If'"' l-v I "T W 1 V ." il it- r TUB MUSH la-ti Cm Wmii Imtf i!UM, Ml M Urn j g I tJy ' YM lt Ui , AS im 4-r I a7 A4 M m tf Uk ,TU or lUt mi Ulttfil lfi)04WffciM fir tt w4 s- I Mr -YMra4UetWmiJMr, Al pVw aTj m dy ar f I, CWUu k,J mi In, . LWf a) wtp m s4i if ttsusg tier ts tU M we write rrtiio. 0W, M ths JfiBtffl , fyf iPf Aa4 Sil! aarrra Ifla Im ej Al th end of the rtp of George If. mU comrUiot was mds by hot-brained Mtbr of Parliament of ibfioth ef Privilrr, the publ.es. tto la the lifia f some i.f ihi Kn enaJ la the House f Com. snoot, iHovjtH given wder feifwed earnes, Mr. Petham, CoterntorBl Waded of that day, qshed lha wwlao with the following obaervati. Let them eloor iild he !! they V1.; tef tpethta for trt ihA aruki for ourselves." - - ---- ' ' " ' - -t Kctrlf tl iH vonca of iki Crr diahtiruii no !. A rUtctmtU lr uy$, Iht tool of Ciptln Cntr. It, 'roog varoia of titty ftf of igf , itv cd hrmlf i ih Uklf g nf Ip i. tvr or 57-tsa Tbl IJnl tf IrtlinJ, la IJuL.a, love ri mert ihn an arrt an ! a fc!f J r f ounj. It li f-alU of I'dnlan J itmf , Ihtik of Lr;1ifJ ! toixio. It hi tT8d rortno, o CjUt Crte ef HJfttt. wt(h cJurorii of iHf loolc Of drr . TWt dooa, dfU 4 Ccta, art of mkhfutf thrrvurhout tHbok, anJ cnr OtatJ tcutd. , Tkt UiUdiaf Vat lUlaM fcu tmd, rmrm-tt rmm torn m"9 N NlMTCLLANCOl'S. aa ra uMtm aortiu. imi immi atrta. minion or jr mica. XVt havt rcceWcd accauntt of re cBtd!acmry io Croual Africa, which ill aooo b laid befort the puWic ia rrcatrr detail, bat of which the MJ ins cutHn It tuSclrntlTriirlout : Ma Of uupprnn ana uamaifi urnnam a thecovrteof their bit eirxdi loi in that auanrr flfihe world, arrived in the It la a njett worthy OF rrmart, tcrruory. and aubif ooemly rttided ht that k'de our couatry ht txra rt.lme wctki U the capital of a nation, Broached by forcigneri, etptclally by I whoat aaaanert aod hittory aeera litely at!it& wnun, lor iu want I . t0 occodt. to no trivial exteot. tb at la, tt c auUtocrity, lo the ac ani, uotloa ol the public of thit country j at wtU ai Li un ture, the bett palotm w mltht aafr br tar of the whole civil- lor ute uithtu ceotury. aa wen at (mi world. Tht Deople wat fouod t thoae of the tmeut dar, are Atseri be la a aute of high civilization j and, Weit tod Alttoo 4bore all the Brttith traveller! witoWt- aad Trumbull art faraUiar to oor ean, I f 4 review of teveo thoutand cavalrr. eye, fcc. to Cortith can alao, at men Jdividecf into regular regimeatt. and a!) who would cooler ltutreea any iiry Ljothed ia cowpUu araiour. SlrtW that gave them birth. The oame of und were the perfect htuberk mail of 4-eaiie we aauai ay aomeiaiog aooui I, he early Wormao knighui mOit JUeiiiei a young man, wno, lacietpitc ,traoee brfar of aU. one tbnutaod of the mitmblc trade of the hireling Nppored to perfect Hon Uio-TO ana niauaanenv. it annul io vccioir boui oi rrro umoro oimi 1.QXGKTITT. aew. t aooottoieoa i, aay tr.au The bat annual rbituiry of the Hot- mat wouw nave oeen ancnipurf to one Kli, ;.,nti m ,u. nr . dimood butweapeaiahugeoer. L. . nr . nf ,f. tu l . 'wp""0" ?' "rr7. Am?"