itl It t-9"t. t iI t. iu m.i U U, r tv 6Y MUm A.W tUtttJ&Ctt. Ibunitt Uk fror irif, i tk tj.fii I ,'-'w 1 - ------ ... - . , M W 4 - ' - - 1 . (ia r isue ' v I hMfM tV 9- Mat W Mrf Tatrw ey u's4. Aa4 tU.t tM , m fwgH I kk lka lorf tmm,mg 4f, M H"t MMt4 her H M. WWo iWm m shm wwl4 aw tmt f TU4 Wy U4 mm, I lWcH t A4 MfsMkiaM4ftsa7, It; ftrMtf total a-H WsImm wtaaMUvMaWyi lhaav mm I aVwtt fee D. W. f. ft " ..JTft.ava ti"it . 1U mm U r WwVrM iwa m ut it Tig ixDirixDUfT trrrjT. WaJf, mm m af W7 ihM t. fnMU(Vf( rnMi 44 what I was, It m alW tifmut. an vol OLUTtoy. M J M rwMrd ky mit rrtr tkat g mIn, mm tk Hi fen, of the krfawtko. i itkM attacked I tM VMrmaiM f JtvetkW, u mOm eJ pwbftdi m Wy m practicable the CJp and Mtrtotk ap4 Cm ftettatoaory War, awt;tt m ervd ! MkHMMluMiufHatMi JlhICopU esuch song wwaU m gladly rvaeivad t tkk Ooa, mm tUM al Cfcfffwl llilti conaroaca wf that notice, frkwd Wi' tmkl Mvalf mm fee ardJ tlM foAVvW. TU ft. sWr L1 rtkUf ptrcrin there k mom peiriul pm, or trw walgrUa, itkM In tlx long I lor, with aJl atj heart, Tk UrUMndent part i . rmr cu abide T l,kt i IngknFi tide, Ta obey th pataot, ' I prf mjCmJmUdwv.,.,, ., .j ,, ,, 1W fml tnd fmnd Cewp ) t "Tito U mjjt W J Tmii mm tbouhl ik my prt TW kik M C0'J rtry, , T plapM it i B7 ftor. T Bjt tCtifW tk Ktftf, Brifiit LQMrtj will bfinj. &tot riHtrviM ! the curf, T kM-p th Correi U. Lord Nonh, tml EriJ'i Klnf, 1 mm thejr H LU iwlnf Ot ttua opoion I Bnotrt to Br Mil die. A! Jf 4 mt tH tm mm 4 Uftwt tw tfct if W im r- ftf4j W f M t klMM f ! ft VW M U t kil lMK r,f (ur Tkf Ufr. tlft. ft (ltlt wiir boJ M fn, M m mitt f iM h itrrr tmmoil!f , ti thrr in lit b4UpMU aiUmi U UI fWk. Em tf Mil'biilOft ft tKlr CMHTttlo CUM lift 1I4 rv4 ( iktlr tittttftci, U lftrr mn MUirtlk Ml lo Ift fl Mt COTiUlUjIf. I Itl P rvikUMft tt pmtt villi ftf till ftMfwl CUM Ift U !. f immm) It ftt wnueiit m !m Mi iiUuf4 lrtfmiRt it memmit ft4 m hm rr Wh( l)uj)' kumtMl, M lft lliV Un lobjicud lot proptr U Kr UUkt U tyuUf WmBUI Ift tMir ftVMtft. Wkt k I Mtn ftbWint- L- .... nw m Mr Mit i ' : . . . 7, m t tnk. m mmJ iMM rouJr io4 to Ikft pof f Ike pHMM4l lrr,f. l I , j, i!"r?r eftf Jt ,7m i M) atuh Mr Wimi r m( Ph4 rtt fcn Im. m-4 m M Ul. Hit ! ftktrft m fmm Un tUlkf Mrrf r-jr, m tr to i,h Wf. kk MtMM 4 m mt H m rwrrf, M tM IM MM ft IM rj MJ IM M IMl M m 7 Mlktwk M tM fcfMO-f Ul rJ. H- II V4 Ur WraUt to Mrr, r to nm, m 9Mr M 4mtnUiri lttf trt r nUr4 li M.U.ffr M im ftrWM. Ut tW Mk-f ' wnif . m mock or Ulr V)J t iJ gt vJJ MMrM I ") 0Otr I 1 It mw cvu- lib ,ji lhr mrit. .rf in1 cr 1,.. ' . . . , . . f ' cf ft Mhii dr. kUk. M tif!' 1 If ltkl If ft tOAl ftf HdikUful kvj, tofila ft 1M1 Uilu. l tkrify Mk look U (Mi L'tkLtt Ik Mir fwtr lwft t mtur krt Kcl-Jrnl ? bit pUct4 Mfti U! krUfft Mn 4 m4 C0ting ir.ift to(trsH IMnft tUilftf n(.Uf; fftjift." 4 Wt, t. i iit-iti4 mm IM rwirf, lUt Ik ti. (.'.' 4 , M U lSta. f IHkl i to IM Wti ( M m, ft4 M UtaWy, lUI ttm firft M Mil M Um 4 trtf im kMM to lWxfy, M. k4 MMM 4m Nt r (MKT Mtl. IM ' Mi ft( W l f11. WMM M tr4 Mt Wf U IM lkMj'1 wMM, rrW Mir. tv V, z w rjm or fixot U fS ItUtkJ of Grtat Uniilff, t dov Uitftftct ! h4 rojtMet tt Stu ft, l lltl ll ltrid-l-foftUfttft 4t Iter RCnrdcJ U hitt&fV. iHcW roftuBl bftvt contlooet) tilth Uft- fc4J M(Mloa( Juriag 350 f Off. IWtxrt III, broil ku brarf.Mciutt hit UUi ftoa IloUrt i mrtcd to ftto 'mU 'xlt ilrvv rtw; (lUlir M UM M4 