.1 . , - ' ' a Ai W Mrw.H Wad" la ?.Ut,to Wela.idtoIal .Lad tor lb-aW d - - -. J A V- B.kUa W k if . t tea -it k & u i w V. a-i al Mil k 4 J to ItaataJy ? OVM LOV.T$r. JkjryeeefaJUx mtm; rwewaairy! tor to ! ' W tti I't M IW ea a. AaJ ral af d t 7by f6ag a ! eactad 0t rjr rta bU Al gai, Oa tke fUia, tWJ tU m af WitW fMf. 11 tok ifaaJl caJ tba ary UM, -And kid il rap M aaore. : (toCmkalAkMVitr ' TU cracea karae aaarTd AJAadWaMiewrt Jo t'pea: aaMaal rU, TV Waaj of ka orwiap bmk Qa rtfUi dark beLre t ..JU4WfM..:. . .. ... Vkh lb tM, tetlarrbrwe above, t ror.'rWa m'Jmos,' iw ray Tbe tbeuaand peVra enatsr , JbaS MaULtidL lb fri Bastk kai bar grae for lynate yv. t , And ilM Aft ) lb ae. ortb frcal their Waken toeabe, tb dead la dark am aU9 pour, WU kigh, Tbravgb lb eky, Bad th Sag rmdoaaoari TJhMfjcatepeatbkv frof tit tank mi TW wafVat'B pa af raat I - ,lac Urar'a W JclfuM to Um lUe, .. TkM aWl ludct4 b ilctt I Tkv Mib aM ahiUl er'rt vt?t Tsy eonquuif cafWa aoari And avtcp ' O'er th deep, TiBthraMtoteeatorerr TU1 lh broken chaii of alar'ry LU, AadOfpreMMMi rcigna m mora. . Un ta a kM afwmmer akiffi., . jV , Trom ceU and fVoa winter kt om departai Be kak I" At keam of poiWHirWxrw! tyea, "And" drlfkta in lC wifiMh of a-pen kearti ? Bui witera be baa once found chill and rahn. Be aekloto return to that bower agmia.f MISCELLANEOUS ' - a Tia aaaai riTaior. OBOMOE IT. XIXO OF tXQLMXDt TVaa inro'Kvinit iK ?a,"and U the eldest on of the Ult king and Charlotttof Mecklenburg Strelitz. In right of binb, be wai duke of Cornwall, aod ilao duke of Rothsay and high ateard of ScotUod. In five daya after bit birth, he waa crca ted prince of Walea and earl of Chea ter. In 1771, be ra installed knight - of the garter. - Hi tutor were aa (oU lowi Lady Charlotte l'incbrnntH ' ' the agr or nine y eatri iheti came the carl of Holderneiae, lord Bruce, and the duke of -Montague. His real.io tructors, however, , were. the. venera. ble Dr. Markham, afterworda arch. bisbop-of-York t-OrHurdtet wards bishop of Worcester i Mr. Smett, and several others. If the multitude of instructors could have insured him' tncuial auperiority, the " subject of this ak'tch Would certainly have been a great sun but it appears, jfy aH uaccoutHWcottfineinenu,to etud) aa the last thing in tne wono tn ntr&e the Drince. : He was tlelittb- ted with that period of youth which brcught with pt the opportunity of tn- When he came t nis zm year, nc 4 trying income of 50,(0 sterling and 60,000 outfit. Th whigs wishing . tn '.mpfatiate themselves with their fu- " lure overetgrr proposed larger al- " lovvance, but the oitf amg wouia noi consent to it and for' ar while the prince wa hnd and glpye with the nnnular hartvtheif" anoarent idol. their eternal toast, and their wretched i . .. .,. .. :ir. ri' M-t ir, ar.J M' ..it. i. it t ft UMlilt.ll U..4 lU IM- mu ,t f cUU.ua Mm. uaUt A-.M. ,K1' ha 14 .MM. rn"'. C&- lie uv .r t. ma art Uftui 5 ! Umf. if o 0 Uiht ef 44 (W w mi . t . . . I ti.. l.,..ftMaiiva balMll Hafl" ivy - , UiUooVWUJcUl. r..r. i . y 8i8 toitd 160,000. kr Pw,ir."VB.1 - lowed 10,000. addiuoeuU by tna klug. -! 