V 1 t i it ni a r, 4a. 7U gU.i of U(4 MJ.k4 aa MJ. U 'ro.Sa K-tf, U fib Ua. I 64 tjo f tt'ffJU', X. Yt, krvv, fc. a Li io;. ( I'Wtk) . W, ky aa)Mf f I J . (( t ) f tv ty. Fras i imu iui k ( ki u tMtyf il W da4 If fW f tkry kt 4m,t4w)t. TWff-alrf ffe , krm, M 1U1 MwU 6 K-Wiau. W U o (fa ik ImMik Wi) UU " VX mi f. Trmft tort to tk ,tlar, fH.k4to4 fa Ok K4- j4r" r I- ' IW a "77rwr. i ' fa )iat i "lta, 4 K ttft fa 17 iWf u fa tk VsU.) -ft Gmm W fa eVfv, nlwiij kW to, fa npH to tk gewetaf goaarwaaaal 1 ! howevae ivtoi Ml War. Off M itffiiM fal fa rh fat ilrftfa fa rht iw-ti gv Ol CfMff I (th V. I. Are. f tk CVrrela fadUa) mj a hard abp fa it Baovtk, tat th part k took effa4 k (Trow) U W ar faetfard rWa, bo, t9 ibp tlW anrVd, fa pr e4 kmay, h4o Troop, Caiaa, C'tMtBatk Tja44 , A. jcT Sot ihe ibotf i l If p, we Vit Ik whol of Gov, Ttoup'i mea tig t ii wctj th result f iK faction of Speaker of the Sni t Mr. A U. Pew U (i Clarkiu) rtciivrd 31 Mr fiorkit ( TrupHt and 8pkr U mi m!t4 33 tone. Mr. Tavrll wai TV ftfniit cor (4 (fa) t'M4 M tfa) fWtJkXwvfci ri(1( fa Hftkifk M tW rfsfc, 4 wr4 IW 1Mb fa. A mm by ifc mm (4 II jin Mc .wrj, m trW4 M lk rk, fo cbMbif motwf from fattot (rvlrU to km M Bti) cMTHf, tox Mr Kiov rin'fta i and m m co. ' tklfjf Vat faf 'to m fa&lii)rfa tfi fcJif, jwfyntnt ihiwI pMnl on bin i I tn, kowrrf. iru UJidt J, tol la b tried l Ml lim Up U trial fj liprorj J tripf letter tnlrvricd to Ikiwt l-Jitftd pltn i but )irff wiH ih4 lake ftiinl b, m lk art fa) ImJ ctm'i(tr4 WMOM of jou'Lful iAJlcratkm, fplUkffult. BICIt BUrtD ROKXr.3. R k Ute4 67 eorrMpo4l-nJ of th Amrri. ta rirmer, that Col, !, a! Sml. HoICng. VVrtJt, Em. Kit Mm, (MarjUiMl) r ifa) - ti of (bar coh tvo yr ir ld--vi (Ua Crd sjrtb clWMf4 Inkw rdipae, of ew. Tork, m4 lb Ur bj tt biffc4lo)cd bom Tuckahoe, ovitcJ by John 8. Skinner, Eaq. of BaltioMr i for kich they ncr offered ?000, bj a rwrpany of pntlrnxn in New. Tork. Bui auck tr (h eipectationa of the ftoprietor of tbe tn aatniab, that tbejr re (Uaed lb offer. - ' TtXStSSl.F. AtVrJL . Tk Kabin Krrmbliran ante, tfat a joint " fanmiric of botk branch of th TfHtairf , nailed Naahvill, and httfi. r Jmind into th aflur of Ah New State Pink j it j vmlcr taotl lky appror of th manntr in which the Bank ba bee eoiwlucted, and apeak favorably f ita preacnt condition. win i;;a,vU( isj lffni,ivJ, Tk f4nrsn tf (at !r4' Ft' l MlttH4i (.l, m K nb, fa ii prtiM 1 1 tigiMtfiwi M a4m MUfi It I r(ir kwrbUf fc irtaravtii' (! ka f tr lav a MKaM, ) af fufUMr Ktitk. itafa m Saittrdaf 4 U faU(h, la mi'm!Ui f lb N&4 rt (M'jutaiJf math iwltrdl I'yti tti4 iik ua,4 Mtiiwit U4k4W f 4a 4 faa (lie;t rt hU U r fi 4 tf rf4 (kwrtk 1 mmtiiii rtillifaiif tur lailf Mim49 Ktopf ir anUwt kVtfeUlM( Ul UfrUf4ofCk(lK ai tifrtai! ad Hff njtbrMd M comnaoki'ieoi f Dib CrKU r4 v WUt?ci tf kl UM4rt( a4 I IkUj lib kick m s iraiKr 4k o4 U" irivji. TinTf" iwi mrnrj lk kvp ikal vm iMfa! kJihart, la craitMtff 144 rfiffaitl kctl frota llulr tfaMilu. tr brokl lb if 4lgf r, kUt tit i lb Ark 4 Safaiyi i4 ipo4 lo 14 tin! Mif rJHr 0( nghlC00lU4. II It our tooat affrtllooali dair. amf ant far tent lepplWatfao t tha Ood of all gri Ibat ao; aaiuUry lpiioi to ad o tb i4i ( fadJtlduala. aaiy not fc T(ed, till lbr cfdiJlr raUai ik Bfar lla i afr4 lo ik la tk Goapl. 