MKWtMiM, Kft i t--- . ' 1 11 ti ' Jmmi Dmrtt m4 mm (Wtl mmmm1 Mb tact, Itm4 m m4. J., tl fMMirf w IM ftklMftrllM (rM CMfl, IMl M 4.til7,Ml r mm ImmUimii Mf fki il k tMlto nkfM! ky U trt, ttiM MM m MJ t Mk iMUMlfljr to tkft rrcft L'aaLm. M, ftftartna M fttltiwry, tM IM MoImi ib m at IM Mil ftWtft Mf Wi mvI MAT Mb MtfW) M) M kU M tM MWlf ftf InM M IM) titrtkcMii to lJMjry, t Uur4 Ho4f 4 IM ttpmf 8 k ur4 cor4 MI5Cr.IJJLNEOUk t Ma tci aiV'MBi utrw vttM. . W022AX& Til vm of tf oetn diriJ Mfor Im prow lk ralr4Uuir ship, but to t man! m trci an b iTuorWL TM mil k parted by tk ploucfc. but to a lev rtroKinf j-eara th earth 1 f . . n . a iL - 1.- I ! If chxra ania. HnifTir 4arM k. .... t M awtiirrt Mt. 4 krr mmi rf ikh 1 H mitt Mt, m tk afprMTh af drat brcMM MMrvviMk rf7 Jart r It Miura Mt VMrtMT bflMM CW4 Mf M kk MClkl irk tap kt', m Mif laiat k ki4, m4 Mr rwe k rra chrtrAJ W aK Ml4fM tk MKwr aad miW cf mt wn. At IM nfk rkr kbM IM form, awl tt tW DjrMaiac'i irtkAj bUf Urik btos af rW auprrtor I pUirlr to U4ronlfr tkrlr f mslottr Aim rr dt oHertiikoo atcrrtrin H w vbra proper auirvorMr H rxx f r ckftd. thai ibtlr itHn ar rubl t prorUft Ut iktta toafortUr tbi otk alatci Urortf ftfttlrtlf lnabord!att, ar4 rft riwUf pew i tb ftrlbborhooJ fxl btncft p rmittlf tbn to 4o ry bin klcb bt l Urn) Ittmanbtt ftttt4V4lftnk kb Ibft lnj0r, oll .!. irxi is tytay rum m iq emfr, wno IVil if vt niMM im cbaraeirf of votam MMMtrlr. UI lJ (abWr a vrtl a rlrhM. Wmmi k Ackk, if aMf tnul Im rnkM af lSouaivk of awikora ao mm ortntft mk to pro kr a. Drt okt reader krr aaf k il Ml rk f aiim of omui t tt tbr vat Lao or a Lrdia, m tber aot a Lartk aa4 ft Vir rirua t II a ItrOMl Mrarrtl 16 CMiaJrli did at ftmak aar lb city ahea CoriokaiM W kirJ it I h tMHi mart lkkl iNm mm I No. fc MCa diwjt fror ftak fenMjr, and torrtrwieri bimaclf to tUf m!ipjUc4 W ibtcMftv Taelr diet HouI4 U bmH vithoul 1 C anil a dailf (1 it bft ft mn mm) ftllotaacft of PMftt, bftcoa If pracil ck! 1) Ilk la tbft iu tamer aftd auiutnft ftnd ciikr, vita tbM who ba ortk rdt, h t( wlnltr and Hafi to tupplr lb fthekf f milk. Add ! lkl,n ropr atrftaiot), tftaaQ quan'itr f hJkf 1 4-Ji or Mra fatloM to Ubor ln .haMTdurtnr IM ftftftf. -Tko adra mm mi im power io P o. .... 1. Jr,t.) m ka f.r mmi4 iKa rM Wow Irt a ttrm to tM onrht ! m M I 7 , J . . 7 ' . cKaraCter. and mark beroMfttleMr, krr lorli- and bcr Mwtr orer tM htUng ami aTre tkM of aara, aqd tb obkb ab ftuke of thai powtr. Who that rr frit W heart vvQ at tk anuk of beaoif. or hi puh bel rVtcr at tko c lane of her ere. but hath aot to aom moment of danrer and dmrinrw etperial the rwret eonAJrnc of t ftrnaMi Mth r-nt paced tbe earth with a InMr otep aad a prouder heart. k I ha de fcioul bunleo B auar mbm hu arm atkinf aad raeeirinr wpport 1 and iMibinki it would rtcail lh ami I ren rMi on the rerr of dtaxtkitma, as tb brre roll ey of Imom loved amtlinr aweett upon nim. - . r - . - . ... a Lord KnaJne remarked, m wm of lua ptood. Jnp, that rher ta, crnamry nottriaf plrtonf to tMnvnuut lancy. ttiantMpo atonoa MaUftand of a beautifUl woman hi the prim of youtbftd beauty ." How true wltie. Place txior the rye tb picture of ApMDea, or the rtaiue of Pa Hi its ftod it may revel in tnetr Mutter 1 but turn it on th oripML the Firinr, breathin But the Under, wounded heart ' oritW' W rrrJ The ey in of a fcioale. aonrht but death can beal: tru Ktay alkviat iu ourde: away