I 1 . 1r V ',v' " ' ! ; ' ' r I, jj I i iij i . o VOL. VI. )AY, JANUAUY .7, I82C. NO. 29.1. fVIMt8 " jit rjii!,o tifitrr. IV tr if -m C ar, C tt U t-U , mMj fl !. Aitnw4! J a to-en4 t CJJ ttn Wl .( 't't- Ait W'Jrfl i-re JZUll ti t liar? i M IUmWI Id. lUUtt ot JcrtmY. Uutlgtui. fpllK wW?r 'ug rf.alf.el a trfUU X ln!e tS of lb Uto Julia P. Iledf, W. dWmU pertoa to.UHf.lt tal aetata, to cmm brftAi i! tk MtW M t4 kO lke tviif t Watt wnr mm 4v4al. U prrwat tbeai uf artlfcMraat, prttr Jr awtitririkaied, Wrtit tH Mk tUl h MMilACK P15ISTO.V, toV. V.11.1t?L W JT 11 rr at - J tyrnerr, drt'd. and l tktrt fnertnrd VT KsmUr ton Iw ffwi, lt;S. Uig iMnMiptitv f ftp rr. WA w a 14 to lb Clerk efioe f rmtJ mi& wU Mwf Xa duly abia V rf NciKff a to finf , mhI having k iUM u day frf ike dceib f tewl gtaee lpeer, bcfurt J-e H'th, t. imJ eourrfy. 4V0 t' lrtly to "tUt 1 mLH lktWiWl f d rauv BmVM. t fVr wtjw WU. U LIST OF LETTEim Y EWAINIXO U fii-.t)c t JTdn7, t l" A- hH Mwy 1 4m Akdravt T Alcifiklcr , ' Jut AcU-M J. Ik-.! . Momi Brort 3, K. A. BryM , VtJrndM BnQcmst UUkM ferfcv uruiiMi ButWf Eol BrmJha Am Brmd U.vifT Kent Jon lp Hubert Lad jail) BruHl iHmiH Unit OirtotoplMr Itotvtr S f:nbctii C. Iixl Unr DkeT JorvS Uttto Dr. It Cfo lujor Ctnom JUC Carter -k 1rTMS . far Cowaa Joarpk Cran ' J unit Vjn -iAt R. McSccT Kmc7 WCorVto ilUin lubr. Mr Cobbto a fiebt. ktclHmrr Weory Ctomaaoft or Ne4 M'Eay.Jr. - tlnry Rat - . " VA"tUiam Muor J Cart r ' Mra. C Mumfotd Wat. Cunntorbam Wtliby Nirhoia 3amt Cotet, jr. aT Price IbomMOaie Catltarin llarler . ,WiUo II. CUikhcJailAt&U' PoweL.. - -2icre Dan Abm. Pningtr J. A.' DotliheU John. PoU 2L K. ttodr. - Wtoi I'eaco Jimw Darnel -Jab Par0R . . John Pirb-jWiinar f he DarUawi"' Tin Tow J '1 v J)jiT Datis.. - .i-yamet l'tter . 'Jamet Effia J Uery C rUer. Peter Taaour .V TB.omaa Pelpe r ,'" Jane liarruo - FMci .Cibeon laakfia Ciboo . , ! Joh Garner ., . 1 . WU!km..firT lr GliH-k rpt John IM 3 -Parah Holme Altr." trugbe Maid ftUJ , Rotlt llarrle - -Kkhard HarrW , George lUrrU Itarr It. lUrdia . lie L Kiiaiael -. - Juntii J. rlertet ' Arnided Richard) Job KrynnUa tV ll. HobarO- James Hobind Kichard fhartt Jcub SmTtn ' Jerrr ?amant taml U' Blielion "TatRiirilto-BftStth r W iHUra Stokct 2 David Stewart .. William P, itocatott Jane SalmotKla Benj. 1'cnniinn Aimer Dall . Jtcoo Traria . John Hr llrdjlFRderkk I hompaon 2 XJ. 1 not. 1 1 in iy nenj. ienni.