ft..t'Atir. olf aljt Wfcrt b tt.. f S ltl of Cajrftt tM tf Ik 1.(4) ,UlhlMlia. IbeadtUa ihM f INI &' ' t IK 14 of Nanb, to Ut I r?i IM (6.U fcf h (hto pr.uiiM of tht t'M 4 Suits I II Wit MUGt! the fib tf lab, 'ff tt wirteiptciUir lm ftufc III. If bad bff MCU4 U ir it wradui tf tbe ha.ta 'ft .Wtt4 innmOoM lo rtUda) to itW iftHl ferra ihe tj5l5j - MfM Xict. r . " TM tpptsfxixtoei made If Coogrcm L 64iWe wofkt. M veil ie tbe coa-trwc tka of fcriifktta, for purpottt of lot oiled. Tbclf proerttt bat U df Uyed by lha want of euKabie officers for tupaf blending tbe m. A kniM of hoik ibt Corps of lUfV m, Military end rpo grtpbktl, rK'vnRWfvdod by my fwr decattor at tot Um twttae of t'oofmt The ft on wpoii wblcb Ibtl recommen dation (winded, iutl4 in til ibclr facte, and htvt acquired additional srgtfi y tloee ibal lima. Il also U tt- Edwat to OfftnUA lha Tppof rapbUal tgineert Into a Corp Icnitr lo ibe prat cm ettabUthroe nl of tlx Carp of Ea r.lnert. Tbe Military Atadamv at Wl I'oint, will furnish, from tbe Cadata an tniaUv graduated thcro, officers wtU oul iGed for carrying thii mcature into enect. - Tht Board of Englntert of loteretl Improvement, appointed for carrying lo . mwwIm the Act of Congrett of 33th I April, itJt, - u procure ma nt tUUtu.. I ..... .r... it.t Ami, mail (a itelbtrt iffowtrfj, jsitt ...... J. .fkitu'rMrM, iW-.ll.lt- in It Iflf fftWf t'frWJ. Hi A ftoi a tnun li'rl parity f M U,R,,lWn 5Ua Tit,b Uti ttb U mM Uir.t, U kf'rrtd w w ilifc0 tf ur tmuUy ruff pt.d , ,M r.f M ib laai I f jM a M tU4 6f Nilttli .f rwirf tiliifir LilUWi M ff II! Wf I . ' ' . I. r- ' . . ' .-iv ,k. ..m.dlwtiibf sly r lurfi iKiftMlrfa mJr IM of pytof t3r.rffTofw omit dtfrrtUn irf ipnul aMtrM. tt tf.fbf the IcKjJf IiWikmi f lh U4 tcI,h lff. lSib!ihfl yi. iTh irrrgu! triMirtr a tia li rI'lf'aibHrl l'aaU na, la fwif Wi0or iiM cbiritf m Uu4 ca txaml J1 k4r iKa lctt of itfttka. cmil ImprowrMttC, M firilbYbpTr por, tJ lU 2utali?nf in apiKUJ, bai Urn WibWit ap- u ail aanlta. bia bra)tr.i;i craptofad on lbrt aitiloMl TM Mtdt ItrraMin, iba coatfa of Kib AwarKa bordariaf on iba 'nU Ucaan d lb Wctl IndUa. An occnional rulr bit bcn mai to mik l"nK k Affkan tborta mM polluted by Iba ir!k of tlact ona arrnfd mimI bat baa ( llonad on tbo (ti of our attiam botitt dart, to creia alor.a; iNi ftblrK jrooti In llndton't Bt avd cm Iba oti of La bradori and iba Ent nn'm of Mxia baa Ixtn paifwrmad In rtuorinr. in bit naia toil, nd dometi'ic tnoy mnitttba tairran bero vHota uiNlul blood and traitor bad freely flod In tht oata of our CounirU Indcpcodaocc. nd vbota ohola Ufa bad baaa a tariat of nct and Mcrifirf t to iba Improt aant of bit frltoar men. Tbo titit of Gen. U Fiffti. alika bonoora'J lo him mi I and 10 oar Country, rlotad, tt b cettary Mirrert, pUnt and lmV i h4 commtMtj, .U, lb, motl afTectlnK tbt aubieclof roada and unit, ban ....t-t.i. ,t AlAmA .u... kl. ttn atiitely engitJ Inlhaltenlce fromL,rt of nnbouaie4 TM of ibit iba dote ofibalaM Won ofConjfreta. PeopJt 0 hlm j tttnrnr wif rrnlt J bey bate Conpiei-M tha tortey, neca h,tre,ner, pleninf IntWent in ib an Mry fr iKcrtalninf iba pr.ciic.Ul.iy of na of t.nio0f kU;Djc , M, hivtn C.n.. irom mvyncaipcaan iay to nC h- JnfeDM jn,rfe4 of rommfttt, ,DJ jj. Olio Riverj ind aro pn-parinj full re nijjf mtkM ,H uopu,cbmW iribyta port oo lhat aubjert nbicn, hen com of , f ti, tf.tlonl wtl.i ,rTrion i U pUted.vmMuidDarorerou. ineatm ooaervttkm it lo bo roiJo ith regird lo tb tart other objectt of national impor Vance, upon which the !ojrd bad bero ne dhintcreated cbampion of iba Ittwrtieeof Tb