I 4 " 1 i . t I A. K 0 ' A JL . A 1. ' . , . i VOI VI, Salisbury, n. o'rutHi)Ay, novhsihuii jj, isss. NO. 2S8. i I M I I! 1 li Hi li In 1l ill niuitii vititf of JutiUf, Ice, be. sod ia ceotldtrieil kUiMttorT. a the history of the provision made for Wtgik u a&Atlt tf ibt re, f, the twpa of lie Uot'ietBtil l.ae.bt wotl. I r , . - glvtl It detail M BCCOUBt tt the Lt 1' I ai a '. pUet. culoiff at erop-Afd TV. ttnM f W Wat,re I'mUm Ktxii'i sef.3 Xl UJtm JVtt"JrV?Hkw fMl af Nofth-CUrotlM. dfr " 3 u ttwnf ii Witw urwniniuOTi oi ieniasaies, ac.i w eitr m ticooftl of ret tntrtMJf urn Mf VtartMUIMt'Mfttaii,tniltvttrt (HJM -Wl pUB faf rtOeaeptttO, lh ffl YYttttffa l-Uat, IrWtB M . .r!?!l"!i!r . .TT fckiiBry.cif iht pi?f tame- rWUi.4 la me New Tart $aurnini J?tfJSuJ T W X cr'North-C.rUioi, di'tt.f rTWOuH h too aBt fcwgr 4 mrmar av xumtMi'jmmaxi laW- Tb, tLt.t 1. ,v. I ucj. R.J I tlil 6f our rtKlm, tb.t for yc.r. ,h ir cbwd, pK.ia(ut of Ak iJ 7Mpi i 41 8 MHkTl! 1 ......... fl M L'.a r.i . '.rr t IK JV HII Mipt IW M NriKI II f Orengt CouBif , hu Uto tog fcJ ml Diic irBec f Um two '( AtUnr. la rueiiflcmttcri&I fur fttcitrotir ftsilrmto vpott U tuie of biomh, J Huri It ISO tiU JoDf, 100 mllti work oo N. Cro!ioi. Wt hire cl inipinog rcipccl for hc Count of Jai. bftadi.too fttt dttp, aM hi led lh ttcoto of tht public to ibii tier, See. orjtoixiog of th Cuurtt oo. b ft ik iH forcniti.r, of. frlcod.f Mr. Mur. cooditioo of the Suit from the cIom h 10 hryt irt eoiW. to rrt teot ioi,,. of iht ar U th meciinf of th Fed- Th cin .o J o,I,UrT hutory of lh Fcder.l Coireromtot-Proccdin .f ,0 n!tcc U. JcpS gnk09.i .U Suit villbo til? KJcd into two prti N'tH-CroliD oo ihe Fcdenl CBii. ik .. IT.,., ituki.m. MUM . , ...... 1 . .... .i - " - ---- ui Brit cnnrtciBf our woioQitl bntoJiutioot in doptiw)f fitc. IlUtorv oil e L.k Sairrkf It 410 nlUt losr rjr, od the rcoedf our hhtnry utxc hht cenioo of I coocmt to th 10? mil. itrii wldih. oo feel dp, we bectmo ortri 5'e. .UIuoittd SuteEiiilliihmou of theli4 in turUct. it 1041 (( twttk tj of loUodactiAB to tho int put, UBiveriicT of Nrth.CtroHo fundi ' tho diicorerjr of Cttumbui, totitr ltt apirt ftr It Ilinorr of thU IbhU u "k,,,i,e ,h, ,K the niioei shirk induced mm ti- U.?r Tti l;Al .k- f NW r.lUi bt IU boilBOJ Bf ' - - - ' " I wm yrwBfBf Nifiwi w teoce to tdopt the belief of the eiUu State, from the Bdoptioo of the Ftd- eoce oi b coouDcBi wcii oi turop,fri Conituutioo U toe year 1I1S, n Ice. Bod the diacovcriee of tbe two Ca-oeit cooiidcrcd. Orlrio of pditicai eack of tto other Ulta. H b Hwf ed, it lower tkn the turfe of (he oceaa. . I Lake Superior ii rte bead feunuin( the a lao ooti, will do pretcoteo tiur wnicnipmiea aue whr Ntrth-CerBlioalrTuvd reertir af Ihe wirhty tolume lollowi the hiitorr ol the CRarten haa not occupied herpreper plac, ia I thai fin the rier,'eipandi into MeV, which have been eraotcd by Royal Au. the Coufcdc racy lliitory ef the Ler.f and raroer thecdaracM ( the Nij thorlty forcoloieiB ortb-Carolina, lialatioa of the Siate. from 1776 Ju. " Sf. Lawrence. Ii. After mtkinj a .eotlodtflj lh.firt thartrr and thaijdical