tf! Hern. id aJ Mr. M-riv rr, , when Ihtir cxcfltJM lotcrruj-ted ly the jn lij"Ui'1 of h latter f.tnitf. roan, aod ihe aecestity which resulted the f.rmtr iu ptf pare hii report of the survey nf the route f.rth Cheiapralc and 0!b Cioili. Captaio Poisio a,-,J l.lcutrnant Trimble have beta tent in fait in we aurvey. at me d t!u. an) ri!Jrlbruni;U. lit 'e prirut" rf M-!I' 'if ,' a'l l trsimttd ir ihe kilo ft anl fcWutiif IS uk chamber. The t U i'i of diuln lotlkit lha of luelll trrntej intra ra no ibtrer lul the patient and Lit (rUnJti If la be razored to bash b, ihere Is no arbiter to deci le, whether hie restoration U the re ward of skill or the result of accident I If It a tin. there la nona to determine wheth It attributable to tbe treat- Under such clr c::;;:.:.l4 A:;i::.::;L7. Mr. V.'.Uvn, L)!l Io a mar. J tU Tfiif 0 krt i rtr. section e.f an if riirj h U9, fon-jCofntr.hfrf, i h tarnii.g ihe ti.imi;e u Mni females, it'ou. A rt u:l.,n wis U 1 t-n tha i n tf Mr. IHrbhl, Infijfin? If art 1,,,... i HlSTQnr.SVIUCltiaUXX (he colladU cf b. t.!oro rfufUi l.i ..tltii!. !!.;;, J)te. 52 Me. Jcnel fcf l'.o in prrte'n t J till Ut the ;ttcr rro'tcilwo cf 'wil lie Jiil im on?l tf indMJuals or cor-1 Ha f41uf jxt-t.lnj-. ?f k3 U lie I recently taken plre, end If in for burttini; ha tna. tm tb IUJ u tmmnpt tie ambU! Mr. II iBeMlUli!, W.Wly.ibri(kiih.h wirtkelerl. Mr. 0ia eflertj ,. t f; oluttoa cilUflf for n(ortnitl6i ctUj u -T7 . I fr .k. M.;i.'d tbrtat.Mdlnjurr.lfHcaonotb.prataot. route, for the OMMpcalc ud 4 u'J .4, ho aucb SfV't kad rcoort c iht auk. .kiywh.r. U. dao- rrall. I ill! to rtll in part.hwJet llnbt) of abUtorfcl ad aciertJe tH Trrtir ): tba Creek liwiuni Br aareril aciiof umUf raiiali)c tba tMkMNrcnCMi . Iilaitd bf Clenerala lackion tud Ikk.. ! tj lf)d UTxlr aieCttllofJ. . I Ti. trmiA 1.111 Ia tvMirtM ik at Fort Jk ton. Tfca till tntkln aL Mr.rKkati.frteai lha ;4lclarf CemmiMU,ufll r . kUi,.! .H,f un,iR- prtritloa lot rortlfifiiloea fr IK. mit!.c,rtportdkti4 U profit for tba wofk poiblafluta, waareadtb. aacoiul "ltd ftdrea4 tkarf aaeuH.f of prtfia purcbaUng tUuh Umt. Tbla bill ai it from Iht h ,kl 7,,:?0 4,b M"k ! aoM bj tJrttw dtiecgtient l.auad ty cr Coaooa.autboHMd Mr. War- tr' : TM Mr?udff afa of mw4 laooi i unit ciuwu aoma altcut , but iraa CaaU; ordered to a Utlrd rta. fcoint where It aa and af do cflffrtd in It. The Uoard alao e ar bla daaib mined the tround betweeo the Mia-raot or to lha &hiu litlnnt nd Lakt Poflchartrain. withlcumiuacaa. cuonlrif war i.kir impoM . ia irtta th nracticalulitr 1 0300 ert(Jul(r ajtd U prciumpiloa of - .- f-;- . ... . i fif COOItniCtlna: Cina! f tnite theae I noranc paa wnnwi .cwtuon rvc w iterii toa rf port oo mia auojcci . " Y . ...!.- ii. I . If ieeuiiorrt metturei ro fttcatiav Th. briradra of teOtraohleal En. 'f f U .- i . - wa ditthiriK I tamlnecl. and Rta Kim ri.ra tmninvrii nn i - . the Ohio r . . . i mcji a a m m w " Jed will. If poanwe, te auomiuea to j,.,,, .UKom wotke of ha approach, vongreaa it mo prcami ocaaioo. ,nj , vt apprthend Is wbeo incur Knttntcrv have Iao txeo employed red. wbhbout rtmadr or reparation I. It la the ? arlou Etatena States In ma-J would be.diflkult to prcaerre from Ibe ting aurveyi for the coDttrocttou ollltaputailon or nadncaa tbe raal ba Caoala and harbours and others (af should tard hia nuraofrom dpre4aiioi, the an Ohio Cumber! ich vigour aod aucceai and ht. c.Baot b, ,ipecuj. rl bey Xfid. V. JITha LllowUig bills vert the Wcat of ZaneaviIIe, aa far as Co. .rdeaa. aod. when routed to autbicloo. Mr. UUJ of Franklin, a bill to rt i-muI -J.i. v... h m!