contttnl maintemnce of a tmtll vfjgJron la iba Mediterranean, it ne a . a I m a : " " tupica ) panaiy, ino arriNnputnmrni oi feiMry ubui.g.. for Mha LOtniliitinc .1 3aiMmai hom irora m.t i.nyio new uruauta of p.iine tribute for ih acra , uneaot, ana tne prcuciv..My oi unninV rilv ofouP commirCe i ,h,t tea. and far tna waiert oi lake aropi.ram4(oK -Hh , pretrinu, e, ,he of e,tf- Connecticut River, md ihe impro?fmeni L.nr;,- t., ts.rK,.. k. of tbe oarig.tbn of lhat Kiter. The tur- j, w ,i4b, ,0 u tio,Iltd An MMoa. eyl ha been made, anJ are netrly Li t.. r.. l,., , r.IM(ll,, r- corapleted. The Report may be eipet .mkmed thereat tbia time,1t found in ted al anarly pertod dunne the prewnt ,k. ... Mu- t. 6eation of Coerta. . Grttka and the Wa .nd In athkn lite nets of Lontrrrii of tK UKw .v.. tvi.. r. Sciiiod relative lo the aarreyinp, mar.'I,U.r, cWirof 6u(rira itiacpri- l. . . l-.:nn.it mart Sn ili Tm. I J. i Inn A f inatanrr have occuntA. p . r. . . i , 1 r . . i j .i ... iriMv rr tfturft a. ami the comDiraiive tonetol f loriaa. Ariantaa ana .nicn-joi tuco ucprcmion upon vvrB.uiiw "- ;i -. .--w - - - r io. from Mittouri to Mexico, ind privateer or pir.lea wearing indigence oH.ur infancy, waa; eter. for the continuation of the Cumberland he Oreciao flait. but without real author- li j irom me urecn or any uincr fvcui- mrnt. The heroic ttrugRlee of the Greekt themteivet, in which our airra- ett tympathica a freemen and chrinUntj have brrn ttfv,td, nave cotuinu. 0 lo be miirtliined-wlib viciiuiudet of jiuccett, dvcrte and IiTOUrable. Similar motives hae rendered ei- bava. wlilUu latlcar, Wrnta great BBfiurt tlhrj front tb. leal nod tit f Watte fee eaooiKa pal appear la levt Utn tloiott tttliely wept etfiy frta.ilit, border t4 Um iborttof ibt iw S;nith Itlaedi ia I bote rel"Ol. ' Thi jivr. fxtK? cr In , aod aormiurd eirrjrj rf Cap. Wan in a too, tad of tba cfEcrrt hJ oca UAoer bit c.mnjaoit on that trr mj aa periLut aerticr, bivc been crowned with ligaaj (umi( and arc em'ulfd la tS appnaiioa of iKcir couoiry. Out eifxrirort bit ibowo, that oot erea temporary autpceiio bt reUxa ioa from ailduity ran be in. du!(rd ot that talion, wlihoul reprt ducing piracy tad murder io all their hrror i tor ia it probable thai for (eart to feme, our immrotcty talut le tonoafrce ia lhte acaa cao navi. aie ia arCUfity, without ihe Heady (ootiouaYcc of ao armed force devb ted to ua protection. It wtra ladeed a tain and da (trout Ulutintt tntflTiafe, that ia the present or probaU cndiiion of human aocie. ty, a corn icrce attentive tod to rich at oWt, could eiitt and be pur aued io tfett without ihe continual aupport ofa niliury marine the on ly arm by abeb the power of thiacoo frdrrtcycao be climated or felt by forrign patu li, ar.d tbe ooly etand.njr, military force which ran never be dan. rrout to O f wn bbrrtiet at homa, A permanen naval pae "eitahtitfu ment, ihcrcf re, adapted to our pm. ent con.Jiiion, aqd adaptable lo that t;i. gantx growi1! with which the nation ia advancing it i:a career, ia mor the aitbjrctt which hve already orcupicd the forttight of the latt Congrcaa, and which will drier ve your eerioue d.l'if- cratiQnt..Out. Navy, commenced ai ID early period ot our preteot political rale with the incipient energiei,. tb mall Kit fietfJrd c?t rr.i"Ia Cn hr.Jftd ' thmr,d rr.t!fl, tfiBUny tn l ibiltna tlrf-utand and (tif rn trt.r.