(itfat Coat t.uit; '. '.",; -. i Wfef IM , ic!!.! ii ih t flft.r-j',' !:!! J f. -i Heal J f ' i na If I tA' I'AYr.rrnviUJ.. ar. f" td r I Jmr, t r'.! ,'-. n uIm i, Miy ik tn' . ,f Anl tnr, i.tt.ni-i rreu Of lilt i.f l titurj.y, (! '.4, lit l Wft i?f S gftln at .(! and Mr tf In frruttJli., er limits will tufiM, 1be great body f tM'U aits&ilvus Minn whal latlfvMlc WMsnteare.Mr.g enJihene Kt (fi n fitl myth InUreM In Wfjs ltifft ptocetdjngs, frugal 19 hstituati theomlffS lakeso lnif In Mick Iking.. Ihe watchfulness IM r- ptfi H Tit tnly eafrr.uir.1 IM -4 rt j.! jj o fctl lu u j u J rt. "were ', VM v t4 m iM.f u Uf, f Offtm.ndsij f Is ft r.,rdw!l, ae-1 h-h IW Ns4 Mff ha.f IMwl Wf-rff. ft ha base tey rmy aWrv J, ikal sW e'y as ie 4nM.d If ae aLs dsawWk aa U LUrt si ii had a lane d tV afp m4 at a W el tsar. M the g b dtrrUfe I ft gwg rrp at wUW.b i mUmm fenMry, This U ett2Wtd M the fit Jrexghl ae the , HUti ihef m see , ts snaai L)4 by the . 1U 4j fitMf k rt rjr (k --tr tat lutirbiar jmU MfWiMl.t.iW vMifvif mf m dm, fitUr mat mj HUn fUtr b fat m tl t tUJl M,l ffMMk liM tj l Kfxt Uwt tot. , Y0NAI1 muML ) i iii mt Al KMftUfftf tt cltlttQf f (jHKM Iff PiMrki, ktll it UKHKr Court JIoe, South 'ifotln, m Wri!nrr. tk 3d tntUM. fof IM purptf of jpr ino ' iaf (MmlHlnMn mt mt)lt4A4i n (routed en ike prt ef KrrHt Di Irkt, in ftrdir to tk into cKWrnlon pnHttr of miking lompikf tn4 from Cjmdfii to IU Nwk Crvnfl tin, o4 irvitn An ik frvAt ronrilnl td pffrblt rwt lor tko id rtwd, , totntodiocorrtitMrnd witit th chiifn of UiKtr iIm citlun f IK ui , poMl le n!t la te mJic id il4urn plkt from th Sttu Iio, uttru Ckr L lou or .Slibrf . r;.t ; . . . - - I pnrtuMI r h itiJ rf tototion, jrot " art therefore rtqi,ftei lo Inform Ui won t potuoic, vnat re it Uhet el lh iliif eo of f our rountf on the tulj?ct onotuia lumpne. lit contemputfH. Ito, k thf Hid urn oik e hall roniinuc from Cinidtn lo We' frrjr . and juin inf lurnptko road from Lharletton to Co lumwa. . it will b lejrib!e to cenaii1 Irom oo which will bt the meit Prt(r- W rout forth aid road from Laocaa tr to Chat loitf. W prt aomolhat on a - urtltfbi Iin between both tlact. wotild -1 found thf beat troond for tht eomtrtte- tHn of t roJ road. Bat thould that ol b acceded to bf owr citltert. you UI ipleaae Inform u abal otherroute would . bo Klected. At it h intended lo pretent . be subject for the coruideratkm of out tf;toIator at the enaulnt; etkn, your eetlf attention to thia comrnuniration l oat retpectfullf otK-Wd : nd we remain, gentlemen, tour moat obedient aenrantt. VVm.M'JCenni "j -- Johh Stewart; -!rsm fjinratter-Sa-nl. R.Gilnon.J ' r- ' John. Carrr, '1' " John Ftfj'her, '"" twW r. ir. w. u J8:i. - . ' Fome time ainee, we inarrted an article in our , paper. ataing Jha Capt. Symmra, aceoinpartled by a Mr. RetnohK vaa about fina; no a toar h eaatarw atale to k-Kvf kdttTow hi alngukr and bforita doctrine of an inner world. It now aeerai that he haa been detained at home, f (HiUaboro, Ohio) by imliaooaitiftnt but hia at. aiatant, Mr. Reynold, haa lately been delivering 1 lecture at Whetlinf;, Virginia. Mr Reynolda 'ia represented a a yomjr t;f ntleman of eicel. lent character,' and terhn peniua, whose ob- ject U to ezptain the real lick of CapUtymme relative o hia favorite