I 1 . a 4 f 1 . i4. I J. 1 m .V V ' -I r V V ' It V? it- 4 ... S 1. 21 it. C! I- a. H in ' " I fiUir Ik Isle rWrOarf f War, MItH Ml pU 14 lth , i!.a (oran.hif MiXili jrr AffJrt. Mr. MtL.r,e, frvm tbe te-tjimlrae - - t ViiiwMurtMMC(liMtMM'ff1ie4 A pm fcfwtwitfefMa Ik tr ceo UlL Mikktfw r,rw.iiLa (or tlx IMM'it'UuiW! ('antui. Ui. sad Off era. k4 llimm Uh liases tiC-rr,. . . Mr, 5rtg effared ike sUlowleg emend lalKa 1 1J re la id tha House, WMk rrort i ibf !! tack mo vO nlo l Mr. MtVr, k XtvJ, TM ll Cofmliif i m4 Nnm N Uint4 lo bnlrt bio IM t iMJkbrr f SfMiitag (b iapogdnreiniperu4MJl. OMiMdoaU Mr. min,lliM Jfftttvt, I ktl IM CtfaMinM W r I ... I l. I... .V ifKdUtKj f t"",i,)? ! f ,u,r! prt fm., ttKft V,,.f,,,,n'M in WMr i trriforiM m im vouca oui NiMwirirwii. ... Too MUr lM be loft lh Hoom onotHer coninkik oe iko Miti of vbmiiM ooUocct of bo ikrtt ttm MMlbrUikt office of tk 3d AmWi kick UIJ oo lko UUo, n4 orikrc toiTPA?t4i' t . . - TkoMf.kUf ipproprUUoofcrtcra perHtlloa to too roe mix ri trnj offictrt, d for tk corubjml ttAcnoti of tk loo Mow of lofitTMt Ukeo . HHfiOO. Tkt otcood kiok tu !!eJ ilk lb. mib of 10,000 (JolUrt. - TbtCoinmUtto thai rote twlrrported Ibo hilU Uk tko imfttdmenit t imi tho mfwJmcalt bUK coocurwl U bj Iko llaau tha Bill n DrdtrtA fa U rr. IfotKd Md rtd W time to- morrow. Dff. IS Tke Wlowbr retnlotbn, offered tetierdav kv Air. Miller, of Pn .lit aoir, Ukeo op . . : . Jtrtotved. That tka Present ftf tka United Sutetbe rtnucatcd to communi- eate to ikit Ifoute, if not bcompaublo with the public intertttvtke proceeding! of tbe Naval Court Martial b the cite of Uent. r. C. Wolkerti lopetber ith tke documcnli rtUlinjj tbereto. And after a good deal of diKuatbn, re ictfd. O.ULXIXMTAT . tkt CaSSTlV'TIO.S. Mr. John Bailer offered the' following retolutlooat Jtflvtil, That Iko conttruction of Roerfi and Canali it hlehJv ImDottant the union, ttrrngtk and general proeperr- tyol me United Stat ei i HtKttvfd, Tkat tinea the individual States of lhlt Union have reUaqultked To the general government the control of the mott eaijjand efficient meant of raia - Ing rtrcnue, ft it fit that a portion of the jreneral revenue, if continent ith tke Conatitutton, ahouM to appropriated to I bit important object. tv a m t ... .are. . v of the people and of their representatives in tongrett, believe such appropriation! to be inconsistent with the Constitutional power of Congrett, an obstacle it presen ted to the accomplishment of the object, which, joined to the diversities of opinion alwari existing in relation to the eipedi cner of specific measures, threatens to be deeplv injoribus, if not fatarro Ihal'vigor out and full development of our rcsour cea which tbe interests of tbe Union loud If demand. Rrtolved, That a system which should leave to the teveral States the expendi ture of money appropriated to Ibis object by the United Statea, would ensure a more equal participation in the bounty, hy the several .Statea, more. ecpnomy .in tit disbursement, more freedom from nefttonitl feelings and injurlons compro mises in Legislation, and more prompti tude in commencing workt of improve ment, for the completion of -which