I,MfAnVlrtt. fJ ill ti.l.J ilnll ill ftmfr.Wa r ! wft torti4 t i-il't i- b-4ky af pffiaiiag t-WaUt ftn-Vfr frl Lit. T r - . - . ., A. aw4 Mw.fl. "-3 l A., L4 -J r-N - J ? r1 ... i a i iR 7uI"rU'. Hi i.i:rrJt3i. 11:1 . - . I . 4. pa.., o4 toaat f-r-t lU rtiA- 0 -o tf4j4 to IM Mf r. gulf-w, Mea-Ur, to iM raaae.1- W -V. . ftlXa. 1 , twUtrW r aXiied, by iM .r. Hi f,lf vtoal Uttorrat M--lfV Weltoatd ,4,MW -tod IM tlfmtjr ftl klr44 (rt rv4.rUkrea, It. Ht . M-abet, fU Ui. W. U 'A iWtIB; twit kW tt U vkk it. l tlx it (mtW J rtM i tUlr 'U. mi (M lM 'rXf mj VAf vkJ, U, VrVtf kms Mttr Cfoj, tad Hptl, U IM 1 Mir? Wnr pt4UL d bwtt UJwu, 1 1 lM Wrr. IM krtttf pcki. nnl qukktr t-r, Mr tnWt, mart frjm riTTnfA - iMfit MrvTork AdwCTit tt, tk .io m tk fM T Ik U. t. la Uic oulh pm. IU M offend la Mr. Mw, tK TM a!rMM pnw- to IM Otixi gm)c7 Ule7, of ihi lUlf , -rmw- al fcUWi-tw kJelj. tu -iie4 Vy Mr. P. -WWo, of Pron- Bhoda Ulaadi Aad iM IWflOQ pna r y o-iMsi U Do-to. It U pity thi pUa muU aot Utw bttm ItviU Im for o (iKrrrm) lUl.lftitlha . aJrtotsre tb noat. mcef tl oftfMat I . Wa tkMU to U.0iW pottery, tMt -aw jU, vera lent oat oflM at. i tf-t aoM-sts for tha yrlsas binff Karkbroad. An act baa paW tK Oorfii I -rpabtnra, (a lay tbal atata off Into diatncU, fin- tle tWtioa of Mrnbn to CoTeaa. A eorfrapomlrnl of th fianniuk rorUa otya, tUat ahbuogb tW paaT aia- of lh- act aa politic-! -wawara tM friend, af G. CUrk,'lly eaanot rl awa than lao or tkrtc ncmbcraof tMir owa poIHka dected In th atata. ...... y- ' ' The titl ti enable tha Truatee of SaTitb-ry Aea!en)y to nue &0fiW, by way of Lottery, kat becoma a law. Wa hart been fawed, by Meaara. BeB k Mwrence, Printer, to the atate, with eopiet of the Beport of tha" cwwniltiai jppointcd at laaj yeart ar anon of the Leytoiara to prepare a vte of TSAic Frfwrfta al fe RepartJ af the joint acted eommittea of thto aranon, aa the propriety of raUbl-iinj a Mmlitml Br4 for the atate of North -Caroitoa, 1 Maa doe nanU wa tball toy before our reIctaihe . kt- , iter in oor neit paper, and the former aa aooa aa p we co make room for It. They art both able ajdjirtereetinff reporta, In ino;ber pirt of our ptptfi will be found ib proceedingt of the Ufhhitirt - to Saiurdty, lh 17U. imu On Mnnd.y, the 19th, in the Common, Mr. Wlwo " preknted WII Hit U relief of Feter Doell,ate ah-riflrof Wilket Mr. Man ly Utl4offA-4JM Z ' faff Kl!a en' to. Aaht eourl-DOUsej r.- biU reltie to the liauing of m-rria(re liceniea. . Mr. 8tln presentr d the peU linn r.f nnp rilicena of BunCOmbt MO to rWeitri. S-W irawIIt "eoen, v. Moore, and Poor. O Tneaday, the -Oth Mf. Caldtell presented a bill to incorpor ata iha Nnrth-Carolina Gold Mine Com- " pahjr.