theory which i eaid, . b.'M,e n.',?ve '""rd iht lecturea, to ap- i Join Mr. ReynoMa at eoon aa hia health "will perm a i and will then proceed to aorne aca-port, itr rtcilrad from FjetiatUle, that, U j Cnmtm, ronatnuenef of bit bating conaented toL,t; fn wf waetaae f taataia. Dd blarf.al ik tmUu m Talfyafy Wi'tf, ltywao4 txa. . C a Mcpi Mae Clmf, f aU CWrUae tW, n fM4 'f4A, ae A JW, at iae a4wH if W 91 yaara. lie rtUxl to tke wrtuf a Um araiif, that be im1Bm faie f Mr, al fofV4 aeMM Ue W.u wwli,MUti ttt- iLimm tg0 lU CWrolr. a the ytar I7li 4 ie the Utile te f fiUa, (m the lUad tt fr ) ebrre f4. tirn( rHaaord aa iK-raxa. aad e aa rrpkw4 aha cwWrUW Um. lie a m aife I d n7f if arro acaioa Ibe I'aitad rtaire, 'rvjV.t the IUva WtKMiarT war i aad mtrprt4 CA. iKwjWrtt, Mh ha party U tgn fee Tf aaeawe, U the feftH, ee a airrMfe raited OooMlryty, le th CWfokae tmift ia He fear 17X gat , tvMtKnSierd.hhUUJpawJkf,M atbraVvktery.tinhtitUath. IM aUf Ue trve'y of praee. aJ w'r" the Ctwvfe hi .a ii.a a a . a.. laeear iBLMBeamerw.7Miaa-p.rv . -....tl.. wf aiarhHietheleter.0thel'ariedlai,air' . "7, "''-77 7 V. Uaerf aMeebeee a int.laUe fnead toUiLr:7 m,r? '"ru,Tr AatMirMtiMMi. t.otneo- Wa Lice IK K of. uar rraea fu prvudnl om si lire towne of I ton, ao1 nal aer f ptefl an tnrtalton to dine t lolrmAif(rt ( 6"1Jy, ram ratted If ff. Ifanf. wkl. h. Ikrtitlk iktl 9 - I - w - - I f m WI 1 I mil il M lfM(ttte looMltrt tfceia, bad lit- te ifce t'4 4i4 IMlr aeri'a th4 Mirpvae, hkb bad been f rr ptd by Nr. fihoun. Al f e'ikxk, Ike liu!iJ aJ tdfpe deal Oeepeay foftnf d li4 In free I f ta Urtf(i llcjttl, ar.4 . be p paired m! and hire, afie r wkieb (bay lk l he reef arvenb, fIleea4 by Jir t t f i . a. k wa4en arte nuiaftt on vmm &et I. in taking Uatft-f tb tvTAfra, i of Ke V-raJ t. U ae are j ut h, a; ke 4, WS4 , rU, af futf a4 A maixiie aa rriiwe, rtal arve'd s a no e In .Isttai f4a, tw by UMk .1 ll e.'h f- nata I lat I. tl'S Ui a il.a he favaf 4 FAYirrri'.viLM n. u. AVw WkUU mmJ 8rtit Stttt, f L.hff aAwaWf bUf f 4 bUV uluui-tt 1 M r-Un r .a. ' Leal vTy7 "rr't 4 nb,UpUa.a4r the Am af 1 I 4.wf b Ce. aa iM aie. M the pwte U I UX t be ha1 cernWf eitelr. the MaUa fUaUifTtltK Taken ki ftiu l!mmUtet F1 tie )4 J ttvie Wr rWe bb TV V, U aaM be k-Up M 1-e Hay at Tfweei. b4 f apfeaa te he Hmt twawy yrere an ef, ylw ra;iti ata ak4, aM haa ft sevrUe a"r a ha fte, The mm is rf4l ie ew Mead. pwe pfaeeaay, pay eWf al take ha away. ara aJiiniAx, avy. f, s' i.a if a e4jse4-li Mm, aM'Hb tht'tppeirwKt never aeen tetJitie brmr treia i Cer-,1 awa 4 aaaea4h V4 tama te r-WWtpH4 r4 MW'Tafft ft larva and raaeraJ aninaiiil te atiioa.eaf.il. i r . . ... , . i. inifinrfore navma: eee n rfieirae isat I 4. ..t . .1.1 1 . imiowi-iiwiniwiaiw "M,1 eh ee ena4ry a4t at te aaarlat prtre. otild arrlf at Ihle tUf on Toeaday last, I TWv ihenraWe intiie the owahe ka fi and 1 bit af 10 WeahUgton the Raleigh jney Pn in pan-Jt u eJ al thf Ili-.a.'' m ike aliarAOM ml ih.t di. e, daera ahwae Ue U.)fif IMel, m.rk.d ta C.m. Haoi.r. ralll. f it.. Ce-da befae iWy J v-w w --- w vwv I a aLla aVal IVBM rrpnnft of tKonlng Mm ,v town 1 bul cneda W-t In part of ihe LIUwinf at acf rtaload neat morning! by lei lenkltti fine and tllra aeperlae treed Cloth Can mane 7rZZ2 u r Oxf ot a .MnU Ac