I.!ta' 16-1 lU if t,f Ut I 1 ! . . . . till I . . "'"I J f r r i I :,d t- i I: (9 ttft II tf (( bf H Mr. I), l''fo. tfHrl Li:i f- b rrCMUUrfi -f tbf P-'irJ f r.l IrfipratlflltH ebj Jf irfktf JU'pMMIi bkb ! flJ 'J ui IN lU. Tbe till 10 amend ll iMMflf bf lU .U23eKt6tnSlfcf tmirUpe of Mht ffm.Us rJ Ike MtwoJ ! end pompon d UICftlif!ft Mr. Adim pitMOtid Mil regulator Ibe 'oVlei of tonvtatlee eM iitcutk vtkh sd It! lrK rcJ tog. . fat. 3. The engrossed till lo ge MtUukr ior"if it t . of trust and nuctUr UMUaiir( jcxui.i lit! Tm bill 10 intM lb act W ilHtU f'.! il i tW U ptv . . Tk,rUii, I"t. 31 - U fcflaelng UJt, frm lb llt U Co!, wrw ! tUiolutr wipod o ikeir eecondcid' 7 -Inf t Ibt tJ for tbf better friuUtk ttbl IWsiy Courts of Wilkes (end lb kilt C wciminj the county of I Jrxolo. ,. Wy, 7rf. JO.-TU iA(rH4 bill iaaMHMleaddirs ibe pyrerat loibe yrf'rfjfl ',.t ' " fJbe v u (m4 rtisllaie'of ii'u'uwtHw , jViuors, rttled. " - fl-l t ..II IjwI. CWKtrrJ'C Ud lb, U to prttcM eompimUt n4 t04 IfXj Bftfulf. ul.lJU-lfc . L!H ...kt. bleb rd M rtjected. , 4 The bill for lh rttvlilluo of lb. IhmH of Itttroal ImpfOTcmtM o4 ib nwlutkio dtrecibiK lb4 tkert try of run to purtbM crruut booki for tbo bh of tbf different Count f Court, wcrt xrw rcn- ji.j.i.ui.' Ji. 3-Tbt bill lo f lUbHih Mtdkal flxlrif, o4 to rKo!M i bo prtciko of pbtMC M lufxery hifi ihtt blale, n tt i. tt f r 1 1 L'i t. 4 04 ! ! ri4 4M t jn.lt. tt iS IW (Ul mi M ioUitf U wwr -Ur. ' ill-? -cr4t A Atl tail L'jiii4 Sdtn, to I!n4 ciH4 tb Iitjfwl, or m movb tbrrtd it ttiitl i pnrt f,i4 by b t'ni- ltd fuit, for tb purpoM of trtcilflf I fritSiUoa it ( toontb of Cm I ir IU.tr.JJ " - To licr iboiaio of lU onouil lln of ibo Upinl AHmW otn mhiii to rtirtt m ibt U (2 if la UCct6tf, III, oivd tbir(ftr, oo lb loa4 UUa rv)i) f'K4nt4 b lyffkr C'yurfi, rcn ll'l b cltrll fcf tl lufxrivf (eorU ihi! in.k iajI liil f (bt fiqrii.nl (kJoIkI If Jbil court for b tUrki tf lh couAiy (Mint. lbl luitl mif N brvtjjbl g!ni d!Ujt)col (iuirJUm ) t'lrt tslfif lb minrifrifJTt.litl lki b.ll tirfip U Uiui4 lo rt!lcri ot t.r thi n t!:t mi ni ls i f '. lhfi .Ira j U (f,!c4 ktf If I). t'i.iie! fn.'rij an I ilKildi. iln n i : r.i't.MiM i t s.M,j. ca'Jo of Iht U t It Is i0 tf, biliw, fef (l a , t, ,u!4 ua wt.lrb I h4, f lb. Cer,l Indian ! rV, ((lui4 autboritiflf ib Futile Trtia r 14 4ao 4 4iLW UiUiiaf rr.4 Haitiluiloii U fnotof "btrlfTtbf bf Comrx roller, n4 to U M'NbKa UiKborib. Hitoltfiiwo apt,ft)t,fl ' M Most foinocr that r4Ur lUtDMf rt olmrt (fif tbt fJofcmort Woum, nd l09 bo Ittuffd ift4ccoriuJ fW.J df.lUr f,r ibo kiting la order of tbd oouaJir , 01lnibtMMniofibCnriUtem wjWkbw!Wlflr. urr, 1 Uj r ik ium ef H, CMia ( ao mi I Of ibt Ktrrl AimUf'oV iCbOiWK ;JMH4 MK ibo Ullr ("liuJ.U Vicclal, pmd 08 (b 99rf of (JrTbia,iiJir'BfliifvJmnwimioi Jh.. mi i ....i ika DmJi" oftbalrouiat. ProtkiibalJoirdlin!aimp Cxrl CpmMnr lopo H Jw'i A Ioir wm ;t.lirj.f bofla U mado DaraUo lAiM Uoternor. r4bu cammunULLai beU'tcn Ika'al aoaMlf.