t ' , Li - f 'Ha 1 M V h . Mt04 $reit n HaurA fiAMhllURV, N. c-Timsu VpIVI NO. 191. li tnrj (JiitrtU ihelr rtipf cni tout Ciiurfotto Vcmalc At-eni)'. JL k f U fUm 4 tmiMt tldi f . ,' ,U, U U Met tW mtbfirJl llto . to t ttt in or4r on iht llvt cauftiUi, i t Mho J dlttnd totn-JCouBtjr iruttt teiWi rc-Jiiife, aiKt doty it th3b to t.MrUr tht u!4 tcrt'.Cou, Mm ara JtWil(HiK M IM M o!utio3cftli Ut Uz turti U rra-j traloa Inttructon, dit4ct itull a irt KUh irdtf bcbfcooetrni by U , .,. t . t itj kit arr' f part a f4an cr ljifn d rut r.dliaottKMnr. lnt lh .ht it itMhlcurk, ol uur Mid C0(PrmtKftTt. In4 vi row err irr PVTBir(icctirry ftiujrff i uf cna .r.fl- PAkit . r L. I -. -1 .L .V . W a. . - - - . - - HoxiVi to lUr.t. M kuf a-,.U4 br Hr.'CnUli. MHltL Aif'r. irr, il JkW lllttA. AUUr.U MACAT. (1 & CoatA. .Making ftV.op. anl.r.awa1 yea fc v eW a Wr. Wtfl. L ItKfWr1! IUM) of iMmUl. te Ala etreat, faLaUrri V't be b weferad to fcU Mrrt U U 'wa Km of . i 1 he BuUcrftxt rvter. kit alere lUals A fWlbrti Heetvedlur wOMilftf U tM le Hip M.I sSfV I. tl hat fA(kl. A Nftwrfwi b ta4 M It tbeve beat WSfve wlil bt tVfn ! V.1 sk JlaJ U tuatl mmk. sad b WkRm4 to teWf. - CIUI IT. WUf. to tW to ftp k A CAII HTrf lNV ttnlcf to 11' fKii XmA AltraM to WAMb K-3 to Ac'-l M nl ikra iixminf nrrrt - T W Kmc feiTrJ, bt irJX. trvt la. Wr rwi Jrrw iv.-itt iMd.t4 to kclitrt 31 U pW-!; to tt MMjnp pt k tfct 4rry etmifid. ' to ' lMtoikkk((lt(iwr2W0DrOTtd' -try f rtMnWf MvmJ tuiini ( datSw n Uf MtkfMfWtntT"'1'' toM4Ml to cm iImmU uC H mpcU4 tt It tUAU to tO Umm I br ttTfiuca ncir ptr(H to tba M4 Wp Utott uw kjr AJ mt ka b to ckM MT bonli sltk ni it trtrf jtt td lU trpirtlKW T th ftr4 w WHirclw at Kami, va pWiteljr iarito tfl llmt ka W Ud wort 4om U Uut 7aA to com tka lOtlt Jawnnr iwxt. ,,,' nil- I . . - . t . I t i . . ' firtit,tiMa&,iiMtiMa'' ru&nc r.oucnionj mrin vj ni- ntf nw cifxi KDoura in (in i mrrcoa tnty tx rccotrra tf vimit Uvi ikTi-i.f ito ttfiJ fiiCccnt irpreUtii, V.t U n'iUIW 4fi4 tiA. cUd-ctiitrr befarr ir Jytt't ff tK IVki i tivj - rtS?.M -aiMful trcfitlc?totnw79f tb dfa.cedbriHetolwitltoUffKlIfJ. on lU tiUl cf tiCmnm, 'if wx LWJ'AtiLff.nf Tfol SuUfof,n tomlilctiliU prnUJ, yet iluUU rcctlrcd M nay oilier ich! mowiii fcTi.tlinfi' between UtoM im! Mr. Cll'.TifL ( Kkti rttT katf W l-i.- y ,ft-,t J,:a. m in 4J.,k,t . T.. 4.vk.l!K...M..4 ...J ..u I..' f fijr44Noa an wrm oM. I , , , , " L-t;i J:t.: r. .; t .t- J'.. .J..'. I . v . . . ! I aTlNiiHiiiWaiVwtt iWi'toi toLf thliSme. lK txtcbt of hi tcrritorr.l nitui to tK acUol conralalbeeri of Mrmitte d to tlltrt. or iJcaiL that ha r)rl- ufZJLi?!!? Kit'i rldtot of ill popu. Uc covny. nboM diclaiooon ihi cue ! to funJi in Kil haodi from KUb rtf'xmqit' vp ioo.apnaMif rfjiiiw w ijuu i fcaai. . , linn iti4 money ougbtto u pud but MUMau, atr.iavliiaato.lioy plan to t idofXtd it, Uut it ibaSl 0. ItbiU U tK doty of ibt Mid ui'tneot ihall dt rendered igiintt $mt u m Pca , M ttlctihua lo C.fluan equat Deneit Idutrkt committee, it kq npoMibU I him to be pud tut af Mi ol proper M iimu4. ifc ru r boat the