A VAAAA ynu vi. KALlsnUUY,N. -CVTUnDJLT KVKNJNO. IH-CKMilKft M 1823. KO. 291, WM ' ssrssteSlt Ws-v IWWU SseufJ IW tre at tu MtU. Mvt w4 sH tniwf r sjsL W-Sei fcMTUM,ttJ Iff 4 wTTVia W r'.U u. ATJr STORE. CEOItCE .W. BnOWNY UUtUXTVLLV WU; VW a4 rtbf, k r ed ruii!y tfcuk es4 haiUot irUMt of WWh k Uewde H&ar at aMj svUt, tOM IJXJt O.YLT. FtfOM "; to pxrrks, v'JJ csfl, !, sd Ksilft IW dtjkl, fsA.aa-y.AVo. IX, tl Dlt solution. THE Opw1mbp atrto&e eilating be tween ike stioseribers, endef the a -as of wy ( , W Ait Amj rf,srhd hf ew lJ(MNt ABpvvsvkejltvl4tos'r ejsested Is eoese lurssad, td aktka kaexLalt "" i m4 lW wU h ey 4feead. VU4 prrsral tores Kir Mm, - - TVe hsmi at the firs will be rt led by lm AtWessns;. sk m swtbonsfd to makt Set- ElOtA AtLTMOSC EZRA ALLEMO.VO Retemt his Mm aiacere thanks tu the peblk ft prwertL for pM fa roe, a4 laiormi thees. UUt M Ml pUTLaed the Z - - . Sf km f Jl fetch a ndh e . , v- f AtkflMMf; fc Locke, hb U now err ewv rlele. lTi( jut rcctiir4 frvk Wipply frixa OfT f flWcAtiH-imM.' Tbe bor of DkmI df t& Umw iMf drfrml. that tnrj cirnift m TTIE PnWnWw hare ftrnnH mpf bipbirMNwaMdtrUM lm( A. PAT TIWON A C. C T. HtAKr.T. A. PATTtRiOW. $rw,X. 11,1923. "WlloltBftlfc fttOTt. k?T ATTCSSON k CO. ofTer fcrnl(,i( ) utd UUtr Anoftnwm of KMOMbla DRY GOODS, IInlwrt, Windov, CIih, r'mti, Naila, SW ttV-L'nbrellos Cotton d Wool CanK lie. Ax. Ac Thia Eatabrrthmeirt Witit; devoted to Ruat eoi ciclualreh; WHOLESALE, nU batiaa; ax. finrmenU wr conatant tuppli, on th moat ajdraaUteoaa te nwo, Sa offirroa oitK eooftJeoce, oarthy ilta atlvntum ami ontieo of ibo MrrckaMa tf that part of tbo hUnoe Count y kic b oonneefed with thU )lac aa a owlet fur It produce. . ..' -" '-." -v. lurchaafr lur Coah or approved Mpr oill be farnnbed with aortmeiMa at tuck prices oe i til not ml to be atiarctorT. AVp. 21 it, 1823. 4ti91 FAYE'ITEVILLE. TLobttt Jattra & Co. HAVK received from Enrfand, 'their ftp Jwpeetatioo of DRrGOODX rSejr offer to reaponiblo Country dealer, on tl Rberml tenrn of credit u art five by toj bouae k the United SUtea, Their uaortment eompriaet ahnot every artU elf, or fhreifrn and domeatic manufacture, tbat ia reeiuirrd in a country itort In North Oroima. They aell only by WUlttaU. Xmmhn let. 1825. 5t91 TactoT&se ntA Commission : -BUSINESS. TIE aubacriber continue the FrfcTORAGE m4 COMJlUS.VaV BUSINESS, u us. ual, on Rdmundston'a hH", and soticrt s con tinuance of the libera support they have here tofore had from theif country friendi- 'They mav rely oixtn the stricieit attention aiut bunc. tualiry to their business. Moderate auk adran orl will bo mado on all consignments, on receiv. - Ing Receipt o Billsof Lading for Produco ship yawtnetrsqureaa. AO tnoae vim are indebtea to tne minacnoers, i or to our ihn elnsfwaav, are expected to make payment the eneuinr season. . .... - JOHN ROBINSON k CO. Charkttit Sept. 27, L82i, , 3int9s r IT V anl.arwiliaw aflTiir tnk ,ntn til, ffimara J : JL LbU ui statesville, either with or without Jsi Beddinr and other Hwiaf hold Furniture, and with or without all hit House rervsnts. Sever al tract a of land, the whole amounting to be tween UW) and. 8 acres, adiointnt; the town m n. . ... . .1 ' m 1 suit purchasers. The