many ft. tear, and Itlaneea from the rubied pontine; Cfn to aJT dim Rtay alWviat ita burden friend'hip w bek, or from her hiiunant treaaei to her tn rniv wpft away Biany a. war, ana in aoothinr " V - . UtkI of loo atrM tt tmooth ka mrjred paaaar. V1 eokx.r. tv. .k. .,.1 wm tike r.t,WM. Inr of art b M natural m poeaiblc, kt lb limba on bar booma. and wti her form away. Pniloa.1 pJetured III the eiart profKirtjona, and the qrapr-ir aer m 1 ran irrin wiofi yracenii 101.K, onhr mar leach ava W bear with fortitude rrm ftfflicwny" lb Mrhrrenph from every ob, Uw cle, aad to ataiid unmoved Mid the Mervt of adreniry j bit there k not in voman nature, that which teachea her to W to bererlf for upport. like tbe reed which benda to every bkrt, although it may rke again. Ha roott are weakened, and th next Morm ahall ky it proa. 1 ftte in the dut. Tne tiiuom of health aettled will there k wanting that heavenly brightMaa, that gtowi'V attfiioa, xhat God bath given to bli own creation. " ; Woman k tbe pokr atar of lha action of men. Ahkourh not actively engaged in the manhattlng or arreiei, or in the cruah of em. pire, aha acta upon every thing at if by en. chantment -aha movei her wand, and ciliea on ber cheek in tb morning, the retting sun ' 1 . 'T tna irwy monarch may find it hai vaaiahed, and the cold hand of' u"heath the battle avord, andoid defiance to ii.hmi.i, linrthraa naaAULuniaatxt L.. United botta. furea. tn ber childhood, perbapa, ah looked! ? ron6T,t.0' Phmm, anon tb world aa bright and pleasing 1 hop occounted tk an anger kd ber to tbft summit of fclici'r , victones I but as she adrancM i nfe, what was once bright, appear rusted by timo .hills, rough and tugged, intervene .between- ber and the mount of happinea, and what she thought sweet at a distance, she finds k " gad and wormwood." 1 have aren the rose budding on the cheek, nipped by tbe trod of unkindners. I bare be. keld secret, deceptive eomumption, sapping the lifisblood, and grief ha kindled tbe hectic fire. The heart of woman k not formed Ck man' t its striags are so finely spun, that misfortune niipe and even toy destroys. ' Is there a subject fitter for the pa!ntera pencil, ,hr the WhatU the first and greateH of tcipio's nas it not tnat ennquest of pa. ikm, wnen im captive, tremDimg vi'win, wm permitted to depart from hint undented ' But still there are other vieai to be token of woman. Mark her as the daughter, soothing the troubles ot her aged parents. With what solicitude does she remove every obstack to their comfort j with what aniiety does the watch their slumber, fearing each mirht be their last, and bow often is her voice lilted to that great 6hL who lirteneth to the prayers of tne coiKiren 01 amtcnon, Ana wnen me areni, ful hour of parting ia night when the bends over 'heir death Jieds j when the dying prayer ii r i-j .1.. r ' V V Their tithlnr tkoald b l brre toll rood vain' oe for winter t and two linen for aum Iter, and thero ahotild bron in r state orSnv'rvrnt a -aaad-ia cook and ih Tor Ikft labor r. Tbt bnmna at tention 01 tbt matter la particularly ap pealed to la aickoeia, or when Ihey be come old and infirm. In the former aiiuaiion, ihey ara entitled notonly to anftdical ai)' but to tk iramedtate alien lion 0 thft raaiter. Ho should five of kit ttorei ! that lime with no sparing band. In Valtlng childroni one place of MadeaMi under Ikft ftupertntrndmcr