1 k indixilo an ikl and faithful mlolatir U10 tk mrt4 ttT. kor?er It may fa) rtKard ky th vri4 at larj, il a ltt f beak via tfa Imwnnc It U Intienaltly cnncto4 kk Ik i r liallag ckulnf of maof pftcfav aoti in t ranch 11 th mi taf wklck k It cal led i dner tU rvt ikbr Mor f iif unie tifiA or "i iar f dcilk ti&io deaib,- oo OMrtly la ill kit kar ra, but 10 tt who cam iihi ihi apkr f kU patloraJ labovri. In nfer roc to In (rnmcD rcipooaibiliifat and ndlcMConKjuncti connected wltb tk ko4y niolatif !! nut iicUim, Mk ipolt, lf fltrTsr'ltx lAtmgth. Il iilbt onolallo )f tk d o(d miniatari that kit ntffiarney it f God." From lk permanent location of Mr. SUUmaa it Mocgaataa t aoikipiit prv ! piiK)Ui reiuitv Called In th PrtMienc of (i'odt belt k it, to U'joor in rff.km Jtiiirfuithed for '.be iutel!ifnct( th refinement and th hopita:lly of fcwiyi and lor the icy of , ol it in V.'l llUfl, frt tt?lf Vtillll If 1 intUmUClaf C. I kit fU4 U lilt 4cf, Ikti 1 1 Iri.'l al Mr. 0'.a, ff ik j- l t4rr Mr.Vu A4r Wb f CamJan, ok flat M Ik llik l&tl. Ab th txlauf kIUl kar4, 4 Ik cmmimJ jxtpid I affal Ikilr I'paxkii to U tjff , ik facnu rM4 Ufar4 tk) rt tk jff vm (Jftirvui of 4ut M arraeif tkay Mfordiaglf HliffrJ, ini ifaa( mlottui ntsnMl ttrdkt l kvof f U If." TkJifUlk4nciillriitur' tiff Dot 0)f U Ciaa4H faat k 4U4 acctioni of ik fotmtrr. I ' aaiyawawaiMiw ii n Hull na 11 amiaaw W a f annnmurf miwainn'M mi ant 11 in manaiM i caaaaWMB CVATFJUU. wCHTM.1L JMEMIC4, Il il Hated in th National i&umal, lhat Anikny J. Canat, th of citraoedi oay and mloiiier pleolpntcoiiary from habitiDlit recLn diaiioKuiahed. alto,. GuaiaroaU, foe Central America) arWed aaital a - lor iki ii uontf i in ciira.ie. ano 11111: v.,hinrton Ciit on tb Ittk Inn mvrw rr in wawiy iin'" i Mf.wjMt or covxTtMrtntiMk A 4d4t fa tnaaW, a4ia aofaf dal af lb Ifth kwt Ikal tW it fa ewlatto, fa lka4 aactia oajatry , fawwry daaW kiQa M tk flaaMr and bltckfiw bWk af 1. Cwfa 4fT,kkafv4i,aa4 "lH ktMt. CaaaW." if afaa af. Im, il af k aliaraJ lla4 BWk4't aaaa k ftaa4 1 tb pap b ratfar tkiaaar a4 kur tha lb gin a4 "I C " fa tk ff7iWf, la nal vary t I W fart tk ap. rtamt aaa ca tey taaily k par4 1 iba oh art not kacb fa tk bakil f kandlaf lavaey To M ka Wlf k out fa tk adjor. faf atal af Tain owe, paaaiag (h aW 4 amk4 tawiHarfail maney i iky faipnaad 199 a aoMph of fumtn, fa tk ciW & and irr. a Wo ba k fa tk covoty of tttTkaa, fa arak of tk eairrftitea. Oa of tk refoea, ky tb nam of Irtfowr, (ok it aaid t b fro Liacnl oa4) baa fa cwt. led of a b fie or, fart oaa aJTttd lo eacap. Tbi ba aauncy in aappoaad, t k bum (k aMflulactory f TvtUf (J Ca. and no aU fiprer ka a kaiaoc f it Uk kfa) and a toffrrod tvroaa a farg k A omo ao- arrdly faipoa