aat r -1 taade kW. mtf r ,t aa Ihe hlba4U lUln. ' wa)e4 ! Hhf neat, and tWe lUeeH iberewf be fvwd net id laaVif the ttaat. Tan Irat e ef II.. Jl the 3d Mnla hi ianeery, ae harste nndef the charfe af lir. daAe II. JehanM. ttaf. M.aNtr.0, JUrV Hnuie nrrikkinrr and Uohbcryt liriir.ltr.AI. a-ae Um le the aVJUe a dine wiib the ti'itena of that f face no Jfondeft bit arrif al htre would neeeita ritr be one day later than bad teen nti tiaid On Wedneaday a ft ir noon, the Vke flue eaied, atnaec and laTerd foe Uue KalU. nte - Fatal, Duffsl and mae ItlaakHa Ccene waaiWe eheaj IW nvyvw cketaf Had. r'a,)1 and prWad ararkrt fliiiBila f Caiae Carvhie, f 1rraaHN am? real tartan natda PreUdrnt and f.mU ware mt,al milei Tr!'n? 7,,' , it 1 l j 1 . . i aanthaen'a eanJct and phwd ckaahs ready from ihla plaee, by detachment of li e I r ' eV AraL a hinjaa (in finvole cenjnti. X. C. jennag the ra4 frwni rarU,fle fp Mer. raalua) mm htxX'j ae4e Open, by aante ti tan or tiUttaa, ehn note Ihe taMeata ahefain, le a fchwwawi aaaan I U1 fVve te aWlare rteard lo any pwaoe or panaai that sifl ap. prWnd ie4 tWf er Ihwaae, an Ut luaa of then) ntay he erwvirtad aftawenlt le be. jot 1 a wiu.rtMi.i tlry. iw AltVlV f. .1.. - u .1. . atath te lh.i kwat, a hound bey, by the a mm kts praplr, honlcrir on North and houta.t haa, aa a ntiliiary ehwf and atoal enoarilkiv, lor were than bah a trtfvry. He had been la ice rrird. bet died "Hhil a chial. . From Ihe Irmoraa an-l integrity of hia charac trv. he aetprirrd the eawAirnce and reaped both of hia ewe and the white neoplei and rnwr in ajrh aundiag. was allowed one of two reaeraea of laa 44 niwea." monnlrd cafalrr . and c acor ltv t.uu ted Into the ritr, vbert tbey ert Wied Wtk.teeewoaan,foirtW.bloean enVw H-a. ahot aaaen yrara aU. f fts. nrxrw! and nla honafaajeua. new and PTW"."' r"" fMiooitsbte Mntene C'Wtittyj and bang p eoeda euack aad bonhrred It ate rhie and aaenne lhaela and nomta Canto, fSaakin and naaadarine Crape Noee Itlack, green and atraw colored Ifahaa Crapee Laeeriag, Ievantine, afrriKt, Ftrnian, Fkeenoa aad Hafian Ji. of rlirTrrrnt eoioera black aad ahadrd grue de b'apWe ,!k, a new ana e wgani anie with it riiitena, to day, ot the Eagle lit lei. To-morrow mvrMr.g,wt ervderatahd, j he will proceed 00 northwardly. Mr. Calhoun was intlted lo, and par- n a af eaaa.. a . a . :l e . r -t -.v .1- ! nwn.netirao. laci are ae to an. Und,Ufne.pU.anottdltbe boundaef 1 wfr wnn., au ,, Ulk .h-e aVt-a, rhi.Iata noriM aenttaa.ay the an iraaiy af in 1 , ' If ooeeaMd e UraeediMrr oowera ef aoind. with a high scan of national honor. Ae th owent neetof lo hia'oww Isogoaew, h opt ichaa were deGverrd in a Mnrng fiuiat t tyle. rirrlv omral hi hi eondort ami dpor)nM-ol( digunrd ha hie prreon, reapeethil in hi man nera. and atrictly Imoeet ami epnght in hia In. tercourw with eaakinI, I h n a repoution tm luuupu ra yea waaraae eanauetia. n ilGBTS .tXtt MTJUVMU. 