of tome elerly woman, who unties kind nesa with lulhortty, and who is rotnodii hU lor tleir com fort, ta producilvo of ihft brat ratalltt. . To tklt kind of treat ment 1 katft ftdded rtvardli lo tb motl deserfino- Tko coat J trifling, and tbe cflect manifestly beneficial. It inspires gratitado to tho matter, and becomes a stirnqlui 10 good conduct. Tb nlatron ftf muter and alate, thut deprived of ita otherwise hanh and ua- f tie mil t karactftr, prodiKfta tko coo vot ing .reAetioo, that every thing haa 1efn BTctamplaned which the actual poa'nre of miraltdauoa admits, lea-capo ngrrti e. cept vhtt retulit from Ike untooirolable cirrumtuncas, and In itl practical opera tion on tie alavea themselvea it at'ended with content, .1 l. a deata 1 aaa at aucai. jaaea. ana snau capiif r. IM P.VfMrr mvlimw . Jameft I, fir hut beheaJcd ad aka4.r VriMat i ihrta of.kla neiratt klaJreJ ara at. I a M tbft pkiajif l draaaad. ...akftied Irjr hU ... Ut .bo W ' "bS tortured to death for Ii 1 j.-eft 11 u.i. 17 th. kuratio, ;rripr:iu Of picte of ordnance. wwona. ItJ. aaWtk lww. Jlnaellll. whmflri.f frotn iKg Setd M. Jam twn aod M Uwwal 1 oeigiaaj of btitlr, wat throw from kiahorar, J?JiiJl?tVYf I , , , . , ' k tM saWxlnM af tM ewrt, IMi tM oV (raV ami taorderrd io a cottage, lato which uk.,.i. v .w- -.1 fce aetttred by the ewart, that pubikaik) be aaad da week Mcew)f U tko Hast am t'aroCaka, prkted to SaUbury . that xt oVfcad sms appear at th Mil eonrt af pleaiaad ojuar. ley ariwpM f be kV fee ibe com My af aWwan at th coatMoM to ftaUbury, m Im uWJ ktoadty I rcbrwarj Mat, uWn and tbera Vt rsparM ftitd plead, m JudgineMt wdl be ftatarad acoardokg t the pbtouff ' 4 aaaiwl. Tealt 40. U1X1, CA. fncad.lwftiU. . 6a .9 J ht had tees carried for attUtaocr. Jaaaea IV. fcU la Floddea trU. Jamea V. died of rrief, for tbe wil ful ruia of kit arm', at Solway-eno. Ilearr Stuart. Lord Uaraler. waa siiiittrutcd, and the. blow a up ia hi a pilace. Manr Stuart via beheaded in tor- land. Jatnri I, aotlVI, died aot Without I Amy ,-, krwm tmmtj 1 auaniclna of beintr aoiaoAeJ l,v ljAliHT of pkaa and Quart tr bcwmmv K. .:... " ' I J .kbr arnio, U2S. Jafca a Chafia Buckinrham. Charlra I. beheaded at Whitehall. Charlea II. waa e tiled for eoaoy ft ara. . . t r , Jamea lit lot bit crowa iaj died in bftfllthment. Ann, after a reign, which, though tlorimit, waa rradcred unhappr br partj nit note, died f broken bean. occatioocd by the qukrrcla of bcr fa vored acrvanta. The poateriitr of Jamea If. bare rr. mained wretched wandercra in foreiro (oda Jae Dowrtt aad John Dowel! 1 original at. tacbaarnt. Irvkd land, kc . ft appearing to the aaikfartkft af th court, thai the cWfencknta an pot inhabitant of ihk Kate, it k tMrrior ordered by the court, tkat Mubtkailo) V fttadfl aii week aacctWavvly k tM tlefm CrawwV aa, prinU d in ftTmtnij, that tbe cVfendawr sp. pesr at our led cowrt of pka ami quarter sea. ont to b held for the eiaiaty 4 nVrraa at Uhi CMirt-koua to Satkbury, M tb third II an Jay rebrwary Mit, tkeft and latn la rrplevy and plead, of Ijrwarwt wiH W aalaMd accooi. ing to the pauatin S demand. Teati jnu cuts. cr. Price aJv. two dok. 6wtgJ Aia f StrtlJJmftiMu frM r 1 awry or oii'"r. A ccftuntt from Spain tiate, that Mea Freemaasaa at Grenada, who bad been rag Me Lbdr in tAat fUatr in Ikt vrry get 0 re ttivitf ai Wrntitty bad been .avoid by order of FciDiaaiD Vlf and Icttera