lliitory, Hratory of Maonera, 'B, tIrf u fif MKreeato the 6uh. Sir Wftltrr Rilrivh. hn. c, v. , I ircommoditlar mJ 4nrkhipf e of tbe eipeditioo., efforta to phot b colony -Hi.tory of. Plana. &cSlati,tical ro,,!r,,,! m4 !f' ! -d Wl.rr.wiih cb-cter. .rW( fWf of'.be State. The ?.A will ZST "tulT Zi c t , c' , ,1 ,STpny oi fmtocoi ffm,heitremepntf Ui eiuary on nm iu wwuir ui uic tuuiau i men oi 4ionnvaroiinj, wun ronriiM I the Atlantic coaat. irioce ! Carclioi, their territory, of them, and will be enriched with a tk puUUOB, military force, moral and Map of the State, and Midi of the tocial character, 6c. form the aext eereral Countlea. There are other head lathetuWdivKionof the aubiectibjcctt connected with our hiatBry. alter which, the pr-rree of the Colo, the dctailt of which, though cooe'utiog ny it coaaiderrd. Under thla general of eeenti occurring at different peri bead, tbe author treau of the division odi, will probably be diatincdy preaca of the Urtltory preacnttd.-in.-J.-Vir. idr in -a connected manner auch aa Tl"" XT - V .- ,v r'.vft-. .i. - -r .1 . .... I . r L.1MGK tSTJTl Lord Breadalbane'l eiiate, vhich np- porta a populaUoo of 13 437 pertuoi, com mcDcea two mile, eaat of Tir Bridget in lb cwunty of Perth, nod attend t ward ninety-oiae ralki od a half to Ee dskiin Argylihirearyinr in breadth fmm t lv JIibaI mJ Iff ii mlft. gluia 2rKrCTEc3r5oath-Cirp!ini JiherrliUlory of the; icttlement of ourl.nJ intarninied onlr br the orancrtf af rtr .w- i J! T.:i... I..ln .r.i. I. . r ' run wim mc hhiiu iiuc uic uounuiry, oi me aeTcrai rcngioui ae three or lour proprietor. wnopoftei one Charter granted to the Irdi Propric nominations, of the Declaration of In aide of a valley or glco while Lord Bread tore, with the hisiery of the Propriety dependence by the people of Mecklen- albane hat the other so that, varying hit ry Government aurrender to the burg, in 1775, of the Cape Fear Aa- direction a little to tho rij-ht or left, he Crown hittorv of Ld. Granville and tociatioo, and of the North-Carolina "n ,rml De,r,7 ! hundred milea, it. Jgentt in Nnrth-Carclina com- Bac ,nm 9M 10 wc,,oo r?" CWD ProPn7 tnencement of the Trud between the Tii;.u. r c- n.,t.Uf r.i. n xTi Z i i a '"rmf?' the State, V Of the main ridge of nor of the Dutch lal.ndj M.uritiua, ha. with the hutory of thena.duriaff the . , c j :....al. i " Colonial ;.Governroenu: This tag bod( oo who bad beet afun U retted lod pereaitud to NB luoae, ot nobiIib of BMeadmraf. While hie commitment to lie FtBtieotUrv, for four mwarha. wm mikUg. ut, be berted to aay hw words i eod beta bo iattClpBt ibbs, bn detirertd bSat telf ib thi following auaaer t f -Mry" ite yww boBr ltM aa EBgllahtrua by birth, and have bee frtefKBtJy drBk to oU EarlaM but tcver pflstthed lor ii. I was not b that country aa I am ia thie, aod it aroao from ua ciirtvagaot price of liquor. Here, ia this free and bap py cBUBtry, at you call it, I cao get druak for lb rte ccnit i you have no eicite, you htvt bo tai upoa liquors, yo aett for three ctntt Out whjch is Esglad would coat a ahilliojr alerting I you throw umptanoo io the war ol a