atort of ll m wi pepfa. Should k k apprrbandad, iabraaba aaay b addriaaa4 to borp Dab, tr court houae, Tcaneowa. tWvL ta4 K f il UV.) H I ?! i f (., t ln I -J f 1 1 a I K. f Ma l Pk avK I a liWo 4 f- y- 4 3 pr aC 4 V, J p , C-4, ( .'Smi T kt aiviuiiiira 4aptl I tkU Iftkt tk La If tk U tilt A4 kf Ik ifrVli 4 tUtl Ma )!eta4, kl lfal rbw4ad tndlki Mw rp f I'plaodtU lnSn M Ik) kifkial rati 4 Ik ecdfag Ml. TM na4llMipf MlM fttm Huriif, . AWaaM iOO kaWtof Ik JJ irfj aoif 4rfaf Ik k ft! 10 CVr r.A pvUU aif 100 pi L)ua ntgfaf af W 3&if tnMif 1 1 f to It c'ick. rr cjxjrjr xtr?rf,of, w. ria, 7i 1 1 D'tM'n 40 Mark tot WrrW XO i) iOi faatur II t ftlip4T....i. U U lAMOUAJi Mlf ICOrafOto 4dIaito4Mlll 6air f to brlf m ntoaaam 4 1 to I3 MU44 ta!0 luftr, pHmt IS to 14. cwM f to ll aH, Urarpool 19 la n Turk lafaad, kt- fl M III Ulfa t 10 1 Ua, gpoor tnd Mprial 1 10 to Bl r tBlloRI 3I VMaklf 0 to 41. C4vr. 13? aatartap'iilUIL ill accncry what but the blctain of th Great Had of I he Church li needed, to arm bappy a'at of toddy it it conuilent vtih tH Irnperleclton ol our preterit eiitienc I JTf4 Z, rjb'if, Eaq. hai been onanim.outly ..elected ky tbe.Teoneaar LejiUtur, a 9ena "tor in UmTCT. V.'congreat from that ttate. In plac of General Jackn, rraifrncd. Th Naahvill Bepublkan atate that Uib cholc givea unier. .aal aallafaction and Juclj While carriea with kin great reputation into the Senate, which k will doubtleaa auitain, if not increar. - Another dettrwetie Firt hi titited the City af Botton i it raged about two hour and a half ' befor' it waa oubduad a great number of tk - oa eWgant and coatly-luMinJr,..tiej'tlI er karhl : the loa of one firm, kleatra. Well - ft Lilly,' Dookiellera,"ia ertiniaied l from 50 to The foOoirfag tokat wagmy ' Calkoun, a dfaawa ra to kia fa lb citj of Jlakigb, oath lllhinatantt N. Cintin t ike first lo Ktcrt Ameri can Independence j th will b amoni the ait of th atnei to abandon th princl plet In which that great ent and our ad mirable political intiiiution originated. Gen. Gainet paoed through FayettcviiU, on the UikTnat. on hi y to Wahingon City, Tb GeneraJ'a beahb waa ao bad, 4 frelucpUy to interrupt hi progr-' : " JGMAtllALX.trArETTZ. It will baeenV'by our eilracta of fbre'gll newa, that Gen. Lafayette ha armed aafely at Havre, in France, wber he met part of hie fam ily, and proceeded, the next day, on toward hia paternal eatat at La Grange. At grating a it rruat have been to tb care of the Ro) abate, they were conycPed to hear th mtlmmaxir demo. 1 atrationt of national loyo and retpeet, with which the French people welcomed to hia native coun try, th veteran d'nctple of liberty in two hem- ianhere. It wan thourht the royal party would endeavor to (uppreea any attempt to honor L fayette, in pubHc manner, on hia arrival in Franc t but it aeemt they did not haxrd the attempt. It wa nid be would b complioten ted with a pubii dinner, in Paria, 4bo apilal of tb French Empir. . . BTftetierrromleU trrra ii left In command of the