from Morocco represent that the M Em peror had taf fft lh twd tie vtiolf rAe hAiPtantt tfthf City e Mrtltntt? men, women, and children, and entirely de stroyed the City, becsute It had Been Im plicated In a late revolt ! The i7r and 1 he Emfirror abould bo joked (ftgclhe Par HltJrttum lOVIKT of pka and quarter aotoaa, Ko- J veroberaraaionIS2i. faniel Helfrr, aWw'p, Henry I'thVr, and other 1 potftoa to sell th real ratal af laamel Ueler, deed, n ap. pemrirg to th aatkfactioa 4 .iho court, tkat Hanrv Ifalfcr, om of the daendaMa i not aa InhairtMt of thk Mat, it k tkorefor orderad, that publication be mad to tko Weatem Car. area, printed in Stliionry, sweceaw very awttl next court, that tbe defendant appear at Mr Mit court of pka and rmartor aaiioni ta be held lor the county of Mo an, at the court-ou to Salisbury, on thw third Monday in february next, then aad there u Miew cauae, u any ke has, a hv the land a fort mJ ibould not be aald 1 or the petition ail! be tilth pro confieto, aad heard txparte as to mm. Tt JN'O. ciix, crt. ' Price ati". S5 23. lOwiVT From the Catawba Jonrnai J- IL CQLV AURH Vn!ftJL SOCIETY. "'"At' a tneetinr of the Llrco!n.AgrkuI tural Society, Held in. Lincolnicn.on tne 81b day of November, 1823, the follow ith comfort, and a dcgreMR premiutnt were iwsrtlcf?, viit ol happiest far beyond what thrir coun try men (njoy ia tbekr native land, and challenshy; without fear a comparison with th Uooriwgdastet in. aome of the civilited eountrtea af Europe- nT f fort forcfaly ta disturb their relation with a view lo a change of their totvliiior., uhich caa be attempted only by those who do not fortee, or teeing are reck le it or the consequences, cannot fail to make worse the condition nf tho alavea.' For our own daily experience teachea us that the con dition of the alave, when well treated, is I To Ahram Smoth, for " nrr minm of the bett Coir, s S3 00 ToiMoms Roberta, for the bett Ile, 5 (K) To JjcoblUinhardt.forthe best Calf, 3 00 To Mist MaliiKla Wiljott, for ta beat Counterpane, 3 00 To Solomon R'amtonr, for the best piece of woven mixed Cloth, To Colonel Daniel Hoke, for piece of Twilled, To Vardr M'Bee for the pre 1 test quanti ty of Corn railed on one acre of high land reclaimed, - S 00 Slate J Smrik-CofUno, Amm ewaaafl . (10i:Hr oCpkaa and qnarter aewiona, Sv -vemher areMona, IH2S. ChrUHan C. Brrt - 1 ho GardAcr'and otaerr. Serfs: to arH Ireil estate of Ua Gardner dec'J. . It appear 1 tog to th latiwaction nf the Court, that Hre'V 1.. - a .a a . . .1 ' ttuaarl ami wile two 01 tne acienuanii in tnu .a a. a ' . - case, are not inrtaoiiamsoi tma 're, 11 1 mere lure ordered that publication be made for ait week suceewivcly ia th Western t'aroliniia. printed in fanabiiry, that the defendants ap pear at tbe next court of picas and quarter r lion to be held for the county of Rowan at th court -bouae in Salisbury, on the third Monday m February next, then and there to tbew on if any they have, why the real estste aforcnid o rw I siMMilil not be sold cf juibrment will be eater- lh. k..l I . T. .... . . '2IX infinitely preferable to that of free people j To the same, for the greatest quantity of pott's paivthan a lovely woman surrounded by aungled witn the groans of approaching dltH ber bfisnrinr. weepln: whan iJkr ween, indi ratton, her heart swells nigh to .buratiiig.. the ... e. ".a - " . - . l ..: ft a . smiling when