-,Tb telect conhniuee on Morphey't- nienioriaU -reported bill w 'Mi fa?or, in which they propow to allow 82 S jOOO to carry on hit work, nd to he ' . icceu to the record of the tile. A U- aorahlo ranort was made on the petrtion " :of Dald CrustK TmII wit pfeaenfedto repeal an act1 etablishinjt a teparate court 01 probate In Kutherioru coumy. wr. Andrew 6reefted a bill aupplementa! to an act oassed at th preseht teston to regurate the lime of appointing ereer of road In Rown and Montgomery iw tleaV the" bill directing the manner o ' appointing clerk of uperior court, wa M t land IM pfitf Mt.l ptxui toil t4 i6m im Amovm ut- rL UU t-r-wli't Mta.lOlM M pram 4 :u tit El J f Mwi tt IPxiM WM 4.9w. lit im rit t im ' ato rpoft im r" Jk twrkwre,tf MrtkUUrf cpr TM -kkg lnMr froaUto U u tor of wocrttf tiniti w ld--f If V1 ntfiHt to im diri4f . f Itarta a4 UU. im in ,.U. u iU wrtrf of fro ,m,-d tt Mt.rU act U advaMO IM UUllaA of towWa, we r itd. 1 1 liiJ m tan4 IM Mtfl KU rtUftil U A fverbU ft pod til rcUUt io IM Mif Iwmi fiTwi l3t-U-44Mto- aJIM fc--w.c jxJ "- rrr.L t- t.m i La trtjctdn af Ccmftrtt 4tii7 Itft iM -wi-J baprr al to, la aWk U proaMitoala tM rra. A4 tM Katirtaal tatalTiparar kaa, here. lolire, br aabt af Jtara. eara ua a- ad cawWeat of tkal i"4alto. waitikOToa- vac. II Tbo Uainta I lU ieoat wa thtifl pent, terday,lo prtMtuiog ptuuoo., and in offering rrvoluttooa. I ka rtaola ilon offered k Mr. IJoid, of Maiiachu- arm. In "relation lo Cmnodoff Pottirj4 a agreed to, Mr. L Mtting to lh Sen ate, lhat part of the reaolution which cal led for information rJailt lo Ibt em ployment of tht .e,uadro under Com. poner, w tubmiued al the oliduoo of im Commodore bimatlf, and tht oth tr ptrtiofitf hh hi concurrence. About half an hour wm paed io tht cooaidera tjoo of Efecutlre buine. . It ... - f (l.rr...nl.lmi alt. 3X0 ID J 1 wrwwa" TT.T" TL Tomlinaoo.preien.eat pi.ion inm.in. aunltinf oflkt ri oUh netolui(ouirf Army mXmtL)kl aJ V.r. burge prate Died Wnmar peniron ir, ; wlnlef j no ajpon ala M ha ter rtWingbRbt ll.nd whkhwt.e rt-, u wotta bclnR ferred to the Select Committee oo lhe.n 0 f chUnnj. tffectt, claim of ReroJutionary OBktr-. j lbt,Mnt of alklating Ibair Dttmhtr 16 The rtltU4 of Mr. nKt wf hood not forget the mi Benton, propoaing an amendmenl lo b'er,ye tenanta of oor eomnwo jail-, be CooaUiuOoo gi.ing be choie ofa Ptel-,,h -,Me wtui; lit humane act j VL-a-Preident direct!? io tht - t ' Gnrl AimbJ, 6iMd l few pcopttt came up in lie order, yeerdy, before iM SenMt, and gare iIm to a coo- ticnUe drauliory deUte. Tho mend- menv to 4M reaoJution, oy wr. ett, or other bed-clothing, to aeep warro aire lo tbo Committee power lo atUlrt,' fcM, comforUle iht priiooer lo their If fimtictblf ,the ton and tht tafevt mode charge- -Th ame feettD J tM dictated f-kl. tM alcctioo, without th inter- ,k- i-n d tht Uw, ihoukJ influence u i f 'nnarcaa. - . A rrlutk waoffertd by Mr. K,nB n rctodNM M tbo trection of a monument . r..i Waakinrtoo. In the Ituukt, btltctjoA-oC Egbert len fcycii, w v.Vnrk. vii. br a report of tbt Com miittt on Election, declartd .-legal, and Daniel Hurunin, jr. wtaeeurea enuueu io hi r.U and tho lWt concurring, Mr. Uoftinin wa qualified and took hit e.l. Some diacutaion took pUct on the auBject of the joint reaolotkm introdured tome day inc by r. uutr, n relative to en trroory on ma Water bpt no def-UIon w Dtoon it. Dttember IT. rhe Senate did not ait yeaieruay. . , lure aai nai aujiiunrcu, r-- tiara ye.terday, resolution a offered ft fA FroaMUntt bean by Mr. Dayton, , for the "rptajUwd..j.