-bf.-lb. latttadol Ibo JiMUtt orcyt in court. no rtoulrad by U, Ji4kk bovntr I econd reading. Tbt MftnnMd bill to rrpoa! oirt of ibt oct of llir. intii lad uAa oct funhtr poiaitnf out it doiiti of Ibo ortrccri of roodf la Ibil 9laM rd b bw to ripialn and imtodlbf ctor ttt9lcbpttr 1000,1 fpilog ib Cooatf Conrti oovtr to r jti- raao. til ratraaiif Biaima. rut xirr. From tb TaSuUr tuitroeDU ODtirird lo'lbe Kcport of I be Socrtlar? of tbo Ufd tb tarat M.UaUo pan of tho rWot,frot Cotamodorf rot1r no NoHb UI.aJ LfMicrmrnoMA. ciprtttioo f oplnba . m- , 1 . . . ' "V- " .."r; r L.....UI .l. . i j..: ooubltiluitiucwnia(orir9UK(ng TotKtrolna; ht rtttrf 01 Undlo ihli 7 w if iwrtii kwici To ortHM irniho Uto Uro w gut. f PrtMUiiibo tnirof tor marb tlodjii Ibocowwoolfitlorrjof Mtu. bo miy bireifiif U lupoiaVJ co amli Im. mm l.iuLaittnt biaalba num. I omo Randall, and Job Mourn ..'n, m - i - ar r - o a a . tontrarKFfv fAffiiti pfoajijr for loU (dr,iid Ibat iltuncd brtotei Unci of oir,rt f Knoo.Ii riUtba to tbt lion OflKOKt-1 lrlk K.f.ia faf!wl.l nProprtlliai of Mlf , 1114. tor rfmofbr ' To cdo to tbo Called Sufct.ictrttln To corrtxl cortaln ofSro iberth ih nKifct to ibo iaf Mtlpiion of irtrt of Uod cit:J Hoxtia BMt named, lo make o Ibetr bo bllli in dol- "bl ,ml MiJilpM rlftr. Kttt rio WAlnf oparopMiiloa tleiolnr out! i.n ind ccma. fCieria of Count od ,0 conteiiatioo btfteo tbo rooter ibe rUuUkrrih io of WUmkijrton.LiicoQQi. offuert erebfaced. I11 wool wbkb h appeared Sic I bout and dI!ar MpropHat(d for ibil purpoao.la odduionioibe former ip oroMUiiont from Ibo Aind Kt eoirt foe ioicrnal Irnprorerornkl UuKluir tbo Dir4of lotcroal lm- prottrocmi to mako cootmli viib aocb Ibat Ibo cootract made by tbo DeDirtroeat rBlfJTt ACTS. a Wir, lbcrtJH irteablj lo ibo iotestloa Am art t .i.Kli.k Shl. Grova Aada. Ibt U, CW bO OIIIM 10 Ibo rtBOf al mt In fUblnubiin count f, ind lo Ircor- fr ,Bnf Hrboi obroeliot), aad ibero porato Ibo Truiteei tberoof. . Joro ei N)t MtJifaeloe-to iboao tif An .rl in A.nrtm Kli.-t-lk HrL-Lall n ibo tL)iirition. Kolko Oil rlrB It ponooo ae byrtafur undertake air from ber bobimJ bimutl PrfckelJ, end -Kvbbina.of Rbodo lUend.of bJi in. of Ibt poblk Inyroeementi ia tbo Site. to elier ner narot. . , . . . MeMlot lobriof In 01111 M pteKiiUnc tbo andtouboboodaodiccaritr (bribe per An act to declare in force. Ibe trol- wod 'cowmomlnie pfoeocoUnfooit- pmiitey tbc ame. UioTitKi paw41B IIJi,rirUie o'ft towriwiU. b lo emend M act, to preieol tbe iree-thrtlmrfarpwMMw Oiefert of lloafii wu wii imroooeeo w iut Of Unj ol Uairior b elolence, edunloo InihecrHjotioMiiTOmeraodPerioo.f UkUrtocf yc Jeriejr. ; - - or b; Mf otkr mrini, taklnjr or cirrj. Ai act m decire la force initio coor ,8 RpHWlrfvlfcej. hf f i!ee or !err, tbo rn.per.lef rio. tbo pfk of n cl pataod reoluikio ouereH bj nr. won, ol re8- OforotnertMirpOM-iiritre in IIJI.Io reiriUte