poor devil be yields to the iahrraity of bit enure, and ytu nen lock tin up ia pritoo for four months. I am an lvacst man, though I do get drunk, and the Scripture say a 4 an bonett mas it the Bableit work of God, but uhru ihctt vrtrdt wrrt vrrittm. Jmrricm wot tut ditctvrrrtff for you tempt ua to aia- oior. ' You caa lr to arms to preoerve your libertica, you cao ahed your blood in defence of y jr country j yet you cannot prevent the awful increaie of drunkard!, lou want moral coo rage to adept the ooly and the sure remedy, which ia to Jay- tax upon splrituout iquora bo at to place them out of the reach rf the poor and laboring clataet, who will then be at sober of campul. tion, at thry ire now drunken upon attraction." So a.ying, with a profound bow, he .talked off, In custudy of the officer. '5 nnuiii . 'ma A Cr,nI.nt rAtr !.ii4 ainariilav nrcw lmktlon from I ha I T.kt. I .ili A 1 .Ln. Uotirnmcnl HoUU.Ior LOU I. reauir- I I . . I F - U.U.I T, IIMWTI-llllWU w ' T ' ' " ' 1 the writer to th-ataUiekmeat a the j; y of primiry Kivf in propria of aauui. leueet, and Hoyal GoyerDtnent jo ie Colony, the &c.EW.VioD of e!.ch above tide other occupant., to depo..t at the civU dispute between tne;Govcnra and tv ..u- r v.k comrousariea of their respective quar- WBII n IUVHVIVIUHT wra wr-.if , a - C - iV J r . rv; fft -. tf rf , io tht courtc of. the y cart i Uru. Carolina , . each of the .foregoingdiwuL ,- ,- , ,he5r 0 siona. mean icmperaiure, fiommirvi r.. .i... .k.- : i Hum 1ST wwrr miv uinnMiwi rats, colonial Asacmuiirs, wun tne hrm Conduct of the. Litter the cxtonion of j Lord Granville Agentt, ui Clerk of T' " . 1 ,hi ,5on' for ,fer7 ,,"e the" Court, Sheriff, corruption or the Judg. fe( tTtft&Z ? fTe bird.' egg., young b rda, or ' fc .11 U.AUr, . th ,;. r ld of meD of ,c,ence ,h Botooy of found and deatroyed in their ne.t., os, fitc. all leading to the h.ttpty of lhe s wiU fae aUoWed b bo'COUDte( lo common with other tn H.milifinn War a. it l. trmrA ... . . . Tb tninj m Lt of ib hirhett JiCca bo known in Ue erU, vita tactrelera tioii ! Amu nd miti. Er. Frrt. Pyramid of (iitch in Ecypt. J3 Steeple of the Catholic at Cologne, 501 Steeple of the M inner at Lira, 481 Steeple of the Cashedrtl at At.twerp, 475 Staeple of the Minater ft Straaborg, 411 yrarold Bf Cfeon in Egypt, 457 Sieepl. of St- Sfepken'a atMcbna, IU Cupola of St. Peter, at Rome, 451 Pyramid of Ccphrene. m trpt, 413 Steeple of St. Martin', at Landthut, 421 Steeple of tbe Cathedral at Cremona, 396 Steeple of the Minater at Friburr, 39 S Cupola at th Cathedral at Florence, 384 Steeple of bt. Periino, in.baiony, 383 Cupola of the Cathedral at Milan, 357 Steeple of the Cathedral a: Utrecht, 356 Pyramid ot Sackk.rth in Eftrpt, 356 Steeple, of Notre Dime af Munich, 348 Cupola of St. P.ul't at London. . 