ir.tnni It I'M' . k l . . ' .a K. .aOil lMt r' tiii.rn.WI.U Trc M "ro v i-r A ' J UtAitrl aUttiAj Tift S. . fMlifB. i .... k In Bl 11 ' mo', nan MSI, 1 V xi..ird tkt .4, M vww w , 1Kb tiflBWJl 0tWf FAYKriTKVII.U, N;Ci irvw w 4i,u lift i. m Kill iwAm A I MB inilV I r - - - l "r,Ai-i..-t-f; 4.4 ih.-yw.w; irittOTlSi:. uft,t...L mmJ kttait Stiff, (ttfl ttBwwi wlkiPl-- Wf xjxiti w t alhff tV! n... r.rctrif$. Iff Uh they effr tWf - TTlriH P "-"I T?zl ITTim u.- iwh '7 . (JtiVEtt. Im t4 '" wjrf. Cloth. rJ'pufcl Bhkm 1 n .talk tar arrra iwbtfl ia.)fP tad &" teams r - . r - ml unH r l ftj UIHH I H - - . , ttmlrtMt'i cakt a-d H r J.I 'I .1- Md ptaala , tJtk W1 JhkI-4 p Kpk 11, cw Bh HeA bUtk fn & d. ClKnar, Unt. kne. 4mk, miylno, sl.. .-i ..n entuA ud oik chett gum. i 7 . i t' . . k IXrwi,. (.rrcimn. ninb, Mirr-loom wptf mull. jroft I ? lWlr- Pirn, fiptrc), book m1 eAriek kuiIim Cotton, wvTcJ iivi tin n"T U lnbfi 'Mn w - Wr... . ....t- if-, bi tk. Dle- h ' . ... talMuf. Tk IUwU Bmk ! N. IUf . t I Kru4 to l KfW of ,h. B.nk t" f ,P,mrf'f ir,wd u. tbi. 7 r; of LU N P'LT.! 'if h.k mtd. H ui tp Qm inKU It.m of ibt On, miUio- j kunirtd n4Jy thorn ..4 M.JUr. du'M drill I Uu t Unk -hoMUpiul mJj boul g00, 000. - - 1J4 000 ood 60 000 rowiiKt I i.ooi fel eut but 400100 bill 14.000 Min)ttk 6: 1. O0 ctpl 9l)00 in tuit 48 000 depoiitt R 1, 9 16.000 wi r - w www--- w . - , wVa da B tWHHUl iwny M Ik tttUtCt.fcttt uo iw Wtlf lr.f DfwtU 4i ituixwi "fwi. TM pw wktck U n4 P kf fAUf nntat4t of Wu kick. wm of iU cou. i4 irt pml ! I JIJJ...I Iaa.U Tk r!Ur ftf IM V Tori OurtU J. mwLx Ibcil Iritftti I IMf Mfl Sdurttmta Will 3rfi tfMO df mofflinc d purthiwd Hitll Mh their tl ibt nl' h btcti iriitbtM b 1. ki a . ft. ik. a. th rarbv r ptMTtyf ttrtW dUUCtl r;,,kU wtw.lgtwktgilti!j yj ffttWWI , I n rw ..w, ,.r . ' - tktt Cmwi CkACUo . ..ik. r'k ... ... i uni u m xr' i i;ai',ia mil L,rC l.U.4 ,U, H4P.UU kr iU f.M- 57iV;:.a. Wpr. ttt It . iff. h&imt i tky r uluK4 kf Tkt ftll.Wtf fetwrtlt- tttftry mrT ' mwt tbt publk t.wdpt Jnf ib. Mtrt tWdilr. ll L if.- ikt MPW bwitutiont f 'v m br iertUro from Chei . r InKn Cannrn btl lenown, ne him - - - cld; ht tht Jutf, .f'tr tkogt tn ft .--t j.i!L..iU. .ratiiitea him po vuviif w"-. - j . i nuur uriiVK Lurffinf. nluft.niped. frtibrtl5c ,,VJ1 ,he fcrte 0f tht tWtnce of femltrnell tl r.. .i tbt ilmt of tht murder ei ' . .... I ... t i.t f . (ailh aMCh Ijone-iftwMhrtwlMu ttiwiwnnc . , .Mitt CuniunKDini ip 7-V:''""" ," " . . . . ptiKrlftll. i - If il'anhunr. in Curi-, bcu ornamwiM, - 1 he wt cnirgto) w -..- .r - f..e hit presented t tmnuUr Intitnct of cooirtrietT f proof of thrhden.lty of d of t mtn t0lOg mnijcii- Plld, iipp'rf. prw and furmmre cbk W.mttw. Jack ml Boit' ,nt Ihfth Kiau, rpr "d em Iqpni bhirtinp- Black nd bro n boILml. buchrtm tnd pwldinff Men bow, buck, dikin wd woodilock gloTft . Lwlif' kid, b ff and ork Un f wrct UlMk and htlt aOk do. " - - ' Tortoifts tuck, Vinjr and M eomba - )!ock ack,1(C and auU Jo..