W of tb Suit, lad aier their ippv'iRtneftt, to to eoejffoodi md chitteli i ind mcb truitcei iaucr tei aari nance, i Zl toSrcOr "4 coujuy. r recbaicr. (rW white Kr,m) ft- tj hir totletted th. ui md md paid tMtoa. Tema at toitkw, to im fiirfirt Wra Outer Suui Mt been enabled toliidUg io tucb duuict. for tbepurpote tni moeey over to bin, cither by cMef amtotsBiu. in fariM piviu tbcBimtf ii tM pr-xiuoji oi ickctieg a conTenient lite lor we wirriat tetort wy juittci ol mt peace, eW. .a a UoU ajxai 0a MW,Uf Ur bj.ww0 0f owbl)uWet ind diitrkt kKooI, and be the lekcUon or by ault ajilmt bin ind kit .ecuri- 144, vrkftJ ItMilef, pr. feeaian, S .itKicicaiica. wbtcswuj ukoiii naoe. u outnet conaiuci aiuuiuev wn ineir bom, v ina jougmcBi . liaia aHAAL,fiiafricu..fjauuL irorn UMiecrtii inji um uiwir mir tiirwii. to i o&cainca aftoaaBViLin varrani imitii bainnaa of tbi acbooi comm. liny parrot, ruadiao. county truiietf olteocr ccji obliged ta uWiT.de, lar atoaeri. ir inerin, do itay of exreurion ah all tbi purpow of avoldiot; 04 iwmeroui J, Wbeo it ihall be ao certified to be allowed. And if my tucb defend I collection of ichoUri fo? on teicb- the nhool corominiooen, tbey ihall lot ibaU pny an appeal from luch tiAMD K. DCXLAp. ' tr u0 u coBiDtoe, iir tic aaxa viiai aooo at nay oe-purcnaK oi ineijuagineQi, aoa inau noc protecute ma rortXirrrx, " ' cW)tof.tpTemlnr'r'Mn:ier ttanbrT-lalpTpTitior oi-ih laAd. tb unbcr eJ mom, or atuU ooion im-UmiI ikeacoi wm. i. A LET Aspra 3 a94 I mam tJ" Statci, one) lath, nod Lol icrci prcicriUd bv law, ind thereon Idimiauh tbc oririaal judgmeot, then MTtfvl !VflTttnft. lothm, ontf tourth,of vt taure popu-Jcauie to be erected the nccamry the ippcJIate court ihal) render jJg. tfwicMtMfba. . (to . , tack paraLWlaaJiaaca., . V. k. A ftv popik can M aceweataoiUtod ba board at iKa Airar. aubaCToVrtnfariakbWittaaWltoUOti urcctiriof imtrvniaaj aMoaiMouiiaiogi tor n unoounouie, ma ue roenr, a pi nit aucn oeienaint, tor inn Jam to tttrwUW 4tWr iu. or K Via ItotiUaff ski ocUct.IIuutcUU rurnltqre, itk or ( bout aQ bo llouae Mrvanla. tyccalJuOawtSuOO acrta, adnranf Qi toaaliiona,- opoo laa moni iouui ue land cmaot igree aa to the pur UjfcJf tM BtalaMlUCl BT aa Mrt UttlTOJ. U Hu. if iK -ii-.. .mH L. rnni'.lrKli. thon lVi rnmmiilinnrrt ma Z.FT T T: .T .lauent rroioerity of thcStxH where hire the tame eondemoed Aw ihi uaea , ". rtD0,ttr.n purpota oi oeiraywy; boatuy, io comnwo ichooli aloDf and ioj natter rctidcoce, md ever thereaj.jiuna ongiaaJIy recorered vubiotcrcat ildcfideJ "antl' uniflui0('il !&te bertlter keen ih aim in dua eenatr a ami I at the rata of . " : r net emt. rir g ya I ' - f I i ' a ff , rtaixslthe beneficial tfecu ofkbeat inatitu. if the coremiitiooen aod the owner of inttum, uortl'lhffjaaie It raid. witH " ai a aa I a a, I a a . icouwacoiu. ILy. - - - . -.il- . A . V 1 a..l.i!... I.M.Ia vvvw I... .A. I aTWlir S faw, , " I' - fcwu: thl jotticet of each county, a najorfty m joint fir U IKmMT. I ajlrttftn Kta aai,,Vl tfi nt.AiilHmfvjil Kw lnnf frtr trSi riirrvMani All. . T . V ' rtfctor