(ft hut beffl taiiliihed. (l ifnft rfeari, that undrr jad.tloul minimi meal, tbe Inceme from thia at. fitibiiimeot inar be rel.ed ra ac fUy aJioiie to defray itt tipeeiet f end that by the diKoatiauaiue tf pott, road, a!tethcr unproduCtivr, tMhert of more utefuljtharacter may be open ed, till ihellic Jaiturif lie bti'I thtU atep pace with the iprrtdof our pop wlatiow t aaj tie camfurte tf frlandly ciripoodenu, Uicatchiotri nf in. tcroal laflif, arJ the Ughuol tee pet rlodictl ptcii.ihatl be dittrihuted to ti iirai trrssrr.ea liif. Of i!.e eett ftf it tit ndritaViri1 if O f Wrf tl. cnditurtt cf tAlt trj'i'-mf nt, tftj ofrl,r1(,o of tt eireJniut!t, were tt be cofitidffrd the tr.ly thargn, it wfHild be vnworthy txf a rat ao! tertrrout rati t u.e a tree, thought One bundt d a iprd.tiftftt t( circumaav1tt'iQfl, ik ihotc cf Cock a4 I- I'ciouir, w&uIJ rol burden the cicbcqucr tf ,hf Ratio fitiif them r a anacj. M ih taedeneant oi uciriyiD vtr" varjij ijo in pf Hut if we like imo tht afcouot tie livf t of ihctc Lent factnrt nf mtiikinj, f which) the U aer vice ia ibe ta the rcanotrtt cornrra tf the Ualoo. Hi bow ihall the cotl of thott heroic eo. a cbart tcartttyprcrptUetot-la terpeiaea-bi eiiiasiudf, MbJ wbaf, divlduala. a ad wlthotji the coat f a eompeoaatiow cao be made lo them, dollar to tbe public trrttury. or to their couetriei , for them I U it I a a a .a a aw f Upon tbia firtt ckcjiU of addreat. f tt. latheLiUUturec.ftheUoKvi,fiith fWK't " tnort by wbirb I hatt been honored, ia pre imiiof ihelr eiamplef by enalW ataiiatolhelrietbelewtio( ta twiatryaaea of our owa to paraue the far at it bet Ufa effected, of ihe enea. B1 f fc'J turet ttne tinned by them, for promo- " , . ,k. l.i.rw.1 Imnrovimrfil f fMir l $8? Iliaf iht ttteBlwa of CoOtTf It courtry, I cm not Wne the CommuaU fcJrt Uteraa! improve, caiioa without recommcodini to their "J tuUffed, it calm and pcneverlng Ci.Biideratioo, i 7 rer.mend tbe the a eoertl priociplc To a mare ealar. quipeoi of aa eipedition for eir. ted client, live trta! oljeci of the MInu,I ihe lobe for purpotee t..at.tutioa of civil government, it the tf, uUtuic rtaetrch ted inquiry. improvement of ihe erudition of thoae V bl)'tl " 0,ful fV,C who are partict to the aoeUI compact , u h'' ,od wr and a eovemmeat, io whttever form trt mty betnorebeoeficianyepplied. conatitmed, can aecomnlith the lawful Tbe Uterior of our owolerritorlet hn toda of itt inatltution, but io prepoT. '"7 impefcttryciplwTed- lUm at it improvea the coodhioa of Our ctaau alOTinyfpeet of lat-, thoae r.ver whom it it ettabliahed- ,tu,' UP f Wa of the Pacific Ko.de and Canalt, by multiply! and lhoh,moch frequented br faitliutioethecommuicaiionttndio. ;ur P,r,,'d c,mmrrc' "g. tercour Ixt.eea dittant r egioat, and Uc" 7' l,,t(ffdt.fcy,ir multitudet of men, are among the mwei The U.ver of .he cat, firat important ImproTemwt wiy. oiteoeerea ima rT'tu oy a provement, are dutiet tttirned, by the of h 'P ? cendel author of oreii.!fncr. to tocial, no lit wttert. and cl..mttheprotect.ooof lata- than inrivtdutlraa.lW.lhe "r MiMjaaawg.ai lie mmim. . . . i vv urt ina aararniar mwvwTwtr -aaaiiawawau,. fulblmentof thnteaJutie,tr)vernmenta - ...... .-.7- kre ioveated with power, and to the P" pr " wme other point of ttainmentoftheend,theprogre.tive hat coatf, recommended by my pre. imnrovr roent of the ti.nditioo of the rMwr """u7 ,B ",c . ... then found adequate to cope with a the powers of I3arbary, tare the firit and with,, one of the principal mart time powcrt of Europe. At a period of further advancement, but with lit tie accession of ttrrnstb, it nut nl tuttaiord whfr htmor ibr moat unrqi. of eonOictf. but covered itielf and nuf country, with unfadinir alory, Uut Road, are, tome of them, fully execu trd, tod othert in the procett of exe cutian. Thoae for completing or com. mencioir fornhcationa, have been de- laved only ao far aa the Corps of En. . - t 1 : i. .. k . ofEcert for the necctiary tuperinten- ....... .aft. . . ... . a . ... . . J. .L. ...I.. -, I .,! Ik. 1. I.J.... iV. Lu.. l lit In.