-. tw- ia rtlaiioa to the apwoDrlaliios lumbua, dtauncc ol SZ milea. ue.jbare notacani by which to coo fen aua- P; so mwen of in eilatlng liwa oo thelblll vaa theamdtbatbJrdurae.aodMr. m " ,M M' rtrao'ta,fo, tweco Deuo'it sod Chicago, sod Little pic loo into certainty. From lbs baturt aubjactof InteroslroproTements saau- lUUl moved to add a third aeetlon. ah.t 4ruclloi!l 10 ,h salt;ollon of th Ohio IWk an(irantfvnmBtr;ilMoa.iurvri. of I be rt. an! tba mode of ita admifllitra-1 oorti tba ioard t emplor a CItU t-i i.f;,tf1tr-r.t.ri"a' f I. - , . .- . I In... " ' ' I . -V. .. .Ml ... I ' . J ..J l " . I Mr. Unrthv until. CM t. ik O rnwi,wfriippuaiM we- Juiticas of tba liactwUch UUs wert Lbey to ralaoby knurr, Ibe sum of t f rtad tb irit tin. 1000 for li tMirrwMa Airrflnd lit 1 ar I S00( --MrrJIUI of arwAL fnrm sIk commit- tMf tffectrOo-rrelm- Mr. BpaltHiM1,! " PPr" tee oo pucaO,tported a till toaeata Lf Grtwr, tbe bill .e .mended by Mrlh- rnfir a iuna ir uw fuuiorocnt oi vomtnafllln. .A t.L.i;.'f7i.-irr 1X wit via, aatrotSwtaa:,, Scbooli and fcrtba stfpport ttrtof- JU-f.-Mr.,nO'6r FrinVfin T moted ? Ways; sod rr." ,p 10,1 woeraa fwf t, iftdRiUurtronemnt. whkh wn MC,DV W1n " D 00'7 w ar- toMfiintad. , l.ti.. u. w..j j j tart of tbo Traaiurr to send Ike annul - .a ... . I W M 1W SfaiSJa f I B)l W UIVTSJSi 1 IDE Uu II . ' Dt. -"Mr. Tckett preaentcd a bill the WU furthar by oiwpowertnf tbe Oor- laterilioa llwe hhia a tf eitend the protit4ot.a of aa set paMd eroar to raJao by lottery tba Cm meo- lbf lottfrtla , KrBoiwtT iwiocr lint lOOeriCCtlllonayl nm.atut In. t. kf. tlilee to Und-tbUh was rud the frit Murphey Uhoal ioterttl fcr als yeara, Urne aodpaaHi. U IUm0 coodltlw that ha rlrt aocority for "V -...I. , . . . lupoo coodltloo that ha lira a The enrrottcd bil to repeat the lOthlitT. ru,.n,.,t- r .k. w . aactkm of an act paad io I i fi. director .k.. .u I. . . I 'ill . . . . W WW.M. .V.....V, and that week sf- order to eipcdlta the paattnr of the appropHatiott Mils. ' ' . 4 " ; , DtttmUr J 3 The rteoloilons offered by Mr. Vaa Duren In tbe.ftnatt. o. Toaadiy b re lit loo to the power of Con. MWaf ars a r a .. a . n . . or a Weat, io tbe removal of ssod bars. "nu D eipoaco oia won io ama - oi ioe the aame ahould be taken by ika Jx.ia to ... 1 . ! i aawvers. plaotera, &C. io the ""V, ' f i . ' ... 7 'pf, .e ,u ?1,u of 835-000. Oa thla amend WB MO,f "Cfeatwo, u be and MUsha-ppI rivers. Tbe " ' '"V"T r.S V; fDcndT 1; ifT T'iZ I'r ,Bf. W,M t'1 '" ia,i ..TTL m7 V.l. r': and road h.a been carried oa JjJ"mri2Zu S Gia.. V7l V nI. i o - aer oecwao u, ,6f Mr.u,.. . w-iswht -a ; lib much vigour aod aucce.. and U 7 JTbi looVt.. bills haa beeo Uid out to continuation, to u Lwr, k.... .h .r- ikUi. breenudi .', lilJT.L ...7? ora have alio been emnloTedi aa well " tbe'rt can be noteit aceeaaiWe Io as'oo the ( cosit orSouila6TJDVl6teft,in,71"ef by-whkb to diKJngulab eJcurmlaa wa aUca fwr furUQcatlona. llVtUW fpaMaB rfa4y ImMSdUkHf) sf I . f 99 a,t .sl.l a t. r .V. mani. iirnca, wniia rtiirHo ana nw .--u8 w h, onf thrown off ihoBuaterlty of the Academy ia referred to , and a sug. cWff f bf obieorfy of bUcJ ,eUer uirown u wi n -u..uMB bf wMcb theT filed ,he ... won. of inuoducing Cavalry nd. UghuAr jef ef. popJace, and hire appealed lillery- exerciaea, whh a tiear to the fore juat confidence and aoppori to tba rea immediate formation of a Corpa oil too of mankind, medicine atill cootinuei roueh,k w a aK r. ainrnnaa nn i i aiaai araawwaiawaw was a na a aawaa a r - .hi Mr. Lmd.i Mil Munia of Mtpaaaty cowaxy wkUw pvaacrioo to air eKKumemarste. aiaj.l.J jnerao cdlUicreral-. weea reaa tse am uant. - - eendnf the aforesaid binary ba may pov 'T'Tr t n ' . ' Mr. I trnev fom the committee of In I Kla .ik. iim.m.iI ii. k fnr. I na noQia oi ncpretentiuf ca. a i . . .. . i , -... .