i ML.. 4" run r.iusc. ,t tat fl !' Mf rtrtttrt cwr, r .j w "' i.tC.tis:i A a, t4 ise OmuJ -rs U I U t-l "I - B - A4 M (fMlM k N " Vm tl '-ar trketiia4 Vm aj A4 p-4 hie hOT vrf 1 us. u a-a-. w r i nttM tir CMit t. tut- w Wff kv. - vi-rt fit .tt ay wi kt a4 kfc -Wf Tkaf, aVJe fr, OnAW" n ea&f iWh tkw Mv Wii. (UMUf fee IU tit! aVwtt I Or fitk ti4utt OMiMtt tat ve M-1 CVAs't . twee, tfrsrt f&f akaiaa to HIMrOUNWt'S. Ur, Whin i Aa I wet, few weeks !r l,t.nfh an rftJanea fat lh lew's bidding) oa eotsri, U aeighhor. io2 county, I espied, tm itrotliog thrbueh the till a re. a airn-b-iad ovt tbc door of the JjI, with huge pair Llea itruck nt thai iht SAesri crt i&traded st emblematical of the hat. ard i maa rui if totter hit fan,- if he luffrrcd himwlf to bei one a leneet of that building I but on further in- 'iirjt I found out my mutate me . Mfr&,.4t, that of TtUofm ami ih i heart a very tigmletat t ruble m of hii crafU ...The ft nowiPf mproi-piu, ft . wai ioamcdiauiy auggtiua to me i The ! Jc asJ UUuf k kj mm. 1 U Jioe d Uilof Urt drit 0, mm trvle. xrtrtr imi ly schools. Newip4Dct( bare been introduced as I part of the regular exercne ol tne cKoliri. in the axidemr it PlittiHurr. This cannot but hare a most benecial tffftt on the nindi of the ichaUri, and ve haTe beg wondered that the practice haa not generally obtained in our aetmnariea of edacai'too. It ctr. taioly nutt be ai profitable to our youth, to be lofortntu af the eeata of the tir both io our trn ceuntry and iafomgQ tandi, il ito apend their time in readhij tre ico-mii of quar rels of the gods, nc iovrs of the god delic, f hca'htn inthr.luy, Mr, Preacrtt, 'fa-her of the Piatuborg acadm y, dnenea and ill undoubudly receive the warm than t of the parent! of children committed to hii care. . " r pry lMj Tt. - MarriefV;41 Hicriiltat:f Votlt) Capt; Sam'trl Currier to Mist Mary Archer This ia the seventh wife of Captain Currier-j hta tixth waa buried but three weeki before he espoused the seventh. . Vhos findeth a gtod wife findeth a rood tKicg." "''"If. Br-Siocfthe-'abovf -Waa i tvpi we learn thai Mr's. C. has, with or without proocatirn, left he bed and Iv ard of Capt. Ciirrier, leaving him again a ditconsolate widower. xop de r;o.. The celebrated Spanish poet, and dramatist of the 17ih century, it said to have published. 54,300,000 lines, of poetry and to have prepared for the atage-1800 playt. He was, for a large part of hta life, the pride of the pe-ple and the favourite of the nobili ty. Strangers thronged-to. see him, and'even" the'hiughty " Philip l&ffered him public marks of admiration and respect. - lie was a volunteer inTThe great armada, and left a monument of hU nreiiidicet atrainst England in his Dragonted, a poem on the death of Sir Francis. Drake. . in tne periorm ance he icforma the - reader tkat-het word dragon, in his lines, when used .without other explanation, is intended to denote that admiral. His eulogist Montalvin,' has given the fill)wtng . atetcb.oJ.,his-dispoiihtoti--Hrs tem per was ruffled with but those who " tookTinnff 1ttOTe tompaby ; with the' grey who dyed tfieir lock; with men who, born of women, spoke ill of the sex ; wijh priests, wh believed in gypsies j snd with persons, who, with out intention of marriagef.asked others their age. Host. Spectator. Agar sajd, " give me neither po? erty cor riches ; and this will ever