- teen teven aovereignaon the throne of ' a n t wa I ""l"t aja aaiv a w uv vo native oi reoiyivaaia at weu aa tvett. (omaa armour. and had at humble a beginning. He - frit noticed ia contequr nee of hit tnaraewmuc drawtnn oi Uokr, tn UjI vanouj pirn, aanog ms urn tnr atrical'careeria Philadelphia. Let lie, uma. Goitivut Adolphua. He had been a tolditr Id the thirty yean war jit the battle of Pultown, In 1700, he waa 31 married hit third wife, with whom he lived 50 yean ; the two youngest aooa a m boy without Jrtnne4-atlhiLrtvu,.rr;aM m, fi ami rl m. time, without acuve. friends, attended rw a th j ear 1 r56 f the old- the Theatre, and io a abort time pro- ejt ef nj,otner ; lhe me rear, ;duced from recoUectien alone, hie- were gjand 93 reapectivelv. The en- Of net of the acton, to feature, exprea- ln fami,y of th5i?atr'igrth compritea aioti and cottume, ao eiact, that they ,Jff deiccndants wno ai lived togeth. ascontahed aU who beheld them ! Sn er -m ,he village of Pollarzka, which powerful waa the tmpreatioo made by the empr, fcith,rine the tecond, hit wonderful pencil that aome gentle- Moscd t0 b built for there, granting inen: wnoaenametwe aooot ieei our- . r ,v ,im fnBt;j(.,-hl. trrt . aclvea at liberty to mcrtion, arnt him . to lysglandj, which we acknowledge to be the Wtt acKooI, "tor two of its bright eat ornaments io painting are Ameri can;, and there the once obscure Lea lie it rapidly approaching to eminence Inthia aublime art. It will be supposed that these remarks ' were Intended id tntroducr theBorTce of om ffllow-cltizrn GiiDaci, and so they were. IJu: we do not mean to flatter hlftr, or tell the public what we do not ounelves believe. He posits ses, like Leslie, the power of producing a striking likeness in his portraits, and ' his handling and blending are worthy of great. encomium. Ihere is a pe- of rand for their lupp.ort. . : In the 163d Ijcar of hi age, thjsmoderrl Nettor was in the enjoyment cl tne. most ro butt health. ras m wkiriiDi eiaouiUf. Mr. While: 1 hae read the resigrTf lion of Gtnenl Anerew Jrkori at one of ihe Unire'd Sfiftet msrw-from'Ten-neuee ; ami I am well assured that the reasons which he has assigned for ao tfo- Mij must be deemed valid, and will meet the approbation and sa-non of evarv inmrruptlble . patriot in the American Union. I he more ' I reflect on the illustrious services of this truly great man, the more j anxious I ira, that be should receive that Is supplied with reservoirs of water, r enrlaet. ic. Iitoaulnsaa armo rs, wiih a Urt ttiadof arms, and the cExLttt aeJ clerks form corps of yeoosinrr, ready to rrptl aay ievatlva upon this grsai depository of -Iilth irealtH, , ' - " Tbe mous . of this bttltniioa . are priated withia the beak. A steam capaeof tljhl UtUfttrmi tloTfd la the pfeis. These notes art all aumberedby mKhlnery, and itb l precision ind rspidiry that could out bt well attained by mert msQUil dexurlry i Wis effected by boys, Tha border, round the notes is alto executed by aischiaeir, sad tbrif whole appear aace is highly acat aad naished. .V. E. CtUxy. Kcvr ftnd jraniflfcntflicme. l. n:l fT, 14 U f.Ur i V VL I I Mmnl t f)f as- it,! -H for EaVi . f tvi t is r r (.". i ill r: v-ifT. r-! '. h. ml I'mSiU aIf Tr H tM t ! Ml IM Ur sr. U U pt1 fAim $4 Ik tn,ia Bfiwl a PwJ ill Wa a4, U 4t wWf ti (U ratio a iVa pam4 o-l, artnf 4 ij Un rait at aor MaJ af the a4 SHaaVe im aujM'iMvwU tf l! C awMrra appuU4 af Im