-:-Jjomertic plaid and fitKmm linen arvJ cotton ticking - Yon cotton, patent ami nun mrf ia mnrt-erer, nd of a Jur bftng aatl.Ged tht: tuch at o.l w " . . fa', iw&m i. ' nAtMitnnOBK POBTltU Ir U uaxLthaL IBf.,tr M. ben " ft w . a. 1 to restore thi dutii-tcuubed oracer to n rank, hlrh were frustrated t me un Iivnivin'iiir ' l 1 .... r i i m bleached and H .rw.f "J" ' ' ,ft fc. in,ulion lu . din. .f,eet.n . . . . ' r ' , ,;,:... 0f Uh- j.. i a l y.nMM wmw . r .a i ii m a., a i. a. ai..-- SUI imi LTfiioni iiuiii.i. in. - . . i ,Men'.commnniKlbamlUU ineton. iert. L FtftUe, t ew oaf a wc j ' a J ' I - ft a ft 1 .. a aaa do. wbiie ami tuca ooi oo. fre ,e embarked wr nit iwutc ivm.ii. j i LaJisK' Wtber,". nwoeeo, pruntl and PreaMenl to tatptnd the ten Valencia ahora aJ- P.- L. rirt MrtiaU tod.telnatate Mea'a cnarae bninni Monroe, oorocTTi-iiiv ..v- ... , wa cJftkin .boV. ami aboetee. .he Cpmmodore in l. rank, tddtnK that . .ml arnot Carda I k tKnutit consider it at faror erantea MM.MMW I""- .V II .. . 1!. ... Tl. tivnrruIFS Mmu f from trtf unitra Cofi". c airtl ni(far.youif hyfon, fuapowder and pre,-ient jfielded, and determined when in'prria' Teta Pe .!: , f pice pnper and nutmegs . uni ftu-rHUh iron ami antre moukli American, German and Englih blirtered Steel Wrong'.. and cast naila ..J)wpV,KunpowdcrK .. - window kW by 10 10 hy 13 gnaniah bro n, white lead and red lead Glauber and Rpaom aalts 1 Ahim and starch Country and Holland Gin ! ' TJrpnrh hramlr. chcrrv and malfttra Wines together 51th lar aart iiiv urniw 1 a . . . 1 ; . . a Com. Porter , thould jwy bit fintl tuit to La Fflfette, to meet him, tna pretem him with bis tword. At thit juncture pnrt.e received the letter of tnsitt waiaa a wa w - .Un m a nuhlic dinner, which-drew irom Kim. in renlr. tuch expression! flf ,dt: t r-' . .." - t . iUfactUn-.ith..the ty ucptntnenit a rendered it no lonirtr propeT lor me President to pursue the benevolent course he hd intended. Ae- York Obierver. untrnnM zv ru. tavira) armall a.a.Yok ri-a mA, I Wrrooot a4ftd Hatrri k.a r- o4 fowif 1. 1 Ha lb JL kta butrewif t slrat are ftrew krhWr taf theta ttat amtai af L4 ra) cut t wf,"" f'". "t AklrrwMMi Vtab wt aiaiMwr, a. ci.. ara Maw of Undow tot 4 taM a. fW rwpt wai aUd fa k daffaai4t A The Brrti fsHiantw waa fuflker pronf4 The nfftta icPwia imwa n iibttt lb 4ih Oct witk it. U Fayette j ai Mr, r. w. La ravetta wih her threa daurtiwra aad taoaoaa, ertftrUo( her amvalai Mare. I he liberal party tt rX wrra prrparwff Hm Get. U farette t gmA diaaar ow h retr. Iba laK Loadoajapert eowtaia the partki. krs of Gee. La rayetU'i farewtB aceat at Waahingtew. . Wbea the ftifata Bfaajya imt4 at Htrra with Geo. La Fayette, aha aahitad the tont T lhat place, who returned the aahite by .. Mftl MaWi of ruaa. On the day after Caawral departed lur hie MIKir mL acaowtOaattNl I Of two leirw, 07 a AMkadecoojMing of ywf of ik. bokhca ef ut www awa n a(Maa. : - ' Aa bfdtf laCoalh4kwaBttatkLo doa Caatoaa IIoum.i atpp.fte cleartact of any vcmcI for the ttediterrtAeaa havisf tnat and artjoHiaitkw on board. The Swedish gwtemment bai reruMd perwoa. aioa to twedun aulytctt to ungate ue tc ftrJil to v. America. The French arjuadroe from Virraia, arriTed .t R, ftent. fiOih. Adt'icea from Calcutta to June r, ataw mat the Uritiah had taken Ponabew, and the King of Aa had lent propoaak for peace. Mr. SoroeiVitlc, Amcrkaa Miniatertt