to lUre. t-. aAw r Wit to Im4. m liM-lf. U 21 it f i.' Aft-'w l.rnf lufturscr,. j l"3 a4 t ! i J I '.. t ... ? - t . - 'i I u-1 f.Jt.-.. V r 5 I, , ..... if. ... I . la-aa, U4 b4 ti ! l4HlwtMWlki ., IU4 IW .Uia.U4 kv l rM jl-a.) to . . vm . aU Wrawe I evUai--a. AMI to WtWt. !. ito WOslaa M awr Mil wrl e . J rw MM,if to toil M ito Kf af af Ito wt44ti k iUrr. M tto Mm. aW to rtWwr ait, ttoa a4 ltoe to rr-Wv l rWL a )rMl a Jl to tafertd at4. WtodH tktUf Vwl .. ... , Tt on cjij't.m. ftta4r.teiUa, " imUi ' Cl'H.r af j4a l trafur arasinasa, fvfator MaiMTlfU, JJwtlli njwaaaa. -Jatave trr a4 Jala ttoetkU aricMMj ftl bctoMt. Wvbal wi Ui4 L- R f ff y y .nUUtMM It rtW, tl U Itof Haw tfto ito covH, 1U1 p)Jrfitii to it Mrtl Ml Ito Wrrf CalxM M. p'tauJ U bUW;, iW tto MWUt m ito Mtt wwtt Wm 4 nw m m la to tokl M Ito cMif tf Bm A Ito twttoMH lAfirfwry.Mito tiMff I frtfwy Mtt, lto aJ Itorv U Hpii ! frifl " llrl to iMm4 kco4- Uf W Ito tWaiifi'l d4KfcL tmii j."o. cilm. cr. IOL yr f dim uJ uiKM lr:aM. Kit. j tUf . ini. r.KMtoik ia uctota. wia m bM, .. n ( to Ito wrUMi V ito ew, itoi ito lritX vf m4 UULUmU e I Km ti, k ' itort . fart anlrftl to Ito COMrt, I tot fttMkaliav to MM HI M(tOTrly 11 tto BWfl t jtoii, rMwUUtoftUWy.tUHtotUbad m tppttt l (to ft it eovrt of otoaa mm! mt Uf fjrtJMM to to tokl tor ito mni m la ftl tto mritowM la RAlUtorjr, ito liWl Modjr la rbrmry miV (toa Itora to riWrjkd frlml, or ylpmM H to eaicml Tnli JKU. GilX, C. rietvJ.lva4ek... 6l9J CeaEaVw JamrtDatH aJ Ma ntU o.iril u Uchavi-f.'Ubd aakad, lr ft tpprr to ltoaiUf-cialtoaH.lhalltolrfra.W in aot MJiaaualj a Ko ii u ihraV onUrad by Ito aoart. itoi publ to aa ail vaato aMaraaTcb ia ito UT-jm. CmI. aitamtoaacoraamJyklto Waaiara CaroU. A prlnTi d Is Saliibarj, ttul tto drfrndantr ip. par at aur aril coart of plrw tnd rju ricr trs. aton fa nrhl Ibr toe county of Hrain t iha caurl ftmtaa ia BafHtory, aa tto ikird laoaiiay la February aeil, ttoa a I itora lo rrplerr and pit .!, or Jtfciiacol aill to eatred accent in'f lo ito pUinUff "i tiemaml. Teati ISO. CILXS, m. Priea adr. twa doh. 6m91 Stmit AVtA'araAaa, Vwaa tnuttf 1 COURT af pWa aad quarUf araMooa. No-matorar-aioaami. Daaial ItarTer.aaVr. . Ilaary llcUVr, aad altoni prtitioa lo atl 11 1111 n Ji.j m.ifw Mannr ta tto aaliafaation of tto court, tkat ilcnry U titer, om of Ito defcadaata; ia aal aa iobaluUiit Of tbt atata, it U ttorefora ordrrrd, that BubBcatioa to anaiW ia Ito Wratrm Cara- JinUAt pnaira m sauoiry, HicccaaiTrgr uruu next court ttot Ito oXendanl apprar at our mi eoaft uf pwaa and quart rr aexiont to to told fur tto county of Roa-an, at the court-bou in SaTiabury, on tto third Monday in February next, then and thera lo he eaute, if any ha hat, vhr the bmd aforramki ahould not to aoM or the petition tin to taken pro confeavo, and beard eiparte aa la bira. Teal JNO. CILF.fl, en. - Price aof-S3 IS ..... 