r.uT.rrr.TH.tn. fftti to Yllre. (I 114 1 af iMl J aW bW i tle M jMnlhftI 1 JAe !U 'fJ 4M laWk Of IM MXWl, UUl U 1UUM m e4 toe'we as IM M h ltoeto 4tfl if eve ! fyt'iMtm h M wmIi ..'. ta ike Waaiae- t-'or fimt to, p.v4 to M7 tM (fee aVWrti. ft M Ml MH Of pkae end ap-wtor HiHi M to) lU W IM fay M lU ett eM to iJUWy, IM IW4 ataa - a u d sa4 Ptoe to i eafered Mi aW-i, e Wwt M e fcf to Ue f kafeafe ik . I'm e-k, two aWi, "tvtr" ,A St4-C n"t r . Cvjcar at pUe e4 mm it n1m iii ; tf!l jOane rWvy -if PvB eJ7U IkwaBi ng4 a , lUraL levied e 14, M. M eiwHf I ' ere Ml kUbi ial&1LsiaM, k it lWtoff sedated If Um raw, rial fwUtio he rek kit arsis eaceeaairvr la (be Wr-aere Carntai M. pi4 to aWaW-y, ij Ike aVbaxkwt tp km MiWmiI e-t af pkae aJ IpftfUf M IM4 to to toU for Um H-antf e - at Dm Ml Um U UUkj,m uVe (bird MaUy to r.aewy MH,nn s-J iats to Tipurt end eVaJ, ar Vnv-ai eifl be entered accord- tog kbx ftcrt diaaeal Teat j vol atxKen. Frkeedr.laed-A. twm. l w a. ions, Fe If 11. rXnWa ttovtB Jt PwcB m4 Jak ttofl i wmJ for nUrwi If Um rw1, 1 to! Mbrailo U W trtcl iMflf to to) Vrvttm UjOims priMJ to iWUor. Um U(ri. tort vntir ! tW n1 cwt af k tnd ttsft. wr hi m mu o u cowMy or Kum K to H tom U WUtojff, M tto) Xhit4 UmiMf la rrbnurr tf, (ton sf Jkrt ( MoorOg to UM feMi(tJr oaMML .Yrt4-CarM, iTn MM f lOCtT of pint vi qwlrr arWom, Ha- Jtmrt tfevtl mj Ma ftovcfli aHnM il 'Hhr4, WvW4 m hud, l. It tpptuinr to art aiM WWbiiU ef tk utt, k U Itofx i'rtl btM af nM MWiM " to W MMrtMl r)Wl itatnt trf aW iW, af Mfa M town m,Ui, H4 frf" ("mm"? to Aatia C. Wf 9 al tf ITtotoV. Uook tttort. . KZtt i JiLLKMOXO, i. . t ...... , . I TAl to 1 aa Ito) MVUf aak i - - Ljvi of i U. b: f vet I mif t4 4Iitatf iMlat ( IUUi u os fraoJl iare4t U lUfdrtto' rtpomi ti KU4 m UUi Uf er f W I Tol lr m ciKUikieii 6tooU k Uffrtf'i OUclilaM)i A4tm )ima(i d. contract! iltckrear aa lonKf j lattr- NwUrvJ o coolfKU i Kfdeii iirdj Ttnto'i ttporin Umilafd tod itniii j DarUtMOgtifl't U t long on tain i U of lit iw cimcri SiarkU i rtporti i Uil In tjttli7 1 ArthU)l4' pracllc do u pldlAf do. In crlmtnil pltwJUtf i SuriU'i pleading Ifaddock'l ckmcir j Pallllp'i orUiocoi Ilofmao'l praetkt tUckoM)CaiUf 'tcrimlaal U( Moori hxtoif Sa7rdtt0octronarSUld'i Npont t CooMr'i JoidnUo t Rootr on UjkWi J Strpkrnton plciding. at oit I ft. Tkomt' domaaiic tnttftcinof Arm- ran; on ami Huftltr on iKo blood lHortif i mttrrU medical fiulkr.mor tld initooif fit II oo ulccrt i Bueroin'i fraoolf iUncraft oo (tur i AvctLT lurfary ; roruke oo uvrr; Thorfkit' prKtWt) Lcnac bo lhtchet( Conpr't jl r!rto Aiurar iuMi5rnr,w, ..... . . 3. It A MB-iT HATK HAIUI. TIC aWM aUl a.11, at ri&a BV, m iM ;t a Hmir y-un, tt ito ttwrt af J. II. IrtU I caw, . C, IW frract or hind, frav!f V34 tW lf KU U Toil UUnlorikCxtMi a W CmiI rirn Md ttliif atowil " " ; TU J Jw4 aUMi al lii toad CopattntTihlp, & ia akf iU irm af rAKtllt, lUKMU It CI and d I'wwl al llU Kd tf t. ffa k t. atora iWf Um a vi aMaaU a pUi im,Vt a ifl to) 6l?0 JAtrilKOHMMt. : .7 joitra t tttocuxx, THUMAI fAIUIIl. 