Ibe I me of iDnoint- F"a, oidb uayi uncr.w mwwuca- Tbe following epcrci4 Mill were re-1 Nji, it ippcara tKt the Nave of Ibe li. 0f another jeciodi ibo bill to orraoie la numerical United Stitce cnnMi of f ebipe oX 74 in mcntlonci pnwd in 1791 TTtli art i-. tKencertof K.ad la the couotiei of ion of IbatofTered bf Mr. Dlbt, on tbo order ibo rtr,i.iin!e of infanirf In I bit Kuni, i of 44, 3 of 34, 2 of 14, 4 of II, J bjecii efr mailer of 4 eae! of any Mor.tXomerf ind Penoo. . lu'jject of the recent iowet in ibo Coiom State t end tbo bill toaMl.Uo.auIkLa of.l3.Haoul.icaoe!a for lOBDreiwnic l.r rttl .h.ti ...i . i .. ..mi.L . o 11 I- .k. Houac Danarimeni. vat at ill further mod-" lav of ihii suieoa ur n rtiruraa ibelbuact 1 at cam . fnt ne eod the Alert l.nr 9L. aV return of Bripdier Oenerili and Colo opturtd from the Drills ; tbo io let ihUSiete.vlh intent to ennhla mc h ,u,, i- .kln Amrw.ftilnn in tlie Jii.Mr weed to- .Tbe re!uO introduced . ! receliinj tewla 31 in all, eirlu t0 wcpff ,0 ff vm r,i.iHi( if umy siKriw mi (u iwo 11 1 unurr vm i hint ut ol cfrxf t It forlher Wbjecti Ibe I A ibe. i acruoqi, wiiejrreeu ioio rnooturo wrTw jurbri In rejrd lo punWbmentt for n Harbor, fd ibe-Gbm oo.Laio rie. M, U lf i0.bkh aor jlneL-Aa act to appoint CooimUUooert to lar P" U accepted b? lr. Peter, aaotl end battery, n read ibe acoond fbere ir J ibipi of 74 guo,anH 4 of 44, ,h, be foeid conceiled, lo a nen-lif oflorT a Road from John" Harden' Id 1 Aibe W ryL ka enored pretlouilf . tima and tndc&nitelf poetpooed. I building to of the lrmer at lharie- goo. 1 coort bduo and for other purpoiei. to amend it. Mr. Wrlgbt, of Ublo, to- ' ton, and I eich at Portmoutb, N. II. To eit! the lima for reglatering An cl to repeal pirtof n ct paiaed in Induced a reaolutioo, blcb war esretoV MOUSt OF.COM.hwx Philadelphia, and Go-poH. Va. Of the grant and eirtao conteyance. power of 1830, to citabliik ocparate court of Pro- o, n ibe .object of further relief lo Ibo 7r0,iOef.3OMr.Scot,fomtbe 1 ,l 'New Y"rk 1 ch attorney, bii of aJa and deed of gift. b.te for the countiei of Pquounk and Prbeen of Public Land. A resola Judklartcnrnmlttee. who were lnitniciedKortutn tnd W'pM-- lf Toprotidd for Ibo remoalo( the Sboul fc!lMulrolntotbeDtoorio(ftor.DDoinanir ,0Pof wr ordered by the ISth Con-1 int. fir Rirtrbelo. the to-o of VaJ In each county a ataoding board of Aodi- P,M' P,V 10 " ington. (g3.0O art epprvpriated for tbo tore, eanortod agaiau tb cxpedUncy of ". jer. 3 oi vnico object pttild, proyWed Ibe Poard of . . f . I are tn he built al t. b arte at Own.- - m ao-1 l.unl ImrirMmni iim it mnriifni f a tklat lirtrv Aft tKaft fAitKlorff Tbo enCroid bill DrnMn tbo Uof? 