totaraoir a4 I U Tkfcaia taa IkAUn, a i air rim, DOLUUUt Tke Sit OaM Mat t"Tt UwrjUr, tM riae U 4 opUt4 la t)a M TTaJftUr, the l rrfcruar MK, tw t!. 100,000 '100,000 :" 1 1 t IS 10 30 100 100 100 10300 '30,000 20,000 10,000 I XX) 1,000 300 100 50 "SO 14 40 -30,000-- 20,000 10,000 , .3,000 1J.000 3,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 6,000 103,000 SJOVco 11280 PriZM. tf ry frtre subject t a oVdavrkMi nf VArtm f p tt- al patabl nsfy dart aTer thJ iraviaf. ews lor aatcn. w an I at imii i Or t.r. tU CAHII mbikajlit MOM LIT mih m 'xa af4 iwii!', in t4Sria( aai aiM. tr Waw, aat a '!, a a t!U4 fiM awl Iti4 k r4 . f.f, f 4fM at M M IM VwH (MMiUf-f tnM ia Ui friWr. m I aa df (ii.m4 la ft awe la im tt'T Mt t, " K. SX I aka wjwit a3 pmam U iare iw oVaaantk afwMl ma, fa rail at frlt tKt paf a4 Uaaae M a m. kf aa4 atawaat at aiMn'ai, JJ iim I Urf ay en."f i4 artflur t!f rfua."," " ti. M." MAARKiry fU'KirK. - "8 P LE S I) II ) XOTTKIl'iV TObatfrar lvriie Gr ef rtrv-Yeri, e tM 4 ef iaMarr. lA:L .M laiaW U Ire aiawira. 41 KiuaMf 4 kUBa'Se m drte a, aack ikkat Mif 3 Wt m najlUa J. B. TATM A. MlXttm;- fsivaervws AVw- fKt AaaW lMn tUy, I prize of B i oc ,000 It Sloo,ocr f do. 10WO 10KVs 1 do. fOXW 50000 t do. 10,100 l(M0O 2 do. 100 10 AW do. 1,100 10 AW 10 do--... 0 . .SOiXkl. 3 d. jfjno 71 do. 500 39AX) 461 do. 100 45400 4,46 do. 30 3J2JOO Sorrow, when, it it excessive, takes away fervour from piety, sym from ecthnf hralib from tie b Jv, lighf from the reatoo, aol iepos' lmthe coaicirnce. Hesifutmn ta the di vine Willis a noble ami needful lea- LTIIET ARC DKAWK Stsfea avjauw akMl aaMsa. asajl lai iWai jstfivaMi awkl Csrrkk, In the early part of his lifr, 4 .'.ilka pu rHafaWn4caaMaiiM af rfc4 : SSir ttSSS rOTWC men Spirit, aad dmted and Iccled raaniHiatM rketMM Kht ef the cart so well that a young lady of end with the tcrewnaiwr 5rrv ef either of iha ...v ..4 f...... fill rtL in ! Tt.rre rat fme KaaWrs traai Ike wWftl ef ore wiui r im. irr ir.. u., -... wi,A, Mppe that IWl 04 1 rat kra afTrml for (m rrar of iXa friaiwS It 10 vain to reason with her, twl Lrr J the Aril iit iwa'btr, Ihraw? tkkaf b tM (af LMtaav. edtanrwe aa Aaaarka. IW aaaiQ to see him perform Scrvhi the vtry contemptible appearancr he made in that part, wrought a perfect cure. Oil Prises, 9,139 lilanks. Lt kUa 3 h 0 fir. . . rtlCILPr TttltET5. 1 aia b im iMt BMra vWe rSai M raa vra iw-taa racaita. a rnvt viRccMrraxct. lia.wainiiia'lhM"' lif -v4 a-4 wi lMMwliNrMfM a Jnr a 1 TMtWfAfMkMiMVwTan, M?wii.anHf.iaii MIaM,aiJarMhHtl Mkl afh,MiMiMNMihaa. r -4 m Mi I f fM M I lam'iallM1WilMMMrt liWWIn(iiriiai) -1 MMilln'i"""IMa,Mi a mt M. ai ii ! mm au mt . kf TMi nwak,MMlKMnli XmikwMiMaiirarttf)Mi Lftrr trvlirr WTib tM f 1 iQ M aimMf of TWla. Aw!rika aabnntt Ar.i third bo a pro rf Tea Doflart-thee mppoaa iWps la a vamat, Ibat tWre a ill that Ka. J m rhe.wrst drm frwai tS not m a chalet kft, for vrati Ufcra rW iky wwrl, thrwanthetkkesaeatfiaffwlikii will btwl ( Im in? ir, a4 tW tM rHoa f Tic UanMmrtMaaariaaaf Tr UttBantath krtaUl MWtljr rias 163 aWUrt. aid in Ur Mmar aupMas that fte. 9961 M rJWlraM a tharafara rui. ia W thr third draas from the skril, than all tM earhr la tWir ipnfcralM. B mrdm aetMalto tickrta in Im adtm rndJef with fkr Ifora