3ft- EoiTon 1 I bat beretolore com muntcated, taroogh lh medium el your rreaiiag him aav thing on ear n:n0i t,' the ahe reaaed wdl be inid lor the dcCtery ef the Una ay, bet M fthar cWf . itrjsaty nrrtt. MfrwB, Smil rawnf. A C. mw 1 iii. if.J. 3r I ' t?OH the auWnU-r, en ei. aVnf" day night, lb 6th inat. a 0fchfsjn?f4 bnrace cliiai I. fanrr plavt and other Handlf. ftandanoa, ailk, ctillwi choptie, Fjiglieh and , Wrwtan Rag Handel RUrk, rfL f ten, eotlon and ailk VaWeta oaonltfwn. Msrwifle, palriotic, f aglc, Wb a a a mfioo and rvat iooon-eentop naeful naner, certain hint rcUtife te Freer' . rainbow, poetrootn aoper tercoerar wnn esaimi,iM hii a rrpuuiK"! m ... . , . , j 1 taocy, leraay, reo ana iwovarnnpe prima many U'.ea) a rerreet .-Irl Q emid ttttth,t W I 'n Imimi Twwfcot mvm, and hWd Hia bonea are now mmgioo witn the.ri'"' r""K"" f " ' I ajiun, jaconet and awiaa eaualioa nativedutt and hia immnetil pert haa ehiged legialel Ion upon thla auhjOCt I he iegia I Plain, Agvred. hooh and caoeirk eaaalia he war to thai Tewat Fpmt" where nfl ntaa. I Uiure ta now in aetaioni and it can onlr I Cotton, orated and nlk Honcry kind ( whether civtlued or larac) will be hailg. k. la peewabrwaf ihla aubiect I tnrin, Mnua, damped, feathered eJr and m acvmirsr ,o iMir wn, wa nwvuni w i pwaiahad accorUiA;ly. rWai ftfvrad aattio Hikkaai and laeoi wtuaim Robra, hordered and a 1L.1 kMjui.akl. SiAe WSkA tirwtffBna 01 a uniform eyatem or reigna anci kk. f.r-J Maaauraa. lhrourhouLthfl.HlUi will be I LjuurJiwa. llimA and laillmlLoo Canhrif ka Bye frtVear to the nof xair paper.iti.jii-mjtudl-and the cwatitotionalf Certs bead ornamrnU, wrcalha aad artifidaT win be seen we -have wiaxie.M ahmiion In rtki nfiho aiata torerul.ie lit own iefrr-1 flower there inHc al of roqoiriof Riper aonom reed- aefalTjtra, will not bo COOtClted. Aav. IS2S. roncr, we ahall henceforth require only ft? 30, when payment ia nwle in advance 1 hot three dollar, aa heretofore, when payment I nt made in advance. We have thought thia' arrange, mert due to the punrtuality of thoe uf our pat ron who have been in the practice of remuncr 1 7' at in g ui for oar (JtOcro confidence work bff,re they for thrir money. V iff of our aiherriber are I Jd ami 3d indebted to inuaooM IwOv tome -tAre.' tome I thkated. four, and some for.fjve.) earn aqbcription they Itave realired all the advintign flowing from", bi)t have contributed little torUa autaining, the publication of the paper. Aa it baa' been, in crTect, from the pockets of thoae who have punctually paid ua, that the negligent bare been gratified with the pcruaal of the paper, w have urn. Of ittartfts. F.t TKTTtflLl.t PRICES, AVo. '0. Ftaid, hppvt, apron and furniture eheeka rVa,iingtont Jackson and Bolivar at ripe" Irish hoen, diaper and steam loam bbirtinp Rritidt and German rnatMirga llhvk and brown holland, buchram and pathCng Men's beaver, buck, dogskin and Woodstock gloves Cotton, 12 1 flour, fine, ersree, 61 auperflne, UaieV kid, besver and York tao glove a - a a a I in . ill I . ... .... l wneat, 1 a 1 Ji wnoaev, u a -f 11 iruci ami while ailk Oo. Ubort in antiricsiloo bv hoae i pescb brandy, 50 a 55 1 apple do. to VJA TorUaaalwck, long sjm! aJe ooodt , we have Ten p.M for our . iL f ' Tt ZIjr7"',7 0, rmwrt lh mmuUnIim i. Ii . u . . .r . in. ns I . . . . .v . . . , eotaoo. 11 a iau coucc. pruoa anccn. a uuca ana cotton nea iicaina- quality, lo a 19 ijcihyaon, K 20 a 1 1 Dusacotinn, patent and trans thread oil, 80 aAJ Ulloa. T i 7 i hcrsa ax, I Brua a, blcaJud and era inland alurtinr and LMa32 1 1 rice S to 4 per 100 Ibe. iron, H a i J. pr, 1U0 lb. 1 tobacco leaf, 4 a Ir manufactured. 