2T2TCT TASIHOKS. uv4 i4 M ru u lymanW k jfllliitcll YTrmhIcf on.. Tair. rJlrii I 1 CAM aff IW arnkf li iWW frWU ta a aM k. A Ut daacripk b 4m4 mmmnmrj, lima ba kaava aa ht dtf ar tM, or r iff.wxii ia Uat Oitocribar, at tog mat atra xaUng Vaaa, lr4cM cmm;. - ' ' "At 9, WUUL Aflr I, 1131. lluuat to Utnt. m n E ft W trf la & Irn la&Urr, L latdf xp4 af Mr. Uf LmW. ad fcnar4f tor AbuUf frvtoxk, dVd. W o la L IppFjr, to aVtrf, fa t AIX1I3 MACAT. AW. tt Wi a r NEW BTOIIE, firjricTrttxv to rrwii a4 A t ll MUt to ga Uat a M aa r. (Mrwtg, Ha) lark Md f3J!fkia, ctoxa v uimt a mwirii ar Drj Coods, - Hardware, Acc Kk-k k hfii ar St al A aftoJI AOff rtfwa Wf tog to CTtBI, l JWtorf, V aad frtUU at Wrt 1 aad da Um. W toaa Ual vtaa infriMta, atiO ta Wa U to rMaL to; eVwlt gn M. (to) kvtal rV.UdaiDtoa fcaMawt. atocA va ar toclard to UUra UI to) auM toaf to lU mI ar1 af (U aVat fining, la adJU toMtokkk,a UMtbraUapri. an or aaiMWf arrw urtua af ttuCaaa c tiriad to lU ia aaWaraud atooa to iak. ImI aa Uai i to aanW. lUl aur raif praaa aa k af dfaa,ltij KA aa Uia Ctrnmrt wadnca oiB U raratrad U rarwwt af rk duaa to ikia aSaa. al ito) OfiUr t, m taaa f aaavU oat to) aaipba4 al th rwa laf to wiiaa. d.mUfa for lfttKt iftoVy,. itH. I T af aWaa aad quarter ill oka caJL rm. n Amff aad Trmtltttu, tradaf lUtf fraUful iKaai to aS Omm U U ttlraifed lUir M'ramt la iUa and Uo itoir btawn U cairttated, Al Mtf pUa k to ctoM aar UdU al lU ad af l7 yrtf, aM Ito) ripMitoa af IM But raar tolafckar al Uftit. pUff toH ad lUaa to Mia aad var oum ta tak rrar.ta Com jt ird. If eonvtWnt ad Ctoaa Uuif octaaatt ipMnai ia Itk Jumwrt Mat, . - ordrrad ) rlk iwwi. tto4 1 aUtcaitoa U ada axnttrj j ncrdp7loIoxy M.r', diciitfoif j j pharmacopia el iko U. Siataa Ittillip'f inquiry 1 Saediam on arphllliij llamUtonoQ parnuret Orll'a anatomy j Blatkali on dropMcil Parii phannKepii 1 HaJI on diaorderi j American ditpcnaaio ry 1 Saundcrt on th cj 1 do. on I he car 1 Bkll on woonda 1 t wn yUow rcaer llawtMpoii rtciutnj Duncan on conaunp lion 1 Parmela on ireth, BtlYt diitectwot Accum on tegeitblt pnlaoot. ' . tilJCIOVi. ut eka aaceraarcfr In tU Wra'tra CaruEitf. A prtatrd to Hatooary, that tM oVfcMantl ap pear ai aar arn caun ar pkj ami qaartrr mmm ta M Mid lor tar county of Rinu at lt aartaiatto atoUrjr, tm Ihr tttkd Morr U rtbraary Mlt, tlxa awl there lo rrpkvv d pkad, or hhlfwral a-iU be raurrd accord. inf to Ito pkjaUT'i itmml , Trait JNOv ULEV, C?A, Prir adr. Iv dok. 0t9J ftrai y,.NVcAXWfiMt, A?m tmmtf , CWHT of pkM aad omrtrr arfena, Ko rrmber araaM 18. Pankl UaMer, ad'r. m. TIrmy ftetftr, tad ertjcri pethtos to art lha rr aetata af tW4 H.tf it ap prarlf to ttta eatairctioii of the eoqii, thai heary HeTTr, ooe of the defredanfa, ia aot an tebebitatit of thk atate, it b tkerafiire ordertd, that publication be anaJe ia Um Tetter Caro. Vuuaiw printed ia SalUbury, asceeier until Mxt court, that Um defendaat apprar at onr Artt court of pieu tad quarter araiona to be COt T af pWaa aad ouartrr rawf, Ktf aeakbrr Lam. Itli Hcbrcca llwkaa va. AlruWart original attachtacat, ki. td aa bad, it. It kfpvv to the i1r.f. tioa of the wrt that CM dHradant k aot an tohabrarof tkVaf, k k tUrvkra onimd br the eowrt tUr pub&ratioa be Ktad til wake aoccraiink ia the Wretrra CaroUakn. priatad to f UWt, thai tba oVtVadaM arpvar ! at 01 rr mtt Ootf af pica aaa onarrr ecakNtt to be brM lor the ooaatf of avtaaa at the evr hoqar Ifc ViCmr, oa the third aVmdiT in Feb. riary ant, Um and there to rcpW-v aad pkad. or Judcaotit vill be eiaurtd acccMing tu toe pUintiR umm). Twt.jKacn.rs.cu-. rrire adr. ; 6n94 HsBonton. THE Copartnmblp heretofore eiktlif U tvera the njbacribrra, aadcf tba AVaa of St .NarrArlwa. 