i 4. x i A - i la daVs Cn '-y r Li ewfi- i 4" ii i to - ;!', f.i, l ud,ruirg !... . If the KfMi'Jvl fcl 'Uf t4.lttl rpc.f lfl ialb.ir.!f,J " f -fl t.lue-if ! ' f iht people, U mt'dttoi mt.mtnl 'rrKl merit 'JJ ht i" U oat tkcttan tho ' dUyt but Immediately Utf'' , b!,tf,.cr. rt aot CtoeuJIf fell, h is HUM li wm J... . if pr iMlptr. Tbey -lf3r Mr arW NUt they can W nriatr w a a f AAiViBa - ihflr pukuoi ueaaiogi. si -v..,m1 ort onrjdee,BtleeteBllthcm 19 tjodertteaJ and Judft for-them- kra thcY iff Ultra tfd ll B J by lb..., Hhf .h-chere rtrtaV. ,tcrii IflUltnrt from the Vi af 4 nmmiiMt at'Ui I 0'i cnapiMbsi n.nirttnrAt. r'l tri3f lalet, tati jwfWUiUf if t tame li tt !e I iht uJ eJ that commiMUfwt aney P poiMt d i iiu .he r H ,ut CbMVtMKf ! U mU mart fully ari,r lJr w Kf tommutkaiioti UkU eevj Ut ccr.pt- -rr-r v-.r- rv ii"fcrrrrr wht rri him - ; ... I I.i.m. ..JCm. IM MtM I"4 my fclnw ft ll 1 M IMtMgt U ...... tki...i mii l-f to4 , M ..rni r thi moral frclmi. Ul hi! ibt fxopU cootloot naittlwrmcd, our inooJ ArWUi mjr fnKl your Court of Law mij uttign wd jmnWh out your ctmfBH ill be filJ yur puoBuhmtat eihibitlofli, erring for moan pt to ff Sgkie ft or anim, ci dr tiul f U ooUiome, lit diirVU iofliKixt .l la mbiiuii of ihiogt.il cao not U ripecJtd, thai Borl worth, iJut Uirtlcctul t uinmrat, d pure principle! ihouUtavftlut weight and Inftjtoce that Uty ahWd ommAd. If of ire aol tht peotJe untqairot ally Uh thi mere lam of ptnm and prr . jidice I Jlavfl thX t'ic,,M " free agrocy, which ia the pride of the ntioaal, m U h j,ly the bwa of iht truly fncmaa? True, iodeed, it ii, . ,K rr -rrncT of the mere jwtal. it yrriered. but thai el the ... :. atKnllw Imt. Surtlr. then, it it time, that auch a conditioo of tblnga Iioa. Ile pr0VIoJ ior ruoin r un cation H a noljle feature which tda in n rtlef, in mot of our State Conttitatrofli. t fa ruot of the Statti too, LegiUtie eaactmenta bavr, in eontequroce, beea rnad, acattering throughout their limit! the invaluable treMurre of Education. Yet North-Carolina hat, io a great degree, been deprived i the advan tage! which might have followed from her own eonititutional f roviainn. - True, it i. we bare a Univerajty, juu r:..u- Ki. In whkh he "drtllaea aUgrthertUVah ftiegad to alidjlkUhe law! cooccrniag the d iU. of ait tutor! and adnaUiaWaiAra, for reaaAOtwhrtb-witt b iound la bit ur herewith fubaaitud. Karlr la Jane lat, Geoeg- E. UJ K rt. rffiroUtl to" iht Ktreitlt U migaaiioo aa ooe of the Judgf I of the Sapericf Ciru oi w ana fcju" iy. U conirqgcnce thereof, the Coue. cil of State wa convened, who tsaaii moualy aoViard that a lewoof try vn miiaioa ahoulJ U i;ra-tcd to Tbooaa Huffia, KJ. I with jro.i it rratt lo make the permanent appoietmrnt. From If. KoltMt, Eq. hi rtaigia. lion aa Civil Engineer f the S, for reaactii contaiord ia ht Inter here, with lubmitted. The reaignatioii of Jaiticraof trc Heart ami MilmaOiE. ccm, w ill be found in the ik mailed V. zll have bo dubt,. emitted mnv thi-g- that will raeriraod ocropy your attention during your present eeioo. Knowwir vour -ability lo aupplv any defideaev on vny part, f wWl no loo. ger tretpait on roar time and patienee. I am. tentlmeo, with the hit,hcit reaped and cooaidrrat'r-n, vrnr h. oieervani, - - ji. w. vh . Sfr. Pkmi med that the letter of re lf nation from H.mil'm Folion. aClrll EiTner,"leeomhanTrnf ihe ittmrf ,tre, be pnnttd. 