'e'l,i -", j? or practkahle.X .M,k nmrn.u. f,. i-.ri.in (T. . commiato md tbelr iuilon I f Q repalr-and W Mirva f w7waarw half Im rommeneed. waa indefinhal " ititioi. ' . - ."; . .!... r ' r . . t rtrr n i in-rnii al IV VliaBvwu who www aaait pr will a;Oi piny Mutters, wi rejected on ita aecond reading. . ...Tbo bill lo mend the Mterit act re ipeciing tho manner of ittufng miriuge licenie a rejected. " Saturday Vrci 3 1 The revignation of William -Drew, M Attorney General of tbo State, wa preaented and accepjed. . " MrSiepUen presented a; bill regcla tb dutf of OrtiJ Ju'foV LriegarJlo prtichtmrnti tVr rMnult and battery 1 which pased it first reading. I(wtu front ihfi 1 udicur tsom mil: tee. to whom a referred the bill direct- in? fhi'rnnner In 'ohlrh doert lhall be IsiJ "ft", made a report, recommending ...Jbrier,tiqo of the Mul tiill j Which wi , conrurrrd in. - ' Ti r bill to amend the act of 18l5,j reci!ii how perion injured br tho erecr tbo r.f public mill shall in Tuture pro ceed m rrrove r' damages, and to amend - - theMOth -section of tho act of 1777, di recting the duty of miller, were post poned indefinitely. Tbo bill to prerent free" person -of! coldr1 from migrating into thia-Stale, for the -ood ROTernment of sc.hperson - resident in 4b Sutev and foe. other pur Dote i a then postponed indefinitely, Jan. 2. Mr. Scott, from the Judiciary committee, to whom wa referred the iflilulion. rnitod States - ConaUQalion, Cyanc, John Ada) a, Rri Ontirio, -reicoetr, " . llorneV " Boston Spark, .Eng. Porpoiae, j f Rrmmmik. I' V 1 Srmrk, lolphir, fox, " ' Dccujr, ttorciUlp, Hirgci, S kfcditerraaeavi. Pacific. Wet IrnKe Coaat of RrmiiL Weal Indies. . ' Mediterranean. 44 34 34 54- l5 18 " Paciflc 18 Heat tndlet. -in . , i nranon next year .ja,WenitLcx 12 MedtUrranvan. 11 West Indies. 12 Pacific. V 4 .West Indies. .a O repair- and improro me road irom Columbia in Tyrrell county, to Com Neck andr FrylngpiD.T 800 appropriated for tblt purpose onder..tbe direction of Com mittioners theteio named. ' To continue in force for and during the time therein mentioned, an art of tflll to alter end amend lb atlof 1833foi.tbe relief of such person! as became pure has ers of the Chsrokee LanoVaold under the authority of. ihU".StJte. Continue In j dolliri". v..,t,..LA .nri ( mkrr rumMM. An ' oBsrod by r. AlNcbsll, ot ietwei- .,. ... .it.t is. ;r,ctm..r,t r.r Min.U la vtft agreed to, referring It to tho nkik.m rnunn. Aa art to mAa Cooatnliteo on Indian Aftaira to consider comiM"""on K Jurors ol the Superi- UJB w namn is itoci w an- or pd Cunt; court ot nandoipn. "An th Vnnti Btu,iK y act ar plrmtntsl ta an act passed at tlie ,B Mhslisfppl, and giring to them ibo ettend IBO proilajonsl ,v' PI,fJcK Vl "iiitwiw, hini .rvmn. la tlcHd IAJ nroiuiaaal ol an act pawn in iai,io rcguura mei " a . tKa a ar - - f m. 1 a . time of appoi iflng Orerseeraof roadaio ee oommiuee was appomico 10 Ibo cotiniieanf Mintgomerf and Perton,"08' somucnoj me message 01 me ma in the count; of Rowan. An act Oitine Wc f Uolted Ststes,.a relate to C Willbeputincom-Jlorce the pnriion of said act until ine of a Toil nrtilgeorer Ibe Hr Capo t earj meeting of ire next