the r teveral Statea would be secure if posses atntf the means. :. . . r ... fetched, That the several States ought Totisre-ihe--poirer-to expend Tnortey-to appropriated, in improving river and ca nal navigation, and in promoting educa 'tion, colonization, and the liberal and useful .arts, whenever in their opinion ita expenditure for these obiecta, would be more usciui man and canals. Afionira, idii vbiii a urge ponionitke retotuuon lo me vommmee oi .tne in con8tnibrTadir,rn'r slaves wall be told to- satnfy the Revived, That Congress ought to have power to make sut veya of coastt, rivers, and roud and canal routes, to aid the States in selecting those objects of im . rjroeeothUh . contribute lathe good of tbe whole. Kepresentativcs of the United States of Aromcs, in Congress assembled, two' thirdt of both houses concurring, that the following be proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, . which; when, ratified bv tbe Legislature! of three fourths of the several states,shall be a part of said' Constitution i " 7' That Congress shall have power to ap. propriate money for constructing roads nnd rnal, for improving river and coast fltvigation, and for promoting education, . . . ...... t . . t KIf-il4tfli n ! I kuiss. fc,!tllve!r, r4 Cf,t M the i - . . . . . wlltsifkl of C ebmU, tks'l ky M emi, of Toan"Miifi.l'ir, ,ed aad tml resell lo foostrtxt roedl - j ,ad canals M orgeat pa'po1 f onlliiery, I tnmmtnlti. mtl CmWttUKl00 1 14 b ik Ubci r lbt roioike, vkUb rtM vouU U nll44 la tt ktld.tk tl , Mvt4lb rrf net o4 pflnUnf! U roluikw. tuk irfl Uio. I () talo of Mr. Sdvirt, tl vm MW.TllCofVtplttff onKoJi J r...l lu. Ukini.il la lAf.ulra lata - W ! Let tViOoo foe ik prtwrnilo kJ r CiBbifW, h tk ?ui of Mirylaad, to VfctUBf , la lb Suit of Vlrglou. ) BMMkMi of Mr. llcrrkl.lt b, Tk.t ik ronmiiit Milk j0jki, u iBMnKt,4 to ifwjulro bu too Mpjltn ,f ,0thoHtioS kj U Ut cyrtl 0f ,b Uoheo' iXiico, lo tH ou.,. -UM,.iU aiir.enllnirv iHSfettfbt4krMitWItUoib - L,uu Mlt4 ui4 Conni n H- i ...... otiHi oo Uklf ol Uormnt. Ob motbo of Mr Burleigh, li wn fitntvtJ, fkt n Committee oa ik JudkUrr k loMrocud lo ifuiro bto tko lipJiencjr of pritif bj U lkl tU cortlod ocuraeoU is rtUtioo lo tk Mimeol o4 cociio of iJirttl '.if i, "' itiptcUt Ui I AaKut J, 1113, of Jwairt t b, IIIJ,ndof Merck '.!. l b pomtUeo of tkt prlnetpil ! " ettort, the tecretary ol - he bord of principal atte.tort, and the i'r.l CoUecloe, and, tkeir deputle., be O'Potliefl W IBO otle 01 toe -Wia 01 tna Wrkl Inm of tbe United btatet. for Dittrlel in which tuchoffkert rea.de, 1 hol copietf tuch recwda and doeu- mntf' or Pnt '' cenihed lj ud clerk, thall be received at evidence, in all aciiont b wkich tbe title lo landtor build- Ingt arising under uid lands, thall be called b question. Mr, Mitchell, of Tcnnctsee, offered the jfonowb retolutbn I Rttotvtd Thai iba Conitltutlon of the United Statea shall be ao amended ai to lolreoder each and erer? member of Ike J Senate and Mooteef neprttentetieet of the United Statea Ineligible to, and inca pble of holding ant office, pott, place, or. I appointment, vhkk it wilkin tka gift or patronage of the President, or any