U. S. ahip TKZ Li.iitL.il UMt. V fair frM tb U.UItk net(Mr tJ ik Sid fate tkai tk UtfltUtorr of Ihi Sum, In puraoanc of th riulai tfaoi of th t ontthatfaa. atU4 fa tk Cii ofllaUlgk Mood.v. tk Hat I Ik Snii, fUriUtt Untry, Txj. waa choMft Maker, and ikl old CUrke and m I a LVior kiperi wir it ippia itftowt optmliioa- In il $80,000 ! No probable ratimate can be made of tk whole kxa: it amounted to milliona, of dob fcwfcmore than a doaen aucU village a our r worth. It ii itated tn the. New.r6rB" Conrierof th l?th inat. that the Banh of that city have, from the late diaaatera of the Eagle Bank of Connec ticut, and the Trenton Bank of New-Jeraey, been " compelled 16" adopri" regulation not' to receive the note of any ccuntry bank which doei not nay tpecie, on. demand, fir it paper. .wt. ........ o T,iTrm!t. c0uiiuT. . OXDUMTrOX, iKe Rel. JaITnitfirr'-oratired at- Morgantont Burke)roantyt N. C. by the yreibf tery of Concord, at Pastor of the Prebbytcrian Church Irr that pUc and ti cinity . Jht Rer. Joteph E. Bell preach; d the termon, the Rev. John M. Erwin offered tKe coniecntir.g prayer, and Rive the chargMb the newly ordained bl hop,tnd thRev..Jofph D. Kilpitrick vddrtsstd tha people. All the ewctte- Brandywine, after Com. Morria and Capt. Read left her, to tiait Parii, and other j nam of Kurope, it appeiri that the ahip. aferrea4r-iiiahellcdirerrancin, uber ultimate deitination) encountered a most Ireroendoui itorm, which compelled her to put into the port of Cowes, (in En gland) for ufetf ; where, Lieut. Gregory observed, ilie would hate o undergo torn repairs, sactvas a little caulking, fce. bav ing, io the storm, iprung her upper bendi so as totause her to leak little-. But it is a yufli'cieht TefuU'tloB of the exaggerated axcounffuShi PressTthi NarrfftXelUffence'r, etc. (of the ihi'p'i having sprung a leak on her pas sage out to France, of so alarming a na-turtfrii-to cause feirs of her ncjt beiny able to reach a port m safety,) that sbr should tail from. Havre for fhe Mediter ranean,' without undergoing an kind of repair. Il tait to ihit Republic of the South, ii i:i b recoltecied, that Mr. Mann, and Mr. Miller, both f this ttati, ar deputed aa chtrg d affair ( bxk of wkoaadfad before reaching tblr detlnatkV-Mr. Mann, before leaving the una and If r. Miller, after Jilting far U Kj VTfkfai Tk wtfepIJtUroriKtrrJfiiirlini I Johnaon, wis to hive made her. tlrond excursion from Cut! CardeB.New-Yotk, on the day of th Canal Celebration, but owing l the balloon's notheing suffi ciently inflated, or some other cause, the lady did not iscend. The mob en raged at the diaappoiniment, tore I hi bal loon to piece. Thii may, perhaps, bav been a fortunate circumstance for Madame Johnson, for, ai the it said tft hive ?m- ke Ifouaa f Comnaon, Aarwati II. Skapperd of Siokit comy, Job 'W Ir of NewUm, and Joba Scon of lltHi borvogk, vir put In nominal loo tW Speaker i ind on th Irsi balkog, lb ritull tu it foUowi 5tnly, 19 . . . 