1 Ctmlft 101 AT. of pkaa and Oartrr HtaoM, No. S rember acanona ms. Tboaiai Cm rt. Tltomu Canker and otbera. Cranteld Hc'Sn to Wa ( rer. k U dr atalTed br lualooMrnt. AB MreuM kJcbted to ee are re. q'4cd lo tr forward, and aaake knnwdkta pirmrnt 1 and rUe Wa baro a decaaada B pretrnt Ificto tor pat awnf, 1k kn af Um Am mlJt U erUkd trf f tn ABrthotrr. tU k antharked 4a lake aat tkatcau and f raal dkdiarfra; -'. cpnrce tncat AaMary, Jmfy i, 123. - - M ' ' ' EZHA ALLEMON'O . Rrtirma b-a nai einrere lUake to the pabBe rinrraL far p4 fcrar. and Imtum then ibal be baa parcbaard Um Jarl. e JrrthonJrte , of AlkaMtnf k Locke, abkb k near eerr tm hktr. hating jut reeeked a frek fitpp7 froaa rharlnton, and Lkk be otTere for k upon the mo rraaonabk trmws at Um aund tonnrrt taa . ana . .k L r raritit. . 0 onaeJ atoakfiatka) JVUUnl a VUf itf mwul ! tpJ( A mU'i Lf fvtSOfl U f aauet i tt k ta.4 j Um mi af IU .... aJ4 Ad CaB4 lJ at awre A blUe aai, trU U Af aaffffk mntri dUr4 nrad, Ibf Ua a iad rktafkna k rhe tit, TUa anpttte to Itoera tb furm kd 1 "Ito! W. auh :ptkd, avi tW ttore IfwrprrMnrr. k bappkwe fear pnlnf k k t 0 ito a d.' Wmm end (Ve lne.) he aar la eape oar oonrtt rravke Iter k the Umlk totuge lidre( Tri f t alke k er'ry rlrre 1 J ' HU'MeaMvUlCaiUelWti Ti lo im rank ef Ub caala'd, "fy iMM( s4ilnJL Ik rrvnc Ue yawr wik toWi f Mam eirrc , and CMitatS Um frX - .vt'dc. . . . TVe aaaa that kaib no oaanM k kbatl( N W naf awr'd Uk eeaKord af aa eel etttadf, IrllfartmaaaalratafaMaadaiMiki ' TW aMtkto af kU apkk are daB at at'fbl. Am ka iffttCu dAk ae THt 1 ' . lrt no rack enee be trartad. - Buck'ethraiotjteal ditHa7 1 Cnrver'i I f r4-r7 i. r I CM tne 1 ana viiq io iaa ucicPHiairi in " ran-, i an.n pa'mnur mm aw oe fnaaaiunj kkw kcU fcrtkf iof m, lt wnrtjMW EiiiVKt'mu l' na'nw of lit c baa, vbf tba knda afomaid abould not be aold ; ar the petition trill be taken pre oonfeew, and eara eipane aa to mm. ' M" 'Teati-JNO.-CILW.-rrb.-- rriceaor.Sl A " . -.. 10vt9r " acnnom ; Oracle oo. I Harmony rangcliata fDrova'a' bible dictionary j tdward'a on affectlooi Fordjrce'a aer rooni Belfrey 'a nddreaaea I Proodfit'a or k t Saint a real t rito and profrtea t pilrrim'a promaa;' coorersationt oil the bible I cbriatlan morala i Wbite't remaintt hurcbj atate ; Drown'a catechiiht Palev'a thtoloy I Doddrip on regeneration Jenk'a deto tion Dixter'e call I Ok'a orkt ; Cbal mer'i scrmbni j Brown'i dirldt 1 Dlaira lennoni i Joiephui work- i Ciblei tel- 'lamentaf Watt'a hymnij prayer took. and Tarioua other worka.N - -tttnrr. v Butler'a Hudibru ; Ely4 a tynopsit j are Aof InhabitaM nf thie eaatr, k- i ordered that publication be anode fur mi ka aaooraiircly w the Weetrrn Carolinian printed ia SklUbttrr, that the eVfendanta appear at the nnt court of pteta and quarter aeeoona, to be held tor the ennntr of Konan at tbr coart4KM)e ia BaTnbery oa the third atorwky in Frbraanr next, thea and there to- abevcaire rr any tbey bate, arhy tba-rral eatate afomaid ilK-ikLpo he aold or judgment a ill be entered accord ing to Kite toftaai t Teat i JNO. CiLr.9, LOt. Suu J .VarfAfarafao, Xmn tawnfy f - IUhi 01 pteaa ano quanrr aeanona, no J ver her aeaaiona, 1K2J. Chrktkn C. Iri'a . to. riiotnj