Isndi in Centre, known by the name of the White Hook tract, and Utoe adjoining f 1"' the whole BbouV1200 atres. ?iho, my interest in eveTal ohcr tracti, all joining the former. A mat, number of other tracts of land, lying in different parts of the county of IccdelU All the remainder of my negrrea, 27 in number. Casb Will be required for . the whole price f the Regroea i all the other property will be dispo sed of s.t one, two, and three years credit., ' It k deemed useless to describe the property more particularly, ea the purchasers will fish to view it before tbey buy, fc 67 - wtni it muMti hi A Mir mo nt. C02fOLC2S. Lixr or MtAMtat V PoCbntf' ...... CMfc Iff or? W.E4iHi,CMn rph M-ll!ft. Drkwt rr Tfconut CUyloo, Nk1vo1 Van &ryW HJird Uotdt 'mui Snhk). Jbn iUrvtf-.b'i A. CirM John Er.ixk, N.u.oUl S. Ciri'4 John CiilUnft Robert Y Hum. CrtrjiW J. 'Pbervn Rtftltni Tho w. cu itfly Bkhr4 M. Jhuon, John Iiftwin. Wbitt. 0A Wm. ' II. Hinikon, Bcniimtn Kucc- luiiana Domk5;o Boullftiji J. 5 Jofcntron. . - , - imi Winiam IIcrHirickti Jroc II WiiMrr. 'Iitin'oit T.l'u K. JLtttt, Jene B. Tl)cm. JUiU4Uflrj ChnUrit "m. R. .IfiiiwriDtUfl Djrton, Thomn II. Mot sr. or Mr.rMEszsr.mrLS. AuniwJohn Anderson William Bur lcis;bv Cbrncfer Hrrrkk, DU Ju'iiJer, Enoch Lincofh, Jrt with O'Prieni Ptle Sptagoe. - - - - - - Srw IUmfukirt Ichabod Bartlett, TV tus Brom Nchemiah Fiimn, Jonathan Ilarrtf i Joseph Heah t Thomas hippio, IU5 AatarAMarsSainuel C Allen, J.hn Bsiler, Francit Btlie, Benjamin W Crowninshieldt Jro Dah, Henry W. Dwijht. Edward Everett, Aaron Ilobsrt Samvel Lalhrop, John Ickd John Reed John Vamum. Daniel Webster. H iodr Island .Trist ram Purges, Duteaj J.' Fs iKt Cniwi'm-John Baldwin, Korea Bar ber, Ralph J. Inpersoll. O'.i.ec Merln Lliaha Phelps, Gideon Tomiitison rrmo.(Vm. C. Bradler, K oil in C Mallary, John Mittockk, Eira Mcech Ceoree E. Walea. cwfor--Parmenio Adams, Wrn G. Annl, Henry Ashlv, Lather Badser, ChurciullC.Csjnbreleng.Ulliiam Detls, iSicol Fosdick, Daniel U. Oarnser.John iraUock, jr. Abra. B. Haabrouck, Moses Hyden, Michael Hoffman, Charles Humnhrev. Jeromoa Johnson, Charles KellogSt William McManus, H. C. Mar tindale, Henry MarkeTrrUtiney MaMni John Miller, Timothy H Sorter, Henry H. Koaa, Robert S. Rose, Joshua Sandi, Henry R. Storrs.Jamea Strong, John W, Taylor, Daniel Hugunin, jr. Stephen Van Reotseiaer, Uulian C Verplanck, Aaron Ward. Elsha Whittemore, Bartow While. Silas Wood. VVrWrrafyXJoorgo Cassedfr Lewis Condict, Danie GarrisonT ueorpo Hoi combe, Samuel Swan, Ebenecer i ucker. eftyrtfaWiHiam Adams. James Buchanan, Samuel Ld wards. Patrick. tr rlU. aVh.. RhirrHarrTaTJosePlt "v" - - ? ' - , ucmpniK, asraue ihk""'" Kremer, Joseph Lawrence, Samuel Mc Kean, Philip S. Markley, Daniel H. Mil ler, Charles Miner, James S. Mitchell. John-Mitchell, Robert Orr, Geo. PJumerj Andrew Stewart, James 8. Stevenlon, Aleltiinder, Thompson, Eitry- Van Hofnv Jurnes Wilson, Henry Wilson", George Wolf, John Wurtx. Dfatwr Louis M Lane ar..,.thii Rurn.Client Dniy ..4wrj,l.y - mw;fln F." . ..Z. ter Little, Robert JN. Martin, ueorjrc tu. Mitchell George Pejer, Thomas C.Wor thington. . Z Virg fnfl Msik Alexander, William S. Archer, William ArnistTong, John" S. Barboyr, Burwell