6bepprwt II tkott, II Jtmit Iredell, ' I Siwly being moriff , no chok wat made, and ih llou proceeded to nd balfaUng, wbub rrtultcd follswil Stanly, ' - To Sheppcrd, 11 Scott, II Scattering, 4 Mr. Funlf isdeclrd to b duly elec ted, and conducted to tb Chair, frm kence h mad' bis acknowledgments to lb lloua in an appropriate addrM. Th former Clerks and Door keper wcr appointed. Cotton told in Petenbufg, on the 15th tot. it from 131 to 14. cxoti. And io Fayetuville, on 17ih ioit. at UloI2J. Io New-York, at our latest date, up land cotton was telling af front 11 to IS! cents. At last duet from England. (loth Oct) cotton was selling it from 6 to 10 pence terlint;. 2U TGt to WUu A 4.44 MM k 4 nrwi lw, I W- Uf tt i,t-0) hm $0 to 70 Mlrlr KcTOf I, ,V4 awwtf of IW (- C. Mf tlMaa (H " ,M I.M kaK 4 Mm t.K IS Mt rfinavj, It ?a''K tft, JJms a aaaaaa Urn, I . f". 4, ft,- At fMiwaa a affM aa k-ij (.i ii -,t-' 'f f a -4 ia. ar 4 '4 a b iMoal aa koaUi - at UU W naaaoi , o rib f 4 K"'g. U t. ttf. NF.W hTOItr- otoaon w, xnovnr. tlltcm IXf faaVaw- k4a ftm.4a a4 li lb fwMfa fa fa !, jtl k la t-o f. atataf. Irl k-VO Joak a4 rV WW,4 ft it in aa4 lia !. o-etMt aa . . . . a . .. . llinlwart, "jc cc oUb U U4 aU a a aaaaJ aWt, rOM CJIM OMIT. . . fir vfaff to aavi. wUI klaato , ataawao, a4 W I" tkaaaaalna. l . I mi aj "ViUt UkkUhtf Vilttt . m mm mm tl rrocrr: ai m a e.! :We CenU Ccfan. RA A w A T roaa IW mrr, mm IV a W o4b af rtua to. b4 boy, by tk omm of owa A, aWt atr )vrt rd. I fwrooar ad patana mt par af kaHn'U of lrvtMf aiaa any tf oa on k-w. I aa k rwfd will b J oeik Vkit7 of Ik lUtatoty, bvl aw exkVr rkar. M.frmwtl, U CM. A C. Awl IV. I. ' V New tnd Ala-niiflrcnt Hclinnc. .tvtiin. 1F. hw th ptawwr to pwM Ik aA.I II maneai awl roanparaiivvrr am faitliant ftckaaaa. over off read I tk fmLh-1k peV of TatkeU ly Tew fMU, Wi'h tk Capital fnt of tka aMt aaagiwDaile uf m Va, flaW I . Tk maioe of taW.r. it wiU k nm'iml. m oUr jwW of rh prrifl. calinoa of tk Inroard Vofa, aroirtd by Lci tor fata OMkf ftcol of tk VArrr.tt sr.tr t m or amfkicl and aSr Ihf awrttredt-l r4 the t'oaami- amoera appoml O by tk oamaar ana mm til Tkkctanly Ta IMlara. ! rant, 100,000 rOXXAlU! Tk neat Aioar lry of Maf) tan4, ika okola I b cooH'lf ted ia tmm iHr, o WadnavUy, lK litk Febrvarv nart, CM inu Ved TW4 TUU nifhe! !me. JcAtAtmk&V lnslrueUotia f I VHROl'GH tb oneitioa)f bi friendaand 1 rmolovere. th aubacriber baa ajrred t eont'inne th oaoal coo roe of hi acadrmiad in- flV- in a pond ifler ber Erst tovaee. who l&t. fta mtiie, ire. know, but what her aecood landing miebt "iWJl,!2 . i . m , - . Tear, i ic irniii iitmiuiwi. .