- ..,. n... ., ,. ...- I. i m-i nprvfcptoitf rrponca isHiuiMm completion of the work which waaT .wr' j ineipauant -at pake : any . sppropnattoo I carried A motion area made. 10 by UlW.hin tow.rda Improtbg tho public road from the table, and an amendment proposed to ' m 10 j1' holding tho i.iyniit, tb')Ttvit ai VTaaBiDO-1 restrict tba nana Cavalry, io.caae of need. I to ahroud Itself In mystery, and to con- lament of the Lottery to native born citiuna of North Carolina. w tiWMfu-Tj. m but both were, netratlrad. Thablliwiaed .'r- a aa 1 J,at..a a.a W . aV f a . " .Tbis. iotereating report concludes "U lnoc,P,..0, w tneomn i rrv.--Air,- vr,y. yooet pre. its Jd reading, 3J to J4. it? a recommendatioo mat so r-1 " ; pnivi.i jaran. iirmtu ipm w muc an anpropnauoo iieoca, inai nooie an ia uu corwa witn lor cleartur out the flata btlaw W I. flMtMin?. . I IB " I w w 1 1 Imiru-'onJ I rmoM umin jataa.f . I.. i..:..- vatwB, ana bi rcw we inu ui uaain ana iif-iL U.IIJ, WHIIUUI ISUfVIICI iiiiinnf f the Corp. of Eniiocen, ud """ " tv Conrrcss. the preaeot numbers I create the orga Eniinrt into a corM, W authorized :V ;rr: 'MOVlaoMWU for tKe better reri ' IJ JI Bfr. aw a u ii .f ia hi Lai i uuluiii. id rural ai a ( 1 1 i a & A a a - BK m PA.ftaa Olaat am aata)a a W I a mklM I which we the County Courts y,r, r..t.n.i ..t r .v. ,.w Inot poaaesa the power ta coo struct roadalffVr,i . ..i...- M .w. ...v:. -r hi . . "l.CM uuuea w-a Ha pucny awo coonaenc. oi - r. tBd D1u j-- red 01 the Uepartment. i neae eviia nave oren ioor teen and long ungaue. n.,;rk r...".. : .1" P; 7 ' V'I;n, c,0",aw,, wer e report of the Commsnder-in. lamented. . That they, .od that Mr. Scolt from the Judidsry eooi. Lrf ef contains a lilt of the tours of ey t bi io no longer, require, no mutee, reported a Ml directing the r" ' 'uaor.. fo, S.t ourra. LJrr. ctioo ia. which ihe ataffof "LLH ! --0 wMth me cost, of suit, de-L A reluUoo ... offered by Mr. S7Zv7SS hii been chiefly employed. In ; : . . 71":' 2 MM .U-?.I!F,?, Vou"! -l referring that part of tba PreU- relad,. to ih. Dhm.I s.. - tnr in 1 - - ... , ....... - v- ing commercial importance f ana 07 r. . a -a. m - f a w a. m a k a ai ataua a &aUA k.. m aa a - bave given io a former journal) being insdeauste to the vari- tiona, grota and moritroua,upon the ainv reh' Chi ioapei army ... order army, it is surcesteo mat aaaiuonan . . ,w. .mi f,f legiaUtive aldba given to' the school (h trt upon which health often, and of practice at Fortress Monroe, an nfe ,0mettmea, depend. In other States establishment from which great bene- the diitinction i made between pretence t ia anticipated "to the gradyatea of and knowIcdge,"and those ".ra proliibited t 1 . i ii ' . L '.!' r.M nnrl!.. .rtrw.t .k.L. k .. k I . eat formation of their idcaa and char. actef,-Vith respect to - the practical - duties of their, profession. A plan 1 - I i ...I ' ..!.. ofjVAv Bcaaa Introduced, and accompan ieg wun soma snpropnare remarks, a JameeX. Means was declared duly reaolutioo decbring that Congress does national defence Mr. Wright, of Ohio,' to amend the Jorflcfsrv aratem. An amendment n offered to the Resolution offered on Wedaeaday by Mr. Daigbtj rtbme to loiaes in the collectioa of tbo : cusromsj and an amendment wis also of fered to Mr. Campbeli'e resolution, YeU live to the tre.t v with tba Creeks, at Fort Jackson Mr. Tainatl of Georgia, offered a reaolutioo calling for tba detiUa of tho aystam of fartificatlons required for iho ..).. j.r at. ... r . . w tions from tha Supreme- Court shall Jaldersdon and notice w.. gfrea by Mr.lMajjgumof.Norib-Caro(its, calfing.for oar into the 'office of the Suberior Uentoa ef bis Intention to brinr in a bill I information on tha .uhieet of lha treatr Court from whence an' appeal was " graduate the price of the public lands. ,h the Cherokeea in 1819, by which takef.the eostvdueJn said Court.)