Bassett, Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Thomas Davenport, Benjamin Estill, John Floyd, Robert S. Garnett, Jo seph Johnson, William McCoy, Chsrles F. Mercer, Thomas Newton, Alfred H Powells John Randolph, William; C. Uives, William Smith, Andrew Steyeason, Jam is Iniisoi. t - , . M CaraJ--W'U AUlOfl.JobQ It Bryaft, $nol P. s Cawf lkJ W. CMr, WeUosi 9. Pwardi Kkkar. Hint UabtWI Molrnes, J. jUeg, Af- dOUtf .JkSsHVWiflif -P. iHiuntsTi Romelol M Pndrs,LtuslSa?ys' & vim John C insr, ivsj, yrsy I'ia, Jooeplb Oisl. Asrsar B. Cot aft, Jam's HamiluMs, Geo. MUuilat. Tbwnaoa R. Xiicheti, hwimg Twtktt i Jk WU GfgU-Afrr Carr. Alfred Co'h- bcrt. Jom rersilb. C kerbs F.. Hi y MS. Jimra MrrHottberCdard f.TsttnaUi William Ihontipaofj. JCruttu Rkbr4 A.Bu'kner, Janxi Claike, IUsit P. Hfn, James Job sol, I'rsrx is John), Joseph Leeompr, Hn P. Utcber, bom Netralle, ItKjm.a P. Moore, D.id Trimlle. Ca.ries A. Wickl.fJ.. WUHam T. Ytun. Tttfk6m R. Alf lrVr, rUVt. Allsu, John Bi'i'. Jotn tVkr, Smoel Hovaton, Jacob C I wark. JrHa l. Mr- sble.JsmesC Mtuull, J.mrs K Po k. OjUo Xore'efai l"ilet, PmIcoh Bee her, Jee W. Can-.ihH."Js Pindlay, David Jenr.tr ev U l.lUra Mr Lsan. John'ivns. Jaho 7 Jv srpH V occ, Saioitel I. V In' xii. Kliatu WkniUuy. u B. v UmO, J hti iHI, JoM C. Wrieht. aoWillisgi L Bfem, Henry II. flH). Fjm-arfi jifa'ui. iMeneRrtrliB Boo. Lratbfl Jtn niniiH, Jun Teat. . J i.o D.ui.l P. Cot4.. efs W 0en. AAaaowmJohh JWvtt ttittroaTisi Miebf Trrrt.vrt-iiiiH E. Wins;. .frren rrrriryHtitf W. Con war. floruit Ttrritwy Joe)h M. White. AY &U.1TZ . tufta'V, Utt. O. iwi notion ei r. EtlwiPt.'t.-it w ffmUf Tbat two Chactair.. nf rliferrt,! d. ' nominaliont. ba annolntrd to gowrwat. durins; I the prrwnt fesuon, one by tscb iluuse, bo hall ii.trrrhafire werkhr. I itrrrhartge weckhr. Vu kcrson, f.f St Jersey, ofTre.' llowtnr roliiiU fcVer.-5,f.,..LV . Mr. the follow frW That tte jotn rule i concucrr trbwnsrftMrnat-br.arnriMi u, tna1. msUad of a eoraeantew ot i on mrrrr ana rami. ; farrurea.tbereaetweatamjifxrnmmrttees.onei of Commerce aiv! owe of Manufacture. Which wss adopted ee 2U, nor 9. Det. f. Mr. Ruggles, of Ohio, sub mitted the followinw; resoiotton t K - - AWw4 That tSe 30th mle of the Senate be amended baddtogtoa the Sallowing! and I eommitte to oonHat of fire Bsembera oe Roads and Canals.' Which was adopted, ayes 23, noes ! .1. '. Mr, Johnsori, orKentrjtky, submlttwl the following resolution for comiders'lon : RnhL That a comrairtee be" appointed to inquire in'n the expediency of abolishing iro- pnaunmeni torucou OtVArT Of PEPRESEXT.tTITES. ire 6 On motion nf Mr. Sawyer, of N. C. U jsus RrhrL That a commlttrs of three memben he appointed, who, witb three mentbers of tbej Senate, to be appointed oy mat oocy, snau nar th dirvctinn of the ssonev appropriated to the purcbaaa of booka and rasps for the use of the two Jloust a of Congress. Drc. T I he ptakerlaid Detore tne House a communicaiion from the vom misiioner of Public BuiMines, whl:h was ordered to be laid on the table and prin ted ; Mr. Little moved the follewine altera tioo in the rules of the House ; which mofon was ordered to lie one day on the table V Retthwi that the fbllowinr be adJed