5a20pr. ewt r" 06emrr, CfciLESTOY. PRICES, A'aw. F Cotton, 8. Island, 40a J0 stained do. SO a 25 ( Maine and Santee, 24 a 30 cu.$ abort staple, 13 a 1.14 cents 1 Whiskey, 30 cents Iiacon. 5 a 6 1 Hams 8 a II 1 Lard, 9 a 11 1 Bagging, ! In order to embark for" Husils, with the woventi . Kent of which country be has made an engage r tnemY to accompany s pohtr" expeijithwi they --naw prejeeted t-He baa been retjtieated to held ' bimaelf in readineas to act out sometime this '- winter . - v v ' The U. 3. ship John Adams one of the West , lhdia aqtiadron, arriyed t peniacpla, on the 4ti ult, from "off Hvna"Fmir of her crew, only, bare died durinirher cruize. .1 he principal ob ject of the John Adams in vishing Pewacob,' IfytiiibotacMio nnctM" Uwt, and other public property of the tor the use or the Tiavyre - V. ion;on Tlirim'paon'a Island ta' tobef. abandoned, and aB the rtoret, fcc; Temorec? from- thelro toTen sacola. Which Utter place SpreaTter to he the rerezvouaof the CTeWls. --- - ,TI . . TlrltEltlLjn 0LDXR 6 see It mentioned by the editor of the merican Farmer, that fie' haa received com- plaints from Mine of his correspondents of the j v-orkipgtf the anetrtf in the old com, u well j deomad it botn irfioernrt of wttce to make the ttmnden andinverneea. (4J lnch.1 20 a W 1 Cof. above aheration in our tcrme. A considerable I fee. Prime Crecn, 19 a 20: Inf. to good, 15 e 18. exit arfve evT extiis nalanna a lfl Varn ewte mtJt iam m.$ N. Carolina State Bank Bills i prr cent w a wi vaes ireivi vina wr lav inn nrue so ens evear 1 aheetinga Straw aad Leghorn Boimets Meni common and braver Hats do. white and black wool do. Ladies' It at he r( sealskin, morocCo, pnincl and Valencia atioea and pump Men's cnarae broganr, Monroe, cordevaa and was caUVkia snoaa and aboataea Whittemorc'a cotton and wool Cards CflOCUtlES.. CofTee ai"3 nigsr. young hyion, gunpowder aad tVa-VA bright nrrl AWs e ywy nhL mdJ&JLn he bgi slu'e ncarty.ep te ba knees wniiaUrge biaee in bis (tftnrad. I Witt anstably reward any neraen wbe wiH Sake hna up, and g ee nnsice, so that I gt hbe 1 or iMke may be given te the poet smetce in Char lutu.ee tm bsltalwiry. woir.s NxtiLY. C AW. ia,lm. 2ry ftttR Not ,t. BROKP. lone frem ear Mr. CoerBa on the road from nJtbory te ("oaeord, 0 darV bay Urm, 7 vsar a4(L ahoul 5 feet rh, heavy bub, hair very vhm en hia tail 1 trwta and pace pretty roagV Any safbrvnathm relative to said norae, niUhe thankfully receiv. cji by. the subscriber in biotas county 1 and ail saatoaalile eharea paid. .... J0II.VC.81IXTIL ' Aaw. 12,1115. 3tM- ft. B. Information rner be given le the post, merier (n ftalesn, or in "ahdMirv.' b. ron f alii imperial Tea il' i.. ...1 r.. . An. i-m rmmt I Pcdimii sotcc. n(ir and mitmef vwnce, bare yet been ao punctualin remitting ua . j: Cotton bareinir. rtpe and twine our dues, that it wmiM he unluat and unmtefi,l I- . . - . i I American and Swedish iron and ahare moutda . v B lmm. ibc rock 01 sea isisnos anu nani . . , ,. v Lr j u.. toanntr Ihe lerm to thert-foe to their . t .k- l.w ..,. ,h U AA American, oerman ani wgnwi ousiercu sncci gety-rous patromfge ia the prosperity of our ee- epr lew bales and the pricea are merely nomi- nns gwnpowder tahliahment to be attributed. But it ia to thoae ' w "".l1 "-"T" i . 