-jr can theV..dettwe .or. apace tt l.- Q?!?S2. Hterary and ncaltoiiou. .uJ.ctirlhoi..h. aetterdaT. In lhe Houe oi r.eprcem. by Ir. barney, reirfna iw - - - r ... Tk. rulilllor . 1 . - if ..i..mr 1 n lew uiivii . . . ' ...A IIIUU1 Hsnmem a ' ' . n aa mm mm iailt in t nt m J waja . Mr-fts-rtatr-ralattaO-l- tht 4 liJCal nd Of Mr. r .k Nnrth-Weal .voaai I anu Bochanan, calling for the proceedinga n . f Commodore Porter, were both tka' aubiect Ol tnt -uu-m- .- w. -t--- 106 auujn. - if. tvktr-IA red, at the suggestion r. . -the committee on that eubject. TJie House adjourned until monoay. rv. 0..Mot of tbo Dusines yeaiar day in the Senate consult- r u- SlSioti andftttnce of petitions, 4o Swoper CommiMe fA resolution was onerea oy , . Jersey, declaring .-K!S41-been twice elected to the office of Pres ution offered Wl figgZ proposes to prohibit Members of heSen L or Housi of Representatires from ac cepUne any office of honor, trust, tw ' prof, Sunder the Goyenvmt ?f bj Unued SUies, duTingih period for .I ,...,, A resolution was submit- r mt m - 1 , . .ww, m --- j , . . t .Ufi lIM lU- IM t i. 1-juo VI. Tkeaim. M . WWW WW ww-w " J , W4 ' Wl r. wwf w . . - - - r . , ....,,. .w. - - rti to mw4 iM tw (UwUf (! A ' mrrJ 4 d.-rVtw4. ( 9" -.Ll Mkt a. Uw.ntfft. wVa ttom iMiJ a-. a, m, U ftM m4 to IM Mi aU4k a aim af ITIN a MMnrtowMf h,vr ---s CTto m m (fr.iw-1 n-if - W M iM rt l- -7 C- M4 - I. kk moiWi nla. B (-to-. tt mJ dMa. " "T" r J k. iu rr.attrw- t.Wtt. Is U4 iM fra)Urwi t Wiprta, far 1 1 W-w-.ttU . M IfcrT Mr whA f . 4 im. M;ii i.-ua a ni"i that it wnakt fUl oa CVn '' a-r- I UaJal iha uwL kht.aura tM WUaal, . ,i,A a aua aad tfOult aaataiM) timkmr ar-L I a targa aoaaltf af yaatto. of boOi attrai aad tw.WJ Mt UlpUjr plea. m4 vitk tM aaamMtif Ual -. . i iiiaJ Wviif i aa lwBw"d faifai,aaaauB ee( ftrUirl tM t tawwaaa Wit' af a Car.- avominr. C U ad totWant a tM d. Mt, 4 MM-wrad flkera thai Uif iauauakant tad ai ih la-t nf B-KaOan. errwmf ..u;iirw..l mI-m af ttaaia aolrit rootl anJer and ci ' i t. aha-.g. iM rato cmourd arta intrr.uof ttoWaea.a tori and retractable audxnea atteaded lh after-aooa aerit. o reaaoM hi" tod to lU'Wawwotw : ITU tM diffrrrat aiara af -T I kaa aolxrd to atMr ptoorai 7 aW .wKU .J fn-a lMa apMraM. I abauU l.-l. ..r..iU4 BMkidaamralnliar a- Cainat Ua Bora and reCr- cWatur i4 ihk 1 blacf. - j --.--U T- n atUfU)MSmdittTT9 T. C. -rf lhe Sheriff or the countie art eropoweret t0 purche,outof the fuodor fce count-t a lumclnt jiomber of Wank- . -JK-r hini rharra of Jibe ialli, to M h DiwUion carried intq effect. f ; h prvmeri jn Bt)y jail it North Ctroli .r.. r. ika want of boletome pro ComrortaW beWingf n i nw ih fault of the law, bu; of the hard hearted being who my hare the ecu tbn of thea law in charge. Be thi re- . i j i . tfiihitif r il imemoerea. ana on the proper perton, . A Ami lo Humanity. The nroceedinn of ConrreW and of our aUte I.elature. occupy a largo epaee in tbe columna of tb.a dtoyt paper , 'and will eontlmie to do ao in ai.beqaent paper, till tbe Legida lure aha)( hare aljHirned, lhicb it iaeipected . . . i r . LU. .I-..K1I0M UUUIIK " - - Ummri ih.iHMni rnf ih 1 l. 1 win- 1 w . ... win mmerminrte tin Hma time m Apmj we ' 1 " . . 