-un Hru JohnatoA ' ItA. W. Watt G.H. Jordan Kobt. Wilkewn Wov H. Jonee ... Jamea Wella V rTwmas i w Jcrry.jTarbro - i- Winoejr Jcier.. . , 194 ' " SAMUEL HEEVK8, JV.V. UST OF LE'lTEHS TjEklAIMN'C in th Poet-Office at Concord, JLm N. Carolina, on tbe let of January, 1820, A. Cl Aleutodtf - J.. Wdlmm Jeter Beniamin Alexander ' John Jobmton Charlet Black rider Blary Keath Jacob Blackwelder M. Robert Matley - . . ... n Aiennaer itane Andrew 8. Itone -- C. George Cm-iin wltlBto) Crofibrd .,.xl , Moor Cochran . k Elisabeth Chamberlin D. Henry Dalland Andrew Davi .1. . J". John Porr : : John Miienbimer Charlea Mc'Kinly William llc'Clain. Hilliam 8. Mc'Ke Peter K. Mc'Cochran' Dr. W. MeKe Jamef MoCalebt Hugh 8, UcCaleba P. Samuel Pbara Abraham Fox ." .Uriah Pare . John Cillen Datjd Purviani (''...Jphn H. Hordr' Itobert T. PlUnket Samoel llarria . Catharine Shinn - Henry. Houao r.. . 1 Joseph Sng '. ;:rrJoBrC. Hyr -- ,Samiel Shinn Kliaha.IlonyctitT Katltaniel Sirhi Pr. John P,. Havnea W, Hugh Wallace William G. Harri" Wuinael William ' J. Olirer Johnaton Y. John Yowmitu V , . .. ;; DAVirj.8TOHKE, P..M. N. 8. All tbow indebted toh'n office for Kewt-paper and Lelterypotage, will plea to make jMymemt. fi, s., P, M. Home tulUwt. il Lm,,lf bf AWWf rr-.Vk4 iktM, V.14.!llf . . M ' T fr tiif rm if wf n two, tba 'uik ( uktke tft4 Widf XX(MJ k4f Ik ft'tt kv Brat rtrfiir- Ll kxi Iktbki to t4 pull to rt. to tofarM Urai fit M atJl ctoM to avikJ tod rtrJ. m dto tofU( KXirt. m4 to U lnM wkMl.k Miner, Jl kU CarrUrti Cfrr. Sulieyi. lit Jvf Votvr, k; txrid tUMiM to tok4S t3 to Bm I f fM(llf ptrM, , To Country .Mcrchaiiti and ull OUlCfl JXDrorro i w, p. b 4ioy, r arWiM, itt.tr mi twit e W4 wrcrmni. MiM. Ie4 to pwkf lowwJaf Mrr4 to OM immUy MOMWtft, ' rWt,JW.$,i,J. 4iH Vactorftgfc ntiA CommUslon fpil R tU-4rn i Hiiiii tU rJCTQBJCl J. fi rt'"-l'iMi! iurC kAl tkR can. timumc of lb tketrj mpjywl rhej hr ker. ulur kJ from llich" CMBT17 friewk 1J r rchr apM ( MrktaH alietitiM a4 tmi- t'tty to their ba-imi. MoJmt fk ad'a t LI be initle a rJI ewfttigwamila, aa teerf. ff Rrrtptt or Wa of Lading for fmtoet tliif pv M "fcfif W.if. ' AQ thoat w! ir hxfc be4 to aubacfler r to our it 1 UiMt ire tirctoJ U auko laa ntutrg eaaoo. , )s solution. TI copirtnerti'p Kerrtf ttW.n antler the ftrra of rIer ItoraoU k CtL k UtU 4a (LaJoSrtJ, bjr Butiial eaiwiil. ROBf.HT II MILTON, WKSLET kttVNOLDI, Tb wWriber LaSnr purchaard lb bo1e uttereat to tit kla flm ef VTeilry RrynobU k Co, rrtornt bia ainerr thaakt to tli public i revrL for naal taare.' and brr Irate to U. hm thrtn that be wifl krrp rrflar Mppr- of MIJ a v ftttt, m- fc-. Out, MB nw, a tar the ra comer of the fin-HmM, a StaimiUe. - WRaLET BP.VNOLDS. - X WemiCa, OcL 72, 1323. , 3mtS4 yUiout -Gextnionx ALL tK-iee todeMed ta tb rat of Mobert B. Caebrttni dee'd. (Cabarrtta oountr) are re. queued to mAk par meat, and tae coat and io- - la.. . i. ytr mm . . . ' .. atJ thWA Ke.rattf tPIftirfM PaVl rUfl tktlul vt km .IVCir:1 i;T1-iw,K ' 1 .7 1 . 