tary smile r Comfort is fbrssaen, 4 ourning tears rou aown ner cneeav and she pleasure disregarded, and hfe itself held as vtuthhui. for her children's sake... As the birrJi HiendsToesjtfeliyt bends in meekness, and kisses the dewdrops rrora their cheeks, nui man, superior man, with . .. bron hrart and icy feelings, can open the recesses of her confiding heart, take 'advantage Of her candour, and mace mockery of her woe. Wo man i' like the stone precipitated from the mountain by the uadermlninjr bnd of grief, 11c wnaa iniv mo nxwi ui ucajiair, ami joy aa- parti forever ; but man, like the rock on the beiclf. ithmigh washed tnis momenr br the warca 01 oiiiicikmi, 111 uiv neat n tm .paraiing in - tbe sunbeam ocheerfulni , , . But. take woman in her hour of blUi. and she 2 illuminei the domestic fireside as . ke April un, auining on tpe renecung-unaseaper speaks not 1 but when the hears lh kt low. and solemn adieu, and views the limbs stiftehing in death it ia then thalthe. fountain of her tears are dried upThn-rherwief Jinda vent lot wwrtla74 She, perbapa. thinka of the dayi nf her child- hood, when the was watched over as tenderly of color 1 we know that Ihey are ignorant. Insolent, and demoralized) baring no 01 tenaible tneana of acquiring their tubus fence, wretched as it la, to at to leave no doubt thai if it derived from pTTtitntlon, from theft, and frbm begging, and to he rid of whom It an object of our firat desire. Oufifc MAu,AnA Ml null ....l.rf .1.. .-...-.I I : . . T . , Use, 3 00 The delinquent Members belonj;ing to the Society, were fined ni. si. for their non-attendance at the last meeting: 41 ff Christianity was compelled rriee atk. gJr Tent. 40. OILEH, r. 6it93 generations, not only Under tho sanction, but by the existing tovereipn authority Zrm lrgi,Itor.;or the throng of busy WM? 't "" i' nor wgni aw ...... - . r ' m ..-.KaiiM finrl lire I.' rafrta the a cade miercTrdnToiopn wtti..t k mil. fnm ptiWkl tmi mi, -Ok vkaHrwt.MM.", He would be as a barque toased on a ieinpev tuoui ocenn,denrivea ot ngni and compus. And ret women are blamed for caprice, for fickleness, L . " tt .k ami ior levity. . 1 pare acen woman pouring inrth jier aoui 10 ilea veil 1 ainuing wun acrouon wnen her heart has been wrung with, earthly trouble, her eyes now sparkling with .piety, ami now set iiin inio me cairn anu uim gaxe 01 ueatn. An " imkmd look, or a hanh word, may cause her tears to roll, while in evejy drop her soul is vjsi. ble. How manw perhipt, destined for the hieh er circles of life how many who would one day ward, and perceives nothing but loneliness. privation, add suffering; but she calms and consoles herself, because she knows that God wilt temper the wind to the shorn lamb." Tha. mother next elaima our altantinn Unm she fondles, how . she caresses her first-born. When his Infant breath first gently warms ber cnees:, wHtn me nraisies am m.fterartn. arnj fmpressrt the first kiss on harbreheadr4dlJiee wnenngaahtfth her ryes on the father of her boy, and thanki hea ven for this first pledare of love. In the crooked ; and entangkd paths of fife, wheit no friends are near, when the bear' aches with sadnew, or the head with paint how' consoliner is the thought that we have a mother to turn to, to whose bo soms we may trust our secrets, and who will sympathise in all our pain. Place woman- in any situation, and ahe shine suoerior as