laJMLhtaf tol , , .,.7. ... . (. ' ' r r I Clock onii WatcU Makng T3R fmllie ra mpenfn!1 InAiraMtViliai AavMkW aVatt, Clock tM W atch MAaltiaa eoamanceal tka taore buaiaeaa. to ito tJarkwa krtnekea. aeit door to tka wat ofBeev AlaM tract, Coaoonl i btn aQ orJcrt in tM Hot mt htf-kwaiiiai mii ac tlURlfuSy receifedL aad witk abamira ttUMcd to vtbuut dt lar. . . Tm Mibacribcr Uj Tor aak, aa aamtaient of Wale, Jrmtkf, aod oiWMMif eoaaatinr tarcond hiad and pUh aiher M atches rW a4 rtt aralt ad krya, n tkl aUdea and riftfjx polThd rtel, edBiikon and ribtmnd cbaina, ptcol keya ftnrer rirtp, brca piaa, ai. a pea4io4 lJmik kc- - - , . . , ! . , , SAIlt- SCOTT. ; lfTtTTJoclt, Vafckea. kndTlirrlfett, of ry 4eicnptl(jo,careJuny tn?tlrtt and, war rtfttcd to kaep tunau. Surer Spoon maJa to - raarar, Jaf. 6ft. t82e.:'v 89tf - - Tfetr Leather, New Ftwluons .4tBW?fcZEIl DICKSON ipun tenrlerahia on- jkM mania ro mow a uo parf pairon- tied kirn, and aM (cave to iiWbrni tkenj and all -ioeiaconftBntcd Ikat Jc iuJgaUecciredfrcro rnilauerpou-, a . . ' . . New -Supply of Leather. . and n v aS ri trhlctt will rnt le kirn, by bit ova fiutliful attention to kit aun, and the coiployment of the beat of workmen be- ide to make and mend every deaenpuon of j - ""'Boots and Slio ts s - mt m food nutcrl,m at failiionable t atyle, and workmanlike manner.' a any Sn the United atea. He ha received a mpplv of firtt rate fL8l-in , from which h will be able to make - auprre ngm nooia anu nunpi NT nue jnen. lie reapectmuy askt ; Krm Cvtimer It trfJJmZ Jnd Old anct ft tlith h v him. "4Cn at thejijrtke isJOQT,oppoiSte Mr. 6Utihtera boue of entertainment. Slain atrect. 8aliabury,H. C.tr.'i.'l. . ' - TVr. 3JL 1825- . 8S ... . . Slat tf 'Nirth-CortliiM, Ktrmtn Cuntf ." JOUBT of pleu and quarter aesaiona, Ko v -rouer aeawona io.u jamea wrneii . -Thoma Card nee and otbtra. , gciftt.to tell v real ettate of John Gardner, dec'.' It appearing to the aatisfactjon of the court, that Henry Itu. ei ana wire m oi me ueienaama in una cast art Wnnoruwita or mw-ataia. K W kaaWa rdetad that pUbBcatlon be We for lis weeks - auceeativeiy Jn the Western Carolinian, printed "tn lallsbirry. thjit thepdefendanta appear at the l 1 - . r -. I 7 . : ; ' v umi quiiwr arKinn, io ue ...niiiruiB ciuarr oi: Kovan ax ma eounnaiiae Bext,Ut and there to thw tuae af iny1 rhey "f rei efiaiejuorwAiatrxouia not .pe J- JP" wH he entered for the plain, tiff according to ecirefaclaa. wt94 - ..Tert, JNO. C1LR8. ftt: If jM red morocco pocket4ook hat been JX left, with the etditor of this paper, to deliver to the owni, whornsoeter tie may be, oq pay. went of the cliarjre of advertising It contaipi me papers of alt to Are orner. V Jtmwi 133 1 :.. -v . " ; tht whote about 13U0 1 aarat MltkM tra-rf. j- -n - . ivicuoo.ivaa rctuirxa-. luat ua axirijuoDiuenocu dv taw. jor utc Durootca vi i .l. . l i . i- . i A fTtat aarmoar of otber traca lana, rj uif aa I t r L. j a 1 u f . ' w it wntn, immctineij mcr d-tlc rt pans of im eouatr of ImteO. AtM .-cEiaiiuo tuicroat ianwcHi:m. elccUnT the ichool eommlawonera. and rrMaiadr as try aerroea, 27 la oornber.