-"n have ben h one Mr. Spafford'a Irlog. min viM Hemwirrd to prface aliActory ut- tloud. FmyrltrviU Senrinri, iHarrffa, In thfa county, on tk 17th inaChy tf. ITarris Im. Mr. Eli Smith, of Davidatm county, ta Mie Catharine Beao, of Row an. -. Abe, fa thb eowrty, on the Iftk inH. by Wax B. Wood, Eq. Mr. Heickiak T. Harriaen, to Miaa Marrret Cowan, In kton'romery county, on the 17th inat. be the Rev. John Culpeprr, Mr. Tbomaa Autio to Mia.EIcnor McDaniel. timoniala of hi aobrtcly and temperance i no yount: ma ill be admitte-d, who ha been euapended or eipelled from any aimilar inatitu tion - no etndent ill be admitted for a term lea than two aeaaionn jthe first aein to com mence on the ?d of January, and and on th 7th a 1. . - ik. ..r.mit Inn f4k MHI.MMM nfl tha fnh of Ju'n and nd on the 16rb of No.- The prirc of tuition will be gll per arooon, to ta paid at the cloe of each araaion. The price of Doardin;. includinf ahirx, firewood and can dle, will b f7 per month to ba paid at the end of each aetrnoo. jvurt hlpmai. An. tSk, 183J. M I 100,X)0 100,000 1 30,000 30,000 1 10,000 20,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 f,000 3,000 1J 1,000 U,000 10 " 300 ,000 fO ' 100 ' f.OOO 100 JO 5,000 100 to 1,000 300 H 6,000 10500 10 ' 103,000 11280 Prizei. gOOJ.OOO Every Priie aubje-et te deduction of Fifteen per tent. and payable miy dayt after th lrawinf, but foe which, aa uwaJ at Caaaa'a Ovate, thCA-l! a b bad lb JiOkltMT THEY ARE DRAWN. OZD, In thi countv. on the 19th irtt. John P. Flod-1 gena, Fjq. in the 36th year of hi are. FUllE Conartnenliip Jierttofore xlatraa- be- In the Fork f the Yadkin, near Mock a- I tween the nibacriben, under the firm of ville. Rowan county, on the 13th ult. Mr. Ellen U Aarra. it thi dav diaaolvcd br rim- . . , r .1 t . , - w . a . . .. r. I . . jonca, wiuuw oi mo law iiaj. uaac joneagra tualcontent. A II peraona inacmca xo oa are rr- about 56 Alwrnrirthe placer -b'lrr that TV aitner uaitber, Eq. ired anout 54 vcars. In Anion county, on ihe 3d mat. after i ihort illrtet. Charlea Hunt, Eq. attorney at law, ared about ycara. . Mr. Hunt waa a native" of thb town. Hi unaffected manner, apd benevo lence of heart, coariliated the reapeet of all kie acqtiaintancea ; tnj hi habit of industry and appucaiinn, wikj non nave nunca nira a very reapectable atanamr tt the bar. In Booton, on me 4th Inat. toe Hon. William Grav. one of the moat anternriainr and ooulcnt mercnama in me voiicu niaiea. 24, llaiaeed, 84 "a ;Wf? ItalTdW, 7 rila', 30 a 321 "ce SJ to 4 per 1 Wlbe.Tron,31 k 4 j, pr, 100 lb. ! tobacco leaf, 4 a 5 manuGaclitred, Ja20pr.cwL GUqrvfr. " .. CHARLESTON M ICES. An. 14. Cotton, 8. Island, 43 50 ; Itaiwd do sd a 20U Maine and Santee, 24 a JO ct.- inon. upi, u a 14 centa - yhikey, 30 centJ' Bacon, 3 a 6 i Ham, 9 a 11 - Lard, ? a 11 ; Bagwinf,. rjrRTTEriLLB PJUCtS, A'aw. 11V a ' Cotton, 12 flour, fine, acarce,5;auperfine, 61 1 wheat, 1 a,l 25.wbikey, 40. f 421; peach brandy, 50 a 60 1 apple, d. 43.t50 com. 65 to 70 i bacon; 6171 aalt; TUrkl Wajjd, 70 a 80.per'buah,i rooltv4i f.inrj.muLjijhVv mavdenend, Trwadtr, 4214roffee, prima greervSljall winhe-uaedto give felfatitArtRri,. q Heated to come forward,- and mako imroatkate payment i and thoae who nave any aemanua- will preaent them for payment. The buine of the firm will be aettled by Kara Allemonr, who h authorized to make aet- tlemenU and grant ditcharree. EZKA ALI.F.MONO, - fiEOBGE LOCKE. " JotWW. Af 1, 1825. 