to the 43d rule a the Houao. A Committee on Revo lutionary rVnunna. m hoae duty it ahall be to re. nort oa sU krbtrrta -CDrniTir nnder tlte several Jnhai Tfifi.rf A. PkLeft Tatlol, aaTrnttngvjeiiilons to the ufficers a foluW4rrjbcirSawycr, and Woodf K of the Kevoluym. On the 8th the different points In the resident's Maasaee, were referred to tbeie. ancrorjriate committees, eight of hlch were eefrct committees toe lot r ' -T-- -.... . , rtwtnir era the stendbtr eomntittees of the Senate i - m mar n w On Foreign Relation. Messrs. Aiacon, asewell, GailUrd, Mills, and White. 0 7wef -Messrs. Bmitb,. Berrien, Inlmeit. IrayiBeTirierWtMidb Oh ttmrnme: Uoya el Mt9,A , . - .-. mm. , Van Dyke, Jobnstoa of Lou. Williams, and Edwards. , . . ' On iiJunayaf rerra . -ieiars. vn.aciauii, Rugglea, Findlay Lloyd of Mass, ami Clayton. 6n JlvrieulturejMtnn t Indian W- oyd of Md. Branch, Woodbury, end Bou- On TiataVl Jfair$. weasr. narn- son, Benton, . Cbanrllef Heodrtcks, and Johotoaof Kr. Oai Ik Aj.We .L'eurt, Cbaft,Ur BiaiH. EftlftMi llarrio aavl lUn. Oe .fsire Meurn Hayna WliUasss, fWvanoor, Ro'ui. aftd Kane Oe Vide- -lfeare. Cones. TbosMa. Eotem Kbf . mI Va Drke. - Osj sWms) vffWre-llestm. Beotoe, if site( Attig, fAjwatetf SD4 vove. Oe Cwisw -.Messrs. RereUs, BsQ. Chase, M'Ilrstn,an4 Claylua. Oe O iMVW.kUasrs. Yea I re llalsMs. Itewavi, Berriew, uA MlUs. Oe ikf Fmt Of eW ae JfaW. Mssert. JiSeson of If. JohnsiM ef Lot. Tboom. M'llr.ine. sxxJ Wllley. Oe WMVtiri. Nobie. Cesae, Marls, C-, and PJlis, - Oe A JfWrf a CWeasiae .Messrs. Moy. n( 114. Resrse, Nolle, Eetoo, SAsj Boolioy. Oe ik CmUnrrmt Mstfttt V err UriKrv Keyeaoor, kaAe. and Has -frirkC Oe Eigrutd DUU Ultus- Marks, WUlry, sod Efts. The fuCovier are the fadr CotSJauttaes ie IM fUuae f Krrr(staljvva, sppMOtcd by Its sw-akrT i AraawaMraws. SWaili, Tliydi. TkrT of I. C. rV'rs HoOom, rwn, a4 BryaMu rM U JMU-Hrn trtase "f Pvt. took, Mitimwi, M'lkuKa, UwijfH kiarvis. and bf(rt rA Urw. WifUama. StVoy Srhlitlrsey. Jaews Tl iUots lUrtr of CX MaKindalr, and Oses. PUk4 LU - Wraan Rakin. Soott. Jes ain sf ImUms, k'ruof, T'uitoav Wbippk, and Rst!t. rauarr Wrwrs. Krt, TsRMa, CambrrUn. Rted, Tbompspe of C. sUnjvns and Warn rM r.rm. nrtaeH, Bartky, Ab-S. ssyirr U fee. ki'fteoor MarnocUkcr. furtcr, and lUhiwm. iMifin t CptwmM Hrmn. K4, Aictaa Irr if Va. BU.r, lWij-on of fa. Uthrop, Martin snd Hswpbrry. Jtumj. tliaa. W'tUur, livtafwon, Bucfiinsn, H nrht, Kr ke. Dmy tnn, snd Iwm;. 'rn ! KHlHhMuiry ( latm. Her. LittV, AHm of Ten. fmith, rimer, llaabrwtck, TtKltt of t- C. and Hpnrur. Cil.. - - y nar Fdvarda of V. C. lUM. uJLu kUkkr. Mafkett. VTslea. and Van Home I'm Land CWau.-Vtaar. CampbtD Mrre of AU. Carria-.o, Locke, Te. Foadtck ind ArnWronr. MuH'furtt't. Mtmr, MaTla, Cond.ct, Con- ner, WrlrWIe, lav, wnne, ana iwrge. ner, W rltlilie, lav, v, nna, ana Dwjrm. .frVn,r,ry1-ktrar. Van Rewatlear. Harrk "Hk, M'ech. aferw n, Wflon oC,. C. and Tavkw.ofTa. . ... ., Um. rcka. UKm. He. Um ckner, Taliaferro, M'Manue, unrr r .irmr$.r. Forsylh, Crowin IticlcL rrimble, Archer, Worthington, Fvsrett, and Stever-we nf Pa. Military .fur, Mrr, TTamihon, Mitchell of Md. Houron. 