ot tbe j beadt of the Department of the United Sutct, within the leim for which tuch Scaator or Kcprcacnlauvc iba'havc been I elected and for one fear thercalter I Mr. Mitchell moved no rclereoce o l . . . . . . Whole on the State of the Union and that it be printed, which waa agreed to. A Bill making an appropriation for compensation for member! and officert, tnd for the contingent eipeatet of the two lloutet of Congrett, wat read a third time and paived GEinnUX JkIZXXSX.T. SLffATE. Thurtdayi Det7 1. Mr. 6pcfgkt, of Greene, from the Committee on the Militia Laws and Public Arms, reported a bill to repeal part ol an Act passed in 1806,io revise tbe Militia Laws of this state, relative to lnf.ntry. On motion of Mr. Kiddick, tbe Judicta ry Committee was directed to inquire bto the expediency of so amending the law of descent!, that the lulf-blood shall not share equally with ihebi others and titters of tbe whole blood upon the dealt, of one of the latter. J9 5. Mr. Speight of Greene, pre- aented a bill to prevent free persons of tolotOf om-augraung into, iba sutcJcc On motion of Spaight, of Craven, the Judiciary Committee were instructed to enquire into the expediency. of making provision for the better preservation of Justices' Judgments and Executions. same. Dec. 10. Mr. Dowd, presented a bill more effectually to aupprats Sabbath breaking. . The bill to restore to credit Lindtey Fortune,, of Jlajiwood county, was read and rejected." " "' " '': ' DwM: Recehetl from the house of Gxjmmonsris "Up6rT..Tst. ihe conrmiisron ers on Military Land Warrants; which was read and- laid on the-table. . . The" following bill was presented and read the first time : ' Mr. M'Dowell, of Dorke, a bill more effectually to secure book debts in all cases where me siaiute or liitilfation might be plead. Wr. M'Dowell, r Burke, presented the petition of Margaret Jackson, praying to divorced from- her husband uibnel - - f V - - . . I . . ... . A K . .A I . I JnlrH olkk it rtf'"t4 Ik Vi cem Tkt U I to t rt ef U Ml fcf lf,ttliU4 ikitlrlMtk lie led of Ui nte nUitr to UfMi " re i ike m'aJ timet irvl o idibo of Mr. M-foetl, of UMll,'MeC4te! Tk (fltrM4 UH to fti lo lU Ul led 8i'ji Uk 4ooo m mk Ike ft of il tkeJlU pnkjd if United &(etei fur tkt rpo of iifcuaf fofilBcitkHi t tkt owii of Ike Cepe fur f 4 ike Mil to lit ike time of kol&ig Ike ?u po tto Lotif ol UmIma e4 RooiOt ' fl4 k H(ond r4 iMrd time. d oedtrteUM eiroiM. -Tke ttr4 kia lo cede la ike t'i4 ltd IMiieo Oogoo beokd e4 tke A A . . - ... cona ma nira uekioefta4e oo pmmx of Mr. Dk kod mm to Ike otker f bute for ike tkelr coocirniii lo ike eouod meet. Tke UH ave efcciorif to tepprtti H.kUtk bmiltfi re 4 Ike otcod time, end, no tooifeo of Mr. Fptlgkt, of UrreM, kWeiahilf txMp4. Tke Utl to cl'orte ).,hn Ckembtrt, of He; oood counif, ftoaj ki olfe Rbej ee rtod Ue etd um! tklrd llano. Oo motioo of Mr, lift, of rrr.ina, Mr. KpeJrM,of Cttee, vte ippoioicd e member of Ike rommlttee oo tVutatloo, lo tke oUce of M. ionte of WUke, vko kad olHtbed leive rf ikertxe, oo account af kHlitpotlioa of kit f.mllf. Mr. rkketl, from tke commhiee oo Ike JadkUrf , reptned Ike kill directing tke OMtoer oWeee