- J0 -Kf-Jj,1?';. tho-Cherokee titles in-North Carolina Mr. Swsin from the select commit. pobb frUtl w P"h.b.ion o Mem wer. extlnRulhed. On motion-of Mr. evidence of abilitr to do rood. Whv tetf 00 the aub cct. reported a bill to Til Vr f"? ahould North Carolina be behind other erect nan of the counties of Buncombe -..,,r..I irt.,. ,A . . . a J - - . . . 1 hviaiuiuanu waaiaaiivw) WHdVUI vuai Wl"lt ' J""'-" du uurac idio a .cparaic anu aiaunct I to the Committee on the aubiect or the and; to -preserve.; Irfef. bbe has men, couaty.-TMs. bill' was read fcm amendments of tha Con . - . ... .r'' nai - aireadv been acted on in inet.k- -r i..:. ..i i . , : ' T uivwtiw auu iiiiuivku ... m. r n r j. .1. . . . Iffiiue of . RaBreuntativM: hv the reir. Ji .v.' s... r. .v. :r?MZ r ' SpruiH fr6m the aeler t commit f 7 " - - ,asij env uit.u in aiv uivivaaivu va avaA v . . . - - - - - . porting of a bill from tht Military Icine, who would do honor to any atate or e 00 J?a.l? f . Committee.. ; It is also recommended , to any country. There ia no deficiency inexpedient to eatabliab a Penitentiary to Congress to. increase the pay of J of lalenta in this departrrent encourage- at this time. ' nonrfommiaainned officera. wfth a view : ment, direction and auibority, to act for Mr. SwainSresented the petition of . : 7 - t . I T i . . ' err .. . mii. w piu..ic, ui ine puauc gooa, .re ..iin.i requireu. jortn mac vi Oi rayeuevaie, atsung Mk reouestlnir information as to In this view of the importance of the he IS about to publish a Mapof the State l,h rorreinondenee between the Cnited matter confided to their deliberation, the and aekifte for a lean of 3,000 dollars I States and Great Britain, in relation to comniitttee-hava endeavored t.4ga. a to frrrable -hine toeffectthe warier -Re-thcSrafe Trade i bvMr.TrimbIeT eallinff Sfkiem .Uli.oie 10 ioe WIUHIOO oi ma ferrnl tn i.lrl rrtmm ft . I For- tha M ! ir Mr. JalTrrinn. rr.-om. . . .. ... I "I" "" ' .......... . , ..-.. to obtain, in those actuations, individu. ab who may stand respectably in point of talent, and thus add to the charac ter and efficiHcy bf the'rmy - In the House of Reprcsemativea, a rt solution was. introduced by Mr Henry i of Kentucky t on ha subject of a iiiliiary Academy on tba Western Watera." An other reaolutioo wis olTered by Mr, Cook of Illinois, on the subject, ef the eale of the lead roinea in Illinois. The resolu tions offered en the day preceding, by State. Aware of the diflkultiee of the I subject, they have looked to the laws, pre pared a bill, which is submitted to the House. That it is not perfect, the com mittee know that it may require much MEDICAL MJllD. The folio wins; ia the report of (he joint select eommittea of the Legislature who were required to inquire into the expediency of establuhing a Medical Board forth State : .