f V 's" V()! VI. HALI.SIJUUV,N.CTUi;sUAV,NOVi:Min:u 22, IMS. vaua Mill I rtliuci ACtl II I toll i',g I m mimmiiiimmii, nil . IHmcAuUou. . fi c .it Ie,Ar u k:,Vf.l r : o.TJt . ' ' ""I 'M 1.1 ...... a ( I. . natwa'V.w(".& yrom.Mtl t 1 ruber ah.rp i, ' ."r0' ' "f' 1 rfMW) aJ .1 i- . 'V.;: VTT T mCT I r' ' " IM Mm, Ml - ...... .1 HKUa- . a. M - rw mm ikiM4U. tfiw 4 if I .f.Titr f. tnnii aj wnprw., - , . ; !E'Ctttrtftt t!v$t eof. However. aft. 1 nr.l l.f.. A frU t,k g l - - w ' r i .v. . i - - . 1 1 I . 1 . a. I . . ' 11. - li-a I L ,1 1.. lll t I . . a.... - . t- I I - . ' I . i.ir:m."i I pieeaam pui ikh very iumjit ttauf , I '' owximr, p iwii8 hi tut ih c o izzi um oatio it. r XV, Zdlttrt " A irniH tnatweril lint (icnf Uf ncd nt cf hif Imli. tit UTkI Ul th CKCUll mhtmci, Al ttt folatnt Kit noi ten UtKtrtt fulli.htH. I ui tbt liberty of Modiflg You i bncf . ttrtt iron irf lof xht tfiforrsatlon tf iht rulout. . - ttUdf it voukl U tht tyff tU(H wcrt U i orilisary lata ere thst oula sen N coiiulcrrd rtamttU CBcnl tir kad autocr, bower- r, in wbKb tlx re Ii ir of tmrt rity Ml f lit i bwrli. of m ImI ikkUtM I Mil tACft ltf I ElC UK bMf ( Ukt whm UU m ik mKi( vt lavoiuitary rrpCff bJ tt UliMr4 Urifc, IM ippr JJ. Ut iM tana lima pau tin oot Uald entire 1 it cm la tua wfi'Bfe. mri$4 ctUcaw tk at awnr itta plu iU Kr4 c4UiftU ika (09 M IM (Mft iao 0 iM fclft M tsian U ile, Mtki a 4ef imi4 t of tkret timet mK i ear ij pre red Uf UTigta tt IM bee worn, tuf t DfMtKed iin t aK AH Hod. of cu!iir.ecd Uada Wrj'l'Hff Our iuthor acta out k? jiviog tht Utautct au iu p-iuoo. WU tiynok tf th vorti AV'ry rrou&d iHotd sever b plogtbd dU lutovi t 1 rt ora fhpitmy, reaI yp ftJd down, If It co pUr it dctived, frvn Ivo Creek ordt bt troUed, kat tbt bcary rtioa aWuld We, (utwe) td rMii, (m Kctl'Hi it to rti!lr. bt rouod ic. U kfeowi) tbcrcfore. ihoat bo under. I.,... a.m. i tckJ'nWm . ...ii LlMnriya SJLILLM'ixrM. ttand bTiioptMmy, ar muter! alii, deal of Und it rwiocd by tucfi impru- . kir e.bu .,if ri led ia th kretot of Ptiurc.i TbUhu-.i.ffiir.k, t 1. u....t ... I' of ir tnuickra. TkeMnJ . m. k. m.l i ' j u . iJonw lU'fukrvnof tkt lef. bt Sauf h t; air ftrid to." . ia? P of 2?, nrSSri 2X5?K vcTviepc m. wrmtw d; toil i in kamy or clay Uod a it collnui. tkrxfr tr 4bo unU eteoauo, oyxiii Jiortmeau 01 UCJioBAudi astiter. thou Hi botb u ialww ea inont taerbaft leind fe. vVWoeenboy, I wat unillcto beam, cover iivctL No tntAar tn. Mtdara nt!a to earrr iuf a the eirth. but ron- M"f rJ. ,1 M Iwtt 01 1 be muKJci . . 1 . J . 