1 attUM. Vance, liooorn, and Ward. .Yal .foirs. Messrs. fitorrs, Hokomhe, Bartett,' Ssunders, Markley, Fr, Jobnaoo, and eanda Rental aaat. FnnuW saneaa Meant. Mow; r. . . Mrfcbcu, and lUmck. Jet. Messrs. ABen, of Maaa. fetor,' and M'Nf II UrhtmJihtm in JU fiefiarimmt s Slatt. Messrs. Bailv. Csaely. and Aalilry lifmdifum in lA l'rtamy Department. Mrra Burleik'n. Kon, and iierenpon trttnaSlurrt in A f-rpanmnl a IT nr. Mcatrs. Mattocks, Kremer, and Badger. KrbentthirH in the .Hory Wmn O Brien. Mitchell of S. C. and Miller of n.-y: TrprnJihtrtM in tit 7vl OJict pepartntenl. Mesars. Wilaon wt . i:. rntoiay oi ra. uciw. ExpmditHTtt H the rHt BmUinft.Meun. Johnaoe of a. Ssan, anu urr. joist coimia On Enrolled IUH:Kttr. Isaac kj and Gam- On the IJhrarv. Meiers. Everett, Bradley, and Wood orV Y. I iter rsa-MiTTias. ' .ti&'o'a.-Merira. Metcalle, Holmes, Rsmey, Fiiwllay, of O. ttovan.Ten Eyck, and Mitchell of Ten. Rtadt and Canalt. Messrs. IlemphilL Buch- ner, Stewart, Adams oi . i. nenry, naynes, lnaraoll. Columbia River.'--Measn. BaylieOBarhour of. Va. Lawrence, Angel, Carson, folk, and I homp- son of o, MmJ Umverdtg and OiterrcJory.ilettT. Mercer. Carter. - Venlnck, MwanJa of Pa. Hrirkti and Mrantrrt. Moan, ITradley, JohnWn, of N. Y. Miller of I'a. Jafltei Johnson, Trenant. Kellnrr. and Brown. A'awiftV Depurtmmtt..Hetn. VTebater, M'Une of Dtl. Forsyth, Hemphill, Crowin- abield, I jvingston, and Fra. Johnaon. Mtmvmrnt la Ueneml naiHngfn.NC$n, BaraeH, Ahrten, Rose, If.-Wilson, Rafr, Boor, Boon, and W olf. On the petition relative f Baitrp't hMri, Mesan. Urent, Beecher, Isaacs, VVbipple and Garnaey. On the ettoktithmmU f a A'oA'anof Forcine - ft'rMrt1lesSrWr1'C kr,(of N.Y.)sndHealy. -On ike TmiitneitrMrtrngi. Mereer, Vance.TomKMoni, Ctayton, Cookv end McJtee, -. . ' SENATE. - r. Dec. 9. On motion of Mr. Dickerson,, twas Rrtolved, That committee of fbrte members be appointed,' who, with three members of the House of Representa tives, to be sppointed by that House, shall. have the direction el the money appro-! iirlated U the pyrtKltf tl bmks si3 snap or lh ste oftba) two Urdus ef Coecrtss, Mr. fit? euWritrd the fJWwhf reaoloilon Coe esJeVrsilon f ; TraavrV, That uniform Iswe e the) stiVjsO sVaftlrwptey hwegkosjt the) L'avitW f ufi uM fe V rwb'iI. JDrri I JA Mr; Mr NrVtt, t-f Ltdlstn, J effarsHl the feHewiftf res JuilnA ITsaW. Tlst f Itleft CotemHee eppoloted, to rvMsIst el rf rnensbers, n ike subiaci ef Hose's t4 Cansls. with leave te repeei kf bill of etkerwlse. Mr. tene. of IniAoIsi soUniitH IhM (otlowlnf reselutioe) tot coeiaiderstio) i rTraVrraf, That the toswmlitee on the Judiciary be InvtrurUd to fofrulre hue the npeifiewy ef so amending the acts of Ceatresa rtt-ulatinr p roc esses b the) Ceuns el the UnitesJ States, at to pUc the persons and pteperiy (with regsrd se lk modes of proceeding against them) of ike ckiterta ef states admitted Into lbs) yelnet since 3k f. ITI3, epoas a (oot lg of equal secori'y with the persos and of cltlaens of the original Suits. Wklch was agreed to. Det. 15 Mr. Smith presented a me mortal from the Merchants of Battlmorei preying the rt peal ef those acts of Con tress, which trroklblt tke Importaiioi of foreign distilled spirits. Mr, Ho! rets submitted IB a rellowinff resolailes) for rontMersthn t ffetVrW, That