63 jtZnAALLE10NG Return hit moat aineere thanka to the pabDc in rmeral, for patt favor, and inform them that he baa purchased the Stock of Merchandize nf Allemonr It Ixtcke. which ia now very com- pherrmTmg r retvd tVoab Atpply fwrn Charleaton. and which he Offera for tle upon 4he moat reasonable lerm, a the ttand formerly occupied by Allemonr ft. Locke, at the north corner of the ourt-liouee. The fvor of thoe hbiatrorHxe"birn will bethankruny ackaowl. i, that every eaanion on RAN away from the rubtcriber, on the 13th inat. an indented apprentice to the black smith' trade, by th name of Alfred Uc.v, ared about 15 year. AH persona are font-anted from fruiting aaid apprentice On any account, aa 1 will not nav any d-M ol hi contracting-, rive cent raid wilt he invert for hi apprehension, twtl no charge paid. PETKK J. SWINK. .V-.2M(ftf5. , , JkfaJa aTJrowi'af The nomtiers oitlbe rut into on wheel atnatral and in the other w heel ill be put, Ihe f ni ea oSaw Ihe dcnomiftatliw of 8V and .the drawinr to prorreaa in tbo naiial manner. The 1000 Pmea of RlO. wiir ba" awarded to the T'tcket. (he Numbera of which end with Ihe terminating' fi(ure of either of tha Three flrot draw Numbera Irom the wheel 'of diftrmi drnominatioi. 7a i!fvtraif vA-VA, auppoa that 13.46? bn th firat draw number, then every ticket in Ih Loft rrt eliding vhlr fmr firtrir ir wttl- be iu - titled to a priae of Ten Doliara then uppoao that No. 15 b the neit drawn from tha wheel, then all the ticket ending th 3, will alto be entitled lo a priae of Ten Uotlart aeh . and in like manner suppose that No. 39, bo th third drawn from the wheel, then all tha ' ticketa in the scheme ending with tk figure 8, will alao be entitled to a price of Ten Dollar each. I hi mode of Drawiur will permit tbe whole Lottery to be completed at an Wwinr md a Ticket drawinr a auperior Pria wilf af 6 rttMrrrd from -drawing- an infi,iiur onu tfa. - irifc lick Ht, g!0 I Idfkthi, I. 25 JfUtr, 4 I Quunrrt, 2. SO COHEN'S Littery and Frtkanft (Iffir, 14,' .larirfrrrrc. itutumtrt Where in late Stat nd other Lot- tenet, were sold tbo ureal Capitals" of ' 40,000 Dollars, S of 30,000 Doflaia. J f 20,000 Dollars, 17 of 10,000 Doffa-a, Si of 5.000 Dollars, fee kr. fcc AND WHERE MORE CAPITALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED THAN A I ANY OTHER OFFICE IN AMERICA." Order from any part of th United States, either by mail (post paid) or by putata conveyance encJoMng the Cash or Pnxe Ticketa in any of the Lotteries. will meet the same prompt and punctual j j. COHEN, Jr. ft. BKOTIIEBS. Baltimore. " CoArtr'a '- ffqzetrt ndoturyftrgiii" ter," which will be published immediate- after the drawing, will contain the complete Llit of Prizes, and will "be for ward gratis to ill who purchase their Tickets at Cohen't Offer, and who signi- ty tneir wisn to receive tne sarae . mmmuri, Aivtwtr ll, Wis. ."l3

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