1711, is fairjcr'a saatauy grew wof if . tha bottU coanioM ol th pfiaxt Up to wge bis clala W tb regency of ht kiogdoo, i bpe of tBisiogihetrowo lurtuaes, while Mr. Pitt aad A kiogJa anuitsten anaiataincd the fight of psrliartent tw inter farr, since there they bad a de. tided majority, and could control the event, , Amidst th-mfiiatKs ol uwt two ptrtiea. the eld king recovered, and Ma) and Tather becacne TttOtocUed, to the great anooyaoe of the priexe'a friends. Tbe French revolution break iog out at the sme time, cast such a glooaa oaer tb royal Jamiljj and moat other crowoed heads, that th prtoce withdrew from his Id ttonecuona in politics, with litile ceremony. The prince's private debts, however, increased about as fait as those'of the nation ( when, at length, bymeaa of bis situation, be . farced o marriage with the princess Caroline ol Brunswick, which look place in 1795. His wI:waa eicotted oiEngUod by some of tbo priuce's choicest ff male fcvoriuti io wbUH aclio be lJl playeU a want 6f delicacy that would Lve disgraced a lavage. Every one knows, that from the moment of theif fir.t mretior. difficulties arose io their domestic relations, which will never probably be explained until the deatn of the raici?AL acToa. In 1810, he waa appointed regent of the kingdom, by act of parliament and as itV.s a Pitt tae4iure7 ny wh. . rnn.l.wt in the Drince have been I ahWUMWa. w w conaidcred JPiU-i'fuf. ' ' in nis new apnerc, im; many gtod treaties for hi subjecu, and received the visits of kings and emperors iu his own tapiulV Jn 1816, he gave bis daughter to Leopold of Saxe Coburg, a German prince, iwbo badbtgh pre tensions to bVftli" and" filtle'prcrensiuns to mDcey . He lias always mainuiuca tnat mis was a hve match. t wmcn we nave our doubts. At all everts, the Sxe rnhnrs adventurer is now hvinir siecc P'tge UP" n10, WWW" " w 0 W V to the Dutchess de DerVi, ami we sup- pose tnai mis is to oc iw uitvu In 1820, our her Decame aingoi . Enihnd by the demise ol hia lathen Great Britain has been unusually Hour- a si . a ishiDP. i nis t nis cooa ionunrj-Du does not result from hts quaiincaiions. Imrneraed in i pleasute," immoral in his me, aecayeu in uia ucaiui, inc. m ant 5- ble of business, the remembrance of pleased, but she i the good woman -the past must embitter his present TbanlO " moments, and give a icanur coloring to the future. Hia conduct aa son andasaWband.can oWr be justi- fit-d, and his traits of character as a fine ntlem;w 1 . I..:.. - -it "i,:. L almrle Dcnetrvrist amoncr alirhi troop of frtendt. Thi is a fair picture of George the 4th and thanks to heaven, the valor of our forefathers has preserved us lombeef ai