tka Mrcaner be Wui oftkkog iBeodniol and Ike ald liUmt knde ike oider of ike day for lo morrow.'' " " Mr. Pkkeu, ftooi Ike tame committee, lo koa referred ike retolutko of tke Saoaie of tke Itk bttaat, dirtcibf aa Inquire bio ike eipodkocy of ameSiot Ike la of drtceota, rt ported Ikat ll i b erpcdktnt teimctaid lav. Ctatrrtd la. Mr. Lo kretaoted tke lotlovbr rtto- lu:irt, vbltk were read aod laid oo ike .41 . ' ' ' ' u, , r, W Ike of I he tri Senate and iloute of Common ate of North Carolina, I nUMaaldlU ldlti jl . . . ' b a treat It bade okb certain Cherokee Imliana on the S7lb of February, 1119, for laoda in d)latatc, basing agreed to allow a rcserwtiun of 640 acres to each head of an Inlian family re aiding within the ceded terrtotv, who should choose to become tliiis of the Unltod States in msnner itiputed in said treaty, did, without tke cotcnl of this state, appro priate a M'erah!apai of jhl mot aluaUelandsVr the trrrTtory" acquired under Ike treaty to tke use of Ike said Indiana, which lands belonged exclusive ly to this stale and that, to prevent any difficulty arising untler the treaty, or die satisfaction to Ike Indians, with aenti menta of respect end attachment lo the government of the Union, and with 'a view to that humane and liberal policy whkb has always distinguished the con duct of tbe Utiited States toward the In dian tribes, this state has purchssert, at a lull and fair price, the Interest and estate of the said Indians In the sforrtaid lands reserved for iba turn of 819JU0. whkb hat been paid lo equitable proportions and to the entire' satisfaction of the said Indians t and which sum ought to be re funded to this ststo by the United States. Rfottvd, that this state having reded to the United States a large tract of country on the waters of the Mississippi, which constitutes a valuable portion of the pub lie lands, the feWrnmeQt of the-VirhH Statea ought, upon principles of moral justice, tp extinrnhh, as soon as may be practicable, the Indian title to the balance of landa in thia state, upon which a part of the Cherokee Indians now reside ; and that Ihe Said government be respectfully requested to give this subject an early consideration. ?rVrrf, that the Senators from thtt stste in the Congress of the Unid states be instructed, and the Rrpiewntt tives requested to make application ro congress lor an appropriation of mosey ur wic ouiccib aiorrsaia : ana mat inry be requested lo co operate with the Lrr islature lh such manner as may Kem to them expedient, and compatible with the highesf notior and TaTereat ofllis state. Retched, that the Governor of Ihi stste be requested to transmit to each of the senators snd Kepreseatatives from mia state in v ongress t coyy. oi tnc siore said roefatloKo Mr. Saunders presented a bill to amend the several acta, KruU'inr proceedings in vwni oi equity i an i r. i-ove, a chii to revive and cootbue b force, for the time therein meotioned, the-act of IIS4. ! t a T" ... . ... entitled ia tfl ktef and amend ti-e act of IMS, entitkd ' Aaa':lsiri-' lief of twit pectoris ttbetsmtt1rth4ti ot tbe Xbemej sold ondcr tke authority ol tnie state. Tho bill to bcorporato