0al97 WWaar W VrA-Car ti fltwmn. in tig t COURT of plea and quarter aeIon, So amber sraaiona, 1(C5. Chriatiaii C. Bri'a t. Tboma Gardner and others. Scifa : lo aeli real ertate of John Gardner dee'd. It appear, ina to lha at'iafaction of tto court, that Henry Ituaatl and trrfa two of tha defendanta in thii caae. ara aot inhabitant of thia ttate. it ia there fore ordered that publication be roada for ait wtoMcaaUely ia the, Weatern Carolinian, pnnlad in BaJjabury, that tue derrnuantt an pear at the net! court of pleae aad quarter act. . . a a a a .a 0 m ... tona ta ba aehi lor ma couuiy 01 ttowaa at me eoortJiouae in Saliabury, on tha third Monday in February next, then and there to ahew cauae if aov they have, why the reaj estate aforesaid ahotikl not be aol.l or judgment will to enur ed fur the plaintiff aocordine; to scire facia. Tet . JNO. GILES, Or. Price adv. i. 6it93 Utatt .Vrf h Cantina, Mwa rany COUIt T of pleat and quarter serious, Novem ber arss'iona, 1825. John C. Blum v. Thomas Gardner and others. Scifa: to sell real ratate of John Gardnerdee. It appearine; to the aatL-faction of the court, that Henry Kusscl and wife two of the defendanta in thia caae. are not inhabitants of thia state, it ia therefore order. ed thsTpifbtlcation be made for six aeeka suc cessively in the Wes em CaoKiian, printed in iJsUjryhadll.n. appear ourt of pleat and quarter aawmalo be held TW.. the eounU Row?, at the court-hou-e in B.IiaW bury, on the third Monday in February next, then and there to anew cauae if any they nave, why the real estate aforefaid should not be aoM or judgment will be entered for the plaintiff according lo scire facias. Teats JNO. GILES, C. ' Price adv. g2. fiwtW . StafXrth-CaroUiui,krKancuntyi CWkT. of pleal "and .quarter searfcMis, ti& ember eeaMous-toVaV Robert- Horn Thomas Gardaer and others. -Scifa : to sell real euate of John Gardner, disc. It appearing to the atifactioa-f 4he court, that' Henry RusseJ and wife two of the defendants in thia caae, are rtrHnb&iito tbeteloM Mr, dered that publication' ba made for six weeks - successively in the Weatern Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendants appear at the next court of pleaa and quarter sessions to be - held for the countv.of Rowan at the. court-house in Salisbury, on the third Monday in February next, then and thej tp shew caue if any they have, whv the real estate aforesaid should not e aold or luu&rment will be entered for the plaintiff according to scire facias. Teat: JiVO. GILES, Ok, Plies adv., 6wt93 ' lUtti JnfTrivj H Co. iMf to x .mJ,1 4 '; i!U4. m W tV l V mm NT r', 4 M to toM f W, W 4 J iXM AWri, -4 iett.i ALLEMOod, t f Al tori M inWiti-f 11 fimto frtm t,ULkl. Hff lkW tto Whw w wU... 4JtrftMi 8LTi tUfacf Kttti Ur m cixuikioi i Stod k LtSuf't U fUtn rfo. of crrWrt Blnjto bUMfi Moaiu a tiers LipntM m Utnc BcuiU mi triwtt Tom cootnKin Ukkmortea luoKfl Inrr I hwh w r"' " r Nlw4 m eooircu Kfd oa i TfWMoo ft port landlord irotnt ) linrlMMtit U Ioof oo Mir Ij of lie tbd cirrkf I SiirkU't rporit pleat U enuiir t Arcabot! praciK o in tlafttiir: in criminal p)tdjr i Phillip's avideoct Hoflm.n'i praclict J BtackUMaiCkiiif'tcrirBlntlliw) Maort'i UkS i Stophcrtf'a touch ivpnt J SaikcM'i rtperti Caopar'a JytiinUn Rojxr on legtcici Suptont on bUidlof . . mtoifitt. TKomt' rforeuc roadkina: Arm strong on later; Hunter on lha blood t oaUad. I, JarW .. .to , L' ,7'WPJ, cocro; Atnil on cer 1 noma I Daclica 1 Inr nn the rhnf t ( Minr'i .urttrr j Ricbtr (Tl phrtioloxf 1 Hocptr! jU ' ' . ..?: it . V. . . dictionary 1 