7.: , otKem.yr.rnUhedr.nUc)fth. to, - 77; Jl., til&arcinritodtotiik.Vepanrtuilparment,andi . t..r, 1 . iVrAUtOTr. are rot. - . " " ww . Vialt Of M: VutkslOn, Itn. A LL'rirUlrbtraiit iUeaatoorthfcljite A Meihaek Pinltrtnii. en. riV. are- a,rtifie,l to mtke'pat-ment tithout dela) I and all per ron natinr ruim atrainat ui ratat't wtu pre cent Utcm wittun tb km nreaenbett by Uw, or thia notice mill be ntrart in hr ttf thfir Vrcorrrv. Tlie eieeuton are deMrout of ckvinr: rueir ad- r,.-. . ......... minUtrafloir uioon at ppwibler thVe all ... . 1-.-..1JT- -n.- t-Bm..lh " CKjrin i.'. mm 1 (bale attention to thia notice. Ve.S0.l83J. nwiuivn iu.iwiu.ii; Trospttt U, for Went. rTlHIS valuable plantation, the retidence of JL the Uto CoT. Richmond JntrM Jun." Ii offered for real the enaulng yean Thii tract of land ia in the Fork of the Yadkin, oppoaile to the Horae snoe necK, ana near tne mouth of Dutchman creek. It contain abotit 600 acres 1 nearly one balfi cleared, and in rood order for cuiilTaiion s aoonr one minorca acren rrrer and creek bottom, and the remainder of cleared land well adapted to the culture of cotton, corn. and email grain. The dwelling-Howe is equal to any in uiat teeuon ot country 1 tne other tm provemenu convemem ana comionaoie. me daellinirJiou'e and about 100 acret of cleared land; may be had aeparately, a tenaui or ten ant my prefer, for tenna, apply to Mr Ileit' ry s. rafxernfent ror JOSEPH PEARSON. Dee. 17, 1825. 91 HP HE mbacriber often for tale hi flew and 1 Lh in Stateavtlle. either With Of Whhout hUiti.i:i..iUAtiw..irn.i.nM with or whhout all hu Hotiae rerrant. Sever- - .... . , tract of Land, the whole tween 1500 end 3000 acre. 1 land, of SUtearuIe 1 or any win purcnan. . . : 1 Th land, in Centre, known br the name of ... j ... .--'maii-rT' ...ttj,..,. 'rfwteS A ..L..a -A" I . a . - . 1 3 . t diiferent part ol tlto county oflrelLT M n irrrca.k, iiuiiiucr u uiuer incu ui iAiia. ivinr in i . remainder of my negroes, 27 in number. . -It 1 - P - .1 a a . 111 oc requirea tor uic wnoie price eeroeti all the other property will be d'uno- ted of atone, two, and three year credit. It k jleemed ueferto detcrib the property more particularly, ai the purchuen will nh to view it before Uiey bur. 07 Jury ij, ins. jtoisrur rruKajEt !1Q07N. I Ma pIU to r" rM m to r. f, trim K tkMC 4 ktw-JM anrf 1 f ... 1 A W 4 k a totrmft Ht 4. M9 peWH, Ttk etna oxir. .. . , A itUwrf, 14. ICS,. . tt Chariot WFcmtlp Academy. THE Trla f 1M CWVta frtaaie A4. etrrr ItH i) Umtri U taMMactof to Ik pnllc, lM fM atetrtoM tf lUa AditolM ifl caMMt Ul Ito) IM X47 to JMmrj taaeriU iuperto ( the Bee. IVMkM Crt-ll aiwi Ixlf. A km awl oaa. teatoat kfC UikJrf l"1 to M 1 U rrrctoJ. k tttH k 9ttmpn4 kr Cw Ret. T. prtft Of Hi MitillMt, Ure b fto4 M U ItaMrto tt.e TrwOee br ibe tbrti AnaitoM i4 ihi liijeM U ChMtitX'i J hi toiraetltoto ft timtft ka0tU pMni, at tiQ at lb Tna leea, " Hi rteUbikrr. rb 1 nave rVrl ttMTtil. from tke t Ht fwmiiUitowi f Mr. nI lira. CottnB. '.