GardMr and othm. ncilki to aell , rfil ti'atc of John Gnrdnrr (1ec(L It nner. ! inr to the tatiWaction of the court, t1t llennr ' Carpentera guide j Kennefa amiqnittei ; him. wiu ii iwvw iw uricnumn m w ana oi war ciitucai uicwmary , uummi'i rjanr, not inhabitants of thia itate, it k there. fore ordered that publication be tnatle lor am tek. Mieceraivehr in tbr Weatern Carolinian, pear at tue neat court or plena ana quarter are. aioiu to be beld for Um county of Rowan at the oourt.hcuee ia Saliaburr. on the third Monday - . ..a a . . a rn r roruary ncrr, tnenann were u anew cauae if any Uiey bare, why the real eatate aforesaid should not be sold-or judgment will be enter d fur Ilia plaintiff according to scire facial . Tut JNO. GILES. C7. J Price adr. fc?. 6it93 i aurreyine ; Milton's works j marriage ce remonies Plutarcha liree Cook a ora cle Dmtio:AnamUiiUaJnutc,i wQxll; political economy ; Uras' dictionary Us slsn'a poems Scotfa infantry; Reida, worka Steme'a orks Hume's essays Hallam'a middle. agt fHonte'a England ; recollections of the Peninsula ; Gillie's Greece Say's political eeonnmy; Rullio'a ancient hittory ; Lacon ; Orida met morphosna Smith'a wealth of nation Thompson's seasons ; Haifa communion Stmt af A'mrlh.Canlinn. Umak raamf t A . - . ' v- i . ... v . . . COURT of pleu ami quarter msmoos, Mown., reoeratisi Junius lexers ; iNegotisuons ber atkiona, 1S25. John C. Blum te.fbetween Srain and the United States; llionu Grdner and otberf. Sc-fai to reU realjt:,rke tn alater? j life of Cowper Cow estate r-f .tnhn Gardner, dec. ft appearing tor.,. '.i, , i:j.m .Ar. . Ar theitkf:tknof,tbn.rl. that Krnrv Wual P WOfkS l Pindafa works Tiewa of and wife two of the deieodaoU inthia c.neJ:Lou,,n, ' bT d7 MofRin Prance not inhabitants of this 'tale, it is therefore order. ex that publication beliitide for six weeks sue- certively in tnr Mcs'eru Cwlinmn, pnnted in . Satlihurv. that the defendants anoear at the bait coui t lS pkaa and qiiaitu CMions4o be bald tor Uiff t OTHTV "of R6Wan;at the turt4oue tn 8Tlfc bury, on the third Monday in February next, then and there to shew cause ir any they have, why the , real estate aforefaid should not be aoM or judc-mrr-t will be entered for the plaiutuT according to scve facias. --:-Teatr JNO. CILEJI COtcz Price adv. - ' 6wt93 St( f tyrtK-t'trlinm, Roman ttmtyt AOVRT of plru' and quarter arriont, No- V rernoer tewionv J o x - Poberr Bmr ra. Thomee Gdaer and other.- Beifs to aril real estate iif fohk Gardner, dec. It appearing to the satifketina of the eourt, that Henry ftunsel and wife hr9 ttilti dafendsntm thaa, are not inhabitants of this state, k i therefore of dercd that publication be mstle for six week sumesiee?y in the M'efern Carolinian printed in l sbur), tliat the detemtanti appear at the next court of pleas and quarter sessions to be netJ for tiie county o Itowan at the cHH-heuse in FaJisbuty, on the third Monday fn Fchruary next, thn and there to shew cau if any they hare, wby the real estate aforesaid should not be aokl or judgment will he entered for -the plaintiff according to scire facias. ' Tejt : J0. OLE, C. rtice.aar. $4. owxj: - j by do." United States and Great Britain military dictionary Europe aRer the Coii;rcsiof Aix-la Chapelle. -TTiUiv a" nneral aasortment of achool