaaervOd 10 Tone Iron, wraV ' 3000 Hi. BOKered nteal 4000 (iermaa IMvel too Om nwd 175 Krp wrot tnd cot NJ1t and Bradi 30 lotea eattna tM wool trarda 50 - I by 10 aad 10byl3CUafll 100 lUt Bkot " 7i Kega PTP and PP Pawdef - si 100 Reeme wrapping lapcr 50 wrttlar paper ' 3 tone LorvooJ ,1 llbda. Copperat 300 lb. Dearal Indira 300 " Kpaniah tmf.go 1500 - Madder 2500 Akim liOO " Xaltnetr 25 coilt Rope 50 Cottaa Barging- witk an aaanruaent of pit tat axdiciaaa, aaa paiou, dry and la ail. a complete a wort me nt of W oal flurbina Card. alweveaa Mad, -?mtft9 Tovrn Qtmslfkhlt'. Sale. " that petitiout were Id circulaiiaa) in tkat aa C .L. a, ' ft. t I ...... a"e or ma iw. uriaa wH.a ttrLLb(rtMMlt apakGetale ,eiHe(m had tonticted Deiha, and there, prayta f Houae in tha to. a of Balidwrv. oa tatur. day, the 3lt day of fVermbcr neat, a certain Lot of rround in aaid town af taliebury, or which tkrre m a dwelling, etore-houer, and out. The Camden piper of the 29th ult contain an advertwement, notifying the pub He that a 44 Mali Stare1 haa commenced running between that town and Charleeton. The fare in , (the malt stage , from Camden to Cbarleiton, ia stated lu a , leather, akirting, 40 ta 9, wle, 28 to 30, tnbe&j?, Had the printer or the Camden pa. ctv per lb,i molaaara, 45 to IVlP'Pi Jl i . :S L:titr- Arf,. ;ii:.22i rice. 4 to 5 dola. 100 lbs. i atnr, prime, 13 - - 1 1 MmMU BIwII.mH 7II.QD. InhuM CmJMW PRICKS, JfOV. 1. 1823. Cotton, 12 to lSjj corn, FOj eoflree.20to24 bacon. 7 to 8 1 cotton bizrinr, 25 to 10 1 brantly. tpple. 40 peach, 5 1 1 flavaced, 80 to 83 1 flour. 7 on an empty barrel that stood at bis door, which he wMed to dttpoae of a waggish echool-boy, on patting which, wrote underneath, for freight . or paswge, apply it the bung ?! he would, doubtless, kava read kia proof-sheet witk more care. From the Richmond H hig. Slander -Xbt Lynchburg Virginian states, that a cie of ilander wai decided it the last mpre me court or Ducatiiffham 'roufttjff Mr iilardwich and -wife plan lirTi '"iu. "f!udat MeriiaiwwhkathattiTr Rive a verdict of 85000 Tor the pUtntifli. Thii, we believe, i the Jargeit , verdict ever eiven m.ihvmi-,vmm though itiav aaid, the ilander wai of aa agKra rated and malicioui i nature, tkat the jury would have made the defendant py"iiill more, if he had been worth it. 7?WidiiThe coinmenceinent. of the emuine vear htibeen fixed upon,ii tke period for the complete emancipation of j the.inhibitanti of iM sww now ncia in a Hate of viwalagr- ' 'fA Whig. leaf, 4 to 5dok. per 100 Ibi. manufacture. 5 to 30 dob. i whisker, 20 to 42. Vault .Sr)RTBCJR0LIXJt TULl.QR.tPB. J,fr. mil t It ia with muck pleasure, 1 learn, tkst a Relirioot iournal i to be publiabra, a eek- Ivat-KayettevtHe, ia thia SUte-by lheiEev.l Robert II. Momsoa. I rrjoice to nnd tne ntera- . . r l . . j tura Of our SUta assuming a more cirrarca rank. It ia, aitfely, time that one of the mo prominent itatet in the Union, for extent, popu lation, and natural advantage and reaourcea, . . . I , A ttwm. .M anooia nox oe anv lonrsr - in icwhm. i "ik" i tbat the anouldna longer tend abroad for bee rerigioua and fiterary inatructfrs," well tt piibV Hcartone; " 1 teel in- honest adde'Tn declaring, that Ido most confidently belirve.that among our own native citiwna our Collrres. academies and Chttrcbea, wc might find preiidents, professort ldtelatheri;e"uarih'piefr acIu1rementi.to anir in the Cninh. Atsimlliited to the climate, accustomed to thekabiUand man ner!, .and attached to the bnd of theif birth, more dependence eoutd be placed on the oon tinuance of their aervkea. In the pretest state of things,Jtke moment our literary or