( bxk ttrf U bee fiiUbe4 fra the m-4 tarir"Babl fwrcee. a4 frai tbelr lanf r-meMr to lb mt M tiq:toM of i ktod. OiJt Umt iU ferl trl totem to U mwu-t of ilia Acatto tM rtl out t t&amtotoM. Tka U bra. da af rcnie fUcivtlo, lotk) Ucrarjr atxl or. ni-iketriaL trJl a UwiM I koi Im Baal itnretatU Crg art rvfiiff U ptenjW - rear okL Jl b admitted. 1e irtf lemo ill rlaM oa I be ftWalk af 1. and Ike Ml! teaaVmeummene m the nni r and cke .1 . t.i. ' - . tl.nC fa. ka L&.I la cnoiujn w nr.irtciu ixf w retpediLk bitftr to toon. at Mr dolkn perl matter employed to loitruct the achol tMK.. Tw UiMo,iaIlttmrr brta-lir In tf.e rit princiolf of our Ian ttokOfflrNue.f!tX lb ertal bran. -ai tvjt irTt tt C-aWtor trrm.1 .1.. . . 1 . ii 1 ' Mn Work and ktorlinf, pr. IS Prauif awl pwoiinf , on pfr, to . J, , j o JV ld4 " 10 30 MoeI o th Piano, j do JetL X few iHiuIJ out be. itDmo.Utl aitb bor4at tb AoaJemr. . 1 DA1D H. Dt'NlJir joiin m win. " j 4(94 1 Nnw Loatlirr, New aillioill! - . . . ..a ........ . rthi- wBT.XKir. iiitauntgu li frigned thank t to Uvm to bar utroa. i bed bint, aJ .1 brge k to iafi fa J ! ' Im t' Uera aM aH JPTuU-Kipao, aVftr Supply of Leathrr, tad new Latfi ad Bm&Yrtt 'which wilt ena ble bim. by ki on raitltfil attentton to Irii thnp. tad the ei'pkym m of fle beat of workmen be mJcj, lo tuake and bead erery deaenpuon of - IooU nna Shots 1 1 of .rtenaki MfaahionaLto ttyle. I kV a ar r a a) bi I . wer, aanr mute rmteu Biaiea. II hai rrreived a up y (if firtt fate I nifit euperb light Doottand Pump for genUe- niAtupem Tight Boot and PUmp for pnUe- J?.r.n .. f4 JfcPJk: ? - I JmtOU $nn Hick toil at. ' w j 1 Can at the.ig of the We SOOT, Px'e Abuigbter? Iiouea of etnent. Main atreet. .Sahabn, N, f, J)c3d, 1825. NOTICE Vii. T....?.. r,. r..rtri4.n VP In Ffbruanrnett.alltberemtinina-uiirnld . . , :n L-..,.i .. mci " eourtJtoUMi SUIeardle. Perona claim. their r" rendered deep and ' . t.B.la. m a at' in tot. for whrch tb deed hare not bem re- coruuul.retrr7erei, re potinea, mm iinit-ei 1 a . . a .. a I iner procure ineir title on or Dejure nai oar. lihe lot claimed br tliem will alto be Bold. SU nmiiu tmiiK win em nvrm oa .ii nuiruiiri i t 1 . t . ii 1 1 Hflde? on hundred dollar 1 aad twelve monthi for all purchaae aboee that amount. Purcha-j ten niuat give bond and appro red aecurhy. " - ABSALOM K. SIMON ION, ' MICHAEL- RICKAKT,- WE9TLEY BETNOLD3, KOBEKT WOKKE, 3m(93 JOHN H. H'LAl GHUV, S-Jtftbfr 2S, 3?23. "-. Ctmmitnonrrt, Stateville. rMpectfully ttn-IThe abundant crop of ntclras veceta- nb-tetric. he. tk1 hope to iLun'i portion of pubS&aaDHflgff," Mi StaU-nntle, Va. 17, 1825. XeYC 00t aiA ft0. S0l. . .. ."U, ; . I rglHE aulMcrilKr reapecuuliy mwrm 1111 vegetation mieu to suuacrvc uc wu I rrienda .,Hl all otben. thit he baa Uen LB5 ,ne comfort, bf the DlJ tbeahopfarmerl ocwpivd by Mr. Peter KrUer, on Main street, leWoUjort nertn 01 tne uoun-i "ou ",1CT ,lm M M:nc n,,uP - , , , .1. t, 3?