him as our aovereign lord the king. VARIETY, ' An Irishman being asked what be chiefly lived upon ? He replied,- we have a plenty of potatoes, which- we eat four times a day Don't you think, said another, there is very liytle variety in this diet? Not at all man, said be j we have great variety, for we eat, the tittle potatoes with the big ooes. "v' ' . . " ' . I t i . . - M I ' a IV aal fffitfi wtif auts U piraiw, il m al. anual U ft4 t - tf ih .buUaii thjpvt tr, tt A d'.geniv raktM6 ol ibt fcaam sysu Uitl pnnia- ..i A. -V, 1. itittm evtntua!lr inks WW - - . ' voder r wUurrupted ltt Mal. If H ,f l W U mwt dclierou Kta - dtoa ! diatiUed m1om MWMtAiiriM laj'ar ptfttp I act IwalAf ffti waikiflf UJt umll that art o crodad iA Ibt Uo .l ktiai CI WQ.upiwvi w nut - i: 'i . &iiIiiola)l wbwm 23l It w.Aoti" tutUf u.ttd l?. . hoii rWi-r. . t. 1 1 .i. . ....la a.llinri ftl milk IrtiBl hfkJf Atl carried bat hc buftdrta ycjn rofl rooaJ wiAcwt dr w ckcn. lire f. rVdaJaiMM fed bf I thousafld streams thai perishes if one U dried. It is a silver cord twisted with a thou sand suiags that part asunder If is c.A, Frmll aod tbootbltess tOOf- ula are aurrouoded by UnumeraUe daagerirwblch tnaka ir much- tawrv atraora that they est I po aoLeg than lait We art encompassed wiA noLlon ParmeU w ttetb, Ball a duacuW; that they aitaoat aiipeniB uaj;- ....... - trin trtxairata that Wt tnbabit. .r . i. n m r m ri uv nuuH I Tho da oi diacaae are plnied,i?,our constitution by the band of nature. The earth and the atmosphere, whence we drsw our life, are imprcgnateu with death f health is mide to opentr ii nwn- deatruction i the Lxnl that nouriihes.lhe body contain the el, meoisof iu decay the soul that ani mates it by a vivifving rlre tend to wear it out by Its action ) tieai tuna io ambvab about all Our path.- BLVTM TO MOmMX . - A) nunr animila naturally deli ah t . t,m in iK nnen air. and in De roe tin I V w w - W IS) motion t but we signify our disippro kiHiM nf th!a intention of Nature by VCIIWIf W w w 9 confinina our infants mostly in houses, and swathing them irom th lime tney are b..rn aa tightly as ponible. This natural mtiioct appear very auong when we e child released from iu ctmnneroe, to Aclshbrt ' Intervar bf twixt rMilling orT it day clothe, - and awaWg. ft agiore It I par to leep. The evident tokens orcjelight which the little creature shew in re covering th free use of his limbs, and the strong reluctance it "discover"' to be again remitted to its boudagr, one should think would strike conviction e . l I... .nr1 K.it.Jiff nf iKia oi inc 'wwuiiaim V Dractico into Ae n&it' stupid ortnaaatuiarko rr t kind. - . ' ur. vrcfonj. DJXCIXO. M tM an old fellow,' asying COwper in one of bis letters 10 Hurdis, but I once had my dancing days, as you . . ..I J C,l .1... htVe now yet. never cou.v, r coa d learn i . ...k .aa . m a her, as conversing with her at home f wnen