R, malit brfnr tUe rW, -01 be entitled t viO alao be catiilad la a prua of Tee DoQan tanpliH at tM rranat nra. - - . . cu. -I- KatcaciM Bank ti me LVSta'et atd in Tftia mode of Dr'mr will pmrnt tSa VJ ftrawlira. amL rratI!r. the Notat of ail lUnit Lottrrjr to be eoopld at a4 MrWr ami I iht par apecir, racehad at par. a Ticket drawbif a anprrw rua will ar A j Alia,' Mrrtantlla Dnf 1 at aljt, et) airr ef ftr krfe Ctiira, end fma Ticket rn4 bwrH n Mraset. rtttHftril frnm drawiar aa Iniariov owe alan. MU IUlrtt,Ui I Qmtmt, &?. JO Um, i I i-fK- 1.35 COHEN'S ' laMrra n4 lttUfr Oft, lit, .Varinfrrrt, MVbaMr Where li te State end other Lot- tr1s. were sold the inat Capital cf All Lrtten te U tx4 paid. , Tm Mail wr be reticd o at beier perfect'r mt foe aU remittance. YATES k UtSTTtK 10wt89 iraiMaffMi Citf. oibrw.3 oiiars, 9 o 0f.i0.W0 Dollar. 5 of I ionarHia t ,. r t c i.- L 1 anium aiu, ilia, no muuia rcrciic mm euliarsolta.inhisfiniahw his feminipe picturca, it very proper j but which ahould not be carried to the other sex in so great an extent. We would recommend too, a little atten tion tohis - drapery, 'a negligence of which is indeed, the fault of all young -r-parntersrfor theyido not generallyre- . " fleet "that a good portrait with a bad drapery is not much likcan "apple of gold set in a picture ol silver." Mr. Gardener is, we understand, a itlf iaught painter 1 . and. in. this sub lime art, self is, indeed, the only teach- er M tne tunqaroeniai requisites ro pro duce a master, Like Leslie he nns sesies wonderful qualifications j like " -' 'X;esltev he enrerffedfroirveompara ; . .v., v.i,.w.,..ii4.i...Yr"'re''tw''''''i'-v t- -tjve bscuntv,hkeXealie, .Jbtprpducea, Xact l'ienesses--iX - liei persevere in study, ancT like" Les lie he has the power of commanding the eulogies, of the rnasters of the pencil. As we proceed in oulr . remarks, , so many recollections of Leslie arise to our mind, completely consonant to the taleoti and situation of the artist we are noticing, that we shall, lot his en. ctr!ragemeiit, take arothcr opportunity earned in the services of his country. The garb of hypocrisy was never worn by this eminent man. Whether in the senate or the field of battle, he has always been found true to his cause, fearless of consequences. Ife wss not, in the late presidential . election, found bargaining for that divined office77The whole ten or of his public life has proved his integ ritv and patriotism. When thee traits of ehararter thine so luminous in the Hero of New Orleans, how mortifying it must be Jojhe majority or the American people, when they reflect on the minner in which he was caucusted out of the highest office within their gift. But the people have not despaired i the principles of pattiotjirt end gratitude have,notfthey; Wnnotrbe- wdiested from their bosomi Il ff impossible for them to-forsake the Saviour of. their JLountry... Alwiut -three years hence,- they will, in all possibility have another opportunity of giving their support to the man of their choice.