Sweden, CooHRodort Mcrrta of the Drandywlne, and Captain Head, were in Pari on the lit h. Mr. Brougham laid fo'Tntend to fmt the United Statu., -The remains of Madame Jo rklfh have lain eleven vrara in church of Kuel,: ware tranferred to the tomb which haa been raised to her memory o ner children in one of the lateral chapcla. A letter from Madrid of Set. 17, atatea tnat Mr. Everett, toe Anif ncan Mmieter, nai pre- aented bit letters qf credence to the King He atated that the ff?wdent dcMrtd nothing but to iccor with IrWUijeMy far th6 adoption" of all the measure calculated to atrengtben more and snore the retanom af good undernanumg a men a'wt between Spain and the United Statea. Ilia escellency added that the Preaiuent nau in erted him with the powers necessary to a t'la amicably anme diflerences that had ariaen be tween the two Gorernmenta. The Lomlon papera contain numeroue ac counts respectiritne Greeks, which represent their sflaira in t prosperous manner. Ibrahim prhft hmd been defeated in his second advance open NtpoB,wtrtll tht lost Of 1600 roeni and hi ;flcrJXCpttsejttMJK thinf lhat Mart ittiia fit ur is w.a im (kf Uf?r tosUtuUoni ippiuprlate espftiuafl ij t r" 7 ll4tr eoiwroow cevixry. pertotasl tc-fV.,flls1rhFrtlUBl-iU , be man, kit'umfoew, of . work tiike ustfal tod tnagnlfletM, V" Bi, .ohendltf loUgrity, .,k-.ft..d he their own Ottldif twtsnt,r-"'7 . r.uiatrv. atBtaS IrUI Musiri, sndlNtnlsl, sod of hkk .bwe tlUkIt klghmla- tht iilatwt, tortLtod politUsU will ILd ViUBltre sted coursw, during the erend o the rt"eet ileet,tt4 to tht Ut. MIonof Coof rest, when the highest moat dlatatt o.Mntrt wf our sjnWa. ' - k s-,,-f fr peoplr wes tpotr Tht l!riSas,too,tmlkde the bsp- fcJ ,) poim t Ik pinestof wan. A mere ketoUful d.y on W, lU ft bo tltme, Keth- dawned. When tht gtllf decor.- ''V; M U ,r,ixwhvtn this ctm ted ttetos t4 uaX Mu Mih their "7 JLtd sw aertly tmU eounttets paesengtrt, wtrt drswn tp I M , ,.., to the ef the battery, tt thout otH p a.. ho ktve had sw aty an. the otisn, a rT VI mhA .while the wuoit twnr which not only hat ntvtr been kludge of tbtt sioctre dtveOon he Well no wrier juaco in i www h Inttrittt, me wppiawaa, but a ii- ara .au aaia I Hf i " a 1 itnal tbe meatt el equaiuns;. -xy l"., Mt Dtlbo, Us tbt Bovr 0. .r,.s niiot ooaia, 1 a . , ..j n,.iLa uam no . J !!.. Wival. ,ram oef, oesioes c.n . j .?.i, k necestUf i..raa. and a oresaeo out . - t .. ..kiMihev bavt tireaoy w" . .k. f..linra of Our Itllow .., t alive wUb Ibddt human ocmga, w"r"" . . . i. . brought within the ctstinci view ai 1 K asi Aarulfi tk f deliehlcd spectators, end vi v'- - . ...... 1 utterance " . ... .4.-1. ftrv.Ui.ded with t tcenert 01 wnicn ws r, . ' w v... honored ut ni mr beauty Uno where to be turpttsed. It '"r.,.. w, ctnnot but yield our tt . sl-ttighi, tnd on 1 wott llori- i nUBlud cotifidettce 1 iktt out occtsion. r man.-srwotw to tttorer.could pretnpl It To those who were not present jeiier- tt ,t Ut 0f our Hgbts or oopv ,y in the city, It U quite Impossible to , ,rKrmDdinent induce tode- onvey sny hin? like from the'rifi" "It vt di rnnlfl weot. U st tltogethe, the most .Vhk tuch tft tl the het4 of the pressive we bsve ever wimeaaeo 1 a. iJrlft t M gfel Kepuouc, we w.y conduct particularly, wi own -v,v.. j in ieCttriiy that none 01 w note in secumy ..