347 Steeples of St. Anacbariua at Bremen, 345 Steeple of the Cathedral at Migde- burg, 335 Steeple of St. Mark 'a at Venice, 339 Cupola ef the Jesuit' Church at Pari., 3 1 4 A.sinelh Tower at nologna, MANAfir.RS OHlfB, BVIAUWli) LOT TKHY, rilO k U lVb tltv K- t-k. ae) L. at U i T. IS.'O. 4 Mb-d a itm Pvmfi-i. 41 H.Wf4 IUII.A4 U 4na kH twvg 3 .W r im. J. 1, 1 A iM a A. M L. 1 1 aj, i 1 (.." ' t"ra a awa - - yzzrzrtizri?nMTr CLMl3,rDB Ji.4. ' - I petto U 1 100AX) la SlOOAw I eW. I0)oo ioajo 10 39 71 eel 4.446 do. da. do. d. do. do da. do. do. 3010O 10,500 JeOOO 3,O0 3,000 l00 tOO 100 SD 30,000 10.S00 loxoo 10,000 0A J3A)0 400 333,300 1,367,600 Ifiii Ptlxri, ,3t Blank.. - rincr. or ncEeir U I KrU, 6 IS TIU U tl VMr-UMl kkrtw tkat bat m oaTcrtd be im pairM(t af Iht frWaO f Laeterv 4tuf U AntatMa. 1W umA Mtikbcr ce TWla. ami Um una uablrl VMi fur tim, k a uffW-(fif ramnt, tal Inert will not be a chance left, fur kefur t dy 6ed fur tbe rtnrf , n that ike prkacf lie. tt will 'htrnij mm to 0J 0IUr. rjTGwnlrwr are tUwwfcrwrt'red. tobr ardr in titrir aticUotioa. aa aB onlr? trliulla maTUd befurw Um riae, iU be woUUcd to t fuppUi at the prewcat raiea. . Kotra of the fWk ef the U. Bute and i. Itranckea, and, irenerally, the Notca 1 all fUinka that p aptcie. reeeired at par. , Aim, MarcaoUlv Drv) at mrfit, on anr of the tarjt Ctie, and ttSi 1'ket rceelvwd freetf ui patiaent. AU Uttcn to be port-nawL The UaiU may be rTd on U beinr perfrcUr mS tar U wnmwcti yatks ii Mismr, 314 bli Steeple of St. Mary 'a at Berlin, . 303 Cunola of the, Invalids at Pant, 89i in the work. ' 1 penalty of tit soli is fixed on every bird'i .. tr . ' .v . j 1 head andrat'a tail not furaaabed-. Keery I ,. . SPLEMMJ SIMILE.... We have thus given to Bur readert, r . , . . JTV mftrvw .k.ii k. r Tn.-'-ki- :. v,,rIiKr.rw. at tome length, the aubitince of the I j .ni,i.,i.ni ,A .1. i.ilt. or L 1;:--. .,H,a acts, the Governor's proclamation, 8cc. mtormation which we have received, twelve blrda headi. All those racet are mir nmn them nre -nur beat tutor.. &c. The tubject ia thut brought down c cannot but believe it will be in. considered deitructive to the harvest end c, t t),.n Voiume of Natube ' to the formation of a new plan of Gov. tercating. A hutory of North-Caro-1 culture on tbe island. I V.r Nature and Keiaon. never anlit iimi, K .am i.t 1 1 he viam nn Among the beque.tt of the Will and ft . , . h jdc j v a the Regulation War, aa it is termed -the progreu of rjublUidlscantcota, Sic. withdrawal of Governor Martin call of a Convention at Ilillaboroush. ha to rAmir.us. A Yaual)o Tract of mir me. rilHC tubKriber offrn for aalr, 1 rbuU&iin I artuated in Runcnmbe county, ut 12 mile. anutb-wtt of AabttiUe, n a Creek calUd llumnany. It contain, between 7 and MOO acrr (' 1 30 of wbkii ia clrard. and now un.r cwkivaiion 1 Uv kakoce iaall wclluotbcred. tnd a. eonMdcnbte portion of it of an eicelient qualiy. There ia on the primiae two dwaUinf Huuaca, and two Darn, be. 1 and from it. local tttuation, would auit to be divided into two Farmt. Tho ad.antafea attached lo Oil farm, are periapt, not eiceeded by any in tliia country ( harin; a rnnd airtlrt H an eirellent aummer rtnrt for rtork, an cieeltrnt mill-teat, on a rtrram that run. tbroufh tbe land, that afTorda at all teaaon of the year a anfflcicnt aupply of water for bvth a rnat ami aaw mill. It will be aold - very lor, and for the (realer part of the prke, a credit af one. two, and inrra . yean will bo Kiven, and puaertiion had immedi. telr. for further Mruenlar, .ppy to tbe aub 1 ceibcj. trine ia Aakovillew. - . - - - - . f AML. CHL'NN. Mhevillt, .V. C. Oct. 28M, 1825. 