4 intulr mea with iKe moiitur. r:iMPe,wl.?,F f Ittrodotiii.tndVirjH.fcc.tndktnw t0 lhf de from hetc.;.Tb w- 1LTU' for,,1 r.' ,tB,w! wf, ?r,Ti'!' .iWftUQtfpubiAV;0lJ'0a?,liI,of erfonadoirpinto the my artd reUuvt but fr rodinj .titulir met irIihlKera Ittrodotul, inj Virr )l, fcc. tmlletro. tn .k. dev from beaven. Tb ua ' , wari Ml eentrt vf r.rr. f om uw c-mnr rneK lej KZtt-1 AUXSCOXO l fnl r U9t a4 MtM CU tW MUl t tW . : 1 Slk lj Mtttktnlitl kWt, trtf W4 a awatV cwvm, iu i rt fc w fw tt mm w ifa Ur M lie auaj MvMfr im iW K it.. tto af I r- tmwuml m'tm k4 tUWn ktlkftt- ' d-lWr atr tVpeMl, iter ewer a. . . I I priMJ kfB 1 00 110 I tfav 4 aVi. 19 cU Tl 6. 411 'fcW. 4f loo JJlfr lOS t PriceH 1.131 CUi.li- I 1 . I L . T 99 7 f mm TW nWiW UMf MiUl tie MUnti b tU ki rt f Wtlr ETiU rk. ! tW ot ke a eW kft. f .l1 ' k Cm. r tWkit flMtok MVtWW.iillkyf tk a4 carMf iW fwtlw. lUMpiU. ' WMIXI UTWHJ)!. IkMLidiU iMkiriiM k WtVt M. k. m. J H.,rf. 1 mm4 COM.MISXHX.Y ai, aa KiWmIoaI tUr( a4 flkrt a -tf fhe 1brat Pipport W kart krrt- 111 I tt. t. L n4 m'J Tk Wnb k ka L. i. -r aJe fee all rtauitvcr- ' iHun7, wy-"iMiina; uic oitihi 01 CO(Be up, t0 UrfCr. 1 he texture u8 , u ea Aptt, tn aif oder f totinea 0f 0jy J0d beioi open tod poroui. "U.,,wul ,urwrPri 'lb tunant windt fctrt crcater to- ra t.t e.irrrt. Iimittary, ftndor compcla tnt to aty, aueDc on it, than in day landi io wr aci 1 7W f MtJJUitx Oat, tW tK tcicoco of Pbyiiogoooay. like tH other tclcocea, bat extended iu Kit jajlit- P1? t tcof Jihfj tnd ' knowledgt. Wt Phratvgoomiate.eM Mcert4dn the depth 6f ' anao'a knowt dgt. or the dtactiea iniideonu.- Ttt It Xtrr.nUSRr. ua nature, with greater precuionl Halifax papert 10 the 1 8(h Octnbe "than th craft of tocieot daytt -The have'becn rectivod at Near-York by rollowiPt: facta hare been Uncovered (the UnUih packet Swallow. Thev II modern titnea, tnd are held as tacrcd fumUh further prtieu!ara of the rav aphoriimi 1 . ' Igea of the confljgrtioD, which had . " lmi II a man te amicted with the deaolated a larre aect'oa of the Bruith . ji?poconanaaiif or naa impaircu oiaipmvioce 01 New.uruntwici, in miod by inteoaa atudyVo-cao, ' i Newcastle Our of two bucdrrd and moment, decide, that there ia no let fifty houiea, but fourteen eiraped -iibUtty. ot hit.; rt iteration 1 " whUh (Near .two: hundred pi.ronintJhe greet With another maxim : of my j vicinity f Miramichl perished iftlhe rrandmotner-OQce X aInaniea and theMoaa pl; Uvea in the loot.H " T , , . J interior wai tmmeniet tnany of the "2d.' When a man ta troubled with Uurvlvora were dreadfullv mutilated aTyipepaia. at many peraona are who I men, women and children dtititute of oUor tedcotary employmeott, which clothing to cover them, nd other oauie them to appear, grave, we pro dying cither from auBbcation or expo nouoct all auch-to'be .foolaJor tnad- ture-10 theteverity of - the weatbtr. clav-aotl, th iwoiatur mt w'ub Trema; throutb oomH)th, Me. a diftcult?. And'lhe manure of cowrie 'tf"."T 1 Mfc a wainan off) 0 . will na:uraiIy,rcmaio lonjrcr .umprnt I Aft! k WIvTYBf. m . ' 7 fit,- iff Urt lilUmi Lmlun tot flOOUC atif pd lo tteir MJma. AD IUa wU ar 'mirtird m 0t auWibrr atr Jaaa Raiia, art