books. CiekpiTandEngnih f A' laf gatarieteof oiuer uuiiii av niio-no7Ci, c wn wuicii he ofiers at the Philadelphia retail prices. A discount will be made to library companies, &c. " EZRA ALLEMONO. Ra alio on handa general aasortment of all kind, or baadi, selected with care, and laid in at prices that will enable him to sell verr low. Ilk oMionwrn- ami the public To tnnU are invited to Call examine and judge for themserrea. ' &iAry, JV. C. Jom ltmS. T:46 "Ipt RT of pleni snd quarter pniiora. No. J member aeaKOfs IBiJ. - James t-'oruei t. Taomat Gardner ahd. othera.J:-'kifkr..to acll real ratata of John (Cirdner. dee. It aiiprarin ta the nliWketioa of the oowrt, that Iknrv kua- I . m. . m . 1 f 1 . ' . . . ei ana wuc two av m ucientuum in iini cur re not inhsbiUntebf Uiii state, it h therefore onkred that publicition be made for six weeks iicceMlvely in me yteatem Carolinian, f nnted in Sansbory, thtt Die defendants spprtr at 'hr next court of plena and quarter aewioua. to be held fir the; county Of Rowan at tb com lirmw to HoJbtotW third Mawekf- to- Vtnrr next, tlnn and there to shew csnsc il any they bare, whr tba real e(ste aforeid should not be soldor jttdfment win be entered for the plain tifTaeconling to acirefscUa. . 1 Pa ta . - .1 i en t JwvJ. tiibr.B, w. State fyrtK ToraCna, Jtimeamar tmmty t COUNTY t xirt, June term, 1333. Charte MDoae w. Darid Greenlee i orignal at taclim nt, kt -d on knd. It appearing to the satudhetion c the court, that the defendant, Darid Green re, is an inhabitant of another government! rherefore, ordered, tnif publica tion be made fh tbe Wettern Carohmsn,")'c. eeeaivelv. for six weeks. notifVlnir the nrfen dant to appet at Uie term of raid court to be held for Buoc mbe count r, at the court-house in Asherilk, n Um first Mondsy -k Januarr, 1826, then aw there to plead, amwer or demnr to the plea of pe plaintiff, otharwue jiidgment nnal wl be entered affainat him aaeordinrly. - -6t3Q j Teiti JOHN-MILLER, Clk. j reVhnr sray depend, Uatt eetry etenian ) hi part witf be ward to give general atfiafactka. TT7 ILL be girea kt the apprthenajon of Wil 1 1 Smik Klrm, wba brake Um Jail af Stokes, county. Ji. CarvTina.oo the wxU oftU M December. 1K5. He waa committed for llorwr etealirg. and ako for atealinre Mare SomctiroM be pi br the name i Smith, and will r-o d'mbt rhanre nia name, af he k an artfal fellow. l is about Are lrt ten or eleven in- che higludaik ha, aol a efJnowiiok. lie hadMt Uua bruadkth coat, homespun miied rsntalonna. and plsid rmth etoak. He hat the renretraution of aa earle ok One of hta ran, put iu aitli mdelible ink. Will also be given fur tlte apnrrhenalon of Jaeth Hiit,r, win broke "Jail at the aame lime. Tie is anrrewell maJe man, aooul nx reel Burn. 'ark cou nlccted. and ha a verr bad look i he !id on a ri?re blue bmad cloth coat, and check. el i,'.ul4)..i t, arxl k a Ortnan, nbkh can soon he diMxnered by tatkira- -adtb. bun. . ... 