5t8r first rale tract ot Laud ernment. Declaration of Independ-M'na has long been a desideratum encev &c. It is intended also, that I among our most Intelligent men. and I ... . ' I . . - .1 1 . - r.l . O - 11 .IWIIIHITUU.il the firtt part shall embrace a connec we nearmy congraiume inem on tne 01 tne ,ae rauuno -oa behold, make but a small edge 0 ted h,etoryvOi the lepsutton ot JP'T Its content, are bound Wlony,itt Judicial histn an cii iav uu tiiic Bauw vuivuii luiviui I J - ....... ment, :and:a itatietical jriew of the Jtniserably defective, acarcely the skeU Miia Patterson, 30,000 francs. and given to each aubscriber, gratia (IT. I l . k fH..kk l.k. Jlu.li r,.l.i.lar nnimli flhriatiinif v in State durincr the tame period, popula-leton of a history. Judge Martin, nn, K,in(r ; -,,, ihereof. a. k.r ;t ..r., in all herlovnlv ore. w 1 a V a a a I 'viBvyi "w " , --,,,Va a a w 1, --j r " lon, revenue, bte. - , . I ?owrJ?,,o?'9,na' ut rmery tm J h, it better provided with the goods of paration of fijrure, and correct aymme- tne second part, viz. our oistory , , , " . ' --i luiwune uw uh nm win, v-i try 01. ieature.:;uonsisiency is ine since 1766. commences with- a general man ior a ni.iorv oi mc quest, htm, however, upon tne presem b.autifl -view of the itate of the American Co- Slllic wnluIT"c -aii.ru wnn-nran 11 loccaonriaccept-M.o-.H.rea. U4 wiili the mother country, and the mea sures adopted by the colonies, come next inr order. TheB follow, prepara tions for warf fit:maurar of" N C Aa.emblv on the subject call of Con- tinentalCongress at Philadelphia,, i 7T5 measures recommended to the co lonieacommenceoient-of -hostilities ful result of all the qualities and acerof Tirulyrtligious mmd,tinited and brought into action, each individ ually right, all relatively associated. A cockney, walking one morning in e .v. : t is now tome 15 yearn or more aince. ances af affectionate recard.' Indeoendence. Causes of di.content M weh.ave heard .nothinS of He , Tob,r 'e princess Lou.ss, 50,000 . .... - . 1 .l ii;. .r ....... ..iiranca. are informed, was very good, far bet-L "rt he7 MJPhew Napoleon, son of her .'.... . ... lhFnh Ida Fmn.Mr. ,lu villa and -tn- ter than ihat,whirh:hasJeea within J-. f.-...,5i.-.:M... j.i.j r ,k. ennntrtu. observed a female atand. U. ...A f ltt M..mIimi. fr I 1 .uaiwtw, in . r . "T' . . "e l ..... t'r.'. tlba itwrwaoof porceUin. ued.t.the. ingAtltxe.alQOr.oi a qcceoi urm-nouse. Martin having tret undertaken the coronation, as it Will remind him of one Thinking ; tb show his wir;ht inqtrirt," talk, collected the origioalt of many 0f the most glotioua epocba in the life jf the pig. were fed ? to which ahe an. manuscripts of which " no ' capy was of bia late father j aUo he box for per- wrea . You know best whether you tt vtr T.j a. s. j jif .ia - i,j j : 1 --. -:.. . .... leu, -11 uuaire iiicirun aoca noiimcna 1 iume.,. ana tne, inuo wioux vi gviu ucw 1 Lat,. 