be tlie prayer of the wise." Our incomea him.,,. .',i if i iii iTitl. Uf mi l itl av. t ih , m ...... tl ifkt.fi. fi tHer ' ,!e, taj IM m, H tkhtr tafl h in v - - . f favl " "r . t e . have tu f wp " Wmuii M WWW IH wa frAUtMder , (f wa n are imhi) tv. ..T1A.U khava the lacrtaM f Cwaaauokaaia J iheftiiit 1713. at Ui freai the JViiautti frrffctra. latnj irar inf irvo mi no itc 11(9 III! ia u aVA4 . ti.XJ 4t.l 44.1 J t 11,411 !9J4 tar.ert tf ? ra 313 sc 4 3 4) m eo 13H it. 11.4J1 SUM 3414 49.43J The iixrfsf lal year, was 19,671 messbera, aod 41 Trarelli-g Preach- m There are 4000 of mora Local Pre achera, besides thoat who are coo I'sntly travelling. Wt see, ia the above atitemeata, abundant cause to be thankful t? the (;reat Head of the Church, for the ftcst things that H bath dooc for His people i Aod yel, -h'le wt re joice, it bctonuia ua urrjoce with uemUing, 11 the light hat is ia us become dsrkness and pray for the continuance af that ' Holy Spirit, kr host agency thia great work hath been effected that it msy be boured out tiill more gloriously thin" hereto f,rt, .. If. B. A fJUvrn, 3iAV. 1115. Matches wherein one party is all passi, and the other all indifference, will assimilate about at well aa ice and fire. It it possible that the fire will dissolve the ire, bat it Is most proba ble that the fire will be cxtinguUcd in the attempt jw cmaivDQii jl d LAtnrns. In Edward the Third't reign,, the lord chief justice of the iiog't beoch had a laliry of 66. 13. CJ,, aod the rdtoary juiget 40, per annum. - oil Thomas Moore received, as lord chaccellwr of England, 400. It is said however, that sir Kd-ard Coke made about 600. pr annum. It does not seem inu much to ss-rt,Msays (lilbert, u that in the reiin if Elizabeth, 10, would arproch t rarer to tne purcnase of a com pie tf EnclKKTavT library thn 1500. t presr t.' The judges, ssys Forte ku, in hit de J"u ation tu Pitncc Edward, were not accmJomrd tn sit more than 3 1 burs a dav. ffrom 8 until it. I hey passenrtne remsinaeroi the dT m studvioa the laws, ana rea ding the hnlv scriptures. An act of Henry the 4th, excluded lawyers from osrl'ament. because they I were generally,, it.jhet time, stipeo- uiarica oi incu ui uij inn. ,mi iuu- tide red as retaioers. In the 30th of Jamea the 1st. a Drnclanution was is aued. Hireetinff the voters for members of parliament not to choose curious and wrangling lawyers, who may seek aft reputation by stirring needless ques tions. iatsTtet .aa eais' v ''''' The Baltimore American contains a communication,, signed m Mary lander," from which it appears that books are about to be opened in that eitv, for the investment of capital in a . acherae of commercial intercourse with Africa. " We rtrctntaA th Ae af this traffic hSi heen Mgesfed by: InTfaffe ro 7 -. v o Comoanv for a simifar nuroose i and we think it probable thati under judicions direction, such ah intercourM might be made a source ot considerable proht. The communication to which wa refer, liusTiTsTo and the means by which it is proposed to carry it into successful operstion r Our object is to afford facilities to the tree coloured people of ii"ry land, and o h IT"- Ktairt. nrnr lira I hrtr omm- fima' tntrr tut "ihe IsitmI of ifieir fatiirra. nnfn. Ing a trade with 40,000,000 of "Inhabitants in Africa by uppljJng them with the necessities or me, ana receiving ine pro t