8 hT ml 10 h 18 avho have net jei paid ua any thing, or aboee payments have been "few and far between," that the term ia Intended to apply : and, doubt less suco. ni fed the force of the application. TATf.TTITILLtt, HOT. 10. Th Vice President - of the - United States. accomninied br his fsmilr. arrived in- this town on Saturday evening lasrj and took lodgings at the Lafayette Hotel. nal i we bare, however, put them down at the rates at wnicn mev are ncia. some aroaii . . ,-- j ' j I . . j . . . i . nanwa oro n, wiuia mu auu rcu ku no saiea nave oeen eiiecica uiai iwm b.wuk- ,..v us to fix it vsluealthough we underhand nanter, nave neen onereo '"x- Frcch brMy. cherry and malatra Wine new JL'piaiuu come in out arawry, anil nave gone i .i,, : t. trm'j nrimnt nf Hard M-an rJhrhi.!w:-kTTTi ifT!ll5 1 together h a large-aaMrtment of mrdtrere. v.. j - - " i cut erv and I On Monday morning, the citizens be- x desirous to testify'their admiration bf j the talents and worth of the distinguished visiter, vetted on him and solicited him to defer the prosecution of his journey cntiAW, nor. 8. .CoMon.is wminj;. lol. pretty.. freely j end sells readily at II; to 12; cents Considerable i aMpmchTTtifcer'n ' ftifidr j already. - Ooxrw. Cutlery and Hollow wtire. FafeltevtBr, Aro. 11, 1825 3t8F Doctor Tj. nV. UaUtr, II AVINti established hlmwlf in a i TN rwilorsftity wills the leal wlU and pT?3 1 testament of Mmns Al, deceased, f'l'Mr will be aoht, at brisat sale. Ih.t well known plantation, in York l strict; ae ArTiano's creek, ten miles North Fast of Vorkriile, ft here on furmcrly itood Rittt Hn H sria. . ... tm the premWs are a large, new and elegant Dwelling House, a good Kitchen, commodliHt Bam, Stables and every oilier necetaary out budding t and a new (Here Hooae hnmediatel on the great road. The situs(in of the dwell ing house ia high, bcalthy.and romantic, cota. mandinga view of an eitenaire and rarieratt landacape. There alas eo ihe prrtmW an etcellent GRIST MII.I, with two pair of stones. lately rerrsireo in complete order for manufac toring fonr and haa-a eaten, enstwn ee-any-biiH in thia section of the state. Also, a 'ew SAW MILL, hv good order. The plantation contama twelve hundred acres of land, of which ia an etceltent meadow of twelve acres a otian- tity of ber)csoi aeonaidcrshlc portiairwf iaort juac cicareo. The stream en which the Mills are mttiated has a good fall and afTords a never failinr sunnlr of water. The eituslion of the place ia an eligi ble one for many purposes. It is at the point her the great road leading from Charlotte and Lincolnton to Yorkvillc, Camden and Char leston intersect in the midst of a cotton and provision country, and within one mile and an half of an incihauitthle supply of IRON OHE. Combining so many local advantages rt may bo appropriated as a place of Entertainment, with a store i aa a cotton factory, Iron force ami smel ting furnance, or a farm, as may uit the taste or... pursuits 01 the purchaser, Also, will be sold, either sepsrately or with tbe above place, a tract of land two miles north) of the above, on Urarer-dam creek, containinir ebout three hundred acre. .-.