i couiu ouwis the taueat tne nre aiue, i the" trying circomstancea of domestic We arrallgtcdr when w.rej'.;c tier.' .rfj ." When man of sense comes to marry, it is a companion whom he .it mrelv a creature who lan piint, nd ejva a j .w w pTiyfarid fing and danetii if emg WnO Can voniiuri auu muin " i one who can i reason and ' reflect," and feel and judge, and discourse arid dis criminate i nneTwho can assist him in hi affairs, ; tighten bt sorrow li purify hU joyi, Ittfngthen his prinupleand educate his children. Such is tbe wo; man who is fit for wife, amother, and the mistress of a family., A wo man of ihe- former description may occasionally figtwe in a drawmg room, and attract ihe admiiratido, of the company but is entirely unfit for helpmate to man, and to train , up a child in the way he thouli go.' v - : J- PortFolH. i:u ai.u.mum;, Hi .m . 4 - 1 ir, f ...fik fJ.R !aa. I rJ.l Ui a4 (U Umt ja' U fuilaff Ub Tk hTa trt IK I li'ii mm diitrttaatt iaUi'li.UaM, HaUfia be;, . . a i . f) . . .a . frt4 JkiA'S law I iaroea rpoia ?! M ajMcag S ViMf MU. i rU. X.U& v Uu Uf sr's cU i Tol Ur a oetviUi, JHUoU at UBt' f rtpons 64pk4M 4aa4bg$ halTs Cyliirvj Af" traM C9 Urn otani iortftirTittvi IUfW bf.ntyi Woenao Uaaf l a,'nM U twJns 1 p4ta4U tm criotti i Tom ru 1lAi i PaU cq sraaeff Poil en ((m nkXnw bat; lie- kU4 Mctrcii Kfd iMJi Tav&iM'a rapi Uto4 ai4 lr4oi l.r r. .... Hi.riU'. hmiii uuiiuiurn hw mw - Hen and carUri IMarkU's repH fi 5 ilea bs axwiiy , AfttUj 1 ptactica I CO I4MI . 1 1 99, H I -"' I . .. 7 w .a .. . . TtAtmik' docnaaile tttdklnit Arm atroog on totf Howur on lb Uood j Murrey's snaicito 4kat lUilUt mor lii kDaiocnf Pa U on nicer BjteotiVa lybopiiit BaneroA on fever J AcriUs vurgeryi forJWo on &Mrj Tboms ..,ijm i I a ft.r ria K ckeall CdOOtr Mrtry i It it bard's pbytUocy I Hooper cttnf V pnarrmcopia n ih w- w , Pbilllo'a iwjuUy" t Siiim ypbUli; lUoiUiowonpuafadvesi Beirs anatomy i tUkall on df op4s I Paris pbarvoacfrpla j Hall oo diaeadcrai American diif0wto- ry aundm ou tfersj t oe i Dell on wotjod ; Eaaay oo yellow fever j HavvbipMreeiomiUancanoACOftuiep . . . w - - i - M L1C lOOi Rui-k. ikWiekl dkllonarv t Cooper's vnMm llM(lr'U.t Harmon r af IhC tani;elii'.t j Brown'" WW dictionary ; Edwsrd'a oa irTeeitont romycei. r Hrlfrey's sddraates t Proudfit's wkai SUnt'srest t riv and bropreasi rvllr..,'. unwrntl rOBVSrMtKDS Oft IN bible I ehrlaiUn morU t Vblil rtmabaj . a a. a. . trtkiw aeiriM.i. , marrow ol in cnurm t rr.rWtLn mvr) ; Boalon' ioorloM slat BrtuVs raiechUm Paley' theology j 1V-4 lrl- on rrircncratfon i Jenk' davo- ibrrrKxtrrVraHrBoek worksl Cbal nia urnicn t Brown's divinllvl Lr.irs aermooai eDhw' work Bibteat ! - . . . t. . umanuj Waifa bymn prajr oooa, and various other works rdturr. RmUrV IIu.tiLri.a : EIr4 STnoDsis i Caipeairfa nu.de'. Kennel's aniiquuiesj aru ol ar ; cUaicl dciionary j GibMH.'a ureiij Milton-s works ; marriai; ce remorlea. Plutirch's lives; (-.ooka or. cle;Uarin'aouotn'w;('hlmeraorka poliikalcconomv LVis'dicuonary rys una poem i Scotl Wnirv KeU woi ka ; &c i a oi k f; H uine erj HaHam'a middle agi lltMwe Enirjandi recolleeiiona of tKo PcniaMla Gillurs Greece Saya poliiical ecimomy ; Rollin's pneient Utor ; Icon Ovid', mctt: raorphoaev ; Smith's T weaTili of nations Thompson' aeatons t Hall rommoniou ; Federalist T Junius' letters Negotiations between. Spain nd the tinned b.ici i T7.. r. .. r T V "V 7 ; , ' , r.nc bf do. United State, and lMafa' c0 "iV,, 0f Aix I. Ch.pello. - tm0mtn 0f KhK)l bonka. Gwek. utin and Eneliah i a large wiety of I .i 1 L. . .k. nnvrll. StC. 11 Ol ti)CII "' tM prie K lltojafWMiS i - .. . vM.r .fk. aekcti d tntb eair, awl laid la and in alll.t orieeathat a ill enable him to wUvervlow. k-, Hi euvomer and the WUJJX I; BOM the aubeenber, lat ' rel'ruarv, a neirro man by .the r-aroe o'rUIC, yellow complected, a lonjc strait noac, and hollow footed, broad, tquare -ahouldera, about five feet nine or ten liicbei high, ho partieulaf ...v ...nt mm ahinninr on iti i.rk. ami IT vaara olitv".'l have reawn to believe that he- hM got a free pai, or aome one hai taketrbitn off, andeoneledJunj. i Any person. catching aaii neprp, and e fining mm n any jail, or'aity other, way, eothat 1 pet lum, their rrwardahalj beA dollar,, and llfemoii.; JbK&w,i to the aubtcfibcr, in Randolph county, N. C. WWy. 1, 1 825.' -. (t83) ILLI AM J1GRV YisVate of Jtte. liortg. AccA. THE aubacriber baring tptalined a execu ... ai.. w wilt of Alexander Lonir, I - RH VI " , Tato of Rowao county, dee'd. at the court, of Eleaa and quarter aeaaiona ror m cld on the third Monday of' Noveniber laat notice is hereby f Wen, tbat all perauni having deniands againat the said estate, arc required to present ihent for payment, within the time pre Icribedb law. VJAME I. LONG, .fr. ; zje-c-SMStl.- , :v:? . 41 Cf T .- 4 v.l a-l la "'. U k tJL iw W-1 - 'tHf to la. , n .l mji a aj" ita ia bni. a i4- W a !-', to t4 'Uik ik W i llniw-a uwi. a4 lU t m to taJ W i l i--l tt-a raf 4. ifvMtri4ikMfrUfvla. Al to U jr gra, 1 m .- , aa rvr-'ad rW lU otoJa; f H.... . ill a ikf uiMfO .4 k-a aU. uuulwtT. at ft irrret I W i fi -ri;, id. kourjtr woait. . , An VaUgaui Ytnnt OKI- v a.L. a la L ar a. aad la 1 to baaed to We aa atoraR trU, a4 to..Uarl aad fatkJy aak4, a aC7Mklaaitaflrirf7, " tow. ad p.,'. e-a4 MxmUumf. IU apa. ..) jJVftl3.aU. fttatt ot NotWv CaroWna, irtt ii rotrarr. ScmcMtrn iijii Catotkw t! llaaik, Wdl taltaf HaiJ 4. otUe,. Itoeid akaa4U U, iaa and rne cJukVm awd bavei at kw aa HJy Tlarp. eWd. to vl r l-dU, UA Uk lutWa akahoai riibik, MrrwMe4 a Uk Jotoxoa i W. UtaraaameJ Uh Ktk4 (Wao-i Jacwa IVrw. d UUa i.k.