pharmacopiicdha U.Sttei j 1 niuip tnijuirf i jvcuiim on if pvun i ilemilloDon purt;atiTei ; Brll'i anatomy j BlKkall 00 diopslet i PiHt pharm icopia 1 If all on di aortic ra ; American ditpentatd- ry ( Saundart ou the ere ; do. on the ear j uell on voumlt 1 Etiay on yellow fever ; Havihip on rectum: Duncan on consump tion 1 Parmcl on leethi BeirrdUcc(ko Accua on vegetable polwnt. Uuek theoloKleJ dictionary ; Cooper'l aw evangelist j Druwn'i bible dictionary I Edward's on affection ; Fordycc'a aer- mona i Oeirrey't addrettrt Proudfit'sji. gn,bury. ttot the.dfeixlanu appear st tto work 11 oiini s re n j nto sna poRrrs 1 bible J Christian morals J W hlts'i rtmainn Enkin't sermuns ; marrow of the church ; wu.hj , uvnvn .... , Crown's. cateebitm - Party " theoloff Doddrio on regeneration r Jer1ii dero-j . k pl.ll A.I.I . HnlnKTa it. lion Baxter s call ; Duck s works, thai- aw a til t l men e rmont urown oivinuy ; uuir a sermooiriospbut-vorksrniblerie4..vy teajber aesana 1KJ, James Cornell ti. lament ; Watt'a hymn ; prayer books, Ini Tarious other workl. ."" ' , V .. V. . Butlf ri Hudlbrat ; Ely's aynopsit j Carpenter4! guide ; Kennct's antiquities ; art! of war ; ela.tksl dictionary : L,ibonS surveying : Milton's works s mtrriaee ce-; .... eWVnaw'aawmomwLbamer'scrfk4r to tJ Alonday in February political economy ; Urat' dictionary ;Oi-j natt then od thara to atow cauae if any they sian'a poems Scott's infantry 1 Reids,! bave, whv tha real eale aforesaid should not be wotks 1 Sterns's works; Hume's e&-y t :d jiidgnievit wdl to entered for tto plain- H!l.m. mlddl. acr. , Hntn'. F.nal.nd , i .......... r ....... . , recollcctioni of the Peninsula Gillie's Greece Say't political economy; Rollin's sncient history Lacon ; Ovid's meta '. , . . c ;,k4 .,k r ., bmith's wea th of nation. ; Thompson's seasons Hall4, communion ; Federalist ; Junius' letters ; Negotiations between Spain and the United States; r'r n alar , life f Cawnmr , C am. . T.,". T f ."- " r- per's works t PindsHs workt; aiews military oicuontry curopt f 'nmi-reti of Ai la-Chanelle. military - dictionary r Europe -after- the Contrreitof Aix Ia-Chapelle ,WHment of . . "itrrrx vj:.kV ?S school books,, large vineiy of i other books 1 the late novel, kc all or which he offer at the Philadelphia retail prices. A discount will ba made to library companiea, 8ic. EZIU ALLEMOoG, Has also on hand, a general assortment of all kind of Oa,' selected with care, aad bid ia at once that will enable him to sell very low, mi customers and the public in general are invited to call, examinf and judge for themselves. y-raafirr, t.Vs.. Icy 1 8 State Strih-CatvliiuiltCabarnit ctuhig " OUPERIOK Court ct Law, -Fall term, O Catharine Goodman v. Caleb Goodman; petition for divorce. " It appearing to the tatit- ,ctinn pi, thteoui thatrtto deleiHwntia not an inhabitant ,of this ttatel OrJereil that pubircatidh be made for three months in the Western Caro linian and Catawba Journal, notifying said de fendant, that unless he appear at; the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the coun ty of Cabarrus, at the Court House in Concord, on the 6th Monday after the 4th in March next, and plead, answer, or demur to.said