the Contmiltee oe l . te... nance be Inatrocted to inquire into tea expediency of rygvlstlng ike dunes on certain goods, so far as lo prevent the Il legal Introduction of. luth oods from Erpvbctt or territories, adjacent to the 'ntted Sutes. Wr Ttxi auVmiUed the following re solution for ermslderalWwi t Mrtolvtd That the Committee on the Juclrlary .be lnitruied lo inquire into Ihe espediotM-r of vt amending the judi cial system nf -the United States, ae thst. each and all the states may equaUy petti- . rlprte In its benefiis. Mr. Liotd of Mais, offered the follow ing resolution for consideration i Rfuhrd, Ihst the Secretary of the Navy he directed to cause to be did be fore the Senate, the proceedlrgeand judge ment of the Court of Iitquiry, In iel.tr.in le tbe employment of the squadron under Commodore Porter, for the sopp'essiots of piracy in the . West Indies, end the . trentportation of specie in vessel of the United States, during the years 1133 snd 1834. And also the proceedings ef the Court Martial in reference to the trans actions at Faxerdo.- jrortc: or r fpr fjE.NT.frrx. OKCtMStH 0. ' Mr. M'DurLc offeredithe following resolutio(t which was ordered to lie 00 the table, and be printed I . . " MttolveHx that for the purpose of elect ing the Presidem arid Vice-President of the United States, the Constkuiioa nught: . to be sd tmerided, that Tmlform system of voting by districts shall be eiontiatied in all tbe States and thst the Constitu tion ought to be further amended in such manner as will prevent the election of the) aforesaid office rt from devolving upon the reapeclive Houses of Congress. jteeoived, That a select committee ba appointed, with itntnretkms to prepare and report a joint resolution, embracing the s foresaid objects. Mr. Sawyer, of N. C. moved the fol 'owinf, resoltnion i Rreolvrd, That so much of the Pretf- dent'e Mrsssge as relates lo the contribu tion of our ahare of mind, of labour, and expense, to the improvement of those parts of knowledge which lie beyond the reach of individual reqoiiition, and par ticularly to the exploration of tho interior of our own territories, be referred to a select Committee. Which waa laid on the table." . -Mr. Ingham offered the following reso luiion, which was adopter!. Keiotved, TliitHi" President -the UnitctLSiatei belrequcticd lo cemmunk cate to this House (if not incompatible with the public interest) the Document! snd Proceedings of tht Naval Court Mar tial in the esse of Captain Charles Stew art also the documents and proeedings of the Naval Court Martial m the case of ' Lieutenants Joshua R. Sands, end Wil- iam M. Hunter. i df.cbubxx 13. Amone the Det it ions presented, was a memorial presented bv Mr. Cook, from the Legislature f , of a grant of land from Congress, to ena ble the State to cut a canal from Micbigaft to the IBliKiirHyerT'-"--'--'-- T' The Speaker laid before the House e communication from the Comptroller of tbe 1 reasury, .containing a list of balances , remaining tinsettled on the books of the revenue ) which was ordered to be laid on ' the table-and printed. . ., 1' Speaker presented e pslitiorv of Major Larabee, who complained tht be had beta degraded from bis rk by a)