-.. rr ".TT";-l,i VT. "f r n."7. V T "VT.r fjt,i)N?n of the dar"; AH order for work, e" from theneighboI-hood,orfn?adirtnce, . ' . .u i N. B. Reasonable- credit ill be extended to rrponibJe cuntomer. ' IH'claratioris in Kjcctnrcnt, rorat .at tkfk 8a. amotinllni to be- m"nng 01 swum juu me destructive ravages 01 our uwhi mtotmne tn town ,( v "VTSI"" cfTW r ":r.-"lanat our neighbor' atOCk. wnicn crop nart tlierenr to " beet rhiladelntn leather, ind all tne nece.)' . . " . - j . . - I part uie root, toi . . ' ... their herbaee and harden their aur-I II HltM... .IkTrmJ hf-ra b AficillnrJ tIi afj lr.Ufl (X. C) al iW ax a J rto to liat3k. a Btoaili, (a U 4r af Ivmyj, IW, Vjf Ik JUe JAe4, lbk rrWt4l raULcd fc rMl af lb lector;. Thi uatut ki dcdffti of oar tito. ciatioi. prtaetti object 01 high lpor ot, tad well ciicuUU to eicu a tracroui cmoUtkM. Idcm rcipect oof oclr the McctiarUt ef life, but ihoM con? eoUncei irxJ comfort!, vMcb COtitf4buU o incotuiderablc ltd io rtnjf riojr our ourw through world of caff md trouble, fc tnd rrrpett ftUc lo rtUt'too to oumlvrt. ind uk Iui in rrlation 10 other. Among ihrte oljrtti, ofruulture U ttf prima ty foil literal meaning, algrtifvlug the cultivation or ullan of the gmuAd, r tirita uwii 1150a mr turmum. ttf rciaonrtTrrmjr to 4 penuiat xhiT atter. Ilia the tpring which girea mow liwa aaJ aucceti to til daatea of aoci rtr, ta their uiflrrent rocaticmi, ine K.. ' . a. p.r.-- -k ,-n,l... k4 v-"" .T.'-r"- hu nopil into th path of aoencr . more iouicate the Mectwnic and the 1 Mriduot the Lawyer and the Pf y. icia 1 ye, in apintuai juuciionajy hioiwlf, notly devoted to the glortout work of preparing hit " little 8fkw for . . r '1 ' .ft r..i .A . " " ' knowledge it influroce. Thcte arc facts, in the illustration of which your goed tente mutt already have antia P1,rd met Proof nd pltoo rtko therefore unnecenary. Inattheoocleu,oweVcrt ,he RrtM 0f (lUf n,f4iow or cultivating our ljda .may aoduught tn(j ,be vegetable matter of our wood, ojU improved, if tnaay future groera. t be abundaM, and carefully rollrc tionaahallbeahlebyioduttry and hard ,f(Jt the form of our barnyard for Lbnr to obuin Urely that pittance bidi ua.to believe that our eiPetatin auffieent 10 tupport an exiatence, M t0 lh qUantity of manure would wretched at to the thiAga of thia world, be'realiid. Their aire perwita U it a truth equally plain to every re. BDjmilj antj vegetable manure to be to flectioff and provident