oetition. judgment pro copfeteo will be taken against him and it will be heard cxparte. ' JAS: C. SPEARS, WW Price . - 3mt9 per a worn. rK.r. -urn., . Louisiana Italy by lady Morgan ; France heUl for Buncombe county, at the court-house by do. United Ststes snd Great Britain ;,in Asheville, on the first Monday in January, .At VuUVc Halt, A VULST UATK FAIISf. a:il 0tof UmM, 4 Itotfar 'fnct of Iuid tm ttoirlii ftoJU&M M tto CftUwto Om IhttunJ nJ SlxtuLf Act, ito vWrtof U riimiftiif W Tt JI to kin ik dr V ffe, 0 m fCriii to ito'totocrttor, to U Mm Birf to. lf4V mmAf. k ). WOAX V--rU IWJ. aial r Uoufte to xA, t pit AW. W U U tto tot of UUmty, JL Wy MAM f Mr. Uwtt UkU. ur u Hal A pot. a iliify. la . II mill ALfKJi MACAT. .V 14, "id. NEW 8T0RK. r.KonuK r. BROWN, UUriCtrX LLX Infer U M, ftd ' to ftvito la rvavitl Itot to b ra cif, from Ka lart awl ftukkkltiiat a j ctoaca tod toaJmit aoaMj af )r (ioodi, . Hani ware, jc ijc akk to WJa arlfinf ftl a jmH prvH. fOM cum avir. frrwaa vhlir la pttrrtoaa, a'Jl plra caQ, tvl. aa4 Mf lor thtmmm .. im' o AWrMVaAaa. ATwaa rW pOt IT Of Ptoa M War araaa Ka. ''Iton of Uecn that tto aada -A an'urt of tbk ne, it ia Itorefora onUml Tto Nwarai taa arat w.u aa annaa 17 iky tto aoart aA BJJkaiJoa to avaJa flttFAOein a im nmm vwunwa), P64 h ''"y. ebfanilaal apoaar l ar Mtt CouT af plea aad ntaTer atMXM to to toll fur Itoroanty af Raaaa al tto caru house ia Pali. bur), on The third towdar In Feb ruary next, ttoa and 'tore to replevy and plead, a judfiiteat ail) to entered according la the pLioufl ' denand. Testf JKO. CILFJ, cK. Prica adv. g.'. 6wt94 ttOlr af pVaa and cmartrr seassnns Ko- ; veaator aaaaiona IH2J. Tboata Craaneld m. Ilxrtna Gardner and othrra. toifai toaarl rial aatata of Jobs Ganlaar 1 dec It appearing nr?, that Henrr Rtia - - - - 1 to tto aatHfsctioa of the ennrt, -Baaaaaaaaf.aaaSaa mmm - mmmmm"m' - ara aat IntohluaM af VJe stale. It ta iharvTore antrrra tnat panocauo. m man sue al week aucceaaisely ia tto Wealerm Caroliniaa printed 'next aoortor pieoasM quarur aeaatona. to be " - .Jl7, nail, ttoa and there to atow caua if aay they K... ..k. ik. I ..1- - -J .1 I.I toi.1 or io.lgf.ent wOI to entered accord- ing-totcita facia. . 6194 . Test 1 JNO. GILES, r. Stale AarlA-CF.-a, Srwn Ctunlw - fioi RT of bbat and Quarter aemion Ko- Thomas Gardner and others. Scifa 1 to sell r11'uu ,n Garduen dec. It appearing to the aaUfaclKn of the court, that Henry Kii. arland wife two af tto dcleraiarrftsw ibis caae re not bihabitana) of tha, Hate, it it therefore- ordered that pubication to made for six week , uccaaivefy ia ta Weatern Carolinian, printed 0. 1..!..... iL.i, it.. J r l . . i ,n s"bry. that the de.endantt appear at the scire ractaa. OwtSS , Test: JNO. GILES, (. XtrthartUna, JSimW ramify . ( ! ?1W1T,' ,IS2S- cha,r,M J M'Powell v. David Greenlee 1 ongnal at. tcimenU 0 UmL ,t spearing to the tirHction of the court, that the defendant. DavU Greenlee, b an inhabitant of another government: Therefore, ordered, that publics ke made in the Western t'arolinian.,, sue- f-. l. .:t ... j. VZT"y Jr 1H-Vhn and there to t)lead. answer or demur to th plea of the plaimiflT, otherwise judgment final will he entered against him accordingly. 