i;-Vt while T ter fclwrvi. tor O-jetrrrr. ppooj ur nv.i ci the (V.U, and the earth rrtotvtt It her ptuI diilne is W ear unit arching AVhealeathfftb&fOttSer. Ifft, ttt int PreiUeMtfiht United Suits tnexniftcsd H Coo ff est tht ftlull of tht it stttaeraiiosj of tVt inhabitaott tf this U!(r be tafufnied Uf M ihil tht returns gtvt (K pleasing iuuf toco thai the ptKHililiOa of the I utrd Stat Ujfdrna o for millions af pertoes. At tW dUuMM of iMriy jeat from thtr tlmr. iH Ui rtii. alio, l ffers sibce tordud, pe. irfiltd pOWiJttlon bovdrf InfPpoo 10 SAiftioos.' Wrhepefef UthlrrtWr. f ku tocletr, the rapidity of the lacre af of population It lot oi unr. qujvocti' But lhc dcmosttritio of our . prosperity teste itof eloot upuo tblt-Udktiioe), Our commerce, our wealth, tad the extent of our territo ries, have Increased la corrrpood!n proportloai 1 and tht number of indr- P:dett communities associated U our edcral Union, hit since thai line. nearly doubled. Tht legislative rep- rcsentatioo of the States tad people, IQ the two Houses of Congress, has grown with the growth of ibc'ir consti tuent bodice. .Tht boust which then coosisted of 6J member s, now num. bert opwsrds of two hundred. 1 he Sottv whitk cooieed of tvcnir-ix members, hie tMH lOftr-eijjbt. iiut the-Ka, taJ etUl mot hw Jo 6xhry Departments, ere vet ia t threat measure confined' to their primitive erg anitatloo, tod art now not adrJ Citf f f VVeg 1 ih (If fm',1; of utters! Vi'ihif,iin tf.oJJ ! tt. lisle i permit Ml b!y 11 1 d . petite d ondf r St 1 an 1 that tht r,ij. fli'At he 19 dttlgntd ei t't (ontcmo. r(e the greet evtnsffr.il enilir jry n J v4ltcit life, fa rclnJifi Cm frrti of li'ierflu(io(i, n4 ihet the aoojmfBi conumpltd ht St rf ' roty the renftkt. iKm the vU It the Cepii'4 tre ttf(liiii ta core plctloo i Thwe the ceii of the fttn. dr deelcd tf the reeoUtiea re queued od oiiael t Thw 1 yoa. et4 kt bee rece Uf er etud t thu ctir.-ot thipef of t feewoo. ovr ihe reoiMM eaoiher dittia. futthed Pelf lot ef the Ituvolutioa Md thet 1 epot Kae beea rtterved Sihia the waJli ahfrt yon tre dcLWe ruiof fur the hrtSt tf thie tad future ft 1, k vbuh the eaortel rcmeitt he dcpoeiird of bin whoee spirit hor ere orf jrvaf and lietcat villi drligb to every act of the Itrprreeoutivea o htv Naiioo hWhtuodtoeiaI(aod adorn hie and th ir Country. The Coflttifiio9 under which ym are tetenibltd, li e charter of !iiu ed povtre i afirr fwU and aoleenn dclib eretioo upo au or any of the objetu, which, uredby ta irreiiitiblr teoee of my owndo'( I hf recommended to your atunttoo, ihould you come to the conclution. thet, however dcitrable 0 m in thrmetlret. ine enactment 01 lawi for efftctioc them wmdd trantceod the power computed to youb that venertbie inatrunvnt which wr arc all . . .1 . e . . 1 (1? w, iue lirrrrtisiiute Ae'MtM ffit f!lrtw.irt an U the '1'ftWe c-f iht rut cmiiuj (9 lit fi IN bra. tft tf our6nmi t'cri f". tf te icvtr!iihrnt! of wotli l;nn tj the whole, ar. J t4 whch ornhtr the u'twirify tor tU ttvwtti tf lay oee Sieie eanU tdcqtiitef f ' Fiafly,fUjwKiUmt,1 13 await with cheering hope, tod Tpih ful co operatlotf the reeuli of ytMjj eM.bere tione 1 tuored that, wiijvcrtcrttclu lo upo tht powire retrrfrd id the authoeiiiei of the rctpMivVSutrt, or weirhiat tipotyoorielvri. rWrCttty to the eocati