Penertl Assembly L. To protidefijr liking tosiimony i and:to inrorporato a ..company. Jor tjut MitfM.An act to amend an act passed tain ease ir tno supreme ouru- im-im.iijiu, tor irj better rrruiauon 01 me powers ibe Bonreme court to order iDe town of AVUUnoro tn wilKes county takinzof further testimony in any eaue An act Fur the better regulation of tbo in equity wklcb h been rerooted to town of Ptitiboro'in Chatham county.' An said court.l' J w TApoint CommUiioner for the tfll- Directing the tnahnerln which the rnttsf ie ok Cttare1 Tfill B Ortnro count j ao4 Of suits decided In the Supreme (.ourt l for oier purposes. An act In revive and .shall hereafter bc.colle.cted and paM over ( .nnKitue in force the provition of an act ruirccta that tbo Supremo Court Clerk fed' m T81S, fnre'ctinlt'foacrto'be Table, axhihitinr the Works projected bythelihall issue. certificsie of the decision of iAA 0ut from the inwti of Iektville in Board of Fngweers winch bare not been cow-1 all cases in that Court to the Cleia oj Rorktnghatn tourtly, of uocktord In bur menwl,arMltbceatimateaofthcu-eoit j,ne Superior Court of the County front try county, to the town of" Wilkestwro'i ?irli'!i iJ t?mmnetd ".aJ)w,fc-lwbkh the case is brought up, and :be and to-amend the same. An oct Sot the VtrighuiUn ftkvvrkt. Etimaif rte cm. I Clerks of the Superior Court! to Issuy ex better government of the toon of Wades- - L'lecution for (aid cost. I V lhnrnln Anson. An act concerning the j ...w ... ' - rm ' srltiviw iiif4oiriiin tA tuk Siiri rlor ibe tupprenion of the 51avo-Trsde. . Mr. Cxurt of An vn, of pleas and prosecutions T'f of Indiana, introduced a resolution, of-theStatav An act to e.uthotxe the hkh Ties on ibo labia for further consld- rru.tee of the Saltibury AcaJemy to Ration, lnrelatidnldtho eipedlency of - mm- . a . OSai t Kti V t . at as a a a I BaalaiHi skC f aBtaeeeif raii by y oi iucr,.ten tnousanc " ,nv"" "- Miiu, cuibtu, .. wiiii a lunu iv.w ihku from the aalc of public .lands. Seirefar" messages wero received from the Preii- - An act to anthorise tbebuiHing rORTiriCATIONS. rasoluiion instructine? them to inquire in to tboexpedleney -of so explaining and " Iruendmc the- act. of '799, -relative- to descents ol real esiatei giTerft)jnrparent rorttftfcorgeTtatanct to natural ootn cnuaren, -c. reported that it is not expedient to legislate on tho aebiect. Which . report ws concurred in. The following- bill were rejected on their serood resrimg: The Mil to amend tihe 9t h aec'ien of the act at 1777, direct Jfiff the metiiotl of electing Members o the - Lerrol jiure i tb bill authoribinar i loan to John M'Rae, to aid him In the publKstion of a jnp ot-tbe .SutOi and -aoniuribaiu -xetmrOTStBWefloy justices of the peace. The- following :-biH wereeccad . the third time and postponed indefinitely ; The bill directing the manner- in which the costs of suits decided in the Supreme Court shall be collected