-, nr. confirming thcStatuica of Virginia and Si coastt ol Peru and Chili -fia At " of. J"'?? . . . x. n- r- . . 1 , 1 -ithat br the number and T6fCST)f the ilaryiaou, incornoraung inc vncui. 1 ractne. 1 ne irregular muu coiiTMwivej 7 , .. . , . . 1 . .arti m nirn r - war raaa rnm ruiarii . ; rhraripr.nf the war unon the ahore. "F " - PAmivtiatlnnart atfl tKa nSFf m tmtAA tr tKt rnnfllrt nrsnn , wULUUiiBi a' mvif wai 1 w w 1 itaaai vrv V aa v. jw w ?,n.,w-ivwt-' . . .,i c..,.. K-k.n r.rw,;iA.frtr .S. A n ..rfar Kai retain! nearly me aumc organi IV VA WWP t.Wi V - r I ' w f -AM . UWb ttW ItM lfctlW i . ' j . f opening booka and receiving subscrjp- been kept up for years, Vitir alternate .JV-I?"" " con,,8"a OI tiont, in concert with a like number of succeas, though generally to the adva.i. "gT?- rules and -regulations Comrnistronrra appointed on the part tare of. the .Americaa Patriot;, But "7 w,,,.t? .f Mrh of thoae Statea. A meetinff their navat forces have not alwava been " W'OQ - -wanx.OL a,w of the Commissioners has been post, under the control of their own govern poned to await the definitive Report of meots. Blockades, unjustifiable upon the Board of Engineers. 1 he light, any acknowledged principles of inter . houses and monuments for the aaiety national law, have been proclaimed by of our commerce and mariners j the officers in command) and though dis works for the security of Plymouth avowed by the supreme authorities, Beach, and for the preservation of the the protection of our own commerce Islands in Boston Harbour, have re- against them has been made cause of ceived the attention required by the complaint and-of erroneous imputa laws relating to those objects renptc- tuns upon some of the most gallant ' lively. I he continuation ol tpe Cnm-nl olficcrt ..wur-r Wavy.J... Complaints berland Koad, the most important of equally groundless have been made by them all, after . surmounting no incen. the commanders of the Spaniah Royal sidrrahle difficulty in fixing upon the forces in those seas r but the most ef. yjifer tiort of the road, has commenced fective protection, to our. commerce under- the most proiuj.loff auspaej, f ljus Uceirlhe flap -and tbeiirmacsso with the improvements of recent in- i.ur own commanding cfiiceri. The vention in the mode of construction, cessation of the war, by the "complete and with the advantage of a great re- triumph of the Patriot cause, has re duction in the xomparatiye coot of the moved, it is hoped, all cause of dis W0rltrw w---ri j sentioa with one, party, an q all vesirge The operation of the laws relating to 0f force of tbe other. But an unset- ,the Revolutionary Pensioners,' may do- tied coast of many degrees of latitude, a '. " . . r I '-"- . and a flourishing cbrorrterce . . 