coamUud u yea for the rommot r)M, Ael rniy Iff wbo eewchrt tht Letrti of, the chiUret of met oroeoer vour ciertlooi to ticure 1 - the UeMiop of peace, and promote the biheat welfere f nor country. JOHN QUI.CT AIJAJVB. autnoeiiiei or the rctpriirt'Sutrt to cht'Teoptr, ywi winjti ne of Vour oUiratMPt tojixn u try.,to4 of the hiS, rcipofieiliC it t W 1., h vm rie in 1U4 fmiftU 4M, A4y Ui4 tUt MrJi; tf Ainu t4iUrf4 H 4elletw 71 (N ttuf, fU k fcM. mm Vj tVe te r4 lM, WM M yMf wee k&4 If trwfitMiart(,wbiif Kitate of Dr. Clurlei Hanii. 1 C WWe Va. tir n frtr be ed We tm U4 U itiMbhM W X.J by bw. UmiUmi Uue. a UmAM Am lit m 4. eve rp 4 t- tAtf. . HiVV t)iiT. M'KrxrL f- b-re lev tbe ttvl, a mUI U rUre t a tr, aed tcter4 Ul M beity. tiUi bie Wmm fW4 eui I ' UMWWi ir.rn uvz a-k r cjmouva W1V -eW S.wtler aWr eW etoltv ftttbt ' fM an f nH ty nt v er 1 pe dm r.Mrr.R mm. t tal wta Um aW)r el prtiM t M Ike fret 1 f riMeee AJen (Jul Ve k4 JeUfwne4 apse) pi; Uf ue rteden witb H, M m eitre AiH. ae m eiUr We reip( ee e tU tt it U tjp. U pwmtntf ti (fmiMtiM, W, eflr ti n'Jifv'ee Ubr Uiwaf ti ir (. TW wtmgt fe a es Utl7 bn;, lUt mU ri W M lm ey tirr mwaxK ferwi, tlaa anaa Mire eWtl. 1b 'tmt'mg U (Kie trr feprj abJI , bW. rm, imtrftrc kb our rrfvlf yirUui-ej m TucfcUrBfUi bu lt'iH aertrjutbe tUt, lUt Tmitj fptr pju, 4rry , mrtia tl mm aMnr( i0) tiM twHfMie4T alio hraM, iKet ibie dej'i pirLp eW. W byt acitbrr dm aor wka re awki Otrthe axwirei but n bwrry abamv taeiyfai totiin trktili Iwtbry aac. vafcJl wJrrM est'ttf te tit mrtmr 1 a4. fnai fh raidrJ ukaiec (t r-rwkai, aur prctsiioiM we prrtt? titrair 1 Aarl we Met, la juaika, mj wa ere aacLappotaiael. 124 IUr mA i lit. u Lr nuiiii fy-W ait i turnr.u. jgmici'ltvmjil xocrrrr. Ttie ImirB AtrinibarU naty btU taair anmul mertinf o tkc M of Koffmbr, -Jt. la Sutrtmtle. TV tibibSttoti of Ji Stock, aad , lound to support j let nocooiidc ration induce youiotteume toe riercne ( utte lathe urjtflt winti of t ttill pwrrt not rranted to you by the Peo jrowig tomBiutUy, t pfr." Bat if ihe power to eierciee ei. The naval armameate which at anjciuetve legielation 10 til catca whto irlr prrtOil furred thrmirlvei upoo j ever over the Dlurictof Columbit j f ue nccraiia o inr union, toca tta inr power 10 iej anu coucci lett., uu to'thtf VMaLlkhm-a-lVri(atn4 tire, upaautod ciciir, to pay fhe of the JCtvy,.jit the Drpanmntts d?bte, wnd provide for the cotimon de. of Foreign Affaire, and of ih Interior, fence and fcnrralwclfire of fhe United which, early after the formation of the Stetce : if the power to regulate com covernmeot had been unitrd in one. merer with foreign oationt aid among continue to united tt - thie lime, to the "he aeveral Statei, and with the Indian unqueitionable detriment ofthe public Tribe to 6a the ttandird of weight! service; The multiplication of aor and menuree tn eitebliih poeto(Ece relatione with the nations and govern- and p?roidsj to declare war j to menta of the old world, has kept pace provide and nuioiain a Navv to die- with lkt of our population and com- pose of and make all needful rules and jserce, while within the last ten years regulations respecting the Territory nr l.I.Jc j. l 111 l- t la,r-ailHrtBtSmtr, A km aad rrepew iotercourae. eommerciUand poliiicaljrying' those powrfrtnTofcottTO wowU of itaelf furnish occof snot to an these, powrn t"d others enumerated J fl?f rot tnd r&m f 4mrie active and 'Induatrioat Department, in the Constitution may be effectually J -nutewre.