too Gold C, pany waa read tko secoM Ume, aaf. a motion of Jlr. Sea we II, postponed ua'e finitely. The bill more effectually to osoro Book Debts, wat ead the aeCondLtinse, and, on motioo of Mr. Pkkctt. postpoocd indefinitely. pet. l i;rf r. Parker, froM tko coot mittee of Divot ce md Alimony, reported , il l U livtrte fUf.atti TU41 cY (; tm4 tit.it kr tUtiM. Mr. I, t.l i'-';k i4 rgu Ute s.Tw't!si It4 b tlu'-Uibti sa4 liwMemke. Dn. Mr.KMa4 prMt4k rs9 Ntbo bit roc ting ike inr&Uite tke Jwdklsry lo isv)ir bto ike propriety of altering ke etUbg laes, so tkat appeals sruy be Ukeo from ike ivdgtaeal of Jet tUei of tko Piack sV all imi otf r 25, wkkk igrted W. Mr. of heUm kUa lo dettroatk olat personi ikQ iereafler U lUUo le serve m ottrteiri of roods, sod for otker pft p1aM ok-rtfvv keen or woo rniy Vo ppobu4 eotasnl JMfa taf aay ro4, 6a Ueaabg CrkUeaTwas etere4 to U in41i(L Dff. IfOo taotloo of l!r. Ilogta, Ike JedkiUry ceramltue were iostrvcted im etMvh-f bto Ike eipedkocy of so emerging ike Road laws ee oal lo cans pal tirs4 Jarore lo pre seat roeJi Ukal ere ktp b reatooaklo repaUr Mr. Pkketl peteatedslUJ lor Ike hel ler goveremeat of iko leva of Wadesbo- reugk U Aosno. i Dn. ir.-Mr. Pkketl froco iko JutU clary coremltU, reportod Ikat ll Uei Ctdleat lo alter ike eilatbg laws respaxl g appeaU froto Jottke'i Jadgmeot. oo " MJ' tuns eiceedbg loeotj dUUra. corred lo. jrotfi or crULWOsx ML.y. Lft. llOa mot low of Mr. . . ... . Vaao, ike Vudkiary com mi Ute were sr - strutted to enquire oof r Ike securities lo a coottable t bond ere bound lor oof ea, redgmrnta, fee. meivad by klm, and failed lo be accounted lot. Oo motioo of Mr. WUon, ike Judkl n commUtaa were bttrueted to enoulre bto tke expediency of so tmendbt Ike at - . - - - . 3 tachmrnt Lews, that It may be lawful for iko Clerks of ike teveral Count lo edver- lite two tnoeike oaly oo all original jo dklal anackmerat retunuble before any Court, b stead of tkree roeoikt aa now reoulred. " Tke reslgnatlont of Henry . Hoover, Lieut. Colonel, and Joseph Smith, Major oLtberstrtgimepiof !eckkokuri Mi; HtU, were read and accepted. Det. IS.- On motioo of Mr. Stedman, tbe Judklary Committee ware Instructed to enejulre Into the expedkney of emend- bg the law on the eubiect of Bastardy, sd as to provide for and embrace tke cases of married womeo, wken abandoned by I their husbands for a certain number of years. MrlSrotti fromjbeJodlclary Commit tee, reportrd that do amendmenl it re quired in the lawa prcscribbg the duties of Sheriffs, ss suggested by a resolution referred to them. Mr. Srott, from the same committee reported tbat it it inexpedient to make any alteration in the law relative to tbe liability tf Guardians,--which reports were concurred in lift. 14. Mr. Bracer nrtnlad a bill to nuke coroprnsatbn lo tha Jurors 0f v srun. w .v.,,Tu iu7. i Mr. Polk from the committee of Pro-1 positions snd Grievances, reported urv I favorable to the peiiiicnt 4-WUli,Mex-1 ander of Wilkes. Concurred b, Tk. ii Lir . 1 mittee of the whole, Mr. Polk in the Chair, on the unfinished business of yes lerday, the Bai.k Bill. Considerable do nate took place. The committee rose about S o'clock, reported progress aod ohisined leave to sit agsin. Vet;: l5.