-. Tbe joint select committee, to whom was referred the. resolution direction .l : .u .j:..,,- r aafMlahlna . MrHie.l Board for thia ,w wn,cn n" uccn ueiayey. otate, having had the aubjert committed (0 them under conMderationvand Ktport: That the Legislature have already made provision to aecure tbe profesaion of tbe law, from the intrusion of those who may be deficient either in learning or inteetitvi while not hine; baa been donerto insure to the Medical Pt ofe.iiofh either integrity or skill ; to preservo the oublic from the imDOsidona of erapiri- ckm or the blunders of ienorance. If life' be more valuable than property, no reason can be-conceivcJ why the latter ahould be carefully' guarded, jrbile the former ia left f iihout protection; r irw gisbtictn be required upon either of these subjects. It aeema especblly, demanded w for the arofession .of memcme.j?sH. his knowledge and acqtenesa in public his powers are estimated in open content . with. professional opponents UDdibe. is:!' cjsion of able and learned Judges eitner sanctions his opinions or oxposea them aa errors. In this profession, success can not lone attend ignorance. However the influence of connections, the suavity of popular mannera, or the oratorical display of superficial acquirements, may . give eclat for a time, ..permanent' reputation can be secured by solid merit alone ; by Dee. J3 Mr.llolTand oresented a bill to I mendine an expedition across tba contin amend the 9th section of an act paaaed in ent ; and by Mr. White, (of Florida,) re- iu oirectine;. ine metnoa oi eiecung uufo io m preposco loruucauon. in Members of Aasembly. Propoaea that J fensacola ay, wtre all agreed to. A tha nnlla h nn.h-d t 10 aVInr k in I resolution was adonted. on motion of Mr. .Iteration, ia belie red to be probable the morning, instead -of the hour new Holcombe, (of New Jersey,) referring the '.but it ia a commencement upon an im- ipecified " subject of a Schaol for destitute children, iportant subject of legisjaibnXi.ttention MrIredeli from tba. joint committee to bo trained tor the NBvy.Thodiscus- to-wnicn nas neen too ronjr oetayefl. 0f Finance; who were inatrucied to" burn aion of Mr. Blair's joint reaolution on the Viw oiii auouii:;jw iwia reBCi05, r f :n i. lr.l -T . . . A ' . , wisdom of the Legislature will hereafter tht hey na(J examined and cans- tern watera waa resumed, and terminated be directed , to supply deficiencies and ed to be burnt io their presence, 3,9g in the reference of the resolution, with amend defects, and will be competent to t -ftrn k;ii f that drimlnn. Ita amendments. totheComittee on Milita adapt th system to the ends of its insti tution. lour committee,-- tneretore, recom mend that the bill accompanying thie port be passed into a law. Respectfully soDmixiea. JNO. SCOTT", CUiman: From the National Journal. Mr. Gordon presented a bill, which was ry Affairs. Tha engroaaed bill entitled read three times, to amend an att oassed u An act makine certain alteration a in the in 1814, for the better regulation of the mode of paying the enlisted aoldlers of toWiVVilkesboroy' 77 T4 the united state morner to prevent ine passed the -House of Delegates of that for the perforrhanr JlrDcoiohofrommecomroltteeOTln-lcri rend a third ternal Improvement, to whom a resolu- timet and afterwards bid on the table, tion of the House on the aubiect waa re- Dtt- 2J.Tbe Senate did not aitjes ferredrrported a bill directing the Board terday. - , - of Infernal Imnrovement to make cOn-l In the House of Rtpraaentsttves a pe- On Wednrad.v tha 1 fst ult. a bill In-1 tracts with auch beraona as mair hereafter dton waa presented from Mrs. Decatur, on corporating tlie- College of Physicians of undertake any the public improvements behalf of her aelfand the ofiiceta Inderal the V.IIey of Yirginia. at VVincheabr, in thuauteand tetake bond and secartty wno nao neea assor lateo m tne es,ruc- irmanrt ot the same. . I tion ottne r