1 Imt aOwe-rcitartt ii te tin to any prrna or pcrot who will dchtvr the aliove mention ed men to me in Gerroant'ir, "fcfoke eminty. N. Carolina. C. L. BANNER, Shf. f ee. 4.!Kt. 83 Stale tAVwAarwano, Cakvmt ttmnty t - " SUPERIOR Court of Law, Fall term, 1825i Catharine Goodman vt, Caleb Goodman i petition for divorce,; Mt appearing to the tat'nv faction of tbe court, that the defendant ia not an inhabitant of thir state, ; 0rderiU that publication be made for three months in the Western Caro- linkn ahd Catawba Journsl, notifying said de fendant, that unks he sppesr at the next Superior Court of Law to be hUd for the coun ty of Cabarrus, at the Court House In Concord, on the 6th Monday after the 4th in March next. and plead, answer or demur to said petition. judgment pro corifeaw will be taken against him and it wiu be hearu exparte. . . JAS. G. SPEARS, Ctle.- , rriceadr. gi . JnttvP State tfi'trih-Canlina, Iredell ewainjl IiUUKl ot fleas and (iiarur seanon, Aujr. ) term, 1825. Wiltiam Hiftea, admr. v. VIA. Ham Paireat Original aUnchent,retured levied on 100 acret of land, j In tak ease, it ordered by the eonrt, that rmbAcation be made for three monthe in the Western Carorinlan, lhat unless :h defendant anpeer at the neatwurfofplraa ana quaner aeanonf to be held for tne county ot an . . t . . ... . ireaeu, ai ine coorvnqiae m staieetuie, on the third nday. inr Novimber neaV TepkT the pieau, me piainim win ar judgment rendered property kvied on. a be heard ex parte and m bis tsror pro com Trice adr. gi.' .SlirOSTOiV.Cllt. 3mt89 .'' JTOTXOIL --s. ., THE copartnerabip of D. PARISH ti. Ca. wss diuolved by matusl consent on the 1st, day of July kit The butinoas of said concern will be closed by Pabmh; Coaaiaa k Co. to whom all indebted are requested to make pay. ment ' DANIEL PARISH, JASPER CORNING,' PARISH, HOLfiKOOK a CO. CAVarsfrn, Oaf-IS, 6tM HE uhacrihi r offers for aale hia Btutft and 'st in sii ;ile, rithrr with or without his Bedding and mher Household Furniture, and with r without all hii House Mrvants. Sever. al tracts of hmJ, the whole amountinr to be. tween I J!K) and 2000 arr , adjoining the town land' of State.villet or env pert thereof, to and purchaarra. ..... . The lands in Centre, known by the name nf .a a...B(. -----. er - the wmte Hoir tract, and those adjoining; in the whok abour I2nfaerea. Ako my interrst in reveral other trao. all joining the former. A treat number, of ether tracts nf knd. Ivinr In different part of the county of Iredell. -All the remainder of mj prgroew. 27 m mimher. Cssh will be required for the whole price of the Nerrorst all the other property will he diino. rd or at one, tw, and three yrara erenit. It i Nleemed uarleas to dewibe the Jpropertjr more Dart icularlr. ar the buitliasers will a uh to view if before tKey buy. 67 Juy ij, laga.""- ttopr.rrr wubrb," LOMMQDOAZ MmDOyxOVCO. The third alar of our Ktry bas dlutx pcartd from at anortal eubawMKlW rxmrh Is ro mora Ilia depanir waa woattmded by on olalUf atrtiggta and b4 clad aa be fired, Ik o spirit f exilttd rtsJgtutlofs. Consumptlonitkat imlrrrul and irreshtlUa destroyer, hat ttrooapbed oter the brave and good tnsllng boogbt tba brat err of the hero, but w trust per fecting and rewirdirf the cmintnl virtue of the nan and tbe Christian. On the ocean, far from the dear land which be ao lovod, and for which be had dor an xnocb and ao aobly, fee yielded vp hit breath, leaving bit body te bit satire eartb,.and tbe glory of bit same an its perishsMe legacy lo tvla cotmir. . -The Corarnodara bee UA t e cbildrea, four tont and daorbte r. ' Hit wife died a few months alnce, al lliddklowatCe.. neciketi to where the Com rood era's