- Ctakloot bl drawn to lubiect ttOW mo-1 8. Thai the Ichool-tSllteri to be before thev oroceed to the eleeilon ef WiS h required for the Whole price of ttnL.ntnni In Ita Mt m m.m ifaHvl miu-lnl.-l n1-p fKa art all all for rrr. m ...ik.!.. i. u k... aa1,'! to the mbiEt. and only ted by. a plurality of tha oui of the rowada inrn au.-t to tha tbiiing U deemed baelcat aoort partiewlvrr, view it beibre they boy, My u. ilJ 67 BfiBEXT VOBYB. to Oescrtbe xne"yivynj jaond gUey, TavtVW gavtOiW. , J rabeUera r klu ftrioi) re. j ail tha land aod Crectinr; all the bwlldtngt, ikepurcWriwilliaUito r The nt obatade tabt lurioouoted litdiov within thrdinrictr but no ooe Cemrlr . hl lnfl hlbtaenti it that presented by the iaequaJity of ihall be comtdercd duly elected, un.ill,t,n wir county, at tka mimUim at th coumiei. both In extent nod oomi. learhe havtt wctloml? crodoced to tha coeiDty a Ui or tiiet, iJc- EtaUofel.innk8ton,en. Utioo.njxtUue to - lit u.Ui.l..u.L......IK.Ll. la ....af .1.. ..n.. . ..J .M. . .V- ..r,r r.wiC.t. V" w v. AML4 ayTf aawnaai ai vt, wa-e v bmv w wav n--v 1 see aaxaoaw f tA4"at vVtoUMV . avaMa. nAW uwtj I l V BBW a iiff. vuvuvuy aa vwt ' kteahaek Pinkaton, sendee, are auified Lf &t papulitian in loma part, ind from the chairman af the acbool eons harWeWma arainat the eatat., wifl pre- its thitraeM. io oiUn. 'ITiii difficulty niaaioneri, or from a majority of the , creditor 0 crtdliora, and tbatl act bm sent them wUhinihe tiiM nrejrribed by bw. or can ooly be cflectually ouyuted by a board, Hating that he ia duly cjuah bed repealed or altered ontil tha whole debt ihbitotiM will be plead to bar of their rvtrr. Uar founded upon a local knowledge to teach reading Eoglith, and the com- it paid off. And for defrtyint; tha tetrly aTlcti ?? U e COunu.i thoughit . proba: monrule.of arithmetic, viz. addition, eapenutand .ccoua,b forth. ..me, it eraona concerned Would do wefl topay wmne-IWa tbll lUCll t UV mlgff bf pai.Cdl.ubtramoo, nuIUpUCIUOO, division, we J"7 wr me cosirmau 01 mm ... -I . i .S. V . t 1 - -t ' ,1 r .1 . - . t .laeuatJ csmnalialntiara Ia malra nut. ir cum the clerk of ibe uirf commiftit era' to ntaka out. an account of the dii persons diate attention to this notice. --;: Jf.H3B f IKKSTON. coon the aitumed baiia of the exist. land the rule of three Of DroDOrtlon l 7 ' r :t:.:. f I ..i .t.. MECIIACK PIN'KSTOX C I IUr WIUU. IVUIIIJ'IUICI.UU UNH flVUyHUj .UVU wl u- )rr. "A 1 sis. M lUrjon tlmbrMbf.lw ihjcct, it u cite w - 1 J aiaa- a " , " I w.i.i.--.-t.i.-. t taT.1therelort re.pectluHy fubtkuted. -. .. I votei r.nuiR 111 -liiuii 1 . aa iiiipna. 1 . " 1 . ... - 1 .... - . "V .. ' Zr.rrrA iDittMwnoilOtaieinaiiOeiaid V. -unenever n vacancy occur., , 0r ,ha exBer,akt for tha antn nr Ve.r 'LSFiTm ioto ontrruW icbool dit- from any cause in the ippointment a t0 lhe County' Court at it, eewioo when Uodrena. dec desire, all persona Indebied to tricti. . Uchool-maiter, it thill be the duty oil the tucceedlnr achoel commltsionera aro asid estate, to come forward and make actdc. . Tha tk l..i!r.. f P..