and paid over j the bill making Overseers of roads competent witnesses a to-, notice j The bill to pro vide for taking testimony, in certain er nes, in the Supreme Court ; the bill altering the time of decline Members of the Leg, Foil 8t Pliilin. LoiiUiana. v.. UL.AP.rt.i I " ciiuiii5 mo orw.iaioua ui an vi pasa-1 Al I illlO 01 Jionigomerv. AO Kl W iu Paupaco Kiver, ' 73,t05 44 in I Mi granting further lime to per- thorite the County Court of 5toke and ForlTompkinti Nsw-York,, ' 420,826 14 feet titles to land within this btate. I Lx ! Guilford to appoint a trommitleMflJ Hedoubt in advance of tftt--'uX$,lo2 44(eod4 Uibo jrear,, 1823J . I nante- r An act to eiUblitb and, regvlste a Forf at WUklns Point, NVwJTork, 6.ff Jl Directing to whom the bond of certain Turn pike road in the pounties of RuiHer- 1 nl.. P;te . X " 1,104 ' oncers, therein named, ahsll be made pay: ford .nd BuncomliSr-Anact torestoreio. uunA . 579 am at I flble, and for other purposes. fBonds of credit Thomas Bennet, of Stoke county Fort at KoaeJiUnd, Rboda laland. 82,41174 Clerks of Courts, Sheriff's, Constables &c. An act supplemental to in act'pessed at iKke aeroaa w. Pauage, Narraganret (o be made hereafter parable to the Gov I this session for i he belter government of Koaua, - 3TO3,w, wtrn0P.i r : - - -lth- ioo-of Wadesborouffh. in Anton For tUe defence of Boston llirbour " 458, For the i better "Drotectlodrof PubD(il eouht: An rfct to alter the diudirte line . i j. 7 i i ' . . r . Fort at Nantucket Head, 539,000 00 1 uag ownoq oy inaiviquais or corpora net ween inercmnmrsTJr-noara twiM Lunette in advance of ditto, 79,000 00 tions, and preicrblog the punishment for ry . An art to .amend an act concerning Redoubt, No. 2, in advance of ditto.-32.QOO 00 burning tbf same, f Make it felony for the town of Salisbury, passed in 1822,- An Redoubt,No. 1, (on Hog Island,) do. 29,000 00 any person to burn a public bridge 1 - act to prevent the falling of, timber in, or ni..ii.nM.i limn.) p.aiM iinonnrvil - . . - . 1 . -1 i . . . ' . . v . . . M .- , in amend ma 6th section ol an act en nhhirnttinrr thn run ol ttrown creek in Works, for . 1 1 defence of Conanicut Wanda, for oatablisbing Courts of Law and for re jof holding the county court's of Person KarrsgsAMt Bay, ubode WanU, 220,053 43 j gqlating tbo proceediirgs therein, a may i An act to provide tor the oeuer govern (relate to proceedings on attachments, Ice. ment of tno town or Lincolutotr. re passed in thosrear 1 793r Clerk to ad- vahIm- Cor are w'aMl.fonair n rfifeiiS: 'ieriSiu'LA report of the I menta, instead of three months ai nowk Krsolutiou in fuvor of Hugh andEu alrnatim and mretf:the OnTvTmtWiltew tur of the State, aigned by.Tbotnaa Jef- tied an act to itnend the laws now in force Jcon'ref ance for lamia- uuat6diaib:pu ferion. Rector. It iiin aflouriihint siatefrespectine ihekrial of alaves in.capital ca 1 chase lately rhade from the Cherokee In