111 : . K . UurtapprnateeonaidertoC otMp lniiiivi 1 t . be incident thereto. , " j j Edwin ! receire-,a-d Aall-e attended to in taa MUOJI i l tl0 Aall L We are again obliged todtftr the inaerlioii of Manliui" and " A twee Irwt im oo-w Such it their nature, that it b preper awl oeoei ry they ahmild both go in one paper 1 and at mo- a wa can make room fat JbtVH they ehaH bejublithed, tide by aider aii A S. Willintton. pubMer and propria tor of the Char.leiton Courier, wai lately electao ..-.i. in the South-Carolina Legwla- - . a ture, by a raan majority ovf- A. K. Holmea, ' at a a I .a. .aat Eaq Thi diatinctwn, conreireo oy wo wu.. of Charleaton on Mr. Winingtoh, ia one which bis brethren of the in I-orth-Caronna are itrangerato. ..imktk-aw.n prophetically ang a rod olden - Ul- p- U4 "7, Wm -Ww-i IU4 W. H tV w-W-4 M Ut. Viii-wtowin4l JlU LW. U4. CU- lU Uf w-fl M 4 P M WW "F"- ' ' r - , a J fewa iV. rt.V IM f4 M-V- i.j . -1 t-a hiin.f M "- r ' . caia. 1. U. af Vara, -!!- w . kkfc IM Uftototar. to aa-ataaud, aato a aalaard I) kaaJf IM ' .i.a -r-aa-txa-aaalaa-U rh rwai tWa-W - .- iM -Wato a4 tara . a. I.UUrf toa.r A prtatara (af ) v-aU pf--t all ihto lrraitof to tM da,.-- -attiaf a- aaeaatoa-i .todaf a4 M--ua)y mlfi M ftalarad t aw eaajaciw i to iM a-a-tV. aad rroW b IM poht,a.fal a- wjr Wp p"" Waa tat- atMr, N wMr-A tod I) rear aH, appft Oca la Mr. A. Jaraba, aw-iaia - taw, im aa t"rT Mrat, M Ta-wuy r ... rt tM eipfc-W of poadat . .aa a .a I ,1 b kit pocket. thV it-dWwl irT ,.,. M. 11a orappad ap to a bto-k H. tad toy dca Ulora tM ra, la top a-r aklj tad it to a-ppoaKf maat looaa r- Ire, by M ta aaa coajaakatad aa tM ,u U tM rnard. We aitoa tk al- daat. aUk tM pa tkal tt -IB arm aa a war. o tMaa atol-ltoUWt caiaic-, mitt u-poUer. ( irtr,ttn, Dff. I'-CoTTOf-Tbe piindpal et tl i-ij. ik. kjH ai ti retiit. ar.d ttwr-iiVr W M - - . m n j . ik.i Mtf-ti htia neara oi eoie Bona ai r- ----- - rone oer I4 hd Pin, n fke aupplt el continuea aery hmMed, Ike riera beirf loo law io niiliC- (rrelf ADDHESS Of a Cn 0 1 to M"rr" f'rr-"' M rairaaa, J to. 1820- 1 ia Wbito mUltona greet tM year .--, We H poadrf r tM one tbt"s rt I Oona.Vhh tM yaan Myoad tMllood-rrwrtbtMatoepet-aflMaod-- Ta awal IM al-aaa Ml aaaa-toaa t Cteral with aaeet IharotT rw. k I aubmiaa to rU'a decrae. now maay hope cwtotab'd toto tM ! Of crowd al a -m. that bailed thy da, Myrtode naa paaaed away i Their race i raa, and art their lua. And ctoard - bfe'a bttto by." But turn e now. my penaire muae. And abow tbe picturt's brighter hue. Our happy country'a propcr-e alaU, (9,1 Jt may kind Hetren perprtwatr) Th. Iremaa 'a aoaat, tM r-triot'. pndt. Still may ber bark aereaaly Sun onward prraa with genlto tore, Nourbt to wnpeda brr briH.ant coura j WhiTa C-aerca gaily pUe her oar, And freedom' aona profTt,vt In rentoa, taate, refinement, part la juritpnidence, actone, artt t In all that can mankind adorn. The heart improve, or mind luform. Descendant of the Patriot band. The aobto, brave, embattled throng, Whuae deede yet Kve, pride of our land, In martial rt'nry and in arnig. 