4 enpi- u erl member. Whlcll rooilon wai dctMed la the MiratUe. Mr. alamo mored fore reerniijf ration .kJl U att!1 mora !e-4. aae U UrWra'ia,ica-fletw- rfa iiiMit peramoaat UUnataal oraiata.4, , , y - lltmtim raftwa, Kr. kaarealgMdal . T 0 U auaalfaMi of tnivioetr ta IM ata't. e ba! gtta lie kuer of rtJja In out Beat. The eprvblwotvai, br lh vv. ana Council, of Taornia Kettn. Hvj a pt rUe Cort J!ie, t ('to. L. DJtr. r.j reiced. hat Ua confirmed by the Uf failure. raa m winat f iifUf. The pattlut and natmn e! wha deckt tat rapid manh of blrroal lm pruttment lo aur Nmraae ItepuWk. AWmi ery anail briir a Intrlin t of ike etning of a K4 ar a fttvrr, an I K fan Id it of a fW, In aome one of tbe ivcBtf four conkirird a''et of Amerkan L'nlon. Ia f onte n.pladftf iM intf rtMiug autirett tb projreted N'a ikmtl Rm1.- from WiiMneion CUy. tarwiW Ibia pUt to Ne Orteana. and IK Cal ocroai Ibc Itibmu Tlpriit, afford u prullar pkaaure. 1 be la Impofj.at Jja, when aerompJitJ. 'ill be of imrn'ra Uantr lo the Uhru4 StateaV boiarlo-a mirja'7 anfl rommrrr lal pn!"1 r 1 ,filUft fmm (brkton, or Savannah, round f T4e, ttia motKTW tremkf xd rkrid, o Xw O'k-na, ia between a nd f 00 mile. The contrmrlaled C'n i!l not eaeerd 31 mi!e In IrnRih. t mi tha ohole. the diatance aed by the of the vote and that the reaction 'f ,n? ira'ek, from either , of thew placet lo ptIntrd.ooa topr for each Member. ThU) v w Orleina. ill be brlwren J and 600 mo'ton waa alto necaiiTC Mr. Swain presented lha fcnr.wJn( if to Imion, wticb oaa read and adopted br ih llonaei .'rtorrd by the Ctneral Am nf the State of North Carolina, That the appointing aome ot our moat dlatin guiahed citizen! to digrit and report to the prevent tesaion a pun of "Pn Wiry Schoola.". It aeema therefore unnecetejiT, further to draw yur at tention tr thit subject, at the Report . will nc Uoum bear the itamp oi the wel . knownandditingtiithecabilittc which have been enliattd- to prepare it. - A reolulio waa adrpted ba' tlii rjin eral Assemble of the State of Georgia, on - the 33d dr of Dorember l82Jprono- "Vlftif an -amendment to theCottaliliniot of, tha Untied Stale. Thit wat presented to our last General Aaaemblr by m? pre i1eretnr. Since that .period, resolutions FronT Ne w Jersev and " ir'Kinla;' ditap . proTlDK :arul.ffronv.MlasauH, apprQvj this amendment, have been received, and , are herewith submitted In addition, you will herewith receive Resolution from the stale of Ohio, pmposinu the (rrad. ua emancipation of tlavra und the Colo nlzutlonf ftee people of CoJoor. Tlieso . have. bftenHaapproved be the JcRiOalures of. Misntapipf and Mi-.aouri, and highly . approvtVhfhose of Indiana, Delaware, . Connect n utind IIHnoiaar win appear from their acermpanvWijr, reaoliitioos. of which are respectfully submitted with one passiog'femark t That although1 vre cannot but acknowledge, with feel. inei of lively gratitude, the overween i n 5 interest which the non.sla ve-hold " loir sta'tei have takeB in our intern-a police, yet we indulge the hope, that they will shortly learn and practise, what has familiarly beerr termed the tlcvtnth commandment' Let every one attend to hi! own concerns.1 And ioer. thattl our netgnoor nave a natu ral deformity, it is, at least, a breach of good manners, coatinually to re mtnd turn ot ms misiortane-ioar wisdom jl however 4ictelhcrconrae' ;pp4oepirs:UEOff Doder.a Jaw.passect'at the ( jast'ieK