ngate rniiaaeipni., at jnp- Willwm Pfewtoh i Park z wsa-elected loll, praylntf recompense. ; A" tAwsolotton bst Wns Virginia House of Debgatea perroittinic TJio id free persons of colour, of general .good j Attoraeyenml-'sraaTead the second of Repreaenudt es be tier Icalcubted for conduct and character, and auch aa have) time and amenaea py .repealing tne parts j me purpose, oi a uenoerauve assemojy wives and children, to reniiiirfn tjiejof acta under whicl jmoSoucitor Geberal j nd I wspttnloit was a1s0'd6pted;f appoia& State. - The law wss formerly, that none is appointed, so Sa jo appoint two Solid- ing a committee to consider what meas- but those who had performed some sig- tors for the third and fourth circuitsand ores otrght to be adopted to preserve Ue nsl action, should be allowed thia privi- the bill as amended passed Its third read- Capitol, Capitol Square, and Public lege.' An ineffectual attempt waa inade ing. " .-. r ; grounda, in this city. A resolution w.a on Thursday! to chance tbo time of the Ir. Picot from the select committee introduced bfMrj..Catn'.pbeI)ar-9l..Qhioi btatev meeting of the General Assembly from reported a bill authorising a loan to John calling-for information on the subject 'of the 1st Tuesday in December, lo the 1st iMatRae to id hira'in the publicaUon of desertions from the Army; and, on mo- Monday in January. ...' i a Map of thU Sute. ' , - I tipti OfMr. Hamilton, the bill on that the canals and roads executed under tho Act of 30th April,' 1824, were ordered) on motion of Mr. Alston, of North-Caro-lln it was resolf ed to iaquira into the--expediency of altering the election laws of. the States, so that members of Con. -gress should berre-elected beibre the ex piration bf . their lerma--and : a "com mittee was appointed. Tbe annual Trea sury Report, and a Report -from -the . Comptroller, were received. The bills making appropriations for the pay ment of the Revolutionary and other Pen sioners, and the bill to authorize the La tisbture of Ohio to sell the landa reserr- e4foThf9)'WeTTpaaaedvTha Uouaer waa takes up aoane lima with, tha diu. sion of a private bill, er.nUng land in Flo rid, to two individuate ... . Deeembe 24. Tbe Senate did not ait yesterday. In the House or uepresentatives, one - or two private Bills were introduced, and forwarded through the Incipient stages. A letter from Dr. Smith, of the Vaccine Institution, was bid before the House by ' the Speaker, praying that the privilege of - franking letters may be granted to the In stitution. The resolutions oOered on the preceding day, by Mr. Stewart, of Penn sylvania, Mr. Manetim, of N. C. Mr. Wrighfv of Ohio, and Mr. Qwen, of Ala, bama, were agreed to. A resolution of-. fcrcd bv Mrr Tucker, of N- Jersey, was agreed to, referring to the Committee on Commerce the subject of a breakwater in Delaware Ray. A resolution was agreed to, introduced by Mr, Eastman, of New Uainpshiroi classifying the Revolutionary Pln'sioneraTTho--BUhjeCT of the Cblns'; of the Ex-Presfdentt was, after some db-, cusslon, referred to a select -com mittee and a resolution railing for information on the aubject, waa introduced by Mr. Storra, . and bid on the table. The House after waribl) - The WashKiaTon tirr'-Gaaeft We understand Mr. John Sargeart,of Phifadelphb, wjll be. tendered the mia- aion to Pananv, Mri Anderson, -min : ister to Colombia, is also spoken of fof i the same servicer.-----;-. - - The mand liirv of KicLmond county. Georgia, - have presented as a grievance, ihe fraudulent, packing of cotton ; and recommend ta the legis lature to pnss a hvr on the subject . ,.f r