etpeoU4 1 mIi John nomxwm k CO. M U te 1 A YauaiAt Tritt ot 1 men, without heiitation. The citizeat of Halifax had aubicri- "3d. If a man haa once been afflic- bed 2040. for the relief of the Buffer- ted with the Hypo, if he ahouldjifier.ffra. The editor of the Halifttx Free rardt have a dytentary, or fever, Preae aayi, at melancholy at the de. we at once decide uat the Ilypo nasi acrtptiont received are, he feara that returned, at no other diteaae can have I more' heart' rending accounta are yet any etict on tucn a. tubject. ;' ; to be received. Norobert have per. " 4th.- If reiafortuoe thoiild over- itbed, of whom no account will probl wheltn a pcrionlti gHef and wretched- My be ertt obtained f and many pr etx, we-pronounce hia-hide in the tona.who. have been, mutilated jnd loft r hit cate it irretrievable, no mau e-therwite pertooally injured, will con ier what hit tzeTtiont way be after, tinue from time to time ;t be Jiacov wafda.. ; Vt" ? " y 4 1 i ' T" - fd in wmoU aiiuationarat. will per Ttit extract ill jivethe-TeadeT ttlr through want in dittant and retwed an idea of , the aeritt of the ..work Pl?hicountry.--J?MM Gazette, Jinrf ahfinlrl Ir mrrr lhi approbation of ."rj'r"' 'r":":"; wtlm hiikli. I M.a-ulMn. .xMalhmt " "V JUWIIb, WiOJ BVUU JUU UIIIVIUIU wore from the tame pure fountain , .::JUJi.: x.AfATt, J'.. Oct, 11, 182J.W .. ; A patent has juat been taken out for a new metnoa ot maxiog anot. i ne improvement conaiata in mixing a am!l proportion of quickaiiver with the ie4Ki4y-whUh,meathtahQtitrjpj) ttr of aee.'who rcada without 'tU.Ui and wh klalr ivowRrowln oo'iir (a iki Ji,, the appearanca bi Inntfirt T!a it the third time the bat loar her J U rw,-, J S arrrti 1J0 pfwk" it tlnM "f- catJ(WuV AC4WW.it; imJ MU'albpartiofltaraaiV' biir, M hd h grow cot again In the aaroe I Uioa Wtf Iw witk iktir bminaaa, k I 4 FUrwa, h. I " rVnaj fc, loatoja11 wf . About three veara aioct ahe had tkeriaba, . tooe, ut M wui be abla to rdcr wMia it la oe w tt -nB. i advaatita anachc4 1 thU tm and h no. bat tevtral new teaib grow- I(JUM rf aja,-..-j. r..,. a f.. tfi td -tlat .aa ntrUm'1 J wv w. iw ... vvmi 1 flMMMjatodt wkanj til b pwip7 alienor rock. a eiceurM iujrri, jja v -married man named Jelleraoo : but bakiellj t. vkaa concfixtbocota are toiicilad I larourt U Wd. t ikonu ., ,n -r rived with aaecond buband, named Ga- to refer. t aufflritai auppy wgf f bo lu.ha, j te,ra. She and her hoaband, Tm?- - -ltd 13. have UveA for .7 re.r,,o-e,ber NOTICE. . . WrfrtTffiT JW- HE Co Partnartl.ip of ihoiiribera, Wre.rrin be ie ad poa?,. j-rtia- tofore canwt On in the km of BRNJA.I ww. rof fanitcr nonicvitf. pu" . i. ... ia tv .k' J l.. J a I mL. L.. 1- lak.;tU - -Z. 1 1 - 8AUr iit!JiJf" v . itlioul anr other bel ur tuniln in a hou-e at tome dUtanca from anr nelch boor, aod.' flit atatea that aha haa made ( HIS HAMMER ia tbk dr diwotfooV . At p-r-J afnber, bring ,ia kUI a cheeae everv other dav aioca the Uib Mont imkbied w the au4 eonecrtvwiu w.at at . 