mind. Ouu wj,ir .entered, that, in th,. aie- catt tvldt, apparently doornrd by the .. ' .. prodical huiDandman to endletl item. llv j their gttera rencereu deep ana , ' . L.. .u. .v, ,..,. by the copi.ut ahowert of we ncavens mt tarcic.a anu upw- le - 1 . ...u:.v .v c.u 1 the heavens tne careiett ana tuper- fictal manner injicbth field are VUIlIvlaCU - eAva iki kiia i ftct irjfficiently exhautted to be doomed tothe production of pine, brier and broom.graia t ycaeren Jthe Quantity tilled, oTpmeoded to be tUled, lo one teason, prove that there ia need, abto- lute oeed of a change and f improve- ment in cultivating our land. I o re-1 claim ana preserve our.ianut, ana 10 Li t. ...,:, t,:...,-J 1. " v-.m.-u, -.v iKaaaliir at atli IB hirh tlmrm ktr1 ill V I 't1"""" ;'cbnJderatidn;-it-tre!niit-w tu landa it practicable, aucceatful experl- h, ment ha already proved. Field . " . . rneni naa wreauy prujeu. rifai ( which ttruck the mind of the beholder I with the heart appalling evidence ol t0 poverty ana wanr,- m we revoiutiooa of a few teans, have waved with the . . : .r 1 . g.lrlm harvett, gladdening the heart of the andman, and ricbly rewarding his indutry.The aame etrcumtUn-Um,a, and donaeatlc manufpcturti. aro era that prorcpted to auch auccciafuniuhject. of WgV1mpoftar,ce; They td fields are often found t be envered, prr.vti that their aoil yet contatoa 4n jyM. inspire the hope that theae few it jM bnaom tbrwe need of fertility which .,,itn,y nbaervmriona. tf - entitled to only require the kind hand of care and jy0ur attention, wilt be duly improveJT attention to render them fruitful in . 1 .L. I To er.clD.e our nedected y . ' . .. " .It uv,u" "MS" f "TI ? j, anri thiia nrMrt iwm iita Btt nive able r... . t .,. r. e.r-fnllv P'"1- """" --rB - y 1 V""S!fl!flWBsMlJB J! 4.iaaiiwMiii-'tiaiie!e ally be found sufficient.- to reclaim r the Wasta oITortane. Great matkl ;v- . - e i small wouia mucn 11-- i t- . . ihment of the ob ject. I o nil gutters, or as tney are generally caiieu, wasnea, we an nave the means t and.it T0Uld dr.ubtiess be-worth a trial, by vfay of . espe- rWef, wheihrr, when thry Ci!r4 pify it i lettl iH tie niilvt to.!, ntlitut of tliUttftt eirtht wmtli no ire ure Hw tjii i.Mag raSm, ty ItAjrrlng the, auUlant tijf d 10 lixt Uflaroct men iici ut than K ttaiwrel tank). Tw pUtf OUf la.df dtrp lvfi7.oe)tl pbifcbinj, rfurig ihem Agaiflti u)t w-mpliDx c( nock. kla1 icpptlei 9)( iniiorr, will rntVVe By aoiwcr lb detirrd c&J. lo mituih ih iniaotiiy tilled. pecJt do eiplrnfIoti, ft' It, however, 49 bo oWmcd, that the largt rjumtity w art it prttent to th haVit of cuftlv- tiogi U one of th"ttatea chuadn to Irnprortmeit that eairti imok . ii quiolity ef produce raifd lro the keed, will Waj (hi ipputtiro4 to