aion, Geo. Philip Urittain and David -Awainfiaspejajipjom missioners to carry into eflect a Con. trart nrevi'iuslvmade hV Benumin Ito- hinson, -Esq. 4nd Col. William Rob. ards. . The satisfactory manner . in which they have discharged their-duty, will evideutly appear by reference ti William RubarrK Commlttlonm on be half of the stair, with certain fhcroW Indiana, in the a'nl contract namr-d,1! be transferred from the Executive Office to the office of ihe Secrelarv of Sta't. witn-jtsBTi .ov. 83 Several. hl lotlnjja. took place for two Enrmninr tlerU; but at neither n( them hadanv f erion in nomination ji majority of Ibe voles. - ... Sir.. Sillier,' from thecommittee in- pointed lo prepare and report rulea of or der' for the government of ihe 'IIcuse, male a report,' which was concurred-in and ordered to be printed. . Tha follow in(- Standing Committees were "appointed" - - 0--Ciaw Meases.' ItfiflamVToor.i Martin, Hoover, Wehb, Smith of Anton, Whitakcr Morchlson, rpruill. Pull. Cox Miller, Aluon, ann, Llliaon and Toy. 0i inancr Messrs. Carson, Shrpard Williamson, Gray, Blount, Iredell, (Jam and Klliott and on the part of the Sen 8te,otMessrs. Pickett, liarfr,raw,hpri;ht Love, IltHsey, sneed, lul ' of r; rank fin and Bullock. On ' vfeWntrirrfw-Metsienra Green Smith tr uavidson; Scotf.Latharrl, Harffy H. Simmons, Ed. Williams, M'Nair, nearer, Wurrett, ,N. Jonea, Brnom m. Walton, Gorham, Joiner and El Itott. On Internal Imfmvemcnt-" Mtnn Wflsoii Barnttr. Donnoho,- Oaryr Picoit Tiiilrt. An ! beide Ihlt advantage, our htppinj: will be tbe belter protected apftirtt thoe enemies 01 munaino, m tiiraitt of the Vet India Seaa. . AVKeV we thus behold the enentlesof the ciiiiens of tho Umtea sutes jrener- t.i. tKe rs!l iM.wMf ttwt.:! lay ei.'a' if s:h.i r. JViy fV (Tl-f rf; -t ti i ir,t I rfiM"f mWi evrtl ikti deec's of ewnvevanca. -sad-rrleate '.mjjnv, HtrtH In veiiou ways, to belter VPPHt-tTiw-- T v.fi. ... ... rfn...VnV. T I ...(T.,. It Ibe nil. eoinillllUB-evaJ UUUlu.U 1H .ft tn tn.n l. . " , ,r r-i;---- - , . , . . . 7 -iirn auociT iht inn -uurai w-jinre ui enierc4 intobv l-rnumin Kobioaon ttut ! v k ' j i.t! . r. ww w pnirv ipwjt, v Vint;- hing better fronj ihei Legiilature, in re (ard lo internal improvements, than what we bare heretofore experienced. Wc Ire slrk of Ibst niftcardly policy which hat nernt Mirlinn nt nnr I .oi.tilnr. hiiherto. In every State, vnoeh depend ) be t'ltmltiCdalmpiy aftd onJy,berue upon the Uovernor thereof i whatever '." uu,7 ,11 ke pvU al MrrUlVi Wtovld ba at mhb Mjtta aat Mttfa, pir" ikblaHy as the iaiMr;y b'f Um aprWg attttfir.iy ard f 'y 04 af abu and Ibat all would i, (MUte U peace, fikiJJa sad btrmoof. Cat, t'tuj la all espeetaiU, sad I ti4, a-Jirty lo fid Ukh( akaa lh tknds J jxkK loond tkal alt laelr dtMj-lM Im wvjfJVj-4.f j fv ) n pi n at eKf ti i rf ItMeds af tat ar tw pvoeiwe4 ilt. Tbey ilia roenptain. And why lba le tha aattiery ibat I wlk ed. I cat acewwl tot at, tty bf sal hf that lb Mart M faaa 11 fltceblul ibov t all IbUea, aavt dsPeralf akked. -Tbty wU-e aaH time pW, Uldly detrled CHKCand caoeatdktaiatMV, have already begaa to Md a4 patrwrdae ciucaactituf tbe Mil resident. Ibe Laeitlfttaft af rseneaaea kive already patved a Uw,(W sock ll U, as Ut as ikatr authority a make U a law.) that Jackson matt ho oar oeit presldtai. Now I doot likt Ik at law, la talis will the JcksotiUas attempt l eicutpeta