-. codecs. An extensive sale of wool took place at Boston on the 9th intt. at which Saxony wool brought IS Cents to 190 ; and Merino. from 50 to 1 1 4 rents. at Mi,iiMie ! afln 'Mfrf-irwM arr, lr. uaa , 1 1 innMHMMfl. .. .. w . - . . s raea tvb uici iiTXtuaucsa. , FULXXL From a review of the different aub- a a stances worn next tne akin, it would appear tbat wool has greatly the advan tage over tha others. Flannel-by its gentle" stimulus cm the skin, has the V beneficial effect of lerninsr the pores in ajtatelhe most favourable tft pero ration. In flannel, 'the discharge' by perspiration proceeds uniformly ; but not so in linen, when soiled with the moisture of j the skin. 'I ne different eflVrts of flannel and linen are particu- arly perceptfcle during brisk exercise. Whcn the body is covered Vithihr former, itiougH perspiration beneces sarilyjocrcased, the peranired matter passes off thronch flannel into tne at mosphere or air, and the skin remains dry and warm. If the same exercise be taken in linen shirts, penpintion,'a 1 in the former case, is indeed also in creased ; but the perspired matter, in stead of being dispersed into the atmos- phere, remains upon the linen, and not only clogs the pores, but gives a disa greeable sensation. r"N0TICKr--'"-'--' . A It.lli UuU.. Tn -f f Urn im IV tW tV mmd eirhba4aaIl mt BIW. an MM rV (1 I r ia wru ntt.u p.L'Hl.l 1 ' .. . . vniarr 1 oi iwve iwara- i win nwi paper conianMur im propwaia. MB of 5.000 Pol?ar,- ItC kc fcC.AND hawoom of JlajTrartrwih1 llotel, in lU Wlimr. MOlir. rAPITAl.Q flArrit. They that eubacribe, will coMider iheta. tirpv tn l ilwrn-TllAk'T-ivvH"11' pfcJ(redloibaebB!era anajor." wrrivi. 1.' AMiivrt. I eotilDmenlm. tba ehuire c n'Ttrrn. nr in. Orders Irom any part of the United lee. A aoonat a auffictent iramber hal be States, either hy mall (post paid) or by wilrrnbed, public notiee wn be giren of a mee -prirate rom evince encloinir the Cash or ,in of th of atij ar- ruze Tickets in any of the Lotteries, will meet the s.ime prompt and punctual attention "M if on ersnhat ajipfiriilpn.- J. f. COHKX, Jr.knitOTHKH.'al'' rr. ,htfti aiOl be published ImmrtUetC' Ir aftrr tl-e- Jniwintri will -rewi'ala Hhe I rnmplr.tr r.hf of Prieet, and will be for- war:' ?-;' , to all who purchase their firk i CoAfiTa OTtr, and who ai;ni- fv tbrir v iit to refeie tde ttnic. Jtuifw.', Xirrmher II. Iff?!. 1t83 nMirementa. 80 Vnter CiftUlktvV Kstate. TO Ummi. fft Hi ' TmtttmMtm,wmrmmmrr a. a. m,mw, wii. - GEOLOGT OP QMTII.CJJtOLLJ. From a statement in the Raleigh Re gtsfef, It appeanthst Professor OtatsTBB has communicated some interesting facts discovered during a geological tour through the eastern par! of this State. Numerous banks of 'Oysters were found on the vicinity of Beaufort, atretching.se veral miles in length,' cfpable-of tn easy tonvertion into lime. - Numerous fossil remains particularly of the Mammoth, were- foimd in digging the Clubfoot and S' cjimvirs rourrr. '.'PKntOW JCmrX of Uv, Ml trrm, 1S2J: rathrioe 0oii)ao . Caleb OwMmani rtetition fordHwee. -It appeafing to tho ata- faetton nf the court, that the defendant ia not an inliabitant of ihi atate, OroVrerf, that publication be made for three pvntha in the Western Caro- linitn ami Catawba Jounat, notifying aaid d feDuant. that n 'e he appear at the next RAN away ft cm the mb-rriher, on the ltk inat. an indented appremice to the black mith'a trade, by the namo of AltVed Rex, rtf about 13 years. All pemm are