the prrfectiob ef hi cufuratio there l littl doofit but. by conCoior the culture tpread over) turfact of thlrtr icrn, to Iwroty ftttt, would obuia an rqua) quantity of pro duct, and of better quality f and ht whu raiaei from iwroty atrrt. the Mine quantity if produce that Brother ' raiiei from thirty (a-. II and tea ton a being eqtil) mutt be the belt farmer, Ttet trfacriWii rtrceittrilv Je4 orio thecootidftatjott cf A ililruay which wt all feet, either fa i greater or lea degree, viz : the wmt of thit 3'iantity of manure adequate to our emandi. The want ante from had ' economy, ibere ia 00 county. 10 tnt Stair, more abundaour furniAhed ith meadow ground, than the coun ty ol Iredell: but aUt ! what Ii iti georal ailuitlool Jt la ,ffTmtlt& Ii watt itt nchca upon. Ihf tttelrtt weed, the prickly bramble, or the ' buihy alder. If, in any inttancf, aucla ground, be oat lo our powttion, jhe wood yearly ditburtirn tfu-mirlrei of a large quaxiitv of vrgttable manure, 19l 'ri l l ft la htcb. if dulr BTOlted. wiuM o far aupply our wanti. Suppotn j, j, grarralry permitted to rrmaia uo. " I'" .: : nr -rirJe v rtuea are exhautted While thia it the rae." but linle ariv.n. While thin thee . ', . fage cin ire t0 U from ,hpie uk lUn( nancct 00 WltiCh we depend rfmin. , , .- "- )C IOC contract, therefore, the aire nf nur barn.Vardt. to derree birelv eonii.t- CBt 'mti t,r Mfetv 0f our tloc jtct Df .primary importance t and to exewato then! gradually frbin tbeTf out jm'ltt tn. Iheir centre, would Btt eniy preierve the manure, but alio enable ut to increase it auantitr.-bv rreqUcot luppliet of vegeub e matter. .1 KV i 5 .. . ,.F M - J W J low minure De,t applied, expe- nratni nat noi yei aeciaeu. I no . 1 . 1 f tbmmon - mode-of-acattenng-it oporr the land, immediately covering it with nuantitv of earth, bv nlouhinr-. will. quantity Ol earth, by pk-Ughing, will. pcrhapa, upon a general scale, be found j,e the roo,t expedient. Mixintr the cf ourupUnda with that taken from awaaiM and marahet. would : . r ----- . - s prob,biy antwer a valuble purpte, an(j metts t The raiaine of an- must be waived for the nreient. "Gen- ,irm(.n . vnnr rood aense. vour ine- mur, v;nd Providence haa favnrff v nUi0r U mnr h1,,t;. r ,!, N bJe ro0re P,ea8,n t0. th aight o( man whom JOU .... .t i j ... . - r - - ounrea i oarur mui era iftcc to the ear, as the voice of one that owns you for hl.i benefactor. , , ty. fcjl-,t. tree are most iti the .V JXI0M. wo fttty thing will utisfy minliivl, . An eaiy fortane and an eaay mind t - But the tne Anr tliat give a man content. uweoiit 1 T , , i e 1 r it 1 1, , 1 . 1 1 v - t t' t ti - .1: r t i "'tl A- I i ft :' r f ; - - at H ' i v '-''4 i i t,- r I f-

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