l hem selves by tatta ikal Nr. Clay Kad ait- bvoerabty. I am by no mesas, dlpwd la jutUfr bis cooduct. Put of IkU fcc ra- sfttr. Koe caa tber eicaa themselves, by yloj ihtl oor corriioo rvprvrita- ! vwiedrpntrery la Ike with af.rerhipa anovt of tbvV cotmltae ata. Now I eaav tMa fl. Pot admit h, ind what tbcaf Were they, Uxmd io vit at a majoellf t.f ih ttate-hd -voted f Tbt eoottho- linn rtpet not aey that tbey were. V the were, wfcv sate at all. The) ccm) ttrtiort directed that Ihey shoe Id vote ( the man whom tr ibonijhs bevt ejoai- ed, fuirbfaUy and a Ir, lo tHacbrt;a IM rfaiks of a rrtidenti Tbls tkey did. Ibe IndepeMleatly obeyed tba voice ol 0 coastiluiion, of h,le fowvcUvtcas end their rl. " f bis nd tblt oavly, were the v required lo do. With reraH io tba eonrJoet et ,r. CVy, 1 win only say,' tbaf bow tout and dltbofKHiruMe soever k may bave been, it wt not more so thin the rourse ptrtoed by mny of tboe who so violently oppov ed ibe re ekciion of soma of ibe repro senisiives. This remsrk is psrlkolarly nnlkkble to the counties composing the cortgresronat disirkia of wbkb Metsra. Loot;, Williams, and .Saondert, era lha representatives. TM latter, mdeedt bad no pjKslilon-only oeCautt bU ena- mie. alter hsiing suaicientiy appueo their finjrt to the pulsei nf the people, found lhat oppoiliton could not oo tue r anni time, nd in all. places a Ceitcale and kaaiutMia alalwaw .Aa Aa- gel from hravrn could not escape tbt malignant censures of tha Interested. But, to the honour of these rikiricts, be it Said, Ihey had firmness, virtue and paiii oiUm, auffnient to conirKe ihfinierea- led, that i heir publirk servanta were not ytwi f4 $ art Vr-f rhHk4, U cU4 y (.' f, I ltMaC. '. a M ! aw iWvwt k ja la r-'e tt f"s tU tf Ut tmt ioef eta a sa4 as tfwiva, ( m a 'pa ivm) Cm Ua kl be Imw1.. Ka, I. wmm prnA, W a4 a t;i'4 U ad4me ike ai i kt be stae a ! eab wb a ei1i4 4 eka af pwar ka..lU4 ike 'i ffwJ fai!e af.tM fc-Jft tt Yt!l.t iIim . : id lllalJ u iCj I V Ix fU 'ftkf, UawHi at atiewAiad tit be t ft U4 aa-bi Wm rrf tr, giae ade b appvM t v akl4 w'nk wmM aVaaVaf eWe af ka4 VH" " " be ke He4 aer e ley," bC ibU wtfvve af lM".k wae ge tWgV, wa a aaera $ iMiaa W aAw ' ga4 waa, bewew, tmmmii t srwae m Ike Weded.y sUkvwWff. A4 wa swrvakv, kt Ike Kew.Vavb pepert af tbe sky aftet Ilk af. te, a Card rrwa H. faaa laWaai ackawwt rffUg kk vWwMif rmr aad ak btvjHWM ellkaaa. . t Wa4ne!af rvIf. wfuf to a. siateat, Mr, fx, epfesvd at kae pbred swer4 skert Sra, witovt avur diararWeeei. fw. tUaat naweten, a rprwrUi;e hi Cm. pfH f'WeTal TwwFweJaTtf , 4 VM4 MC paysajstajtjkgJ Umi b Cwerwae ee that Ul, wkaw t-v.t, rttPa aiwttvtj d Iwraa abafl bave esakvd. kirk will ke aawaa tieae Ibe eaawkf yeeav ...Tba LaglsWiva Cotmcil and Hoosa of CepeeveBtatiret of Arkiaassasaamtded st the Suta Houaa In Litila Rock, pw Mo day Ika 3d af October. Na elect km af PrtsHent nf IN CewncH w.aeffetted until tba following ejay, when Jacob Barkman was cho4n, be bsvbg recclred 8 vote, and Mr. Walker votes. .la tba House of Reprtseatailvta alvo, tba election nf a apesker was iM deter mined until Iba second day, when Robert Bean was chosen by I vote! out of tbe t members present. At half pet 3 0 f lork Coverooe Iaanl entered the Hall, and hiving taken lbs spcaker'a tbilr, delivered a message. Burns, Wm. W.Jones, Mitt he w, Swain Me Ichor, M'Cauley, Bryan, Batemin Blount, A- Moore and Alford. On 'Privilege and 6rftanawMestrs Edmonson, Brower, Boon, Baker, Barn erdv-Boedenr Underwood,- -Howe Conrad, Durgan, Glasgow, Cooper, Til lett, Richardson, lu JL. Sim'moniiand Crawford. . .... ; Messrar Carson, Polkr WHljamson Dan !kS,!dm" PjiMShv Wright Ahe,! Bah lewPk1toi kunner,!:Wbltebd)rit,iephehs;aUd Mar tbail.