0 ! era-- atilk your aid bertow On vet'r warriora who aumve l Still bear in mind tbe debt ye owe, from whom thoae bleinr ye denre. And while paw acenet ye tbu. review. The muae will pay the tribute i To him who aharr d CoUimbia'a irrte Ami, tharinK, nobly rbked hw life : . In bloom of youth, in martial pnde. Who fouriU w,f CwlT chiefbeKU j To him, the 6r 'mong eona of fame, Whoaettoeda have eUnuied hia nnit. Of Wa-aiweT the brave compeer, A like refulgent Uicir career. Need we, in acts df valour done, Or wrtimt fild of glory woo, JS'am CalHa'l brercH, mblr$ if Oh, need your Caaaita impart Tlte name en-hrined in every heart f -1 he name ao tote on every toiijrm-. Our cUta,toww, and boa era among-"Tr-in roct Iff roc-r fr ct to - li kliibe retpora awett EcM And tow, conforming lo cuetome decre, i? areeu on this rreal Jubile And tender, with wUh warm jtt aincer, To on and to Ati, l",,, . .1 th aiof Dr. John Scott, . I ! r. .hi, town. Mr. FJit Sett, woui j ..- --.i. .J h-, .re. S5 iSf ."-3 &7 ladv in .. . ., ,. j btamtltJIW extewive circle ol reiaHvea aiiu -T P !!? lr,M IM of Vov. the " " ii vrar. and ? month. rh"bXMeoVmin- tbt Metbodiat Epi Spl Chureh for 41 yean. He Ufl a tifo and . r .... l. k.. lr nine cuuarea io ucjir- CotiWawliV Too.?. 3B le, t fuU att of Vafc. T?0B . Annrv to ALBERT"! Wff4,-Vti.l4,l2i. ) t.r u ol t,.4 aM -.- " f Waa l IMwai I-- i- - mM k-I rt M -Mrwat H J Ub-. M M aiii-ia) M Wiaaa, 3 lo Countr 3Icrc lianti uid ftll" othcra 1 aaUf Hwiwtol art iJ taaak Uaf ltoU p-;- M !JJlUatoe b M----4 f'rw a-- a.... . Viout Ceremony, . . . . . a .- A A Cacbra. dad. (CaMrr-t Mf) art re. Miad It au-e rar-a-ai, w"'Vv''?r nl aa toft b-tolfa-wt M g4-. " . aktoaa 0- -aid tata-a. art u.uift.i iWai to lUa ( tlMilkto af n-t Ut IM adtaaiaft af tM towj 2hUa wMaa aalaa are doe to t af iM Ir4 to, a toiad It -M frv.i.:!-..-4 aa f - ire. U IK. V.afiti! of David WilfonK, tlcf. Tlf. aabacrOMrr katof alHaJ tottari of ad m.'uKm. al IM .attsMr af lrrd.0 eawiT - IM "' " T. dX'd. tot a IM- wM Waa a-fde. at-d.Viwa-l and r.". r-kaf kf aoU or kk ?.. ..! lKr. dar alMia'4d, Mki. tM laU rob-i t? . M ibto m. UaaJMptoadtob-roffawet-. an koM UdrUrd It tM dcaed art re- o-iad u Mia !;--'. d taa llitltl iUtllf : M. .UMr. ar-- Charlotte Female Academy. riHaTrWeea-f tMCtwtotla female Acad. I May kaittM ptoaauraof a-. I tM pukuc, uua ia nrm. a.Q mmtMt ta tM lrt M-n-Uy "l" a,i aadrr tM nTwidrt- af IM Mv. 1W rrr a-l l-dy. A torgt eJ r. i bri.1 buiMiag. 