- Tbis ir tbe ri etb3rtie tine -The constitution of the Judiciary, ex- brought into action by laws promoting. on;.. of tbe the $odeyl aad, tbe nerifflentalsndimperfectasUwas,evrn the improvement of AgriculturetIM.tttnM,WMl(m u tht inuacy of our existing govern. Commerce, and Manufactures, tne menu tt yet more inadequate to the cultivation and encouragement of the adminiatration of national justice at Mechanic and of the elegant Arts, the ounffctcot.. .maturity.. Nire years advancement of Literature, and Jie have elapsed since a prederesnor in progress of the Sciencce, oroameolal this office, oow not the last, the citizen and profound, to refrain from exercis- who-r perhaps, of all other ihryifjbyut log thera for the benefit of the.. People tbe animbi rfiowa wart very fin, U aUe aa4 the Uoioo, contributed tnoat to the hr- themselves, would be to hide in the condition, ptrtkrukrJf three eohi, etcb two matioo sod e-tahlishroent of our con- earth the talent committed, to our years oy tut tprmf. tbe oonvwttoe cMUodet ailtuttcnr, in hta valedirtory tddrtll to charge wonld ba treachery to . the -tosward tbe prembuaxto Joba tombHiuwii but Conereaa. immedi itely nrrcrdinc his most aacred of trusts. "a eonfe,.tbstlne ahoin by DeJ. " retirement from public lifei urgently 1 he spirit of improvement is abroad wu not muck Inferior.- To Cot Tbomu recommended tbe revision of the Ju- upon the earth. Itstimutatee the heart, pmn.i.wi, dieiarr, and the establi.hment of and aharpens the facultiee, noc of oaar i awoaatfc. old. roJoeepfcUeon.een.a an dtit:nI EWtire Drn.rtmrnl. f.lnwiiipna alon. but of the nationa P'""" award! for the bM cab eijbt The exigencies of. the piiblic service, of Europe, and of their ruleri. While -anoS he iuivr4(Lbic- deiiciendt, .n d welliog with pIeingaatisfac.ttoQ upon now in-Txercre, have added yearly the sopertor excellence of our political turoulative weight to the considers- institutions, let us Dot be unmindful tiont presented br him ae persuasive that Liberty is Power i that the oation to the measure i and in recommending blesaed with the largest portion of lib it to your deliberations, I am happy ertr, must, in proportion to its oum- to h,tve the influence of his high au-1 bers, be the most powerful nation upon lUl iaetMUM M U i.t Te i "T ? Pff?9 ka.r. D. ftrewaea, Wak fr Aar4 1 Imnk rU-l.M, baik HarT. I -r "r aw... l. BaMtk. . a. tWUea. J, mhw. k. b. mum f.. iLwlL kmi ItkiciL lm aea-M" Aunaem ' - . I li mm 4m m. S Mmlmik Ml. iM,imsM)f Kw ntr, eUeW ia tba af tlwe. W Hi. tb-irf4 tl mm CMwf-v A. t. K. trrn, llewry reur. y - eif irrtTr I v Haul aatlaw ml wam ia-M -" ' I til IV. II .y IflUllLkli I- . U . - lmm U ' " W01M It HartA. rl Ht. tA4 rmmnm I , . KTZ rrr rf LJ u .