9t Vflr breakiait. - , I h. aL..I I " history Bf thenar, .0 f7rconnec wishertha Ji,s inaterult- could e- Jfm,r Vedwith the Work of the author, the procujed and placed 10 the handt ,f nm. f . ro it SJLR, TUB aubacribrr offer for aale tbat nluabl tract of M.YD community called tba Leftr iract, ryint; in York dial riot, Southaruli. pa, on the Catawba tticr,nd cooUininr about one-thwiaaiwl ttnar ainy arr.- Tho fjtja-lrty - ana tocai aiioanon m una una warrant the tub. acribef in recommeiidiiif h) to tbe attention of the ettm planiri and ha requetti all thoao who wih to rat fund in that kind of proporiy, to examine it. A further description i deenieI unnecessary, l erms .may be known on appli cation to the aubtcriher, livine near Centra Meeting -houte, Ircdel! county, N. C. v A. J. WOHKE. Jvjrwt 3.W, 1825. 3mt:6 NOTICE. ON the Tueaday of tbe Cowrtof Iredell conmy in February next, all the renialninB untold Iota in the town of fluteaville, will be aold at the court-hmiae in 8tateille. Pe'rtona claim inr lots for which the deeds have not been re corded and teji.UeriTl, are notified, thaiinleia they produce their title on or before that djy the lota claimed hv them will also be aold. Six mwnth credit will be riei on all iturchaaca mule; one hundred dollur ; and twelve month for all purchases above that amount. Purch. sera must give bond and approved security. ABSALOM K. hi WON TOIV, MICHAEL IHCh'AUT, MT.HTLKY RRVXOLD3, ROBER T WOltKRr 3mtt JOHN H. M'LACr.ULIN, terl ;th th. Wn.V f iV antrtAr ht PrOCUf organization of the Government in Mrv Murphey North-Caf Olina. and the" Acts of As PDJt deiirable . wJ.avo Imbly relatrv? to the Continual NorthwCiro ina, that the at. 7 8;, line of the Stated are next given, and .tc00n of .ur Legislature. wouW not TAx OX tyTOXlCATiyGeltqUOnX tni the Ministry and his Majesty have we irehus brought to the Trea- be nJprPeriy directed to tnia tuDject. - ,c-lel r.7 Drr.u..'i. y agreed fo reduce ihem to the atandard of iy-oiLPaceolTtenrathor then briefly In addition to the above, we1earo, v Oii ThuTsdayrtayt NoahV-Advo- coromonjeoae and equal juatice-4'5 reviewsthe ttate of Society durine that Mr. Murphey will probably pub- cate, the officers brought up an Old of- thry have done it we presume the Amen- we struggle, thejiutpension of JCoortt lish, during tne next session ot tne j tender, as a conarmeu uru,uu nucan? wm .r- wl - " . -.'-'....... , SI,.... , - the code of. etral proccetunCT, accorome The principal part or her estate sne 1 ,0 pjan proposed-for the otatuo Law . t - r i:.,. I .' '.. .r ...li! l.j fttroicA or stolen, v FttdW the subscriber, on Sue- dar nlirlit,' 1h Btbuwl, ' 4 mm '1righ,t'rf el Ttoriet five''eirl' old," " hi'ejrV'hHe TOairly:iipt,;-' knee, with a large blase in IwsTorcVad. T will wiitably reward any person who will take htm up, anil give me notice, so that I jrfthimj or nutite may be given to tbe post-maiter in Char lotU:, or in SUnbury. ; MOSE3 Steel Creek. Mertienbvre etunH MC. Aaw. 15, 18.'5. "y.J NEELY. 2r37 Declarations in Kjeftment. For flde sft tlii. OScc. . . ' '