1-rvfH to a af tM mM kraky Wituaiiene to tbw vdlage. Ms beef! rrmrd. ahirh will M aw-p-d by tM Mev. T. cv.nanii ',,-.Apw;l-,x,: . Mrtaf ikM alrtutto.lavr ptaridln tht IumU of tM 1 i-ateea by U bbaral donation of ike cili-en of CWtoiie al Ha immadaia i- e.B1,y. ab. aiand pto.lrl, a. wtn - lua . r-j-lera, f Ha rraprCabd.ly. IM I rurfeea fcri aawml. from the k'Ci mn-.men.toUo.ia of Mr. and Vra. CmireH. withaUh they have bee rrnhrd from ike moal anoueWxNiabto awiree. nJ tra iheir tong eeyrn'ne in IM manarv- (M-nt of to titutioa ol line aiwi. in i -trel lively toterl in tM "f tba Ara.lr . my iB not be ippotolrd; M rUkratt. chra of Famato Kd.tr aiton, both ttrrary Slid Mmeaial, wiU M laMW aaU Ui mo n-wrm. . . .- to )4c"t IM mai an m wflMpwptla. oy met tteatoing w mra atd, wtfl M adaatUaO. IM OT inw IH ckM oalM&AaeMbaf June, aadtM test o eommence ot tM aert day aad ctoae on tha I Jib of Korember. Hoarding can M bad It re-nctalto fmU ia town, al Ion oouara par aewaa. Terma of tuition, ia tM bterarv bnjn. cKea, per tetaio-, RIO. TM ornamental bran- r . , . rn :.. ,.m . chti aiU MUUgni upon uia iuwh.j , Vi: . .. . . MimTin Werk an Maia-ng. pt. -n, tobroWery. , -7. Draator and paiijUng, on paper, ja do iloWf on .elTct, do 10 Mutto on tbe Piano, - do 1 Each payable ia adraace. N. B. A few papila can be arcammoditrd with board at tM Academy. . DAVID K. DO'LAP, JOItN IRWIN, CtmmHfK WM. J. ALEXANDER, j -94 Wouft- lo Utnt. 4 PriHR lhm mmd tM ia Ibe loan aaiwiun, I Ui.l aeaimea br MT o1. Lnrkr, Wh1 limerly by Aleiander rrohork, dee'd. it now to tent Apply, t aa-oor-. A-rn-- mivaii r. 14. IMS. Clock tw WftieVi MaUng. a aa J . TUB pubUc are rraprciiuiiy ini-inneo, ,.. Samurl ScHl, Clock wm! Watch Maker, haa commenced tbe above buvmcee, in tja wnw, branehea, next door to the poet office. Main atreet, Concord where ordei- tn the line a l.i, buaineaa a in be thankfully reerlved;nd with pkaaurc attended to a ithoui urwy. . .. . r , .Ia. f 1 Tie tubacri-er aaa ior aaw, - r... v. aiui Mrwre i conwtinr . of iccond hnd and plain silver Watehea, r-kj and gift aeala ami a.ey unc "J chains ateal keys, nnrernot-. br.aat.pina.ail. ver pened case, tbimtnea, x.(f n- - w a r-.W& Watr.hea. and Time-niece, of - . . . - - - every deeription,-arefiilty repaired, and war. ranted to keep time. SUver Spoona made It order, kc. ; vtntura, i - -- -- Yrwwi UUV for Went. THIS vakiabto pUniatioo, ine rr-. the tote Cot rara.a, jut. ta offered for real the enau, if year- . . - land ii in the rorka or tue i- -pr-'-lhe.Hwtt Shoe Keck, and near IM mouttoof liutchman 'a creel; It conumaaowi "-'"t t.. I.ir !. aaaMal .tll tJDL J0Ml 4Vtlf luf . . . iHllll'i v cultivation i about one nuiio-c.. -"- "i and creak bottom, and tU remamdar of cleared . i . i .i -.1.-4 ji t,iM euniira oi cmiun, w.. Sod imalT pai". W tf cf JftoiHr to anr in tJUt aeetton of ury ' .f be' provrment. eonvenienl and comfortable. daellini4i.Mi" and about 100 arret of ctoared toml. mty M bad teparatelw. a. a tenant or Ut anti may prefer. For .term, apply to Mr. Hen- I.IMI . CI. .HI" - ---- - - . . ry 8. Parkeriageaiwr- joscru PEAttsojr,

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