7 " of Juno last. payment to t-ttlier of Ike Mibacribarti and it b ..... . . a j. a. I apeciaa ui pajmcne wui m aiaao wpi im z. . . - trrMHicr, aa i U ivettry tocloatU iff-Jr.! al Utot TttU Itatt of of the concern oa ry a pnaibl. fcbowid of fJLYD comto-n:" tia-l tno- XkFrinr in f ork yO I m. ow th Catawba Rier, and .. .. -i about ?WkOJlkJBa . a. .Ma a a. Bk akaa.aitahaa - M AMI K . I n tka i a, ok alfcltaj faai axf ..a.aa L. -l.t. Sola ika I lhir Wm AM UfwaHliid aWOlAlkU ataTftilUl thll tOM I ' ' a-vwoj vi nitinnvrv 'l7 niiavuibf wim - " " . . - . I . -.AU beat company. Tb. grain of their aoul & " 1 J'iVO com J. 2ITK- m. . a a r a. . . . . a a. i mmmix k - ""iimiiih ' a. iuo mucn oi ma, naiure oi ID rougn BRNJAMIN IfAMkttr,. graiui.WlO acouitt Uia pollihoi - JUH.V KOBINSON. piece of nurblea-ln auchTmen thrie la t (""CAaWmtm. OcuAtr t, IS25. 4t8J arett deal of aclfikhneaa with little arm patby foe ibe tauea and faeUori of others. Notbinr acrvei ao much to polish man aa I the aoii intereourae of rtBned femaJe ao- ciatr.buthe tnuat pMam the .1.1. .',, rrt that win receive aluatrt. M,uT are awnS? tiSfSL rourbbv nature that notbihar can tmootb I in tin, lower atorr. akd twain thouppcri tbe i.c. lliir. nio.n... Pnli.h.H r.m.taa aa-1 txmae ia lanra and ounvenient. with a kilcben.1 . ........ J. WOP cUt abI. m.h.a. .ueh ntrum ik. more amokeJwoa. corn-houae, ana aui.ie, wiin ta Tor feaU, , j Tt ft llouae and Lot In the Imi rVjTb if Jaaliibary. ocroait Mr. Wm. Jt'lJ .Klaufbicr'a bowe uf enleruiamcnt, in anu fucai aiioaiHm w i aix lrT4n( th . aenbrr ia rwxninntii; it to tu .(ta-niiot M - tbacMTMi 44miirti atti he m,Upfa, thoae H. wh0 10 fl?,,d: in kind of pr'P"1rJ r veev Uakt . aV tviii . , a .a. a I - ' j . I r- i 'Tf. . I arvw.i r.-..L.r'. --7-.xt v...Ha auu HBUw I accommodtuijf terrca m ina purcnaer, u i ami a-, "'z : ..ytXlrt&u" , ; f drierminid ta renove to the country neat fatt. V " reorwy near, unn reeaMmng r The Frwhcli havinc aent Gen.-Fia as - 0J?C MILLEM. the towa of Watrar,)!,, iH ,dI .fc.l, v. wj.."u . .iW 56. 1821. 4 1 terl.bowae in atateaviiie. -a-a "- or in fatker-werda, to ol Aim ufi, Mr N. -ft lalto requcat aH p-rwma who hart any ntf tn nfhaln Canning proposed that England ahould enda ajramat me, to call and reerivo 4heir thfy tmAuoe ielf ,jUea on or kf, that ffbf CorbT-Thirldbe jt."-!! 'ZvV'lSZ WXOUtlU. , ti f7tu,r n. Ut.nAA dollara . .'f .Inthl- , tbe Pope bat lately feunded a pbllolo- Atted hafderand heavir,4nd divested werfopegil6 of the arieniei which waa one f the Si V ?bM,-t!?ekM kT" T ctecciiooi'mhe'Wrglntf which will be chanted with the examina- . flu- ,.;,.ai !IohfWHer.rfrtt rImed.::ThU eolkgt will have'iu curad'ailogni. ii Wb.chlt will curea lor gunt imauer;aM yrr ;jbroifcio1rt atailyer to handle and may be, carried "eonklderablf augmented iba number of looa in the packet and ' that it hat taeoiogtcalcoIIeget.