6t0 -Tart. JQHM Mil I KR, nib. - State f AVrlA-CaraAaa, IrtJeil ewmiy t COL'RT of Plear snd Quarter Senions, Aug. term, 1825. William Hines, admr. r. tvil. liam Fairet : Original attachment,retured levied on 100 acres of bnd. In this caae, It b ordered by the court, that publication be made for three months in the Western i'Cam1iiiian7bafntcts the defendant appear st the next court of pleat and quarter sessions to be held for the County of Iredell, at tto ourt house in Slteailt. m th tttfiif Mondav?: In jTovember hejt,: fpb;w the' pnroeny icyiea on, ana pieia, tne mintlif Will be heard ex parte snd have judgment rendered in hi favor pro confvsso. a , xeat t,v H, SIMOMTON, jCtk, .Price.adv; gg'T : ."SmW.k- . XTOTXCm THE copartnership of PARISH ' V C. wat dissolved bV:muttal conselit on the 1st day of July last. The business of said concern will be closod by Paatta. Coaaie sV Co. to whom all indebted are requested to make pay. tneht. -j?. . DANlP.L PARISH, " V JASPER CORNING, - .. PARISH, HOLBROOK St CO. Cltailaton, Oct.lU, b99 'Cbvatlnr.Tv f III! K UWr,-t k f I tMi't 1. Mkk U In TAtilill, (;jhm,su k CO, ! J I'MM Um ti ito M fkM f 0. ri4 It C. iUn (to; L m ajwfkt1 fwlnH, lt.Jk Jl to . UNirt,rAft!llf. , fctJ jAirriitwuNO. i(mi icms'tJUit, . " .' TUOMAJ tiklili, , ft. It. M'llCTClI Cf lcmpIctOD, laitfT. taiaaa, at aowd nra af mtmtimL Wt toa hm mJ. to drftflf, Irws I, tto to4 iHmWI fiatiina i atoa at ara iattoad to totove J to ftM aW to Ito my fA af tto Anmj ! mi r. la fcklt ti to akKf toato4Baaai.laapparu. Mjraf t M itatwf amral mm af rJotoacara M Ito a4 caMkto4 aaopa to Paw Tk Wa (rl aj toatt la MMrtinf, that w a k aa atJ (tore af ! aad tfurakiUf h aaj tora a. CaaaMrT praJuca JI to aacairad la pataMai af rwk aVxia to tUa atoo at tto Uf paica, la caaa m atoaU net to avpf tod at Ito Urn. MrS aad TtofJUa, Wwlt4to ftataU tiaaka to aB ttoaa ato toa rUaU4 Itoir Ctraaafa to ttora, aad top ttoir Jarour) caauaand. ' Al aa plaa b to claat mtt took al Ito ead af every tar, im tto tiptraiion af Ito Ir! briftf tlaaa al to I. paMrr hrta a to tora tod la Ou. rear, to eoaa fcr.arj.lf cmitM aad cloae Ihri act piaM Ito 10H Jaftrr toWary, Xto. aVA, ! . b ttu. aa " lUgftlAultOn. I ffTlIC CcPvtstnLfa VjtWort rriftinr to - j A taeaaj tto MttoHiUr aadaf Ito Ina f -V t tfc U1 OmUful try im. aad .to tor. aay drada- aui prrtcai inraj pa)Mai. - . - wmwn am 1,-- KZHA AU CMOrtG, GEORGE MN:KE. 6J KZIL AUsKMOXO' Reran bis moat sincere thanks ta Ike pubBe ia general, for pM fcvnr, and Worm tbeia that to has purchased the Jfaci of Mtrthanditt nit AlWtaonf fc Locks, wakh is now very com- tlete. having juM received a fresh nuppfy from Charlraton, and which to anera for sals apoa ttomo-t iwoaabla tern, al tto eta4 forarry , occupied by ABemong k Locke, at tto north . torner isf the eoaH touaa. The rivors of thoto 1 L 1. t - - " "1 ' B m W m -mmmnmm'inm'1 ftrril--ihrv sy depaad, that every axevtian ot) hit iart will to aard lo rive Roerai aauarauism, j 1 1 r ?niUoaT8-lVtWftTA !..,... . , ... v wn ! Stoke, county. N. Cwolina, on tto .igM oftto 3d December. 