1. . i... r . : :wniw:.waiwaiaiiH tWv4hUldL had rL v-'i irj.Tr:r:r-'r-sr and fishe. jonous ana niuiircin uumiu mni .iu : . . . . opened a door to numerouslabuse and impositions, to remedy ihis, the Act of 1st May, 1830, exacted proofs of absolute iodiKeflce, which many really in want were unable, and ail, susceptible of that delica cy which is allied to many virtues, most be deeply reluctant to give. : The result Jias Men, that some among the least de serving have been retained, and some in wham the requtnitea both of .worth and. want were coinl)tnea have open stricken from the list. Ah the number of these venerable relics of an age gone by, dimin ish i as the decsyt of body, mind, and ca-. fthe protecting power - of thr Union anouiu De aispiayea unaer its nag, as well upon the ocean as upon the land. . . The objects of the West India squad ron have been, to carry into execution the laws for the suppression of the Af rican Slave Trade : for the protection of our commerce against vessels of pi ratical charscter, though bearinfeorh- missions from either of the bellige rent parties: tor its protection agunst School of Instruction, correipoi ding with tltc Military Academy at West Point,4 for the formation of icientific and accomplished officers, ia felt with daily increasing aggravation. The tact of Congress of 26th May, 1824, authorizing an examination and survey bf the harbour of Charleaton, in Souh -Carolina, of St. Mary's, iq Georgik, and bf the Coast of Florid ; and tori other purposes, has been exe cuted at far as the appropriation would admit, those ot the 3d Mann last, authorizing the establishment of a Na vy Yard and Depot on the Coast of Florida, m the Gulf of Mexico, and authijizj3gthe; tuildtng' F-te"ft-rOop of War, and for other put poses, "are 1ti the course of execution j for the par ticular! of which, and other objects connected with this Department, I re frr to the teport of the .Secretary , o i ' t. I." ?.ir-Z-.-.---r-irri-. A me ivavyi nercwun cnmmunicaicu. A report from the Postmaster-Gen-- eral laaied. inirimrtjeiritr.xm!nt pte tent-fiftui sh DraartmenU ZThitSJ-for minTytthrviWpttcc ipt f or i W-ye ar ending on the first ot July last, exceed ed the expenditures during the saint1 period? to.the amount of more, .than forty-five thousand tt equally creditable tr the adminis- tration of the Department are, that in two years from the first of July, 1823, an .improvement-of . more, .than orjv hundred and eighty-five thousand dol- I .1-1 iK . a wav a awiff lha I a. art t lAfitwaa I eovernroihe exercise of delegated ww0...f . oVwer, ia a duty at tacred and india- . tuggtsl the expediency - of con- Sentablc, as the usurpation of powci "ett.ngthe emj.pmeni of a public ah.p ,r.nri l. rr.m'.nal and oHioua. fnr the exploration of ihe whole uonh sr. Amog the first, perhapt the very first west coast fiAttcontinent. condition oLmen, ia knowledge t . ... a aW . a a . a to the acquisition-of -much ol the one i lae ipccinc.0Djrcit cor.tempa- knowledge adapted to tbe wants, the ted io the formation of our ConstitiV comforts and enjoyments of human tioo, and to fix that ttandard wat one life, public institution! and seminariea of the powcrt delegated by express tif learning are estential.- So convict- termt, iolhttiaatrumeot, to Congress, ced of this was the first f my prede The governmentt of Great Brittaia retsort io this office, now first in the and France have acarcely ceased to be memory, as, living, he was firat in the occupied with inquiries and specula- hearts of ourcounlrj', that once and tiens on the tame tohj-xtf ernce-the attain in his addreaces to the Congre as- existence of our constitution, and with . '..I l.k I JJ f. !.! es, with wnom ne co-oprraten to ineiiocm u.nai capanaca.ivtn proiounu, ... i , i tt : i . : .v DUDIieservJCr. r earnctiiv racomraeD-iiauwriuua iuu . .caprnsirc rtscirtnra dedtrreUbl'tahroeriiCprminsr into the figure of the rtrth, and .the learning, to prepare for all the emefi cbmparitiVenth of jhe pendulum genciea of peace and war a national vibrating seconds In vaVibtu latitude university, and a military