- -- Uoo.l prlvileRet or Dttbntl right! Ke compromit.edi while . AnhKX .ill ariae, that thtte pUln repubjctn ktb U tnd p inciplet, whkb have chtrKter. m-nia 11110 fasblOD. "Simtodicty. Am r csn. .El of "' 5W5 1 rommon privilege of tspwo.rt.-when .y.Tire v. states. ,ndour country'. iny3T:;' Noah's Advocate of rhe I0tl .sum-i ftendin. wnly f" f.,IoW ,,iniont to the consioerauuu v. apectators, wss orderly and decorous, not only beyond all lorrner example, oh w yood, we tre hold to tay, an ihinj that was eser tttn'anv where amidst such en immense tni of ";' There weie rpjM, ofVr .C.nK,thmnrtd per ..,. m w.!iked tft !ht ;rocralort proka: ph-nonapsrte, hunHru. : ousind lookers I vault tn the 1 (,lr "5 1 .:,s d on, ot rvrrv ire, n "- ..". jjree, from puling m'.i ry to rr,clfH old sge, countrymen and citizens, gentle and simple. CutlarvitiJ Hollow ware, Jev. 11, 825 DocttsT Fi. aV. ir st"2 (iaUveT. fAVINli established himself ir. Statesville. rtDeefuilv ten- dart his JC-vices to the puhlir, in the a a . f 1 ' '.. several Dranciifi ot proic-mon, t Practice ti Me.lieine. Kurirery wbstctrics, &C. and hopei to share a portion of public pat ronafre,. S1 TMK ,yte anJf.ot in the town of SaMmry, Utr-ly occupied hv Mr. Honre fxicke, and fuiuterly bv MtvMi3ffiffiM:'3&g. no to rent. Apply, in Salisbury, to w.LWRMACAY. AW. 14. 1825.: 1 eal analvaiaol cheap commodity, told in England-under theeneraiBationi)M)orn wine 1 tpintt 01 wine, j nunwi i U ounces; sugar, I 15 ounce; alum, 2 scruples; ttronR decoction of logwood. 4 ounces. the opening of the medical college, in tlstrievfe the ttitte medical societies are SO, the noffieWTnedirtV lourrialt TO, the HOtpt- iftla and infirmaries for the sick tbout 400, and the rtguuc pny stciaat noi jesji than, 10,000 in the United Statci. XiAlatCf of aex. iftuc, Aftct. FT1 tlE ibcriber havinar oualified as execu l-i th,:,.t th last will of Alexander Insr, ii''i.r Wmiati countv. dccll. at the court of I'm. th aaid rmmtv. nn'tha thUA llondav of November lost, same nerton who tt Constantinople won notice is hereby Kivcn.iit all persons having 0f the Captain Pacha, at a game of chess, demand? against the said estate, are required to ,javc, apr3 16-000 leopard skins, the " present them for V7e f ft)rrper 0f whidl hfc 8et at liberty; tnd the icribei by-law. JAMES I. Mi "r. , .1 f. rt nrn flnrtn.. The Couftt SalviftskyT "a Polartdef, has rerentlv lost at Dtauet 20 000 seres ot j a . woodland, and a chateau Situate in aax- ony inf rnpee uoioporonay ia mc winner. . The Count Malvmsk? It tne 41 Utter soJd in Hungtry for tOflC florint . -t. t.n..;n .insnlir rAmmuniCI' I ...!..i,i i taina mo iu..u-...s - . . d 1. 1 1 1 - asTlaasa aavoesTt. tion t taaw ma a tan. of tny nt or set 01 men If ;H.i.nd the laneuaee ol Mr. .re we tontrelled in the oy .uKn . " . j ... All ia desire i Kini?. no Mi t ha been xommenceo 10 Uectionsi inaucc' - - -- . o ?Vck the papers left with him for L pre.ent for constat Uor, the ppJ lafe keenin b v General Hamilton. ment to the first olhce in tne nsuo,,, -' WU, Mr. H.mi.ton.who.Iunder.t.nd, L iWu.l t S k. hn hrnueni aeainsi iu- cniarci nis irua , fus n rramoed bv the rteo the Provisional Gov. emment of Greece had Uken .in seeking the wrtinn nf Enrland. A Vienna paper states that Reachid Pacha, j had collectea troops, ana was airain pcuscauiv, to renew-the siege of Mirsilonghi his head pending on its capture. 