183J. He waa eommit nT2'"tve Ikrair and abo for ateJinr a slave- a.i.t;-. th name of Smith, and m to doubt trnjbUnme, a to ban artful fellow. He b alxMit hve feet ten or elevenln- ches high, dark hair, and a vary dowaj kxk. He tod on a blue k-' f"?"" mixed pontalouna. andphd ftoth ckk. - He h the repreaamaiion nf an ",. on 00a of hi sms, put III wilV imU libit ink. 1 " TrV D0LL.1M WiflaaotofiifbritoBpprehenion(u Ihntrr, who Woke Ja'd at the same lime. He atara-awcu maue matuaooui n irs mini.i a ta t . a -' a a. L! L dark complected, ami bat a very bad look 1 to ai.aa.t aiea at fAtttil Kit. aa KttNml rLath ffajst. II uirk.rk. ed pantaloon, and it a German, which can toon be discovered by iklling with him. ilvitr n-waM will h riven to anv oettoo or non a ho will Ueii vYr tie abovi rWnfion ed men to ma in Germanton, Stokes cminiy, I N. Carolina. IW. 4A, 1835, C. L. BANNER, AA. 85 liteftl liftTgaUka. mirP Ml1MMk.. ff.H fn. tat. ttlf fAlilM i I ' I " - I Utixa Statesville, either with or without hit Bed-ling and other Household Furniture, and withoraithoutallbis Houk servants. SeveN al tracta of Land, the whole amounting to be- tween 1500 and 2000 acret, adjoining the town lands of St.te.viHe, or any part thereof, to tuit purcnara, . u. 1 ne lanna m senTrss, amrwii oy name 01 the White 1 House track, UmI those adjoining! ml" sssaauiK ncariy wtt.uuiuira.iy.--:-. about. 1200 acres. Abo, my interest gallons. . This h undoubtedly tha largest. the whole 1 m several ohtr tracts, all joining Jh LformerJ A treat number of other tract, of JatliwTn f "e7Prt,0'"it'L0 LTmher S rf maimler or my nr groet, 27 in number. CfMI wiU rmreebttultr Negroe.1 all the other property will be dispo. ted of at one, two and three year, credit. It view it before thev buv. ' 67 . -JrX 1 1825. ROBERT WORKB. 1 TY House and Lot in the low ill Salisbur. ornosita McWm ter'a hoii of entertainment, in -awaBastBtfaaaaVaara ... , r? . . . u 1 a A friendly ne.ghhorhoml, and good society, 4Hf4 IwMise is two stories high, with lour tire placet in tli L.w atnnr anl hm in Ihfl linner ! the I t. ... -t . .-.y)frf iw.A.A.I.w.S.kML-. tmoke-honset eorn hoave," excellent irarden and back lot, all in good re. pair. I will dispose of .the tame on the most accommodating terms to the purcnaer, a 1 am dctermmed to remove to the country next fall. GEOROE MILLER. Salitbtry, April 26, 1825, . 55 : N. D. I ala request all persons who have any demand! against me, to call and receive. their pay ; and those who owe me, by hook account or otherwise, Will do me a favor by 'calling and settling their tccounts . o. m. uxivn i a ur MJUKkSuiLK, ff 1 1 fiatill. A tf 'l3r4 U attsaf Mil ft U b(i I ito Ka U lia tU A4 a U wV vtatara IW Vto, af , T V to &f aaf crif rn1rj &.rr4 aJ, tto VMf aa4 ikrtoto la ito , TVaa Vto topwia to llcarta ito Wto Aaadi TUl giarj, vtaiitod, attf ttoa itora, . J ft a tm arv aiatta , imirtJcTMLrr. . topatoaai ) aa yalat la atow " 0 MM 1 toriic a fto inar,) - - , " tto tor la txp aa eaarn aaa ii a . Kt U ito kwaila aatuga Ui fat AWmI alto la eVty fWt i . ; n aa ai i aan av uarf i , ,Ti to aa raa af lfe aaaa'd, - lMdcS la ewy totaMj. t IM mvut ttoa aur Aaarayi ritol tiara l ft4 0Uli tto frail. V ' Ml'IIC. Tto BM rjiat tod MaM) toikaattf, , Xor Lt aU Wd a Ua aaaeard af raaal aaundv U il fce trtawa, airaUcaau ad apaUti Tto cmmmw af kb ajMrfe art duO aa AadkliTlCtMMvdart aibttoai . " Lai aa mtck ia to bU4. " - - r I ' 1 '. -J . . . J CUMMQDQMt MmliOJfXOl'Ca. Tto tUrd aiair of our Ktry ! dtaiB- trf r,lrtr from It t&oruJ vIUooJImDoih aBltoat.wL . M I If',. ... 