-- A credit of one, two and three years will be dera his services to the public, in the several branches of his profession, JtWrnvO, , I Obstetrics &C and hopes to aliare a portion of On Thursday the 10th maunt. by Williamson Dub!te patronaee, Oiv t ZSZ. r:tl Harris Ei,.Mr. John Ellcr, jr. to Mi- C.tha- .Staitt,t AW. IF. 1825. " " " I nn, p,nn,l Knth of Una emtntv. company at a public dinner. He politely At Hoj hvitle, Lincoln county, on Tburwlsv accented the invitation, and preparations eveninr. the 10th insUnt.btrbe Rev. Joseph atateeville, reapactfully-tcn.1 ghcafur the greater part ef the purchase tdoney a . a It- ' .1 . I . sua SVt er sua aa a. NANCY HIIX, Kr'trx. W, R. HILL, Ertr. Ttrl' Dittriet, Oct. 12s 18.'5. eowl90 Notwithstandinjt the ahortnesa of the no- 50U0US5 ,0 '?MtttJ!2 ike. (as Mr, Calhoun had intended to rtW " "v' - " ' proceed ontbis Journey on that Tnorn f n gi it tf 'clock M KtiiefbtA an elc. rmer iCmei nlace. In Yorkville, 8. C on the 27tb ult by the 8eeCyhMJo vi .nr" onI rfViurtjnf (tinne ftr al aa ta s - nw" '-"-w - -- . - .-...-v., rrevioos lt ImL;., the company avere serejally preaened to N AC on 2ath uhby the Ker. Mr. Moore the. guests Md ep joy eda few. tnimitee yj,, itoNnutid Jenmn Yorkriller to conversation with him. On proceeding Mary Birchett. of Rutherford county. .. to the) table, Dr. Benjamin Robinson was i . . . 1 ' 1,1 ' requested to art as president, and Paris DIED, I. riilingha8t,j:sqJLlce pMt'-- " Cabarrus county, on Monday, the 14th mt. Abodt fiftf gentlemen ftardown. T Nathsniel Alexander, Rq. in the 58lh yer of Mr. Calhoun left be re on Tuesday buage: ; . loie to "Kent. FpiIE Unite ind lM it) the town of Safrbury, nttin-tiec4riM enirre Locke. and formeriy by Alexander Frolioclj, dcc'd.'Ts now to rent. Apply, in Safisbury, to . ALFKEU MACAY. AW.J4.1825. 84 A LL persona "are hereby forewarned, from Stale of XorU-CatoAi. BVHCOMht couttrr. I riOUNTt Court,- June term, 1825. Charier VA M Do ell vi. David Greenlee i orignal at. tarhment; levied on land. It appearing to the mimKilun v. iub vwjnp iiiai urc .iwicmianT, David Greenlee, is an inhabitant of another fwrernmentt I herrfore", ordered, that Publics- tion be made ih the H Westerp CirrdinSanauc- , . ceasifely, for ais weeks notify ing the defen danf tv;VPtr !A .!tMm of-easl court to bo -i - JeH (m Wrneot '.in Ashrville, on the 'flrat' Konday in Jsnuary, cuo, wes ami mere " pi' S", answer or ucniijr to the plea of tbe plaint iff, ot herwise judgment final will be entered againM him accordinglyr 6t90 Testt JOHN MILLLR, Clk. ' The above advertisement will be found on the1' outside of thia day 'a paper t and the, reason of its re-insertion in this place, m, that sn error oc- trsdinr for two boiuls of 8100 each, in winch James Shaver is pnncipsi, ana mysen se curity,' executed to "Philip Shaver, for the pur poses therein specified ; a I am determinid not to pay any part of . suitl bonds it now ap pearing evident that they were obtained from ina for fraudulent tHirnoerS. i Tv: '""r-'- W. F. NP.I.S0V. '( cufnjd, whkii wai not discovered till the outskle . , . aw. w, n?5. ! of our paper e orJLtd ofl'. 1 i I "' I 1 - t t V - i Tt I til-' if WK . , ' . " . , '" ' 1 1 1 . . . - ! . 1 .' . - . , , " . :--:-: ' , - -.y-.y,:. . . . - l: y : y,

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