iL :i i r i . . . untc Di inrir fun iiisicaa oi Slaves, iw ro turn. This benevolent object may. be effected. ' i . The exports .from this country will be manufactured articles of small bulk ; those received from them, will be much more bulky, and consequently three fourths of the vessels in this trado would be under the necessity of going out in ml if i4 fctrtrilU i porlufl tMf t! r.!i r f"u' la Aima M at 1 " "M ai atrr r ' .' , . i . it.w UJ ! caf vrfJTgaU UJ ti a pal W ffi ik not U aajtloM ta N i4f M limiattt ai liOcii W-ki fiftH i. a ..tui tatum. a4 at taa tame ti Am m amtaitt ta caWrad TTl(rfaa4tfaa f tt to ttwa cowatryi ay aae Itvhttry a4 ccaamayt wua uaroemng a&jT ao. xvMirn or cbmistilm flv takulatW lot eatouslv tntdf It la found that, Vert th InhaU tints ftf thtkoowa worU divided Into 30 pant, 19 of then an ititt poatesteal by pjgtoi, sit Jt wa aoa i saomcuasts. two by CbrtatiaAt of tht Creek aad Essttra Cburcbet, aod three by ho4 of the Church of Hosnt a4 Prottttaot rnnnuilas. If this calculation be me r urate. Christiaoitr. takra to itt lr K.tlaiitude.bcarsamatertiroportioo tii the other rthgioot than five to twra- m ft a tt-fivr, of ooe to Ive. II regard iL ftUhcr tJ ialubitaatt oa the face of the gk-be, the proportioo of Chris iUaa as other rtlirWitts is sot tnoch greater for arcordiag to a calculation aade.uraiBhabUanttor tne woruisso. obi to about BOO.000.000. pod it Chrittisa populatioo t rely J00T00O,- OOTJ VIZ I' Aia, 4JVtsMt f fcwvp I rr, 000,000 1 America, iimimw te Greek tad Eastern Churches, 30, rm nm t ihe PaDists. 100.000.000 tht Proteitaats. 70.000.00a The Pa- rnt art estimated at oi,uaj,uxj Mahommedi.t at 130,000,000 th Jewt it 9,000,000. If a generatioo ht 30 veart. then ia that spare 800. nm ftftfi will be bAra tod die t con- oiient v T3.0i9 tuffer dtatDevcry day, J044 every hour, 31 every minute, and nearly ode every aecoaa. ti l m trotk. illustrated be dallr obaer ('um. ikal ifroruea would tltrtlse the same lngenuT,sa5atttr,soainaury, 11 any honest calling! that they do In ihelr thtfVmK and s'uwlHng "traplormtftts, iber wftuKl mikt Indspendc&i fortunes In lets time tksn It now Jakes t hers to pass thrpDRh the vsrious gradas ef retribotioo, from the thirty davs' confinement for a . ft a petty larceny, to the gaiwws. I aesa re marM sogeated themaelvcs to our minds hue we were resting a notice in a .tw York naoer, wherein rt la stated tbat a r.malu lmnotter ia roma about the irta ftf that 'cite for the nefarioua our , .it 1 -Liu .... .t .k POte 01 IDTClgiUK toJiurco w di mcir clothes. The otstesmsn iniorms tnst (W OSyS UVSw-tu,tc.u .V.wfau ui u..!.., anil naranakLwia. rainlait r of her mntle and bead.i and that anoth- child was met by the umt person, and by promises of dolls and candies, stripped m a t .lit! a ut most oi ner doming- rmaa tii caatmi (riaw.) veivtrssa. ItlK worthalaf noUceVtfiat on Tasfrrl- diy, tke f il) lost, no less than four nlanets trg i Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, were all in the same sign, snd the three first not msny degrees apart. They all rose sbout 3 o'clock In the morning, fbl lowing each other in a train, presenting to the view a beautiful and sublime sight. Who would suppose on viewing these oroa ... . . . a - a a- a . ... . . i.l . - . e i . which sparue iae ring aropa pi ngn , that they are worlda like our own, travel ling