-. the diatnc; committee to" Cmify the to bo elected, end beforo the eame-aro sat w av er wi awv aa tmj ... a . . 1 . . a r .e . 1. a ri.v j 1. l aa ev. a- a. aho'hai the greateit number of ccwuni oi tne 01 , t,t r ... , burtemenL r (be preceding rear, tad ah.ll be.dccmfid.duly. elected. 0 re(urn (h ume ur.wltb .ntd -. a. . .11 .L t- f " a I Bwiavna' mi an infanta ai at ar 1 n ar arunanei arvaaiaw bbbimi a . r ..i. V 7i . for e-acK-tHint- in lha &iat ahall an. um lortnwitn, tome cnairmao ai eiccieu , ana u tniu no ino nuiy 01 tee estate, wtU present tbcm for aeukment, proper. recn--county 10 -iflt OttW anail aa. v ......... . . ...j--. r rya.itkentic.tod.otherwbe tkit notice T be nually, and at thn lama.Court whep chol commitaionera, who ihiU, ruiticei of Iho uid court, a majority ba- ,WU of tiU recovery. the ahexiff U lextcdkju.d Immediate thereupoe, direct the di.trict commit- m .on the bench, ImmedUtely irtef i MC8UACK VtNKSTOJi. etVr. 7Z ""t -a.nMicaic ,,fc--rtr..,K.j;,- mailnc,Mid . election, and before ther t.j .r-ivr. a -i , . hm.v vv.iiki . 1 uii on inrir coi nr. lax or mrrt. inn Ltirt cT P'I7wf Appotating .aucce.,nr, p-oceedachich-ihiU bae.tlm.ted to Uemoer setvSoos 1835. Thomat Cranfield twelve nor more than fourteen persont, a e re8U,t of ,cll Wctn " be at lea.t 'nutl to meet all the expTnier - . . . . . . .. m are not inhabitantt of this state, H k therefore school commitaionera for that coantv district committee ihall give the Uuofti that he colleeu other taxri, and oraerea mat Duniication ne matia top ai k.rti , . ' 1 V- . V ... . - .1 aucceaiively in the Western Carolinian printed lot a Uiilfa,tlKtn atr KMtnlka .ft-r ih MA ta-e's v mini asiwii iar a as iai v y Mld aot receive A majority of the votea given gently instruct the scholars, during the taxes are atM.ted a. aforesaid, under tho m at the baJlotinr.r " " houra prescribed by iaitvio the icvcral pemlhy of .... dollar.. And tha t .1 1 l -r 1 .k.a La..: .i...:fr i..r.u ..!.!.. ini..ir,A. .t..,!! . a . 1 .. . v - a ...... 3. Na ballot shall be counted, un- Mboo,-ma,ter ,l b' reJ"eV' a "",h p,f . " ,Df pTf 01 i L.:,".! in 8aty,;hat the defen.Unu appear! thi lea. It hAve. WittCn,bn jt n number of cate, stating bow Ion dur.ng tne ta. . j. next court of nleu and Quarter tessiont. to be fn.mnal MLit 'M.-Utx-'100thl. ho .hns kept oaco school lher?tor ..nd return hit account witn LeM TfifiTiiimiinrr of Kmrm a 4)w. .mrtJintia I V . w u-v. w. t -... ... one of tha said receipls to ma cnatrman , j --- i.j. na rlrnafkaHaawllM.a itn. .koll I UllUCI iuisai.ii in Salisbury on the third Monday in February w,vHsr ...... - - , - , ' . . ., next, then and there to ahew came if anv ther Any one be deemed elected, unles- hei 10. The school-mastcri snail nare, wny tne real eatate aloreaaKl ahovild be stw- ttirtgrnent -wiU be entered miwiwn ikhu. 4. f . . i. . r. . r , . i:. t . r .:.ri!.i 1... w .l... lfi.i,rQi ; - Tt; JNO. r.lf.r.a. Cde. I A tie periOn fim-Xbosttl t the torancnei J)i learning aoove-roemion- tnerm, oeiore enicnng into oiiice anuu election oi any of the ainrnfKM r"-KT'"'-wr'f-ey anaii ne-reapecixire oonq who iwb or more tfwu axcun- UniTJJi) STATES LAW. misiioneri. or if there be more than lively entitled to demand and receive tie., in double tne sum es imated as aiore- u-, ilD fltttftDTftl,. - - H. chone, at the bUotg, when . for each icholar . per ie.; P'S,e ' rn "JJT!" k? 1Z . - ' i.v.t.