-'-V s-'-:-- r-" On JiducalionMewi.' Herbert, Uo- thank, Lewi, Houze, Bozmin, Alren, BestTATIor7i7Gordon,TIiTl.BrwAs4fe John Walton, Edwards, M'Milfan and Uockery., On tho 30th Oct. the Ex President fohhtdamk cgropleted his Bidetieth year. meesnre bo may ba . favorably .dUpoted toward, moat . generally gains a prepon derating influence in its behalf.-. We are, therefore, very much gratified to perv eeive that Govs Burton, In bis ibmmx i. iho Legivlatwra, urgently presKS Opon iktm tha - attnilnn "iif tsrVi. ' ' T,-4mm I measures In "relation lo.tha Interestinp c".ion,10 hf,iere-'hrl- are' ror.cloirs nd Important-subject oi Internal Im- 04 na,nC 0un-'i. anu are, ttiiciore, prove ment. " " iiabvf,Dt2d,XS....,;'.A.M.S Tbt rretWent of tber U. 5. b an af3 ciil eaequainr, has reeotled Chrltiive Mavcr. Ear), at Consul General to tba U. &. from tbo kingdom of Wuxtcmbitrgiia reside at Baltimore. L . .Aad iba Pretklcnt has, in Cka manner. recognlied Joph A. , Wlntbrop, Eaj. a Vke-Contul from Sweden, lo tba ante of North end South Carolina, to reside it Tbe Lr ktnrw tf Ceortla h elected W-. I VJrrW, (t Ckrkhe) Jodp of tbe swrtbrra diutrkt ef tha etete, by a ajMijorityof ST vwtM weT wige liajt, (a TroaprttJ tbt prevavrt incimbent Tbe Clarkite keve a decided ms jority on a Joint batlot of both branckea efkn LrgivUture i mot of ibe prtftaHe efHeea in tic- rate, are elective by the LefiUtvr-and the rl..LU.. . . ... . .. iW!"! Baw " power m xtwrr , . '. haivla, appear determined to eierciee it to ther e the poluical 0n Mtn, , wB A for jearet. bJow-oer. j. . . .. .. ,, . ' . . I have no wish lo relive torm whkh I vope has I would Drcfer.that ihe mailer test inl silence, and sinkln'o oMitioh." But If r:f : rCttZTZZZZZZTZrizZ. IZ... . i ' " '" s anaiiv iiiv ia va vtntrrnur Troufi'a majority la 63a votes.: others are so fond of controreroyi if rAry will not let us remsin in peace, we will riot by one alienee, ajive the wnild oc-. , loa-ya vutui casauiit'. Grri W f GuilfirH J .Vr. 1 825. Ala. mitk i Among the political rii unw illiog to bo seen or beards. a. T- vt1hl boperJ thst the ilf hloo.1, tfi diip. pointroent and heart-ktirning of vhich the kte M Preaideirtkl QHetiionf waa tbe prolific wtirce, wetild be anflVred to enbtde, and alum. Governor Troup, on meetlnt the Lee Islattrre, after- hi re-ekttkm, vn accom panied by Mr. CrasrVrd, whose health i said lo bo much improved. Tho followrar iwotlemen1 have Verrr elected Director! of the Branch Bank o( the United States at Faretteville, for tbe ensuint; vear r Johit"Hoke. f President.) Hlitha t.ilm.n. Jntin Vt.til..-.. r..M put.nl. of N.C thsra bis lately occurred a proper .jo abould Crt,ef QwK9 M,NeU f a drcumsunce, which appear, to me "afW.omeere II. Hooper, Aaron Laa- verr.un-reountabla.