'a a7 It nj. I. , . T e"de,t,fMI ?U1J ?T'nU " jkJ dld tl to tiffd, U i ipirU ftl tuUtd I rCMKaanoo. vonagwpxwmaai wwraraai I anl lrtiilMa liAar. kaa lfltimhKl lortrtKtbnTtindrwi-rDftklnf oovtfct fti braicff of K toratbtil trval par- 1 a4 rtvirdioc th trulrieoi airtuft fc M .j k CaHatUiW Oo tU bred, f". I rout a ano aa awwy, af jutuis up orcatn. Harlnj toa oJf la AUl MUr rwrlthahla Irraca couBtrv. j t 1. a. e-i -i.tJ- 1 no vemmouora cm icii uw .uituip, four aont and s daughter. His is died m . t . .aft a fiw rnonini unce, st wceuaran von-, ncrticut to where thaCnriKJJrl rt mains have beca tskeoi for bunne&t. . 1 here Ij a leu fee aD who die, -A Kooumcr o'er tto pujollcat grave ; Dul anion swell tto funeral cry, Aad triumph weeps above tto rave,". A commit tea of tto Georgia IegWUtara, k- I lag iaveatiptad tha affair af Ito Uariea 1 bank, report, that R ha aaatained S baa, in bdh, and f 11"' ' ' ' " tT t a--- j of g 407 To M. lVakhrt the above actual ion. 1 uera ya,ioa aooovacuu. I as ? ,'" Previous to -tks-sdjournmcrit of lbs - I t ..i.t.i..: .. ta.v 1... Li,.!,,,, tin foeeii Iniurswe Compsnlet of 8 per cent, on ,c ""f ' ""' prtmhims received to Incorporste ths Medical Institution of the University of VeltTJOnt and lef Incorporats tb OtVef and Cstlleton rlSf Canal Coltipk- ny. All the Lotierr Bills wertj disrniss- ' ,:v..... z i. . .1 ... ... -' . . '-. , . S.., ."Vr - ir arilr bw sent that Caplsla Pirr JSi " rciurnod. hfur another . unsuccenul st- ..m). lo ... tnta lha p.i. , ADbear-"' - . . ... - nc, wort pe ;" r ury .was wrecked, whtcb ooueea ids Mecla to rtlurn.' We imagine nothing furthef will be done until Captain Frank- t ' r j. m' llu " Mr. weadie master in tne imuui navy, has lately penetrated .300 miles . aL. ...!. ' lk, a.aa AvswVai Lavltrator. After Denetradnir several L P t . .... I L I . k oarnert 01 ice, nuncrto inaupcrauic, f . iihin hm Antarctic f.un1d Pn w WUhin A0"7 WCW. tota. , , ' , , ' "v Qrtqt Carro.....The sbip Swift, At-' b,. rccem,? ,anded ,,,,& port mors than three thousand barrels of snennaceu a..-..! 1 - k-.M&af.. . cargocf tficmaccd oil trtlk carried into fcIy tofi ,ne known fr6rld--IsTWrt1- ibout elBhty thousand dollars. Th. Sv7itt . , .1 nLuUllern eight mdhtbt. A fe not inimical to e tuaiayette tattrtl Strw ta Ks-ana ItTu ! . lh old 0l" J or caavf tf S VJ sat tvi 1 - TITVnrjmrjoirjTi the klnK, were not little scsndanzea n if brarinf; his majesty Say, 44 1 ta'ttlin: V M- ceiveH.why.U JUsfey ta much, alarm. He is 1 tery s - M .Kiennis Hl " . . ' , ,r .nA him t hfl was then a fine vounc leliowitnu -- . H - i I tt.:.' The editor of the Nantucket In quircr says, The eye ball of a styc-rd fish, is generally much larger than that of an ox, aud forms a very powenu I hsva frenuentlV. anu aTmi.t "inatantlrJ libhted a cicar at tne focus formed by the sun's ray pas ing tnrougn uits natural km- " ct r "rt f :br a)f n ult wh tsr the kali vral oftl bt pow whe ahlp eluti has I timi the 1 Re hipj Imm war, Ct0l aUWaqaWiTU - ctBlTla'jSf.r,