-II. . Oa TaWer. IW 1Mb ah. tr ' WtJ-w, -VT-,'' T T am I 1fl W. ttl mAT,mm la tkie ftWi. mm WrJilr mmnmpg ket,UM i yjo SixieVe IXXJ" a.tt-njtw II rotM Rnpa SO Canwm IW rtrmf rhh ea eawicttiM of Saefkeaa, S4 j-U,4rj mm la au. a mwpwe aewmaKai wnw warwae itai. elver mm awaev . ."m:vr arm. Ho TWW. -w. fj-i. tr etaal tJ tear, ate of the aMrtt aid mmmI mpacutw atmaaata af tke sowa af , la Iealeaa wMi, mm tke fc teyUaC, Mr. arwcw WkWa, eeJ abuirt ZS Jtmlt. rTVJtt pwbae are mr-KtfUlf infafWktd, Qtei X AW Arwt, Opck aad CoMwicaeed tba iWi bwaiarea. LiutLm mt Anar ta tiia DtaS miftt. Ml tfnrt. OmmtJi krf afl arden at tba Bar fPH E wbecrtbm wwtwi te F.9CT0MJCK W bie bgeiaeai wiB be rhenkrulrr rreeiftd, ! I eW COMMISSIOX MUSLVISS. tt e. with pkrvara aitfiMUa 10 aithewt debr. i, oa CdmMHWon-e wbaxt. ana wmwk a con. TW aibecribor hea for aW, aa eorUnet of tiaaeac uf tba Itbrnd eupfiOrt thty tue hcrw- ITa(-, Jtn-aVy. aad AAraf eonWetinr tufor bed froea tbrir eoMry Inend. TUT of arcond bend end pUia wher Weicbrs gvM wmt rrhf apoa thr trktet eitrntion end pwaC- aad fiH ard aad key, tnt gM eUre ad rulr to tbeir buwnrea. Moderate tmik adrea. mm. mLLJ biL raanM and nkbead ere wiB be eo oa ell eonwrwiaenU, on reeri. ecxae aiiicle of doraevtic wiaaaibrtiire, wea very . tkmm Mteal brye. Infer rievft, breeet-tHae, eib iof ReeeipU or bile of Lediaf for frodttca eaip- mewedca,tala-bWa,Ae. pJ to Ibw -aura-. . I - N ft. tWU WottWe. end TWoleeaa af or to our joaa w.ei.M.. ere especica to ..to lillT'efmniiiiMit varewwruiwam be ttnectcd to eiTord tn ctbiliitioo o intereH Inr and etteaeir ei it W boped and Heueeed will at B more edrsneed etefe af k etkeewce. A conmiMe, conMetint; of 8e iwnnbera, wm eppointed to award premium, agreeably to tba J refutation of (be eociety. And although all aiontbe aid. To Mr. Tbooue i. Allison, e premium ia awarded for tba ot Couaterpene, and a pieor of Kowwrpuw coiaad. tfotb. - There were eeTerml inteieetiaf SUUemaaU mde of the unprorement ia tba cuhum of oot too, by sundry retpectable aftemben of iSe Soci ety i ell of which vent conchuirely to tbow tba wperiority of mamtrrd Wnd, for die production tt tkat in.nAWt.nt iritfl.. A HiipnK p mt -tat thority, in aid of the undoubting con. earth i and that the tenure of power by f thtl .4r- Brnduei;oB . 10002.. victtooaofjny . own experience. man, ia, in the moral purpoaea of hit Mf ine Itwa rtiaung 10 me aaminia urraior, -upon conuuiuu n- -n M conclusion oftbe exhihition, the rode. ranted to keep tiaM. inr Kpooae eAad to truer, ax. o. . cw,mtit. 0tf JCotitt. THC'lubitrioer here formed a aepertaer. aliip ia buincM, andcr the Irm of A. TAT TERSON, k Co. C. T. HEARSKT. A. PATTEB30II. Ceww,Vv.7, ICi. Wht)ltfte Store. Cerner t V-l U ( imntSirtrm, Cfvw; A PATTr.RaoN h CO. oflrr for eale, a fea. o erel ad eiUave Aaeoruaeat of Keooa , We- DRY GOODS, -- Htrdwtre, Window, CUes Peinte, NeHs, Shoe a' Hele, I'mbrenaft, Co(Um aad Wool Carde Ac ht. Ae. Thie Eetiblifhmrnt heinr deeotod to a Duer nee exclueirery WHOLESALE, and hariflf ar. rancmenU for coneUnt euppbee, on the anoef adrantereoui terma, is orTered with confidence. worthy taaULioo and wotieeof Ui Mrph" jt ftUiUrx..J. C am PtWl Of aims imrnvr vwutiw; wnmn ewe rjL tj jHJS - m. . .... . t J. ! - I . ' connected wilB iiu place a a maraci w m produce. , Tailoring Uusviubs. I-urcnuen for ceen or epproreo paper .... Ufch ... be furni,hrd .tb e-wrtmrnU et eueb pncee ae J to do m as often ee nj wuj im reu 10 om hihwut. JVev. Slat. I8ZS. J()US KW81NS0N A CO. ' CAertiam, WX7,AJ. JmrS.t New LeatliiTf New Fasljlonsf EBE.NEZER UICKSONefUaWnderabiaija. feifned tbenle to thoM whfl her patron ised bin, end ben leee to inform the re and ell other