fbrwarned Irwa truatira- laid aapreiHiee on anv icrount. aa I will not par uw WU otkU contracting. Fire cent reward will be riven for hit appreCeiuron", but' no eharreriaIU PKTF.K J. SWIN'K. fcf.xjt lira. - - attw - Slate VotVh-CiiToUna. MOMTOOMSBT COUXTT. . ' Ot'BT of Pleu and Quarter PeasionS, - C tobtr tetfOffTS 1823. Ne he mi ah Hrtnve I L. . -S . rr auperirr Court f Law to be held for the coon. ra 7TT 1 c"",'"' j r.v.,. ,1, r-airf Umi t rw.i.1 r"nrc" Pslmee. summoid trarniahatfc on the 6th.M.mdas after the 4th in March neat, r.. i " . p w ' v ZZ. 1 Sit ....tj: ' .t.... I wjhe Hentera Carolinwn foraix veeka, tni i...,J . -i, . . ..... A '. . I anleaa the def. wlant appear at t luapmefirnro Wern. will be taken aeW him on,r" 'T ? ..,r;i.;iH,.i,..'...rt. IenrroirteMfortheeniKorjlomirnier' and ,t bfiW evparte. L xh r-bl-Wf Price adr .tmH)9 Monday in Jamiarv next. renlevY or'plrt''. judgment will be entered ajraiiwt him fiir U amount of tlte puuntifl a nemamu. . - " CoikTiCTftmlVa Tools. . FOB aafeys tfi--Metr.i&.pmmh.LTlL Applr to AL11F.RT 1 OKKBN'CE, jr. felole ot XoTUi-CfAtoUnai flOritT of l'lea ami Quarter 8enon Air l ..m. !? . , U.IK.m Iltiwa.almr.f4. Vi in Aheville, on the firet Monday in January, J liam'Faires : tlrifrinitlattafhmeiit.returedlevi Hsrlow-rCattfeVarbusa-vluab I l . . .a i . i . tci !n i. "j ..t:!.! - f Jt'..t.": Mv.m MHnVn. that .unK,, -I llliai will vc VIHCTCU iki ivi.vi uif I. j nmni ill i "J.,.-." 'T. i . " I ' - TesvrJHN-.'-MUJa.ii,J.4f&e.ul-Jte.nJil0t Appear at ine ne'i conn r--- I nun IIIIWUBI .vrllt" i wi nini "'V 'eCirei'W at 'CTecttt 4 thinf Monday "in NovemHer nest, rfP.TTr" SUUe of XotlYx-CftToUaa. COUnXXimrtJuneJcrrfl,J825hrle, MLourll rt, t)aid"dreeftle i orijfwal air tachmrnt, levied on land. , It appearing to the Miif iclicn rf the court, that the defemlant. David f irrenlre, n an inhabitant of another rovernment : I hen-lore, ordered, that tMiblica. tion be nade in the "western CanriiiiianMie- eewrerr, for s weeka, notifyinir the Hefcn. dant to appear at the term of mid court to he hel.1 for rin.'icrirtibe eoint, at the court-honae hanks ofaheUtnarlirere dis.cpveredscat- eredthrouirhout. the alluvial countrr. Silicious limestone seems to be u. abun dance in the vicinity of Newbem and s scries of limestone rocks occupies the bed of Neuse river, in parallel nngea, running N. E..and S. W. and in corres pondence with the geological formations of other parts of the sate. 'l hese disco'v eries will, douhtleast give new.implse kulturai enterprise of toe !tate. teries.wiu, I io tie tgr rP HB 'mibwiber having qualified it CTecp' . JL tor of the Jarf will of Arcnnder lnr, late of Kowas county, UeQM. at the court of nieaa ana quarter -esMMjrnr inFraui imnni heKl on the third Monday fPNovember last. notice I hereby riven, that all person havinir demands against, the said estate, tre required to present them for payment, within the time pre scriliedby law JAMK5 1. 1.0(V fir'r.. . . I I .I....1 Ik. nl ntl I li propenv icvicu .on,-""" ", "'i r Ka heard ti parte and have -Judgment renders in hi Civor pro eonfeso..'.: ' Vu Price adr. ,54. 3mt89 , i T-irm ti.e yrar 1825, r ic at ine ' - . - fruit mym artan a. - .'JtKJia-' ftS'Wi.SMHKi, -ttamZ wr AM! -' mw.'M ' WW- ,.m.i,,.:"