through the vast abyss with a velocity aearrel credible!, and vet with a regular! ty and exactness far surpassing any woras of srt apparently close together, snd yet millions of miles : asunder -seemingly tnnlno haekwsrdt and farwsrdb. and vet travellmg7eonstantly-e,w1rd round ' the great fountain, of light and beat, nourished by his warmth and chained by bis influ ence . . " But what surpasses sll, is the discovery that the. attraction of these numerous iijodies, which swmedjid Jnatiheir harmo ny ind tend W their destruction Js on the contrary, prrt of the amazing machinery which gives stability and permanency to the solar system.. Well may wa exclaim witb. 1 horn ton ' . . . -WaewfthCTiftt;4"ffuea of man, --' ---AlttSijrtity Faiher, Silent in Shy praiacv Thy yorks thenraervea would raise a general . vlic'e, ' rn k thi- itnfhi of Military womls. By hiiijiftn foot untrod, proclaim thy power, A nd the choif eafeitrtat Tail resoimd, The eternal cauae,aupport, and end of all " JPovhaian Ellih $l- has been selected by the GovernorjLMii8issippl to fill the varalHMi -in tho. Senate of the United titates, occasioned by the resignation of uavia nwraesi cs. tiwnea. i n ,he ,K,t tl,o abwe r,amt defen.Unts tivt the little d.Uthter or Mr, Cnklln, was i L, ,h ste, It la therefore rrrdemt that r rj"jrrr;i."i..:..js.j v.. .Wit!, if .. , - , t.t aa-i-. ti,. !-, I wt I r r' Mw.f.f ,4 M'lOfS .4-Vl Hi'tt.,t4, q UU. lu.f 4'iirl"!t U rk.U,Ulj.a a-4 1 af a T i ka UU rr'Hli -'-a r-i t !s af S"- U lVaM4 ftW- (ttaiJ a,Mf, aa.) "f IM fcS f tmm tfc aUft-a4, a frwas a 4m, aWfl k tMft4 aft tft mmm mmmm, mm Uaral tanasv TVs s-04 a U4 ta fe mU0ytjnm i.i--a-jt. B, i WiaaaaftllaajUa U ftW-4 . . . - m M .Aft mm$ fwaWfta Tl tV-a4 fat talfti mtf aaw. M - h i - ..j 1.1 L kaaa4 la Wa aa uwt u IuUmW as. aayCaaaiUaftflal'litaMMtry. It wUIIhi aU ktw, Sft4 ffmm wmU vmmmi, fat tmU9 ptHMtmVpimmtlmwrA a 9 Oasft .ft.ft Ja aTSat I SftC r 1 1 M B awWv ? Lt aalft kat I ia. U Matav-JW. ilWff Vllk OWk-Wt k4 a44.ar awl atkrf Itavatkokl Traurt, aad vttk r wiikatal a kSa lt" aam-a. a-v 4 time a aaaT. tka wl4 aaawar w. tvtet SUQa4fW0artaJjlMla taaa aaf tutaatUla i i av aar twit tawraaf. a4 pfckaam Tka UaJ la r-ftlrft. kwawt v tkw mmm wt tka Wk-ta tlowaff Irart, a4 tWa aiafi taj iaaVkOaaaaH 1U0 arrta. Ak. aty lMrrrt ia rvtal fber tmi, al Wsj lka fur-atr. AaaairtUf tifeilMwtmiaai tutjMm &trnt pant ol lka cava f IfadaO. AO tka MuiM.ia far ai armn. . ta ot. v.a wJ ka retMr4 fcr tha kot pnt af st-t .taffMSi JJ tka edf wffty taka&ap rnfmt al ewa, t, and ikre ernfil. h M oVaw-xI aW-a eWrika lka roefi mm, MrtleukH) , a the jwrckaarta wul bm ta fxf H 6!lK lbT Bft. w - ajv 13. m.- aottmtT wonf if. - Ti f T flouaa ,aJ Lot ia tka tova of ftfi If I HaaWrr. arpoaha Mr. Waa. It. ty lM.t1i cr'a koua t4 aaletiaiameat, ia VtrL-mlU nr rlihorttocxL tad rood aocirtv i tka kmtft n to tones blfh, whk for fl rt ptoees hi tka ket atatTi aaw tww m taa wtl-vi tM kmu m taetv ami eoftftaieat. vHi a krtrhrft. anw.kr.luma-. mm hoaar. and Btal.le. with a .ante, and kack kt. H Ml rood r I . ill ifimnaa of tka BIM OM ft IMMt wcmmUiiBf leruK ta tka wiThar, at I aw 0B0KOZ MILILM. .faWTA. 