emiorroed, that b baa juet received, Horn Phibdrlphte, a VftfJ Supply of Leather. end new Lam erxi TVree which will ena ble him. by his own futhful eitcntion to hia shop, ndthe tmphymrnt of the beet of Workmen be tide, to mtke ind mend errry dtecrlpUan of Aoor nml ftiiots,- -' ' of ei food auteriele, ia as futiibruble A JtJ, ' aad workmanlike manner, .at. any. in the L'nitrd . Slatr-i. ' II has received 4 npprr of firtt rat ' SU-Skint front which he w ill be able to mtkt moat Miperb lifht Rooie and Punpt for fenUe meo. 11 reepectfull); eeks AVw ChUmmrrt It Ky Urn, Jtd Old ear tt trie It Ay mm. Call at the eijre of the tig BOOT, oppoeite Mr. Sleiifhtcr'e haute of entertainment, MeJ BT 4ti9t traiioo of the Putent Office are deaerv- be exercised to ends of beneficence, to ir went int0 tn election for officers. The for. log of much consideration, "and, per- improve the condition of himself and haps, susceptible of some improve- his fellow-men. While foreign nations, merit 'The rrant of power to reroute J ltsa blessed with tat treeaom wnicn the action of Congress on this subject, nas specified both thr end to be attain edrond-the mean by-rhicH it-it-to be etlrcted t lo romrHehTpi gresa of science and. useful arts by se curing for limited times to authors and ioventort .the exclusive right to their respective vritirtps and discoveries. If tu honest pride might be indulged in tbrirfletti that onthe recorda of iiatbfEce.artj already found inventions he sefiilnes rf.; which!" bat fcarcely; eeo' ; tranaceoded in the anftals 'of tumao ingenuity ,-woukl oot itexul a'iaoIavjcdSby 'nether the laws have 'effectively in to- the-, inventor, the .reward- is power, thao ourselves, are advan cing with gigantic stridctin the career 4of-public-improvement, were Jteto slumber-itrrindoiencefitloipur lestiiiedjlo them by the Constitution, ven a limited term of exclusive right their discoveries ?' On the 24th of December, 1 799, it 'as resolved by Congress that a mar tf rnqnumea't should be erectrd-hy the Waited Statca in. the Capitol, at the arms and' proclaim to the world that a a s ria we are palsied ny tne win 01. our con stituenta, would it not be to cast away the bounties of Providence, and doom ourselves to perpetual inferiority f -In the course of the year now drawing to its close, we have beheld, under the . , ' ... -r ausDices. and at tne expense. ofroc State of this Union, a new Univcraity unftild'inor ita oortals to the sons .of human imnrovement to eves that seek r- . - . 1;hrtiftti:.WeT: haveeir'tiMeihje persevering and enughteneel enterprise of another State, the watere of our western Lakes mingled with those of the ocean. I undertakings like these have been accomplished in the compass of a few vears. bv the authority of ain-i gle member of our Confederation, j tner President having declined a reflection, the Rer. John Muthat wu elected President of the eociety for the ensuing year. ' AD the other far mer offi rer were re-elected. "The "tociety wet adjourned, to meet again on tbe let MoacVy in January, 1826; at Btateryille. A: 1 8 A WlUSrzJf! We stated, in our but, tbe fad of Meier. Bell k Lawrence, editors of the Italelgh Star, baring been elected Printer to the state for tha enni. ing year, oyer Mewrs. J, Galea A , So 1 60m the Raleigh Star, we