-t:-;itTt eT ;4 fJ'e fricUoii ia firing. v r-'l.C. x ngtian ttaptr, i. y A bill it before " the: tegialaf ure of Tennetaee to compeljbe Sute Rank to By the returns from all the counties in Pennsylvania, it appears that 44.474 votes scount notes at low tt 10 rJolUra.-Al- aretrtrihe trtrtlection for . con . a resolution to hasten the resumption enii0n, and 59,884 aeainst ira.-The ma fSpetle payments. ' jjority against acoaventiohb l5,410otci auuicininw ii at me rciaueuon oi rreuci-i,..,i;,h i. u.m . ' . -.-v .1 ivi i ruaaia. a no r icncn ROTomniciii 1 .r. C K-U .uul m.kaa......aa aa... I deeply learned. The peraon who tnt r0- the tt rbilade!thia Uadr, and a3 duced her. hoaited of her oroficiencv in I aary 1 nmmmax be feela warranted under an huiulreti dollara i.j . . .itnt for alt purcliatra ahoro that amount, put" eta mutt give bond and appro,, a JenM' . ' flfmtfl JOHN II. Mia tri"tJnK. ' Wnar :8, 1825. CtmMiri ' having aent him an Ambaiamlor without -N'ew lioot UUt ft0e feVlOT.. a Mirm, he next day detpatt lied one to rnue anbwriber reapcctfully inform Uli X Irienda, ana all otlien, that be baa taken tlc ahon formerly occupied by Mr. Peter Krlder, fKJUJlE EDUCATION J on aiatn kintct, a lew uoora nnn iwiru A voun- rlrl wat brctented to Jamet ?W he " h".J?'wd. Ah??. "l . W--T-- . . -. .-: -i ma iiunutiinnr m jiuvis mu nur.j. oi new mxt: ot tb'e'Tiieea: in aa-urihk-1 4 LI. that wmh to Jutii a I roon t r.ralrf' ancknt:iiiiKuaKera apea and write Latin, Ureekand JJe. fw.Joftiof ,heday. -AM ordew for work, ilrton.!:2riUy w wrv i ivcte ais - rare aiiainrncni i troju Uaanciit IdNWROVdror froai a diatance. aimii aeivca aa pledged u awwie oy M . . tnJv' t damsel,' aald Jamea;' but pray tell iue be csecuted on the alioHt notice, ad va try ity y coriclnde ot her1n tjlft. wgni ; can she awn 1 Ubrni unna. 1 he Aibitc are iiwiied to fie equipmenta, the chore of oflSctra, or any ''"f' F " b.a kw ahop alirtrfa. IlliN BY b MI I II.. tbe A xm aa a ancient mmiet,Ml j af mm w'J-aVAXaJi.!aw.. ...!r-mv:T... Jrytaa Reteifit far making hot$rntt vaUr: One pint of linseed oil, half a pound of mutton anet i cittht ounces of beeawas. and one pennyworth of roain : the whole to us ; Shmffs? Deeds, be boiled togetbcri arid wormed tTore TfOu Uml aok) by wdVr of writa of vrndi'i big. , , ' - - esponaa, fcf JeM1l;lirig-oflic,. tfa4irv,V..la;l821.. 3nrt9 I aulncnbed, public notice i be tivew'of a "r" N. Il.eaioilable cmiiU U1 ta extanJedl ungoi the troop wr u.c p.rpua, mwr teblecaatomar..-.. . -.1. - J;'; , . ' ; ' V..i.. 4..V.VU1 ... ..a a For aalc at toa O.Tio-.;" n f : i ft -J4 ,:t:i . m, an vmiwuniNI jft-apl rs.. t

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