92S. S3 S. H I .U raourat all oeratM ko kava Mt drinaivlt rrwt me, ta call and reif a uW m . an.1 (Law arhA m. kf bock fcCCOOnt or ytheni lae.wUldo ma t law by eaJIig and tettnnf tnrtr account. fttatt of ?CotU CatoWna, , .afofts tmOMrr nr.PTBMBRM Kawon. ItlSt Camttoth l5 wilt of ik tttath, awMr Baatav Mlk and wife, and other. DarU Banks andhia tift, Jan ami the ekildrtu and keira at wv ef MiDy I harp, decU to wit i Lf dis, intermameo with ftlrpliD Bftenoti Eftaacain, mierwiarneo with - Jnhnaon 8alt, intern rrWsI with Ntl.an Coulaon Jame Itarn. ami wnr.am 1 harp i John Brooks, and ha ehiklren, Io wit t Jan RmnkL Baiter Brooks. John and Sallr Ttrrx.V. aim are minun under the ae of twen ty nre years, aivl ho appear by their fwardiana jona uroots,ara outer. - - In uY war it anprarinff to the aslwraetlon of pUDlCUOft O- IMIC in uic -racm lwuuiu.ii, ai ta llum. fit VI aerks. that unlea tke ap. P-f ? !lVK'r!nlSe. J'SSratha eod iMootUof December nest, ami plead or I . 'M i i I. twer to the taid careat, jti.!ginnt Ul be taken, pro ermfeasD, u to them. 6t87 MATT. R. MOORE, e. e. a 8talt.pt. orlVk-CftToWnft, -s .... .. .. . , mtviiL eounrr. COURT of riea and Quarter Senions Aug. term, lWJ M'illiam llinra, admr. t. U liam Fairet : Orijpnid aftachmcnt.tttiired leeied on 100 terea of land. In thi- rase, it it ordered by Uta cotirt, tbat puhlioation be anade for three montlia in tha eitern Carolinian, that nnleta the defendant arpr ' next co,,rt and quarter se--iot.ii to be held for the county of ImmL-il at ihf court.hoiiM in 8U1erIlle. on the third Monvlar tnNovember flest, replavr the . i ' .i u:.:ir .:n W pWH tka pontiff wiQ eI ,)llrt, ad h,, jjdgmet.t rendered hil fcwt profnRu. Teft: R. SIMON I ON, C!k. Prioe ailr. ?4. tntS1! State of XoTllvCaToWna, MnNTOOMERV COUNTY- mai or J Pl.. .-,1 (Jn.virj $iinn. On V tobcr srssiorn, IS??-1 Kehf niiah lltarne 1 , v. Joseph ('wiper: attachment Benj. uoyte, Demaretta Palmer, immoted ai gr.rnishee. Orderca be the court, that publication he made in tha We'atern Carolinian for lit weeks, that unlea the def wlant appcara at the next county court to be held for the county of Montgomery, at theeotirtJMwsw la Uiiiceiillon4hftirit Mondav in - January next." Yepleyy or pleadi fjtHlgment will be entered ajfamat him for the amount of tlie piamtiii 'a aemanai. butt t V0Yi""JlVC0iaft; "t-. srujrer fotrrr. 8 Lewia-IM JJy Schwenit?, Ut Beazley and Webb i judicial attachment, levied on ;478 acres of land, the property of Edmund Beaaley. .". v ... . .Jalhiairaae.it il ordered that publication be made lYa tlie Western Carolinian for tix weekai, that unlew the defendant, Edmund Betsley, ap pear at the next court of pleas and quarter les tiona to be held (for said county, at the court house in Gcrmairton, on the aecond klonday of December nest, and ftplery and plead, judg ment wUtjbe entered by default apunst him, Pricetdv.gs. . ,m. '.' I' arP'M at rrur n .-r.f r,; .V.- 4. I II itiultin. WttUT kCtJkULDI. a IVi ft.WWt kt"f 1-iiW'l iVa WU Mtai la CU lata 4m af Wt.y su7aUa li t. rr- kt mmn U.4 1 Um , ft atft, -t,ftl. aa ftvaV rm 'f " I. Um rUi leva a vikw "Pt1; af MIMOLLYDIIC aa h, al k av, fttftt IS av4 taawaf aa tk CMtftiM, at a. r.??,ti.t. 374 ML flVUIi JL ftW - p l . v w aw mw lut, aw raan a4 auatft a aaft-v. UMMftaa al IM Ptft Wy fct Mtv. kaiVft UI ftw fMsf tawwoT mtmm, i-y Mt rly pm tk atrtctaaS atimka) a4 1' tu.Li- la ikaW BAfta. MlrnU 14 aha- eta A N awda aft a aris ft rtetl. at ft ft- a fta . S kg aa turn af Lftag tov nww m4 ta tkaar ailn , , , AS tkaaw U art ksdtbtcd It lU aHb-ets ft a lusitaaa, art eiata4 aU m;m4 Ua aaautaf , 4 Ull. PUJiMitau as VV rWi-jaaa, aVa.r,lIII. 3a01 , J. ft-& Jfkhll IatstUt. HAT atmi, rajattavSa, offer far salt, nA ai.aL tt bUa. assMTftrada aurtr 111 far d"aa Ti IIUU. 14 quaMy Ptiaasra 100 IUskl Urtjm-l salt 30 kkfcv Umt aad lumf lx 20 Bp peppar . 