- During tha-late uul" ce," we f. 10 oeia,"M,0,wa m so.rui ,n1 pcUr Browne, Esrttdrei. presidential contest-tha friend, of Gen. ""e a hope, u the above em.ion. from Jackwn propoaed to those of Ir. Adams, me unknown pen, rmmt unequivocally evinces. The Richmond Whig, h Jpeaking ef a united ticket In onnoMtlon tn ih earn Tbk.. writer baa -taken-the fieM at kavt ttro ' Iba election nf Jurlir, Whit m ih tT. cos ticket; Tha 'propoaal waa urged on J?"" :.oojen, if.be wkbesarre to eer the-) States ; Senate frorri Tennesseenn place : ie mayreat contented that ol Uen. Jackson, resigned, sayt "be wm the ground, that the great object of bolh lits with him i for he i parties was, or ought to be, to overthrow I we, for One, ahull not disturb hire in hi course the caucus Domination that, as tha Jack- nvinr, eUava, that he M krepa tbe track," and son party waa probably tha stronger ofjnjna-eceoKfjng to the rulea of tffe torf that tha two, tbey should all Unite In hie aup I -m common parUnce, to mm decoroua and re. )Ort;:crrrr vpeeOUt knfeS towaroa alt rwrwifie m or "out TJ' .1!. L' .1 .f A. -i-r-trrH P a.' o iui uioai vi mo aami rf.fruui ,.,:. M (MpaHi. k, r.litn party consented soma from principle, ,U f Jf be , hir t0 oibera by imposition. Consequentlv.l.L l.L. .t... t"l VtIV, IU IU ll UUI IWU f mUHlll . . .., . , ... . tickets. -.. I ... ....... - . Tt m.,. b rer1Wt. t. ih.t U. "a armcr-oecat.ae. aoidii warn s kidu di meamior neieccai m the rriehcla'arrraarnnt. and Ibn.a. . . .. Zrf. Cur, t.flih rUlrr,;nd. r Uri.nn u (rujrt)i.cir,roA'. . - -wv -w-tbw bmw wvwv vwvax- , avariaaa ..,.,. flam overture to tb: Adama party - pledged thcroeelves not "to be ereailv discontented, abould tha latter ba aleo By meant of this united ticket, fa plan conceived in sin, and brought forth in in iquity, tber hoped so to dupe the friends of -Adams as rtnallf-te-a ffectibaeconJ of Jackson. They succeeded in part ; but their ultimate object they did not an CQtnplish. ; ' t from the overture atjd pledge given the advocates of the Jackson cause. the friends, of 5r. -Adams had a right to On tbt iMRbi of the 4t h vltjr. Mr, Jyean, $be cJttrmted-l ncdianVmadavkM appearance on the board ef the New. York Park Theatre and hia proud. auMrciliou dcnortnient durina J hi former visit to the U. 8. JtwaarfeanKTbe would oejuuavoratny received by a portion ofi the American public. Thee feara, It'aeC'ms, NerA'ork boards. The bpuae wa crammed be a strong accession to Ihe Intellect of the Senate, probably already the most powerful deliberative body in the world. Could pur voice reach his ear," we. would whisper, into it an in treaty, Jodevoto bit' greiataleTrrsrtcrfiia country, instead of- the faction already laboring to distract its councils." t - The New York Gazette states, that from the English papers we learn that MfrBfooghirn hat aerioulTlntendornf 1 vidting America. If he should comalo this country, ha will no doubt be received and entertained with that cordlalifjr. and flTijhha entHei..': -" -AliftebruBof Irforw.hinTsnfeJ,. iT machine, by which one man can weava live nieces "of allk at the sime time- makjng a saving in labor of four hundred perJcent. 7'. " ' ' ;"'";v nave Dean, more than realized: never, in an American theatre, was there. euch aacene as on the night pf Mr. Kejms first appearncejrubel jjjehead of Charles X. is valued. at The crown of France, lately, placed on 740,000. stet ling L or about tbree'mllliort as full as it would hold f but it waiald.by three hnnrlred aad. thirty" tbeutand f tbe. papers, that the atldSeace.gow'de:4lMrs til . . ' " 1.....,, -avw.Wi,ft .,,.. 1 t tl r IT rn in rn in St! ro vq ba lb) -

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