and 'naiVbo following number of sfudeoti, f et end" to extend thefprovijion thereof j tliana- Reolutiop Directing the "cooi-vizi-In the school of Ancient Laneuaees I to the trial of ilaves in certain other cases.! tnittee of Finance to burn defaced Trea 55scholars.MoJernLaneuaee44i Math- To amend and explain the 8th ection ury Note. Resolution in favor qI ematic 68, Natural Philosophy 33,Nato- of an act passed In 1784, to empower the j Tliomas Rogers, of Anson. Resolution ralUistory 30, Anatomy and Medicine 20, County Courtf of the aereral counties requesting the Representatives and in Moral PhilosoobV 14 TotI284. Alarire within this State, to order the laying outl sfructingthe Senators in Congress from accession tohe numbers was expected at of public roads Direct that all free per- this State, to use their influence to hve the commencement of the next term, j was between It atJ 45,and ill !aves be- J returned to the Stale the 19,940 which deni, ooe In answer to the' resolution of il ri Oven relatiro to the hsrmtion clv- en to Ocneral Pickncy and Jackson, at to tbo treaty with the Creek Indians at Fort Jackson i another with portion of the correspondence between the United States and Great Britain In relation to tbo 4 piaveVader called for by Jlr. Fprijth and the third communicating the secret moaaago oLMfc.Jflcjtoak called for br Mr. Trimble.-' The list mcisage, .bernc confidential, was deliberated on with clo sed door. A communlcaiion fromjthe Department of .War enclosed lho Iifor !, maiion called for by Mr. Stewart, of Penn lylvsiils, rchiive to tbe Dismal Swampi Canal.' . J , . ' ' ' Dutmbtr 29. Jn the Senate yesterday, the resolution offered by Sir1. Johosbn, of Lou. relative to wrecks on the coast of Florida, Via referred to the jod hrr com tnittee. ;-: - la the Housed Reprrsntstives, b com munication was received fromTBo 3ecro-- : tary of the'Treaiury, enclosing report on the subject of Light Houses, from which it ppen ;LijJIcsea and lo : Icjnng Heacona have been estaulisbeC . long our Coast. A resolution introduced by Mr. Van Rensselaer, was agreed toi, directing this Committee on the Library to Investigate the cause of the late nre in the Library,"' and to report whether it originated in any negligence on the pat ' of any person in the empto of the gorv. ejrnment. A'resolutlon .wa agreed to, on ntbtion of Mr. Tomiinaon, of Connecticut, of some hew1 pro visibrti "on the swhjea ; the sale of lands for tbo non-payment of. ti'Btte-wrweinin Dectmbrr 30.--The session of the sen- ite ' wai yesterday chUSycctapieo Executive bnsinei. Mr Lloyd, of Vhi' 88chuetts, mnde a few remarks, on a mo tion by Mr. Hayne to refer the procee dings in the case of Com. Porter to the Naral Committee, in explanation ol the. part he bad taker, in the business -' In the House of Represenrattror a bill was reported from the Committee . M .

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