1 he place was epen " tha sea aiik.,tniiM.rggetveiJartre mppket of provisions and ammunition from the lamas Isles. Zante dates of the 4th September, ettte that the Creeks were preparing at Hydra at expedi tion of 30 .0 men to make a landing ai reir. 'a . a. t t; J r . 4ik I nas It was-reporteo at wapoii ai nuinaiiw, ;0(j0 F.rvntians entrenched at Arachova have been cut offand .nnihilatd by Coioeotroni. . frieste articles of Sept. 3ls say, we urecai have takenlseversrEuropean vessels, laaen wiui warliSe itores. fWm InWHrtsv-" 1 suit htt oeen orouim aKai.. gutra ma " , .. . " " V Kanoilr Kintr ror' wrvM h;teV:urmi.ed ,hat they reltte Kone wreatc j i he nKre,t held at Philf e.phU in Wai Row Kinj; leading memoer. wjbe 1 uerciore, - ih.t conirrest, or wa he not t WU1 Ru- .a, fJeawrof Jm. us thtt bttton to treat PRUSSI the eovernment ot this country.: "iu oniepubiicannm, u'; .r-,eneit . . . J Cft 1 1 U.a'.,Untlftl aMCCllUn 01 .,isantt. THIrnlepr at that meetintr, imu w,.n - MoW citi, who, v - Kirnn Meiinen wa anniwuftc-i . ...Kft.l ..Klin aervicea. i" with PR1NQE IIENRY OF A, to indticelim to undertake lfJ& srnment of this country? Did of iiepublicanBrn, merit. . to bt ,f '7.. ; A bill pasaed this bouy on the 20th ult. ffirfteTreOcf of "waed women,; whose husbands h'.tier Itfl them, or driyen then f rtto they, bimes elto .aJdlUdUQK, tf.l.tutdi!rabf ft -house lein ori the property, until the work is peid for. A bill has Been read t second time, by a vote of 21 to 16, requiring that a phn tiff, before he ctn obtain t ca. to. hall swear that he belietet th defendt)t het some of hit effecW concetlerffwlfk which oarf of the debt ; and sub jecting such plaintiff to the perwhiet of penury r it, nwemment ot the unueo- oittes proposition f '''.'' (The RkJlmond Whig say t it l eay to distot; er. that the iout olQect T Ij? 2 ral-e an opposition in. the U. 8. senate to the f m fta wr! - .nn!nlTt.Ant ftf Mill. cdnfirmation 01 sir. iwmj . - -I ... i..0itv d scof erve:J- .c.... . 1. J;,Vna,ive trees, (Corpus That there was, nowever, aoou. 1 fiPl. e nrincWe, totnewha an. IT86, when the old articiet ot v:on- vj-;- . b ixpcrlw Etius w w t--- .1 . rnftr equal to ..tnr.i'r .... Airnes and I" in Sresentative. opted tg ,lww5-wd- voice. A J f ajajaJaJBafBwaSw h srtlw M NEtV MED1C1j E, A comrnunicatton in fhiwrw'r .. . . n.n;0 Carncnter, ner states, mat ur. don had proved inadeqntte to con Uton. J ...mmate the liberty of the country,,. lounq tw - r . ,nd ...... . , - , . . i i .,.. rrmpuv ur-n " . ? aliirht manifestatioB of willingness tome1 to return to monarchy, founded on the despondency occasioned by the con fusion of public .affairs, and he belief that .... - t . . L.onni imminent Fevers,-nd bids lair an important uddition to the pwtm ic-

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