religiout inttroctera, from abroad, becoma distwtufhed for their taleats, we are deprived of their lervi eea. TM time, I hope, is of hand, when our owa native citixenf will not be overlooked,, la tma averweemnf fomlncH wf wnrngera. hi rtTratrm. .n the t rounds, lit. that It it impottible to procure another Jury in the State : anil ft1. f K.t Ki. tri.l nlrl consume so mucn time aa very inoco . ,M court.bouae, adjoining the oremitet af AJ. crotr and ' retard lmtmeay- Wa -akad lbrTTorraee,-and Oeor Mifie r, and adw ia not be iurprtcd If justice should ba at I the occupancy af EMncser Ihckaon ?okl aa last defeated of a victim, who haa not a the property of laomaa Todd, by order of tha tingle claim on the compataion of man-1 M kind." - - Katrigh Rtguttt..A aawrrf arnn, wnTtf - Xt. 9. 1824. Twa Cntab!e. A veitel hai arrived at Philadelphia, The Editore .of tM Ba e.gh Register, will which broue ht lettera from lha U. 8. Shio plete Inaen iaa aoove aa vert ement once a r r . . j. . .t . .k. week for six weeks, and aend Decoy, from which it appear!, that the H ih, Yellow Fever haa been raeinr on board, I , and I the following periona have fallen vic:JaVt.BootHal(V Slltlp lima iw n i Ueut,l'mndrpulany Porret died Oct. 1st, IfpHK aribaeriber reitiectfully Informs hie JL - Irlenda, and all others, that he haa taken. the thop formerly occupied by Mr. Peter Krider, on Main Street, a fear doori north of the Court.-. Houae, where ke baa opened a Shop for tha manufacturing of BOOTS AXD SHOES, of all kinds. Having just received a new Stock of ,k. k.r ti.:i.i.ink:. r .i .TtiL. IJOR sale, a full art . SPJXJ-miy Trimminra, M feels warranted in atMirihif iApplrtd A MRfcTRinSRCE, Jr. the oublic. that M win brable ta da all kinds oT- Lirut. G. P. Weaver died 5th.. Vt'm. J. Scheflelin, ord. araman, died lt, John Malcolm, do. died 7th". " ' " CoppeTmUV Tools. SaHtiMrn, JVew. 14, 1H25. 81 Alowsc to litiit. PTlrtR ttiiuH anJlMin the town" of Salisbury, JL lately oroupied by Mr. Georirc Locke, and formerly by Alexander Prohock, dea'd. it now to rent' Appryi in aahMniry, la -.--fc- JVW, 14, 1825. 84 work in hie line of businea, in the moat sub stantial manner, and after the moat approved fashidns of the dsy. All orders for work, either from the neighborhood, or from a distance, shall be executed on the ahorteat notice, and on rerv liberal terms, l ha ptiblio are invited to giva his pew strap a fair trial. tHES BY Mr1 ILTi SuUidvry, Am.. 1825. i 3mt94 N.TI.-T-Keajonsble crodtu win be extended to responsible customers. .....u fitrin Horacrf jPS?-3fj BOSCwose . .frotiTmyt in, i noar Mr. Cotrll's '"nn tha W.ad IJaptisti, beware of ImjioSWrg. Pill I P. : Jran.trO 'Sea- f'i-awl1: fronS Uali-bury to" Cwcird,alrk -Xwrt at Prieiidi4li Meeting' 'House,' MoowT" -sWVA.Dy Her 7 year old, about 5 feet i count), N. C. 24th day October, 1825, having1 birln heavy built, buir very thin on his tails learned that Mark Andrews, Ramlobh Mabrvi trots arn paces pcrtty rougt). Any information Leonard Prather, and tliilia Revel, are pretend relative ta said horse, will ke thankfully receiv. IngAqi preach the Gospel in tba Refnbir Baptist edky jhe subscriber in Stokes county ; and all churches in this State, deem it their duty to pub- reaaonable chsnrcs paid. liah to those cti.irrhra, arid to their brerltren in JOHN C. SMITH. I reneraUbat said Amlrews. Mabrv. Prather and Jtv. 12, 1825. ' ' Jt8fi j Revel, are exeommonkants from chtirrhei con- N.B. InfoTmation may be riven ta the TM-rt-1 nrcted with flicor-hoflvr-- 3t86 fa the preat inttancr, ffowHy hopr, thttmaier m eaWm.rin Safchwry, . " ! Uyorler.. NAT. CMII II, Clerk. ' i i . 'V I 1 1 - c- ' !