--Unravotbie tworts were received and concurred in, on the pcti lions of Jane Wbitcly of Mecklenburg, and Moses Riser of Montgomery. A communication wat received from the Governor, covering the report of the Board for Internal Improvements, which was read, and ordered to be printed. Det. 16. Mr. Burns, a bill to amend en set passed b 1813, directing how persons injured br Mill-Dams shall in future pro- - . I utt 17. --ire dm to smena an set lo a . ers. a I prevent ihe sleafing of slavei; kej. psssed b 1192, was read the- third time, and a 1 motion made for ts indefinite postpone- mi. aKlrk M. .a f,irlil 0 in Aft ... Tlx, niilinn M ila naaaairt, ArtAr. minea -- l1- W -. 1' . .. . ... ! in the af&rmativa., and tiie bill or- J i. . u I dercd ; m I .The total amount of coinage at our Mint ; xbee hs first esuhlijjvmecth. , only 23. 650,302 dollars ; a sum entirely mad equate, lo our opinion, to the demands of a trading community like that of the Uni ted State- veraging, in gold, alive, and copper, for a nations! circulating medium, acere!r4dolise heed sovatt inereasH Mr KpttMtk. V ovld.it not be proper lrXwlg;'rsf:Ji lock bto ihe maoer, and extend the limited operations of the Mint lis flatippitl convenience demands it ... Geo. Barton, who has been in prison in VartnoM, many years, for debt, has been liberated by a remittance from General La retette! r-r-'-rr- : ; , V Tko seobr silk and rsw silk produrf d ia Windham county, (Conn.) it estimated to to wortli 834,eoo per annum. ra istiiT'v, r tf tl lie tcLr. W !., Cajt. 1'cll, stli4 on ttwrty, la f -'is f ra If.!, a ktte received 1'fWiiCurrrM tf iM 34 mm siaM- TkePii'Urtokf war Uif Icaao, CaftabTkomss, srrlve4 tl llvna aotkeliktn4. h lldsfSfroro VeriCrui, Usrla t k CI d r s Isv4"l lU fJvi erMf of ti. Juta de UUoe, l;-itN an I Mversl otker kff-ciri of tka t enia wil- k place4 Caphalaud to ike MiiUfek o tho llik oh. Ao roftivk Wg 4 arrived oo ike 7ih bt labg m Usr tke fWaU trwopo Uloegbf to Ike Ut ile, Tke Nfiktno sailed ataboo . A trlotirslpg irfrffi ksik vwaaefitld td the Wtialaturw of So. CaroOaa, oo tko kobjeci o4 iko esJtivatk- tJ ike viae aod ike onve M konvo ol lh$ opper dstxioi ef thai fHile. i .4. Accoeomg vo isa, oum.m iv(-n m ia . PoM Matter (iekertl. dalrd 11 ovxilh, there sre bet week IfUca kodtoiBty tkou ta&d agtats empleysd to tko operstkej of iko Pott Office di pn me at. Tko South Caroflok Court of Appeafi has decided, Ikat alieoi aro Cable to roils- The rtt elpti bto the tr siory of Geor gia, during iko last financial year were I B.esii rii, ana im fltavortemtoti tof tke same period E17M1I t), aa eraearo i . ..... . ,i.t."...i 1 oy me repon o ioa i-onpuwur "rna, I mace w me uegtwature or mr state I A machloe for fiiWt CtmUrt h at beta invented and pot bto dm by Mf. Ujy, of Gardioer, kfaine. Wkh U ooe womajs kas dipped aad weighed aaare tkaa 300 & la k day. It is aooouncad tkat a arv work, br Iko author of ike Piooeert, ke. will short ly appear. Jt iseotitkd H Tko last of ike Mohkaos, a aarraiiva of If IT." ' From all accounts. It appears ikat not - Arrw r.lnl ftf ika Naw J arte v U-Urd. and