rt. maint have been Uken, fat interrocnt. There if a tear forafl who dk A mnurnrr e"rr tbe bomllest grar ' But nations SwtS the funawafcri, ' Aad trwtwph wrrps abwre tbe brave. ; eaaawaaaatBaBBaaxat A eomnuttee of tbe Georgia Lejrwktere, bar r?pjrrrf.Tifft 1lua1ok,1lk note aupperd of ae rsfar, and oa rral taste, of 9vVVUee ka above actaal kaa, - there k&?4.!64 a doubt fuL ' rretlotit to. the djoarnment ofibe Veraont LegUlarore on the 13th Intl., Acta were peeved appoiatiirg Canal Com rnlssJonert -'to lay a taa oa foreign Fire Insurance Companiet of I per cent on premiuma rocelrtd to Incorporate the Mdkal InsJltotlorj or the Uoiveraltf of Vetmont and lo Incorporate the Otter Creek and CaslJetea river Canal Compa- . a... a . . n. All tbe Lottery Ltiit were dumtst- It will be teen thai Captain Parry hat returned after another unitjccetiful at tempt to get into tbe Polar tea. - Appear ances wore a favourable aspect until tba Fury waa wrecked, whicb obliged the' Hecle te return. Wo imagine nothing fun ber writ bt done BMH Captain Frank- ' its returns. - - r mTUdi tnfitt Mr. Waddle, a master In the British a . a ... it nary, naa lately penetrated .200 miiet nearer the South pole, than any former nivtatrjrrr-After-peiet rating - aeveral. barricrt of ice, hitherto Intuperable, he found an open tea within the Antarctic circle. ' ' tid. HtflT Hoiiae and. Lot in the town of WI'a.l'A . . . m. v TF flat! I laiiirhter'a hiHiM of entertainment, in Iricntuy neirlborliond, and irood society : the 1 house is two rtones high, with four tire places ! in theiwef atorv, snrtw6 in Uie upper : Ihe j houe is large sik! convenient, with a kitchen,! smoke.housr; com -house, and arable, with an excellent garden and back lot, all,, in gootl. re- at " "is v . a .a . . - . L . pair., 1 win (iispoae 01. tne same nme mosr accommodating terms to the purcharias I am determined to remove to the country next full. GEO RCIi MILLER. SuXj fm726,182J. . . .65 N. B. I aW rrqiiest all nenona who hare snv demands awinst me, to call and receive their pay t ahd those who owe me, by book account or otherwise, will do me. a favor by raHing and lettliiig thctr account... 1 II. M. 9 dl CarsoThe ship Swift, lr thur, hat recentlf landed at ihi poijl more than three thousand barrelt of apennaceti oil, maktDj nearly one Jiundred thousind gallons. - Thtt ia undoubtedly the largeat ,. cargo of iiervueefi oil even carried into anj port h the known worltfand ia worth about eighty thouiand dollaraw The Swift " Was absent but little more than twenty- eight months. Wanturktt Inquirer.' The ParUianV tav that Charlea if nnt inimical to M. de Lafayette. A few f:e.l; cieill MwfAttrlbs "h traf who compote lha intirhata society of (he king, were not e ntile acandaiixed oh ' heating hit maietty tar M I cannot con " eeirerirhy ' Mrde Lafayetio ahould excite : ' ao mwh ajarm. He ia o tery amiable man i I have' often nlaved aftenhie with. ' bim ( he waa then a fine FOung feIloWtid an excellent borteman." quire? aaya, The eye Mt of k sword fish, is generally much larger than thstV of an ox, and forms a wcrjr powerful magnifier. Z I bsve fjeqnently. , almost inttsntly, lighted cigar st the focua formerj by the sun's rays patt ing through this hSstaj ral lens.'

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