the diamond in the coronet; she is not only trans.! . r-a ..mi m W .at. ... ccmiani anu neautitut nersejl, but casts a light on others i and, the fear she ahet!a for others' State VrrA-CrA'M, Hmtmm nuntfi CIOURI of pleas and quarter teMions, Novenv J bcr aesaioruw 1825. l John C. Blum w. 1 homas Gardner and other. Sc da : to sell red estate of John. Gardner, dec ft appearing t the satUfantion of the Court, that Henry Kunel and ife two of the defendants in thk rase, are not inliabitsnts of this state, it is therefore order ed that publication be made for sit weeks a' Cfssivcty in the 'Western Carolinian, printed in Maltihurv. that the defendants anrtrar at tb aeit . court of pleas and quarter sessions to be held for the eountr of Homik at the court-house in Salis- bnryr on the third. Xlanday in February oe1 unmanageable except In thrir pretent condition guarantied aa property to us by the fwidYmenUlpeioctelet of society, both implied and expressed, they are, and of necessity must -so contlnuvexc lutive un der our control and such I believe is the with women, at the firr-tidc j her last altar would be the female heart ; her UsF audience wouldbrj- tbe"xbildren gathered atouiw) , thia knees of a moth. er her last sacrifice, the secret pray !?iioJ.!,,l0n of proportion bi r. escaping ' in ailcncC from her lips, the mei ica penple to whatever section 1 ,i ,..,,, ..u -.i ,t,. . tkk- .Wr.IVlIIH.U UlUWUBi Willi IIVIH .IIVII wo refers I he croakmir of tho disiem f v -1 --'-;..;.,...- Mrwd:'whTawela1 1 . a 1 1 . - whv the real estate sforrfaid should aot. M I old or jiKlgment will be entered for plaintiff acuording to scire facias. Teat 1 JNO. GILES, Price adv. R2. 6wt93 SiaU if XmhXarvUnto wsm mnty.' ... .. , . GOUR.T of.pleM aiid quarter !', If' veitiber atwinn," IS.'J Robert Horn tj Thomu Gardner ami other. Sciftw to sell real .... -r u.i.m A.. 1, .nnpaltW CPVC UI Ullll .tin.. , uvm for phiUmbropy.qt the expense of others; whose speculations are indulged without scruple at tho haxard of tho future pease ithe woes, are more inestimable tbaa the pearkof 11IUUU. I think it well worthy of communication that my principal manager keeos bv him the Vir. ginia Epicue vulgarly called Indian physic, which, he has administered with the rreatest success for upwards of twentv-yeara : as in that time he has never lost a Sinrie adult bv sickness. fAs an evidence of which my alavea bare du plicated ia ia than twenty-five yean. The following information wil! no doubt, be very acceptable to many at this season of the year : . Cure for. ekahbed 2.rr. .Dissolve a lump of beeswax in a small quantity of swget oil, over a candle let it cool, and it is ready for use. By rubbing it warm on the lips twfj or three times. a complete cure will be effected. j t ftfct on Of the Court, that Hennr aod wife two of the defendanta in this esse, ,re nol-inhabitauta tXJSHA lale4,4srf. ilcred inst pnnucaiion oe mane i . r. lUCpessivehr in the Western Carolinian, pnnten in Salisbury, iat the defendants appesr t.P next court oTpleas and quarts aessmhs to W kw I., thm oAimtv of llowan at the court-hn in Salisbury, on the third Monday in Fbnwry t. then .nd there to shew cause if any -twr have, whv tbeI cstste aforesaid : he aoM-or jtMlfftnotit W ill be entered for tM platotiffaceording to Ire fcemt, . & Price adv. g2. ' , t. '

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