Proteciloo Compaky j. And h is stated tkat if iko Commissiooera aroobted la tke LecUls ,ttrt ntj been only ooe hour later, the whoj 0f ,be movesble effects of the Daflk wouu iut been b New York, end of (ourM out of tbe jurisdktion of Near j--,-, p(, fat. i nm w.nviima u.nif wi .ill uavw i w i dad an ingenious cs-penterf named" GUd win, for the loventkm of a plane, whkb he has constructed so ss to snswer tho purposes of the jack plane, tbe panel plane, the smoothing planet rd tbo mouldbg plane. , attaraa, ate. 23. ThelHI effr ctuny te wprtrfea the pro. - tire of treat in J in elections, which bad m.1 the llouaa of Commoos, w u rejected ia tka 6ca ate, by a vote of 40 to 16. wlU,. Ih. rf tka bit! IntroJueed i. , vua Wn-.. ml ik i8l9.estabriahinr the Board of Iwcmtl l-nrament.WMtTkxted by a vte of yi tw l. ii wno vu wr concurrinr wu wo report of tha Committee, were a Miosrai nrrara. auwtii, aikii, nnwiw n Raker. Ballew. Baroett, Dateman, Blount, Bor den, Roc man, Br) an. Burns, Dynum, Cakisrell, Car-on, Yt. Carter, Clement, Conrad, Cowan, Davenport, Dockerr, uonono, Dunn, EdmoM. ton, Kdwards, Elliott, FJ&soa, Toy, Cary, Cause. CUfow, Gordon, Hartley, Hill, HoUaml, Howell JrstUlL W.V;. ioMV N. Jonce Uww, Love, Jlartia. klatthewt. stekhor. Miner, lldore, ktur. - ' elibo, McCawky, McMillaa, McNair. Pkkins, PicotU Polk. Poor. Richardaon, Scott, Sbeppent, t H. Simmons, Simpson, J. ft. Smith, Sprain, Swain, Torrenee, Weaver, Webb, -Wbitehurtt, E Wiinams, WiUxm, Wright ' Those who voted sgainst concurring, were," - Mrwra. A dsms. Alston. Ball, Barnard, Boon, BeH Ronner. Brtmks, Brosrer. L Carter, Cooper, Oas Ciwwlord, Drake, DurgBJlald)fVHarpf Hoover, House, Joiner Utliam, U'trfer, Mai L . II ttS 1 f M SitnW ueitut. ilftll HCWPOrn. iVIUOOTI IUIIS) aassrj mwp a. V ia s9mam imllk f lasanai - . - h lfw-M-- ':. atedman. Tillitt. iiBKUP. it, DimniijnsV DKimrsit vihimh s-"f W.C'mkwwd,D.tnderwctthank,Tarm, - J. - Walton, Walton, Walker, Webster, mi- jker, Wilder, Wilcox, W.T.; vlUwnfc I . " 1 he lKjard Of AmCUltUfe 01 tni! Clair, hnTB ippwinted Ptofessor Mrtehelft tateljr ntuxl In iK rttmlAl Thair in rat Uni- versity, Geologist of the State in Ihe place of Professor Olmsted resigned, for tho purpose of rontinuing tho ueowgicai Surveyaioa tlemsn. Ralctgn irrjwm CUFJlAJl, Dee. 53. 7W. During he last week, large parcels . of cotton were purchased, at 1-1 rents, sortie of , prima oality were purchased, at 13 llars and 10 eenta jhhI payment nade in titverdMtnty the merchsntv Hie plaadm.w.radA.tirtlvi'nl market,-ami -.'iwew w BilleO the.Cawe Jr ; ....anon, tnm K'.. nrn.lnri. Cah fift the Bllvef for them whenever thev wWi it t if this is not sn indocea sufficleJitifl.kiyiM eraace, we.do rn know wbatti. . ... CBJRlESTOy'pJlICES, D.V-' na . a It SS, stsincd Oft iv Slum, RunlPP. 24 S 30 Ct.l short SUPVI a it 4 centa i Whiskey, 27 a 28 cents Bacon. fl a 6 J j Hams, 9 a 1 1 1 Lard 0 1 " numlee and Ineniet,42inch,) 2Q a 22l CJ fee, Prime firee n, 19 a 20 , Inf. to good,! 5 a . N. Carolina State Bank BUI, if P"vx" NenV'W and Ope Fear do. li f' cr"4J,r- Georgia da-1 per,ceTtt:dia. . .'mr

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