academy. from the Equator to the Pole. Tbeie With respect to the latter, fud he lived researches have resulted in the compo- to the present day, in Mrning his eyes I sition and publication of teveral works to the institution at West "Point, he highly interesting to the cause of sci- wpuld have enjoyed the gratification ence. :. The cxpcrimcoU are yWwthe-- of hi mmt MrnMt "WTTiai. Bufrin I nrocemol Dcr(ormance..Same of them surveying the city which has been hon- have recently been made on our shores, oured with his name, he would have within the walla of one of our owo seen the spot of earth which he had College!, and partly by one of our own destined and bequeathed to the use I fellow-citizens. It would be honora- . ..I.. aaaa .nd bent fit of his country, as the site ble to onr country if tbe sequel ol tne for an university, still bare and barren, same experiments ahould be countr In assuming hrr stition among the nanced by the patronage of our gov- civiliee'd nations of the earth, it would eminent, as they have hitherto been by seem that our country had contracted those of France and Britain. the eoeairement to Contribute her share Connected with" the establishment uf rhind, of. labour and br expense, to I of an University, or separate from it. the improvement 01 tnose parta on migntoe unaerraiferttneerecMauA a.. nowledge which lie beyond the reach astronomical observatory, with pfovu- of individual acquisition f and partiCr for the tupport of an astropomer, ularlytothe geographical and astrono- to be in constant attendance of obser-. mifal-stienceLookin? back to the vation uDon the phenomena of the . . : 9 r i, r r.-.T r f.-.,i,-. a aa a r m a il"." II k a tifirn the declaration oi our indf ntnuence. tucai on oi n is ooervauons. ind observing the generoua emolation no feeling of pride, as an. American, with which the governments of France, that the remark may be made, that on Great Britain, and Russia, have de- the comparatively smidl territorial sur- voted the genius :the intelligence,' the face tif Europe there are existiag up treasures of their respective nations, wards cf one hundred of these light' tun tt common.. imnrovement of the houses of the skies i while throughout specie's in these brahchee of science, lifthe whole Amerttah Kemispherejlhert .... .. '.. ! tr n.. moment ...... ' f-..-...i w-..fn.-v-,.-. --J I " .I" .-vtrf, 0-..-.!, ars in its pecuniary affairs, has been open and unequivocal pirates. These realized ; that in the same interval the objections during the present year have I increase of the transportation ofi the whethW- we are not' bound by obliga-f upon . .the. 'c1iscwefie'i'T"tvhictt-iVJt. ions of a righ and honourable charc-J la?t. . jpjirjcenetf pave wri?. n, in vuiivi tuttv uui niuiiiuii v, v.iv,- i ii. ih , vvmw- t gy and exertion, to the - common I vorse, bv. the means of these dollars. Otherl stoik .. The voyages "bfdlscoyery lingsi and of5 observers ttationea prosecuted.in the cfae of: tliai.time, thtwy h:w-,,iT il. at the expense of those nations, have nest to ..every nation f n " . tjbt only redounded to their glory, hut scarcely a year.passes over our ftea to jhe improvement of human -knowU without bringing some new astrnnoff " edge. We have" been" partakers of cal discovery toJigbt,.whicti i we rn that improvement, and owe for it a sa- fafrt receive at second hand iro . . crcd debt, not only of gratitude, but rope, are we not cutting J of eaual or nronortioriul exertion in! from the meatia of retornmg lig"1 i -----

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