ascertain the following to bare been the rot on eaid election r,- Bell k Lawrence, 104 , tkeV. Van Kessof Irettnont; declines t're- election j and there appear conildersble diflS- culty In getting a tuliailt person hi the stale, who- Witt eoneent W em a -CorVa. ,ef. weeesaor. Thia i tb first time, we belie, that the office of Gor. of eny of the elates in the Union, had to gt a btjging for an incumbent. . mm' I The keel of a new 74. gun-ehip, was laid down, a few days sinc at the navy.jard in Washington City. , rhanr Ukes piece, drafts of the lati et fadiioos from Philadelphia, ilhjWratrd with nmtltrmatieal DlftBOlUVlOn. of Grntlemen and Udiee in full drcee. With TlfF. copertnerahip heretofore eiistins; under edvenHfee, and hi tedy Mtentlon ia I bo . tbe firm of V esley Reynolde A Co. ia this ; b" of bueinete, be hope to plea, and day dieeolved. by mutual eonent. J continues to aoac tn patroneMor tba pub. KOBE HI' HAMILTON. be, JACOlt RIBF.I.tk WESLEY REYNOLDS. Urinptn, Jr. C. 25A A . 825. 3in9. 2TOTZOS. . m a . . S tA I Tne MitHcntier having purcnateu xne wn?r fStKru of th,Ca.thA or vrestey-tteynowti a .---I tf, A Co. return, hi. tinoere th.nk.to the pMbhc if) ,own of oT,.;, m in rrnrriL mr dim '"ms wru " a- " .t . . 1 ..:it- ta 1 frrrm ttTrrhit he will p ft rerulaf wpw-(- ..L .1. r:ii- i--- - tl m m n . ... . e . I taiK auu iw wourv-is nc uc(ua tarn w; awl wtrxn n near ihe eart xortmr-VTiarirMIc SUteniile. WESLBY REYNOLDS. "T- " , i;, ' .."V. " r fj otwomw, ur.. month crelit will be riven on ad purebsee interest In fhe tare firm V 11- k ai-.0 Q1.nn unrter one hundred dollars 1 ana twelve months VeVf lsOOt ftntl 0t OUOp. fortl purehes above, that amount. Purcha- . rTIHE eohwriber reepectfully informs lm tcrs muet give bond and approved security. . ' JL. friende, and au outers that he na taicen AIlsAMJM K.H MORTON, '. the ehop formerly occupied by Mr. Peter Kridrr, MICIIA EI. KICK ART, on Main Street, a ft w.doora north of Uie Court. W ESTI.RV REYNOLDS, noiiaa. Whefe be hai onened e Shop for the ROBERT U'ORKE. linanumcfttltertr-jiCWrS'.'il v..tJ(MM U-ATLACUlltJ all kindl. ' Ilanng juiit reenveo a new oioc w September zo, vmmititnrrt. . thebeH PhneSe1pWiA;and alth necei: t ' '" ,T '"' " . . . eery Trimmiacv be eeawamBted i. aa5iritc Aalten . ll1.4VUal rf"""1 i .1 '" . V it 1 a 1 - J ilS a S -1" T . the pubhctiiat he wm oe, aoie 10 00 au sjuue yt 1 ri IQ the jul of Cebarrut county, on the 26th work in hi line of bueine, in tbe most ub-j X Jnet. a nefro man. who eatli his nsme staotial -tMROf r,- and lr-lb moil, spprorea i4r)at.nd.4ays. hfe .ht lonrs to Samuel Uaon, fashion of the day. All order sorworit'thbaH.AnwTO Wiappears' tS btf from the neiifhborhood, or from i distance, shitll J MU. 20 vt-aA ufj:Llaxk. uin.filccfed. s aear on " . - I S a - -1 v be executed on the slmrtcst notice, ano,nn very J ill riclit arm, and one on hi' foreheal i about liberal terms. The, public are invited to pve 5 fCet 10 inehcr high. Ihfowner it renuetied his new ahop a foir trial. HEN RT S Mil II. t0 com forward, prove property, pay charge, Si.htbufij,J'v..t,M2i. " 3mt94 and U.ke him away. N. B. Reasonable credit ttiB b extejidud 1 WILLIAM O. MA HAN. J.iihr. b r. sponsibk cWRinipiw. J Ctnctnt, X. Wh, 1821

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