- n ,1 . .1 L. rkiLlaak l i JMf itrA4 Bvrr Vb. Jot aodlatfy bWks t ar "drr Ibf ar of yeaa, aad aka appaae by ibai fd-o jj.a llraadoVt. - . U U-a ea ' aaHf to rbo nU4itf tba vmi iku 11 itof nafltod dcfcraaM fcw t of Ike ateta, il a tbawaoro eaMaaw ia psbbctM V adj k Uto Wum OoCa-aa. L7t iheovtorais rcka.rbal oakaa llwy a or at awr MSI Crt of plea and rrur ira.tua, to b baVI for lb oaaaaMy afoeaaaiid, at tU court ko-a .a Urwaatar, tk aeoaad Monday tvaUr MaVaad pVad'or aw. Mcr to Ike amid ea.e JU J-idjtt a Uearf - -- - :"". . .. MAI I. av. nvvxai w- ttlQlo of VorUi- CutbWna, jr&rer ncwrr S r pi tv,ar.n -io, . iai5i Uw ti. . i li. M,.Lr ni4 WiIjO I HiijCIM pronrtar of Mo-d Heaaiey. , made in tha wen Crte far as wteis, that onlcai lb defcudant, r-imttiw Derj, ae. . .. .. ..t mirt of olraa and Quarter aa tiofteto ke beU foetaid eoainy.al Ikeoooru kouaa io Carnantaw. w cn, VT7. rxvfuber aeat, and repWre a4 pWa4 tent a ill ka antered by drfaah aoaat bias. ..... MATT. B. atOOiae. e. ... -fricr'adVl. rrrr-r?ifltBTr M0TO0MBatOOTir, rlOntT cf Plea d Quarter Keema, Oo. , ...v. iirlf. Nrbecmah Hear t. Jrpk Cnoper attaekaaenti BenJ. Co)1e. Demarcoa r aimer, ajnmow n Ordered by iU eourf, tW Pjibneatwa b wacto u ik. u-i.M r.nJmiia fur ail week, that anlcaa tba dif ndanl apper at tgarc to ba hew tor ita cowmj m imm,, .. .l.. k.... t laa-Mnreville. ON tn Brat 11 mr iv.ii.iwiiH - . . . a l. rnlf-vY af Bload., lU.t of the pUiatilf "ri.w 'nT Slftlt of rSotU.CfttoVua, T . lasotii tovnrr. . . . . COVRT of Plea and Quarter f eawow, Ar. term. IbU ' "William Hine. admr. w. Hrf r.an Tuirea i Ori final attachment, retuml Ieie4 . oa 100 acre of lnd. In tUU eaae. nfr by the cmirt, that pu'jUcawa oa maac ir montlia in ma i tem wv""i . , 7. U,a-efcndint appear to Mmteoort of pkraa- Iredrll, ai ine ruiin-uw" " a -thinl Mowlar in November next, replevy tt) property levd on, and plead, the ptaititf.n be hard ex paija and havo judgment rtnUerea in Lit favor pro confetto. Price wlr. g. ' "omtS9' . .. ... . i C.l..vi11. nit IIM &tU of Notih-CftTdVVaft. aumoMSi counfr . 4 . . . rlOUNTY Court J" terov JB2J.Cbarla u iHiJH 1 orumal al tachmnUleviA on land.- It kppearmg to tba .. . ... . .1.. k.t th 'ilriptuum. taiiaTKcnon at vwr - , David Greenlee, ia aiuinbabitant of hf fnv rnment r Therefor, ordered, that puu',e-.. tion be made In tba "Weatern t!hrobn eeaaSvely, for thrao montbs fiotiiymg ina ucn- Hanflo -appeae a w 'rnn 111 .am v"- -held f.w Buncombe county, at the eourtJiouw. a.w.iii m ti third stdndav in January, III .ii.i.iv, .... 1mtm coc .v... ,i..r. tn r.Uail. aivacr nrdenwr wowaw COUWTV - j 1 Citixen 8. WiVKla and otliera w. Cc. rge i. ! elS Eing ahown that the defendant h ootaa dant baa otbetreal propertyvworth a rjJ.fT. h,otlp.rU0f;hU dert.1. that tbe aa.d George hLy, tified byfWieation to rf"K2 a eeks intlie W estern Carokni;H that he appear at Mat tern, of. this court in W"bur' ? trAr after th. Uarcb next. 'nd tbi aratwer or P ll t eonrplainantbill , that on.fadure Mjjf . be taken pro confer agonal him, anu oec .... . dupe. ' '.. :