30 tpica VI WaeUter 10miafteTelttaltinw . 30 ta. f. E. Buna 10 KoeikaratOsi 10 Tanar0J ti Tana troa aeuV 7X0 R. B&Hertd ft1 4000 Orma Steel . 00 Cast tual , IT t ff.aa -Mt and Cut KaH aid Ifadf 3D Boica ewrtHl aad waol Carda SO by 10 sad rw ky l iass tM tasfcaa ' "or " ' yj ten rrr a4 rr svdtr 100 Reawa mppag paper SO st ni in J paper 3 tana Iltwaod l(Vtt tppea 500 Ik. IWrl ladlft 300 Spanish lndiW 1100- Ma.Me 5JW) Ak ISOO" Sahpatra Jj fU Bope SO - Cow tVH . .. . , kk an axtmnt of pattut SBeieiara, ai'l dryKl.I. s coopktt atwtraem of Wowl asajAtna Gardft .I..H Ui k.Ml - - CVxf or A sMtAt wlcdatTni. TltE ExamiMt? af tka f4tNlwta U thia hit wtrlwtsawt, will ewrftct .Monday tha 14th of Novrw.be r neat, and tut Report uerw ba fli ot WadnewU j the 1 6th. . a aU of lr'A. wiH commenee en tha 5.1 Monday la January, as keratafore Badet theeharpof Ur.Jairli.Jon. Oci". in. mv -TsV.n tin Commuted mo tha jaU of PaWdaoo rOX. wko aava he bronC to .JJV Tenneea. aiJ f apfe" .J. b C treaty years of se, yrl'f eompkiion, atout made. sd ka. a remarkable tear on k rVee, Tha oner U rqueateJ to come forward, prato ... ifcstMS. StW T I ATI .Tl",.'' " - - ' WILL be exposes! to public ale, at tha Court Ho.e m tha lof. S3tWrvo kam day, the 3Jrt day of December next, a cerum IM of gwind in aakl town of tauabury, on h.ch tkara W a dwelling, atore-houae, and jt houKt, situated on Manwitreet, aoulh-caK at the court lKMiae.-adjoining the prennaet or Al bert Torrence, and Georfe MilWr, and now in the occupancy of Rneacr WckaMi-Sold t the property of Tboma Todl by order of tlHi Commiwotiera of the town of Salisbury, for ar rears of Taxet. r:.r " AAHON TyOOLWORTlf. ... llJ3r."'',w!i Tawft-tMttfOi-. The R.litors of tha Raleigh Regiater, w.H plente insert the aboft adert'ieroent once a week for six weeka, and aend their account to thit office, and t hall be paid. Baptists, k THE Sandy Crar BaptiH iautu in .ioH -si -MeadjMa kleetin, ; learned that Mark Andrews, Randolph Mabrv. Leonard Prather, and Eliaha Revet, tnr to preach the Cospel in the Rerilar BaptM ehurehet in thia State, darn it theirduty 'to pu Irah to thoee churche. and to their Ibrereain penewl, that aofaf Andrews, Mabry, .Prather and Ueveirife- exeommnnirftntsfrom churbe fanu. aeeted with their body.. , v81?-rj -t - Be order. NAT. 0. SMITH, CUrh State of XoTtVUttToWna. rrnidMFt eobtirr. '. .a rsOUA'TYjCottrt, Mm ivertJn . VU M'Doitell w. David Greenke-A -tachmrnt, levied' on land. ft-aprtonB to bc titisfiiction cf the court, m ,. David Greenlee, b an inhabitant of another government Therefore, ordered, that public fion be made In the - Western h'j -cetsirely, for tix'wcekt, notifyine the i de datit to appear at tlie term of uid cpurt to be tSS& SELmbe count,, ai the .eoswtjt i Atheville, on the firat kjoiKl.yta January. '.I 7 k aft A II aj ft 11 T ta. rt fk rarr Vrt t tab fkr d Tl rflK Ci at Bht nt ted, aa ''are Ladi Ike. IF 3Uc an Ml an Bite at Tiki ntac Coe cl Ba" C Clai 31 if 7ra Tar it Pla Cot Lm r Mu r 1 01 Cu 1 ru Wi Trii Bri lib Me I Ift Wi fc h D Ii "n Bi St M ...i II Pi C A A r ST xa c G ti t