-.v.ii l . a - : .i i : i . -.a ;r .u. Mmriian i """"7 ...... v. ... - aforettid. And county trusteo naa r.rr ftntm' tir.m m it.m aha. - Be r ecfrd xVfM this do iothe: lame may be recovered by Uairroin of tha county school commii- ReireMatht 'tfMtJiniud 'jSt precision, the Clerks ot the warrant before any justice oi we ,jonerSf M l00n as the smo shall be pre Jnuriia n Cowrrm atumbleJThtt tho Vuty COum ihilr enter on their Fesce. - iivery . men .icnooi-masier sentcd to return hi. account to the .aid 9tim4f four hundred and fiftv fi ve thou- thinutei, the reiult of each balloting, rihall also be entitled for the time he Lcbairmin. ind pay over to him tha bal cfivuiiaicu,. tur cunmenajiiinn in intstn incv msv r anv meefinc eircii annually ai mc intc vi wv.- An Act matin; appropriaUon for eompeqtion .CUUH;C oe "?f person ht. , -um .. 6u...-- . w. rfortnanrt of theduties tothemn!ertiKloffiirt,aitdf shall master, liable to pay for any scholar, r . .. lh . f . . -h . m iwv uvnk. vi vuii. uc uccmcu cnairmaa ot me nvira 1 mo 1 auaii uu uciu.uu tif.uif.vk v ihum- w ,v- atOrsrand; Iembere f tbi Houte of Unr other indivilual th to be obtained in the Representatiyesf and Deleaiel ofTT m 1 , . : I avsaaa w j a- w a - q ' y . .. tones,, their officen and attendants t and , heir bands to the next County Court, hai obtained from the district commit, tne runner .unvrOfichtr1 thousand dol-hv-... .1- r. ..x.., ..u .t. .:r.... k.rnr m.n. tne lurtner.sumof Eighty' thousand dot- !.,- ,1,- riat r .,.n l tka .,t. first 'herein before men . r .-. . - - - m ' 1 tittaiw a.ata wii a ui ww aaat-u atiaaiia. jua.a mil 1 iwvs tnw ui,prw - : -. art, loriueu stationery and Ulothir con- .r .-j . .: "4 ..-.t .u. haa Vint lingent expense. -of the -two House. Ti : ".1 hT. X .heT.t"Ti aa A ill V1U lyuuvi tSWIiUlliaoivu-1 vuv.a tuivvi w - w--- "a... . m IT- a. -- t J 1 a - e.t. out of any money in the Treasurynot tn na,V w xonvenicnt time niter montna, aoa ueuverca im w wc otherwise appropmtcd.- election,, appoint- notrlest than j thairnianof the ichool conmtil!$Mf' Appmidi i?aa.8oV'ia79. ' itnMe. treeimidtrri. nor; more tnan tiyr;ui..nu-oe inc-oniy ei.iiic wiu bit handt, if any, it 'leMt:qWen;d,axi; thr titling of ,,, the court at .which iald" chairmin i . to " l(Sl):hl;rf elu rh ir ilbisaid,Tindcr the " pen Alt y of tjoHart. -And the- - - laid county trustee., before entering into office, shall five bond with two or more good securities in double, the sum esti mated st afore Mid, payable to the chair- man of the County Court and conditioned Wf.hLduo,jtCr.roAnce of the duties afosctaidv . . I i r I 11, I I 'k t ,t 1 I;' i If fl ... ' V: t 1 ' . y "". " f-n